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JD Rucker Show, November 30, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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The Border Crisis, Seth Rich, and Jason "Storm" Nelson

Title: The Border Crisis, Seth Rich, and Jason "Storm" Nelson


Sometimes a man's got to do what a man's got to do. Unfortunately, fewer and fewer men in America are reacting to events happening around us they way we should be.

Combat disabled veteran Jason "Storm" Nelson is the exception. On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, we discussed the border crisis, Democrats blaming each other, mass surveillance of Trump supporters, and Seth Rich. We were also joined by Nelson as he described the harrowing experience he had when the 2nd Amendment preserved his life.

Here are some of the stories we covered:………………


Recorded: November 29, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello my friends in welcome to another episode of bjd Rucker show on your host JD Rucker and we got a great interview today you know I know I haven't been doing interviews I'm not a fan of a generally speaking and let me explain why number one setting them up getting them organized getting them coordinator that's that's a challenge and I really need a high-end producer I've got a great producer don't get me wrong I do not take that as a knock against the producer but that's not that's not part of their contract they don't get me a bunch of guests there's there's two types of producers out there and I chose to take the producer that can work with me technologically that can help take care of inbound phone calls and see who can make the show run smoothly there I've have had a producer in the past who didn't watch the show part of it at all all he did was he went out and he would grab me gas<br> when are we could and I've I've tried both I like this way better but that means that unfortunately means that I am the one who has to get all of the the gas then I'm okay with that you know it's it's not hard I have any contacts Bill to get gas today's guest is one that is I think extra special because he's a friend number one number two he's a partner in a business of mine and number three he is the the shining example of a good guy with a gun saving lives and taking out taking a bad guys we will be talking a little bit later to Jason storm Nelson super exciting guy and unfortunately with the show running so early in the morning I have to have pre-recorded these interviews it's hard to get people to come on hey yeah I want you to I want to show it<br> 5:35 a.m. it's ya know so I pre-record these these interviews quite often we also have to do a quick shout-out to my incredible wonderful sponsors the the primary sponsors of this show Genesis Gold group they are helping people every single day how many Americans to protect their retirement against woki a defense against inflation against the the risks of the dollar zacian brics Nations Rising so many reasons that people should at least strongly consider the possibility of moving the retirement accounts with IRA and a 401k account whatever company Genesis Gold group you can check them out of JD our gold, that's JDR check them out fill out the form they'll contact you as soon as you have a definitive gold guide or whatever and but maintain<br> talk them see what they can do tell me your situation they'll treat you honestly don't treat you as any Christian company should we get to Nelson though mr. Nelson I do want to go through we'll try to squeeze in a couple you know I'll save that one let's save that story that start with this week if you swear that just demonstrate the absolute stupidity of the world today I often do stories obviously about the unhinged nature of the craziness of the world and that's that's clear that's an ambiguous but stupidity is raining as well and then usually comes down to one of two things either worthless or attack on the church and what this is used as a as a way to to take away our freedoms take away our rights to make a scared mean literally to make a scared as part of the depopulation in control agenda whereas attacks on faith those are trying to literally going after I sold the try to make it to where to where we have bible-believing Christians are<br> less solid less secure and people can save on the air but but you can't really be less it's not a scale and I totally agree better way to put it is they're trying to to prompt people to encourage people especially Christians work or would be soon to be Christians trying to make us more focused on this world this world is is just a piece of of dust on the timeline compared to Eternity what we do here<br> everything we do here should be about<br> serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I'm not going to proselytized but it's funny that I am about to talk about a story where they're trying to prevent people from allegedly proselytizing even though I think the tradition is really geared towards towards hope more so than Faith but you'll get the idea this is for my good by Todd Starnes who will be on the show here at some point in the very near future hopefully Lord willing<br> it's at VA Medical Center orders Bibles removed from all missing man table displays when we talked about a VA Medical Center look at the VA is 9:50 describe what is the best way to put a more quickly than with other more and civilian or private or even public medical facilities within you're talking about the VA what's what's one Domino Falls they fall in line they just did this little spread across the country so this trend is something that I do expect to see pretty much everywhere VA Healthcare System has ordered staff to remove Bibles from every missing man table display instead the Bible will be replaced by a journal filled with blank pages lose us our mint on our service members who are either prisoners of war or missing in action part of the display has traditionally been the traditional included a Bible in the memo from the Healthcare System itself<br> all table displays within VA Lexington Health Care system will contain the following a small table white tablecloth make sense single rose okay yellow ribbon slice of lemon salt bread plate glass candle and empty chair<br> for obvious reasons and a journal not a Bible<br> the military religious freedom Foundation that the mrff which is one of the most atrocious organizations out there you know these are militant Lanta Christians when they look at the battle between Christians and non-christians and that's that's always going to be in that battle generally speaking is about do you believe do not believe you know I have I have friends relatives who are non-believers you can still be cordial I can do what I can and should and will do what I can to try to Enlighten them to the truth but even if I can't make that happen I'm still going to pray for them I'm still going to hang out with them I'm still going to do stuff with them with these guys they don't melt it I mean this is they go directly attacking and in particular there was talk about religious freedom but what is it at the end of the day they're going after Christianity 99.99% of the time these organizations it smell it's an anti-christian organizations say they're going after<br> freedom from religion but it really is freedom from Christianity if you look at their actions the military religious freedom Foundation has been waging a national war bases in VA hospital they allege better than Kentucky were triggered by the good book of the mrff about having a little red phone line to the Pentagon during the Obama Administration whenever one of their quote Anonymous minions got triggered by a nativity scene on the military base they don't pick up the phone and poop<br> the baby Jesus would disappear found her my key is it really Mikey is it make you or Mikey will go with Mikey Mikey Mikey hates everything Mikey Weinstein said the presence of the Bible on the missing man table was in the trosa stand unconstitutional Act of Christian soupremacy military tradition I mean from the from the beginning<br> he called it a partisan display to promote the proselytized remote and proselytize Christianity and only Christianity in an atrocious and singularly ignominious Act of illicit unconstitutional Christian Supremacy exclusivity triumphalism and exceptionalism I looked it they always try to make it sound better by using big words you know they love those big words I like small words I like some big words but you know I like I like the best word I just want to put the best words out there and none of those words that he said were the best words why is he went on to allege that the permanent display of the Christian Bible is not even allowed in the VA Chapel<br> so a place where<br> Christensen and people of other faiths go<br> when they're at the VA hospital that those two should not have a book of Faith this is their argument and unfortunately that argument has been winning more and more and more lately they do want us us being you and me and whether you're Christian or not they want us to be devoid of judeo-christian values they want to not be reading the Bible not be praying not be talking to people about Jesus not to me this isn't just about them trying to to isolate us from the rest of the world they want to eliminate us they want to reduce our numbers they want us to have no voice. And can't convince me otherwise<br> yeah I think we have time I'm going to be playing the the interview with Jason Nelson here shortly but I want to make sure that I'm it out properly so that I can go from Jason Nelson straight to the break you know that way there's no I don't like hopping on hopping off hopping on how can I might want to get all my brakes out of the way right there and then<br> this next story this is a doozy and when I say that things usually don't surprise me anymore sometimes they do and this is definitely one of those ones that did this was sent to me by my good friend Matthew Burke the owner of the Liberty we're headed over there he's the owner and he's the best stuff he really does and my best I mean the most important stuff to talk about retweet me with a comment by Shawn Davis but I'm going to read the original tweet first by Hans monkey<br> says this is ridiculous ridiculously overboard warrant this what remotely legitimate purpose could be achieved by Twitter having to compile data files, comprising millions of Americans who likes something Trump posted but of course Barrel Howard signed off on this travesty and it shows an example shows a segment of of the the filing says all information from the Kinect or notifications Tab and this again some Twitter including all list of Twitter users who have favorited or reach me to post by the account that account courses real Donald Trump's account as well as all tweets that include the username associated with the account in other words if you engaged with Donald Trump at all<br> UAE if he didn't gauge back you liked anything you posted yeah retweeted followed him like a comment and you are on the list and a list was collected by the Department of Justice in the FBI you can't make this stuff up on David said he is doing what all terrorist organizations to deliberately targeting innocent people for the sole purpose of terrorizing them into doing what the terrorist organizations organization wants doj and FBI are domestic terrorist organizations and I could have said it better myself we often rely on the FBI the o.j. these are they the law enforcement arms of the deep State they are they are some simple say they're the puppets of the unit party swamp others will say the unit party swamp is their puppets I don't know the dynamic that I do know there is obviously interaction but obviously they work with on behalf of or sometimes in control of the unit party swamp and they asked me positively despises<br> Donald Trump and you if you are Donald Trump supporter<br> you can always tell somebody based upon your that the character of somebody based upon the enemies who who Who's going after them then this is work a hundred percent of the time I seen some some good people go after some other good people working bad people going after bad people but usually when you have bad bad organizations corrupt Lawless organization such as our department of justice as well as the FBI<br> then yes the people that they're