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Universal Spiritual Connection, July 22, 2008

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Dr. John Jay Harper is a clinical hypnotherapist, futurist, medical research scientist, public-speaker and writer with the non-profit corporation American Delphi Academy. He is a graduate of the American Institute of Hypnotherapy, California College for Health Sciences, and Central Washington University. A former computer specialist, electronics engineer, and senior mental health counselor with the Department of Defense and a disabled veteran of the U.S. Army, today he is a radio/tv talk show guest in Canada, USA, and UK speaking to our worldwide changes in climate, culture, and consciousness over all else. John and Connie have 3 adult children and 8 grandchildren and reside in Spokane, Washington--the city that means in its Native American translation: "Children of the Sun." (

I learned that we are becoming fifth-dimensional beings of light with third eye open, telepathic, psychic solar powers. Moreover, I saw what modern astronomers define as Solar Cycle 24, ancient astrologers portrayed symbolically as the Eternal Return of the Sun of God. That this is our golden window of opportunity for transformation between the Venus transits of our Sun in June 2004 and June 2012. Although uplifting in tone, I describe the visions that I have been given to share with my readers with respect for our need to prepare for the "shift of the ages" and natural disasters to come. A runaway violent and weird weather oscillation cycle that vacillates between global warming and global cooling with Super Oceanic Storms that these thermal tug-of-wars will generate worldwide. Also explained is the melting of the polar ice caps by increased galactic and solar radiation inputs to the core of our planet, triggering the eruption of previously dormant undersea volcanoes. This process will slowly build in intensity as gravity wave movement coincides with the earthquakes and tsunamis that will be devastating our coastlines in the USA--and elsewhere. I saw that the eruption of Mount Rainier will be part of this rather lengthy list of geophysical change events as I outline the whole panoply of electromagnetic "symptoms" leading to the North-South pole shift itself. Notwithstanding these sobering events, my book is not about doom and gloom forecasts. My insights are the result of having my third eye opened to our "flexible" future, given that enough of us awake and create our world anew. At a minimum, I have written a fact-packed intellectual survivor's guide and provided a map for all of us sojourners planning on surfing knowingly into the Age of Aquarius: The Water Bearer of cataclysmic yet miraculous Earth Changes.

Universal Spiritual Connection

Universal Spiritual Connection with Rev May Leilani Schmidt, banner
Rev May Leilani Schmidt

This show is Fun and opens up a whole new world of exciting topics and "Welcomes" your Questions and Comments. The show explores a variety of subjects from the Spiritual Eastern, Western and Native American Indian beliefs to the basic concepts of Love and Success. Join us today as we explore such subjects as: quantum Physics, Scientific discoveries, Health, Metaphysical concepts, Eastern and Western Wisdoms and Universal Laws with the intent to give all Listeners subjects with substance for contemplation and exploration.

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