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Otherware, April 22, 2006

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Courtesy of BBS Radio

Guest Name: Mary Rodwell

After being involved with over 1000 experiencers (alien abductees), Mary Rodwell, a former registered nurse, who is now a professional counselor and clinical hypnotherapist, has concluded that alien abductions are not only real encounters, but that they are about spiritual awakening and galactic contact. Mary Rodwell is not alone, as a growing number of academics, scientists and politicians, such as the former Canadian Minister of Defense Hon. Paul Hellyer, are starting to support the core of her paradigm shifting views about life in the Universe and that some UFOs are extraterrestrial spaceships.
Guest also? Jeanne Manning


Otherware with Liz Millar, banner
Show Host
Liz Millar

Otherware: /Oth"er*ware`/ (n.) that which sets into action, enhances or evolves the inner technologies of the multidimensional human.

Our planet and all its inhabitants are awakening in a profound way. It can be an exciting as well as a confusing time for many, and the need for the right tools and information to help one navigate a clear path through this transitional period it all is at an all-time high.

"Otherware" is Liz's way of describing the most important tools or "programs" we have to perceive things beyond our five sense reality, that are literally built into our bodies, lying dormant in our DNA. If you liken your DNA to a computer hard drive then these "technologies" are things such as telepathy, remote viewing and all other psychic or clairvoyant abilities, energetic healing and understanding how energy follows thought to "create your reality" programs are the "other"ware.

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