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JD Rucker Show, November 24, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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CBDCs, Syrian Aid, the Real Transgender Agenda - The JD Rucker Political Report

Title: CBDCs, Syrian Aid, the Real Transgender Agenda - The JD Rucker Political Report


This is the first official episode of the premium show we're launching on Red Voice Media. The audio for this show will be available via podcast the following day.

Recording: February 14, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

call my friends and welcome to the ejd Rucker political report you were listening to the first official episode of the joint effort the the Consolidated show you know for a long time now I've been doing one show I can do lunch show the J D wrecker show but doing it on America out loud talk radio I've been doing it on red voice media for a bit and then get a free a network problem I bet you'd have a podcast the works I've just been doing this winch out so the good folks over at Red voice media they made an offer that really I couldn't refuse they said you know you could do a premium show and you can broadcast the video people get paid out to watch the video or they can listen to it for free over at America about talk radio or apple podcast of course not. Or I'm going any podcast really nice. That sounds like an interesting idea so I did a poll on the various networks I said should I do radio should I do a premium show where the video is available for fur
repay a travois media they want to get my show look at all the premium shows over there and you can use promo code JDR to get it for $1 the first month that's awesome or you can always listen to it again for free let's do for free here in America out loud talk radio or apple podcast but she don't get the video because it's radio that's out radio on podcasting Works no videos if you want to see this lovely face hey you got to pay my face isn't lovely it's it's normal it's just a regular face loose we can get the camera situated here and we've got this whole brand new set up and it's not completely done but we do have new computer we got a new camera which is, we got new microphone setup so it's not sitting there on the desk in front of me making the sound all sorts of weird we're trying to do to prove this because right now the mission require
professionalism the mission requires us to do what we can that mission of course is to really save this nation and we are faced with so many existential threats coming from multiple angles that this is unprecedented in any given moment you can with back throughout history in the end of any given moment there have been one or two or occasionally very rarely but occasionally 3 True legitimate existential threats facing our nation into different now now it seems as if anything could destroy us not anything literally but any there's so many of them that you you look in any direction and you could say the potential for example for for massive widespread food shortages that's a real thing it's starting to happen Racine youth singing I just here in the United States but across the world and I know they want to say that blame Russia but we were talking about food shortages long before Russia ever invaded Ukraine we were talking about it through the supply chain
we're talking about it because of the odd things that were happening with with the various various plants that were being destroyed chickens being called by the tens of millions because of allegedly because of birth of cows dropping dead randomly food inflation going up and of course in the background quickly moving to the foreground give those the global sweet cab all the people like to eat World economic Forum the council for inclusive capitalism the United Nation World Health Organization and all of their profits in the various governments including the US government by the way other varies puppets pushing this notion that climate change is going to destroy it so we got it stopped eating cows we got to start eating bugs and lab grown meat in and all the stuff in it seems as if they're trying to make your plans happen whether we want them to or not through the destruction of our food supply and that's just one existential threat I could talk about the economy I can talk about the the Border invasion
talk about pandemic Annex theater and of course the the push for to vaccinate every man woman and child on the face of the planet as many times as possible and now they're throwing out more mRNA vaccines are throwing out more variants sub variants Quadro mutated subbed organized variant this or whatever I mean this is getting insane and it's been such a long time we look at the existential threat of permanent Democratic rule if the GOP of conservatives continue to ignore the mass of widespread voter fraud is stolen out to like to well more than one faction safe to there was the 2020 president of the 2020 presidential election was stolen but also you can look at the 2022 elections and many many many of them were stolen now here's the thing this is a part of this point me about dads quick side note it bugs me to death that so few people were talking about everybody's
being conservative media conservative ain't that the big names were saying oh you know it was because of abortion the Roe v Wade that's what I thought change people's minds and I laugh at that I know it and you're probably thinking yourself up that's what I've been told by all these is really smart conservative pundits that it was because of poor Steven Trump went after abortion and saying that is the apportionment purists who were the anti-abortion. I should say who were the reason for this here's the thing and I want you to stop put your thinking cap on and listen to me very carefully if abortion was the issue that caused the red tsunami from not happening in 2022 then that would have been reflected in the polls leading up to the election instead the poll said that they were going to let you know that they were predicting 5455 Senate seats total for the Republicans would have given obviously than the majority they were born
and some we're projecting these are legitimate projection we're we're projecting a 50 to 60 seat Advantage for republicans in the House of Representatives are also projecting that various various governorships city council state legislators May or ships that they were going to go heavy to the Republicans and that didn't happen barely squeaked by majority in the house didn't get a majority in the Senate didn't get many of the governorship that we were expecting state legislators falling left and right it made no sense
and to see the Dells because of abortion that's like saying okay so here's what happened guys and here's what happened so granted every single pole leading up to the election literally like the day before the election all of them said they were going to be this massive tsunami but what happened is this
on Election Day
people woke up and that's when
pens about hundreds of millions of Voters that was the first time they had heard that Roe v Wade has been overcharged with his items all my gosh I know I just pulled the pollsters like 3 days ago it was going to be voting Republican but you know what now that I'm coming to this awesome realization that Roe v Wade has been overturned oh my gosh I got to go for Democrat
we would literally what you have to think
and it bugs me to no end I get I get actually a little bit almost shaking I'm literally shaking about this why because so many in conservative media this about the notion that there was massive widespread voter fraud instantaneously and why do they do that or some of them it's the unfortunate reality that we do have we live in a an America in which controlled opposition is a major thing and I'm not just talking about Fox News I'm not just talking about half of more than half of newsman time I just talking about the big players Washington examiner's Washington Times I'm talking about even many of the players that we generally do a lot of us in the in the America first movement the conservative movement if you will a lot of us have liked and trusted for a long long time they even have become in many ways controlled opposition that there are different levels of controlled opposition let's be clear about that there are those who are flat-out just going to fight
full-blown leftist who pretend to be conservative as I would say the Drudge Report even though he came out left lateral your than a lot of these guys he has been my theory on him is that he has been and always been a leftist that he embraced he found basically thunder in a bottle by embracing the conservative message I can serve it doesn't sell by the conservative message that's how he was able to build up Drudge Report in the first place to stay when he emerges not it's like oh well we'll see I'm going to break the Monica Lewinsky story is that going to appeal the Republicans Or democrats well it's going to appeal the Republicans and I'm going to build it up like from here so it seems like the Republicans that's where I can make my money so let's let's pretend to be Republican you know on secretly will do this and people say you have any endorse Donald Trump so early was one of the first ones that I would say that's because deep down inside he thought that Donald Trump was the one who would be most likely to lose in a lot of people thought this by the way I thought that he would be the most likely to lose to Hillary Clinton so just like even corporate media proprietor
primaries prior prior to him getting the denomination if you were calling everybody loved him okay you had a Stephen Colbert who was just just falling over and you had good morning Joe and those guys all fawning over there just know just loving on them okay and then the primaries happen he won the nomination all the sudden everybody switched on it okay with him because he thought you know what I got to keep my base I got Donald Trump in that should give Hillary the victory or Bernie is actually one and put the goddamn nomination so we'll give Hillary in there and then he'll go back to pretending to be conservative but he'll continue to pretend to be conservative cuz he would have had a break from there and he'll still find us it'll still printing money right
except they didn't happen Trump one I think that he had an existential like doing Awakening so to speak you thought man has a lot of people there were a lot of reports that said you were trying to to deconstruct how how Donald Trump won that election lot of corporate Media news outlets rather sing oh my gosh you know it was you got people like Drudge Report the push them over the edge and dressed her these headlines Matt drudge doesn't I think we got them this is not based on any knowledge of this is my theory you thought man this sucks I really just need I just hurt myself hurt than they should you know I try to help get Donald Trump elected that wasn't part of the plan so that's why you made the switch your people say I don't know it's because he got bought out by the Chinese cabbage party or or you see that he died or he bought out by the world economic Forum or whatever you getting it looking fine you guys can think that all you want I'll never one of them if you died unless you got somebody who writes headlines like mimics him perfectly and follows the topics that he was always top
but outside of politics you know this his Embrace of certain topics that you can just have the mattress signature all over them less you got some of the mimicking perfectly know I don't think he's dead and no I don't think it was just the Chinese Communist Party bottom off
I think he just had a personal reckon he realize that maybe he did he was living too much of a lie for so long so I made the shift that's means the most logical explanation game anyway so that's controlled opposition right that's option number one option of a 24 why so many dumped voter fraud as a as the reason why the 2022 election did not go to turn into the red tsunami that everybody even corporate media was expecting is because of the pejorative election denier nobody wants to be called an election denier okay I mean I don't care you I'm a I'm a lucky you guys anybody calls me an election tonight or I call you an election fraud tonight because you're denying the reality there is massive widespread voter fraud in a stolen last two elections that's just my personal opinion. But with that said he know did the label of Elections and I are so many conservative media didn't want that is that just because they didn't want to get lambasted by CNN or anybody on the left they don't want to
lambasted or blacklisted even more importantly by two groups number one is Big Tech now for whatever reason conservative media still in the vast majority of them are still beholden to big pack they still rely on Google if you see Google ads in a site that's because they're getting paid a whole lot of my their options other than Google ads out there for Google ads pay better than any of them are so got all these conservative know I've even seen some like in the name names but I've seen some that once they got Black List to my Google they make changes they they said they basically dump their old site made changes and may the new sighting and got back on to Google that's how big the differences between the money that you like the ads on my side I get paid literally probably probably 20 cents on the dollar maybe less than what he says on the dollar compared to if I put Google as on my side but if I put Google as a my side that I couldn't tell you guys about the the extent of the rest of the vaccines of the Border crisis or or the climate change hoax or voter mass in Whitesboro
voter fraud I would be labeled a disinformation Dustin course I am that's what they labeled me which I'm not books on the truth whatever thought they would lay with me and you know I would not be getting those fat checks from from from Google that's why I know that's number one in the course of Facebook Facebook is the biggest traffic driver to the most conservative networks much bigger than Twitter much bigger than then directs worrying email or any of the other berries traffic sources Facebook drives and just as an example am I calling these guys out for any other reason just because they are the the Striking example daily wire is essentially built on through Facebook okay they spend a lot of money buying Facebook ads and they don't even need to do that why because the Facebook algorithm loves them they get more more organic traffic through Facebook then a lot of these other video they get more organic traffic in like the New York Times OK Google in troll opposition and working for the for the Democrats know.