targeting are the people that you and I should be supporting that's that's a hard thing for me to say because you're talking to somebody I grew up in with with a law enforcement family<br> I've wanted to before I left high school before I decided to get into journalism I strongly considered getting degrees that would help me to get into Quantico<br> okay that this is what I wanted to do and over the years decades I've come to the same realization that Ron Paul came two years ago the many people Alex Jones they're these crazy conspiracy theorists things that they were saying so many years ago about the FBI the CIA the doj the NSA<br> they were right<br> the most recently Donald Trump has been saying these things and he has been proven right to speaking of the Liberty daily I think we got time I'm going to try to squeeze this this is a this is a big one more detail about it either later today after the interview if I get some more information or tomorrow but that's something I posted over the isn't really happening judge orders FBI to turn over evidence about the hit on former DNC staffer Southridge I am take a risk using the hit because because that's a conspiracy that implies that there are people that I know of people that I've talked to who have been sued over trying to say that it's a conspiracy that is it was not a a botched robbery that killed Seth Rich back in July 2016 that it was actually something far far worse than that I still think that that's the case but in lieu of definitive evidence I can't come out and say<br> maybe we will get that evidence will see federal judge this is supposed to do on that Tuesday federal judge in his right by Texas Lindy FBI or to turn over evidence regarding forwarding Inc employee Seth Rich who was allegedly linked to leaking disparaging DNC emails to WikiLeaks and for that matter to dcleaks we never get mentioned cuz they actually if it was him licked its dcleaks first and then we can text later but whatever timely and controversial demise in this is by judge a macellum is the United States district judge ordered that the government and Huddleston shall recommend to the court a timeline for the disclosure of information on Seth riches personal laptop his work laptop the DVD with your natural that is by the way and the tape drive within 14 days following the issuance of this memorandum opinion and order now sign on the 28th of November so<br> by the way what is at 12:30 11th of December of this is supposed to be turned over to the court everything all the information laptop I mean we need to know if Seth Rich was indeed The Leaguer that gave over the DNC that the controversial DNC emails over to dcleaks and Wikileaks if it wasn't just Russia Russia Russia if this was was actually from within the DNC itself then his death would that so many of us have said was done by a particular crime family in association with the DNC maybe we're finally going to find out maybe it's finally going to happen Lord willing all right let's go to the pre-recorded interview with Jason storm Nelson my good buddy in in Powell<br>we are very blessed pleased and honored to have the governor of California Gavin Newsom joining us today Gavin how are you doing sir I don't know how to do a Gavin Newsom impression that you got to say you got to say look of course I cleaned up San Francisco and because because my my a was coming into town what why wouldn't I of course I would you want to if you're ever was coming to town you were cleaned up as well enough folks this is actually Jason storm Nelson Jason storm Nelson his a good friend of mine he's my partner at at at home I was going to say Whole Foods he's my partner at prepper all Naturals and he's the guy that actually puts to be together but I don't want to talk to you about beef you just just yeah I do not beat the ads throughout the show I've got you you're you're above and beyond that the beef is always secondary to for you because your life<br> is just super super interesting for my audience just tell them because it's been about a year-and-a-half since I've had you on the show sorry before my audience tell them who you are and and and why they should follow you on Twitter at real Jason Nelson on Twitter are sorry real Jason Nelson<br> activity that is a Highway intro myself you know that I'm not very good at that. I'll tell you what I like people to know about me the Marine Corps at the age of 18 come from a family for generations and I had the opportunity to serve at the age of 18 that the Marine Corps for eight years got out of college when I graduated I made the decision to go back into Army Special Operations working until their psychological Operation Center used to stalk I got 12 years of service I served in Afghanistan humanitarian missions of at the opportunity to work with training all over Europe and Africa not Ukraine now when you cream before and after and South America so not to mention that I was with the pacom team which the Pacific command team as 351ka Tom which is in charge of the entire Pacific Rim<br> start the workout is able to do with the team over there three honor to be selected to be on that team I retired 2 years ago on January from the Army because they require the back seat and I retired the day before it was mandatory but it's actually a blessed to be able to sort of pushed through my medical retirement of a hundred percent combat stable but I had to leave six months prior to 20 years because I refused to get the vaccine because I'd like to see my children left and I'd like to see them get older and I'd like to be able to hold my head up high when I say tell people that you know I live by my conscience Oaks so then after that happened you know I made the crazy decision to run for Congress which is how we met I ran here in Central Texas said hi I failed miserably at second place but that was second at a 4 so it wasn't s attitude that's not bad self the 45 days but it did was give me the great opportunity to<br> lot of what we were doing what I've been doing my entire career or they will do it at a local level. Take a look at the infrastructure the economy that was coming out of Central Texas what was available now it says he'll be needed low tech jobs where people could have sustained a living and when it with you. Makana be here with the with the beasts available for having it analyzed everything when I was done with my congressional run you and I made that decision to start a real natural but while that was happening of course we went to the whole drama of my fourth child trying to be stolen by a Child Protective Services because we refused to give her the Hep B vaccine the moment she was born. Tempest has everybody online with no rest she's world famous things that I am and then after that you know we were you were able to secure and safe our family needs to see the homeschooling which has been a wonderful experience<br> Wesley Brown this company we've also growing our family and having more self-sufficient as well and then where I was forced to I know how we approach that subject to intervene in in a in an incident where a man was trying to kill three women and I unfortunately was put in the position of having to deescalate that after being physically attacked and had my back broken night I had to shoot that man use my second amendment rights and other people and myself and in just a week ago had the grand jury come back and agree that that Not only was that a lot. Was was in using their word I was in the right place at the right time that was needed and I said it had to be there but I'm proud that I'm able to continue to serve my community<br> whatever way because you know we all have a responsibility to look out for those that are most vulnerable and I'm so everything right now but it's been a couple of years and my life has just seemed like a low-rent Forrest Gump and nuts and that's me in a nutshell<br> what life is like a box of chocolates and I do believe that at some point in the very near future we need to get Tempest on to do an interview there because me and you're right she says she's done more in her life already talked yet and since he's got more people that know her than I do she's she's she already has her her own X account so that's that's good now I'm just teasing you do want to follow Jason and all of this stuff that he's doing fine him over at real Jason Nelson so there was a a lot to unpack there what I'm going to do first before we unpacked it because we do have to unpack that I can't have you come on and explain all that stuff without I'm packing all of it because that's just I'm an efficient guy but before we do that let's go let's go to something separate I'm trying to I'm stalling to try to think of something off the top of my head because there's really nothing so pretty kind of covered every issue in the world lets you know what years were going to do I'm going to ask you about<br> your your buddy Gavin Newsom and he's going to be into our he's going to be debating Ron DeSantis are you going to watch that debate<br> you know I got to tell you I wasn't going to jail we had some conversation you know all fair and it's not that I'm reticent to talk about issues that are polarizing it's that the knee-jerk reaction to this would be no why would I watch that so with those two things you know why would I watch that one Kevin Newsome represents everything that is evil about Democrat Party and I believe I've always believed this if you don't know your enemy you can never defeat that you have to understand their own logic you have to understand their own reasoning and youth understand their own goal if you don't then you can never create a counter argument and be able to fight back against the briefing at the rotarians states Democrat Party wants<br> that said Ron DeSantis side from committing political suicide and wearing high heels I I don't know he's a pilot I mean it's like a thing I don't understand why that's bothered me to hip replacement and you know Ron DeSantis was a miscalculation that said all of that set-up been an excellent Governor but he's been an excellent Governor overall he's been<br> he's been an effective executive which we don't have a lot of in the Republican party has been able to build a super majority and he's been able to accomplish legislative goals that most Republicans would argue wouldn't be possible in Most states they wanted to try it so knowing that even if he was doing it with aspirations of being president the fact is he still committed himself as an executive and I believe that he can defend your stances so having an articulate argument between two opposing forces one which is my pain and evil and the other one which represents mostly I think it's going to be an interesting watching a very long answer for a short question but I just I will watch it and I I want to see not the political points to get to say it's not worth working I know I want to see what the enemy is saying and I want to see I do want him off to the future but I know a lot of people have but I do want to see what is already<br> I want to see if they match up with the actions taken as an executive<br> that is great answer and it's definitely definitely not too long for for for this interview we've got this is a two-hour show so weak we have plenty of time you can have all of it but it's probably not because because we got we got other staff this is a sensitive topic I'm not going to give it to you you're my friend so so I'm not going to treat you like a regular guest and try to paint you into the corner and force you to talk about this extraordinary Ali sensitive issue but I would be reticent I would be I would not be doing my job as a journalist if I didn't at least ask you two if you're comfortable with it to walk us through what happened the night that that you've you've essentially say three women that I that you are attacked by a 350lb man if you don't want to talk about it I totally understand<br> yeah what J D I think now is the right time to talk about it I think that was the grand jury having made the sign the new bill and with the police department and the district attorney both green<br> exactly that did not only again that this is the accident was clean in the legally but also the correct action taken in that situation and it's okay to talk about it so I'll let's walk to it then now you know so my wife my beautiful wife Amanda she deserves everything in