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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk with Tommy from Texas about Power and Consciousness. We notice what a difference heart centered awareness makes in daily life. Tommy gives great insight about working tuned into the earth and nature, outside of old paradigms of externalized power. In Consciousness with experience a deep, energetic expansion that is powerful, yet language doesn't encompass the real power of heart space.

Paradigm Shifters interview with Ashtar

Simon Parkes opens our minds to new possibilities.  We touched upon A.I., (artificial intelligence), the Hadron Collider, Alex Collier, Putin, Hitler, the Fourth Reich, reptilians, mantids, "experiencers vs. abductees", military and black ops, super soldiers, cloning stations, archons and more.  I enjoy all of Simon's broadcasts, and this new show adds depth and dimension to the empowerment of individuals and humanity.  It's time to open to the vast picture which already exists, "for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear".

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Breakthroughs and Consciousness!  We are in a big time of transformation, astrologically and seasonally. Life is a series of breakdowns and breakthroughs.  As Consciousness comes more into form we experience more expansion!  When we experience it all from Heart Space, change becomes effortless.

Nancy L. Hopkins shared about the shift from Pisces to the Aquarian Age, which we are in process of doing now; in addition to traversing a new part of the galaxy.  We dipped down the rabbit hole long enough to discern that those who have chosen the "way of technology", without regard to the Spirit of all things, have lost the game.  The old paradigms have nothing to prop them up, but propaganda, lies and technological mind control.  

Author, Radio Show Host, Investigative journalist