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JD Rucker Show, November 28, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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Tech Troubles and Truth-Telling: Navigating Modern Challenges in America

Title: Tech Troubles and Truth-Telling: Navigating Modern Challenges in America


In this episode of the J D Rucker Show, the host navigates a range of current issues, starting with the technical difficulties faced in broadcasting. JD Rucker discusses the complexities of simultaneously streaming across multiple platforms like Rumble and WWCR shortwave radio without the ability to take live calls. He emphasizes the importance of not settling for mediocrity in technology and life, reflecting on how Americans have been forced to compromise since the pandemic. The episode serves as a reminder of the nation's values of freedom and prosperity, urging listeners to strive for the best without compromise, whether in broadcasting or personal aspirations.

The conversation then shifts to a broader societal commentary, touching upon topics like media responsibility and racial dynamics in America. Rucker delves into a controversial incident involving a sports blog writer who mistakenly accused a child of racism, highlighting the issues of quick judgment and social media's role in amplifying such mistakes. He also discusses the political landscape, expressing views on various public figures and the importance of not succumbing to fear-mongering tactics. The show ends on a note of personal conviction, with Rucker expressing his concerns about certain trends within American churches, advocating for a return to biblical principles and genuine faith. Overall, the episode encapsulates a mix of personal anecdotes, technical insights, and profound reflections on American society and its values.

Recording: November 28, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello and welcome to another episode of the J D wrecker show on your host J D wrecker and today is it's for show as as usual but we're on Fortune
not going to be able to live calls it's been one of the challenges that we
we've been faced with is trying to get again that the the wonderful people over wwcr shortwave radio try and get that situated properly and and still be able to go live on Rumble and get her and and everywhere else were alive on video so we aren't going to be able to take phone calls but if you want to to chat me up and then try to keep an eye on the on the rumble chat if you want to go to what is it's JD Rumble you can chat me up there if you are listening through through wwcr shortwave radio that is wonderful awesome and amazing and and I greatly appreciate you all shout out to the guys that are trying to trying to get this all squared away I am the most difficult apparently difficult show host in the world to deal with that because I'm like a jerk or anything but because you know we're trying to move this forward
as best we can with I would say technological challenges based around having any of this set up this home office that I've got his home studio I should say slightly separate from my home office and trying to make it all work out one of the biggest challenge has been getting a quality to work we broadcast to restrain and that that allows us to go out to multiple places at one time right but the the video quality just isn't there so I'm hopeful very hopeful Lord willing by tomorrow we will like my good friends at BBS radio and I will be able to check kind of kind of meld in some some Zoom action so the video quality is better plus then I'll be able to take calls will have it to where I can show the screen which is so very very important because the screen has all the information that I need and I want you guys are always watching on video to be able to
to see that as it's as it's going live and and it just again tryna I don't like settling for just a little bit of this a little bit of that and I don't think any Americans should okay as Americans we should be we should be doing everything we can to to get the most of everything
yeah ever since 2019 twenty20 really starting with the the plandemic we have been we've been settling for this compromising for that what do United States of America we are Americans in a grand slam a legal immigrant that but and praise God for that but we shouldn't have to sell we shouldn't have to have to not have our cake and eat it too we should have her cake we should eat it too
that's kind of what this whole experiment of America is all about it's about Freedom it's about her being able to to prosper to be about bm2 to fulfill our goals in life if you are a bible-believing Christian such as I am if that goal is to spread the gospel and to do the will of God then we should be able to do that without compromise if you are a you know you have your focus is more on on Prosperity Capital isn't all that stuff you should be able to do whatever you need to do to make money while we found throughout 2023 and again really ever since the plandemic we found we had to make choices do we want toilet paper today if so we're going to have to go go wait in line for for 20 minutes just to get toilet paper I remember those days during the during the lockdowns do we want to travel if so we're going to have to
to to get injected and if if we're not injected when I get there and if if we're not able to travel when I get to go to school when I can do anything of that nature throughout the whole push to vaccinate every man woman and child in the country
we didn't used to make compromise
let's just not the American way so I'm not going to sit here and all day I do want to talk about some some great stories there is one that hit totally check my khakis yesterday it was it's funny because you know sometimes I consider myself as being a good having good judgment when it comes to stories I will look at a store and say okay so this is a story that everybody's going to hop onto I mean he'll just as an example I'm Joe Biden walks around and makes a fool out of himself and and goes up and snatch girls or or whatever you know those types of stories I generally don't cover because I know that every every conservative Outlet every talk show conservative show there are going to talk about it sometimes I'll see you stories I'll be like that's one that's important that nobody's going to talk about a very few people are going to talk about so I picked out this story to be my lead today
I almost pulled it because over the course of from from basal yesterday afternoon throughout last night and then into this morning everybody stop talking about it so good that's good
I'm glad because it but it's like I said see because you're not singing elsewhere chances are you may have heard of this one there was a Deadspin writer that's been is apparently a I guess it's a sports blog I don't know got a weird
some some sort of blah but that's been writer who falsely accused a child of black face has his old tweets resurface and who I was from Red State Bond she over in-state I'm going to go straight to to this this guy's supposed that it was find the original one I actually don't even know what the original want to still up it's funny that they don't think that let's go to his follow-up article and the article over that's been was titled the NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in blackface native headdresses 80kmh child and yes from the angle it look like the kid the kid's face was painted black with anybody who's in the NFL fan like he knows the Kansas City Chiefs colors are black and red and surance you see the other side of face that kid had had one each others face had black and then the left side of his face was red
and he had his headdress on which is again a fan being a fan you know it's
it's obvious it's blatant
okay so he wrote this article like an idiot you taking one side face calling this racism is calling his black face with you I definitely 100% was not okay this is a fan being a fan is a kid being a kid is a kid is going to an NFL game and who is who is
dressing up and putting on face paint like tens of thousands of other people every single Sunday putting on face paint and in this particular case one side of his face black the other side was this guy after learning this doesn't say hello my apologies for trying to ruin life of this child instead of the way his name is is care might as well be Karen but I think it's Karen maybe it's k r o n Phillips over at a red dead and he says the idiots in my mentions or treating this as some harmless act because the other side of his face was painted red I can make the argument that it makes it even worse
oh wow double. And if you ever want to see a trend amongst I would say mostly left but you'll get it from from people in the right when they get embarrassed when we get get shamed when it when it's something it's pointed out that is that the may seem foolish the tenancy especially in today's world of social media and a permanent internet you know what I mean if he takes it down it's not like it's it's you take down the article you can take down the original
mine yeah he doubles down it says y'all are the ones who hate Mexicans but we're Sombrero cuz on Cinco yeah I mean this guy couldn't get
any more racist this guy couldn't get any more it just just straight-up bigotry against the enemy and his in this case against the enemy are white people and then he has he's a black man so you'll down and then he starts seeing some of these past weeks from 2016 I'm in Saginaw spend a lot of time in Flint I've never seen this many white people in my life it's
now it's just stopped your second and just imagine if a White journalist says I'm in Springfield Missouri spent a lot of time in Battlefield Missouri I've never seen this many black people in Battlefield in my life it's concerning that person who would have sent the literally the exact or it's just just just flip flop the the the the subject and the object okay if if if a White journalist has said that they would be done maybe over the racism is okay in America if it's if it's directed at white people that seems to be the case just in the phobia is is the worst thing possible but anti-Semitism in some circles is is acceptable as long as it's you know you you just do it in from an anti-zionist perspective you're not being an anti-semite that's the that's the funny part about that
just one more all the tweet from this from 2022 from Karen will call him Karen cuz he's he's like a Karen Karen Phillips if if this were the bubble numerous players would have been asked about Buffalo yesterday but that was a long time ago Sports only serve as an escape from society if you're white
so yeah so according to mr. Phillips if you are blocked and sports do not count as a as an escape from from society if you're if you're Hispanic or Asian if you're Native American if your whatever then Sports aren't for you. That is just a representative represent a persecution I suppose some sort of odd Supremacy play this is this is I'm picking on this one guy but really I'm not I'm not picking on anybody I'm just highlighting this guy's absolute positive idiocy because that's what it is this is this is this guy is being
be a moron he somehow I'm saying he made a mistake saw the picture and thought of some some dad dresses kid in blackface that's that's the best-case scenario that you made a mistake what's worse is if he had actually looked further because the picture by the way in the original post I vent I don't know where the source was but the original post actually had the picture of the kid and we can see one side of his face is black with in just like a couple paragraphs down it showed the next picture which was his full face which is black and red with a headdress very clearly he was not trying to to do blackface