the world and I tried to take her for a date night 3 months ago we chose a hotel here that was the nicest and most prestigious hotel in Waco $150 a night hotel and and go over there and take one night while my brother Ben was here and let my wife's to take a bath and just go sleep without babies crawling all over her and and that's what we did you know we went and had a nice dinner we went down and it's crazy that I always forget the name of this literally don't want to remember it but we went over there and and and you had dinner and<br> but we went and relax in our room and and went to sleep and about three in the morning we woke up to a blood-curdling span Island prep has his with one thing quick actually you know before we made the decision to go over to the hotel I had I wasn't going to bring my firearm was going to leave it in the house because we've never Firearms what I wanted you know I don't know what Ben had with him check my own home but I just went back for it and I got my one of my sidearm so I brought it with me I don't know why but I had it in the room so we wake up at 3 in the morning and it just a blood-curdling screams and my wife and I both woke up at the same time and it sounded like a child scream and I don't mean screaming like you know what woke up in the middle night I like out what it really sounds like was a medical or fire emergency at the type of sustained screaming that you didn't associate with you know anything else<br> went out and immediately throw in my pants and I just I can't stand went out into the hallway and you know I was hurt before this I was as there's kind of a borderline but I need a hip replacement or not because you know there was still like it's still not really reached a level of damage yet that he needed it so I was still mobile but I'm still very limited in my shoulder and my hip and my back and my knee injury sustained up over 20 years service so I didn't take my cane I just went out open the door am I open the door to step outside immediately broken glass on the floor at woman out there screaming I assumed she was on the phone with 911 and the screaming if there was a man trying to kill these women inside the room she escaped the roof and I could hear furniture and crashing breaking this man bellowing down the hall so I merely retreated and grab my fire<br> I asked my wife my wife knows immediately told her what she told me good firearm she wouldn't lay down in the tub and called 911 because they already have a procedure for this the family and I moved out into the hallway and I was waiting multiple things I think I think I was waiting for hotel security and I'm thinking they're going to come up any moment so I had to wire him drawn and moving towards that room and then of course you're thinking you're hoping the police are coming and you got in contact with the fact that you have a firearm to automatically that's Fear Factor of being alone out there schooling into an unknown situation and I'm saying you know I went over it I remember I identified the room. Couple doors down move my back against the siding and reverse slap on the door to try to get there to draw Mount called in there that I had a firearm at that this person needed to remove himself and I packed up and down an angle and if you open the door is able to get a view of the<br> the one woman in the background obviously been physically assaulted as I could see you at least one woman in there over shoulder he wasn't armed man I need NASA stream something at me I I didn't even point my firearm at a month anyway so ready and but he said something about point I retreated back down the hallway to look for police or to fix again I didn't see a firearm in his hand so you have to immediately assume that case with the physical the time but I didn't see something that he was going to start shooting someone or anything but I didn't went back in and slapped on the door again after not seeing anyone at the elevator and went back to the point across the hallway open the door again and this time he screamed at me like what are you going to shoot me in as a sorcerer please remove yourself from the room situation<br> get the opportunity to listen to the nine-one-one call from inside the world and every single thing that I thought I did I did too and I clearly sat here and told this person that I just wanted him to the escalator going to mass of man that I asked you twice my weight and and and then my height you know and so I<br> at that point when he slammed the door again I I knew that he was hurt and screamed when they do something along the lines of these go to escalate the harm because he know what he's going to make other people engage us and buy oscillating horn and so I say again at that point I got to tell you I keep thinking back to it you know being alone and at no point at any point during the steady one stick their head out<br> anyone else is sure that they were on the phone with police or at work dispatch had no information so I'm alone in this hallway just I can barely move here with my hip and so I do when I give another go back on the door moved across the hallway and he opens the door and this time he comes out and it looks as though he's going to just walk down the hallway and I need a tactical error of not following a solid with my head and not my firearm again he was not armed so I have to restrain and Intex soft pool your firearm out so I've essentially punched him already by even having it so I need to be aware of that I could hear the current screaming from in the room and then he's walking past me and I need that tax collector in that brief moment he took advantage of that he reached the back grab me by the neck and slam me against the wall fractured part of my spine again<br> and I reach down for my firearm and so I know the procedure bed tucked in and release around and he got his hand on the weapon after I really surrounding make a noise Siri put a second hand on the west end and I put my hand over it move to cover the trigger guard and it says return to wrestling at 350 lb man for a minute and we were shifting around and I was losing control the firearm and I remember I was about to go to ironically Israeli moves and start striking to his soft tissue when he started by P shifted and I saw Blood on the wall and I realize that I must I had struck him and<br> I'm at that moment it was almost like I I saw it and just willed into being that he just started to sink and you let go of the firearm so soon as he released the firearm he fell to the ground I release the magazine I really feel the cartridge that was around it was inside the chamber and then clear the weapon<br> my name move to actually down the hallway real quick with the elevator so that when the police came to my wife throw me some towels I knew that he was going to need a ride so I went back home and not at that point a man down the hall of the credit up man from down the hall by an attempted to render Aid with me we try to talk him through it I didn't know this at the time you know via the coroner's report know that the man had been landed on an operating table you would have had a private so I'm in the police showed up and point me in cuffs you know what are they showed up my family proud of the Waco Police Department for their restraint I am very aware how the situation can you play end and in a more fatalities or at least more shootings and the<br> police officer was amazing they moved us down the hallway fortunately you know they had to open the door in my wife and and pointed weapons in her face and brushing her and cups which is odd to me but that's what they did and my wife is in her room but the traumatic event my wife told me if she heard the round go off and then said she sat there and it was a full minute before she heard any thing for anybody to know if it was me that was shot to know what it happened and then of course I followed by police officers with their interface and and and and that was it that was fortunate he didn't survive you know I say unfortunately because intent to kill that person you was a soldier in the morning for a long time does one shot one kill that's the goal I'm not a soldier now you know but I was not obviously in that instance that I deal with the deescalate the situation<br> and to preserve life but you know to me looking back on it there's only like three things and out in one house alone not a single man helped me and had one or two three men come out my firearm would not have been need it. That's it 350 lb drugged up by a man who felt nothing when shot you know yo<br> second minute Amendment exist for a reason and it's an equaliser and I know a lot of people would argue that 20 years of training I should be able to help my body is broken I can't fight a 360, and the fact of the matter is that in a situation like that where someone's life in jeopardy and I fully believe based on every bit of evidence given me the police believe the same thing and obviously the grand jury knows it as well and that the Second Amendment safe life that night take multiple life because I is a person would still gotten involved if I didn't have a fire up because there were innocent life<br> and it doesn't matter what those women were who they were or what they did all you they are they are they are women and children come first and and they<br> daddy pelaez ER that stands out to me that is so important to me to understand it and 26 other states I would be in prison right now<br> or at least facing a murder trial<br> I'm not insane so just the ability to use that for the essence of those three things to me or just extremely important I feel like it is just lost on people lost on people that I didn't even mention the third thing I'm sorry I'm getting a little bit of emotional thing to talk about but<br> why is it that we've become a society where it is across the board no one agrees anymore where you can at where you're supposed to be a good citizen in the tree all that I got from so many people even even acquaintances I can't take all the friends anymore told me but you didn't have why didn't you shoot him in the leg by the idiotic things that people say if I see anybody anybody in the for you that you probably missed that's what happened because you were aiming Center Mass and we're panicking it's just one of those things that you never think you're going to have to do it on the civilian side and<br> but knowing that across-the-board we don't even agree anymore that that that this was the right thing to do when I know in my heart my conscience and I believe I know that at least three women that I saved lives and that's the agreement across the port but yet so many places wouldn't agree with that so many places with sit here and even as a society we can't even come to an agreement anymore that's when real men need to act like Roman we definitely need more real men out there and it is super disappointing you know it's obviously I'd say an incredible incredible story new or you're clearly hero in this in this instance but it is what it is<br> it's disappointing that in a hotel where we assume that this is a night where there's probably most of the rooms are filled and only some of the more and you have to assume that there are men out there who are there was a time not too long and it's not like you're you're in Boston or an outdoor San Francisco year in Texas are everywhere connected essentially right next to the Baylor University it's the nicest hotel 650 bucks tonight everyone in there is is it is a Texan with a student over at Baylor and and I guarantee the hotel was full that night and yet alone and nobody's nobody's out helping until the deal is done that is that is not the America that I grew up in but it is the America that we're living in now and you you know you see you see as you noted so many of these<br> left the cities where it's the person who is literally just defending their own lives that ends up getting in trouble it's especially the person who's defending other people's lives that are getting in trouble would you like a Daniel Daniel Penny who literally was just trying to prevent a crazy man from from harming people on a subway and yeah that was the one that's in trouble you know so so that is good I'm glad so happy that the the grand jury was rational and was American because we seem to be lacking on that as a nation seem to be lacking when it comes to the American