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JD Rucker Show, November 8, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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The JD Rucker Show - 9-25-2023

Title: The JD Rucker Show - 9-25-2023


This is the livestream of The JD Rucker Show, Monday through Friday at 5am Pacific.

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Learn more about our sponsors, Genesis Gold Group, at

Recording: September 25, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

call my friends and welcome to another episode of the J D wrecker show JD Rucker and this is the relaunch of the relaunch of the relaunch of this show I know if you didn't watch your listen to The Show for a long time you probably think of my God she's like the third or fourth time that they realize the show it's funny how things work in this world it's funny how we we learn things even as we get older and older and older we might start thinking how do you know I've learned all the lessons I'm going to learn and then God comes out and just smack surrounds no no no no no you've got a lot more to be to learn young man is that he shouldn't try to force it to the last time we try to relaunch I had I had like eight shows lined up ready to go can I had to guess I have everything planned out I was super excited we did the very first show and then the next day
in the more I should technically is that night there was an update on WordPress of all things and this update broke our beef sites for those who don't know I I am a part owner of the company and I'm the one that's responsible for making sure that we can sell the beef and we couldn't cuz the b-sides all went down to the entire pretty much the entire next day was spent trying to get our beef sites backup I end up having to just rebuild them all and that was that was horrendous and it was like wow you know there's day two of the relaunch and it's already having complications alright God you got something else planned for me so so let's let's see what that is and here we are here we are I've had some amazing things happening over the last couple of weeks that just I mean praise God they blew my mind okay just things falling into place people that I'm I'm meeting new people and then re-engage
he was small people it was just as if all those other tents where I was trying to force the situation forced the issue actually just just sat back and waited for the right moment that right moment came along in the form of wait for it wwsc our shortwave radio I know it's crazy to think that we are now broadcasting on shortwave shortwave is the past except that I do firmly believe it is also the future if things are going to hit the fan and they say the way that a lot of us expect they will in the near term or even longer time but at some point seems as if we're going to face some massive challenge is here in the United States of America and across the glove for that matter if it went up those things happen and getting your information from am or FM were television or even the internet could be very challenging which is why I consider that a great blessing that this opportunity
came on board came came my way and it would not have been possible if it wasn't for the other than the aligned blessing to get you could say that the secondary blessing that it happened simultaneously in that was meeting him in starting to work with Genesis Gold group this company in the sponsor of the show has that they have stepped up in ways that I could never have imagined to sponsor what do they believe in the message the message of faith of of conservative politics of conservative cultural understanding of the world is a company that doesn't just sit back and and take advantage of the conservative shows they actually they live this stuff they breathe this stuff they have pastors on staff precious metals company has Pastor is on staff will Genesis Gold group dust and you can check them out at JDR that's JDR since for J D wrecker jtr are wonderful sponsors over there but yes
we are now not your tummy Rumble match them have a podcast for Brody on a bit shooter all the various places we've been on in the past we are now also branching out into radio that was starting off with wwcr again this is wonderful radio station Brady over there is just tremendous Steve my good friend Steve that I've only recently met but it feels like a brother to me he is he's he's doing his thing and making sure that everything falls into place making moves that I wouldn't even know where possible and all this is coming together once praise God for that praise God for me not being able to prematurely relaunched the show things that needed to be perfectly sat perfectly aligned and I do believe Lord willing. That is where we are today for those who are new to the show you my philosophy is you you follow the three the three p's you pray you plan and you prepare and that's really going to be the basis of our show going forward and I can sit here and be like every other
hosting and pick out stories from Fox News or whatever at the hole look at this is happening this is terrible news of the day the story of the moment the trash more poorly we're looking for Solutions here and this isn't just about JD Rock are getting on the air and ranting about whatever the left is doing what I've ever the Democrats are doing or whatever the atheist you're doing or whatever the the transgender cold is doing what that's not that's not the purpose of this show our purpose is to try to number one round the people that's let's start taking action we can't rely on government you can't rely on your leaders to take care of you if you are that type of person who has been doing that for a long time it's time to stop self-reliance self-governance is the way of the future or where where is the other that's the way it for some of us for many people from I was in the vast majority of Americans and even citizens across the globe their Futures one
tyranny oppression of totalitarianism of of being being essentially slaves to the global sleek and ball to the powers and principalities if you will do the people like Bill Gates Barack Obama Klaus Schwab George Soros Henry Kissinger oliveri's bad guys in the course they're puppets in the Biden Harris regime their dominions at the World Health Organization for economic Forum United Nations even our own deep States running so many things here in the United States the vast majority of our and our politicians are either willfully in Italy part of it or they are compromised there are probably a handful I hope there are still a handful that aren't compromised but it seems every day somebody that I thought I was that that person might be might be able to do some good well it turns out they can't and I don't and they won't
so so there's that but since we are starting today as the the first official I just realized on the various platforms have been on in the past but also our first official show at wwcr we know there's going to be a whole lot of you with no idea who I am no idea what the show is going to be about no idea what we're going to be talking about Monday through Friday at 5 a.m. Pacific time every day talking about all the various things we are not in this is a show is going to be essentially an introduction to me and who who I am what we're going to do in and how we're going to have to either save this country or die trying because that's really what it comes down to it we got to we got to save ourselves and our families first and foremost okay we have to to to preserve and try to defend our local communities and if we can save the nation great awesome sometimes I'm not so sure we can still do that I'm not so sure that anybody outside of God himself could do that we do have course am I
very humble opinion I need Revival Revival is the only thing that could possible that we can participate in that could be sure to help if it's Revival and I helped know I read this this really the the way forward for us if we are going to be able to to participate in the saving of this nation and if we if we don't we can't have her Bible if God does not save us from ourselves from the evils that are round us then we are going to crumble very much like the Roman Empire and every Empire prior to that we thought that this this gig was going to go on forever
I mean just a few years ago we thought I hate this game I go on Long forever and now realizing that we may be much closer to the end then we realized the quick shout-out to my good friend Rick Wiles he is also on wwcr his show comes on at least two hours after mine here at wwcr his Trunews it's I mean it's just great race. Check it out t r u without the e at the end news and that you will hear Rick and his his daily dose of of Awesomeness is just great commentary faith-based great commentary that is that is politically charged culturally charged could stop by sort of mine I was I would count Rick as a as a increasingly better friend every every day
quick notes about the show we are in the process of vetting out a at least one will see at least one to tend to produce her we want to take calls we want to take your call I want you to be able to call in and talk to us and I am not I'm just not clever enough to be able to handle the calling bored or whatever it's called experienced enough to be able to handle the calls incoming and also be able to run the show itself so I need a producer think I just want take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting up your buddy extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny and she told us about this product in and she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting a brick reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in a need in any form again this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and we just want to preface it with that
like clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals in toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs and and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First pure body order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First your body if you go to that link specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you guys do that go to Freedom First a body and Order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy medicine and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First pure body
we have one I'm at it's very exciting by the way this is just one person we are currently vetting out somebody that was worthless shows that I'm certain you of all all heard about our herd of baby listen to in the past is it shows that frankly it's I feel very very blessed and very humble to be able to have potential access to to this particular producer so once we get him on board or if we don't then we'll go find somebody but eventually we are going to be able to take calls here in the morning I hate not being able to take calls I want to be able to talk to you I want you to be able to talk to me ask questions I'll ask you questions and all that good stuff we are going to have guests later this week we have our first guests return guess if you've if you've been listen to My Chauffeur long time I've had dr. Peter McCullough on the multiple times and this will be easy he's going to be my inaugural guest here at wwcr so that's that's good and it was those crates like a doctor McCullough
shows like men o this week short what day schedule gosh I got to get back into the groove of things but yeah that's where we stand we're going to have dr. McCullough on I will be talkin to as many people as we can and I do encourage you to reach out giving ideas for gas in specially if you if you yourself or somebody that you know you can connect me with would be a great guest on the show let me know if you have suggestions just want to reach out you go to JD talk JD slash talk and that will get to me so I'll get directions to me as matter fact so I try to answer as many of those as I can you know there are times when specially since I've been doing it for a couple months there been times when I might only get a few a few increase the day and I'll try to talk to everybody there times when I get hundreds and I will not try to talk to everybody because there are other things to do in life
to answer emails because life is more than just what you do on the internet praise God for that but yeah so we will have gas will have calls if you have any suggestions Jay-Z slash talk so today I want to use this as an introduction I want those who may have listened to me in the past to be able to reactivate to to a reintroduction to you and if you are brand-new if you've never heard this show before welcome first and foremost secondly we're going to be going over you know who I am and what what laugh challenges we went to address here on the JD records show there's a lot of them I think that any given point in American history there have always been one or two existential threat to the population had to contend with today I would say we have at least a dozen and I'm not talking about a dozen you know that pretty bad thing here pretty bad thing that I'm talking about legitimate full-blown
existential threat as in any one of these things could take down the nation to take down American society as a whole and that's not a good place to be at 5 with never experienced anything like this we've never in our history experienced anything like this other countries have and none of them are still around other nations other vampires even have experienced multiple existential threat simultaneously and they nobody nobody survives this okay it's the big when when you look at everything we're faced facing right now you look at all the enemies that are beating our various doors from multiple angles multiple fronts very clearly understand why we are having such a such a a moment this is our moment we are either going to make it through survive and thrive eventually or what not the score Springs Harkins the idea of the biblical aspect of it are we in the end times just questions I'm going to be asking a pretty much I would say almost everyday
