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Music for meditation, inspiration, healing, and enlightenment, spiritual artist

This week Christine Stevens will be with us to awaken your Music MEdicine - for mind, body, heart, and soul. She holds a Masters Degree in both Social Work, and Music Therapy, and authored a book called "Music Medicine" linking healing of emotions and mental and physical illnesses with sound and rhythm. She is Founder of Up Beat Drum Circles and has some wonderful and exciting drumming CDs available. She has appeared on NBC, PBS, KTLA, and has worked with survivors of Katrina, Ground Zero, and recently trained the first drum circle in a war zone in northern Iraq.

RENATA & STEVEN ASH in England will rejoin us to continue the conversation we started on March 15 about the 13 Chakras, the meanings of the ones above the head, and how they have developed flower and crystal essences to work directly with the chakras. Renata will share how she has felt called to channel the energy of Quan Yin, and to perform the wonderful Sabai Ceremony. Join us for a special Quan Yin Blessing!

Cedar Mountain Drums Founder, Gestalt Therapist, Stockbroker, Fund-Raiser, Consultant, Therapist, Drum Circle Leader, Drum Maker, Workshop Facilitator
Singer, Music Producer, Pianist, Songwriter, Recording Artist, Sound Healer, Entreprenuer, Spiritualist
Clairvoyant, Theater Prodcuer, Editiorial Assistant, Healer, Mystic, Meditator, Counselor, Psychologist, Therapist, Shamanic Practitioner, Consultant, Workshop Facilitator
Warrioress, Religion Researcher, Cherokee, Astrologist
Oglala Sioux Tribal Member, Sundancer, Fighter Pilot, Marine, Author, Lawyer