very clearly he was just being a Chiefs fan being a kid
I'm giving mr. Phillips the benefit of the doubt when I say he was just stupid because if he's not if he did this intentionally if he intentionally tried to destroy this child's life then he's not stupid he's evil
I'm just going to hope it's just hoping that the guy is just an absolute total stupid moron that's your best case scenario coronavirus tips Karen Phillips is that you just you just mentally mediocre
so we'll give him the benefit of the doubt speaking of middling mediocre let's go to Michael Cohen
personally don't want to beat one anybody
telling me as they're doing all ready right now who can and can't do when your bedroom I don't want them turning on the same who can and who can vote all the sudden you going to have somebody knocked down your door and it's going to be from Sprouts you're pulling you out and sending you off to Guantanamo Bay and I know that sounds hyperbolic but I know him so well I know what's on his mind and I know what he intends to do he's looking to scare the piss out of everyone so that nobody and I mean nobody like the way Kim Jeong Hoon runs North Korea he wants to run our United States of America that way the way that Vladimir Putin controls Russia he wants to control America the way that Mohammed bin Salman controls Saudia Arabia he wants to control America in the same way to vote for Donald is a vote for the end of democracy who in their right mind
would ABS wood would you
Texas State who would support somebody who's looking to destroy the greatest experiment that exist on this planet
yeah and it's already I'm almost glad that I'm not taking calls because I can imagine the first call today would be why the heck are you giving Michael Cohen you shouldn't on your on your show number one he's not in the news he's trying to be in the news but he's not he's just he's so irrelevant he's less relevant than he's ever been but the reason I did the reason I brought up Michael Cohen in the end forced you all to listen to it almost a minute and a half of this idiot is because there is one telling tell here okay tell him tell no there is one thing that he said that is projecting an invasive telegraphing what the left is going to be doing going forward they're getting desperate
they know they're they're in trouble with whether it's Jen. Here's the thing they were trouble with his Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton at the Kamala Harris Gavin Newsom the oven mitt there is one candidate who who I would be at least a little bit concerned about in that would be Big Mike Obama and Michelle Obama sorry not Big Mike didn't mean that to this a big Mike Michelle Obama gay
that that would be a little bit drinking enough for tonight because I think that she's she's extraordinary I'm talented her or I can pull in any way but because there is Zay the Obamas have have a cold and that would be that would be being a bigger challenge I do not saying that she would beat beat Donald Trump is it would be a bigger challenge than Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris or Dean Phillips gay or anybody like that and now I'm not even going to talk today about RFK Jr we're trying to get our K Junior on the phone or on the phone on the show. Trying to get him on the phone to trying to get him on the show so I want to I want to ask him a few questions before I even discussed his can of those things that I like and things that I don't like and I have talked about him in the past but
but yeah so so the thing about reason I brought in Michael Cohen's clip is because it highlights something very
important they're going to go far more once the the general election we know with certainty that the left and the Never trumper's which text when you called in the left as well
they're going to go as hyperbolic as possible they're not going to just settle for for troubled
this trucks going to be yeah he's going so he's he's not confident they're going to go for the jugular going to make you try to make you feel as if voting for him is voting for Muhammad
Taman okay he's going through they're going to try to make this comparison that if Trump gets in the office for a second term that he is going to become a a psychopathic murderer but he's going to to unleash the full might of the u.s. for the we become slaves to them folks this is what's coming this is what this is what they're going to try to to push on us so getting unhinged Michael Cohen that's really grasping at any any form of of relevancy can this this is going just very similar to other people were seeing such as Chris Christie Chris Christie love Donald Trump you know first she hated them then he loved him when he thought he was going to get a cabinet position any of them against people predictable especially politicians word that are those are affiliated with politicians
bureaucrats AIDS so predictable every decision is made and if this is true about 99.9% of them you'd be hard-pressed to find somebody who makes decisions but it's strictly on what's best for the nation what's best for for this always about well you know what how will I look if I do this how what will my legacy be how I Advanced how do I get my next job what's my my you know where do I get paid the most about this his whole you know I got a self-serving attitude is that what's his leg is he going to be in to me that's a good thing okay that's a pain when you get somebody who's trying to be you're trying to build the greatest Legacy of a president possible that means he's going to do whatever he can in his in his powers he's going to try to do whatever he can to have the best presents a possible
Bank of America great again as possible it's a good thing okay. I think Donald Trump is you know mister mister all we know I'm I'm humble and and it's going to be a public servant now I think he's he wants to be he wants to kick butt and he wants America to kick but I'm okay with that okay if he's doing it for a self-serving reasons fine is he getting bright new so that you can eliminate 60% of politicians out there most of being either bribed her or believe they're blackmailing some way to do whatever it is they do so we got that out of the way he's not being bribed he's losing money by being president you know when it when when he can have the the life so to speak before even ever ran so you can't say how he's doing this to to make an extra Buck email are they they have tri-tip to make that claim before million times that I have I can point out a bunch of flaws about Donald Trump is a lot of things that I don't like
about his policies about a style I still support him I understand cuz he's he's the guy right now he's the best person for the job amongst those who could get the job you know what I rather see about and I'm going to go down any hypotheticals I would take him over onto Sanders Nikki Haley Joe Biden RFK Jr anybody who's running I would take Donald Trump
everytime twice on Tuesdays OK Google buddies perspective but that's that's my opinion yes it does he have challenges you back and who doesn't so sad story on sad as in like a sob story is sad because we have to talk about this which is unfortunate like it sorry talking rather have your ads my good buddy Todd Starnes over he was talking about this yesterday and on his show over Newsmax to and it's Baptist Church hosts drag queen concert at Baptist
you before we get into it I've got to say for the record I do not like most churches I'm all for for the church as in like just not not that building not a congregation and not a not a denomination I'm I'm all in favor of the church was described in the Bible I'm all all about loving and embracing the bride of Christ
but I would say that the vast majority may not fast will stay call 5560 could be 95 I've never done it a deep dive into a but a large portion of churches in the United States of America are are apostate they're up there
not good. This is an obvious case right here and if your if your church does things like this your church tries to use a waste in your church pretends like oh there's no help others know since there's no do you know if they try to pretend like like the Bible is all just it's all just a good self-help guide to to living your best life now find a new church okay find a new church I have had to bounce around from church to church the church you know over the over the years decades because it's it is hard to find that great good church in the end unit for better for worse and I know that a lot of people are against online churches I do tend to the ability to listen to people listen pastors who are not necessarily you know within driving distance from me I like that expansive aspect of church does that help her Fellowship absolutely not and that is a humongous compel
Love Church going to church is not just about listen to a pastor's by building Community Building fellowship at meeting people that are not just like mind of the people that you could play with that pray for who can pray for you so there is definitely the component which unfortunately I miss but who knows maybe someday Lord willing we will find a hay a fantastic local church but here's one in the Virginia area of Richmond that is not fantastic it's actually quite quite a Bismol cording to, and I'm by the way we're going to have Todd on the show here very soon got to talk to his people we had a nice conversation yesterday but he and I actually saw this this segment which is why I'm yesterday show so that's why I was about Grace Baptist Church in Richmond Virginia is hosting a drag queen concert yes folks a Baptist Church churches featuring flame and Grant
so-called Christian drag queen grants was a man is from the Bible Belt who will move you soothed you help you heal from trauma and always leave you laughing two things a little one I don't want to go to church laugh
church and you can't laugh at church and I've had some I've I've seen a stir that will that will really make their hilarious okay you there really are but that shouldn't be there thing can you should go to church for the sake of laughter you should go to church and you should laugh on Sundays funny because I talented Pastor my use use some some levity to break up Sierra's mom was because the Bible is a serious thing we're talking about salvation we're talking about eternity were talking about heaven and hell we're talking about end times which it seems like we're in and by the way if your church does not talk about Bible prophecy it might be time to find a new church because folks look around you if you have read your Bible if you've read Daniel Mathew Joshua course obviously Revelation is Ezekiel Ezekiel 36 look what's happening in Israel and tell me that you're not seeing it okay
Ezekiel 37 38 and 39 and you'll be like oh oh SpaghettiOs so he had on Jeff Katz to join them and I'm not going to read how you can find this over at Todd Starnes. Calm and read it for yourself it is it is an interesting article but I do want to talk briefly about our our sponsor in this will actually lead in to this next story because this shows possible is made possible because of Genesis Gold group and it's it's funny that this the my mayah on air live read which Max reading think I might on a discussion of Genesis Gold group goes between a story about churches and a financial story which is coming up next