I'm not Pastor isn't a religious show per se but I am driven that by my my love my adoration for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in there for taking him into consideration of all the decisions that I make that something that I I strive to do on a daily basis and I hope that you do as well if you don't look I'm not going to sit here and say it's silly I would much rather reach out to everybody and maybe who knows maybe hearing hearing the show hearing some not callers some of our guests maybe you're not an Evangelical Christian maybe this could be the opportunity the door that opens for you to be able to say hi maybe I should give this a shot or let's see what is this is ask what is Axel's chicken salad what is Matthew what is Genesis
this revelation
I do think that there is a very good chance that we are in the biblical end times I don't want to declare that we are in the clearing where the biblical end times since since it was first conceived as an ocean okay people who walked with Jesus Christ himself thought that they might be in the end times
dang it's it's happened throughout history does it's for sure it sure feels more like this is it then compared to like the 1988 or 1994 or 2015 or any of the other various predictions 2012 I think was a big one okay there's a there's always been people that say this is it
I'll look around and I'm sure you look around to anything huh it's kind of crazy what a coincidence there that's sure sounds familiar from things that I've read in the Bible
it does appear that we are either in the end times are we we are in a time that is a a type similar to a guy I guess you could say I traversed echo of the coming in time is it could be next month next year to be next next Century there are certain things that can call me to think yeah this might be and I'm not going to pick dates and what is the next week or next month run on September 23rd 2000 whatever that guy but we can sure try to recognize the season and season sure seems awfully awfully tumultuous right now and it seems to be getting worse seems that the powers that be the powers and principalities if you will read Ephesians 6:12 the powers and principalities seem to be working overtime and then I'm doing it from the Shadows nearly as much as they used to it it's been a problem we've had as as humans as a as a race since the Garden of Eden and yet they haven't had to really
Facebook this is coming together and then getting up in her face they always work from the Shadows a BMV again the powers of the minions of the adversary if you will never have to deal with that
now we are going to come out in the open now they're flat out saying hey Winnie the population to be dramatically reduced a we need people to be to do exactly what they're told even if it's not real
even if what we're saying what we're selling more pushing is the monster we false who cares we're saying that you got to do and you're just you're just the little minion people you're the you're you either get with the program or you die either either do what we say or get out of the way I'm going to get out of the way and their books has to be Six Feet Under
so him again these are things that have been in play since the dawn of humanity since the Garden of Eden
but only recently has it been so blatant so so bold
we have entered what I do believe to be a very clear and unambiguous post-truth Society they're calling good evil and they're calling evil good and upholstery society and you can say hey that's six with for a person with facial hair that's a that's a woman okay and we didn't stay of human existence of American History a stage where you are more likely
to be arrested or salted or even killed if you try to stop a man from entering a girls bathroom
then if you are a man was trying to enter a girls bathroom for a man turning into a girls bathroom people get out of your way the Americans will be like oh hey so there's a joke I mean a man go go use your bathroom sir ma'am whatever I mean what impossible how do we get to this point we have here we are here we are and that should tell you something
just tell you something very clear that's not the only example we have dozens hundreds thousands of examples because there was between equity and equality what we talkin about that a lot on this show a lot of things to go to my first break and when we were turned I will dive into some of the things that that will differentiate this show from any other show did you ever hear listen to what are your own Rumble Friday on Apple podcast whatever shortwave at wwcr will be right back
chances are you seen ads or heard show host talking about the idea of getting free silver you'll get 5000-10000 $15,000 in free silver if you only do business with this gold company of that gold company so it's not real I want to if you will number one go check out the truth about the quote unquote free silver by going to discern. TV / silver discern. TV / silver but if you want to be treated honestly if you wanted to be able to set yourself up with a self-directed IRA back my physical precious metals with a Christian company then go to JDR JDR Genesis Gold group will take care of you they will treat you honestly they will help you to secure your retirement in these tumultuous time so check them out go to JDR today
they really are just coming to work with I am so blessed to have met Jonathan and his team of rats read Genesis golden great great group of guys and girls working over there and do the right thing there's a lot of bad stuff happening in the precious metals industry people are scared and so and so yeah being able to actually get good real advice real strong commitment to biblical values while working with a gold company while working with your retirement your 401k or IRA as your whatever it's it's good to be able to to work with somebody that you trust God wholeheartedly trust Genesis Gold group Who Am I who is j.d. Rockefeller the question that's a question that's I would say most of you probably have because
even if you listen to show before there's a good chance that I I wasn't very forthcoming about myself and I didn't talk about me very much so let's talk about something else and it's fine I don't want to be the center of attention but it is important that you know who I am especially if you knew if you listening for the first time you're listening over wwcr or any of the various networks that were on the board to know that the guy on the other hand the microphone because in some Wacko and I'll be clear I kind of am a wacko at least that's what what a lot of people would call me but that's only because I I think that I think that I could see things and hopefully many of you can see the same things things that are happening in this world that just don't make a whole lot of sense if you were out there and you think a you know what is hunky-dory things are normal you know when we go get my mask on let me go me go get my Fists booster shot let me go go donate to the the Ukrainian peaceful Underwood have
if that's you you maybe you might not like my show but if you are questioning the narrative if you're questioning everything is being told what is happening this world is being done to it you'll like it if you are are fed up with it then stick around you probably don't like like what we have seen here so who am I I'm not going to give you a life story or anything like that I came out to I'm out here in Southern California I came out here for a job at a job in the marketing was offered a position to be an executive at an automotive marketing from way back in 2007 it was and I did very well they're Thrive everything is going great and out of the company we were getting bought we end up getting bought and I fulfilled my commitment I was on contract to stay on board of that company for a while and then when I have the opportunity to leave I did I left and I went and started my own company also in digital market for for the automotive industry
that last until about
2016 very important here for so many of us was in 2016 when things were rolling I mean as far as on a personal personal level things were rolling for us when I was trying to pick you up or do you want the fun Porsche you know where we going to go from a business perspective
but then we got word that word that we are going to have another kid if you're listening on radio if you can't see on the video I am not a spring chicken okay I am not know my wife is somehow she's been able to to go against the the the regular the normality of aging and she is still still still a beauty queen I am not a beauty King by any means you know she's been with me for 30 years Lord willing and she's not going to give up on me yet point being his head and have her fourth child and that's when things started kind of changing I just now why is obviously we're going to have another child especially at a later age things are going to change in your life but I started realizing and a few everything's number one I can't just sit back and watch the nation going a weird Direction constantly and yet do nothing because I am politically minded always been politically minded
hey guys this is Jeff to work I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book that I'm currently writing called Following the Leader in this is a book that's will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Colts Colts like Scientology young people like to Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the Colts hat is that they perfected Within These groups that they're now using on the masses now you now using on you and I are friends and family and people all over this world this will answer a lot of the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of him but he's just cannot believe what is right in front of the rise was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected was in the cult so it's so important to understand not only why this is happening but how it's happening what tactic they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to
order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once the book is released again store
I've always been interested in making sure things are are doing well I just got sidetracked I did I got sidetracked for my written journalism for crying out loud you know how did I end up in digital marketing making fat paychecks that's when I realized you know what I've got to make a decision and this isn't this isn't I can't just sit back and an essentially do nothing and other than to make money
and so I made a decision to sell my half the company I know Wonderful partner with the company that we've we've built so might have to him and started down this this new news / old again going harkening back to my my old my original missions when in journalism and politics there that was what I wanted to do when I was in college and so getting back to it I guess was the intention in 2016 and things went went to onward and upward from there we had good times we have bad times and we've had good times and bad times in the realm of politics and self just in the wrong the United States of America it's so we've had our ups and downs over the past few years we've been had essentially nothing but Downs lately which is why I've been so so adamant about getting the show watch I've been been trying and trying to to get the the I should say to force it and if you missed in the beginning I would say a series of blessings and and guidance has perhaps the Divine in nature were presented to me in a way that made its way
now this moment this opportunity is chance to reach not just my my regular audience but Maya but a new audience and I never seen anything like this before is tremendous and I'm so blessed I'm so grateful that you are listening right now so yeah so that's that's what brought us here I went from from business and money to too poor but but happier talking politics culture Faith the three very the three most important things from a an ideological perspective there are other Realms that you can dive into course but for me those three those will determine the future and being a new father all over again and really has become a mission to make sure that that matches my grandkids but also now my young youngest
grow up in a world that's not absolutely insane if you look around everything is absolutely insane so so that's me it's as far as what I'm doing now to get those who are familiar with me chances are you've probably seen me over at the Liberty daily that, I am the editor I'm not the owner I was going to make sure to make that clear I'm the editor of Wrath of the Liberty I don't control the side I just put a lot of the content up there and I've been doing that for her for a while now so for those who aren't familiar it's basically it's a drudge alternative okay but it's actually conservative it's not like like The Drudge Report which was Ghana all sorts of weird over the past the past five years or 6 years or however long it's been since since Matt drudge either changed or maybe found his true calling or sold the cider that controlled by the CCP or the world economic Forum I've heard all sorts of conspiracy theories about how he went from a
