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JD Rucker Show, November 23, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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The Real DEI: Divisive, Evil, and Idiotic

Title: The Real DEI: Divisive, Evil, and Idiotic


DEI is far worse than most realize. It's not just an annoyance or a passing woke fad. It's an industry that is quickly morphing toward its ultimate agenda: Advancing LGBTQIA+ supremacy. That may seem hard to believe on the surface, but if we follow the unnatural progression of the movement over the years, it becomes clear that they were only using "systemic racism" as a tool to divide and push toward their real agenda. That's not to say that everyone involved in DEI is aware; most are not. But the powers-that-be have had this plan in mind for a long time. On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I will be discussing this in-depth.

Recording: February 17, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello my friends in welcome to another episode of the JD Rucker show i m j t rocker and as you can see we finally have at least most of it's not completely done but it's it's done enough the studio is done enough to where we can actually record well without a virtual a virtual Studio background this is this is actually real thing that's an actual wall behind me crazy stuff I know we got the new the new microphone so if I sounded when I probably don't look any different because the new Camry with no we have the new Camry and we're still waiting for for a dongle or something I don't know the tech guys got it got it working for me but we're very excited about these changes when the I'm not excited about is the topic of Today Show it's not that I'm not excited about fighting it but I'm not excited about just the let me and makes me makes me pretty much sick it is the epitome of wokeness here in the United States of America and of course is spreading across the world I'm talking about d e i not for those who are unfamiliar d e i
allegedly stands for diversity equity and inclusion right that's what it's supposed to stand for it to me I look at them or as divisiveness evil an idiocy that seems to be a more appropriate explanation of the acronym d e i at least how it's being applied here in the United States of America in the early days when I was just really is a diversity pushing were talking about like the 90s okay back in the 90s when there's this big diversity push it was actually I know this is going to sound crazy coming from a conservative but in many ways it was starting to work I'm not talking about affirmative action that's that doesn't work it's never worked as it's always been bad but at least lie the notion of of people being mindful of mostly race and it really didn't include like the whole transgender lgbtqia plus Supremacy agenda at that point it was really about women
and races and yes I mean don't get me wrong it did affect homosexuals as well bisexuals whatever it affects them as well but for the most part this was about trying to make people business owners people with a manager's whatever aware of the need for for diversity now
you might say I will but forced diversity is bad and I wholeheartedly agree with what we were saying the early manifestations is you know what just just do what's right and at least for the most part I went maybe not the most part of the examples that I saw anecdotally they were they were pleasant because it was about not trying to hey we got a higher get more diversity hire is getting me to hire more women higher more higher more Hispanics are black people or Asians or whatever it was about you know which Tire who of the best person is and I know some of you might have had a different experience because the the perversion of the diversity movement was already starting from the very beginning but it did seem at least in the in the early and mid 90s that it was having some positive effects
it seemed as if and it wasn't just the end to be clear wasn't because of the diversity move my thing is because as a nation we were really starting to be more open and embracing the idea that the women can do a lot of things men could do men to do a lot of things that women could do that your race skin color religion whatever the difference is between us when he came to jobs when they came to the school's you know you'd look at people based on their merits you look at people based on what they could do in and don't take into account your the idea that all we need to hire a white male in or whatever we were heading in the right direction we really were those who don't remember it I remember very vividly because that was the century that era was the beginning of my time in in management in the end in Corporate America and so I started seeing some great benefits from it as well but not nearly not even close to the negative
what is d e I push it reminds me there's four for those who they going back to the 90s there's a movie famous movie Jurassic Park the original the only half decent one that was ever made all the rest of just whatever bad but the original Jurassic Park is a scene with a T-Rex first attacks the the group right and Sam neill's character the the smart one he takes this this flare if I recall it's been awhile but I think it's like a flare and takes a flaring waves at the T-Rex think he takes it in one City Rec start heading towards me that he runs with horses the the flare and T-rexes the cuz I guess allegedly they couldn't see very well that's when chase the flare instead of chasing Sammy out and everybody could Escape except for whatever reason