the Sara Lee but they are careful conservice they're very very careful they will not you will not see them talking about anything they could possibly get The Blacklist on my Facebook because that drives out of their revenue okay well as national teacher of Revenue drivers traffic and of course the traffic is where they get all the revenue traffic to the shows traffic to their their website I want to be clear I'm not throwing stones at any of these guys. Even Fox News really people have the reason people do whatever they want okay I just wish that they were more transparent about it which brings me to number three in this is the part where where the number three as far as why voter fraud was dismiss so quickly and not even entertained by many of these quote-unquote conservative news outlets after the 2022 election because they are working with the GOP establishment the unit party swamp there anybody who's not talking about it and they're all in bed with Mitch McConnell no not necessarily but they're definitely in bed with me
that has money at least has backed the deathly in bed with when you know if you get advertisements if you get if you're on like somebody's email list and you get ads from like the RNC or the the the Senate Republican leadership whatever committee or any of those super Pacs that means that they're getting paid by the Republican establishment in its various forms to use their email list if you get those emails that's because you've been sold out okay you've been sold out your email was sold out by these various very conservative organizations you were sold to the please talisman
. I hate to be the one to break all this to you so anyway that's the lead him to his brand new show hear it read voice voice media of your pay for the premium or America out loud talk radio or apple podcast are you listening to the free version is what you're going to get you going to get the truth because as I said in the beginning this is all about the mission the mission is to save America and yes I do this for a living so obvious in the mission is to support my family as well but I think pretty sure when I think it will pan out I'm pretty sure that I can do both but I can support my family that I can make a living off of this as well as your while simultaneously trying to save the nation I just from the radical left actress from the from the globalist Malik involved not just from the unit party Swap and then many times from our own stupidity cuz I know there's a whole lot of people millions of Americans to your heart's in the right place
they're heading in the wrong direction again maybe because you're listening to to the Ross people in Puerto Rico conservative media and they're watching too much Fox News maybe they're not listening enough and it's Katie record political report so that's my lead in the very first official premium show after the break will get into Syria and stuff like that so stupid
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my first official story here for the jetty record for the core for the new version of it at least is talk about Syria the earthquake turkey the turkey Syria earthquake the way that our government handles Aid I want to be clear up front before everybody jumps on my personal perspective on things such as foreign aid especially as a teen 18 in general just regular normal for a knave we don't need it against it just stopped sending their money elsewhere we got enough problems here when it comes to disasters lot of times people will soften okay we have such as this is mass of this horrible earthquake that destroyed killed destroyed so many buildings killed tens of thousands of people in Syria and in Turkey this is something where we should be giving to us as soon as I'm done I don't disagree
the Sara Lee with that I can be convinced when the situation of course but I'm much more in favor of private solutions to this another was I would love to government a private organization first the other way around I think that if you were to to take advantage of the philanthropy take advantage of you use the government may be coordinated rather than directly pay for such things as a and even that may be government should just stay out of it completely okay because they just end up not be able to coordinate anyting let alone something important like the a that is necessary for for the people of Syria and and and a turkey but here's the thing in this is the part that gets me that should should really strike a bell but I don't care what you think about whether or not we should be aiding those who experienced massive natural disasters like the earthquake that's not as important to me as important to you but it's not that's not what I wanted to debate today what I wanted to paint the day is the idiocy the fact that
we are giving as in the United States has pledged 85 million dollars that's a lot of money
I want you to put this respect
the in Ukraine there have been approximately 13,000 they say between 10 and 13,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and it's somewhere around 332-4024 thousand civilians have been killed that's the the Ukrainian told Ethel sore so I had muscles a 16,000 that's as of December of last year so it's been a couple of months we can expect that to be mean I'm not double or triple or quadruple. The funny part is both the United Nations and the US government came out before that were those numbers are released they said that it's over 100,000 over 100,000 people just ukrainians alone and then they say also a hundred thousand Russians Russian troops killed during this you this Russian invasion of Ukraine and then you can come out there that actually know it's more like thirteen thousand maximum soldiers in about three thousand civilians based upon other than actual that three thousand civilian never came from if I work all that came from the BBC who
who did a study for 16,000 people I know it's on going but / 16,000 people they've sent over over a hundred billion dollars we isn't just one nation under Nation somebody to the Wiz when they should have sent over a hundred billion dollars that we know of and I'm sure that there's actually some side deal to know he's talking about so with last night before I saw a 33,000 people dead and then cleared need to rebuild because I mean we saw videos of buildings collapsing multiple buildings entire city blocks in turkey and Syria you're telling me that's worth 85 million in other words what our government tells us is that the war in Ukraine with with less than half a death toll currently over a year but over a year now or right none been right is almost a year and in about a year the death toll is still half that
what's happening in Syria and turkey and yet we're going to send over over a hundred thousand times the aid to Ukraine than we're willing to send to Syria and turkey that's that's an insult to me folks okay again I'm not trying to say whether we should send 8 at all that's not a debate for the question is why are Syrian Livewire Turkish lies why is the rebuilding of these two devastated devastated Nation why is that so far below on the totem pole of needs than and desires of the US government that they would insult them with less than 1/1000 of the aid they sent to Ukraine I'm not saying we should send more saying we should Duffy said a whole lot less like zero that's how much they should be sent to Ukraine nothing Subway too much already
next story is it's sad and it really pisses me off because in this post-truth society that we are in the process of seeing created around us here in the United States of America as well as Western Society in general we're faced with so many threats but the the biggest I guess you could say irreversible threat the threat that is going to be hardest overcome is one with the clock's ticking if we do not get a handle on this rampant Wilkinson in particular the lgbtqia plus Supremacy agenda if we do not get a handle on that an exposed or exactly what it is then this this generation of children today is going to yield children that will not be able to keep the United States of America going not talking about losing your place on the world stage I'm saying complete and utter destruction
something about him and you might say all that's an outrageous statement it is but it's also almost surely a true statement we're putting out Children okay alot of children that are so confused as they become adults they are mean no offense if you're among them but there is a derangement there is an unhinged status within the site psyches of these people and I'm talking in particular about those who are indoctrinated into the lgbtqia plus Supremacy movement
she's with all these let's just start right right there with the two whole idea of the population every aspect of lgbtqia plus is focused on the popular city in case you're a girl or boy either of them do they physically it through surgery change sex they are no longer able to contribute to the gene pool K they think they can't have kids you can say well but you know I hate a woman who becomes a transgender man could have kids as long as long as she doesn't physically I know how it works it confuses me it really does but it in a furious me more than confusion because again this is so this is new
I'm not so old that I don't remember junior high high school college this just wasn't an issue sure there are tomboys there were there were girls or boys but it wasn't ramp it like it is today it wasn't like it seems today and maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm just seeing the things of statistics and believing them too much with it seems like one out of every 4 out of every 5 in this current generation of children as some sort of gender dysphoria or confusion about their sexuality or whatever God made us the way that we were made and I'm not suggesting not going to get into any of the bay with people about your nature versus nurture are you born this way is it something where your circumstance is anything like that it's I don't know I mean I think I know but I'm not a scientist I'm not going to make a declaration based upon my my knob is my amateur understanding that's not my that's not my leg so but I do know this that at least some if not
what's the potentially all of today's children that are engaged in this this agenda would have been sucked into this this brainwashing this indoctrination that a good chunk of them would never have been you know the thinking that there are there boy or they're actually a girl or whatever had not been for the woke culture in the United States of America had it not been for this emerging post-truth Society
this is why I like this weekend's going to play this video because if I keep going this rant I'm not going to stop I'm going to the only thing that stopped me is that I'll probably do something to my screen smashed my camera or something because it is that infuriating so I'm going to I'm going to play latest video from from detransitioners Chloe Cole sprout a month old but it's still it's still fight when it's still this will resonate until the scourge of mental illness and that's what really what it is still this scourge of force mental illness is it stopped is reversed
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my name is Chloe cool I'm 18 years old and I'm a former transgender kid after I got my first phone at 11 I started using Instagram and Snapchat by start seeing a lot of content. Was either feminist to or other the rounds lgbtq oftentimes very sexual in nature
I was singing very idealized images of women's bodies that I would also compare myself to and I felt like I couldn't really match up I started developing a negative view of grow from grow and stay at school and keep friends I was actually from from other girls picture of the body on my body from my other female peers as starting to think like well I'm not like other girls might just be better off as a boy eventually landed on I guess it makes sense that I'm actually just not a Girl doll just I'm just a boy that was 12 or 13 I was sexually assaulted. Taught me that this part of me would only bring me pain and tension that I didn't want I didn't realize that time just how much
play Janet eventual deciding to get a mastectomy by the time I did do his it was far too late
Richard the blockers once all the hormones put around my body I did have a bit of a honeymoon. Starting on Stark's room and got sharper and I started develop a lot more muscle but it started to cause me some problems physically and emotionally I start experiencing a lot more anxiety and just a lot of a lot more negative emotions in general I was 15 years old I was in my sophomore year when I decided that I wanted to undergo a double mastectomy as they were preparing me for the surgery and she can do my vitals and throwing me into the operation room I got more and more nervous started a few months after my surgery but it wasn't until I had taken a psychology class and learn a little bit more about child development and breastfeeding
