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Otherware, March 18, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Dutch graphic designer Janosh about crop circles, sacred geometry and the Arcturian Activations Australia tour in the first hour, then we'll investigate how we can tune our body energy systems in order to live life at the highest frequency possible, as we hear all about intuition medicine with me Dr Francesca McCartney. My guests were fantastic to talk to and I'm sure you'll find what they have to say fascinating.

Dutch graphic designer Janosh creates stunning artwork with sacred geometry under the name Keys of the Arcturians. He and Camille van Gersten are currently on an Arcturian Activations Australia tour - multimedia presentations of these holographic keys to help one awaken to take an inner journey to the Self. If you are fascinated with crop circles, would like to know how the Arcturians are connected to them and what they might be trying to tell us you do not want to miss this show.

In 1984, Francesca founded the Academy of Intuition Medicine®, In Mill Valley, California, USA. Since 1976, Dr. McCartney has worked in the field of intuition as a medical intuitive in an integrative health clinic, a pastoral counselor, author and educator. Francesca synthesizes her thirty years of study in Eastern and Western spiritual and healing arts into a multi-modality approach which grounds her in respectfulness for the uniqueness of the individual. From her pastoral counseling and medical intuitive work with thousands of clients Francesca developed the Intuition Medicine® curriculum. Dr. McCartney is the inaugural recipient of a Ph.D. in Intuition Medicine® and also holds a PhD. in Energy Medicine. In 1966, Francesca received Laboratory Technician (hematology) certification from St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Michigan. From 1968 to 1973, she studied Eastern mysticism, Divine Science of the Soul with Kirpal Singh. She also studied the Western mystical traditions of Theosophy and the Rosicrucian Society. She has been a licensed nondenominational minister since 1976.


Otherware with Liz Millar, banner
Show Host
Liz Millar

Otherware: /Oth"er*ware`/ (n.) that which sets into action, enhances or evolves the inner technologies of the multidimensional human.

Our planet and all its inhabitants are awakening in a profound way. It can be an exciting as well as a confusing time for many, and the need for the right tools and information to help one navigate a clear path through this transitional period it all is at an all-time high.

"Otherware" is Liz's way of describing the most important tools or "programs" we have to perceive things beyond our five sense reality, that are literally built into our bodies, lying dormant in our DNA. If you liken your DNA to a computer hard drive then these "technologies" are things such as telepathy, remote viewing and all other psychic or clairvoyant abilities, energetic healing and understanding how energy follows thought to "create your reality" programs are the "other"ware.

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