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Author, teacher, speaker, publisher, personal and spiritual consultant, and Naturopathic physician

A Fireside Chat with Lance White

Ayn Cates Sullivan shared numerous intimate details of her experience being "Three Days in the Light", of the resurgence of the Divine Feminine, and of her award-winning children's books, The Sparkle series.  Very powerful and empoweing show!  Be sure to check out her website, here, where you can sign up for her free newsletter:

International Award Winning Author, Speaker and Seminar Leader

Affirmation For Living with Dr Rev Edwige Bingue

Interviewing headlined guest: Kartron

Spiritual Retreats Facilitator, Guest Speaker, Channeler Energy Intuitive
Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

The Debut show of Universal Soul Love with Dr. Lana Love and David Love

Evie Lorgen returns to share about "anomolous trauma" associated with alien abductions, near death experiences, shamanic initiations, miltary abductions (milabs) mind control, spiritual warfare, demonic and psychic attacks, cult involvement and narcissistic abuse.  We talk about the new RISE Multiversity, which includes Tom Montalk, George Kavassilas, Perry Mills, Kelly La Sha, Eve Lorgen and Sienna Lea.  

Definitely one of the more interesting and "out of the box" shows!