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The Peace Brain Show, May 29, 2019

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The Peace Brain Show
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Nevin Lash, Zoo Designer, talks about the new Elephant experience at Zoo Atlanta!

The Peace Brain Show with Dr Gail Lash

Nevin Lash, Zoo Designer, talks about the new Elephant experience at Zoo Atlanta!

Guest, Nevin Lash

Guest Name
Nevin Lash
Nevin Lash
Guest Occupation
Landscape Architect, co-founder and Principal at Ursa International
Guest Biography

Trained as a Landscape Architect, Nevin is co-founder and Principal at Ursa International, a zoo design firm that he and his wife, Gail, established in 1994 in Atlanta, Georgia. Nevin works in a variety of settings, from Zoos to Nature Parks and Animal Sanctuaries all over the world.  Design goals are to improve conditions for captive wildlife and to give visitors an authentic experience of these animals, while educating them on the animal’s intrinsic value.  He has designed over 50 major projects for over 30 institutions in the US and 12 other countries, such as Italy, Jamaica, South Korea, Madagascar and Uganda.  He is currently designing a new Elephant Habitat for Zoo Atlanta in the zoo’s first land expansion in 30 years. He believes that zoos and aquariums can be seen as Places of Peace.

The Peace Brain Show

The Peace Brain Show with Dr Gail Lash
Show Host
Dr Gail Lash

What is Peace Brain? Peace Brain is a term that Dr. Gail Lash created to indicate a peaceful mind, body, spirit and world. Peace Brain is the synergistic connection between our mental and emotional bodies – the blending of the electrical power of the mind with the magnetic force of the heart. We humans cannot exercise our complete capabilities and innate gifts to manifest true Peace On Earth unless our Peace Brain is engaged, with these biological and spiritual centers working as one. Unity through Diversity is the goal.

Topics of Peace span the complete continuum of Science and Spirit – and so does The Peace Brain Show!  Listen and explore scientific and metaphysical concepts related to the human condition, animals and Nature, our relationship to Universal Energy and implementations of Peace worldwide with your Host, Dr. Gail Lash!

Drawing on her multifaceted background, Dr. Gail features guests who are Zoo and Aquarium leaders, Animal conservation partners, Community facilitators, social Justice organizations promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, National park operators, Metaphysicians, Energy healers, Angel workers, Animal communicators, and much more – all imparting their practical wisdom on how we each can create a world of Peace, Love, Justice and Beauty – manifesting “As Above So Below”.

From this, envision a map of the Earth being populated with “Places Of Peace” (markers and practices by these organizations and grassroots individuals) that when linked create Peace Trails around the world!  It is practical; it is powerful; it is possible!

The show is a one-hour format.  It begins with an opening quote and monologue segment by Dr. Gail, introducing the Peace topic for that show. This is followed by a 30 to 40-minute conversational interview with an amazing guest of note – done in the spirit of friendship, laughter, respect, contemplation and building community.  The show ends with a Peace Brain Meditation, in which Dr. Gail enables you to practice turning on and tuning into your Peace Brain!  Join us!

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

The Peace Brain Show – Nevin Lash - Elephants

May 29-2019

0 minutes

What is Peace Brain?  Peace Brain is the synergistic connection between our mental and emotional bodies – blending the electrical power of the mind with the magnetic force of the heart. 

Listen and explore how to create unity worldwide, as we blend science and metaphysics, open our hearts and minds to the possibilities of Peace on Earth, and create the life we are each destined for.

Featured guests range from angel communicators to zoologists and everything in between. Now here is your host Dr. Gail Lash!

01 minutes

GAIL: Welcome to The Peace Brain Show! This is your Host, Dr. Gail Lash and I’m happy to have you here today!

Today we have Nevin Lash, Zoo Designer with us, and a powerful topic of peace to discuss, along with a transformative meditation at the end of the show!

But first, as always, I want to open the show with a quote. This quote is from Marcellus Bear Heart Williams.

