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Stargate Round Table, September 10, 2015

Stargate Round Table with Jean Slatter
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Stargate Round Table
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with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama

Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama and guest Jean Slatter

Here’s the link for your people to get some free gifts from me and, if they wish, a bundled package.  

Jean Slatter’s Special Offer

“I discovered the keys to a power beyond my wildest dreams. I wanted to understand this power and use it at will. And I knew that if I could learn how to, so could you…”

Discover the Powerful Assistance…

… and Extraordinary Insights

that are Available to Everyone but Ignored by SO Many!

  • Are you working way too hard and getting limited results?
  • Are you having trouble bringing your projects to fruition?
  • Are you overwhelmed and bogged down by details and deadlines?
  • Are you totally wiped and getting close to the breaking point?

It is time to realize that you’ve got help! 

You can hire experts for free from the most expansive resource in the universe.

Wield the Creative Power of the Universe!

“Why not Hire from the Heavens?”

I stumbled upon a power beyond my wildest dreams. More fantastic than the Law of Attraction and ridiculously easy to use. I wanted to understand this power and use it at will. And I knew that if I could learn how to, so could you. Would you like to tap into this power? Learn my secret!

The time has come for a whole new UNIVERSE OF POWER to unfold to you.

Are YOU Ready for a Whole New Universe of Power?

Discover how easy it can be to call upon the gifts and talents in the world of energy and employ a spiritual workforce as your personal power team!

Tap into the Power of Partnering with Spirit!

I’ve put together a package that gives you everything you need to immediately access the celestial workforce and develop an ongoing relationship with the Spirits of Creation to get guidance every step of the way.

  • Discover one simple metaphor that can awaken your connection to the Divine even if you’ve never been a believer
  • Learn the single step you must take to create a close working relationship with your angels and guides
  • Command serendipity and magical coincidence in your daily life with such certainty that expanded joy and gratitude are the natural outcomes
  • Understand how to get guidance and inspiration whenever you need it for any and all topics, even the tough ones
  • Put the concept of being a conscious co-creator to immediate, practical use with an easy, fun concept that anybody can do the first time


Jean Slatter   916 663-1665

Author of Hiring the Heavens

Founder of the Higher Guidance Life Coach program

Founder of the Creative Mystic program

Get your Creative Mystic Journal Pages!

Stargate Round Table

Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett
Show Host
Marietta Pickett

Tune in now to this fabulous program, a program with your host Marietta Pickett. Explore the truth with an open mind, and be more than you are for having one and giving many! Join Us!

Stargate Round Table was established 12 years ago as a place "to discover a way of governing ourselves using the "Round Table" format, to begin practicing how we may be governing ourselves in the future, to discover how we may best manifest the "Law Of One" in our daily lives and our conference calls, to allow those that feel called to serve an opportunity to offer their talents, and to create an open forum for creative ideas.

Stargate Round Table hosts speakers who contribute many different thoughts, ideas, and modalities of how we can better take back responsibility for our lives, health and spirituality. After an opening meditation, we begin with a brief overview of "Breaking News" and also offer a segment for you to get your questions answered.

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