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Otherware, January 14, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio
Guest: Dominique Targett
A leading Australian clairvoyant, vibrational healer, counsellor, metaphysics teacher and channel of 14 years who is based in Melbourne. Her passion is inspiring others to explore their inner landscapes which she does through teaching courses and lecturing on vibrational energetics, Astrology, Numerology, Tarot and the ancient wisdom as well as doing one-on-one readings and consultations. Coming from a family line of healers and artists, compassion and integrity are the foundations of her work. Tune in to Otherware this week as she joins host Liz Millar to discuss her fascinating life's work, her insights into the energetic qualities of 2006 which makes this an "8" year. She'll also bring us some valuable information regarding our shadow side including some mindblowing revelations about the implants she's seen in certain people's auric fields, as well as how to fully live in the light and use our inner technologies to perceive more about the world within and around us.


Otherware with Liz Millar, banner
Show Host
Liz Millar

Otherware: /Oth"er*ware`/ (n.) that which sets into action, enhances or evolves the inner technologies of the multidimensional human.

Our planet and all its inhabitants are awakening in a profound way. It can be an exciting as well as a confusing time for many, and the need for the right tools and information to help one navigate a clear path through this transitional period it all is at an all-time high.

"Otherware" is Liz's way of describing the most important tools or "programs" we have to perceive things beyond our five sense reality, that are literally built into our bodies, lying dormant in our DNA. If you liken your DNA to a computer hard drive then these "technologies" are things such as telepathy, remote viewing and all other psychic or clairvoyant abilities, energetic healing and understanding how energy follows thought to "create your reality" programs are the "other"ware.

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