way and when it comes to to common sense you know because you're right in 26 other states and probably more than that chances are you would be in very much a lot more trouble then then you then you should never deserve to be you shouldn't be in any trouble at all you saved lives you did what any man would have done or should have done just 10<br> years ago but today is it is different so let me ask you this I haven't gone through these experiences and this one obviously being being a primary example as a citizen but you've also had experiences in the military you know do we have a masculine and the problem and I'm not talking about you know there's toxic masculinity I'm asking you and your humble opinion do you think that that's with the men are not being men anymore in America<br> Bedford. Very complex question is a simple answer is that there are no real men being raised in America anymore there might be some effect of Americans like you and I who are raising real men but the largesse of society those who are not opting out of of having children or who had to go get shot probably won't have children but those who who are are having children now they are listening to a portion of society that wants to destruction of our society and those people are advocating for the deed masculinization I started with something as simple as taking recess out of school taking competition of a sport at a level of the fear of people failing in a hierarchy system do the age of 18 which is insane when you think about we live very long lives and people are worried about how somebody's going to fit in AT&T<br> school and they turn around and and and now have altered all of what makes boys become men I look at what it was like for me going through boot camp in the brain for a 2 maybe 20 or fires when I went in compared to now that I look at the fact that you have people who have changed standards within the military in order to in order to be able to say that we have a fit and ready military military that's it I can defeat a lot of very good large group of special operators who can go out and do Mission outside of those two things if I if I put a real War army armored up they would be crushed<br> there is no doubt my mind we would be 15 the movie Starship Troopers would be the first waves of Jack rushed and then everyone said oh real people<br> Peter I am the I am the rare guy from our generation that did not see Starship Troopers I know don't don't don't judge me it's it's you know I've just never been a comedy guy and I know there's not a straight up comedy about a book is not so much better because I think I saw you know the visuals in that movie don't match up to the foot but I did find the book are very sound sacrificing for the greater nation and that that's a requirement in order to gain certain Liberties I don't think that's a problem I think that we as a society who literally gotten rid of integration in when it comes to immigration we no longer ask people to become Americans when they and they live here I think that starts to set up a trend where you're going to see this<br> fraction of all of the things that we hold dear because we're allowing people into this nation and not asking them all in line with those same no alarms that we have crafted and I'd only that were under attack changed so between the two of those things between the left pushing this to change social norms in between the immigration not non integration that you turn around and end up with essentially a bipolar society and and you can see the results<br> and now and when I asked why could you not syrup your side of your your your your state if you will and and that way and is enough to turn around and separate people<br> can't turn down anyone for service for any reason you can always find a place for someone somewhere that doesn't mean you lower standards that means you can find a place for a quadriplegic inside of a library and information desk so you can serve your community and that's it and we just don't do it and we should set higher standards<br> that's what you want the rails I know but yeah I know that with with this situation I mean that your family is going through we can't dismiss that you always do you know Jason is here we save lives he did this he did that but you still have to live with it in your family supposed to live with and there's going to be repercussions and I know that but even then knowing that all right I do hear ya you you have this natural tendency to want to offer Solutions and that's that's the type of a person that we need representative that we need in government so I do hope that you take another run at it here in the future maybe not in 2024 but we can look beyond that I have one final question for you but here's the thing you have so much information such a wealth of knowledge on so many so many topics I would consider you to be a polymath cuz I want to talk to you about you know you mentioned that you were going to to utilize Israeli self-defense tactics I want to talk about<br> you talked about how are you you talked about how our military was faring in in a war we we're looking at possibly for right now okay there's a little four Wars that well to current in the 22 Brewing that we could be realistically involved in in the near future that looks like one of them is winding down but another one seems to be ramping up into them haven't even started yet but bottom line is this show me topics that I can talk to you about I think that we need to do something on the show and have you in as a you know perhaps even a weekly guess so I'm making that offer in front of everybody and we we haven't talked about this affair so you're not allowed to say no this is why I ambushed you just now you're probably not the right guy to a but still yeah let's have you on as often as possible because yeah I can just throw out a question<br> I can go cook myself lunch I can come back and you'll be finishing up the answer that question so that's pretty awesome zactly the right amount because I do need I'm a very quick lunch maker<br> given the state of everything and given now that we understand who Jason storm Nelson really is and we're going to learn much more about you in the near future but but I think that you've already established a little trust let's say just as an example tomorrow you were given K you were given a billion dollars and you were told that you can go do whatever you want with it but<br> we could be the only caveat is that you have to use it for the quote on quote as you noted before the the common good now here's the thing before anybody jumps on on the question I know the Jason if he wasn't forced to use that money for for the good of others he would still do that because that's the type of person he is but I'm going to put in the caveat so that the rest of us normal mortals can feel can feel okay about it this case you have to use it for pass fixing America 1 billion dollars go immediately I appreciate it thank you very helpful yes I will gladly come on JD I actually enjoy talking to you so you know I don't know how many people like to come back up but I don't know how many people like talking to you but I have any one of them so yes of course I'll come back I have somebody's got to do it<br> you know me I'm a Problem Solver so I had a billion dollars I'm not going to go out and buy a Ferrari what can we do I like to always look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs I need water is High Rockies States what do you need to survive we have a lot of problems in this country we can start with everything from automobiles on down to your basic Plumbing frankly our nation is a mess we don't do anything right at about this point and it's largely the fault of just lack of need everyone is content right now I see I see the whole and I think they're going if I retire to me that serves food what I'm doing right now is exactly what I would be doing I believe that balancing Out the Oven flow the highs and lows if you will of of the food cost in this world is not as hard as people think it is we ship food all over the world United States pays farmers<br> not to grow crops During certain hours and then other years you know farmers are charging an arm and a leg to get you no because I have to it's it's a weird system and I think that's it can be eliminated that's why I started doing what I'm doing with three strikes three strike proteins the first thing I know I would absolutely turn around and just scale up at at at as much as I could to get as much phison beasts and other proteins out to people in stable chipping around the world you can solve so many issues with with Hunger you could solve so many cost issues whip you could actually you know it's up to you find Snickers bars where you could actually turn around right people with needles that would would be tuned to their actual needs that you know a pregnant woman who could meet her needs to wear in her pregnancy cycle children who could get it not hard<br> easy it's just a will you need to have a will to sit here and say I will not stay lit this that I had a billion dollars it would not fail at it I would create a supply-side system that would allow us to balance out the cost in order to allow Americans to be able to look at food as stable item to be able to count on it and also be able to repair head and still allow us to be able to preserve food and send it around the world and into our own storage it to be able to be used again during lean years and during times when it is more effective and you get water anywhere in the world and how can I ship a cow out of the middle of the desert and just can't do it. Doesn't work that way but I can turn around and take a wholesome cow and we've just sous-vide is nothing in it and it has been pasteurized and preserved and freeze-dried and I can take him to that and send that out to someone and sustain them and you can't do<br> you can't do that right now with a frozen food and Mari they're awful I don't want to eat what is it deep Portage or Portage or whatever it is it people sir I don't know what that is and that's not going to do it so it's not a plug for a company but if you did go to I wouldn't mind it is a mission and if you gave me a billion dollars I would go after that one. That I could solve the problem of traffic by simply you know creating youth ranches where we put all of our septic water out of gas electric and having a bit of a movable security great just imagine if you never had to move you no pick up streets ever again or sidewalks or anything to be able to work with plumbing or anything that went wrong<br> that's a simple solution that we actually effectively put in place in Afghanistan we are not even doing it in the United States<br> so how are things that I would do jdi now that he's at a man of many passing but I hate seeing things wrong when I know that it just takes Simple Solutions to fix complex problem having a will and having a coalition of people who are represent that the doors you know you're a producer or a consumer and there are a lot of producers out there that are hungry to produce an heir not be given the opportunity that is so unfair to paint the brush across this country and say that the lazy generation or we're not producers are we're not doing anything and you took away their ability to build factories and shipped all this job the way and didn't need to do it and we can fix it we can fix it without unions you could do it with just got to work a cooler we can anticipate we can fix things in this world again it's only saw the rewards doing it in the reward unfortunately to most people the only tangible that they can go spend it and I see the reward in the end a larger purpose of life<br> leaving a legacy and if people would focus on that I believe it wouldn't have Heroes we wouldn't have anyone that was National Treasures we would just be a nation full of pressure<br> very very well said Jason Nelson Jason storm Nelson you can check him out at real Jason Nelson after this there will be m going to air a commercial in this commercial will be for for for Jason's company I ordered you to listen to what I heard you to purchase wrong because he's already established what he's going to do with that first billion that he receives once we are able to sell enough beef so we need to start selling more beef you can participate by helping Jason make a billion dollars is