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Lee McCormick shared his experience, strength and hope around the issues that are coming up for many:  ADDICTIONS without the shame and guilt.  Lee was addicted to coke and through his process and journey, he ended up writing eight wonderful books and opening two centers for recovery.  He worked with horses as a healing modality, and his natural, easy-going manner is a beautiful cover for an enlightened, spiritual being who graciously helps others discover the truth of "who we really are".

Author, Producer, Actor and Founder of Ranch Recovery Center and The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu

Adventures Into Reality with Andrew Bartzis, Danielle Lynn and Santi Azpilicueta.

Guest include: Susan Tower and Claudia van Trigt

Sandra Ingerman spoke about soul retrieval and the signs that one's soul has partially left, due to trauma, abuse, rape or war.  We discussed Shamanism at length, offering tools for connecting directly to your own Source Creator.  This is one of the most fascinating and pivotal shows in 2014.  We are headed towards new ways of thinking and BEing, and Sandra points out the vast wisdom available from Shamanic work.  Wonderful show!  

I highly recommend her book, "Soul Retrieval".  It's an eye opener and full of practical wisdom.  Lance


We are all incarnated as Divine Humn Beings and it's our birthright to live with Love and ease. Danae shares her journey of awakening and what the "Essentials" message is about who we are.

Author, Teacher, Workshop Facilitator, Shaman, Healer, Marriage and Family Therapist, Mental Healther Counselor, Traumatic Stress Expert, Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Researcher

Adventures Into Reality with Andrew Bartzis, Danielle Lynn and Santi Azpilicueta.