that I would no longer be able to breastfeed I'm time you know I was just a fifteen-year-old I realized that I had taken so much more for myself then my breasts I was going to make the decision
at far too young of an age I would let her know that she's worth so much more than her body and the way that she presents herself in the way that she thinks other people perceive her it's infinitely more important that she spends time with her family and her friends and getting involved in Hurricane D I've gone through a lot of hardships and I don't think anything else in my life has affected me nearly as much as transitioning and stopping, she has but keep my head up and the tribute that mostly to having people around me who I know really support me and care about me
now that I've seen it all I just can't imagine the operating on kid like that in good conscience
like I said it's infuriating Ashley infuriating this this is not the should not be be real and yet here we are it is
there's kids some teen some preteens that are being chemically surgically in the end of the very least psychologically manipulated into into the dinghy the opposite sex you thinking that the gender really is something that that you determine when we asked ourselves until that means I don't have to ask myself the more I fight comes a very clippings conclusion about but if you ask yourself why is this happening how is this possibly make any sense at all number one that doesn't but as far as why it's happening it's because this is a direct attack on the next generation of generation after that and I don't know if if we don't stop it I don't know if there's going to be generation after that one
but this is a direct attack against the Bible does a direct attack against God
cuz here's the thing
if you can convince a child that that he was born in a boy's body but then he's actually a girl and that child is going to grow up the information from a faith perspective for me creation or biblical perspective that child is going to grow up thinking one of two things either the omnipotent and omniscient God got it wrong when he created this boy he should have created a girl so God made a mistake which of course is impossible or more likely this child will grow up thinking the God doesn't exist
that's a mean there's really no other way around it I'm not saying that somebody was transgender or or homosexual or bisexual or queer or any of the other 57 Heinz varieties of of gender and sexual orientation they created I'm not saying that none of them can be Christians what I'm saying is that it makes it really really really hard because they themselves become the embodiment of the contradiction to the Bible that folks is why this is being pressed this isn't just about taking down the United States I've heard that theory have a coded at times is about no form a generational perspective this is how you take down the United States you make it to where we are naturally depopulating ourselves because we the procreation becomes harder and harder when you have fewer people who have the physical ability of the mega physical makeup to be able to procreate or the interest in the opposite sex because that's what's required to be able to procreate
maybe it's like that and maybe there's also a certain level of weakness that is be instilled in these kids and that's how you know whether in 10 years 20 years maybe less than that maybe more but probably not during that time whoever it is that's doing this to us the weather's the global suleika ball or the Chinese Cummings party that they're just trying to make a squeak so that they could take us over the concept but at the end of the day I don't think it's it that's it I think this really does come down to the forces of Satan trying to rape people away from the potential they have the bond they can have with god with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
God can make a mistake then by their Reckoning God could not be real or at the very least he's flawed either way that type of mentality is very challenging
for these young people are eventually going to be adults for them to come to an understanding and appreciation of the gift of Salvation they've been given they will reject it most of the time to meet Travis is the real end game of this evil evil disgusting agenda depressing mental illness the separate us as many of us as possible from our creator
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you know it's it's funny because during the show today this is slightly different new show because I really do want things to be different here I don't want to just be for hours of the same thing over and over again will be talking about different topics sometimes of the topics big enough we'll be talking about the same topics that will be doing it from a different perspective as I noted in the beginning if you miss the opening segment I had said that one of our biggest challenges with controlled media with what's called a controlled opposition one of the biggest reasons isn't it I think a lot of people assume the controlled opposition mean somebody's getting paid to pulled out this information lot of times it's about bully blackmail or bullying blackmailing or bribery so what the bribery part we get K companies will
bottom of this whole it when we talk about driver we're not talking this show about people meeting in some dark dark underground parking lot you know some guy in a trench coat comes out with a big briefcase in Anza 2 to the executive at the media company now it's more along the lines of the of the easiest exam of course is brought to you by Pfizer that's bribery folks if eyes are doesn't sound like oh my gosh you know since they sponsored this new show I should go check out visors website and see what I can purchase from their folks is bribery Okay the reason I chose not to get that brand out there. Is that why people have a favorite pharmaceutical brand okay this is how they can pay without getting caught the South African pay to control media so that's the obvious when I think a lot of times people will assume that it was talked about this the black male aspect of it which is essentially you know what's where big Tech big text Bailey black males these companies is conservative news outlets quote-unquote conservative news Outlet
by withholding money from them by by saying you know we're not going to send traffic to your site cuz you go against Facebook's rules we're not going to send send you a big fat check every month because you going against Google's rules we were going to get rid of your channel on YouTube because you're going against Google's rules that's the the black male aspect of it the bullying aspect of it is the part that I did talk to I touched on a bit but I want to touch on an even more because there's this video that I'm going to play Here In a Moment by Daniel Oliver his latest latest weekly monologue which is as always as usual I want there is there going to be a few I didn't care for a bit but this latest one is is it is excellent again and he's talking about the various labels that are thrown out there in this really is when I say bullying this is this is the bullying component of it you could say that part of it does come down to cancel culture because and that does affect the bottom line so you can say that's kind of blackmail to the really is it comes down to it again they don't want to
these conservative Network they don't want to be called anti-vaxxers or example that I want to be called election deniers many of them for whatever reason they don't want to be called a right Wingers or right-wing extremists you know any lullabies you notes in his mom like he's been called used to be called the what was it used to be called the long-haired Scottish dude right and now they actually combine two different major what they considered a being the powers that be considered to be pejorative and unfortunately a lot of a good chunk of maybe over half the country considers them to be for Jordan's as well they can buy them when talking about Neil Oliver and I would say the same thing with me so if there's a sort of a connection to kindred spirit there it's because I could call the same thing that he gets called on a regular basis and that combined pejorative is he gets he and I both get called a right-wing conspiracy theorist
about for whatever reason the label of being right winger or right-wing right-wing extremist that's the catch-all that's the one where oh my gosh you know he's the right winger oh my gosh beer him you know look at that look at that geeky half Asian dude on the on the screen he's a he's a dangerous right-winger we should call the FBI and he should be monitored all his Communications just cancel the bank and you know once thrown in jail preemptively he's got to be a domestic terrorist these are all right winger
I laugh but it's definitely not funny as far as conspiracy theorists there was a time and I'll admit it all the time I'm going to give you guys a confession here there was a time not too long ago we're talkin about here 340 say 4 years ago where I too would have been like oh I don't want to be looked at as a conspiracy theorist you know that's crazy I know I'm not a conspiracy theorist
but now I don't care you can call me that all you want because I am okay I know this and you know this too by the way whether you want to admit it or not I know that there are conspiracies there are people powerful people conspiring to do bad things to us that they're conspiring to do good things for them and we're just collateral damage but I think even other times there are people that looked legitimate just want to do bad things for us or to us and maybe for us that these are these are bad people
hey guys this is Jeff. I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book that I'm currently writing called Following the Leader in this is a book that will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Colts Colts like Scientology young people like to Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the cult tactics that they perfected Within These groups that they're now using on the masses now you now using on you and I are friends and family and people all over this world this will answer the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of her eyes was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected was in the cold so it's so important to understand not only why this is happening but how it's happening what tactics they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to
order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once a book is released again store
hey guys this episode is brought to you by zeest a keynote so important you're taking care of your health in you're not relying on big Pharma telling if we try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're lying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend to everybody is go over to Freedom go over their stock up on Z stack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by doctors to really help people build up your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 to make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to attract covid cough the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with his minimal downtime as is as possible to make sure you guys are going over to calm Freedom Ortiz of a bottle or more today sign up for auto ship that's even better
used promo code freedom freedom use promo code freedom and you guys will get a discount when you orders make sure you guys are going over there and when you do that you're not only supporting us your freedom person at work but you were taking care of your health and your taking control and take a nap hour away from Big Pharma so again that sea stack Freedom use promo code for you but check out you guys will get a 5% discount
battle organizations keep going to the counts for inclusive capitalism promised that shows coming just takes a whole lot of research we're working on it
but the unfortunate realities that because corporate media and ended the Wikipedia and Big Tex social media search engines everything because they're they're not giving us the information we need to be able to draw the the the factual conclusions all we have for the most part our theories so that's why I don't consider it a pejorative to be correctly named a conspiracy theorist there are conspiracies I have theories I want to express those on my show so so call me a right-wing conspiracy theorist all you want and fix the Shadows build and keep getting a shadow it's not a 5:00 shadow this way whatever sorry I digress no whitelist I I I just got squirreled out of my train of thought let's just go to Tennille Oliver and again this is his his monologue over a TV news and she'll talk about them