idiot idiots supposedly smart but it was a dumb move here Jeff Goldblum takes another flare gets the the deed the T-Rexes attention again and then throws it again but this time the T-Rex in buys keeps chasing chasing after Jeff Goldblum in the lawyers sitting in the Yard House in the ends up getting getting eaten so Jeff Goldblum essentially if you re-watch that scene you'll realize Jeff Goldblum killed the lawyer it is what it is but quit being so that's kind of how this whole thing feels it's like hey we we had something pretty decent waking people up and making them more where that Equity true acronym but equality of opportunity not pushing for Equity or not and I push them are Kamala Harris's gig or or Stacey Abrams or Joe Biden there were any of the things that they're pushing I've seen that the original idea of a sentient being color-blind of hiring people accepting people based on their merits based upon
the resumes baseball all the stuff that was good we are heading in the right direction cuz it's a nation we were becoming more open to this type of diversity unforced diversity diversity because of just ate an evolving Society
I changed it changed with the the inclusion of of diversity basically forcing diversity in the idea of equity Equity being that that you should have equal equally resources equal everything even if you didn't earn it basically Equity is is modern day state socialism on steroids and then of course the inclusion aspect of it that one there's a lot of debate that we can make about how Al inclusiveness at least here in the United States of America has been turned on its head to where it is exclusiveness they've literally these these these idiots these radical leftist racist and made it to where you know what in the name of d e i we're going to have an inclusive event for just black people or an exclusive event for just you know anybody other than white people I mean that's literally the opposite of inclusive
they've turned it on said that's the situation we have here in the United States of America today and again it's just getting worse there's a note and you know I'm not going to let me get to know because it's part of this article there's a very long arm very long article okay you can find it over at the stern it was from Real Clear investigations so those who aren't familiar great site catalog pay they like to to make sure that you get your money's worth even though it's free then you get your money's worth because they they like to make all their articles really freaking long ok Google sometimes repetitive even I will admit but in this case there are some good parts and I went through and put it over at the CERN with permission of course and I include the shylights I'm not going to go read the entire for 5000 I'm probably three thousand words but I'm a slow reader not going to read the entire 3000 word article I am going
read the highlights that that I found cuz I didn't read it and it was great article you should check it out special if you're a fast reader let me get to that because it's it is important that we understand exactly what we're facing the article how the diversity industrial complex dominated everything and fixed nothing and that is right there right off the bat that's about as true of a statement as you can get the start in the beginning but I'm going to jump ahead here in a moment to other parts little more than a decade ago. I was just another Arcane acronym A clustering of three idea is to be weighed and evaluated against other social us Asylum use the terms diversity equity and inclusion work yet being used in the singular as one all-inclusive non-negotiable moral imperative nor had they call last into a bureaucratic Juggernaut running roughshod over every aspect of National Life well they are now and you guys are
let me get to my highlights going to the office of diversity equity and inclusion is an intentionally vague term used to describe sanction favoritism in the name of social justice its Wikipedia entry indicates a lack of agreement on the definition while and Associated Press online stock I'd have no entry and then what they don't even know what it is
we can't really Define it it's if I try to say you know ask a radical leftist what is a woman that I go I don't know what is a woman do you tell a woman so hard to Define I mean it if you know it could be it's basically a woman has anybody that can that can Gio biologically now we can't say that with nothing to do with Biology is just another guy is and I'll say it's like to use the words anti-racism or anti-bigotry here and try this or not it's not even close this is why they have a challenge defining and then why they try to have to keep it obscure intentionally they don't want you to start thinking about what went with what they're supposed to be doing versus their actual actions they just want you to accept their actions if you don't if you don't buy into what your DEA officer at your school or or place of work whatever they tell you then you must be a bigot
you're probably a trump supporter
anyway moving on this is according to Marty gory a former CIA analyst who studies media and politics he said in the scope and rapidity of institutional Embrace nothing like it has transpired since the conversion of Constantine in other words this is a big huge earth-shattering thing and it's so few people are paying attention to it and when I say so if you were paying attention. The vast majority of people even if they do see it see that there were see them to school see you then governments and everywhere around them they choose to ignore it they choose to accept it because if you go against the getting you get that that Ultra horrible the worst possible label in the world and by golly there's nothing you could do to ever defend yourself and what's that labels on you it's stuck you know you might as well have the word bigot just tattooed or we can carve with a knife into your into your forehead because it's the will Define Who You Are Forever at least that's what they want you to believe