you know what I sent you one of the leaders of the Maga movement to A Century of Bernie Sanders at acolyte right well, is not like drug it only appears to be like you got to be content is actually very conservative we put up anywhere from 120 to 180 stories per day we get approximately 10 million visitors per month to the site it is is doing well it's growing and that's where a lot of people know me I also have the server Port, which is similar to a drudge alternative it's more along the lines I guess it's close to like more of a revolver news you know there's a lot more unique wanted their lot more curating content on top of the aggregated content and I update that on a daily basis as well good content there may be as much we put up like I said we put 120 208 East or he's over at the Liberty where's the center part we put up anywhere from 40 to 60 I'm a little bit more Discerning when I post a return report we try to make sure that everything is Misha
critical yeah it might look like over at the Liberty daily it might be be great and popular and in funny we put up a video of Kamala Harris spitting out another word salad that's great that's funny but yeah it's not a new we don't we all well know the Kamala Harris isn't very intelligent she can't speak very well she can do anything very well except for cackle so so yeah I mean that's popular stuff in the Liberty daily I wouldn't post that a discerner part is getting is nothing mission-critical about it's old news we know what Kamala Harris represents I don't need to post post videos of Joe Biden stumbling we know old Joe stumbles a lot he barely knows where he is at any given moment and I don't need to reiterate that even though at the Liberty than that, we will post that stuff why because it's mean sometimes we do need to be reminded about the Follies of the radical left and Joe Biden being the the de-facto not really leader but at least the the the
your head of the the radical leftist movement that is engulfing United States of American really spreading across the globe we cease all sorts of Victories happening and I want to make it sound as if it's all doom and gloom we do see some positives that are happening elsewhere in the world we're seeing the conservative movement the classical liberal movement if you will growing in Leaps and Bounds in certain countries and we have seen some things hear people waking up in the United States especially the minority Democrats are like uh well this doesn't seem to be working defund the police that didn't work and things are much worse now that the police been defunded now I can't even can't even can't even call the police on on somebody is robbing a store or else I'm the one that's going to get fired I'm the one that's going to go to jail again missing the beginning
we are in a post truth Society that's what this is folks
were there so blown happening all around us
and it's necessary for them that the powers that be it's necessary to for society to be you confused the rain Steven for us to be completely unhinged from reality to the point that we will do what we're told we will be compliant we will obey and when I say we are not talking about the vast majority of Americans out there there's a reason why so many people got vaccinated despite the fact that you were talking about a disease that had that what a 99.99 for percent recovery rate for people under the age of forty a disease that that they are vaccines they admitted overtime eventually it took him long enough it was was until after most people that aren't even here yeah so it's not as effective it's not it's it's how you were ninety-nine percent it's not even 95 or 19 or 88 or 70 or 4 we we saw the number to go down down down down down the narrative change the course right we all remember the vaccines prevent you from getting covid
it'll just it'll mitigate the damage it'll make it to where you're less likely to be hospitalized or die and that of course in recent months with those have been paying attention this didn't get nearly as much attention as fresh and corporate media but for those who have been paying attention we are now learning that the more gems you are the more likely this that's if you get covid you will be hospitalized and you will die so in other words decoded vaccine and they were pushing out turned out to be you're better off if you'd never got it I'm not just talking about from an adverse reactions perspective you're better off against covid if you never got jammed crazy stuff crazy stuff and I guess that's a good place to start like I said I want this show to be sort of an introduction of where I stand on certain certain Topics in the topics that we want to be covering drop this for the length of the chauffeur per hour long how long God allows me to be able to reach you these are the types of topics that we're going to be talking about in the show is very fluid and when I just go
be be pigeonholed into talking about this that or the other I don't want to be be a specialist on homeschooling for example you know how I could be so I could talk about it until I'm blue in the face but it's not that's not what you all want to hear not 2 hours a day 5 days a week where the hoes going to. What are we talking about a lot of subjects and one of those subjects happens to be a medical tester and it's not just the vaccines folks goes well beyond the vaccines we all know about the face masks face masks and get poster Society take a mask they know is not effective and they said okay well we're two of them can you can't you can't go in here if you you're not wearing a mask what is mass do well nothing only you know Mason makes it to where you get less oxygen to the brain cable does everything is washed away where
because we say so
because we say so that's it you should wear it because we say so and that's not acceptable we can't allow them to be accepted or whatever the lockdowns themselves okay is the first time in history have these types of lock downs and again for disease that has not been considered very bad I'm not. But my uncle died and I'm sympathetic for those who who did succumb to covid but I would argue & actually died from other causes and covid man made not of had an impact on that I know that in many cases it did not is a family in Oklahoma is back I think it's either 2020 or 2021 family in Oklahoma they were so mad they sue the hospital because the hospital put the cause of death of their father as covid
but you don't like no one here covid like 3 months ago and he's have like like other ailments that a completely unrelated covid since then he didn't die from covid-19 us to be listed as died from covid money you got some covid more than if he died from pneumonia he died from from Alzheimer's or he died from any of the various things but this this particular gentleman had so we know the numbers are are are stitched up so to speak so what is that put us why is there so much of this happening vaccines face mask
again we've never seen lockdowns like this in history and for those who maybe you don't remember or maybe you don't you never knew about it or maybe you just forgot or whatever
you don't lock down a society based around a disease you can have corn teens then that's that's that's fine you got a disease where okay so these people are infected they should be quarantined and I'm not saying you should ever notice be in quarantine for covid by the way to be clear cuz I wasn't pretending it to me but there is no let's say it's a hemorrhagic fever I could see calling for quarantine of those who are positive for hemorrhagic fever but never locked down no
What towns aren't designed to stop the spread of disease lockdowns are designed to control you to control me to control everybody that's it there is no other purpose for lock down like that
the trial run folks all it was a trial run their testing out to see what is our what is their Breaking Point what is there threshold how much are we willing to take as a society before we start saying no and so far too long can't we might say I'll look around everybody's against it now that may or may not be the case I will pass judgment on that after we see if they do engage in more mandates more lockdowns more whatever and we'll see a lot of people talking big now but are they really going to do it we'll see okay I got burnt before I remember way Barry is back in 2020 in the olden days is a locked out I helped to or I didn't have to organize I helped to promote an event I protest at a local city hall got the word out to the local media that was my job they showed up there's other people that they got the word on that I know they did they reach tens of thousands of people in the local area so come on down
wind up having more press there this lockdown protest then we had actual protesters it's embarrassing truly embarrassing
you know how to make the news of course because there's like like eight of us like 14 members the Press like whoa where is everybody aren't we fighting for Freedom here so yeah maybe I am a little bit cynical when it comes to that medical tyranny as I like to call a pandemic Panic theater and this case paid a mechanic theater 2.0 is rising again it's rearing its ugly head they're preparing us for whatever comes next with its new variant the new sub variant the new new disease altogether to be climate change will talk about that it here in a bit but whatever reason they are going to press medical Tierney again we're seeing the rise of pandemic Panic theater 2.0 and that should concern all of us
is now officially made it through two segments and I was able to get to one of the topics I've got a list here folks and topics that we're going to be covering this might not we might not be able to get everything during the day during this one show it might take two or three shows through three episodes for us to be able to get through this entire list but it's important I want you to know what you're getting into want you to know that if you're going to start listen to me I'm not going to hold back I'm not going to be polite I'm not going to say the things to be going to corporate media says I'm not even going to say the things that most in conservative media say I would say that a good chunk of them most of them are feckless they're the beholder the Google the hold of the Facebook they don't want to make anybody mad that I want to get hit by cancel culture that I want anybody to be like oh you know you can't say that don't talk about that subject
we talked about a lot of things here folks are going to be acceptable to the normies hopefully hopefully you're not annoying so we'll be right back
whether it's bugs or lab grown meat or whatever they're pushing for the sake of climate change to replace good old-fashioned pasture-raised beef they're pushing it they're pushing too hard and it's time for us to wake up it's time for us to realize that and we need to start stocking up on long-term storage beef you can do that by going to Freedom First that's free to First and using promo code JDR you'll get freeze-dried ribeye freeze-dried New York strip Tender Loin and of course there are original steak product in with 15% off it's time these are is a sous vide and so it's already cooked it's freeze-dried it's got 10 to 25-year shelf life without Refrigeration course so go check it out Freedom First and start stocking up on long-term storage beef today promo code jtr don't forget that part
we're going to be times when during during the course of my show when I'm probably going to make a lot of people upset I'm not a fan of most other the show host I'm not I'm not trying to have something there was competition I love competition okay just as an example of a I mention revolver news earlier your revolver news is probably I would say there there's close to a direct competitor to the Liberty daily that's out there. Darren Beattie in in a me over there have done a fantastic job of putting together just the the news that people need to see yet as far as conservative perspective both unique content as well as the content of a aggregate but they're still technically competitor we linked to them regularly because that's the mission is more important than an extra five thousand views this this hour or something that it's not about that we like them they won't give us its we're fighting the same fight
and unfortunately you know what I looked when I try to listen to the other house I would say the probably knew I was a 22 out of 10
maybe 1 out of 10 what's a 3 out of 24 proper method of the other critical conservative alternative show host out there are really doing good job I would say the majority of them are not they're taking whatever the father is of the day and and all of us ran about this and then random hahaha hahaha funnier and it just bugs me because I don't see any any calls to action I don't see I don't see them doing in the other than trying to improve the ratings this is why they picked stories than frankly are very important sometimes and that's a story that's important than they'll do hammer that home and sometimes they'll do a fantastic job the most of them don't have any gas I'm not it's not because their competitors I'm not tripping on them for that reason I am saying that basically we deserve a better class of a show host's out there any conservative media either the left we can we can make fun of
are there bias there the the journalist and corporate media we can make fun of them for for lying for doing whatever but they're effective and getting the people indoctrinating them essentially getting them to do what they want them to do what I like that kind of the prop proper conservative media is not about indoctrination when I'm trying to brainwash you were just trying to share the truth and let you come up with your own perspective this isn't this is you you can look at it left me versus right media as the very clear difference between collectivism and individualistic want I don't want to tell you how to think I just want to tell you the truth and you figure out how to think about it if it's what would the goal here is unfortunately most inconsiderate of me he don't do that you know and I'm not going to name names I'm going to say I like this when I don't like that one again we're not here that I'm not trying to cast aspersions of people just because they're they're not doing their shows the way that I would want them to do who am I right but still it it does bug me in this is one of the reasons that I decided to get into
