Life Changes Show, March 17, 2014
Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and special guests Alex Grey and Allyson Grey.
Artist, Co-Founder Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
Alex Grey is best known for his paintings which portray multiple dimensions of reality, interweaving biological anatomy with psychic and spiritual energies. Grey’s visual meditation on the nature of life and consciousness, the subject of his art, is contained in five books. His two monographs, Sacred Mirrors and Transfigurations, follow the history of Grey’s artistic life. The Mission of Art andArt Psalms reflect on art as a spiritual practice. The book, CoSM, co-authored with Allyson Grey, provides a guided tour of the New York City installation of the the Sacred Mirrors collection. Grey’s world-renowned career includes exhibitions and keynote addresses from Basel to Tokyo to Sao Paulo, and features on the Discovery Channel, the CBC, in Newsweek and Time magazines. Grey’s art has been used on albums for the multi-platinum bands Nirvana, Beastie Boys, Tool, and String Cheese Incident. Grey’s most outstanding and widely appreciated works of transformative art were exhibited for five years in the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York City.
A selection of Alex Grey’s art can be viewed online in the Alex Grey Gallery.
Learn more about Alex Grey by reading his Biography,Bibliography, or Exhibitions.
Allyson Grey
Artist, Co-Founder Chapel of Sacred Mirrors Born in 1952, I have been a partner to Alex Grey since 1975. We met at the Boston Museum School where I received a Bachelors and a Masters Degree in Fine Arts. I’ve had one person shows at Stux Gallery and O.K. Harris Gallery in NYC, among others. Commissions of permanent public works include a twenty-four foot mural at the First Bank of Lowell, Massachusetts. My paintings have been collected by many corporations and individuals. I paint and collaborate with my husband, the internationally acclaimed artist, Alex Grey, and the film actress daughter, Zena Grey. Alex and I live both in Brooklyn, New York and at CoSM in Wappinger, New York. Compelled to create spiritual art since my spiritual opening on LSD in 1970, I have been attracted to abstraction and an untranslatable symbol system of sacred language.
Sacred writing of all faiths, however, come into conflict through human interpretation as the written word defines the differences of philosophy and traditions, when truely the basis of all religion is unity and infinite love. In my teens, I began writing automatically in an invented or transmitted language. Looking at the works can call to mind the experience of viewing an illuminated text in a foreign language and religion. Often combined in my paintings, Chaos, Order and Secret Writing portray symbols of an essentialized view of all existence. Chaos symbolizes the material world. Chaos is order plus entropy. Order suggests the bliss realms of interconnectedness experienced in transcendental states. Secret writing represents the mysterious language of creative expression through symbol systems.
Learn more about Allyson Grey.
Life Changes Show

Come and join the conversation about what's going on and what we can do together about it, with it, and for it. We have the choice, we have the power. We can do magic if we just believe!
A show about the changes going on in us, to us, around us, and because of us. Therefore, it's technically a show about "Everything," only with a how to make it better, see it better, be better.
In the show, there is talk about, and with, people who have either been through major changes, are helping others with major changes, or people who are changing the world for the better in a major way.
The show is a one-hour talk show format with a monologue by the host, a 30 minute interview with a guest of note, capped by a "Producer's Wrap" segment, in which Filippo and Co-Host Mark Laisure, and sometimes surprise guests, bring it all home for the listeners in a sometimes humorous and sometimes touching, but always entertaining conversation.