so we can buy me a Ferrari with us that's all I heard from what you just said is that I get the Ferrari and you're going to go dig ditches I think this is what I got out of that but thank you so much I appreciate it brother thank you sir talk to you soon<br>I would hope things are getting really insane out there you see it you see the challenges with the money that challenges with energy challenge with the food the food supply is is that only diminishing also changing they don't want us to eat beef specially they don't want to see the All-American pasture-raised beef well we had some hotels we believe that you can have your beef and eat it too you can sustain and keep it long term by going there using from Loogootee ld15 and get long-term storage beef this is your bags with with 12 servings of ribeye New York strip Tender Loin sirloin the good stuff all sous vide and then freeze dried put into a mylar bag with oxygen absorbers so that they can maintain a shelf life of up to 25 years without Refrigeration course<br> to go to Whole cow's tail and get you some beef a lot of it as much of it as you possibly can use promo code teal D15 for 15% off at<br>we're going to start this hour off with a silver historically this is something that should concern all of us you know people especially in these times of distress it's no people who are we're having a very hard time and pay attention to me just as we're seen all too often it's people are going to their their their their end because of what's Happening across the globe it's coming from The Daily Caller suicide rates in America hit a new record this should not be okay not in the United States and we were talking about about a time when things should be easier for us thing should be we we have more access we have more more resources more supplies I'm not talking about over the last two or three years I'm talking about in the 21st century and the 21st century alone we have abundance and isn't that supposed to be allegedly is not supposed to be what would keep speed<br> happy right now if you're available leaving Christian and if you are looking at the cultural Marxism is taking over the United States of America the vast wokeness be the hatred between peoples<br> it's we know it is worse than it was before we know that just over the last three years we seen the division has really been for the last eight years you can go back to back to even before Trump was in office and we really started seeing that division fomenting from from Barack Obama and his regime it got worse during the Trump use not because of anything from did because of what was established prior to his first term in office it was vilified his fans as his supporters Americans fellow Americans were vilified wearing a red hat so we do know that the tensions have been rising and I don't think I should be except they are I think it's by the same Elizabeth start with his article the number of suicides in the United States neared 50000 in 2020 to the highest number since 1941 according to a report by The Wall Street Journal suicide is not among the top ten leading causes of death in the United States according to<br> for Disease Control and prevention however the phenomenon planed nearly 50,000 lives making for a suicide rate of 14.3 deaths per 100,000 people the highest rate since 1941 the journal reported finding provisional tallies of the national Center for Health statistics is a quote by Jeffrey like three a psychologist at Stanford Sanford he said there was a rupture in our economic health and social fabric we're still experiencing the aftereffects of that<br> once a while recording this on average suicide rates have increased every year since 2000 when the rates per 100,000 people was recorded as 10 for getting our 14.3 and they said this shouldn't be we should have more the 21st century should be better write 21st century we we have better technology we have we have better food we have better Healthcare we have a trillion choices to keep us occupied on television if you're one of those people that still watch the television which I am not<br> so why are people so depressed why are people so unhappy why are people going all the way<br> to the end<br> I think that many of you that's most of you know the answer to that this is about breaking away from not just the the moral the ethical the principal's perspective from the Bible but also from the faith itself people of Faith generally speaking and I'm saying that somebody who's who commit suicide had no faith I'm saying the people of Faith generally speaking can persevere through hardships<br> they have that hope was in them<br> and that hope can help them through the most hideous X that whole can help them through times of sadness of true depression<br> kinds of abstract<br> and when we take<br> pick the church away and we take the Bible away as we've done so in in Sony regards not just in our private lives but also in our public schools and businesses government we made it to where churches themselves and I'm not talking about the church I'm talking about churches is the actual congregation the where where people go and hopefully Lord willing received the gospel they've gone down a dark path sometimes it's something subtle churches especially over the last three decades a lot of churches kind of shift from spreading the word of God towards spreading more of a more verbs self-help in a hoax whatever you want to call it a comfort group you know all about telling stories and allegories and then you know he is trying to get us through<br> these these times here these times there and again more of a therapy session then ething else and I obviously am very opposed to that notion we've also seen it getting worse and worse with some drag shows in Baptist churches we're seeing the Embrace of woke ideologies lgbtqia plus Supremacy wishing the church itself down down in many ways to ease woke ideologies I think that definitely contributes to the sense of helplessness that can lead more and more and more people to committing suicide back the article the report also indicated that the suicide rate among the Native American teen and young-adult between ages 15-24 declined by 9% and 18% respectively which is below their level before the covid-19 pandemic according to the report in 2020 to the by the ministration<br> announced a new National Suicide and crisis Lifeline where person's thinking of suicide can dial 98826 county is also lunch programs in folk to focus on a tryst populations to provide suicide to prevent suicide among them which include American Indians Alaskan native you is lgbtq i t plus use real men in Seattle on coming military veterans law enforcement officials and health professionals according to the White House the Department of Health and Human Services did not immediately respond to requests for<br> comment or information take this seriously folks if you see the signs if you see people that are that are more than just down in the do you see people really start talking about how they have nothing to look forward to<br> your friends relatives who are out there who are hurting and you know it is sometimes I know and I'm guilty of this I'm a big fan of hey you know give him space when there's people grieving I generally don't talk too much that's wrong with me it's Rob I mean I'm a coward in that regard<br> I convinced myself that I'm sparing them you know that they're getting plenty of support that they don't need need my voice to chime in this it's this is cowardice this is me just fine and I'm definitely trying to change that might encourage all of you to try to make that change as well if you like me prefer to not talk to people who are who are hurting<br> they need us<br> and it's it's it's hard sometimes sometimes it's easy I know many people who that's there at the base of their specialty in life their fantastic I'm very jealous of that but we have to try<br> we have to try this is this this shouldn't be getting worse again technically speaking things really should be getting better but they're not<br> so if that it's going to be a fun story cuz it Doesn't crime but in the the fun part is is my first thought it's goes from the national pulse a cop's hunch Thief who stole 10000 Krispy Kremes I used to be a fan of Krispy Kreme Holland minute I'm watching videos until I have had my share of Krispy Kreme donuts in the past I no longer do I no longer. I don't want to reach sugar. OK Google. Which is a good thing but I'm a big fan of I'm against carbs in general I'm a keto guy and Lord willing I will continue to to lose lose weight get healthier and course the my main purpose for the keto is it is it its effect on the mind but that's not good to promote the keto diet I just want to highlight this quiz story real<br> about cops fighting the are there hunting for a thief who stole 10000 Krispy Kreme Sidney police have initiated a search for an opportunistic Thief who stole a Krispy Kreme van from a service station in accounting for Northwest of Sydney Australia the Bandit ask on did with the vehicle which held approximately 10,000 Donuts intended for delivery to various locations in Newcastle including holiday-themed in traditional Donuts incident occurred okay was he was he in Australia at the time if he was then they need to look into that because Chris Christie loves his Krispy Kreme Donuts you know or the Liberty daily we actually we're a little nicknames would give the people<br> I am when I say we Matthew Burke the owner of the Liberty daily he assigns the nicknames I am not igname guy okay that picks out okay so we don't call him Joe Biden we call him bribery Biden we don't call her Jill Biden color Taco Jill you'll never see us from posting stories about Hillary Clinton's always crooked Hillary and of course that particular nickname came from from Donald Trump but one of the ones we do like to use is Krispy Kreme Chris Christie Krispy Kreme Chris Christie just has it rolls off the tongue Grey's that's why I definitely had to share that story there's this is one that<br> I'm going to say it okay<br> the illegal alien invasion mostly out of the board of the illegal alien invasion if there's anything that's going to destroy us from within this is we can survive all the other things that I guess you could say that the quote unquote more pressing needs<br> such as nuclear war or anything like that any any potential disasters that come at us if we make it through those this is one that given enough time and I think that we've already given it more time but given enough time this will be our demise our nation will not survive this and of course I'm talking about the The Invasion itself is an article by Harris Rigby over at not the house committee says Water Crisis cost us nearly half a trillion dollars yearly half a trillion dollars yearly and if they knowed NPR 17 11 billion dollars for a border wall Trump's wall and house too much<br> the articles I want to get your blood boiling I'm by the border crisis here you go let's go ahead and play that clip from the US House committee on homeland security majority they say the price tag per year is 451 billion dollars that is both for the housing and care of the Asylum Seekers as well as those God weighs the most important thing that she said that you know they're in the very end that is easily known got away so there were talking about the people they're bringing in a housing comforting giving them free everything and then kicking out American veterans of course out of out of homeless facilities but she also noted the known God ways and she highlighted good on her I'm not usually fan of Fox news reporting Fox Business reporting or or any of the reporters but this one I don't know what name she actually she actually has highlighted the important part known<br> getaways folks there's going to be a very sobering wake-up call at some point in the near future a very sobering wake-up call it tells us hey you know we know the problem that we've got we don't know the problem that the that the unknown the aspect of it that's that we have no visibility with we don't know how many people are actually crossing the border and that should terrify you because they feel that we do know the number so we already have our shocking beyond belief it's much worse than that much much much much much much worse than that<br> there people that are crossing the border without their knowledge there people