was the first place I was perfectly happy just the written word was was really where my training came into to play and obviously I don't have the the ultimate purpose voice for for radio and I don't have the face for television so what am I doing on the air right was because there is this need for as I said a better class and I might stay all week he's saying he's better class what I'm saying is that I know that if I'm out they're spreading the truth and you guys are sharing the truth that at least we know the truth is giving out there it's not just about sharing what's what's happening in the world it's also about again coming up with Solutions trying to Rally people to take action because that's all we need folks it really is all we need we just need more people to stand up and say no when not going to abide by this lockdown no we're not going to accept the 20/20 Stone lecture even the 2022 various selection switch
leads me into this next phase is next portion of the the show in this introduction of of who is j.d. Rucker well I am I am an election ballot validity denier you could call him I do not believe not even not even for a split-second do I believe the Joe Biden got 81 million votes Joe Biden did not get 81 million votes think I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book. I'm currently running called Following the Leader in this is a book that will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the of 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Colts Colts like Scientology Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the cold package that they perfected with Within These groups that they're now using on the masses now you now using on you and I and our friends and family and people all over this world you know this
answer a lot of the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of their eyes was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they protected within the cult so it's so important to understand not only why this is happening but how it's happening what tactics they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to pre-order today all pre-orders will get the signed copy once the book is released again store
he might have gotten 81 million ballots but I sure you there aren't 81 million people on the other end of those ballots voting for him not possible it's not possible it's not possible that he had more black voters vote for him than Barack Obama did not possible
K2 look we can get in that I'm not going to rehash I'm going to use the second word e is the shows already going too long I don't want to use the segment it to rehash every bit of evidence out there folks you had you had two and a half years to see whether or not there's evidence of voter fraud or not there is there's very clear evidence of voter fraud massive widespread results changing voter fraud that took place during the 2020 election and who think it happened again in 2020 to now doesn't many conservatives are or populists or or people in conservative media talked about it but it happened the reason the red tsunami didn't materialize isn't because I owe the the polls were wrong to the polls are wrong they're always wrong the other direction in other words if if a republican let's say it was a Republican versus Democrat and Republicans down in the poll by 3 points
when okay that's how the Bulls were they always they always favor the Democrat so for the polls to be wrong in the reverse this time for the first time by the way in modern history allegedly that wrong know that didn't happen either folks I'm getting not as many people talk about it but there were many elections particularly in the Arizona in Pennsylvania
Kayla the same places where where we could say there's definitely Shenanigans during the 2020 election while there was Shenanigans during the 2022 elections well okay there were I was in Arizona was very likely almost certainly a clean sweep for the Republican party on the Statewide elections and yet they allegedly did win those how's that even possible how could Katie Hobbs have beaten carry it wasn't possible and of course we saw what happened on Election night you know that we saw what happened when all right there on Election Day that the machines in Maricopa County all-important Maricopa County just started go only started breaking oh you know we'll put your put your pallet in this box yeah that'll do it will put in this box
things like in check because they if they were check they would be proven to be fraudulent Uggs
that happen and didn't just happen the Arizona and then stop in Pennsylvania not saying that every single lecture was stolen put a lot of them were a lot of them they they being the power to be near the Democrats at least maintain control of the Senate did not want they they knew they couldn't that there was not enough cheating they could do to save the house but I knew they needed to save the center and they did John fetterman look I was not a fan of dr. Mehmet Oz not at all I really didn't want him to be the Republican nominee but he did not there's no way people can make up all the excuse they want okay they can make up any excuse they want there's no way there's zero chance that it did John fetterman especially after his that won debate that he had like if it was like hello anybody in there no they're not well you still allegedly one that didn't happen nope no no
people say hello but you know I've heard I've heard all these other conservative show host and you know what it was abortion we lost because of the abortion issue is Roe v Wade folks let me explain something to you and I want you to listen very carefully okay if it had been the abortion issue than the polls prior to the election would have shown that they did not okay so for those those conservatives out there who sang Always the abortion issue that prevented the red tsunami will their Centric telling you what they want you to believe is that all these people that were taking the pulse all them you know what none of them have heard about the Roe v Wade decision of them and heard about about abortion being essentially on the ballot K they didn't hear about that until election day when all of a sudden like oh my gosh wait a second holy crap hold the phone did you know that Roe v Wade was overturned and I know that I just told the post or 3 Days Inn
voting for The Republican the by golly now that I suddenly know you know me and and and millions of other Americans suddenly woke up on Election Day in heard about the abortion issue now we decide now or at least we do the polls for one thing we're going to go vote differently from that because of abortion it's wrong it's bogus and see that the unit party swamp feeding their their Republican proxies their colourful conservative media proxies alive to try to justify what they knew having them with a new happened was that the election was stolen then we say oh it the Democrats of the Democrats both Republicans are just as involved OK Google many many many more I would say maybe that a majority but but a good chunk of Republicans are involved in the deceit that's been taking place in our election specially from the bureaucratic respect especially it's not necessarily that your Congressman of your Senator that was involved in trying to read elections cuz they can't really do very much but once you get to the county level okay
Bill Gates not the billionaire Bill Gates with Bill Gates a man who's running the elections in Maricopa County he's a republican me if he did everything in his power to not it wasn't just a matter of he didn't believe in the election Stone he tried to prevent
the The Odyssey tried to prevent everything from exposing that Maricopa County was stolen
he did what he could to prevent it from being looked at no that's not what a Republican or even a Democrat should do if you running the elections in in your county
the questions was obviously there was there's massive massive numbers of machines and balance very disgruntled voters were like wait a second in my account I voted here they told me to go there and they told me go back here they said we're going to put this your your ballot in a box don't worry it'll get counted did account they don't know
they don't know
is evidence against me so much evidence that this election was at the very least should have been closely examined and they quoted what Republican Republican supervisor so no no we're not looking at anything else it was a fair election because I say so it was those Move Along Kari Lake is your kitty Hobbs as your Governor let's just let's just leave it at that nothing to see here don't explore don't evaluate don't don't examine don't look too deeply oh by the way I'm going to retire see you in some some whatever Dominican Republican Bank account that nobody knows about I got I got lots of money to span I'm not accusing want to be clear because I don't want to go get the get hit with lawsuits on my first show I'm not saying that that's that's exactly what happened that the Bill Gates the the supervisor for supervisor of in Maricopa County that he
engage directly in voter fraud or that he brought I'm not saying is a possible shorts possible that that the anybody gets Pride what I am saying is that it was conspicuous this Republican decided to do everything he could to prevent an investigation into what actually happened on Election Day and before and after in Maricopa County that's not good stuff at all folks
so yes 20 20 20 20 to elections both of them had to have theft involving of course we go back to the 2020 election I'd mentioned apple pie guess I don't know how I'm still there I was just waiting for the day when they finally Banned Me Spotify long I mean I was banned from pretty much anybody was ban on Spotify were talking about I think it was December summer 2020 I got banned I have had a interview to John by the name of Ivan raiklin I was his first interview I think it's funny because I sees he's very popular you know what an interview to buy was very first person to interview and your we were talking about the pain scarred and what could happen on January 6th and all this other stuff and I was gone I was out of there it was there was apparently I got a call from a whistleblower who he told me his name he said I couldn't use his name but he said I would I just wanted to let you know that it wasn't unanimous there were some of us were fighting for you it's writing for me for what is a queen song
booting from Spotify that's why they're going to have to go to transistor and some of the others podcast now or if they're trying to get it to where to where you're not you're not in the podcasting mode of all, what we talked about it it was a shadowy group that you're referring to is like that it's it's an oversight board it's and it's a citizens over cyborg but it's it's accepted apparently by all the the various podcast networks and podcast providers out there as the law of the land in the Spotify is involved in this and long story short is this guy he's he told me look I just you know I don't want you to think that it was ever the nobody was supporting you so there were a lot of people that were the voting who did not want to ban your go after you and we we do but we are still those of us who believe in free speech I was like okay well so what can I do with your toast sorry but I just wanted to know thanks buddy can't quote you can use your information and there's nothing I can do about it so appreciate that
thank you very much
back in 2020
still in it could have been another adjust to this part of introduction for those of you going to the show you know we were the first first wants to start talking about a company called Dominion praise God I have not been sued guys don't sue me but I'm not going to stop talking about you shortly after the election once it was very clear specially in the in Michigan name of the city's been so long but especially the shenanigans the mission we were the first ones to bring up the the the fact that the minion was seen to be conspicuously popping up everywhere where there's these questions about voting machines voter fraud Polk accounts things going wrong
we did make an accusation is probably the only reason why we didn't get to get sued but but we we were the very first once talked about him talking about dominion and Kim Possible connection to talk about their connections to Nancy Pelosi has connections that they had to devote a potential voter fraud so I don't have evidence all I have all I can do is say hey this happened and the minion was there and then this happened and Minnie was there trying to make the connections you guys you guys figure out what you want to do with that information
so that's one of the reasons that I guess we break away there's a lot of this is one area where thankfully there are a lot of show host earlier I said I only like 2/3 of the 10th on this issue it's really about 50-50 I would say about 50% of the very conservative and alternative media house out there do talk about voter fraud or at least acknowledge that the 2020 election result in fewer now as a Soviet this there is a and we have I think as a nation reach the Tipping Point where we can say yes a a plurality of Americans believe that the 2020 election was stolen I would say close to close to that the next biggest group would be the people who have no idea and then there's the people say absolutely not is totally fair totally believable that Joe Biden got 81 million votes more black boots and Barack Obama totally believable that you know Donald Trump had a century one up until 3 a.m.
