Spiritually Naked, July 22, 2017
Spiritually Naked with Steve and Stephanie Banks
Guest, Janie Lin Smith
Guest, Janie Lin Smith

Janie Lin is a Business Alchemist and a Wealth Consciousness Revolutionary. She is certified in 13 different healing modalities, including Reiki and Life Coaching, and has 17 years’ experience in practicing energy healing. Janie is intuitive, empathic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, extrasensory and psychic. Janie Lin has the gift of alchemy, which means she can literally create something from nothing. She does this by what she calls energy tuning.
Janie Lin has a deep understanding of how the energetics of things work and function. From 20 years’ experience in business and creating businesses, she also has a deep understanding of how things work in the physical world as well, and the programming and beliefs that society has determined how business works and doesn’t.
When people work with Janie Lin, they show immediate results in money flows. Her clients have gone from not knowing what their Soul Gift is to uncovering it and increasing their income by 500 - 800%. Janie Lin works with Business owners, Coaches, Healers, and Entrepreneurs. Her practice is now globally online.
Janie Lin is the voice and the catalyst of your Million Dollar Muse.
Spiritually Naked

Spiritually Naked is a gateway to profound insight that exists within the physical and non-physical realm, offering a rare opportunity to connect with Solomon. Solomon is a collective consciousness that Stephanie channels live on the show. Steve and Stephanie bring to you an interesting guest where they explore life from another perspective. Stephanie then channels Solomon for Steve and their guest to bring new truths to light for your exploration.
Steve, Stef and Solomon are a refreshing concoction of optimism and realism where opportunity for inner transformation and lifestyle change is kept simple. Spiritually Naked is a meeting ground for the collective conjunction of varying beliefs, bridging the gap between the physical and non-physical world. It is a place to shed personal layers of limiting beliefs and expose the authentic you!