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Otherware, January 21, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Guest: Michelle Eloff 
Trance channel Michelle Eloff who is a gifted psychic channel, healer, counselor & teacher is well known internationally for her work as a channel for the Ascended Master Kuthumi, who she has worked with since 1996. Her abilities as a trance voice channel have changed the lives of thousands of people and she continues to do so through her courses, group initiations and workshops.

She joins Liz during the first hour to discuss her work with Master Kuthumi and other Ascended Masters, as well as give us an Ascension update regarding the 6D & 8D Planetary DNA Activation which is happening on Jan 24th.

Michelle Eloff, who has been featured regularly in the media is also director and founder of The Lightweaver & The lightweavers Children's Fund.

Guest: Fred Burks 
Fred Burks runs the consciousness raising websites and and has facilitated numerous empowering workshops helping people to live from a place of sacred love, respect, and spirituality. He is an active participant in the creation of a new paradigm and specializes in helping people to open their hearts to each other through empowering exercises which remind us that deep down, we all just want to love and be loved, and each week's show ends with the web of love visualization given at his site of the same name.

*Before resigning from the US State Department in 2004 due to excessive secrecy demands, Fred Burks served for many years as a language interpreter for presidents and other dignitaries. He interpreted for Bush, Clinton, Gore, Cheney, and many other top officials of the US and other countries. Having participated in sensitive meetings where the only people allowed were the principles and their interpreters, he has acquired important inside information and contacts. He had Bush's ear in Indonesia after the Bali bombings and after an encounter with a dead dolphin on the beach there one morning, he says their "loving presence"  penetrated the traveling White House in Bali and made senior U.S. officials act in a strangely friendly way.

After receiving a wealth of information on major cover-ups from a number of respected friends and colleagues, Fred was inspired to develop his websites in October 2002. Continually opening to divine guidance, Fred has dedicated himself both to getting the word out about the cover-ups, and to inspiring others to help transform ourselves and our world through love and empowerment. He is currently the manager and coordinator of .

Fred has also helped develop and foster several inspiring communities and websites, including, Moment of Love and Global Community for All. Fred's deepest commitment in life is beautifully expressed as follows: I give all that I am into the service of All That Is.


Otherware with Liz Millar, banner
Show Host
Liz Millar

Otherware: /Oth"er*ware`/ (n.) that which sets into action, enhances or evolves the inner technologies of the multidimensional human.

Our planet and all its inhabitants are awakening in a profound way. It can be an exciting as well as a confusing time for many, and the need for the right tools and information to help one navigate a clear path through this transitional period it all is at an all-time high.

"Otherware" is Liz's way of describing the most important tools or "programs" we have to perceive things beyond our five sense reality, that are literally built into our bodies, lying dormant in our DNA. If you liken your DNA to a computer hard drive then these "technologies" are things such as telepathy, remote viewing and all other psychic or clairvoyant abilities, energetic healing and understanding how energy follows thought to "create your reality" programs are the "other"ware.

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