play after the election day when all of a sudden I look
a bunch of pallets just sorry guys this water main broke I mean we're going to say hey all the press all the washers anybody use you guys leave we're totally going to stop counting okay cuz the camera know whatever don't worry they'll cover us okay we already gave 10% to the big guy they'll cover a cell make sure that we don't go to jail and despite video evidence of massive widespread voter fraud you got it sweetie I think that Americans have woken up to that not enough to make a difference though and even if they could is there still time to make a difference I mean what are we going to do now there's a lot of people out there that say oh yeah we got to move on I will never move on until people held accountable until people are are made to pay for it
okay I will be talk to my 2020 voter fraud in 2028 if need be because until we address the root cause of the issue to address the mass widespread voter fraud that takes place every election will continue take place every election will guess what it's going to take place every election and we will never ever have a free and fair election again not even close it will be a permanent Democratic rule so those who are idiotic enough to say all we just need to move on and be the next time it's like saying oh yeah you know I'm totally going to I'm going to shoot myself in the head this time but next time I'm going to to aim in a different direction there is no next time we don't sell voter fraud now
and she's going to keep happening and every time we skip it it gets worse and worse and worse I'm going to do something I've never done before on my show if you been watching the rubble because we're now in radio I have to have a moment of a station identification so I'll be right back
what to give a quick shout-out to my good friends over at Genesis Gold group you know they were one of the blessings that really but popped on my lap here in the last couple of weeks that an able to show okay but between having the opportunity to be here at wwcr and now the opportunity to get a world-class producer to to really make this show take it to the next level. That's something that I totally didn't expect that I didn't expect Genesis Gold group to step up and promote the ship because they believed in they believe in the mission that's one of the things that separates Genesis from other girl comes this is a Christian go coming unabashedly Christian K they don't just say oh you don't bless you with somebody sneezes and David Holland my good friend he is he's a pastor who he's he works a Genesis gold crappie there are times when he will be called on to pray with people of the phone as they discuss their retirement he tells me that over half the time they don't even pray about the decision to buy
go to Silver they pray about whatever is happening in that person's life at the moment cuz it's it's it's a it's a gold ring that actually cares okay they specialize in self-directed Ira is backed by physical precious metals they help people to rollover a transfer their their retirement accounts from wherever they had if it's an old 401k for example from the old company that has been sitting there for 4 days weeks months or years K you can take that rollover Ira accounts government retirement accounts whatever okay they will find a way to help you move your your retirement into a a much safer Haven okay that's really with the higher ground is Jonathan Jonathan Rose Genesis Gold group often calls at The Higher Ground of physical precious metal so you don't want to be involved in the stock market on things really start going down you don't want to be stuck till Wednesday dollars a shin hits hits hits hits Ludicrous Speed which seems to be around the corner. You don't want to be
suck with your old retirement accounts being beholden to whatever they're going to do with Central Bank digital currencies it's time to move your retirement / and that's why you should go to JDR gold that's my site that I created with Jenna Circle Group JDR and contact and ask what is a definitive gold guide to go along with Incredible information as well as the ability to talk to it in the experienced and courteous and customer service oriented expert in Precious Metals walk you through it. Make the process as easy as possible and then make it to where you come out on top so so check them out jtr that's the switch to today it's funny we've gone through now half the show and I have gotten to two of the what is it probably doesn't have topics that I wanted to to express
is early days of my time here with wwcr yeah this is an introduction show and then probably going to be an introduction couple of shows because I'm not going very fast but these are important topics and I think that you all want to know who you're going to be listening to everyday at 5 a.m. Pacific whether you're listening on Rumble watching and listening on the Apple podcast store or wherever bridie on B shoot going to try to get the show out to as many venues as possible saying I don't get back and then I finish the last hour by saying the 2020 election was stolen on YouTube will will boot me in a second if I were to try to even upload it they will be like in instantaneous ban and I'll probably send send the large men with guns to my home to eliminate me completely at least through their deep State connections so we will we will try to avoid that and I won't upload this to you too but we aren't wwcr shortwave radio for those
you are familiar if you don't have a shortwave radio get 10K get one seriously
if things go south and we do anticipate the things are going to go south okay it's some point whether it's next week next month or next year I don't think it's going to be next decade I think they're probably gonna go south very soon unless God intervenes there's nothing that we can do to stop it powers-that-be seem bent on making us beholden to them in many different ways multiple multiple fronts
they're coming after us so we can expect things to to go south and you will want a shortwave radio special if you have one that's hand crank or solar you know if the grid goes down you want to be able to find out it's not just for for these so-called apocalypse it's could be for for weather reasons for whatever can is going to be in need in the near future for you to be able to listen to get information you can get on an am-fm or or television or Internet your standard ways of getting information today so you can have to turn the short way that's where we're going to be so I am very excited Super blessed to be here with wwcr
so let's let's move on to this next aspect next important topic going to be covering it really is it's a general a general about the official narrative whatever the official narrative is k whatever they tell us it's happening it's probably the opposite actually happening OK Google who remembers the F-35 that's sure seems kind of weird how everything went down pilot is Jake's over whether it sounds crazy but the big one the one that they use it seems to be over the last six months or so they've been using it over and over and over again it seems like every week There's a new example of of UFO discussions over for whatever reason after spending what 60 years 70 years denying Roswell denying the UFO truthers denying that there's anything to see here now all of a sudden you got people in government people in the military people in the press all come down say no UFOs are real
aliens interdimensional creatures whatever they want to call them you have you have Congress down in in Mexico or they're they're unveiling a lucky loser alien alien mummies that we found it look at these guys see three fingers all that's holy aliens yeah yeah there's a thousand years old we carbon-dated my gosh I know there's crazy things that happen up there okay I grew up listening to Art Bell K I know that there's there's some some funny stuff but from my you're my personal opinion on the entire UFO phenomenon is that it's not aliens it's not interdimensional creatures some of that I think could be attributed to technology whether it's us technology Chinese technology Russian technology whatever Ronnie and Technology North Korea technology government entities that are engaged
I would say that a lot of it that's most of it is demonic in some way while I don't need it I've heard theories that it's the Nephilim a calf theories and it's it's straight of demons I've heard theories that it's whatever but the thing is is that the notion that it's space aliens
it just doesn't jibe for me and I'm not saying that all my gosh I'm going to be talking about the slot or anything like that but again is an introduction I want you guys to know where I stand on certain topics and when it comes to the UFO phenomenon or UAW I think it will take you a f t whatever the new term not sure why they changed it but whatever this this increase in coverage and this announcement from the Air Force Knowledge from from from the government from whistleblowers from everybody in the media and taking and taking and running with it that tells me that they're trying to do something I don't know if it's just a distraction some say that is preparation for a huge lie you know using this using the the phenomenon of Alien Invasion or alien contact as a way to to distance people from from The Faith from the Bible I don't know I don't know what the plan is
okay I do know that there is it is somehow almost certainly involved with a great deception that is very likely in our near future their plans seeds their normalizing the concept that UFOs are real and they are UFOs are real okay I have my wife and I we saw what we believe to have been some version of UFO I'll just tell briefly but it's funny because is actually happened in Phoenix we were we were driving through Phoenix okay driving to California or driving through Phoenix one night and we saw the guy just kind of hovering these three lights like okay so and I saw a man so yeah that's definitely definitely had to pull off we pull we're on the highway we pulled off to the side of the road next to the Portland side of road we started watching this is back in the 2007 so we can have smartphones to be able to record everything at that point we're just watching and they're removing all sorts of weird and moving fast moving slow
you'll get this before like like drones were aware ubiquitous this is before I need that stuff like that that's definitely odd and then as we're watching they start hiring at closer closer closer and then they started they were going okay and then three seconds later okay fighter jets came from the direction opposite of where they went fighter jets flew right over us like I just want take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting computer buddy extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in the end she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reaction to vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in it in any form again this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I would just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines in pharmacy
do drugs and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to free a pure body order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First your body if you go to that link specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you get to that go to Freedom First a body and Order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy metal senen toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First pure body
okay it's something happen all right and that's that's a true story and will never know and I would have checked check news reports the time you know we barely there were like they were seen by other people but they did make make much of a news but when we saw we saw so I'm not I'm not going to sit here and say that UFOs aren't real there are objects they are flying they are unidentified and they do act in ways that that our known any of the publicly known technology does not allow for that's true what they are I don't know
if I had to put money on it might say something demonic if I had to but but I can assure you at least my personal perspective is that this isn't a lien this isn't interdimensional this isn't anything like that out in the other thing to keep in mind this is actually bearing on this is a theory that I've had for a long time and now that I came up with the theory so the theory that I heard a long time ago is now actually starting to to pan out as far as the government is closure they're not coming from outer space they're coming from the oceans are apparently this is where they're they're hiding whatever they are whatever they are there hiding in in oceans are large bodies of water that seems to be be the case it was funny it was I think it's the second or third day of the second Star Trek the new series that with Chris Pine you know that's what they did they were in the very beginning of the show they had taken the Enterprise in summer lake or river or Ocean or whatever take him to the bottom of their parked under water while Spock was trying to defuse a volcano and then they
these these natives that were Native creatures that were chasing them whatever they had to bring the ship out of the water and be exposed and yada yada yada is again anybody's not familiar predictive programing I'm not saying that's what that was but that's probably what that wants us all ready for for whatever it is they're going to reveal every most I shouldn't say every most governments were okay and so I just even at the federal level you can say this is true and state level and in many cases the city level do you say this isn't a new phenomenon that has been the case for a long time but whatever you Fishel narrative is chances are there's something something off about it they only give us the information they want us to see and if there's any information that is leaked out inadvertently first off most the time it's not inadvertent okay that's usually sleep for a reason secondly there's like when