backyard or time no Roman Emperor has demanded a complete cultural transformation no law was passed mandating dein Ahmed no federal court ruling has required its implementation there was no Clarion call on the order of President Dwight D Eisenhower military industrial complex warning no genuine public crisis match the scale of the response to my response this is the the rise of D E I turned into basically I would even call the vet the event happened with George Floyd incident but you take it back a decade before and the rise of the eye in it can it became one of those things where it's just like okay I guess that sounds good to me it's really easy so you know what this company our company we need to have a diversity equity and inclusion officer wound have an entire department for Ark
operation we need to spread the school's the hospitals to to government everywhere we need to spread outside of the United States everybody needs to be focused on this even if you don't quite understand it almost sounds okay at least not in theory but at least in in the way that is presented K that initial first thought diversity okay we like that versity we are at as as you should know we are by far the most diverse nation in the world so why wouldn't we want to embrace diversity as far as Equity Equity is something that two people just don't quite understand him and they Embrace Equity you know it's it's funny when you are we see those those videos where they grabbed college students off on the side you know and they say say hey are you for equity and then told me for Equity okay well you know one of these we would like to do in your in your Calculus class we're going to take it and we're going to take some of your points okay I know that you're a 98%
students you got your a plus but that's not quite Equitable so we're going to take some of your point so we're going to give him to the students that studies less than maybe they they're not as smart as you know that's not fair that wow I was lying on those grades up them it's okay well that's equity
and it's literally equity in a nutshell when it comes to the grades so I just about grading on a curve that's an old school Concept in the end it makes sense but that's that's based upon that I'd only get in the crate in the car because that's a whole other issue that we can talk about some other day but let's just let's just stick with with Equity you know if you really want to focus on Equity young college student this is this is the right way to do it like I said what he really does come down to
call me this socialist neo-marxism on steroids and it can Encompass anything yeah I just ate a cultural or an economically or a political perspective
Equity Can it can be applied to just about anything okay and that's what makes it so so challenge because that I don't think it again I don't think people understand it and then of course the inclusiveness an aspect of it that part there are certain merits as long as it's applied properly it's not being applied properly at all today like I said it's being it's being applied in the exact opposite of the very definition of the word Equity so for them to say ODI is about about this that it's just not true it's just not true they're like the article real quick movement of the early 1990s wasn't parked and attempt to capitalize on the new Multicultural stressing individual and institutional benefits rather than moral failings early corporate diversity training programs she went to Traditional Values of equity meritocracy
got to be careful they're creating a diverse workplace are Roseville Thomas Road in the Harvard Business Review in 1990 should always be a question of your competence and character on metal by another words color blind is it appear to work just look at the tech industry were immigrants from Eastern South Asia have flourished Nigerian immigrants are perhaps the most successful group in America was nearly two-thirds holding college degrees doors open wide to the once closeted lgbtq community so yeah when is that we have seen some benefits that came from an early earlier I guess you could say it erased it was I don't want to I'm hesitant to use the word iteration because it was completely different than what I was talking about okay so so it went from this to this is it was more like okay it is the door was open with this and then whatever this was in the nineties it was shoved aside in her place completely by the Brand New Concept is new vipoo
which state is again it's it's evil it's idiotic its devices and that's the intention that's what I want that's that's always been part of the plan is to use this is diversity DVI concept cultural Marxism they wanted to buy some who are they not trust our own governments people outside of a Chinese, the Russians I mean literally literally looked at the Achilles heel to the break I will explain why why could be our end as a nation
one does not have to be a quote-unquote doomsday prepper in order to appreciates to knowledge that the pharmaceutical supply chain could could be challenged could even break down completely at some point in the future after all 90% of the ingredients used in the Pharmaceuticals that we produced here in the United States come from China that should scare you that should concern you greatly
