Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Breakthroughs and Consciousness! We are in a big time of transformation, astrologically and seasonally. Life is a series of breakdowns and breakthroughs. As Consciousness comes more into form we experience more expansion! When we experience it all from Heart Space, change becomes effortless.
Nancy L. Hopkins shared about the shift from Pisces to the Aquarian Age, which we are in process of doing now; in addition to traversing a new part of the galaxy. We dipped down the rabbit hole long enough to discern that those who have chosen the "way of technology", without regard to the Spirit of all things, have lost the game. The old paradigms have nothing to prop them up, but propaganda, lies and technological mind control.
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet discuss April Fool's and Consciousness! Pranks are meant to be funny, but are they really? The Fool symbolizes many things from innocense to idiocracy. Consciousness is lighthearted; the energy gets distorted in physical form. How to use amusement to regain your perspective as Consciousness and write a new script of fun for your Self.
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Jerry Yusko: Born with empathic abilities, Jerry uses his feelings to guide him on the treatment of each individual. From early childhood Jerry has had special experiences with both the angelic and extraterrestrial beings. Jerry utilizes the lessons he has learned from his extraordinary experiences to teach other people their gifts and true value. As an intuitive medical, he uses his knowledge to help people with the mending of their physical ailments. He reads the energy of people and delivers pertinent information about their present moment.
Jay Essex and Alexandra Meadors interview Part 2! This covers a mixture of topics about our matrix and the differences between the dimensions. Jay shares some interesting perspectives on the angelic realm, ascended masters, and galactic brothers and sisters, really defining the differences between them and us. Again, there is just too much to list but you should get a chuckle out of some of our time together.
The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.