Pet Savant Unleashed, January 10, 2025
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Pet Savant Unleashed
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with Janice Weiss
Pet Savant Unleashed with Janice Weiss
Training for Pet Excellence! and other pet tips.
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Pet Savant Unleashed
Talk Show
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Janice uses simple human behavioral modification in order to affect changes in the animal's behavior. Monkey see monkey do! She is passionate about animals and special needs children, veterans and others in need, and to the end, trains service, therapy, and companion animals using her unique and extensive skills to rehabilitate animals behaviorally, without the use of punitive Corrections, fear-based or negative reinforcement that so many local trainers use, while sailing the very animals they are entrusted to protect and help.
Janice has testified as an expert witness and has lectured around the world, including at Myriad universities and professional organizations in order to spread the word about how easy it really is to be kind yet very effective in helping those in need. An avid rescuer, Janice donates her time to shelters and rescues around the world, in order to save those serious cases that others abandon.
BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:59 pm CT
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