I have started working with a company that helps people to stock up on long-term storage antibiotics you can get five different antibiotics using towels you'll have to go go visit a doctor or answer your question will why do you need this you know it's so whatever reason antibiotics are you deserve lots of questions will not with these guys go to J D wrecker. Calm meds JD record accomplished meds and stock up because you never know what's going to happen we don't know if and when we won't be able to get these without maybe you were presenting our vaccine passport or something so stock up now
move forward with these new shows it can be very confusing and I appreciate that because of a lot of people who is special to me watching me for a while you have like oh my gosh when is the show what shows are there I wanted to briefly before we get back into deig going to briefly explain so this show that you're watching or listening to is the standard shut this is the show that I've had for a long time that JD Rucker show at so I've had it pretty much everywhere and just repeated it whether as an apple podcast America out loud talk radio
wherever you know Rob red voice media for at least a little while and Freedom First Network rumble brighty on bitchute the various podcast networks other than Spotify with family long ago
cuz you know I'm just I'm just crazy like that right well this show is going to do to remain as it is we are going to try to find the perfect time slot for it now you listen to America and I'll talk radio this will probably actually be the last time you hear this version of the show because the new show the new show the J D wrecker political report is going to be in only three places and those three places one of those three places red boys media is going to be split I'm going to have a two-hour show first hour is going to be free and the second hour is going to be premium and that airs at 11 a.m. Pacific to p.m. eastern time that read voicemail in The elusive first half will be broadcast live through Rumble the second half you can go and you have to sign up for red voice me to use premium I think it's like a buck for the first week so and make sure that if you do that you use promo code JDR is that gets me credit for it because
Wedgewood doing this for a reason but because I demanded them in they were varied I didn't have to demand I just had to ask cuz they were very courteous about it because I've always had this thing with you know what I don't want to make people pay to hear my words I'm just in a note that's it sounds that seems weird that it's always going to be free at America out loud talk radio so now the video but the audio will always be free there it'll also be free on Apple podcast so you can listen to be in America out loud talk radio at 6 p.m. Pacific 9 p.m. Eastern Monday through Friday once again and if you listen again like I said this today's version of the show that the the regular J D wrecker show if you're listening in America out loud it will be replaced officially and permanently with the J D wrecker political report from Red voice media I hope that didn't just confuse everybody when is that I'm going to do today show they show is going to be a two-hour show I'm going to be doing these to our shows every day nothing changes from
adding this other show that's going to be only available on radio or through read voicemail yet and that's going to be a premium show and like I said the first hour is going to be free through Rumble anyway so you'll be able to see the first hour and then you can always pay to see the second I was just I just mean that you get by the way are you going to ride with me to sign up for premium there are many many other premium shows people that I greatly respect its International it's a legitimate honor to be participating in this this endeavor because like I said this that's good folks that are already doing it and I am I am very blessed to to join before the break I said that he and I talked about how this could actually destroy the nation okay and that's not Hyperbole and we have so many existential threat that were faced with right now as a nation we got the Border crisis we got everything is happening with the pandemic we've got the food crisis would just keep seems to be getting worse and worse and worse every bit of news seems to be with some
hours later the food crisis whether it's chickens dying food processing plants Going Up in Flames this whole thing in Ohio in East Palestine that will actually affect their food supplies well or I should say will is very easily could because it affects the water supply in and our food goes I don't care if you're eating cows or chickens or asparagus okay we need water but that's just kind of kind of part of the whole deal even lab-grown meat needs water so if you're polluting water system with this Vinyl chloride burn off O Brother o'brother United do yesterday about how I thought that there's at least a possibility I might going to say it's it's even a probably I would say it's a possibility this entire thing was manufactured that this was done intentional and I was ready to give up on that theory before but news popped a couple days ago that said you're the reason I was wanting to give up on him was because number one there there's evidence of it so that's always
