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My name is Aggie Kurzyna and I am running for the New Britain Board of Education. I am a parent, a grandparent and a lifelong New Britain resident who cares deeply about my community. I am taking the leap to run for a seat on the BOE as I have found education advocacy is my life’s purpose and passion.
Ed McCabe, “Mr. OxygenTM” is a best selling author and writer in the innovative health area. His best-selling book Oxygen Therapies, A New Way of Approaching Disease has recently been followed by the new hit Flood Your Body With Oxygen, Therapy for Our Polluted World. He has lectured worldwide for 18 years, and has been honored as the recipient of international awards. He was the first and only person in history to create mass public awareness of the existence and benefits of active oxygen therapies. Mr.
Truth, Education, Conversation, Action ,co -host from American Freedom Watch Radio and more...
Joseph Carringer is a professional didgeridoo musician and sound therapist. In his sound therapy practice he uses concert class didgeridoos, combining Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian and organ theory with Ayurvedic Chakra philosophies creating a unique and powerful therapeutic sound healing experience. Joseph has been playing an Australian Aboriginal didgeridoo for over 15 years, using it as a deep meditative tool in his personal shamanic journey as well as a therapeutic instrument for his clients.
Jeanine Just
Visionary Success Strategist and
Founder/CEO of Visionaries University
Jeanine Just has been pioneering success strategies from the ‘inside-out’ since 1984. Her work has been lauded by a large variety of visionary leaders, managers, innovators, community builders, corporate refugees and the new category of paradigm shifters, cultural creatives, edge-walkers, authentic entrepreneurs, conscious capitalists and ‘soulutionaries’.
We are FreeBeings of RealLight. We are not political, religious, spiritual or with any of the KEK Systems of this planet. We do not look to the invented gods of Worshiping and PrayPaying, nor to the Authoritarians and their Rules, Regulations and Restrictions.
Rev. Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund was born in Tokyo, Japan, daughter of Lutheran missionaries. She spent her childhood growing up in Japan, attending Japanese public schools through the eighth grade. As a result, she is bilingual and bicultural, and has used her language and cultural skills in a variety of ways through the years. After finishing high school at Canadian Academy in Kobe, Japan, she moved to the United States for college. She graduated from Yale College, and later attended seminary and received her Masters of Divinity from Chicago Theological Seminary in 1984.
JOHN POTASH has been featured on CSPAN’s American History TV and has been interviewed on dozens of radio stations around the U.S. and abroad. His work has also been published in the Baltimore Chronicle, the City Paper, Covert Action Quarterly, Rock Creek Free Press, and Z magazine. He has worked counseling people with mental health issues and addictions for over twenty-five years.