is there as well this video but it will talk about them in the future as well as take on all of this
this little clip of ugliness into the language of public debate is impossible to ignore such a sad State of Affairs a deputation of the quality of discourse that she'd finally give us pause make a stop and take a long hard look at the reality press living. But if I was doing a custom to the New York application of lazy slurs and thus meaning of reputation to the casualties of those around us but some of the vilest accusations imaginable racist sexist misogynist transferred anti-semite the list of Tides is long but just as the ceaseless printing of money has a liter of soda machine gun spraying of labels for specific even more water and overuse and misuse of words distract from real crime real abuse real discrimination claims of racism committed against people black white and brown For Recess a night of news
no respect any color bar I've lost in the haze what's up by the ceaseless misuse of racist in relation to anything and everything sexist and misogynistic used almost without exception do for the purposes of silencing unwanted voices frightening the faint-hearted back into the boxes real content for the female sex made manifest for example in the coordinated wholesale rate of underage white working-class female children and up and down the country abandoned to the face by a police cancel additional government and entirely blind eyes and ears tongue the words that make rightly have been used to describe what was going on with me. Instead all that greeted the news of all evil and misery was state-sanctioned violence victims of a harder time do it he knew about it and salt to raise the alarm and seek Justice For Those few actually brave enough to point fingers
guilty but themselves labelled racist that's the reality of where we end up with Uber used or misused paradoxically real crying is left to thrive racist and massaging a Star Wars with actual and precise meanings does used to spend a lot of them bells to Atlantis the real heart of real abuse Lake. Going on for decades in Telford Oldham and scores of other times not abuse of young girls has not stopped either. Will losing food and should be doing something about it and apathy and lack of meaningful Kim Sandlin. Sheehan less damaging to the advancements in political ambition
more and more we live in a society in which keeping the head down or looking the other way feels too many like the only option but to speak to do something rest being carpet bone with the usual verbal abuse
we will miss coaching a team of the blatant and gratuitous misuse of Transformers well men speaking out in support of women fighting to preserve the vital signs city of women only spaces toilet changing the prison's refugees and the rest do not receive the full force of the trance food label is applied most aggressive towards women transfer a word properly descriptive and hatred of trans people is there for deliberately misused and ceaselessly and relentlessly note to make easy on the lies of trans people but to shame Bowie and dismiss women voicing concerns that only a handful of years ago would have been regarded as unquestionable common sense
all of this means real racist and so Dennis can go there a Brickle business almost unchallenged for the 12 powerful and meaningful words dread words of pepper sprayed into the faces of anyone and everyone seeking to ask question of authority to do attention too dangerous to society misalignment Antares the alarm Mission creep just for one thing and one thing only which is the silencing of debate most important to notice is the certainty that none of this is accidental noted that the product of a natural evolution of human behavior on the counter-attack choreographed and what's up name-calling and let's face it name-calling is what it truly is deploying The Uso effective tactics of the school playground that none of us had been deliberately orchestrated and massively Roundtop during the past two or three years of unprecedented change has been done on purpose and the name calling husband
play government by G-Unit and the rest of the local Wizards past with the psychological manipulation and perversion of society koobits danaya and Granny killer that became the run the clock stock-in-trade. Just of government ministers but most effectively in the journalists and other media racist misogynist and transferred the panoply of pandemic used to try and not any and all the same on the head as well as right silencing of controlling its Division and social distancing characters physically apart but even more Sinister than each other's throats fracturing and very fabric of society
then the ceaseless overuse of towns like anti vaxxer random people who had taken the product to as Roxy and be harmed by them and then last day of recognition help and compensation for routinely dismissed as anti-vaxxers an allegation requiring exquisitely complex mental gymnastics in Saturday morning to clean up to the safety and effectiveness of those medical product is still awesome even though I'm making playing the reality of harm and risk from taking those products still the sea worlds are bandied about the rest of the name calling and season and maintaining control of narrative
everyone and everything standing in defiance of the narratives about covid-19 so-called climate crisis 15 minutes is an automatically real old-fashioned right-wingers must be revolving like revolutionaries in the grave that was once upon a time actually descriptive
feeling the loss of cultural and Community cohesion in the face of mass immigration is automatically right-wing gobbling is right wing and also a racist to to the English Countryside and being good at math
I'm going to waste time with the politics avoiding the whole sordid business like something like not just old-fashioned stick-in-the-mud middle of the road right when I call in any direction but I've always been which is to say in the shifting of the tectonic plates move the old world out from under my feet and off into the distance never to the tunnel in the newspapers used to describe a long hair Scottish Melodies and mostly known to the mainstream media as right-wing conspiracy theorist Neil Oliver it's laughable
I said right when was the Grand Daddy or at least the cat show of course that would be to overlook the main Megaton explosive power of a word which is anti-semite 90s and my cousin age of little shop next to the labeled anti-semitic is to be allegedly guilty of one of the oldest and ugliest sins of all last week of Peace in the guardian raised the Specter of anti-Semitism political journalist Peter Walker after I spoke on this channel of the fairies and Gerald British constitution by one problem after another Elite like a nap I not much but then you'd expect some convoluted reasoning from a social justice obsessed newspaper monologue
here's the thing like I said I'm speakable a pipe application of the oldest and most childish tactic in the book of beasts with name calling to shoot up the defenses are an official narrative in the face of an incoming tide in the process once important and precisely descriptive words have been thoroughly compromised and so mean everything to nothing if everyone is just as he tried to distract us from the erosion of our liberties right under our noses the violence against women abuse and discrimination on the grounds of race and the pastor kyushin of ancient faith and culture the truth is that we are
population know what play under arrest for a moment what's Maca at the cheapest level of our relationships with one another and civilization we must reclaim the worst like everything else and keep talking sayings to one another and at the end of the day
have you taken the job
cuz you've been exposed to those who have been jabbed and may be shedding on you
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everybody who's watching my show listen to my show read my articles over the past year is very likely familiar with the Central Bank digital currencies them profusely I consider them to be multiple existential threat they represent multiple threats from multiple fronts I should say we are in the process of getting that states of testing out for digital dollar I bet you probably haven't heard that if you get your news from Fox News or more CNN to know they rolled out there they're big tester of the digital dollar with with the multiple Banks and a New York City back it last November and chances are they were actually working on it long before then and of course I got several Nations that are already fully they already got their Central Bank digital currency rolled out an operational you got a couple dozen more that are in the process of trying to make it happen this year and we would expect the vast majority of Nations if this trend has allowed to continue the vast majority of Nations will have one that used to fit a big risk of course you know who talks about privacy we talked about security we talked about control
we use the Central Bank digital currencies to tell us what we can eat where we can go who can interact with and everything will be able to track every single transaction as this episode of you taking care of your health and you're not relying on big Pharma telling if we try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're relying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend to everybody is go over to see stacked Freedom go over their stock up on Z stack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by dr. zelenko himself to really help people build up your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 and make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to attract covid that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with his downtime as is
possible so make sure you guys are going over to act like cam freedom of a bottle or more today sign up for auto ship that's even better use promo code freedom freedom promo code freedom and you guys are get a discount when you order to make sure you guys are going over there and when you do that you're not only supporting us your freedom first network but you were taking care of your health and your taking control and taking the power away from Big Pharma so again be stacked Freedom use promo code free of my check out you guys will get a 5% discount
in World War self-reliance and the safety of your family matter more than ever there's one solution that aligns with your values Freedom First Beast freeze dried beef introducing a source of sustenance you can trust where everybody is a step towards securing your food supply just like you they believe in preparation the free-trade beef ensures that your family has access to nutrient-rich high quality protein whenever you need it with every meal you're sending a message that you won't compromise on quality and you're taking control of your family's well-being read a beef stew freeze dried beef offers a convenient way to protect against food shortages and the Winds of globalist Elites there be the source from trusted American ranges guaranteeing that your food supply remains free from hidden agendas and rest assured their products are free from any unwanted additives ensuring that you're in control of what goes into your body and they've committed to never allow mRNA vaccines into any of their beef secure your food sovereignty today is it freedom for stock up on freeze dried beef that alliance with your principles used promo code stock up to
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that is if you do embrace the Central Bank digital currency model without there will be they will tell you that you have to eventually first we'll start off as optional then it'll be to where no man made by herself unless you're using a central bank digital currency of course it's a reference to the Book of Revelation who knows we'll see anyway there's an article over at dr. Joseph Mercola put together an article that and he's referencing sand 10 practical steps people can take buy Finance Guru Catherine Austin Fitts with his fantastic job of of laying out some some practical tips as I said now in one hand we have to fight this on the other hand we have to prepare we're just in case it does roll out so I think these tips some of them they they work in both directions we're going to keep fighting I'm not willing to give up yet not even close