what's the number to because of where it happened it happened almost directly in between Akron and Pittsburgh in soybean of the the the bad guys the global still we could ball they like they said they don't do anything if they're not doing big so to me I thought you know what they would have done it closer to one of the two much bigger cities than in East Palestine they wouldn't have done it there they would have done it either earlier or later you know 20 30 miles an hour is wrection and it would have had a much bigger impact then I saw the story come out that the the train was actually on fire for at least twenty miles so it appears that was possible to get a not saying this is a certainty it's not even a likelihood that there's a possibility that they try to destroy the to derail and Destroy This Train and get this whole Vinyl chloride business started much closer to Akron which would have been much closer to the Great Lakes which would have been even more catastrophic than it already is right now we're facing an ecological disaster but it could have been a
ecological catastrophe if they had done what they did closer to the great lakes and for all we know it's actually even worse than that or could have been driven far worse than that we don't know but the point I'm trying to make is that we're seeing all these various existential threats right I mean they just they don't stop as a nation we we we usually face anywhere from 1 to 3 at any given moment throughout our history like 9 or 10 truly legit existential threat things that could take us down and d i is one of them in the Lemmings play why so with this whole push for the EI it's not just about the divisiveness that's a parent and we as a nation desperately need Unity we need we need cooler heads to Prevail there's so much violence that erupted so much anger coming from in both directions okay it does come from from NYC both directions it's it's as if it's a dichotomy it's not coming from all directions heading in all directions okay
so what you got you've got black on Asian American violence you've got gay on straight violence you got you everybody's at each other's throats right everybody is in the Stevie I think is driving a lot of it
especially as it pertains to the attacks on our children our children are being attacked you know and we'll actually I do want to get too deep into that yet I will talk about that here in a minute but that's where you know a lot of people are non-violent molluscums or children I consider myself to be one of those guys okay
you know if if there's violence I don't want to be a part of it but if somebody threatens my family but you better be much better armed than I am all I got to say okay I am not a violent person but I walked it instantaneously turn violent if my family is threatened and that seems to be what they're trying to do to try and go after the kids is not just for the sake of take care of the kids it's also for the sake of taking out the parents in many many ways. We'll talk more about that here in a minute let me get back to this article from my real clear investigations you can find it over at the CERN article yeah we are you going to that part I have against a long article but I've got several parts highlighted so that we can focus on the real strong take there's a lot to take was I'm going to I'm not going to be able to get through the entire article I couldn't do that in two hours and we have so many more articles to cover that you know we're going through this one as quick as we can
major tech companies like Google publicly chart the black plus and latinx I know how different is it latinx Latin X I don't know thanks I don't know I don't know whatever they call them the black Plus in Latin X plus people they've hired and assure the public that artificial intelligence will prioritize the political agenda that we just needed another reason to trust and love artificial intelligence write think I just want take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting a buddy extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in the end she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or be exposed to heavy metals and toxins in in in any form against this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I would just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it
will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs and and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First purebody order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First your body if you go to that link specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you get to that go to Freedom First a body and Order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy metals in and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First / pure body
hey guys this is Jeff to work I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book that I'm currently writing called Following the Leader in this is a book that will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Cults Cults like Scientology young people like Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the cult taxis that they perfect with with in these groups that are now using on the masses now you now using on you and I and our friends and family and people all over this world you know this will answer a lot of the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of the rise was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected within the cult soap so important to understand not only why this is happening but how is happening what tactic they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to
pre-order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once a book is released again Jethro store
