KickAss Radio, September 3, 2020
KickAss Radio with Jo Sainsbury
Episode #7
Topic: The Sunday Blues
Today here on the show we talk about ‘How you feel on Sundays?’ and I think this question is extremely important, how we feel the Sunday before we start our week or how we feel the night before. How are you feeling that night before you actually have to go back to work after you’ve had a couple of days off?
Sometimes we get so caught up in the rigmarole of work that we forget to think about whether it’s what we really want to do, or whether we even like doing it! Do you start to get that feeling in the pit of your stomach when the weekend draws to a close, a growing sense of dread at the thought of work or Monday or 1st shift back?
It’s really important to think about this because this is going to give you a lot of insight as to how satisfied you are with your career or position and it might help you evaluate what sort of changes you need to make in your career life as well as your life in general.
Don’t despair, you can beat the back to work / back on shift blues! I’ll take you through three (3) options that you can do to get yourself out of that situation.
BONUS CONTENT! MPS Process - a tool for discovering Work You Love
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KickAss Radio
KickAss Radio with Jo Sainsbury