because Genesis Gold group is named after Genesis from the Bible is in the first book of the Bible Genesis Gold group is a Christian company unabashedly I know there's other Christians that are in the gold in the street but I remember one guy I was talking to actually a pastor who he's going he's he's going talking about Gensco group interviewing interviewing people from Gen 2 scope and he had a ton of Mike Michael company there they are they're going to Christian to I went checked them out cuz I don't I don't see anything on their website I watched a couple of interviews and that doesn't seem to be any any reference at all to to God or Jesus or are they didn't know he's getting someone to turn off the secular people look if your secular
and you don't want to work at Genesis Gold group because they're there a Christian company that's on you just go group does you utilize basic Financial fellowship with in the biblical fellowship and Desires in other words from their perspective
good stewardship of your finances
is important in this life
it might not have anything to do with the next life and it doesn't except for if you want to get into James James 1 and then we can talk about Works versus versus Faith obviously I'm a FaceTime app but there is a place for works works are important you you demonstrate your faith through works and with your your blessings your your life savings your retirement you should be engaged in proper stewardship and this is where Genesis go group comes in to place will check them out at JD are gold., they can help you just go through can help you move your retirement move your wealth over to a self-directed IRA backed by physical precious metals so let's go to the store was actually posted yesterday and this is It's funny because Michael Snyder whenever I talk about it with Michael Snyder is somebody who I consider to be ever won a very brilliant number two
chicken little something every night I will let his freeze across my desk quite often and sometimes supposed to or three a day and when they do I always read them and I used to make it all the way to the end and most of the stores. Very long number one number two are very informative right sometimes he does get the name of one of the sites is the economic the economic collapse Blog, the name of one of those other sites is end of the American dream. Cam just the names of the sites you tell you kind of wears his that and I understand that because for years I don't know maybe for a prefer for decades for I know I do I don't track him all the way back before a long time he's been talking about financial crisis economic collapse she's been talking about how the day tradition of American and a lot of us have been but he's often and he will will will highlight things sometimes and point to
end OK Google back in 2012 it's like oh my gosh before I am sorry that it was it was the the end of American civilization according to a lot of these Fairmont cuz they ain't they saw that the financial collapse the the real estate market the bubble bursting give trillions of dollars lost worldwide and is like this is it there's no recovery okay I wasn't like that I didn't think that there was I didn't think I figured we would recover it'll take a long time will take years maybe even a decade but I knew that we would return because it wasn't they took the right right steps to prevent it from being a total catastrophe medal stats were terrible I want to say the right size I mean the right steps or he is kind of like what is a Kata Kata Rising a wound okay that that long term that sucks because you basely burning skin and causing
permanent damage to your to a limb but in the short-term it can keep you from bleeding out sometimes you have to do that that's that's what I saw happening in 08-09 the cauterizing the Financial loan which going to leave a mark literally but it didn't collapse us praise God for that will now I've seen it very possible that he know the fear-mongers from the past or coming out and looking at this and they're saying a lot of the same things except it is different this is different
she's not the economic collapse of 08 this is not the Great Depression this could be something far worse a true legitimate economic collapse which could lead to a societal collapse in the United States of America that's why I'm so concerned especially when it comes to the banking system now it's the entire banking system is shaking is Michael Schneider the aforementioned brilliant man why are big Banks suddenly rushing to shut down so many legal branches all over the nation as I have discussed in previous articles you have banks are currently sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars in unreal lost one financial institutions get into trouble they start getting really tight with their money and they start cutting cost in addition to laying off workers are banks have been cutting costs by permanently closing local branches for example between November 12th and November 18th was 2 weeks ago
the six largest bank in the United States initiating filings to close 19 more local branches PNC by the way they've confirmed that's a $6 Bank confirmed that a pleasure making more more branches Nationwide while I bring staggering 203 bridge closure earlier this year so it's 222 bank's branches the PNC is already closed Justin 2023 course she has lots of company during that exact same week several other prominent Banks made similar moves JP Morgan this is where by the way when I say What Would One bank closes starts closing branches has been bad money managers maybe they work position in a way that's not not beneficial when you was with Rising interest rates we saw that with the Signature Bank okay we saw that with the other one
Silicon Valley Bank okay it's not that they weren't being stupid they were they had just positioned their their Investments around the idea of a permanent essentially permanent lower 0% interest rates then when the interest rate start a rising they started losing okay One bank or even two Banks start closing branches it's like okay so it just it just happens you know that's that's not anything to be alarmed about when 45 or straight Banks
all starts closing branches around same time now it's time to worry
now it's time to be concerned
according to this article Again by my side or JPMorgan Chase follow closely with 18 filing 38 Ohio to each in Connecticut and South Carolina one each in 11th States including New York Illinois Florida to Massachusetts we got JPMorgan that's 20 weight user Citizen Bank came in third with eight branches Branch closures filings
Citizen Bank is pretty big six New York and one each in Massachusetts in Delaware
oh it would there's more Bank of America made Phi Phi Islands to New York and one each in Texas Massachusetts in California you seem to be getting caught up quite a lot same New York matter fact all through the we mentioned have clothes banks in Massachusetts and New York what's going on there please don't get runned States Citibank file for to Branch closures with and Sterling Bremer First National Bank of Hughes Springs Windsor fs and la and Aroostook County F S & L A I made one for each so that sound like five there's actually six and seven altogether 64 branch is closed read that last sentence again
all together
Banks filed to shut down 64 branches
I just did one week folks
King on is there any more is this this is the only negative Financial indicator no no no no probably has more unfortunately even more trouble is coming for a Banks because the real estate industry is a total mess right now Michael cider often talks about the real estate industry real estate market really falling apart over at the economic collapse blog. Com
just existing home sales have fallen to depressingly low levels and we just learned that new home sales in the US dropped 5.6% last month in October
sales of newly constructed homes fell 5.6% in October to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 679000 from a revised rate 119000 September going to airport prices are falling as well so the median price of a new single-family house sold in October fell by 3.1% from September to 409300 while the commercial real estate prices just continues to intensify and I talked about this last week just check out the new numbers that were released several days ago by Trapt the volume of cmbs loans that are classified as delinquent increased by 49.4% during the 10 months through October to 27.9 billion
these are business lunch.
How's that even possible
this is commercial real estate
that volume amounts to 5.07% of the 601.9 a billion dollars Universe tracked by trap and contrast delinquencies at the end of last year amounted to 3.03%
Avi 616.15 billion universe that then extend look if you want to sit around and say oh you know what this is just part of the ebb and flow through downturn that I hear other cuz I needed is we're just going to have to survive and and hold out until Trump gets back in the office all you know what we do is don't worry as soon as the the Warren Ukraine's over things are going to get better I hear a lot of excuses I hear a lot of people saying why they're not concerned
generally speaking those people that are not concerned are people with a whole lot of money seriously mean I'm not trying to I'm not a I'm a capitalist I don't don't believe in and hating the rich but it does seem at least in my circles people I talk to you the ones that are not concerned at all but we're seeing other people that if if there is any glamma collapse they have the physical assets you know that their homes are paid for the cars are paid for that got land I've got guns they got food they got they got silver they got crypto they got they got everything they need so it's like okay so if there is a is a dollar collapses I'll be fine it's what they're thinking
so they can sit back and they said hey there's really nothing to be concerned about we're going to be just fine because they don't love the class just because they are prepared for it doesn't mean they're sitting there hoping things will collapse because there's other things that you can prepare for in such a scenario I think the a lot of people who are in good shape will say who are fully prepared financially and you know and and physically have the assets and resources available to them to be able to sustain themselves so I guess sitting there thinking oh my gosh I can't can't wait for the US dollar to go to zero Camp wait for for war with China I can't wait for the end of may be so maybe the more diabolical in the evil ones are like that but for the most part your average American is not going to be sitting there are your average Rich American will call them sitting there hoping for some good maybe maybe maybe something most of them tonight
but these excuses that they're making they're not real
even if let's say we are able to to keep things together everything's going to hunky-dory and then Donald Trump is re-elected does that mean hey you no problem solved what does not Trump will if he does win in 2024 he will inherit a nation in shambles he'll be within a world we are are quickly this world is quickly turning against the United States more so than it ever has this world as quickly shifted in a way that does not benefit us long-term now there are good things happen I don't want to be with you no Debbie Downer here and it's all bad now there's some great things happening we're seeing elections in South America in Europe cross the globe that give us hope that gives me hope that maybe there is some sense left in the world with some local churches here in the United States
