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The Journey 8 with Reverend Judy Hosner and special gest Miraum Knight

Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet, we talk about Involution and Evolution! We have different ways of experiencing Consciousness and Janet uses a new way for us to play in Heart Space with this topic.  Evolution is the body/personality’s experience of raising it’s vibration to become more aware.  Involution is Consciousness, the Essence of who we really, expressing itself into form.  We talk about not being attached to our past stories, to approach life as an improvisation rather than a script.  What is potential?

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr. Susan Kolb interviewing special guest Sonja Grace of

Discussing: “Become an Earth Angel: Advice and Wisdom for Finding Your Wings and Living in Service”

Sol Luckman shared the story about how his latest book, Snooze: A Story of Awakening came about.  It's a moving story, and the book is a multi-dimensional, many-faceted gem of a read.  From mysteries to metaphysics, entering the dream worlds, Big Foot, high magic and daring feats of courage, this book has it all.  He talked about some of the writers who inspired him.  

Visual Artist, Best Selling Author, Transformational Healer Regenetics

Pharmaceutical companies search endlessly for new medications to sell in the marketplace.  Most of these remedies are created to suppress symptoms. Consumers have allowed themselves to be locked into this failing system of drug treatment according to Fran

Helping others to heal themselves and grow is her lifelong commitment.  Francesca’s approach to health encompasses all levels of being - the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. She believes the process of getting healthy begins at the spirit level and filters down to the denser physical level.

Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet -New Year, New Beginnings!

It is a time of breaking out of old patterns, of moving beyond diagnosis to one's own definitions.  We are all, collectively, stepping into new levels. We talk about what's happening from the perspective of Consciousness. We are experts in our own lives.

We love to hear from you! Email us at with your questions and suggestions and we'll respond to them on the air!

The Gift that Keeps On Giving

Between Christmas and New Year:

Insight and Outlook for Understanding 

the Overview of Emerging Christ Mass 

Conscience in a Millennial Golden Age

Discussing perhaps the best video of 2014

to understand human biology for health:

MICROBIRTH Movie Official Trailer.

Full 60 minute documentary

Thoughtform of the Year for 2015:

The Hermetian Matrix for

 Global TeLeCare

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst and special guest Diana Cooper