K we fight the good fight we don't know what God's plan is we don't know if we can stop this but if we can we're going to try even if we can't be stopped to try right but on the other hand we have to acknowledge that it is very very clear and distinct possibility that it will happen so we also have to prepare for that potential and that would have bility you can get to the article real quick
guy will start with swollen glands are you going to watch there's a great video from Corvette Corvette report that you can you can read or Cherie re don't read the video you can you watch the video you can read the article are we learning all this stuff works. Glantz & glantz skip way down and get those 10 the Practical steps so we can squeeze all this into one segmented a glance in 2023 11 countries have fully launched the digital currency will more than 20 more will be moving forwards to start 114 countries which represents more than 95% of global GDP are looking into cdc's up from just 35 countries in 2020 I asked who Catherine Austin Fitts detail 10 practical steps individuals can take to stop in Plantation of Central Bank digital currencies to yada yada yada let's just get to the tips like I said I want to get to this is a lot to talk about you all right number one number one
use cash use cash whenever you can yeah there's a lot of people that are out there that will you say that the cash credit is all the same creditors and by the way that's how they're going to the try to get you to embrace Central Bank digital currencies is going to tell you hey you already buy it online you're using your credit card at the gas station you know what cash it's filthy it's it's not backed by anything that the Central Bank digital currencies will be back by anything unless that's the reason they're buying all the gold up and that's a whole other discussion for another day
but anyway you should be using cash anyway that is funny because I would have been the exact opposite just what 10 20 years ago of a sudden you know try to get get away from cash because cash is fiat currency in need to get back on the gold standard in this that or the other well that's not going to happen we're going to get on this digital standard to Central Bank digital currencies and in this scenario that means we are going to have to to get cash and start using it as much as possible this isn't just about you know that you might think well it's a role that won't cash come up sleep yes but the transition is a lot easier from electronic payments the reasons you doing is not just to to keep keep your own transactions your own purchases Anonymous it's because obviously they can track credit card purchases or PayPal purchases or or venmo or whatever but the other reason is because we want to try to get gets businesses local businesses away for
accepting these have to be more likely to accept Central Bank digital currencies were passing cashless cashless version of society altogether there's multiple reasons for this but I wholeheartedly agree with that 1% a decade ago I might have been a guest and I probably was don't remember exactly if I was or not but I know that I would have been because there were advantages to try to pull away from cash and I was I was just Dumber back them all right smarter today let's move on to number to embracing analog while some digitization is okay and entire digital system is at risk of being manipulated and controlled by Central Powers so in other words try to avoid avoid stuff like that like biometric technology QR codes is there they're talking about in the even if you know if if everything that you have his depend upon being online you might want to get away from that as much as possible just as an example where are we got a thing is like $100
the drive is like 4 terabytes and we're trying to download videos and entertainment and documentaries that we want to keep okay because we we don't want everything to be in the cloud on the internet what if the internet goes down so having that available in of course a lot of how-to guides how-to guides on raising chickens plan planting various fighting in raising various types of fruits and vegetables we got lots of stuff like that I would recommend doing like I said videos about a hundred bucks and I need to get a smaller one if you if you'd like you can also use video compression to try to squeeze as much of it as possible that such as videos get all your documents that you have online get them saved where they're not just online all right number three
this is an important one very important to pay attention number 3 do business with people you trust and I'll add to that get more people that you can trust are doing business and try to try to email was recommending to friend the other day because you met at a Rancher that you really like them like a you know get that hook up you know do whatever you can. To get really friendly with with that person because you got a good Rancher let's let's keep that connection of the few have to do a little work by a little extra whatever do it focus on finding people of Integrity with whom to conduct business even if it costs more if it says it's worth it in the end Fosters and those and others who contribute to unhealthy systems through their own greed or lust for power cause Untold losses all those little expenses related to transacting with Integrity can end up being Lifesavers I wholeheartedly agree Corvette refers to this as Freedom cells and recommends joining with a small group of eight or so other people then connecting to other
engaging in a local exchange trading system using some form of community currency this will facilitate actual productive economically activity if we arrive at the Mad Max apocalyptic scenario where the government coming down and cracking down on dissent to the point of taking you off the payment grid so true so true I know it's hard for a lot of people especially if you don't live in a tight-knit community let's say you know you don't live in a community at all maybe it's more of us or just a prison that's how you living in New York City or LA or something like that it can be hard that again if you were to spread out it could be hard as well just because you don't have a whole lot of neighbors interact with you have to but it's now is not the time to be to be a complete introvert
I know it's hard for some of us but it may be time to try to meet people but even if you have to go online why we still can go online and try to find local groups that you can interact with the chicken meat with in-person by people that you can trust I know that's hard I know time is short and I know you can never fully trust a lot of people but got to try cuz there will be people that hopefully have the good Lord willing some of the people that you meet will be people that you can interact with
from now until the end number for choose a small local bank ditch large multinational banks in favor of trustworthy local banks or credit unions while you're there let bangers know about the dangerous ocbc the Solari report and that's that's from Fitz that's her report even has a template letter you can use to inform your Banker about the downsides of cbc's I love it and it look when I know some people will probably stop at the alley now they're not going to listen to if you're dealing with a local bank hey there's a very good chance a very good chance that the people there at the bank at the credit union. They will listen to you okay because they need to be in the listen just because somebody is owns a bank works at a bank and has some other interest in a bank that doesn't mean they're they're older evil Banker you know that the money cigars or whatever it's not like that you're dealing with local bank grocery store go to church go to whatever lot of them can beat them
hey try to avoid Central Bank digital currencies do whatever you can stay off that that rack and here's why you know watch this video by J D wrecker over at the JD Rucker political report he'll take care of you that's what you should do or tip number five Finance friends not enemies good stuff while limiting the number of online and digital Finance transactions you make a void supporting credit card companies and financial technology firms intent on expanding did you like these vaccine passports and see what he sees instead focus on making Financial transactions with like-minded people and entities financing your local farmer Farm distribution service may not look like a great Money Maker but and me and this is going to fit but it means you will have a better chance of not being poured into eating insects or lab grown meat the point when you are in a survival situation this is Corvette now when you're in a survival situation when you you were
really scrambling to provide food for your family let's start from that point of the survival currency what can I do to facilitate exchange with people in my area or want to exchange with but we don't have to access to those dollars or pesos or whatever the point good point I guess it's just in both trying to build a localized ecosystem of localized alternative Financial economics rating system barter system if you will just again getting making people aware I know this stuff forever to him but here's the thing I'll bet you if you look near the penguin where you are there's a good chance it somebody's already started to find groups to join get them out look at them then you ask questions meet with them if you can if it's safe if it's safe course cuz I will be con artist as well try to figure out just do what you can't stop don't just read an article in the move on okay don't just listen to my video on the move on thinking about this stuff talk to
your friends and neighbors that are close by see if maybe they have some ideas maybe they're already in a group I found that if you have friends neighbors relatives all within you know of a tight geographic area chances are the relatively like-minded with you okay for me you know maybe you're the the black sheep maybe not who knows but trying to find those people maybe they have ideas maybe they already have a group so I'm repeating myself but it's that important to make sure everybody gets that part that's extremely important number 6 ask State officials to support Financial Freedom
spell the states may be our only recourse okay because it seems as if the federal government and again we're talking about just under buying even under Trump not Trump himself but there were a lot of bushes I could see you know even Republican presidents were Republican lawmakers going in the wrong direction so with your city council's your mayor's your state legislators make sure they know where you stand and where it where me and get people together protest if you have to make them say no make them do what it is necessary to potentially outlawed which may not work in the long term but if you can get a delay that might be enough time to get yourself prepared for the inevitable these little things that we do they can add up especially if you start working as a group so we're here with other like-minded people it's not just about you know getting you all your your prepper food together it's about trying to stop this from from coming down in the first place number seven holding New York fed accountable I'm going to skip this one
but it's I don't see I don't see this happening hasn't happened for I don't see it happening anytime soon. Unless there's a true catastrophe but at that point he'll be too late New York Federal Reserve Bank which acts as a deposit or the US government and source of large no deposit or of gold in the world holds immense power over the US Financial policy that suggest contacting your congressional representative demand an audit of the New York fed including Tracy 21 trillion in funds missing from the US government which amounts to $65,000 per person the US like I said
I don't have a whole lot of fact I think that's spinning my wheels maybe it was just an to add something to get the 10 I don't know but this is a a big me a big bold idea that actually would have some some hold some weight if we can get a very strongly conservative patriotic government between present as well as in Congress it is to tell the US to leave the WHIO the US government has close ties to the World Health Organization not only does it provide between 200 million 600 million in funding annually but it's actually engage with the organization we need to do everything we can talking to their representatives and tell them if they have the power to participate in such a vote tell them where you stand number 9 Ridge extant taxation without representation cbc's will rapidly usher in an era of taxation without representation
