Paranormal Truth and Reality, October 19, 2018
Paranormal Truth and Reality with Christopher Houston and guests Gavin Kelly and Researcher and Historian Paula Purcell
Guest, Gavin Kelly

Gavin Kelly, Host and Lead Investigator for Amazon Prime's new Paranormal Television Series. "Paranormal Journey:Into the unknown. I've been in the paranormal field for 4 years now, joined by my Researcher and Historian Paula Purcell we are called the Phantasmic Ghost Hunters. Paula and I have been on FM Radio as well as numerous Internet Radio Broadcasts Nation wide. We're are going to be on TV shows starting this year, Morning shows, News Channels, and of course in the Newspapers. Being invited to Comic Cons and Paracons to be speakers is a wonderful opportunity for Paula and myself. Im the camera man searching for truth along with Paula whom is a historian thst loves to dig into the past as we search with guests and others to find the real truths on locations all over the USA.
Locations we have been to: St Alban's, Old South Pittsburgh, Ohio Reformatory, Waverly , Monroe House and much more
Paranormal Truth and Reality