chat gbt in a model that can generate remarkably cogent writing has been designed with a liberal bias summarily rejected requests that don't conform to the algorithms notion of positivity equality inclusivity now I will say that so just in case you guys didn't hear I got I got to tell the story real quick just in case you guys mostly probably did here but just in case you didn't I got to tell you this same story I wish I had to pull up but I wasn't I don't I don't have a plan b i c e p t okay I've been on there many times I've asked some crazy question but somebody went on there and they laid out of situation okay so basically there is there's a thermal fifty Megaton thermonuclear bomb and it's going to kill millions of people okay to disarm it. No time you can't get everybody out you can't the only possible way to disarm it is to use a racial slur if you were to speak a racial slur the bottle be disarmed and millions of people will live if
don't use the racial slur millions of people will die is it okay to use racial slur and Chad's UBC Sano know it is never okay to to insult people basically according to Joe Pesci PT this artificial intelligence that is you know the leading the it's the supposedly they have the the bleeding edge of artificial intelligence at least the Public's access to it now this this supposedly brilliant but determined that it would be better for millions of people to die than all the other cavity I was a nobody was around so nobody would actually hear it so nobody can even be offended by it is when is the chance you busy would rather have millions of people died that allows somebody who's a loan to say into nothing other than the bomb to use a racial slur that's the whatever you call it sensibilities of this this hideous demonic creation
bhakti article Disney instruction Floyds to question colorblind beliefs spouse by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr and others fire departments are told to lower their physical fitness requirements for women similarly universities are dropping standardized tests to yield more admission of certain minorities typically not Asians of course and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences hoping toward more films of color I inspect oscar-nominated films for cast and crew diversity Netflix has been a notable exception last mailing off dozens of employees working on such issues under you on musk Twitter is also flouting woke orthodoxies it's true I mean it's true we think we've got I've got some good guys out there I guess you could say there's there are some but most of them are not in power and even the ones that are you know partially good guys I considered Elon Musk to be partially a good guy do you earn more points in my book the other day when he he told the the world government government Summit the the ultimate globalist mean
bigger in my humble opinion or at least more powerful in my humble opinion than even the devil's medium for the world economic Forum the world government government Summit of 2023 Elon Musk been out there in some guy's globalism is going to kill us pretty much that's the that's the short short take we keep pushing this it's going to be bad and let me know okay so you're in some points in my boy you still transmit is he still himself in many ways is a global see still be holding in many ways the Chinese Communist Party there's a whole lot of and I can rip on Elon Musk all day but at least he is a semi good guy when it comes to free speech on Twitter and certain other topic this guy kind of like it may I think I think as far as ate a person if I'm sitting down having a beer with somebody I'd like to have a bit with Elon Musk I think he's an interesting guy okay but I don't trust anybody who wants to put a chip in my brain just as a general rule I don't trust that person completely at least maybe I don't trust that person anyway
so employees to question colorblind believe the worst this is so true like I said one of the things that I liked about the the the diversity push okay in the 90s is that they were pushing for colorblends they were pushing for for meritocracy a meritocracy amongst to talk to you but but they were pushing for merit-based hiring it's been turned completely on its head and now it's not you don't take Grayson to account just look at who is the most most most most married to fill this position for example or two to earn this this scholarship nasty exact opposite now they're saying 22 to go get the teachings of people like Martin Luther King jr. let's say you've got to look at color you got to look at race you've got to look at sex or gender now you got to look at sexually
patient and that is the much more important than whether or not somebody is actually deserving of it okay to Ghent 90s the Bush was for pick the most deserving person regardless of color today it's don't be the most deserving person or to them the most deserving person is the person of color is the is the is the homosexual is the female or transgender male whatever transgender item I get the transgender thing computer but you get the idea oh you know the thing is Joe Biden would say they're flipping it on its head
that is to me okay you look at all the various things that to me alone if there was nothing else bad about the DEA movement that alone would be enough to say this is an existential threat mean just as an example the one when they put it over there as well the fire department they fire departments are told to lower the physical fitness requirements for women are you kidding me okay so so we want we want our firefighters to be able to carry you know a 250 lb man on their shoulders out of a building to save his life unless it's a woman if it's a woman who wants to be a firefighter they only have to be able to carry 140 lb man K they need to be able to save like a Mark Zuckerberg but they couldn't save a guy like me I'm out of luck if they got to come in and save me from my bring home if it's if it's somebody who has passed
the lower the requirements to be a firefighter existential threat this is an existential threat