patient leaning to the end of Liberty by granting complete control of individual Financial transactions to Central Bankers cdc's allow the government to maintain complete control and this is going to fit under a CBC system which government maintains and controls all Financial transactions if a citizen of jext to taxation without representation by refusing to pay federal tax in the face of gross violations of the Constitution and you can write the central Bankers can take the taxed amount from these such individuals accounts try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're relying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend to everybody is go over to see stack freedom, freedom go over there
look up on Z stack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by dr. zelenko himself to really help people build up their immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 and make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to get to attract covid that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with his minimal downtime as as as possible. Calm Freedom Ortiz of a bottle or more did they sign up for auto ship that's even better use promo code freedom freedom use promo code freedom and you guys are get a discount when you were bitching at you going over there and when you do that you're not only supporting us your freedom first Network like you were taking care of your health in your taking control and taking the power away from Big Pharma so again that cesak free to use promo code free I'm at checkout you guys will get a 5% discount
hey guys just won't take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting help your buddy extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in the end she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I would just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines in pharmaceutical drugs in and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First pure body order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First your body if you go to
at least specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you guys do that go to Freedom First a body and water bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy metal and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First pure body
crazy stuff number 10 share your knowledge with friends and family this is so important tell everyone you know about the true intention of CDC so they can also take action against them as simple as educating yourself and others to resist propaganda tactics being used by big text influence public opinion and individual minds and I will say this is that we haven't seen anything yet OK they're doing this on the download right now when they really want to take this they're going to take those 87,000 IRS agents have their allegedly going to the higher these aren't going to be real IRS agent most of them are going to be digital dollar programmers it is going to be people they're going to go out and then try to install the programs installed and you do the training you need boots on the ground you need a small army that's why I believe you know I believe that's what the 87,000 IRS agents are really for doesn't make sense otherwise I'm not saying they're not going to go to the middle class or small businesses for the hottest that'll have to do what you could do that with like three or four thousand additional IRS agent activate esim
thousand I think it's tied to Central Bank digital currencies I really really do there's no reason to be scared of this it's just about getting ready just not doing what you can to protect yourself and your family too late now there's this is one situation what we do need people would you need the masses to to to fall in line when they start a propaganda they're going to be able to get the vast majority of Americans on their side we need to get small groups has a large groups that can understand the truth that really comes down to you and me and the people you know making others aware
two trucks to buy regime to stop our economy from collapsing cover to pressure neither do we which is why we highly recommend our gold
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episode of the show The live episode which by the way Monday through Friday at 2 p.m. eastern time 11 a.m. Pacific of r a trouble of red header over at Red voice media over at the CERN report the Liberty daily all sorts of places there the show I talked about it and I would recommend you you watch it if you haven't talked about how there were certain what's word for it
certain items the new certain existential threats that are being distracted Away by all of this UFO talk like I said during the show if if they're willing to talk about they being the government to cover me the all the powers that be you know who the the Arbiters of truth if they talk about something profusely they want you focused on that they don't talk about it at all they don't want you to pay be paying attention to that stuff and I was off several things five things in particular that I think they're trying to distract from the the big one for those who didn't watch the big one is the Ohio situation situation with this devastating chemical Cloud that it's warming in Ohio as we speak and it's getting zero corporate media attention and there's a reason for that I looked up other things one thing I didn't do was stop this funny but I didn't because this was a top of that talk about so many times is the the coming economic collapse the the challenge
having with the economy in the reason I didn't list it is because I don't think that's something we're from a distraction perspective you don't need UFOs getting shot down over Lake Huron to the distract from that people are sticking their heads willfully in the sand but with that said there is an article over at the organic prepper one of my favorite websites the organic that breaks down really we know it's happening and why at least according to fobi and Omar that the balloons in the UFOs while that their distraction from the global economic collapse so let's check out that article Don't Live title against is over at the VA organic titled don't let balloons distract you from the global economic Collapse by Bobby and Omar
when the article we are only two months into 2023 and so much water is already passed under the bridge all I can say is what a year this is shaping up to be is it just me or does anyone else feel the same anyone still involved with the Chinese blue drama let me remind you that the US and the entire world in fact was invaded by China long ago products and dopamine inducing ass, and acquisition Shady Investments and government collusion in some places and continents and so on are all evidence of this that's not that's only what we know of it is probably worse than that what about the unknown unknowns I don't think anyone would be surprised to find out that there's more much more would they I wouldn't just like I wouldn't be if it was revealed that more of these sneaky ass should have been flying in the stratosphere ever everywhere since God knows went very very like the episode May generate consequences if only because it's a powder keg out
how much would we become how much should we be concerned government and the Chinese can say anything they want and it won't impact anyone's life unless you're it crashes over their house and that's here's the thing let's let's just take a pause right there is nothing this is why the all the hype. This really is kind of getting to me because it it whether or not you you can say all this is super important because the Chinese are spying on August the Chinese have always been spying on us okay they have satellites that the spy on us, these are satellites that can read your license plate okay from from the stratosphere this this is not anything new that have people on the ground that are spying on us they have people embedded in our government that are spying on us and I'm not just talking about Eric swalwell either got other people spying on us they've got spies in Corporate America they got spies in media they've got spies the intelligent intelligence agency in the military-industrial complex they they have
so much so much spying but also control over much of what's happening in the United States of America I had never allowed in the Great River Loudon on my show a couple months ago and he was Ty's actually break for the election so few months ago he wrote a book and actually turned out to be two bucks because the book was so long and saw this a double-double volume just talking about simply only talking about the Senators alone who are compromised by the Chinese Communist party that's how deeply embedded they are so when I see this when I when I see all this hoopla about the balloons about the UFOs about this that or the other. My alarms go off course this is some sort of distraction right in but the thing that bugs me is that so many people are buying into it I was essentially forced I was running the liberty of the weekend and I was essentially forced to publish a lot of stories about what was happening because it's new
okay this news I'm not trying to say that it's not news that there's there's unidentified flying object being shot down by the US military so we're Alaska or Canada over Lake Huron that's news but it's not to me and fortunately it's not as if I should say unfortunate sign unfortunates just the reality this is not the biggest story out there not even close so why is Ruby so concerned how are you as an American citizen being affected by this directly you could say because of the spine but as I said that's happening everywhere you say well because it's it's a pretty of thing I've been attacked under attack for a long time we've been under attack from within so instead of focusing on all my gosh another balloon got shut down another another whatever got shot down instead of focusing on that why should we focus on the actual things that number one that affect us directly in the other two and we might be able to do something about we can't stop the Chinese Communist Party from doing that and we don't know for sure by the way you know there's not a hundred percent certainty that that
Tommy's party is behind the I know they were behind the original balloon I flew across the United States is Joe Biden shoot down to the very end and then they've already taken credit or blame or whatever for that cuz you know they said it was no they're just some private Expedition we know that's that's false what about the rest of the stuff
do you even know that it was the Chinese Communist party that sent these is whatever they are over Canada over Alaska over Lake Huron do even though those exist you was funny how there's so many videos images you could see the balloon from with your naked eye like a buddy chat Caden with red boys media you know he was doing a video is doing like this selfie video where he had the camera he was just pointing it up and you could see him and then you can see that the blue the background and you can see the Jets cell phone camera to where all the videos of the objects that are allegedly being shot down everywhere in North America I mean certain somebody would have seen it right
or maybe they didn't maybe maybe there was not that I'm not going to conspiratorial and making that claim just yet but I also I'm not going to say with 100% certainty or even a 99% certainty that these events are actually happening maybe it's just the other straction back the article business what is exactly exactly what what mr. Omar is saying here
a diversion as as he puts it it's crazy how a device at the same time old fashioned in modern innocent and threatening instead of people's imagination in the air of a fifth-generation fighter jets Landing Rockets AI in autonomous vehicles will whatever he been shot down so everyone can move on to the next thing if you want to stay ahead of the curve there are other events taking place around the globe that deserve more attention not only might these have shortened midterm implications and putting it in their daily routines but also because they encapsulate the important lessons that might help us directly
now we get into some of the things in the end we'll we'll talk now you know what I'm out with me it was talked about the stress from lebanon's currency shock Lebanese Central Bank announced a 90% exchange rate devaluation effective February 1st the pounds rate is much lower than that in the black market where 99.9% of the country's economy and population are now but it's still a big blow and shows the countries currencies failure