that we know the people that want to get caught and we know some very small portion I would argue I was very small portion of the people that don't want to get caught the unknown getaways those numbers could be so above and beyond anything we've seen because again we're talkin like a flash things are different now<br> things are different we know that part of the plan of the unit party swamp of the the global Sleek of all the powers and principalities the liberal world order they want people flooding in the United States they want to destroy us from within and they know this is one way to do it not just crippling us economically but also obviously getting getting terrorists across and then other there's I can list 15 20 different reasons are ways that are open borders are destroying us but perhaps the part that doesn't get nearly enough attention is that with all this flood of humanity coming across that we know of that we see that we're focused on that you got Republican politicians at least some of them speaking out against and see if we got citizen journalists out there that are trying to report on the stuff in that God bless them for doing that<br> but that also as a result of so much attention being being put on the known people whether they're known got a ways or known no not you what it what are they called now the refugees are there they try to call him against their illegal aliens but they're up there politically correct<br> our focus on that takes away from the the unknown aspect of the people that are coming across that we just don't know about and was so many people is his come like you know you got a big huge fire with tons of smoke you might miss the the slightly smaller fire behind it okay when we're paying attention to this tremendous problems when we must pay attention to it our future is at stake but we aren't seeing what could be and what are you almost really is a far greater problem because the people that don't want to be caught the people aren't going to try that to register to to get their their Asylum hearing and 2032 getting the people that are just released that's that's a huge problem what about the people that don't want to be released because they have warrants we just had the last week we had somebody who was who's captured in Martha's Vineyard of all places Martha's Vineyard where they were they they went into an absolute frenzy over like 50 illegal aliens dropped<br> none dare their Haven k<br> they found a an illegal alien who has been convicted of raping a five-year-old I think it's in Brazil what happened but that guy those people they don't want to be caught that's just the crime aspect of but what about the the gang aspect of an organized crime which is even more dangerous what about the terrorist aspect of it what about the drug dealers the human sex traffickers the people that don't want they don't care about getting Asylum they're not interested in even getting the free stuff why because they get a lot more money by getting money from the cartel from making money selling drugs selling children<br> and of course then there are those that are here illegally unknown to us unbenounced<br> who are you going to try to destroy us. We're going to at some point God forbid but at some point in the near future commit acts of terrorism again here in the United States and I don't think that we can handle it I really don't<br> yep during 9/11 post 9/11 there was a solidarity that was formed it was increased degree of patriotism that's not going to be the response this time folks and look at the response to terrorism in Israel<br> did that in your you think okay so so Hamas committed atrocities so that's means that that hey you take a break from the whole pro-palestine thing that's not what they did and double triple quadruple down to taking it exponential so they used this hideous terrorist attack it's the way to promote their ideology and it's working<br> it's working<br> this couldn't have happened after 9/11 but it can't happen now and it's going to get worse and I didn't mean to spend a lot more time on that at some point in the future but but I am not not today I'm probably come to Backyard how much was the border wall supposed to cost us to get even the most extreme estimates for Trump's border wall topped out at fifteen billion and I actually seen estimates that's that put it on you if you really wanted to build a border wall through all the the possible areas and men put up a really good border wall it would have been about thirty billion that's a lot of money or looking at the effects of the cost of not building the border wall now we're looking at have a trillion and if we add in the cost of the unknown unknowns I would say that up that number is definitely over seven or eight hundred billion dollars maybe maybe a trillion dollars we don't know it's an unknown unknown<br> how about he never asked for that much Trump from the rest of that much in in 2020 and PR said that 11 billion was too much to spend on the border oh how proud he is kind of like you know the Democrats were were ripping Trump when he was wanting to buy buy a free refill the Strategic oil reserves when it's like $17 a barrel and now and it's like they're scrambling to the spend eight times that much or five times that much whatever it is that's it to get it filled because he keeps his shoes<br> We're living in the clown World Stokes<br> go back to the store I did earlier about suicide I mean I can understand when you look at the idiocy within government within corporations that are partnering with Gavin within non-government organizations when you look a here when you look abroad when you look at that mainstream media Academia even the Healthcare System pharmaceutical industry you lookin it's just stupidity stupidity a stupidity woke woke woke<br> destructive distractive distractive anti-American anti-christian course I'm going to get annoyed and I'm sure that you get annoyed by it you probably ain't hearing me rant every day about this stuff and I don't blame you but we have to we have to continue to expose this stuff as best we can and we have to try to reach more people I'm strongly considering that we when you lie so far we didn't you lysing funds to try to promote the show special and wwcr shortwave radio we want we want that shortwave audience we want to be able to reach you guys<br> we're going to have to probably spend more money trying to get this show out there to more people because I can't go on YouTube half the stuff I said is it's non compliant with you to community standards I keep getting strikes have gone through three and a half shows already you know already I say half because I'm like it I think I'm going to strikes one or two on my current iteration of a YouTube channel it's it's ugly I'd really don't care about you too but I do care that they're still a Millions tens of millions of Americans who that's still where they get their information even though at least half of know that it's it's at least partially false I'm not saying everything I'm saying that the way that you do handles it is is insincere<br> but when I get around on YouTube point is that we have to get the word out and yes I'm going to keep ranting every single day every single day about this this kind of stuff as they say in the article make it make sense it can't if you want the world to make sense then you have to assume two things number one in the world is evil<br> it is made up of completely evil people and I include there are no good people not you not me not have my senior that you consider the different levels of goodness and I would I would argue that's from a non biblical perspective that is true you know there are people to do these things that are far worse than and things that maybe you and I do but that doesn't mean that we're good doesn't even that's really mean that we're better at least not from a Biblical perspective we are all flawed Beyond repair wall all we have is is Grace that is undeserved so so there's that<br> I was supposed to try to try to make people feel better I don't think I did I think I failed miserably at that one but but you get the idea we've got to just keep fighting keep fighting the good fight the best way I can do it is here on the air so that's what I'm going to keep doing<br> of course the next story had popped up also happens to be a pretty depressing I'm sorry folks we we are going to get I'll get some more Krispy Kreme store and make jokes about Chris Christie later on but for now we got one that's that come from Blaze media please media TV finally arrives and what can be done with that was the very first time that I actually decided you know what it wants to go and get a couple of bug out bags and and some some food buckets I did didn't spend much money on it. I got a little bit you know most of it's expired but I quickly learned that Obamacare as bad as it was it wasn't the apocalypse it wasn't it was a seed planted to lead us where we are today and you could definitely make very clear arguments<br> almost undeniable arguments that Obamacare has contributed tremendously that without Obamacare we would not be in as bad of a situation is wearing today<br> but there was no you know absolute collapse of the healthcare system that was projected I mean we had a few can think back to the Capri 2016 that was the entire Republican message for 6 years 46 years it was all about repealing Obamacare defunding Obamacare getting rid of Obamacare Obamacare Obamacare that was everything that's how the Republican Party grew Republican party was able to take over the house in 2020 or 2012 Lancer 2012<br> gosh I forgot to cover the house in<br> 2010 actually maybe gosh I'm getting skin all I need to get more keys onto my system and then again in 2014 though but the Republican fundraising for six years from 2010 to 2016 was a majority in the house majority in the Senate and the Republican Mitch McConnell Paul Ryan would be unable to put together a repeal even though they put together like 15 or 20 cleaner feels that they were able to put them in a bomb is this only because they knew that he would be do that once I got some of them would actually sign it they did nothing which is why I'm not a huge fan of all of the feckless she'll give this story has been literally right about a lot and ObamaCare is no exception when it first became a household name Republicans believe it was going to make health care workers prices would only continue to go up and you weren't going to be able to keep your insurance the right has also been known to notice the patterns one of which is Americans be incentivized to depend on<br> there's a quote from stew over at the Glenn Beck show if they get a giant program that sells money at them eventually it will become part of the culture and they depend on it and they will never turn on it that piece of junk on our system is what he called him while Republicans were initially right to reject Obamacare has become so ingrained in our system at this point the Republicans are hardly voicing opposition anymore Donald Trump's one of the few who has continued to speak out against Obamacare really posting to True social that the cost of Obamacare is out of control plus it's not good health care is right on both counts from continue that he is seriously looking at Alternatives before calling out Republican Senators who once opposed Obamacare and now disagree with terminating its it was a low point for the Republican party but we should never give up Joe Biden responded to Trump's true socialpost tell me American that Trump is threatening to rip away health insurance for tens of millions of Americans on Medicaid<br> not going to start biking has always been an idiot that's fine is also has always been bad at this if he's on Obamacare it ain't working it is so true so what is the Obamacare apocalypse what we're seeing is this is been unfortunate that I have to use this analogy when talking about a Health Care System but this is been a death of a Thousand Cuts himself has been damaged Beyond repair not just by Obamacare but about but by his Dupree Obamacare days okay and even in recent years even during the Trump Administration we were seeing the degradation of Healthcare System again to the point where I do not believe it can be fixed okay I do not believe that our healthcare system can be fixed and unfortunately it's still the best system out there I mean