What would you do if you found that your child was allergic to just about everything? When the world around you is filled with toxins that could kill him?
Joshua's Lessons is about a mother's battle to save her son's life, empower the family with a new way of dealing with the challenges and a career in wellness she could never have imagined would change everything in her life.
President and Founder of Fresh and Alive!, Certified Natural Health Educator, Inventor, Computer Operations Manager, Workshop Leader
Integrative Veterinarian, Nation's first Veterinarian to be Certified as a Diplomat of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, Founder and President of the American Pet Institute, the Pet Anti-Aging Wellness Centers and PAAWS, Best-selling Author
America's #1 Integrative Cardiologist, Attending Physician, Director of Medical Education, Director of Echocardiography, Published Author
Founder and Director of VetWow, International Speaker, Consultant for the movie "The Invisible War," Advocate for Veterans, former Army Linguist
Naturopathic Physician, Founder of the Grace Gawler Cancer Foundation-Germany and Australials
Holistic Healer, Registered Psychiatric Nurse, Gestalt-trained Counselor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Energy Practitioner
Alchemist, Weaver, Energy Healer