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Sports Reporter/Actor/Philanthropist
Celeste Yarnall has led a multi-faceted career. She began as a model, spokesperson, and actress fresh out of high school. She was discovered by Rick and Ozzie Nelson while walking past their offices at General Service Studios in Hollywood and appeared in an episode of “Ozzie & Harriet” in 1962. Jerry Lewis personally selected this young beauty casting her as one of the students in "The Nutty Professor." Paramount then cast her in a cameo role in "A New Kind Of Love" with Paul Newman.

GARY AUSTIN is the Founder and Original Director of The Groundlings, Los Angeles’ premier character-based improvisational theatre company. Gary began his professional career as a performing member of San Francisco’s famed improvisational company, The Committee, where he worked with Second City’s Del Close.

The Beauty Files with Juanita, with host Juanita Dillard, on BBS Radio!

Kile with Big Girl Cometics, an eco friendly line of cosmetis designed for the woman of color

BJ with Hot Wings on The Run Sauces

Nessa with Gone Greens, a company that uses collard greens in great creations

Another lovely morning of songs good memories with your host Steve Dallas on BBS Radio!

Guest ANDREW BARTZIS filmed a series of 20 videos at Mt. Shasta, reading our Galactic History directly from the Akashic records.  I was there to interview him during this time on the day of the Summer Solstice and "Super Full Moon" which followed. There are 20 half-hour videos.

I personally transcribed all 20 videos, adding hyperlinks, pictures and commentary. The 21st transcript is 11 pages of my own personal bio and commentary on the series and of the times we're in now. If you haven't seen the videos,or read the transcripts, you're in for a treat.

M.D. Kaczkowski is president of The Center for Alloplastic Facial Reconstruction in Little Rock, AR, where he serves as lead practitioner, designing and fitting ocular and facial prosthetic reconstructions. He is also an artist and medical inventor, with many of his technologies in use by hundreds of patients worldwide.  He spends his time between his homes in Little Rock, AR and Brandon, MS, enjoying the company of his wife, Pippa, and three children: Rachel, Daniel and Lily.

This is a repeat show - with a tribute to the 10th Anniversary of 911 at the beginning.

Repeated - Gayle Farmer - writing your book and getting it published - with Omega Publications.

SUNDAY  — April 17, 2011  WRITING A BOOK, GETTING IT OUT TO THE PUBLISHER,  AND OUT TO THE WORLD.  Elizabeth interviews Gayle Farmer, author of mysteries and owner of Omega Publications. Gayle and Elizabeth discuss the ins and outs of writing, editing, and preparing your book for publication. How do you discover if you have a talent for writing? What is the "editing process?" Where does an agent fit in? Should you join a writers group? Can bad writing be "fixed?" These are some of the questions addressed during this informative discussion.