that's that's a sad Testament to Western society that that our extremely broken<br> just horrible Healthcare System is not as bad as it is in other places I mean in England are there like literally killing kids okay they they they aren't just saying we're not going to help this kid now they're saying we're not going to have this kid we're not going to let you take your kid where where he or she may get some help in another country and we're not even going to let you talk about it we're going to the judges over there are saying you can't even discuss it<br> we're not there yet we're on our way folks<br> what's the weather out there yet this is a matter of it could happen at any point which we start getting into the you know everybody smokes on climate change and Israel and Ukraine and then Porter yeah there's a lot of issues but at some point in the near future we are going to end a are going to be pressing as part of my humble opinion but the the path to to plandemic panic theater 2.0 they're going to push for attacks on what they will call medical disinformation and they will promote what they won't call the will we will know to be medical tyranny and it will include climate change are talked about this the other day that's why they be pandemic tree<br> the World Health Organization this is their path with they being the powers-that-be this their Pathway to to fully Implement their depopulation and control agenda that's what this is I can't stress that enough I can I'll talk about it everyday if I have to because people think it's bad policy know it's there's there's not bad when I'm dealing with was just bad policy and bad politician<br> we're going to destructive policies that are designed to literally kill us<br> we're talkin about policies that are designed to at first alienate and slowly but maybe not too slow. But over time take us to wear if you believe in Freedom if you believe in God if you believe in America than you are the enemy and you must be eliminated or seeing with j6 political prisoners we are singing with what they're doing to to Donald Trump right now from 15 different angles we're seeing it with with these attempts by the Deep state to to trap us and entrapped us<br> this is just the start<br> this is why I am such a humongous fan of tremendously humongous fan of self-reliance I'm not a fan of Civil War I don't want to see Civil War I don't want to see a revolutionary war in the United States I will oppose those until until<br> that's the only thing that can possibly possibly happen that's the only way if we have to literally physically fight our way through this that I'll be all on board at that point but only when that is the only option<br> and God forbid we get to that point because that will be R & K<br> that will be our end I get and I can already see people in in the comments saying no you know we've got all the guns I I love when they said we've got all the guns will with its it is true that then I'm not going to argue that what I will argue with and you can't convince me otherwise<br> is the appetite of your average American to fight<br> I don't care how Patriot they can have 50 AR-15 they can have their own own set of you know that they can have their bug out Vehicles they could be be waking up every morning saying the Pledge of Allegiance in their bedroom they could beat they could have pictures of Nixon Regan Goldwater and Trump over their beds<br> many if not most of those people that you are I may count on to stand with us in a fight in a civil war or a Revolutionary War as I liked it to to say is it's most likely going to be what happens those people many of them won't be there and think about you just think back<br> I told this story before but it's been a little while so I'll tell one more time last time I'll tell the story I was helping two or check my house helping to promote I didn't have organized but I was helping to promote a local event is right around the time of the lockdowns and all we wanted to do was get people together in front of a city hall and express our displeasure for the lockdowns for the face mask mandates for all of it all of the the the negativity imposed on us for the sake of trying to slow the spread of other rallies out there that that were okay insides you know we thought will was told one of our own<br> and so what I like I say we I was not part of the plan so they came to me after it's already planned after they'd already sent out you know gotten a hundred thousand Facebook RSVPs and tons of replies on email and you know my job was based in 2 to get the press out there and to help cover and we had more press there then we have people that showed up for it<br> Tavor SAR all over social media sing Oh yes we've got to fight this we got to fight this will be there I didn't show up<br> I have a double triple check make sure that they have they didn't put the wrong date or the wrong time and the wrong venue<br> I pray I'm wrong<br> but I don't think I am<br> I don't think that the appetite in the willingness to fight is there anymore and I'm not saying that there aren't people like you or me I think many of you listening right now you definitely would fight you definitely would get organized if it came down to it you would join a militia you would do the things that would be necessary<br> but your your your friends relatives your peers ones in my degree with you when chatting over over NFL football barbecues or something like that sure they all know yeah I totally be there they'll be sitting there they'll be standing in in bread lines with everybody else many of them all of them<br> when I'm trying to make is this don't tell me that just because we have the guns that we can win that fight because just because somebody has a gun doesn't mean they're willing to fight<br> and again I'm not promoting violence let's be clear about that because I can already hear hear the sensors coming on so I know he's calling Revolution no by no means again that's that's that's one of the situations I will oppose any talk of Revolution or Civil War<br> open to the point to where it's inevitable<br> I will try to prevent it from happening but if it is happening or if it's about to happen no matter what I do and I'm all on board okay cuz I'm not going to sit back and let my fellow Americans I am I'm a legal immigrant<br> I am proud of being an American I am have no dual citizenship<br> I wasn't born in the United States but this is my home this is where my family all of my family members were born they are Americans too<br> and I'm going to fight for them<br> I just hope I don't have to I pray that I don't have to I pray that none of us have to I pray that we have a reprieve I pray that God intervenes and starts exposing and correcting this or whatever his will is I hope that his will is to save America don't know if that's the case<br> and it's especially true that it might not be the case when we look at at stories like the next one I've got here<br> yeah that's of no secret that I don't like Nikki Haley at all like I thought I thought she was she was an odd but but decent choice for un Ambassador US ambassador to the United Nations and the reason I thought that was because I thought that she was a loyal loyal politician I thought you could be a good bureaucrat<br> obviously that's not the case and obviously now that she's expressing her own views not the use of her boss. She's expressing well I shouldn't say she's expressing your own she's expressing her new bosses views and those new bosses over there really really bad people yours once I got a couple stories about her here's one from Headline Jeffrey Epstein's Banker<br> yes Jeffrey Epstein's Banker in dortches presidential hopeful Nikki Haley reminds me of when when they were touting you know I was his name-o Jay Simpson endorse I forgot I don't think it was but he endorsed somebody and so go wow thanks thanks o.j. endorsed Nikki Haley even if you're a very liberal Democrat I heard you help Nikki Haley to get a choice on the Republican side that might be better than Trump<br> that's the that's the push the portion of course that Banker is is none other than our good old buddy Jamie dimon JPMorgan Chase CEO<br> the CEO of JPMorgan Chase which recently agreed to pay $299 to the victims of Jeffrey Epstein for banking the sex traffickers a criminal Enterprise has endorse GOP Presidential hopeful and that Barrel is neocon Nikki Haley<br> virulent I love that word that's a great we're going to CNBC Diamond stopped short of saying the Republican Presidential nominee should be anyone but Trump<br> he said I said I wouldn't never say that you know because he might be the president and I have to deal with him too<br> something he doesn't feel that way it's that he was going to say it out loud because just in case Trump wins he doesn't want to be in Trump's doghouse from this is a poorly said at the conference and his audience included hedge fund better and Billet a Bill Ackman Tesla CEO Elon Musk media Titan David zaslav and Disney CEO Bob Bob<br> funny funny stuff I'm joined a host of other power Brokers to endorse Haley who has presented herself as the gop's anti-populist candidate on Tuesday he received an endorsement from a be a political Network financed largely by billionaire Charles Cock<br> and yes I'm going to call insurance cock among other positions Haley has in what has endorsed escalating u.s. involvement in the wars and Ukraine in the Middle East removing caps on American corporation hiring foreign workers and removing an anemone from the internet for those two just in case you didn't know her intentions she says and you got to be able to present ID and otherwise it's it's a national security issue if you want to be on social media if you want be able to express your opinion then you should use your own name and it'll reduce trolls and whatever I did I've heard that argument from anybody Jordan Peterson has made that argument for very what's the word for it that's that's one of his he's got more flaws I think people understand that's one of his biggest ones k i I don't dislike Jordan Peterson I know a lot of ma'at he's probably thinks of dr. Jordan Peterson is the bomb you know always so smart he said he's so wise<br> he's wrong a lot of the time and I would say very wrong some of the time<br> is that was wrong about removing anonymity from the internet as is Nikki Haley as is pretty much anybody that endorse or that anyone lost cats at times endorse to that as well so whatever you know he changes back and forth anyway and workers it's funny because it's very very very close to Trump she really tried to appeal to the whole concept that a little Steven Miller and and Donald Trump jr. promoted Trump himself has has promoted the idea that we should have merit-based immigration and then you shoot that the concert that is very popular concept and it didn't make sense instead of saying okay so we're going to take to take exactly fourteen thousand people from Nicaragua through legal immigration in the end instead of doing like that yes you make it merit-based but this is where she takes that concept and just flip sit on that cuz she should take something that's good and she Neo Neo cons<br> it was something very horrible and this is what she was saying let the let the corporation's decide let them do it based upon what they want and need who would have thunk this idea who would have thought that that's make sense well yes the Jamie dimon's of the world the corporate leaders of the world and they said hey let's not let's let's not do any immigration other than merit-based immigration we need to get you know 30,000 programmers over at Apple and we're going to get get fifteen thousand of them from India we're going to get get another 8,000 of them from from Ukraine and we can do whatever the number is okay and what are the countries are on the chart up to pick out any individual countries I'm just saying that's that's her nose is a basic let them determine it<br> now of course What She nor the corporation's ever say is that this is you know this is this will take away obviously from higher paying us jobs<br> is it's funny because the play here is that latching onto the merit-based system will will fix immigration<br> it would but not the way that she's positioning it because again you know we could go to the whole Farm Workers thing Farm Workers if if they are allowed to basically sent