when these leaks occur there try to point us the public in a direction that direction is where they want to hurt us like sheep and I'm not saying you know be anti-gun I'm not anti-government I want to be clear I'm not against the concept of government but I am against our current currents of the people that are governing we can party swamp make us all these people that are out there doing what what is not in our best interests that their job is to be servants to us and yet that's not how they act that's not how they govern that's not how they represent it didn't exact opposite let's tell you something so anyway and all these crazy phenomena that it's happening out there I do not believe if they are but they are what we're being told they are you isn't that Amy told what they are implying that that they are
alright what about snakes in the crane that in the segment I am I under percent I can't get more against the even knows I don't even like to say that we're giving Aid to Ukraine now I'm not a got to throw the disclaimer I'm not a Russian apologist I'm not a a fan of Vladimir's Putin's I've considered Vladimir Putin to be from the beginning there was the Soviet Union on to Russia on to you know Putin's in pune's pune's running from the side rooms do whatever you know where friend comes out a friend who's not our friend who has never been a friend okay I'm against Vladimir Putin Vladimir zelensky is a con artist higher Ukrainian government is loaded with con artists
the aid is being sent to them is not being used for what where what we're being told is being used for k j that we send them that you your taxpayer dollars towards so hard for is being used to buy the oligarchs the buy them Yachts okay
venue is being funneled through there and she is probably 10% going to the big guy that's probably 10% going to the Putin
this is a huge conch I bet it looks let's take the conspiracy theory out of it let's just look at the fact that if we if we were to take at face value that weapons and money is going they're going to Ukraine from the United States and other nations to try to help them win that's not a smart move I'm sorry you know it's not been the nicest smartmove I'm saying it's not beneficial to the Ukrainian people Ukrainian people would be that the world be over in the Ukrainian people would be better off today if Russia had just we kept kept out of it stayed out of it while she goes in and gets what they want
they want they want the government to be installed back in 2014 who won the government we installed out of there they want they want a a puppet Nation essentially but then the people themselves would have been better off as a result better off than they are today I'm not saying that I would be rooting for Russia but it's like we're expanding futility by continuing to make it harder and harder for them to achieve their mission
they don't want to go in there in like kill all the ukrainians They want to get rid of one weekly I'm not justifying their Invasion by any means they should not have invaded. That's bad I'm not saying all this it's Ukraine's fault but it is our fault United States of America and their allies that are continue to support Ukraine it's our fault that the war has been prolonged
our fault the men's Ukrainian people are still suffering it's our fault that they were invaded in the first place I'm not I'm not taking the blame away from pudan by saying that but I understand that there was a time before before Russia invaded okay before Russia invaded Vladimir zelensky met with NATO and the Biden regime is it are you guys yes are you guys going to let us into Ukraine or not and they said no or are you guys going to let me know or not and they said no we're not going to but
you can't tell anybody that
this was what vitamins Winski said on CNN weigh packing in 2021 he said this
okay look it up in my team in 2022 but he said during an interview with CNN he said that they told me before The Invasion NATO and the buying herefords you told him that they were not letting him into NATO but if you needed to keep that a secret and their reasoning he said is because by keeping Ukrainian membership and tomato on the table that will prevent Russia from invading give this is a Bloody Mary's look it up if you don't believe me look it up it's hard to find now but it's out there and CNN to get down you have to find believe on YouTuber Roblox in life but there was this interview it was in its authentic okay and he said these things he said that that he was told no before The Invasion but he couldn't tell any anybody couldn't tell the world
because doing so would prompt Russia to invade of course Russia invaded Ukraine because they didn't want Ukraine to be able to join a do if if Vladimir zelensky come out and said hey I just talked to Nato just talked to him to Biden we're not going to be we're not going to be allowed in the NATO so I guess that's that you know that sucks but but we're not going to let us send don't evade me blonde Amir Putin and putting to be like okay well okay well we'll cancel eBay I don't know if it was that it would have been the case with me anyway but I do know for sure is that the option to alert the world and do a few more more poorly to learn Russia then Ukrainian membership in the NATO was off the table that information was withheld before The Invasion and against information was Vladimir zelensky
sad that you have to hear this one of the first first episode that you hear of the Janie Rucker show
so we got more stuff, so I'll be right back
I was just at off by knocking on wood literally and then I can literally do it but but I am figuratively knocking on wood about subsection I've been very happy with such that is a newsletter service that allows people to stay informed and two to follow so to speak their their favorite content producers and to be able to receive information from them in the weather in Staley weekly however my substance JD Rucker. Subs that. Cam is it's a put-on out approximately one newsletter per day and sometimes I put on zero sometimes I'll put out two or three but usually it's about 1 today in this is will be a nation that I believe is the most important thing that you need to learn that day generally speaking is not going to be something that you're going to read on CNN or Fox News it's going to be something out there but that's that's very important so I encourage you to it so it's free it's got to JD sorry JB record. So sick. Calm and sign up for my newsletter being formed
all right we are cruising right along with this this introduction episode of the J D wrecker show thank you all for listening be sure to check us out at the CERN at the Livery you can find my sub stack at JD Rucker. Sub I publish their just about every day there are times when I when I might skip a day sometimes I might skip two days I don't publish on a regular schedule there because I only publish when I've got something to say it some days there's just not enough to say that I don't feel the need to publish unless there is actually something a needs to be set at 5:03 in the day before because there was a heavy heavy day that needed my input so so check it out J D wrecker. So what are the things that we are going to be doing on this show and I will probably dedicate I would say at least one one or two segments a week maybe
maybe more than that is preparedness that I am a big huge fan of preparedness I have another sub stack late prepper. So why because I'm a light prepper okay if I can start prepping I wish I was a guy when when when what was it Y2K when Y2K came around there reviews out there's all freaking out of my guys nothing's going to happen okay no no need to run for the hills for Y2K and of course there was no need when the 2008/2009 economic downturn occurred and everybody's freaking out I thought go yeah yeah it's okay since it's bad but will recover will make it through this it'll be fine 2010 I will admit okay once once Obamacare got past I didn't we didn't we touched on preparedness buckets some face mask gas mask so I should say we we bought a bug out bags we did a little bit to prepare those amateur
Amateur hour but will we still we did a nice actually still have some of that stuff I don't know how good it is but hey you know it's 2010 so but we got a little concerned but we didn't really dive into it we weren't ever really do you say Preppers okay it wasn't until after Biden stole the 2020 election and in the early days once he started demonstrating that he was going to be as radical or even more radical than I had expected him to be and how the the globalist agenda was manifesting all around us that's when I realized take it's time to get really prepared and the really focused on preparing so I'm going to be doing an occasional segments Within These a I don't I don't think I'll do a full two hour episode on preparedness I just because you shouldn't you shouldn't be doing parents into our backs is any way this should be you should take information your 10-20 minutes worth and act upon it and then move along do it incrementally do it rapidly I don't want to tell anybody how do you know just do a little
time because we want that that ship might have sailed there was a time not too long ago when you could say are you the best best bet is to buy a little bit extra every time you go so if you're going to if you need tin cans of green beans go in by 12 or whatever you know what starts talking of food and other other necessary items slowly
I don't think we can do that anymore but with that said we also unless you're sitting there with with an extra fifty Grand it to blow on your preparedness then it's you shouldn't try to do it all at once either move fast quickly we were the pace that you can afford both from a Time perspective as well as from a financial perspective as well as from a space perspective that takes up a lot of space to get properly prepared and I'm talking about being able to to hold out for as long as possible for four months for deadly for months but at least preferably for years at a time without having to become a hold of the government the reason that preparedness is so important to me to be clear it's because you know I want allies I want people who are going to be able to fight if the crap does hit the fan I want to be able to to be able to count on people people around me friends know that there's an old adage in it when one of the first rules of of becoming a preppers you never tell anybody about your prep she don't want anybody to know that you're a prepper because if you do then they're going to give the crap
where they're going to come knock on your door okay that's true but that hasn't changed to think right now I think enough people are starting to get concerned they really are and so so it's a good thing in my humble opinion to get people to get prepared to get your to start building not just your own pressed it also help others around you to do it because we're going to need allies here's the thing
you're going to have a few you were to ask your average patriotic American okay are you going to eat bugs are you going to eat eat lab-grown meat are you going to eat you no standing in bread lines and then they're going to know I would never do that you know will say that
but if let's say Central Bank digital currencies do become a reality very soon if Financial collapse happens even if societal collapse happens if martial law because it comes into effect in the United States we do truly become a deep state-driven police state that is where we're pretty much everything that you do is monitored and controlled if that's the case and you have a patriotic American Family sitting there that they were never going to eat bugs but they're given the choice between either getting in that bread line or that Cricket line and getting their meal worm burgers or starving to death are going to get in the quick line and that person can no longer be considered a full-blown Ally to fight against tyranny or to help rebuild after we are able to finally defeat Tierney Lord willing we will be able to do that I don't want to think about what would happen if we can't
it's rising folks Terry is rising across the United States and it behooves us to not only be prepared to have as many of our friends and relatives prepared as possible so why I talked about it the way that I do I know that it's a best practice to not tell anybody about your press I'm telling you to deny that best practice and start spreading the word you don't have to go go as hell do you know I've got six years Supply rice and beans come on over if crap is Fano be like hey you know we're stocking up but you should stock up to and yours is here's just share your best practice sure what you found Cheryl ate pepper. Subs that that, they'll be able to go check it out how to post very often there is an unfortunate wish I could I wish I could post more there because we know there's a lot of things I've learned it's natius would it would it would you want to call it a researcher when it comes to this kind of stuff I am late to the game I didn't start until 2021 but once I decided to start my wife beside us start with me we learned as much as we
what about everything okay we bought us well we acquired outside since I bought we barter barter to to acquire as a freeze dryer we my wife has a garden now we were out here in Southern California with a tiny tiny tiny tiny yard that has artificial grass and concrete is a backyard well we got grow bags we got everything from avocados and lines we got to we got lettuce and tomatoes and she's got yellow squash and beans green beans and all sorts of stuff I mean it's all it's it's a mess okay because again we're trying to do an enclosed space but we're trying we're going to we're going to do everything we can
we're doing everything we can so I strongly encourage people to do things and it's not just about food either gaping prepared in every possible way they're going to use the three pillars of Henry Kissinger against those Henry Kissinger once said I think way back in the seventies raise and he said and I'm paraphrasing here from memory but you said who controls the food supply controls the people who controls the energy can control entire continents and who controls the money controls the world and what are we seeing happening around us today