my Lebanese friend who shall we shared a few Civil War stories with his last year has relatives living in Lebanon and they have told him the current situation is even worse than during that. Well I'm not entirely sure that's a valid point of view to the historic distance to get all it reveals the state of things in the country however the crisis in Lebanon is rather old for the people have been learning and preparing to defend themselves from these things long ago they put their money in hard Assets in foreign currencies such as the US dollar and Euro now I'm often asked by American colonies how to defend from something like that if they have their bills denominated in USD USD is the world Reserve currency in what was that status overnight kind of the screen with the whatever certainly not for most other currencies crash 20 Warfare coins AKA Central Bank digital currencies get implemented so there's no need to rush and dump your greenbacks
maybe maybe not I'll slightly disagree there I wouldn't be dumping all your greenbacks but but it is definitely time to start diversifying as he was saying the people in Lebanon have been doing for a long time because it's coming we're seeing this, so maybe we need to start diversifying and when I say maybe yes you should be diversify don't just keep everything into in cash or even in bank accounts backyard still is possible that the o.c. keeps its value against other currencies while losing its purchase power internally so the basic strategy is essentially the same diversification different currencies different asset classes and maybe even investing in other countries this is not Financial advice meaning you you have to do your own research on these and other options or get specific counseling from a professional stop right there so no don't go to invest in currency from other countries what's going to happen here with the Central Bank digital currency is going to happen everywhere to some extent even those who who balk are going
to somehow be coerced into embracing because as I said many times they being the powers to be they are calling the leader this is a book that will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Colts Colts like Scientology do people like to Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the Colts hat is that they perfected with Within These groups that they're now using on the masses now you now using on you and I are friends and family and people all over this world you know this will answer a lot of the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of the rise was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected was in the cold so it's so important to understand not only why this is happening but how it's happening what tactics they
protected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book following the pre-order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once the book is released again. Com store
hey guys just won't take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting help your body extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in the end she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reaction to vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in it again this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I will just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines in pharmaceutical drugs and in all sorts of things and so if you can start at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First pure body order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First Body if you go to the
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the United Nations the World Health Organization the council for inclusive capitalism the world economic Forum somebody and they control it does get Bill Gates and Elon Musk to work together and do that work with with Russian oligarchs and and Chinese Communist Party leaders and whoever you know a mom's and tell work for somebody and they'll be in control and don't worry it'll be completely secure your money safe with us you know just make sure that you don't eat too much meat make sure you don't drive your car and make sure that if you do drive your car that it's an electric vehicle if you can afford it but you should probably be switching to an electric bicycle because that's what we really want you to do in this matter fact why don't you all just move to 15 minutes early so you don't even need that electric bicycle or anything at all you just walk around because everything is within 15 minutes and we'll be able to have complete control over you
yeah that's exactly where it's heading and again I laughed but it's not funny that's the article I got to get back to your I say back the article that I actually have to pull up the article in order to get back to it stand by having the other one of the beauties of the the live shows that I now have a producer which is incredible blessing Today Show this show at least for now is not going to be with a producer I'm doing it myself and I do that for a reason because I don't have control, control freak if you want back to the article other countries are at different points of the same cycle the bank of England has been warning about the worst year growth since the Great Depression that doesn't mean the UK or nations like Japan and China will end up like Lebanon or Argentina but given the context something can break in these markets it's not without warning but it can't happen at any time following lebanon's footsteps Argentina has just unveiled a 2,000 pesos note to keep up with their accelerated current
evaluation in 95% year-to-date inflation that's twice the value of the highest no currency in circulation in the equivalent of a US $5 bill may be less by the time you guys hear this the peso Keith's Plumbing in the black market is full steam in the country right now these things matter because whatever happens in the Japanese bombed Mark of the Chinese real-estate sector a 50 trillion-dollar Market responsible for a quarter I need you to pee or the UK job market will impact everywhere else and it won't be small or pretty social unrest is another one lousy development on the situation is right for protest strikes and others across Europe again the best form to The Fez by investing in hard assets and more stable currency is keeping some cash and Reserve can help in the case of Bank runs which are already happening in some places and can't happen anywhere don't think otherwise unless you want to become the low-hanging fruit in these situations
you're what time you'll do not always bad news analysts and experts are predicting a grim winter in Europe thanks to all the issues going on with ESG policies Supply breakdowns Woodland reserve the slip the Russia Ukraine war and everything else however thanks to an unusually mild winter things are manageable in the old continent as the north new sports Spring in a couple of months they're still the risk of a cold outbreak and experts warn that blackout enclosures cannot be ruled out completely the message is clear the Grace from the weather should not should be no reason to stop preparing
taking advantage of favorable conditions is not a thing but counting on Lucky hitting luck in twice is not really a strategy that's true the structural conditions for the energy crisis are still present particularly in Europe there are no signs of the war and ignore the attacks on the energy sector changing course if anything these and other factors should get worse and increase the stress on the system in the population Energy prices keep Rising across Europe and everywhere else to I honestly don't see a change in this enforced by government when it comes to ESG scores maybe if I'm summer off the chart temperatures in an unprecedented heatwaves submit the Northwestern countries to an even more challenging scenario we'll have to wait and see but the way things are being conducted I wouldn't count on that and then his conclusion this is Fabian Omar over at the organic prepper
when the greatest unstable some events take a different proportion it feels like the end of times however if we look objectively the system is still up and invite his support to the issue going on everywhere but the Blazing fires ravaging force and Chile earthquakes causing death and destruction in central turkey or ransomware server attacks in the internet going down in Italy Europe has dodged a bullet thanks to Mother Nature but which shows how unforeseen events can impact things far worse but also far better or for better
I need your forces can cause unexpected shts crap hits the fan situations but it can avert seemly unavoidable ones as well as this case shows however Fortune is a Fickle thing the bottom line that was that events presented here aren't going to get fixed on the contrary they will escalate and contaminate the situation Beyond borders issues created by human intervention in human-created systems are more complex in the interconnectedness of subsets is that what do you think about all this well I'll tell you what I think I think that he is mostly correct them but there does need to be at least a little bit that I wouldn't say Panay but there has to be a sense of urgency this is getting hard ass look at the folks who the hell water go with soap okay and then that's where the paper now is the time to start buying it because it's not going to get any cheaper in a month or a year get ready
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what are the reasons that I'm building discern discern. TV is hopefully going to be launching this month when the reasons that I'm building these projects and focusing on sermons because I think that's what we need that for the right now as a nation as a planet we need to start my eyes are set on now in a couple different segments today this is one reason why did I do what I do okay because we're not getting what we need from conservative and often times even alternative media there are some good guys out there don't appear on their ship their people that are doing better than I am but there's also a whole lot of people that are not doing very well and unfortunately they usually have a big audience is a lot of them do in there they're putting out a a milquetoast lukewarm message that I'm focusing on the actual events that are that are harming the United States of America the actual the actual circumstances that are making
more difficult for the American people so this is one of the reasons why we won't be publishing very many stories if any at all over at the CERN that aren't mission-critical I want to focus on things that are mission-critical in the same thing with this show I want to show everything that you hear I wanted to be crucial I don't want to be something that's not just a thing you didn't find a whole bunch of shows out there they'll be like oh my gosh you know what's in the Kamala Harris that is funny stuff she's such an idiot ha ha ha ha ha I know that's popular I get it it's clickbait we want to see that as concerned as we want to see the bad guys looking dumb we want to see the idiots saying this or that or the other we want to see Joe Biden make a gap or sniffing somebody's hair cut at the end of the day there's nothing Mission critical if we all know the Kamala Harris is an idiot we all know that Joe Biden likes to sniff kids hair than body is in something whatever I don't even know
we know these things so reiterating that for the sake of the show popularity I'm just not going to do it okay you can give that Ed plenty of other shows that talk about all the funny sad things I was making Mission critical. For the first time in its probably been at least seven or eight years for the first time in a long time I actually watched the Super Bowl this weekend and you might sell my guys house that mission-critical you know it wasn't I but at least I didn't think it was I allowed myself the the temporary refrain from a boycott of the NFL which has been ongoing for a long time I allowed myself to go ahead and watch it this one time for whatever reason I thought of maybe it's because I'm a big Jalen hurts man you know I like him as a person he went to show you where I went so it's like okay cool you know that this was going to watch my niece and I will get some chicken wings going we'll make it an event for the first time not like a full-blown super
party but at least we're going to to watch this one and I'm glad I did because I did realize that the gate was great by the way obviously the call of the ad was formal and this should be we should be seeing either either the the game wasn't important part of it but there were important things that happened during the game that I wanted to discuss these things are mission critical for example the ongoing push to two separate us to to make to divide us along racial lines long lines of of sexual orientation or age or gender whatever along the fence definitely want a religious lines there is this desire to the separate us and that was on full display in multiple ways during the Super Bowl score sleep the most glaring an obvious way was was the black magic