that are playing two positives we're seeing a trend now you can say I've been looking for jigna okay Virginia I think was a matter people so it's the abortion issue that I killed Virginia now I would say that you need to look really really close and what you will find is massive widespread voter fraud in Virginia nobody's talking about it I haven't really anybody talking about him other than those who are trying to point out the evidence and getting shut down I mean I have this one guy is or will have them on the show next week you know this one guys like look I've got evidence I've been trying to shop this around and talk to you I'm not going to be out who you talk to me I've tried it you know I've I've talked to producers are some big Big Show's cancer two shows and I've even talked a little ones and nobody wants to have me on I don't understand this is important stuff we've got the evidence we've collected you know I thought that the people would want a special conservatives and alternative media would want to talk about this
but they didn't really want to talk about it I was feeling as part of the nice weather, I should part of it is because they really want the narrative to be that that abortion is a bad issue for republicans
you're in you know you might be sitting there listening to me right now thinking about yeah it is it's not
I need to do a show about that I need to do an entire show demonstrating why abortion is not a bad issue for Republican abortion is being poorly run as far as the messaging is being horribly run by the vast majority of Republicans
if you take people and you tell them the truth and you you Hammer them with the truth
got a portion the truth about who's affected the truth about what actually takes place in abortions the truth about the policies they actually want to enact if you really take us to the people to educating them about what can and should happen in a post rovi way way world
it becomes an issue I'm going to be like oh yeah all of a sudden I'm super pro-life no
we're not sure but we convinced them that they have to change their worldview we have to convince them that it's not going to be the end of their world
if this log is Pastor that luggage that's what I'm I made a big fan of transparency what it comes to politics but I'm also a fan of Steven a bigger fan of messaging that gets the job done and we're not doing that with abortion count on you too it'll be better for me and for you if I put put all these thoughts together I'll probably rather than then try to shoot from the hip on that it should because it's an important one when not messaging right when it comes to abortion
play my point is that that's one of the reasons why people don't want to talk to me about Mass widespread voter fraud the other reasons because hey you get label if you are talking of voter fraud election denier I don't care you know how much are Democrat Democrats can talk about voter fraud and can they can actually get stuff done whenever they can demonstrate the voter fraud has been done against them you seen that and multiple cases just in the last month I'll be talking about another case here in a bit where where that seems to to be effective but hey if you talk about voter fraud you're one of those crazy qanon people
cuz apparently the only people that allegedly believe he the 2020 and 2022 elections and that swing 23 elections were stolen are just those crazy qanon people it's not people that actually look at evidence like me people actually dig deep talk to talk to people who seen what's happening
we're just put cumbias right we're not the ones that are that are election Liars except except I am and we are and hopefully many of you do realize that the 2020 election was stolen on Ambiguously you hopefully you realized the Joe Biden did not receive more black votes than Barack Obama kfu think that he did what you're saying is that you believe that black people prefer a racist over an actual black man and that's stupid that's just that you might as well be like Quran Phillips
and yes 2022 Mass widespread voter fraud in multiple States nothing ever eat all the elections were lost because of lost by Republicans why the red tsunami failed strictly because of voter fraud. It was failed because again going back to messaging we can talk about Ronna Romney McDaniel all day we can talk about the RNC we can talk about failures of intentional failures on behalf of the unibody swamp in many cases that's why some people off but there was also widespread voter fraud and yes in 2023 there was also widespread massive voter fraud it's still happening is happening in so many elections look there's a taco that's a fun inside fun a more fun topic here real quick let's go to here's a good one let's go to an idiot
this is Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona yesterday Monday Monday here's here's the moron
we're going to set up follow-up call Deborah Governor we met with to make sure we're available as it was President Reagan said we're from the government we're here to help there's there are resources there there's technical assistance there and there's a Playbook that could support the work you're doing count on us as a partner in this our students are waiting thank you
I don't often facepalm but I do I just want to I want to cover my space I want to bury it because this guy this guy's an idiot
for those of you and I'm sure but the vast majority of my audience is well aware since you are the brightest the most intelligent audience in the world I can demonstrate that very clearly
perverse maybe a few other hand hold you or not we're maybe I maybe you just forgot but when Reagan said those words when he was saying was these are the the the nine most dangerous words of nine scariest words I think is what he what he said the ninth scariest words you can never hear I'm from the government and I'm here to help he was insulting the idea that government help now you know generally speaking it if if i k o c or somebody else that'll be like haha and yeah I wouldn't even talk about it
discuss the Secretary of Education okay this guy is supposed to
be the one who sets direction for public schools across the country
and here he is semi caught it wasn't even the right quote it's in that's fine it's off off off the top of his head but quoting Reagan out of context and trying to make it something that Reagan was clearly using as negative
it's going to make it a positive I don't know if he was just if you thought we were stupid maybe I don't know if he just misunderstood you didn't give the joke because this was a joke I sent you the Reagan was was saying during a press conference or or maybe he just he heard those words one day and he just thought yes that is so true that people in government they are here to help maybe that's what drove him as a child to want to get into a life of politics become a a bureaucrat to leave an agency that does not need to exist and know the department of education does not need to exist at all
you can sort of make an argument for Department of Education at the state level sort of I would even prefer that at the very least they all get neutered to the point to where they are more recommendation groups rather than policy groups to me I would love for the aisle I think this is the only way that you could ever clean up the public school system in general would be to eliminate all Department of Education released again keep the state ones with neuter them and leaves incisions up at the local level schools in in Bethany Oklahoma are going to run very differently from schools in in Miami Florida and it's funny because I could have I should have used the example of Miami
Oklahoma spelled the same way but pronounced differently Miami Oklahoma versus Miami Florida
when being is that is that based on geography based on size bass in demographics based on on a dozen different factors a school district should make different decisions for their children in some cases a school may need for example security there's a video I'm I going to play it it's it's hideous that was another school meeting yesterday cuz I'm brawl they're calling worried I've kid died I didn't get to see that part of it but I saw the video those out on social media showing me the Genesis of the conflict and it's I mean this used to be happening on a regular basis of course we have the the kid that was murdered I murdered while back and I mean this is it recent news because some of the kids have been arrested for murder and are being charged as adults with murder
that's good except it's bad that 15 kids decided hey let's beat down this other kid
how I am not saying this is brand new in this never happened the past it just seems like and I'm saying Santa goalie I don't have the stats it sure seems like we're seeing more of a 90 granted a big reason why I see more of his because there's cameras and every every pocket every hand can't even the school you got these teenagers are all just trying to get Tik-Tok Tik-Tok famous they're all just wanted to to get a in a share this with her friends maybe they don't want to put on Tik Tok really just want to share with a friend I don't know why they do it I don't know why it's not just kids it's it's adults to why is it in the United States of America a first instinct we see something crazy batter or a false happening we pull out her phone's I could never I know this was a certainty of Praise the Lord I've never been in this situation but I know that if I saw something bad happening in the back I'm not going to be on my phone okay it's the last thing I will be doing if it's in the fact that I can prevent that I'll go towards the attack it was an attack that I can't prevent I'll go away from the attack
okay if if 15 in drop down in that in a you know I'm shopping at a at a Walmart but that would never happen if I'm at the mall or something which also would never happen whatever and in 15 min dropped out of the ground or dropped out of the ceiling and they have their their swords out to slice people me if I'm in the mall unarmed I'm not going to challenge them I'm going to take my family runaway okay different scenario baby there's there's a gunman targeting me directly or targeting my family I'm going to go after that person let's say there's one assailant stabbing somebody I'm going to go after that person
in public and no point would have crossed my mind to pull out my phone phone and start filming
I don't get it maybe I'm old school I don't understand that mentality what so ever are we on our way we've got time for one more and I mention this earlier so let's go ahead and get get this story in before we go to station identification I guess
his composure in his court papers from just the news
John Solomon's fantastic sight court papers say x Virginia election official on trial altered election results in 2020 election election was that a free is in the fairest of all time is that what we were told continue to be told at nauseam former Prince William County General registrar Michelle Light was indicted by a grand jury on Tucson counts alleging corrupt conduct as an elected official and making a false statement and one misdemeanor charge of willful neglect of Duty by an election officer last year she has filed for a bill of particulars which requires prosecutors to provide more details her alleged wrongdoings received 54% of the vote in the 2020 election
two former dollar sign I always he caught on that The Frayed President Joe Biden okay I don't like saying those words
and I'm not one of those cuz I used to say President Barack Obama k.
