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HANK WESSELMAN has been a Shamanic Practitioner for 30 years, but he is also a paleo-anthropologist with a Masters Degree in Zoology, and a Doctoral Degree in Anthropology. Over the past 40 years, he has conducted research with an international group of scientists exploring Eastern Africa's Great Rift Valley in search of answers to human origins. His fieldwork has allowed him to live among indigenous tribal people who have rarely had contact with outsiders and to encounter their traditional Shaman.

ED "EAGLE MAN" MCGAA, Oglala Sioux author, speaker, and Sundancer will join us to share his considerable wisdom. He holds a Bachelors Degree from St John's University and a Law Degree from the University of South Dakota. He is a highly decorated Veteran who, as a Marine Corps pilot in Vietnam, flew 110 combat missions. He studied with two Sioux Holy Men, Chief Eagle Feather and Chief Fool's Crow, and participated in six Sundances.

Egospiritualism is a form of human consciousness which reflects an awakening on both the egoic and spiritual levels of our being. A person's healthy, in-balance ego is merging with their Divine Self to experience all of the goodness that they and life have to offer. It is not a religion, doctrine, or dogma, but honors all religions and faiths. An egospiritualist is any person who embraces and is working with the potentials existent within both their human self and Divine Self.

We continue to look at the principles behind the Universe and Nature. Knowing that as we master these, we master Life!

UFO Contactee, Photographer, Conscious Channel, Clairvoyant, Medium, Mystic Artist, Soul Traveler, Animal Intuitive
Informer of Man's Off Planet Origins, Blogger, Educates and Frees Humanity from Control and Tyranny
Writer, Researcher, Filmmaker, Musician, Inspirational Speaker
NZ Diploma in Physiotherapy, Diploma of Natural Healing Sciences in Auric Healing, Doctor of Religion, Light Energy Specialist
B.S. Degree in Physics, M.S. and Ph.D. in Space Physics, Professor, Adjunct Researcher, School District Consultant, Author
Neuro-Surgeon, Shaman, Author, Chief Ambassadors of the Mayans' Cultural Wisdom, Myan Expert, Heart Transplant Survivor