happened to start it off with you've got said this is an article by Steve Watson the great sea Watson over at Summit news titled why is the NFL trying to divide us black national anthem performed at Super Bowl racist and divisive divisive Super Bowl with a song that has been dubbed the black national anthem before featuring the actual USA Anthem causing anger among the tractors who charged that the decision was device now imagine just as an example of this is the obvious one. Throw it out there imagine if they also did a white national anthem you know where an Asian national anthem or a Hispanic course they wouldn't and in particular the one that would be divisive would be the white national anthem in which case it would be called a white nationalist advance and then everybody would boycott that would be rioting in the streets in Philadelphia would have burned out even more so than it already has it would have been awful
nobody's complaining at least nobody you know you not hearing corporate Media or anybody sing oh my gosh I can't believe they'd they'd picked a single race to had to give them a national anthem performance the Super Bowl that's ridiculous it is but whatever backyard of the song Lift Every voice and sing on by Sheryl Lee Ralph was adopted by the NAACP in 1917 and has been known as the black national anthem the NFL has been playing the song four games since 2020 after the BLM riots in the wake of the George Floyd incident so the third consecutive time it has been played at the Super Bowl for the first time it has been performed live
how many criticized the move pointing out that having two anthems sends a message that you Americans are separated by racing course that's the message and of course that's the massage is the message that's the goal that's the intention they want us separated by race they do they being the powers-that-be they know the unified America is essentially Unstoppable even with all of our problems if we unify we've we work together if we were able to end up hating I'm not trying to throw out be no standards I am saying that is true I would say nine times out of 10 is not true this time is true and that's why I'm saying it I'm any Chris I think I separated by race going to to Alex Alvarez Twitter spoiler alert the people pushing the black national anthem aren't trying to unify the country they are trying to divide and congresswomen Lauren boebert America only has one national anthem why is the NFL trying to divide Us by plane
do football not woken us and then Bobby Brock Brock and starting Super Bowl week honoring Mahomes and hurts as black shubie's is an odd way to build a colorblind Society NFL reported Mission Kevin Sorbo says the NFL is going to play a black national anthem before the Super Bowl scenes races races and divisive America forever is breathing separate national anthems for each different ethnic groups item and each one we played before every game is special and he's kidding and then we get to Carrie Lake and I want to go to that story over at the the hero4 black national anthem in the Super Bowl I wished your listing on audio you can't see the image but she should look it up because it's not just she's not just sitting down while the people are standing up or sitting down and she's looking disgusting and rightly so she should
look disgusted or Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kerri Lake remain seated while the black national anthem was performed during Super Bowl what is that in my mind is that 57 that we got my Roman numerals are off Super Bowl 57 on Sunday the 19th century him lift every voice and sing dub the black national anthem was for my Acura a picture of Lake see the outside of luxury box at State Farm stadium in Glendale Arizona report reported taken during the saw circulating on social media Sunday evening
Betty Johnson said the NFL play to their national anthem tonight someone just sent me a photo of Kari Lake sitting down during the first one good for her leg did stand for the national anthem for the American National Anthem sung by country artist Chris Stapleton who did a fantastic job I've always been a Chris Stapleton fan you know so when I say span I don't really listen to modern music very much at all but I do like his is this really good and America the Beautiful performed by R&B artist Babyface which I did actually didn't watch not for any other reason I didn't see the beginning of the game that's why I was still busy working for the liberty so I miss the beginning of the game and I caught Chris stapleton's on every place I know to look that up the playing of it are they singing of American Beautiful anyway other than that I'm like wrote on Twitter I'm just here for the national anthem and she is correct she should have been the only thing that covered that already covered that all right beautiful
why are why did we play the Black national anthem I get it there's the whole blacklivesmatter thing that's got everybody up in arms for whatever reason it's silly it's dumb its devices but it is what it is right you know what let's go ahead I don't want to play it I'm going to play the Chris Stapleton one let me do that bear with me because it is that good we do have a little bit of time so let's go to play Chris Stapleton
Bulls Stadium
Blues roster
yeah really was an amazing performance I don't know if it's as good as everybody's favorite which is Whitney Houston for what like 1991 or whenever it was but it looks pretty darn good is it you kidding me you don't even have to be a fan of his two took knowledge that I see there was there were some some other aspects of the game that I really and that he had actually had nothing to do with the game it's just that it was had something to do with with top of its Imports me a course which is which is God and for the first time I saw you in a long time God was on display as far as your multiple players talking about course the two the two stars both Jalen hurts and Patrick Mahomes are professing in the end on the Bosch Christians they talk about their faith fairly regularly as quarterbacks for the team's unfortunately you know instead of the that they were taught called that this is the first time two black quarterbacks came in your face each other in the sea
DeWalt versus the first person on a lease in a long time the two unabashedly Christian guys did to me it's kind of the bigger story and again that's why I end up breaking my general rule to not watch the NFL but with that said there was one that one incident that happened for the game that just blew me away Damar Hamlin article by protest the anthem or Hamlet we're super gross Blasphemous jackets in the Super Bowl last month Mr Hamlin a professional football player for the Buffalo Bills win his Cardiac Arrest we all know about that okay for the Concord profession profession Christian who later say that it was all part of God's plan for him and then God desired him to live
what is not what is likely not God's desire for and however is the super gross jacket he wore the Super Bowl which features a grotesque by flannel graph Jesus on the back of his coat and a garish representation of the space in the front and where is eternal and Without End or beginning there is no day and there is no night or scrawled across both sides for those who aren't watching the video if you're listening on America allowed talk radio or via podcast you will not be able to see this I would recommend maybe I shouldn't recommend look it up cuz it really is that just odd I mean it just I'm Blown Away by how much this doesn't make any sense you know it's I know people will Express their faith in different ways there is no scenario that I can picture where this is supposed to drive thing but Mochrie for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that's how bad representation is and then of course the front is I say even worse because me and it's
it doesn't even look like a Picasso it looks it's just terrible it is I don't know what that's supposed to even be okay
and that there is no day and there is no night
I don't know I mean I guess it's the you can make Biblical reference I don't know I don't know I'm not going to accuse Hamlin of doing anything too awful but it's a pretty awful to me I you you need to anyway I'm not going to dwell on that we we're running out of time so I want to focus on the very very possibly going to break it down to the real reason that I did watch the Super Bowl is to see you would there be is a lot of people been saying for why will there be an emergence of a faithful discussion two people be bold enough to express their faith before during and after the game itself and the praise God the answer is yes and it's funny but not funny but it's great that I was actually three of the three of the biggest stars on the winning team on top of course Jalen Rose or she'll grow still and hurts who is
quarterback of losing team while the quarterback for the winning team on top of the kicker that made the game-winning kick on top of the best the the best defensive player who made arguably the the pivotal play in the game early on it really helped to to keep them in it Philadelphia was in the process of potentially running away with it and the tide change really quickly on one play so let's cut to this is an article from Sports by John Ackerman battle child of God Harrison butker it's super bowl-winning kick for Chiefs Patrick Mahomes named MVP and then we'll get to the other one I want to just cut straight to the quote because that's important that's the important part of this but for the postgame press conference he's got to go out and focus on what you can control I kind of had an easy job about their job their offensive line did a great job blocking great snack grateful and thankfully the Bowl went through and all glory to God
later on he said
so Mom said I felt really good it's not it sorry I should have had all these these prepared okay here's here's a quote from from Nick Bolton who picked up the Jalen Jalen hurts from when I said I had a dream about scuba in scoring in the Super Bowl two nights ago were to happen is to rely just thank God my family teammates and coaches in my community and cheese Kingdom they all played a part in this win for sure and then later bucker. Ort Spectrum God is the most important thing I didn't have faith in God I don't think I'd be the father I am the husband I am the kicker I am that kind of sucks the tone for everything else and everything falls under that but that gives me strength to do to go do everything I need to do I may have fears about it I might have pressure but I know I'm a child of God and he's going to protect me and maybe that protection comes with some stuff
but that's what what's best for me and I got to accept that suffering and grow as except that suffering grows best I can with that is really good stuff okay again more butter he says you miss some kicks and you realize okay my then they can't be all as a football player so I grew a lot in my prayer life knowing that I'm nothing without him and I got a lead on him and if you wants to take anything away from me he can and if you want to add anything he can it's all up to him that's the right I mean that's not just sit there and say oh you know praise God is great and we want yay yay I like seeing my parents and my coaches are my God and you know it was this was actually legit stuff
we get stopped now here here is I'm home a little bit more subdued in his in his faithful witness but still it's their my Christian faith plays a role in everything that I do I always asked God to lead me in the right direction and let me be who I am or his name so it has a role in everything that I do obviously we'll be on the huge stage in the Super Bowl and he's given that he's giving me I don't want to make sure I'm glorifying him while I do it right stuff right stuff and here's another one team chaplain Marcellus Casey says Mahomes is a regular attendee strap-on then cuz I feel like I've grown in my faith these last few years and I think that's giving me more sense of who I am and why I play the game it just kind of relieved the pressure of playing a football game because I know that I'm on that football field to glorify him before everything so it's not about winning or losing its about going out there and being the best that I can in his
good stuff. All the negatives to come out of the NFL lately for the last few years of forced me to boycott it was I'm glad that I did at least watch this one final game might be the last game I ever watch from the NFL with sobia hopefully this won't be the last episode of the J D wrecker political report that you ever watch or listen to Because Rich going to keep doing it Monday through Friday every day so be ready or willing I will be back very soon with another episode but in the meantime you'll stay strong stay safe and God bless

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