But that may be the first time in my life if it's just because I read it I didn't catch myself usually myself I didn't catch myself this time
I don't consider him to be my present it isn't likely to be unhinged you know what prison number president was in 2017 on when Trump was an option that and there's still money on the conservatives Republicans today so you know he's all my present job I would they not saying because they believe that he stole the office they're saying because he know that he is he doesn't they don't agree with the mighty a lot look if you don't agree with the president ideologically but you believe that President won fair and square he's still your president is why you can't I used to call Via President Barack Obama
in some people may well but he wasn't really a present because he was he was born in Nigeria and then yeah okay well I'm not going to go down that road I'm not going to get up that's not I didn't do enough research I wasn't in politics back then to to care enough I still believe that the office of President of the United States deserve to to be respected and I still do I'm missing it's not like I have to change that perspective but I don't like calling Joe Biden president because I think that he stole it when I say thank you and let's be clear I think it was still on his behalf I don't think he was sitting there doing anything other than joke but you stay in your basement Joe don't do anything Joe take your meds
Joe don't swear on that girl don't Joe don't don't you do it don't you guys he's going over the girl somebody stopped sending the white bunny
anyway you the idea that maybe the first time I've ever out of those words just because I didn't catch myself anyway let's let me redo that that's paragraph in a country where Joe Biden receive 54% of the alleged vote in the 2020 presidential election to former President Donald Trump's 4% and lecture Fishel at a time a legend we altered election results in the states Reporting System leading to three grand jury indictments last year
who heard about this last year you think of this might be like big a big thing I like Fox News or or something like that but but apparently it it just wasn't
in September 2022 former Prince William County General registrar Michelle White was indicted by a grand jury on 2000's Legend corrupt conduct as an election to fill making a false statement and one misdemeanor indictment of willfully neglect my duty by an election officer White's jury trial set to begin January 16th of next year and go until January 26th it's why is it taking so long this is something you think this was important enough to to Fast Track but apparently wasn't White had abruptly resigned in 2021 without explanation of the Virginia Attorney General's office announced the indictment last year the only additional information offered was that white allegedly violated the law between August and December 2020 but details regarding the alleged actions were not given this week just in his teyn documents from The Prince William's County Clerk's Office through a court records request regarding the three charges against white we provide some additional information I didn't read through them it it doesn't go into into enough we need more
but won't I want to highlight those that is why I wanted to bring the story up I want to highlight the dates
violated the law between August and December of 2020
this wasn't a scenario where the mass of widespread voter fraud got started the day before and continued on to a couple days at election this is planned out
is this astina I would argue that the the voter fraud that did take place in 2020 had been planned out for a very long time the reason that we know this is because it was Democrats just Ron White who leading the charge from the Senate to go after wait for it and this is again is back in the early 2019
they were leading the charge going after
voting machine companies and all of a sudden strangely they said I said 29th actually they were having Senate hearings as late as 2020 but they stopped all of a sudden right before Joe Biden
started to be bitching given
the the
the Democratic nomination so very scary stuff we do have something to play during this moment of silence and sister station identification so I guess I'm just going to sit here and stare at the camera I know I'll check chats if you guys want to chat me chatting me on the rumble
okay I think that's it that's one moment of silence
you might wonder why didn't I trade in my moment of silence I don't I don't plan on there I should say don't cuz I have and I will I'm sure again. But I usually yeah I pray with intent I don't just pray for the sake of prayer is prayer time let's pray pray always but I didn't intend to use my station identification time to to pray
so let's let's move to the time I'm looking for the regular you know what let's go to this one this is a great one because it's just a set of stage I want you to watch very carefully listened very carefully to not just with me said but how Fox News reacts to what's being said this is in New York City
this is this is up to each and every one of us to stand up not going to be able to stay away from
oh yeah oh yeah Fox News is going to pull away from that one they any news for letting it go on that long but more Kudos much more kudos to the gentleman for expressing his desire to be ungovernable that's really what it is comes down to folks this comes down to being ungovernable
it's often said but I see so few people actually doing it it is necessary it is is not just important it's imperative that we become ungovernable
because the Constitution says that we are
the Constitution
set apart of government that is designed to prevent itself from taking your freedom see if you read the Bill of Rights the first 10 amendments just those alone you'll see restraint after a street after restraint against the government
Santa cancer people
they're not trying to hold us back the Constitution is designed to keep us within the boundaries of natural law in power to not let government trample on us this is what has made America strong over the last two and a half centuries and they're taking it away they've been taking it away for a little by little 450 years
and yet what are we doing very little
we're not fighting back they placated us
I'm going to get into more of that here in a bit but I do want to I have to play that clip because you know this guy is passionate the sky is is real and and he's being affected
this isn't that that came from the heart mother reason the the interview semi interview started off with her kind of kind of worn and she knew that reporter hey there's a chance this guy might say something foul I use a curse word on live television so so she said hey you know we're on live television shampoo that just fine but then once you start to get really into it started saying you know AOC cannot walk the streets anymore you know they they start fearing Fox News the studio start a feeling he's going to start talking about violence and that's something they don't want to do be broadcast on their on their showing at look I am not to be clear I'm not a fan of violence
unless in self-defense or unless it's in
it's such a revolution against an oppressive a tyrannical government we are getting inching closer to it every day we are inching closer to that that scenario where we met at some point before Stu take up arms
and God forbid because that would be the end of the United States but if if it comes to that in my humble opinion they will be because there is no alternative if because I do believe that there is common sense and lucidity are there radicals that are on both sides of the fence by the way are the radicals that they're trying to to push Civil War and what I like to do to refer to a better as its Revolutionary War absolutely no mine stance is be ready for it just don't instigate it until it's time and when will it be time will know will know
because we'll see our government acting you crossing the line
police state martial law right now it seems we're singing Creep seen the police state surround us and you might say you know this is the time this is where we we've got to start the revolution started the Civil War
now's not the time
now is the time for prayer now is the time to inform now's the time to prepare
but we're not to the stage where we have to have to go to war against their own government that they may come God forbid but that day may come I don't believe it.
And maybe I'm in the minority but I don't think I am
what's it wouldn't be a show a j d wrecker show if I didn't at least talk a little bit about the election yeah it's it's funny because every day I think I'm okay so this is my last my election coverage for the week I don't like talking about the election to Stage because we're in primary season and has a voice many many times I think the primaries are over I do the primaries never really even started I think it was maybe a glimmer of hope for some of the Republicans who thought maybe they can they can they can beat Donald Trump but at this stage the this isn't the primary at this stage this is a Hooper's the safety-net who's going to be the person who is nominated in case Donald Trump has taken out by the Deep State that's it nobody's going to catch nobody's going to catch him
nobody's going to catch him
no Republican can the feet Donald Trump in the primary
unless the device they take some out through lawfare or through other means there's this those the only two choices either Donald Trump is the nominee for the Deep State takes him out that's it there is no Noah scenario where Nikki Haley wins the is able to defeat the trump in primary elections in caucuses or anything like that so I can happen anyway but I say that every week and then story pop up because people are talking about it's alright fine I'll spend a little bit of time that much I'm going to spend a little bit of time on this one comes from my good friends are returning politics Mark Stefan says a major donors come back to Trump after failing to find alternative reason I wanted to bring this up I thought about this a bit yesterday but I want to bring some again because me and we're seeing the sooner this happens across the board the better-off Republican party will be I would argue by the way that having these primaries has been very refreshing
glad to the primaries have I'm glad they were people who tried to challenge Donald Trump because all I did is reiterate the Donald Trump is the Republican party as of today Donald Trump represents a majority of Republicans
and that that's why I'm glad cuz I listen nobody challenged Trump and then never trouble you know he is used to the fact our nominee but nobody really like someone that we had to demonstrate the end of that no fishing we do like him oh yeah you through this and it's saddest you through Chris Christian has who likes Chris Christie Allen Chris Christie likes Chris Christie I seriously have never met a single human being or talk to sing with human being or even seen a tweet by single axle human being that who likes Chris Christie as a person as a politician or anyting I know he won elections and in New Jersey I know that he was the old though in a deep deep blue State he was able to to be a quote-unquote republican you know
I know that he loved on Obama behavior on Trump and whatever a whole lot of people like Nikki Haley not anymore yeah there was a time perhaps when she was in the administration when she was the the u.s. ambassador to the United Nations and maybe when she was governor maybe there were a lot of people to like your back then but she's not exactly the most likable person that she's your she's your Dick Cheney okay she is your Dick Cheney in three-inch heels as are they Grandma Swanson
but anyway let's get this high-level donors within the Republican party is starting to come around on former President Donald Trump candidacy after spending years searching for an alternative one of the clear signs yet that the Republican front-runner has a century clinched they said singed punched out of the nomination
oh I don't okay that some of the party's biggest philanthropist including Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus and Oil and Gas Mobile Harold Hamm are switching horses after previously backing Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis respectively in November Marcus announced his support in a surprise up Ed and RealClearPolitics was a quote from from Marcus I understand the frustration of some of my Republican friends who do not like or are offended by things Donald Trump does and says I too have been frustrated at times but we cannot let his Brash style be the reason we walk away from his otherwise excellent stewardship of the United States during his first term in office and stay with those in the sky anyone who's not familiar with Bernie Mark see what is wicked smart okay I mean he is he is one of those guys where I would he was