“Oh, Great Spirit, we come to you with love and gratitude for all living things. We now pray especially for our relatives of the wilderness – the four-legged, the winged, those that live in the waters, and those that crawl up on the land. Bless them, that they might continue to live in freedom and enjoy the right to be wild. Fill our hearts with tolerance, appreciation and respect for all living things so that we all might live together in harmony and peace.”

03 minutes

This quote is on/associated with the painting that Bev Doolittle has created, called “Prayer For The Wild Things” – a beautiful painting of an Indian in prayer on a cliff overlooking a valley of animals below.

It is interesting that I bring a prayer about wild animals today, when we are going to be talking about zoos and wild animals under human care – particularly elephants! Done right, I do believe that these animals in zoos can assist greatly their species survival in the wild.

05 minutes

INTRODUCE GUEST – Today we have Nevin Lash

Mr. Lash has almost forty years of Environmental Planning and Landscape Architectural experience.  During that time, he has been involved with projects ranging in scale from residential garden design, major corporate campus development, commercial and mixed-use planning to regional environmental assessments. 

It was in the early 1980s that he joined CLR Design to develop a new kind of zoo, where the visitor and the animals are immersed in the landscape together, as in a wild, natural setting. Beginning with Zoo Atlanta, in Atlanta GA, Nevin has worked with Chicago’s Brookfield Zoo and Lincoln Park, the Los Angeles Zoo, Honolulu Zoo, Dallas Zoo, Chimp Haven, North Carolina Zoo, the Eastern Band of the Cherokee First Nation, and many more zoos and aquariums here in the USA.

Since forming Ursa International with his wife and partner in 1994, Nevin has aimed at reaching a broader audience. He traveled and worked with Parc Tsimbazaza in Madagascar, the Hope Zoo in Jamaica, clients in Tanzania and in South Korea in designing new zoos, and consulting with conservation organizations in China, Rwanda, and Uganda. Utilizing his skills in programming and design, he continues to work with conservation-minded organizations worldwide to bring “landscape immersion”, environmentally sensitive planning, and the concept and practice of “wellness” into each project. 

You can find out more about Nevin Lash at

Video from Zoo Atlanta on its new Zambezi Elephant Center and African Savanna:


06 minutes


  1. So today we are mainly going to talk about elephants, and your soon to be open new Elephant habitat at Zoo Atlanta, Called the “Grand New View”.

  2. But first, let’s review the evolution of zoos for our listeners…Why have zoos?

  3. So now Elephants – why elephants?

  4. Have you seen elephants in the wild? Tell us about that.

  5. What goes into designing and building these elephant habitats?

  6. Who is involved?

  7. What are some of the cool details that listeners might not know?

  8. How do zoos relate to peace?

  9. What kind of experience will the public have at this Grand new View?

  10. What’s the role of the public at the zoo?

45 minutes

  1. So, Nevin – We are getting close to the end of our time together on this show. What final words of wisdom would you like to share with our listeners today?

48 minutes



49 minutes

PEACE BRAIN MEDITATION – Let’s go into today’s PB meditation… sit back…

Gail brings audience out of meditation and says this:

55 minutes

Thanks for tuning in today to The Peace Brain Show! If you wish to find out more about me, Dr. Gail Lash, or to talk about how we can assist your company or business to #OptForPeace – and create a Peace Park where community dialogue about peaceful solutions can be held – please go to our website or email me at

Again, I want to thank my guest, Nevin Lash. You can find more about her/him at

then Gail ends with:

NOW, Please go forth and activate your Peace Brain, and put YOUR Peace Park on our World Peace Trails map! Many Blessings.


56 minutes

Thank you for joining us on The Peace Brain Show! Be sure to check out Dr. Gail’s Akashic Records readings, her Peace Master Plans for your business or organization, and her book, “#OptforPeace: 9 Essential Steps To Achieving Peace, Power, and Prosperity”.  

Tune-in to BBS Radio, Station 1 every other Wednesday at 6pm Pacific and 9pm Eastern to The Peace Brain Show for your next installment of wonder, inspiration and practical Peace!

57 minutes


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