farmers and large Farms will be not not your local Farm it will be the large farm with the large agricultural owners such as Bill Gates and China<br> they would be the ones I would say okay so we need we need about eight million Farm Workers and we're going to get as many of them as we can from South and Central America or Mexico or wherever<br> that changes<br> the dynamic completely it's no longer about Merritt at that point it's about need to a public-private partnership which will dictate what the Border policies are<br> as I noted many times public-private Partnerships are the future at least if you allow the global suleika ball to get their way they want people like Jamie dimon making decisions not just for his company they want him to be working with government in the Mini cases dominating government to set policy from that public-private partnership is not just with with bankers and and corporations like that it's also with organizations that aren't necessary supposed to be in a profitable such as The Whole30 clarify that the public-private partnership but I just want to make sure how how clear we are that Nikki Haley is the choice of people like Jamie dimon<br> like people like like latex paint over Black Rock<br> the money Brokers behind the global Elite cabal they love her cuz she represents the worst aspects of Republican politics and if your Republican listen don't take offense to this but there are some Republican ideas that are horrible<br> okay this is one of them and that's a popular Republican perspective. A populist perspective but it's a popular Republican perspective it's the business-friendly side of a Republican party that's the part of the Republican party that is driven by donors to get in this is where it goes if you want to see the worst example of a backside of the Republican party is the military-industrial complex is the Lindsey Graham's of the world working with the working with up the bones of the world to promote more war to say to make make bold claims and hope that that Vladimir Putin or Kim Jeong Hoon or Jason King or whoever starts get some more Wars going across the world<br> that is unfortunately part of the Republican DNA has been since before Eisenhower<br> thankfully we're getting more people that are exposing it more people that are that are aware of how bad that idea is and and thankfully we're electing more of them there are few or Neil constant day and there were 10 20 years ago praise God for that place still dominate they still are the rights right-leaning side of the you the party Swap and they still must be stopped<br> and part of stopping it is to make sure that ass was an absolute certainty that Nikki Haley is never ever ever ever<br> ever in the white house has a sister<br> kids are the only ones with internal challenges we have we're seeing a lot more Democrats going after their fellow Democrats we saw a very recently with New York city mayor Eric the I wouldn't say the trumpet remember Jesse's probably the second most investigated guy hit him in his team's or the second most investigated and I went to persecuting this early but at least threatened by the the weaponized Biden Department of Justice they are me he's been saying some some mean things about open borders and saying some mean things about that the White House and so now he's being targeted for multiple things but it's not just about that even here and we've also but before I get to the story was also seen it amongst Democrat Democrat attacks happening between Kansas and that this is helping to expose voter fraud it's funny because when you have Republicans talking about Democrats voter fraud<br> covert media black sit out the fact-checkers debunk it without even knowing anything about it I'll be part of it since it's an instant debunking YouTube will remove the video Google never let you see the story you know we seen his Playbook playing over and over again since 2020 since the 2020 election was stolen which was we seen that over and over again when you have Republicans going after democrats for voting machine the new thing which is Democrats going after other Democrats voted for and that's the story all of a sudden everybody's talking about maybe maybe this type of voter fraud that Republicans have been talkin about some Republicans have been talking about for the last three years we're singing over here<br> between Democrat and Democrat and since the since it's a Democrat it must be real but now we still have to say that this one is not real because it was Republicans that were were saying is that crazy Rucker guy talking about it<br> but again it's not even just about elections or or what we have the fight between the White House in New York City we also have a Democrat talking about his predecessor and blaming everything on her and yes I am talking about Chicago Chicago you know I really did enjoy having Lori Lightfoot as the Chicago mayor because she was such an easy target and she did everything wrong it's like if you had a clear<br> direction to help Chicago out if if you had every Spotlight on that direction if you had every media personality every every advisor if you said Lori if you just do this this is going to fix our problem and make you look great<br> that is the only Direction she would never go when she wasn't just a radical Democrat she was an idiot<br> as of a radical Democrat when she was legitimately unintelligent and made an end just just not likeable now her successor Brandon Johnson this guy this guy makes John fetterman and he's there there there in about the same I would say intellect level okay<br> is still smarter than Lori Lightfoot a but still pretty much an idiot<br> it's funny because they've had some smart they've had a lot of a very intelligent evil but intelligent Mayors in Chicago I would say more so than most other cities we've had some idiots out here big time. Larry current mayor of La she's smart and I think that I think that Joe Biden dodged the Bullet by not picking her as his running mate by picking Kamala because Henny picked her I think she'd be present at already I think they would have already gotten rid of your bike again I don't like completely disregarded policies but she<br> okay she's a risk like Blake from a Democrat vs Republican perspective if your Republican keep your eye on Sharon. She's somebody who I think will will she move up in the ranks Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson is refusing to shoulder any of the blame for his Sanctuary cities migrant crisis or as we like to call it illegal alien crisis the invasion of the Republicans is to blame for the issue the current mayor insists that he inherited the crisis from Life of drawn as much as I dislike Lori Lightfoot he's lying. He has his policies have went when he says he inherited hit it anytime anytime anybody says from the predecessor Obama said it for years about George W bush and to be fair Trump said it for years about Barack Obama and Joe Biden<br> said it about Trump yeah that's that's kind of what happens they say that I don't remember Bush ever said in the whole lot about Clinton point is that when they say that half the time it's true okay. Half the time is true and have time until the wrong in this case it is wholly wrong he didn't inherit the problem he inherited policies as Mary had the power to change that especially with we serve realizing in early 2021 that it was it was going to start getting bad of course he won in 2020 to replace the right point is that what she inherited were bad policies in Chicago the illegal alien crisis until he took over the office so he did have time to fix it<br> he just didn't<br> so to say that he inherited he inherited the policies but he did not inherit the problem he hadn't gotten that bad at least not in Chicago that point the illegal alien invasion had already started started they want to Joe Biden presidency right but as far as its effects on the Chicago that wasn't it's only been for the last year or so<br> Newton mayor the entire time that I inherited six months I was six months ago I made it very clear that we are going to make sure that we were move people out of police districts women children who are living on floors and sleeping outside and we're going to create spaces that provide more dignity sounds reasonable except that he's had the witch had those problems with people needing more dignity but long before the illegal alien crisis and you didn't see Democrats howling about that it was 20,000 illegal border-crossers have poured into Chicago since August 2020 to $20,000 cities that are much smaller than than a much smaller than Chicago that have had more more people than that flooding and at the time Democrats are like a you know it's it's yo you got to do your part 50 people show up in Martha's Vineyard in the Apocalypse<br> find<br> fun stuff<br> fun stuff it's not fun at all none of this is fun we have to talk about it here to embrace and we have to to fight it<br> that doesn't mean we have to like it doesn't mean we have to to do anything with it other than hate it but I do hate it last story<br> I want to hear this we're going to hear at this is video published by the Liberty daily<br> titled it begins dr. Peter hotez announces the launch of the next scamdemic disease X let's go and play that I make make the height of the covid-19 outbreak look mild that's what some experts are predicting for what's being called disease X are we as a nation we haven't made that commitment to really fully protect Merrick chief of the national school of tropical medicine at Baylor and co-director of the Texas Children's Hospital Center for vaccine development dr. Peter hotez was traveling to get his take on the topics are going to be a regular basis disease at the next pandemic<br> are predicting the next pandemic will make covid-19 look like a walk in the park<br> the next pandemic May and early in the 2014 2016 and now we've got covid-19 created but he believes more should be done to support the virologist the scientist studies past tense of twenty-first-century force some animals that can transmit<br> so no one knows when disease asked the next pandemic will hit but scientists say it is coming<br> it's no secret that I am not a fan of dr. Peter hotez as a matter of fact I would argue that he is in certain ways even more dangerous than Anthony fauci pouchy was is a narcissist hotez is extraordinary and secure almost the exact opposite personality wise to to somebody like fauci who believes that I mean who legitimately believes that he should be worshipped whereas hotez continues to try to to prove every day that that he deserves to be loved he's just so so insecure and security is something that that a lot of people have to deal with him and Peter hotez his probably double that his entire life but insecurity is not an excuse to drive people in the wrong direction now you'll know all that stock it's very common talk we can explain how how this is all part of the normalization in preparation for the next plandemic the next game they make whatever you want to call it<br> Canik theater 2.0 it's just you getting a normal eyes are getting it in the local news going to get a national news talking about are you know is it's probably going to be worse hey it's already here the more calling it you know how you look for this one look at that one just getting it to wear when it does happen and it will happen when it does happen that we're going to do just be expecting it and what is causing all this and alcohol is the most popular thing a lot of it has to do with and as I said over and over again folks that is the skeleton key when they start invoke in climate change is a health care issue it's just them saying hey the pandemic Series has the World Health Organization has Supremacy Over All Nations and World Health Organization it when it pertains<br> Healthcare and climate change is now part of healthcare so therefore the World Health Organization has the skeleton key through which they can control Our Lives completely<br> the depopulation in control agenda that's what the evil people want for that's what they're trying to to put over us so we're constantly having to fight<br> that's it for the day. I will talk to you tomorrow Lord willing I will be back very soon with another episode of the meantime you'll stay strong and stay safe and God bless<br>

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