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"Getta outta here."  "That's gonna be your topic?" Why does that deserve to be a topic?"

"Ok.  For starters, it's chuck full of possibilities to find new meanings and to re-frame the old ones."

Laughter Saves Lives with John C Larocchia and many special guest and call-ins, including Tara Brown and Friends of Firefighters, as well, a plethera of comedians. WOW! What a show!

Laughter Saves Lives with John C Larocchia and many special guest and call-ins, including Tara Brown and Friends of Firefighters, as well, a plethera of comedians. WOW! What a show!

Laughter Saves Lives with John C Larocchia and many special guest and call-ins, including Tara Brown and Friends of Firefighters, as well, a plethera of comedians. WOW! What a show!

​"Really?" you might be saying.  "You're really going to have a conversation on "Really"? Don't you have better things to talk about?........... really."

"Well, not really.  Ya see, we really are into probing the human condition, looking for what's real and how we'd recognize it when we find it.  Really.

Laughter Saves Lives with John C Larocchia and many special guest and call-ins, including Tara Brown and a plethera of comedians. WOW! What a show!

Special 4th of July Cosmic Celebration with Timothy J. Glenn.

A conversation about ideas that matter

"My fellow Americans" (said with drawl)

​Independence day is coming up this weekend so we thought it would be a good time to re-visit America's mission.  

Laughter Saves Lives with John C Larocchia and many special guest and call-ins, including Tara Brown and a plethera of comedians. WOW! What a show!