what do you made a good politician absolutely but he was too smart
to be a politician he he knew that that he knew the fallacies of shortcomings the dangers of getting directly into politics or the side hey I'm going to do business that support I'll be politically minded but I ain't going to run he continued I endorsed him not only because he has the best chance of winning the general election because he is the best person to take on and dismantle the administrative that is a strangling American disappointed a lot of people may I see a lot of the same this man
Sanders supporters the talk about what the status is done to the administrative state in the State of Florida remind people that they is the vast majority of that aspect now I'm talking to her thing the sandals and some amazing things in Florida by the way but I think that when it comes to Des Moines the administrative state it should have come more from and might be more from his office but it didn't a good chunk of it a great chunk of it came through legislation I hear something so please pay attention because this is important aspect of machine when it comes to
laws for example that come from
from the legislative branch right now we're not students in modern-day public schools actually learned some things in school back when we went to public school when they weren't indoctrination since maybe they weren't we just didn't notice but I don't think they were gay member I was there we didn't talk much about any politics we definitely can tell each other how to pronounce or anything like that to the pronouns where I am a unquestionable
what is the legislative branch they they put the locks together but to some extent the executive branch does contribute to that the executive branch has to tell you what I meant for us to sign for the governor or the or the president to sign these bills or this bill into law we want to see this this mess there's M put in another words that's when it comes to 22 making lots that is the primary primary job of the legislative branch when it comes to the administrative State it's the other way around Katy Ministry that determines funding it's very true I'm sorry that the the legislator determines funding for the for the administrative state but the administrative State itself is still operating controlled by the executive branch
so they can find or defund the legislature confront or defund aspects of the ministry of state but there's an easier solution you can actually threw him by doing it legally the Executive Branch the chief executive of the president or the governor has vast powers to be able to curtail or just or realize or even in many cases completely abolish aspects of the administrative state it should not be the legislature that takes down the administrators say that's the secondary think that's what you do this is why you know we talked about the various agencies you know you don't care the new Congress members of Congress saying the words to abolish or dismantle this that are there they always talk about how we're going to find them
polishing a dismantling can only be done by the executive the executive branch when it comes to the administrative State I hope I thought I made that clear because
because this is where does Marcus was saying that he believes that Trump is is best suited to dismantle the administrative State I wholeheartedly agree and when people make the argument that the standards is actually doing it and Trump didn't do it in his first term in office it's half true yes many aspects of the administrative state in Florida have been have been tailed but not nothing has been curtailed by the governor's office a lot of it was done through the legislation that's not how it should have been that demonstrates weakness in my opinion we will argue and you know what Trump has he said he's going to drain the swamp that you're right in his first four years he didn't drain the swamp
but merely you should have done much more
in second term
he will be able to do much more
Harris is why I play the clip of Michael Cohen what will Michael Cohen say and he's playing on the idea that it is actually partially true what he was saying without actually saying it is that a second term for Trump means that he will be Unleashed with you we all remember you know when caught on hot mic Barack Obama talking to the Russian saying yo hey tell tell your guy is my second chance I'll be flexible with how we deal with you know that wasn't an attempt on Obama voice I don't do impersonations I can barely even personally myself but you that that being only said that whole second term mentality can a first-term in this is just across the board
Joe Biden My exceptional talk about him here in a minute but across the board presidents of the United States they have two terms K their first term it is entirely done to earn them a second term
that's it everything you do on your first term as president is to win a second term and everything you do in your second term is to build your legacy is what about what Clinton did this is what George W George h.w. Bush would have done if he didn't get beaten us what Ronald Reagan to some extent people's people and I can say I was like to put regen on a pedestal as if he was perfect but no okay his first time he did everything he did everything for me a semi populist mostly conservative perspective try to win re-election and second time it was all about building his legacy
Ingo back you know Carter Ford did not get gets a second terms Nixon should have had a full second term he would have gone for for his legacy look
a trump that's Unleashed that does have to worry about re-election that's holding his legacy will take down the administrative state if and it's a big F if he has the right people around him
my talking about just you know the obvious one is that we don't want Anthony fauci will. We figured that one out long ago
but what about you know is he going to get another is he going to get his face he made some awful choices in the beginning but also even even his secondary choices when is tertiary choices for his cabin for the people he surrounds himself with mean HR McMaster I don't even know I don't know where that even comes from and how in the world
was he in the White House Rex Tillerson really
can you at least one with Jeff sessions I can sort of understand it because Jeff sessions was the first he was deathly qualified to be attorney general he was the first Senator to endorse Donald Trump in a state that Trump needed desperately to win in the primary
sessions came out and endorse them
but but he was a disaster as attorney general if it wasn't for Jeff sessions if Trump had had picked out a an attorney general with with cojones a real Attorney General
Goodwin then the whole russiagate thing would never have even happened it would have that that that really hampered Trump's first term for a long time and it never happened
don't even and that's the funny part is sessions was only the second worst attorney general Bill Barr who came in late so you can't say Trump picked a bad people to start with and replace them with good people didn't you want from a previous 22 what's the name John 22 Mick Mulvaney really
then ending Krista with Mark Meadows
it was by the way I was probably in popular for me to say I got I do like Mark Meadows had lunch with Mark Meadows be is he is a he is a patriot you will see what what pans out with all these trials and and whatever he claims he's he hasn't turned on Trump will see if he hasn't been awesome
put it back in maybe not as a chief of staff Freeman and something else I would rather see a cheap establish people don't realize I think I don't think enough you will understand that the chief of staff is arguably the most powerful non president more powerful than the Vice President in many ways it's funny cuz not even Constitution that's a whole discussion for another day honey I left at 1 a.m. to take it off a full-screen silly silly me here's a new one talk about a disaster this is this is Carl Rose is pulling shows Americans believe Biden and Trump are too old for presidency I'm not going to read this I just wanted to get the headline up there because his car up I wanted I wanted to to I guess you could say taint my I was set up my perspective on this
by saying if you disagree with me then you agree with Rove Rove agree with Karl Rove and for some reason his name is hard to say it is at 6:22 in the morning so here's why I wanted that sort job
it's incorrect neither Joe Biden North Donald Trump are too old for the presidency and a lot of people talking about age we've even heard some even some conservatives were talking about age restrictions for politicians folks it has nothing to do with age as a little bit to do with age but it really comes down to mental acuity
it comes down to a person's mental qualifications
John fetterman for example
is not nobody would say that he's too old to hold his position
but many people including Democrats would say that his mental acuity after his stroke is not there he requires
you want people are interviewing him he has to have the questions put on a screen for him to read
and when he answers them often times the work that he wants to say on the wars that actually come out of his mouth I know bad for the guy grabbing a stroke
okay but if somebody has those challenges would you want that person
doing I can name a dozen probably two dozen jobs off the top of my head that you wouldn't want that person to do
so him being a US senator is very very bad okay with me on this
Donald Trump's mental acuity is very strong
is he as sharp as he was 20 years ago I don't think so I think that he is smarter but I don't think that he's as a I've seen the interviews he was extraordinary quick on his feet before you know I mean he can take any topic and you asked me about any talk intelligently about it I think today it's not about you know it if he does not lack the intelligence for the job obviously he does not like the Judgment for the job but I think that then this happens when you get older that you may be speak a little bit more slowly
and perhaps you knew I can't quite remember things as easily that's part of aging just want to say age doesn't have anything to do it so that it doesn't it still that's not the determining Factor
Donald Trump can be president of the United States I would say who is based upon you know and I know people can deteriorate fast as we seen with Joe Biden
but the Donald Trump has well more than four years there is zero chance that Joe Biden has four years OK Google Biden has been it's four years overdue okay I think the last time he had the mental acuity to be president United States was was more than four years ago if you want to see the news watch his speech during the Democratic National Convention in 2016 when they were nominating Hillary Clinton during that speech he sounded like a different man he was a different man than he is when he was in 2020 let alone today
K between 2016 and 2020 he deteriorated rapidly so why they kept him in the basement they rigged the election kept him in the basement and we're hoping the people to remember the older Joe Biden who still was was loaded with gas remember when when the worst thing about Joe Biden at least with corporate media would it would report on whether the Gap so you know Joe Biden made another gaffe oh what was Joe Biden said that you can't walk into a into a convenience store without without hearing an Indian accent racist much Joe
you know that that was the worst part about you now obviously it's corruption bribery mental challenges
the guy is is not fit for president but it's not because of his age and you say that the sage contributed to his mental Amazon yeah I just want to make sure people don't go down the slippery slope the same Joe Biden's to Old Joe Biden's to Old Joe Biden's to old that's not his is it's on the reason that he can't be President Joe Biden's mental acuity is gone
other 81 year olds might be able to do better I mean I would I would ask any but I don't know how, so Liz but somebody tried the beta the dude is ancient
okay me is legitimately really old and look up how old is how old is is Thomas soul I don't I don't have it on me here but but he's the only older than Joe Biden
and he has the mental acuity could be present in the United States today very easily I would not want to debate the guy he would run circles around me would run circles around you he's smart he's wicked smart