we're seeing obviously that the food shortages food supply issues have been ongoing since 2021 and technically gets really start in 2020 not anywhere near what it was been happening ever since then we're seeing food production facilities mysteriously Going Up in Smoke we're seeing entire herds of cattle being called were singing bird flu spreading in ways that make no sense from a scientific perspective or sing them calling for outlawing cows singing pushing for lab grown meat and see me pushing for MRI and they injected meet there putting this all sort of crap on quote unquote organic fruits and vegetables that are still somehow label organic even though they've got this what is an appeal or whatever it's called I've got this odd again mRNA technology
see what's happening with the energy okay this push to force us into an only electric on electric cars as yellow only electric stoves only electric everything that's not what are you even in the same realm as being ready for that is a society decides how do you generate electricity in United States of America exactly you're going to really rely on me on a solar which is extremely expensive and unreliable or wind is extremely expensive and unreliable geothermal and if they really cared by the way they really cared about energy from a climate change perspective they would push for nuclear we would have nuclear facilities going up everywhere because it's clean it is safe and effective it is cheap
they're not because that doesn't that doesn't match their Jen that their gender has nothing to do with climate change their agenda climate change is the mask it's the it's the smoke screens the predicate for them the false predicate for them to be able to push a control agenda smart houses smart meter smart everything guys if you really want to
be ready for whatever it is his coming I recommend two things number one stock up on the things that you're going to need number to get his as separated from the grid as possible this is why I mean I couldn't miss it was hard for me to say you know you should get off the grid as I'm talking only on my my online only show now I am so blessed to be here either this is what I think I think this is why I've had a challenge getting the show relaunch we used to the show to 24 hours a day everyday sometimes 7 days a week at least 5 days a week sometimes 7 days a week and all the sudden you have circumstances happened to force me to stop and then more circumstances happened it wouldn't allow me to restart now finally
I think I understand why being a shortwave that's again it I said it before I'll say it again I'm sure I'll say it in the future
show me the past
Bible a shortwave is also the future I think that it would behoove all of you to start starts seeing what's out there to choose shortwave radio they're not expensive as you get a shortwave radio and start exploring start looking for where you're going to get information should things start to really go south we've heard about the potential for for Internet outages long-term Internet outages I'm not talking about minutes or hours I'm talking to days or weeks or even months talkin to Tyra polygon the world economic forum's their simulation and we all know what happens if there's a simulation of a pandemic a couple years later it happens a few months later I should say is a simulation of a cyberattack that takes down the entire internet
4 months at a time
guys be ready I'll I'm not saying you know don't watch me on Rainbow Drive you anywhere ever don't listen to podcast I'm not saying that I'm saying give him to give him give him a ham radio if you can't get into your shortwave start start exploring and seeing what's out there while you still can I try to be a fear Monger not trying to be anything like that I'm just saying it behooves you say yes we are going to be talking about preparedness from time to time maybe maybe one or two segments a week maybe it'll grow to the more we'll see I'll get your eyes reaction you can always tell me what you think what you would like to hear and what you would like to see on the show by going to J D wrecker. Calm talk JD talk that will fill out form there and whatever that information comes directly to me and I'll be able to reply and I replied to as many of them as I can
okay I'm going to skip that one. I'll get back to that one a little close the show next segment with disgust of Trance Supremacy movement because that's that's a topic cuz I'm not going to have time to cover the second but I will go ahead and talk about the the fact that I'm a republican with an asterisk technically speaking out here in California because we don't we have the jungle primaries does it matter which direction is I'm taking registered as an independent but I've never voted for Democrat of my life and I couldn't imagine going for a Democrat ever unless in the very unlikely but I guess possible scenario where it's like RFK Jr vs vs Nikki Haley I probably wouldn't ask me that means he's against Ukraine Ukraine Aid he's obviously against vaccines
you know he's against the destruction of personal freedom and then I hear other things that you want to talk about now he's he's talking about a century the socialist economic theories what is really pushing that in itself is is an existential threat engage in modern monetary Theory the facts of the yacht that the day of the debt ceiling as a base to be eliminated until January 2025 we are already seeing modern monetary Theory and play here in the United States of America and that's very bad it's dangerous but super dangerous this is one of the reasons why the dollars a session is almost certainly going to happen worldwide United the US dollar and I'm not going to make a prediction of on a time frame but I do have a time frame of mind but I'm not going to express that but I do think that it at some point in the near future
the dollars they shall spread is already spreading slowly it will spread much more quickly it will hit a fever pitch then all of a sudden the dollar the petrodollar is meaningless the dollar as the world's Reserve currency meaningless
it will and we will be crushed under the weight of the world of bad in the US
the only reason we have been crushed under the weight of our debt since it was since before I even broke 10 trillion the only reason we weren't crushed under his because for everybody else was so tight to us that for us to be crushed with me and the rest will be crushed if they created this artificial artificial method of basic propping us up once they no longer need us they will allow us to be crushed and we will be crushed by the weight of our debt we will become beholden to the rest of the world
it's I don't I don't even like to think about it but unfortunately that's the direction we're heading so back to what I was saying about RFK Jr as I agree with so much what's up I like the guy K on a personal level I think the dudes two dudes pretty stellar okay but I just don't know if I could vote for it I don't know if I knew he would be the first Democrat that I would go for it again only in a very odd scenario where it's him versus like Mike Pence gay I couldn't vote for Mike Pence sorry don't trust the guy don't don't trust or like Nikki Haley you know there's certain sooner publicans that I just wouldn't vote for I just don't know if I would I would ya anyway you the one who I believe in the vast majority of Republican lawmakers are either feckless at best or compromises were so you can hardly swallow as real as I noted earlier you have so many Republicans who are
where in are involved in the mass of widespread voter fraud that took place in 2020 and 2022 and is probably going to take place again in 2024 they are participants in it they are beneficiaries of it in many cases it's not just all we're going to use voter fraud to like Democrats no no no these what a fraud to electric scooter Democrats of rubbing them and they have used to make sure that certain Republicans who helped them along
to help them to achieve what they wanted to achieve for example in the Senate because Republicans were able to maintain their office their power their position as a result of again massive widespread voter fraud it's happening so yes I I am a republican in that everybody that I've ever voted for has been a republican but that's pretty much where that ends K Republican principles true Republican principles I believe in but the vast majority of Republican lawmakers don't they they they might say they do during campaign fundraisers for their actions do not demonstrate a republican mentality in the way of the Govern
they don't demonstrate a republican in town in the way they represent us
that's unacceptable
so sorry I'm not a fan of the RNC I think the RNC is just as crooked as the DNC if not more so obviously I'm not a fan of people like Mitch McConnell Lindsey Graham the the so-called rhinos but it's deeper than the full blown Lisa murkowski's and Susan Collins's of the world just watch out for it's the ones that are supposedly in many cases a lot of good guys are not really that good okay or they are compromised to the point where they can I guess be conservative 90% the time but then there's times when they're when they get the call and and Mitch says that mission sell but somebody somebody from Mitch's office or maybe his handlers was I know we need you to do to do this take one for the team justify it this way to I've seen it happening
Racine where where is this this lawmaker inexplicably goes against something for example okay everything their history their rhetoric everything is said everything you've done every year since they should be against the bill all the sudden assembly for it and they're putting out a week press release about it we seen a lot of Kristi noem for example she has been lukewarm sometimes conservative sometimes not it's going to make you us that she she is the Gate of the bathroom bill just like old Pence dip when he was governor in Indiana christening the same thing why does that happen made the call and why did she listen to it these are questions we need to answer so break
hey guys this is Jeff to work I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book that I'm currently writing called Following the Leader in this is a book that's will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Colts Colts like Scientology young people age of Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the cult tactics that they perfected Within These groups that they're now using on the masses now you now using on you and I are friends and family and people all over this world this will answer a lot of the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of their eyes was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected was in the cult so it's so important to understand not only why this is happening but how it's happening what tactics they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to
order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once the book is released again store
what are you concerned about ESG funds being pushed by your financial advisor or Central Bank digital currencies that are rising across the globe is including here in the United States of America or dollars a shins push to remove dollars the world Reserve currency the petrodollar people shifting to nations are shipping to other forms of currency to do their business why if they don't trust the dollar and neither should you and I'm not a financial advisor but I do understand that when it comes to return when it comes to wealth protection to saving your life savings and self you should be working with a Christian company one that's going to treat you fairly one that's going to be honest when it's focused on customer service and one that's not trying to push a $5,000 or $10,000 in free silver on you because that's just not real check out Genesis Gold group at JDR that's jtr today
all right we are on the final final leg of the final segment of Today Show and I'm going to I made a Command Decision during the break we're going to try to bust through as many of these we can you doing one or two per second chest isn't cutting it we want this to be an introduction shown on this early introduction week so I'm going to go through as many of these we can and then what everybody's over until tomorrow so be it let's start with the dramatic reduction in federal and state government I am not an anarchist by any means I do believe in the need for government in certain certain areas but here's the thing number one most government should be local impersonal it should be governed should be to start with the family okay with the individual the family self-governance governance is the that's the way it should be and then she go to local and then Community City-County staying in the federal government should be the the bottom of the safety net federal government shall we do the things that everything else nobody else can cover and that's it that's it
military find military control I guess he will leave that to the FED for now even though I really do like the idea of having State and even localized militia that will make it to where hey you know you're not going to send send the Virginia Virginia militia to Afghanistan or anything like that so we'll see how that's that's a discussion but I do believe that there is a need for government it just needs to be dramatically limited I mean greatly limited reduced is to the bare-bones possible then he's to be laws that needs to be enforcement of laws that needs to be punishment for those who break the laws but with that said even the laws need to be dramatically reduced let's cut it sucks to be cutting red tape her or getting rid of the the energy department or whatever okay getting rid of the EPA that would be a good start but it's not
span of reducing dramatically the size and the footprint in the death of government we as a nation where always best When government was limited in the more government gets added on top of big government is already there the worst we are not just as for individuals for the worst we are as a nation it's it's not good and we're heading in the wrong direction government continues to grow people can you go back to the FDR or Abraham Lincoln or whatever the folks it's everybody okay yeah might be able to make a case for Calvin Coolidge not not increasing the size of government otherwise pretty much everybody else did that does include Reagan that does include Nixon and yes that does include Trump okay I am a I'm a big fan of what Trump was able to do during his first term in office but there's a lot of things you did that I didn't like a whole lot and I will be vocal about that I'm not going there again I'm Republican with an asterisk.