and he's so don't talk about H talk about mental acuity is Trump's age is not far off from from Beans is recently called road is trying to to go out there and make it an issue of 8 because he knows the Trump is only a couple years younger than buying so he hates Trump he wants neocon Nikki in office or he wants to try to convince Glenn Younkin to run or he wants to somehow somehow give give Ron DeSantis of boost more so than his his heels in his boots I don't know what Kairos justification is I just know that never listen to call Ralph friends don't let friends listen to Karl Rove
I said what's up
there's an interesting interview to
will call them juggernauts conservative
populist are the better word for them juggernauts met yesterday the first time ever even heard of them talking at least at least on there maybe there was past interviews that I don't know. But Tucker Carlson interviewed Steve Bannon
and it's funny cuz they were talking and it was like all the topics to talk about between Tucker Carlson and seeb and they were talking about Ireland which is an important topic I just don't know if it's the top of that you want Tucker Carlson talking to Steve Bannon about but then I watched it and there was a clip where I thought you know what that's important
it might not be what I want them socks what I wanted to talk about America more but because they are both America First People very much so but this one's a good Clippers play
it seems like Ireland or so small country in western Europe but it seems like this is kind of almost a metaphor for what's happening across the way what do you make of the writing there and the government's response will look you've been too hungry you know Viktor Orban has led this fight for years and has tried to get his country the sovereignty of us to stay away from what's happening in Germany in places like Ireland Ireland probably one of the worst and not the worst because the political class has totally sold out the people you know they've had I think 125,000 immigrants in the last year that that is the same equivalent if all of Joe Biden's 9 million illegal alien Invaders here in our country all came within one year that's that's what that's the impact it's had on Ireland and they're all on the public Dole that's been a hundred thousand ukrainians in what the 18 months are 20 months since the war started and ukrainians all on the pub
all pay for out of the Irish Budget now some of that money is given by the EU but the Irish politicians are by far the worst that are bought off a by the EU to the biggest globalist sold at the sovereignty of of the Irish in your natural go back and you're really seeing it among working-class people in the cities Irish Nationals Irish citizens whose family have been there for generations and generations and generations and have nothing to show for it and also the world community so Ireland is a powder keg and I think what you saw the other day in the response by the guard of the response by the authorities was a meat League or for Conor McGregor and other folks were saying hey we need to address this we need to your ear your proclamations are no longer good enough or need to see a plan of action because it's been enough of these immigrants attacks on on Thursday in a year ago where there was a I think a murder of a school teacher by an immigrant so the Irish people I think I've had a belly full of it but you're saying this is this is
the west and it started with a mass immigration the sixties and seventies but really been picked up since the Syrian Civil War and what the Germans did back in 2014
another reason of the app circular clip was so important to the me is because of one person and that one person is kanouse me my be like what is Gavin Newsom have to do with the Irish government today as as Banning have pointed out is extraordinary radical I wouldn't disgrace the most radical in the air but it is it is extraordinary radical in this very much alive if you listen to the talking points I should have probably just just gotten gotten there they're there dude and played him because listen to him all I could think of and maybe it's because I'm hearing in Conyers, fornia but all I could think of was man he's using the same talking points did Gavin Newsom use all the time he has the same same style the same same just super ultra creepiness American Psycho Christian Bale's you know style to him and
what they're seeing what they're experiencing in Ireland is what we would experience if Gavin Newsom wherever to ascend to the Oval Office. I know a lot of people are not your friends are thinking of you talking about this debate I don't know if it's going to be a big debate I don't even know if I'm going to watch it I probably will not for not for the Santa's butt for for Newsom cuz I just I've only seen him last time I saw him do a debate was was years ago and he was he was he's awful but I want to see if if he really is a challenge to drop so I may watch on Thursday watch the debate between DeSantis and and
Gavin Newsom again just to call it a point to Jim Harbaugh spying on the competition but we'll see because I do believe there's a chance a very good chance that he could be the guy that's going to be propelled with either during the convention before the convention even maybe you and I don't know after the convention I don't know the legalities of the weight of the Democrat Party Works or how they how they will will try to get rid of Joe Biden I do believe they will by the way try to get rid of your mind I don't think Joe Biden is going to run
okay I don't I do not believe that Joe Biden is is there their plan for 2020 for the reason that I don't think that is because there's been no really no mention of replacing Kamala Harris if they are to replace Kamala Harris if they were talking about replacing Kamala Harris you know give her an ambassadorship or something and so she's better used here you know if they work if they were replacing her I would say yeah sure they're going to they're going to like Joe Biden then he's going to he's going to go away really quickly and will have will have no vice president Michelle Obama stepping in and becoming president then I'll take okay so I'll stick with Joe and then just get rid of them then since they haven't been in there still plenty of time this still may be the plan but whatever their plan is their plan is not Joe Biden okay they do not expect and what it will be 85 86
and there's no way he can make it through
K is zero chance that he can make it through a second term none
I mean they have done everything they can to prop him up to make it through
his first term they installed him knowing that at any moment he could go down and then where he's at and I truly believe that's the only reason that he's been allowed to continue why they've done so much to prop him up to fill them full of ketones or bee pollen or something or to replace him there's a theory and it's not a terrible Theory are we actually I didn't get to watch it but apparently there's a video of those going viral about his guy show me how how how masks can work you know how this new masking technology you can actually take somebody and make them up here to be Joe Biden if you ever compare put away just if you were compared Joe Biden's face from a couple years ago you can that you can see there is a distinct
cut like there's no slow transition there's Joe Biden when he had those Angry Eyes and there's Joe Biden today and you don't see it's like there's a missing link okay there's a missing link there's no transition between the two he was angry Eye Joe Biden and his ears are in a different position and now all of a sudden he's soft Eye Joe Biden with different ears
again I'm not going to say that definitively but that's not Joe Biden I just I don't even know if I believe that I think it's the only possible it's definitely
possible I need the way they have at least if it lets say that you'll find they've been propping him up and he would through drugs through some sort of Nauvoo do witchcraft I don't know they've been doing something to keep them going and I think the only reason they've done that is because Kamala Harris was a disaster and maybe that was Joe Biden's brilliant stratagem you he thought I know they're going to try to get rid of me let me pick the the snow the one person that can be least trustworthy less trustworthy than I am to be present let's get Kamala Harris in there I think it had had he selected say Karen bass or somebody even though bottoms out of out of Georgia being taken and put somebody else in as his VP maybe you would already be gone okay maybe you would be glad you believe they are going to replace him either before the private primary switch are coming up so that's less likely they might replace him during the primaries which seems possible
I think the most likely scenario is that they let him go through the primaries and skate and something weird happens yes and maybe some sort of medical emergency and that's when they have they have to decide at the convention through the delegates
take the phone away from the people
and they they handpicked who they want to be the the Democrat nominee and possibly even the Democrat president
I would love for Joe Biden continue because I think that that Trump will actually obliterating I think the Trump obliterated him in 2020 if we're counting votes and I'm balanced just votes actual American citizens voting thing from Bloom away
but obviously the ballot counts were manipulated in multiple states which is why Joe Biden wasn't stopping anyway I don't think they can do enough voter fraud for him to be able to quote on quote win a second
that's why I think they're going to replace him and also because I don't think they can make the argument that he has the mental acuity to handle a second term
the next story is near and dear to my heart
I mostly because I own a beef company and we sell freeze-dried beef so there's that but it's also near and dear to my heart and I'm talking about it today whether I ought to be company or not because this is terrified not to me not to those if you are if you are living off grid and you have plenty of those resources I had mentioned earlier you've got your you got your gold and silver you've got your your crypto you've got your you own your your land in your home and your vehicles and every other it all out right you have no debt and you got tons of food and you got your garden you got your chickens may be got some cows maybe got a goat you know you got if you got your solar or wind or whatever you got your energy Supply that covered then you're in good shape for the rest of us we are in the process hopefully Lord willing you
as well if you're listening friends we're in the process of trying to get built up because of this is an article by Christine Layla over at the Gateway pundit title eat bugs eat dead bugs and live in a pod United Nations to tell First World countries to limit meat consumption in Foods first NetZero plan I'm going to actually talk about this further tomorrow because there's a there's a big article over over at Lido's at Yahoo but I must be your article talked about it let's start with this one from
from the Gateway pundit eat bugs and live in a pocket change zealots Communists are not only coming for your gas powered vehicles they want to destroy the cattle and farming in the street under the guise of reduced carbon emissions with a nether plan United Nations food and agriculture organization FAO it is expected to roll out its food guidance for First World countries in an effort to use carbon emissions the message to rich countries consume less meat new food system is expected to be unveiled at the cop 28 Summit next month in Dubai is a quote from Bloomberg Nations that over to meet will be advised to limit their intake while developing nations of developing countries where under consumption of meat ads to a prevalent nutritional challenge will need to improve their livestock for me according to the FAO so they're saying hey you rich countries eating too much meat and on the other hand they hate you poor country skiing or meat which one is it
it's a saying hey you know what we we want for our future gas powered cars in Western countries but we want more gas powered cars in Africa
I mean it is if they're bad they're bad right surely they can come up and start using these metal turns it as a matter fact because the numbers are so bad in La First Nations maybe that's where they should be focusing on getting the bugs to getting me the lab grown meat so I'm not sick I'm not suggesting I would be a good thing I'm saying that that why are they pushing it on us
why are they trying to get us to reduce when they know there are people out there that need more protein
well answer's obvious because they can charge a heck of a lot more to an American leftist or an American government that forces us to stop eating actual real meat that was raised in a pasture
right you know they can make more money off of it sucks it infuriates me knowing that this stuff is obvious that stuff is very straightforward this stuff is an ambiguous
their tax their agenda is Crystal Clear there was a time you know the whole reason that Alex Jones and and people like that the reason they were ridiculed so much in the past because the ideas they were putting out there seem to be debunk Cabool today you can't debunk this stuff why because they're actually saying it the powers and principalities
liberal World Order fill the
the globalist elite cabal
they're out there they're just outright saying it the telling of their plans
this case they're telling us hey
I want you to eat less meat going to do anything we can to prevent you from eating meat
why because M allegedly bad these past your grown me now lab-grown meat which has been demonstrated be 25 times more harmful for the environment pound-for-pound then pasture-raised but hey they don't talk about that part diagram me that'll be bugs that would be fine
funny cuz that coming was mentioning we are on the Gateway pundit even notices them now I usually skip over the ass but in this case Dad right there seven reasons 7 reasons to stock up a long-term storage premium beef right away I appreciate the Gateway pundit I appreciate the fact that they are we sponsor them just as we sponsor this show and when I say we I'm talking about Freedom First what you can see on the screen right there, use Chrome opr and you can 15 but you do need to stock up this is sous-vide potatoes cooked one ingredient Beef Wellington at Salt to Vitas from Maximum retention of nutrition of protein and a consistency
what's a sous vide then it's freeze-dried put it to mylar bags with oxygen absorbers so they can have up to a 25-year shelf life
25 years
Lord willing we are still eating on it in 25 years because that would mean that hate they didn't take away the beef hey I was wrong and so was the Gateway pundit and so was so so we're all the other people the epoch times
Alex Jones everybody was wrong about the idea that they're going to try to prevent us from eating actual real beef
unfortunately I don't think I would say the vast majority of the bags that we sell a referee in first beef. Calm I'm not going to last one a lot because they couldn't because they're going to be
does long-term storage food and Lord willing it will stay as long term storage food versus us being forced to eat it next month next year or even in five years I don't want that to happen but just in case it is time to prepare the coming out and saying it folks they're saying we don't want you to eat steak
that's why we're selling ribeye New York strip Tender Loin sirloin or some of the good stuff this is not beef crumbles you can get cheaper beef by the way you can go and get beef crumbles from all these pepper outfits and if you ever had rehydrated beef crumbles to understand why they called me from bowls
because it's basically meat flavored porch
I don't want to go to the apocalypse eating meat flavored porch but hey that's that's just me
maybe I'm I'm the crazy one from speaking of Health for those of you who are watching not just listen if you're watching you'll see that that I I am a
will say I'm a rotund man I am I robust I am I am wider than your average man but I am losing weight I'm losing weight on the ketogenic diet and no I don't have a a keto sponsor a big fan of it and I have been a big fan for a long time I wonder if you wondering how can I still be so large from on the ketogenic guys because I don't do it for the sake of losing weight I am starting to lose weight I lost like like 10 lb in the last month or so I am starting to lose weight based on exercise but I live a fan of the ketogenic diet because of the benefits because certain things are bad for you right and most of those things are sugars
carbohydrates in my humble opinion that a nutritionist and not a doctor but in my humble opinion based upon what it does I would say that to keep those are the superior of energy and then the keto diet the ketogenic diet does make you better and healthier what do you want to lose weight or not but with that said there's more than just carbs and sugars that are bad for you there's also certain what else in this is the reading of keto's because you know it's not a diet where you can just eat as much fat as you can you have to be very selective with your fats
and one of those fences you don't want to eat whether you're on the keto diet or not or vegetable oils I don't know I think it's unfortunate I couldn't I couldn't sort this but I'm going to play it anyway it's just a short video talking about vegetable oil spread called a scare tactic I'm fear-mongering about vegetable oils because I don't think they're very good for you if you do if you would enjoy your McDonald's fries watch this video because maybe you won't it after you watch it and let's say you don't enjoy McDonald's and see you just you know you're okay with canola oil or whatever
Boyle's Law not in your food
real food products products made in factories are products that requires heat in chemicals in high pressure to extract the oil there is used in the manufacturing process oxidizes these delicate seed oil when you eat oxidized vegetable oil canola corn and safflower or sunflower your body that are highly inflammatory and known to cause heart disease and cancer to combat and refined vegetable oil and then they were used by restaurants in the most in the most carcinogenic way possible from the University of Minnesota went to a variety of fast food restaurants in our neighborhood and purchase french fries
pre-testing Rumours compounds of toxic aldehydes are known to cause gene mutation or RNA and DNA and triggered massive the body as much as possible
vegetable oils belong in the engines of cars not in your food
refined vegetable oils are one more reason you should avoid fast food in processed food if it comes in a bottle or a box it probably contains vegetable oil from crackers to cookies make baby food and even baby formula
I've been called a hippie by by some of my peers less today than than before but yeah we've been we've been trying to eat healthier as a family for over a decade now as far as my wife was was taking us to Whole Foods even back in the days when it's like oh you know it's let's just go to the regular grocery store it's cheaper no no let's go here we bought a juicer one time and she has for me it is for me because I a vegetable so she's like oh but you like I do and she's like Okay so let's and dollars worth of with Organic vegetables over in at Whole Foods 77 bucks worth and we were able to get approximately one glass
like sorry honey I can't do it just like I understand I don't even know where that you serious I think we literally only used it one time and I'm not tripping on juicers I'm sure that we were just doing it wrong I'm sure there's we could have picked a better or maybe we weren't using a ride or we are extracting the point is is that is that yeah I am a big fan of eating much one actually and avoiding vegetable oils at all costs now this is been a relatively recent decision because unfortunately my son is he loves french fries and he loves them so we we cook french fries at home with you as our as our oil and it's it's wonderful but you can and should if you if you want to get healthy the first step is to eliminate well to at least slow down if not eliminate simple sugars K simple carbs just try to get them out of your system if you can go with a low-carb diet great if you can go with with a very low carb diet like a keynote
awesome I'm a big fan that I get not only clear not a doctor not a nutritionist I'm not giving you a health advice I mean I am but I'm I'm giving you have a advice based on my experience is not based upon some you know some whatever and every not based on any spots I would love to get a keto sponsored by the way if anybody knows any good good ketogenic diets out there dieters diet companies that I love socks and Sergeant bernelle says in the chat over a Trumbull the commies one because good guys are cowards are a lordly agree most vast majority of the good guys are cowards unfortunately inside cowardice is in like oh you know they're they're going to be weak and cowardly and they're cowards and that they don't want to go out your January 6th August a lesson it's unfortunate lesson January 6th prevent of the whole lot of people from going out and doing these was going to go to this one particular rally right
and I have friends calling no don't go don't go feds are going to be there friends are going to be there I know I know but it's okay I'm not going to break the law but you guys I'm already on the list were all if you're watching the show chances are you're already on the list you know they made a list of all the people who who have either retweeted or follow Donald Trump on Twitter
just came out recently died on the store here in front of me but I all ready yesterday they made a list Department of Justice I believe that made a list of everybody who follow Donald Trump on Twitter they made a list of everybody who retweeted our light posts by Donald Trump you're all right if you're listening to the show you're watching this show unless you're off the grid completely where you should be unless you were you're completely anonymous online no thanks to what Nikki Haley wants by the way then chances are you are already on the list
do you make TNT you are probably already on the list AT&T Seven Degrees of Separation with Kevin Bacon as is Glenn Beck now it looks like we got a little time let's go to play that one click and then I'll wrap it up because I've got some more stories but but this one's fun let's go ahead and when I have fun it's it's actually quite terrifying today Glenn Beck makes it fun with him
the surveillance program that affects anyone who has AT&T phone network so we're talking very few people very few
AT&T is is part of something called the data and analytical services or Das and it's coordinated with Federal and local law enforcement agencies and here's what it does they have been secretly collecting and analyzing over eight million domestic phone records 1 trillion and they do that every year if you have AT&T
you're being snooped on by the federal government it used to be called Hemisphere and it's run by AT&T and coordinated coordination with different agencies now Congress just found out about this and they're going to do something about it haha but may I just let me know I'll just throw this in it's not a commercial Patriot mobile
this is what it does it goes after anybody who is in been in direct contact with a Criminal suspect and anyone else who has had communication with them so some guy that you don't know
called somebody who's a criminal of any sort
that's recorded then that guy calls somebody else and somebody else call somebody else and that somebody else calls you
that's the chain
all of your records they're tying everyone together which I think is good you know Kevin Bacon will finally have absolute proof that it is seven phone calls away to Kevin Bacon so we got that going for us again that's an AT&T thing
and let's be clear
I don't think it's just a Teensy I think AT&T got out of I would say that the entirety of the the network is his being following up funny part is Patriot mobile we use patry mobile as far as I know I think the pit isn't patry mobile correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they are they at work I thought they were maybe they're not maybe that changed by something they were they were not an AT&T coming for they were there using AT&T technology or their system are there their bands or whatever it is Maybe I'm Wrong maybe that change maybe that never happened I don't want to disparage him cuz I do like a tree mobile a lot or not a sponsor like they are going back they should be a sponsor of the J D wrecker show I like I like them I like them a lot so so yeah it is getting crazy and this is why
talk about it all the time but I do believe that you should get out of the city out of the suburbs get out get some place where you can be safer and you never going to be safe anywhere in the world anymore unless you're you're able to find some some place is completely off grid that nobody knows about it's the only way that you could possibly be safe and even then you still got to deal with with bears or or coyotes are jaguars if you're not here in the United States where were you picked The Hideout it's still a risk
this is usually by the way the point where the outro music starts playing but because like I said we'll work on the technology Lord willing we will be back to to make that make the technology work better by holding it by tomorrow she'll but Lord willing again I will be back tomorrow with another episode but in the meantime you'll stay strong

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