to sit back and just just be a cheerleader for everything Republican into to not think critically about what's actually being done so yeah if that offends you definitely don't listen to my shop because I am not going to be your standard lamb a Republican party they Republicans are today's Republicans are better than Democrat but only because Democrats have gone so far off the deep end that they're not even recognizable okay they're not even to today's today's Republican party is closer to the Democrat Party 20 years ago than the Republican party they really are you know there are some some notable exceptions okay I will admit there are some some pretty decent ones out there but even then it's there so few and far between it's hard to trust the party is a whole for pushing yourself governance as much as possible
while being realistic about I don't want to I'm not going to sit here and try to fill anybody with these these delusions that I do you know what were the the power of the people we're going to take back everything that would be God that it did that because it's just me and they say it's too big to fail in certain circumstances our government is too big to succeed we need to do everything we can to reverse that at least a push in the right direction right now heading in the wrong direction mostly shows and I'm going to be talking about a fairly regularly to be clear artificial general intelligence is the real concern here you people make joke so it's skynet's you know it's going to be be War of the machines and they're going to take over folks that's not far from the truth it really is not
if if there was a way that I could put down into small bites of influenza because I think anybody who'll listen to me the stupid it's just there is so much of a risk factor when it comes to artificial intelligence and again we'll talk about artificial general intelligence versus what we're seeing today what we're seeing the day is is bad enough it really is okay but the Manifest manifestation of what we see today is nothing compared to yeah you hook up you hook up a a properly designed originally sound artificial general intelligence to say Quantum Computing and it's game over folks okay it really is especially if they have access
and those who say oh you know they would never be given access well maybe they would and we wouldn't know it may be somebody out there is just so so so nihilistic that they would it would make it happen I don't trust the people that are in charge of artificial intelligence yet that's funny there's a lot of people and I'm sure a lot of your big fans of Elon Musk I am not just like the guy I think that he's probably pretty pretty cool guy to have a beer with but I don't trust him I think that he might be in a minute if I were to have to put in a senator's I would say there's probably about a 30% chance that he's a straight-up Global shell in other words he is part of the global suleika ball high-ranking member but because he spent time and build a reputation to be semi freedom-loving in many ways that's they they figured I'd let you know okay so we can get him to buy Twitter he'll be able to suck in the conservatives and the Patriots and populist and he'll get them to let their guard down then all the sudden he's going to collect all their data and head
but will be able to that to really really stick it to the conservatives you know I'm saying that's probably about a 30% chance there's another I was a 40% chance that he is he is not necessarily a shield for the globalist but that he is partially enough one foot in one foot out in other words he does certain things that are that are seen to be freedom-loving but only because that's enduring him in a way that he can then push the other things in the from the first option by the way the first option is that he's part of the plan second option is that he's kind of Tiffany's dipping his toes in and he's he hasn't quite fully the side of where he's going to go and I would say that's the most likely of the three options just because judging and watching him this guy is he's clever
but he's also you can see through him if you're paying close enough attention and I do pay enough attention to him I'll give you an example of the way that you on musk works this is this may be eye-opening some of you you know he went on before about where he went on on the Twitter and he started posting stuff about how you know this is this is terrible I think it was the Babylon bee year that the got censored for something or another if I recall I think it had to do with with Rachel Levine the the dude that the dresses like a woman in and whatever it is whatever department is in they got the meme showing him winning Woman of the Year man of the year or something like that and it got sent to my Twitter Elon Musk this is bad what should what should be done about you should buy it for her whatever some
the response was trying to get was was people calling on him to buy Twitter and then about three or four days later he bought like 9.4% of 9.2 per cent high all the time to see on the board he turned it down and yada yada yada we know now the rest is history he bought ends up spending whatever 44050000000 some like that the buy Twitter and now and now he's got this globalist from globalist censorship loving CEO that he brought in which is already a red flag right okay so that's that's what we were led to believe that this eccentric billionaire is just that goes on Twitter see something then like goes on Twitter and says hey what should I do when they say oh you should buy Twitter and so he does that's the story that's the story that has stuck most people who follow the wrong that's the story they know about
Elon Musk engineer just randomly decided to 22 spends part of his tremendous wealth on Twitter because he got fed up over Babylon bee story being censored
the reality of it is this folks
give me the play
with the SEC to buy those shares of Twitter
3 weeks before the Tweet asking about the Babylon bee story he'd already made the move
kid already alerted them he'd already made the exchange
don't tell me that he's old he's just as Whimsical billionaire he's he's cold and calculating
it looks just as an example and then another example of how he operates
he put out a tweet you know should I should I sit down and see you you know I promised to to let the let the community decide and after a 24-hour pole and love. Yeah he was told to step down by the community and now you know I guess he didn't see that one coming that one backfired all I guess he's let's see if he really fulfills his promise to do you talk to the person who he was going to hire a CEO he already hired her before we put out the pole he already talked to her about it just hadn't now stood we found out later later later that he had our connection indications with her about that is Elon Musk
with the public perception of him very very different from how we actually operates again the guy doesn't guy doesn't put out of poles knows what the answer would be the outcome is going to be to make a decision based on what people tweeted him if he's asking a question it's because he's already he's already set it in motion
that's it
don't tell me I do you know you can trust Elon Musk I do not trust Elon Musk that last 30% by the way is that I'm completely wrong it really is a freedom fighter and I'm just I'm just too too skeptical I'll leave 30% room for that being a possibility but 70% chance he's either a full-blown shell or he's dipping his toes in the the globalist world 70% chance on that take that one that's in the bank with the best not good enough I'll stick to the bank but it's still pretty good odds that I am right and he is he is like that wow it's supposed to be a lightning rod I made it through to see we can squeeze in another one to say there is a border right and it is out of control and it is planned intended to be out of control on all the Wind by by Brandon
or Eric Adams or any of these are the Democrats Martha's Vineyard people owe you know we're not all we we love that legal aliens but migratory wheel of migrants but but you know what we're having a little bit of trouble here so maybe we're going to make some changes it did expose the hypocrisy of course of the Democrat Party on the epoxy but it's also shown that this regime
this whether you want to call this that the biden-harris CCP regime the biden-harris world economic Forum regime whatever their plan which is to which is to allow and encourage this invasion is happening then get to go out and presses I don't know we're doing everything we can to secure the border and then they don't then you got a republican say no you got to do everything you can to secure the border and then they don't
got people like Greg Abbott who sort of kind of does things every now and then enough the oppressed that shows that he's securing the Border but is he really you got Katie Hobbs totally hey cartel buddies come on send your people over it's safe you know and come on over this is really really bad and I don't think anybody understands the scope of this we see oh my gosh there's like 4,000 people that crossed crossed over yesterday folks this probably been about 11 or 12 million
million who crossed over since Joe Biden has taken office at least eight or nine know you will say it will say that is the the safer number but I would if I were forced to estimate I would say somewhere between 11 and 12 million have crossed over just just since Biden took took over
Justin spine was installed
it is bad and I want to be clear about something because whenever I start talking about immigration lot of times I will get the whole oh you know that's just a bigoted response if you're listening of rain and you may not realize that I am not why I am actually a legal immigrant I was not born in the United States of America now technically speaking I am like my dad was in the United States Air Force in the Philippines station to Clark Air Force Base to where he met my mother and I was created as well as created before then huge gorillas talk about biblical understanding but but no I was I was born in the Philippines
so technically I just ate some people say and you're not really illegal illegal immigrants your mother was but you're actually that's why citizen because your father was in the military yada yada yada John McCain or whatever doesn't matter point is is that is that I am here as a result of immigration legal immigration
and I am a huge fan of legal immigration but right now considering that there's at least eight million perhaps up to 12 million new illegal immigrants here in the United States new illegal aliens are being released into the streets into the into into Dollar Store parking lots in San Diego on a regular basis that it's untenable
so if I had to make the call if I was if I was King of the United States today I would say all legal and illegal immigration needs to be halted until we figure out what to do with the people that are here already all of them figure out what to do with it
and what I'm not I'm not a fan of I'm not saying I'm completely against amisi okay but then there's the people talk about how are you going to be able to logistically do it I don't know I just know the problem is bad enough
the end is growing everyday the problem is bad enough that we need to Halt temporarily all immigration we need to to put out it's an ultimatum
cross the board say look if you are an illegal alien you need to come here put places everywhere you need to come and register and it will will house you safely somewhere to get off the streets get out of the get out of the the cities get out of everywhere come to where you will you can be accounted for then we'll figure it out from there
damn it anybody that doesn't get in before the deadline even when they're caught their deported Instinct instantaneously. I know it sounds harsh
it does but I can see something folks they allowed it to get this bad so now we got to we have to fix it
tomorrow I will be discussing a lot more of this stuff I thought that I can get through most of the list but I did not my lightning round turned into a whole bunch of Thunder down that road with but we're here now now did good time for you to go to JDR see if getting your moving your retirement into a self-directed IRA backed by physical precious metals is the right move for you because 4 I would say twenty Thirty forty percent of population it really would be especially considering the economy so check it out JDR and find out what Genesis gold can do for you today Christian precious metals coming Lord willing I will be back very soon with another episode but in the meantime
you'll stay strong stay safe and God.

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