I'm going to talk about the whole thing was a color thing I I don't I actually said I don't care they can do whatever they want with the Oscars I am watch the Oscars in what gosh since you get the idea you know the saying one more let's get to one more paragraph and then gosh I hope I can get to all these stories today the industry's reach back to the article the industry can also be seen in the many orwellian examples of exclusion in the name of inclusion of reprisals in the name of Tolerance invariably they feature an agitated clutch of activists browbeating administrator and executive into apologizing for an alleged trespass against an ostensibly vulnerable constituency when that has been deemed insufficient or when senior Executives have sensed a threat to their own legitimacy they've offered up scapegoats on false or flimsy pretext that might be a decades-long that might be a decades-long New York Times Reporter a head curio
of a Major Art Museum and adjunct art history Professor a second-year law student or janitor at a price in New England college and this is for your just listening you won't notice that these are all live example gay there were talking about live examples of people that have been been pushed out and have lost out as a result so I just about people losing their this is about people losing their jobs because they weren't the right color because it wasn't right the sex the one right gender they want to write whatever people that should be given given the damage based on their marriage because they earned it and said that mareth had her knee has given to somebody else again what time exactly most people just don't understand what it means
if you listening to a conservative or alternative media chances are you've got people telling you to use their my pillow code I'm going to be one of them I love Mike Lindell I consider him to be a friend I love my pillow I consider them to be the reason that I don't have back problems not kidding right now they do have their new my pillow 2.0 the first the second iteration the first time they've actually change the the scientific formula or whatever it is that that Mike does with his smart people that they make their pillows right you can get buy one get one free like going to my selecting on my pillow 2.0 and using promo code JDR they might ask why should we use mine instead of anybody else's look all the coach of the same okay they all get you the same discount if you like me if you like the ones for the show hey jtr
understanding what life is all about is challenging enough without understanding its history now that we know hopefully now that you understand a little bit about the history that took us from its early again I had to use the word iteration but it's early Generations until we saw me a 2010 2011 2012 during the Obama years essentially what we saw starting to to pollute the nation of that point we have to also understand what the triggering point was for it to get to where it is today because it was like creeping with wig creeping racism through Deion Creepin Creepin idiocy as a result of DUI people were kind of embracing and they were they were and they were nodding their heads and yeah okay so this makes a little bit of sense but but it wasn't until one event
that all just just exploded and of course but I was reading the show notes over at the CERN that one event was the the George Floyd it's in the George Floyd killing remember when I first came out on my first thought was wow okay so this was pretty bad yeah well obviously this is the police involved weren't doing their job appropriately and again based on the initial video once we got the later videos like start singing more context you started seeing what was happening before and after you realize my gosh I mean they tried everything they could just get this guy in the truck tried and he just refused to get in the truck I'm not justifying okay don't don't say all is he's trying to justify the actions no I'm not I'm not just find the actions at all I'm just saying that but at least at least there was some some contacts from understanding and then
we learn about all the drugs then system in the likelihood that he died from those drugs not because somebody some cop had his his knee on the guys back right then okay so now starting to make a lot lot more sense anyway point is is that this but every time when they first released the video was like wow this is really bad and if something should be done about this I think most of the nation was like okay so so yeah let's do something about this then all of a sudden no that wasn't enough it wasn't about you know what's what's punch these guys they had to turn it national they had to turn the world why they had to turn it in to take the black lives matter movement and explode it to the point where it had to dominate every aspect of of American life going forward okay and for a while and pretty much did okay really pretty much do everything was being seen through the lens of alleged systemic racism everything was being seen through the through the lens of the eye
this is really bad stuff and it is almost destroyed us a really did when we go to the I'm back to the article because I can I do want to go off on a rant about this I just want to say that that's how it started and as the article said the expansion happened gradually at first and people didn't recognize the tremendous growth Perry says but after George Floyd it really accelerate it became supercharged and nobody wanted to criticize it because they would be seen as racists again the whole bigotry labeling of people is in itself bigotry by the way let's be clear about that nothing there are no big as there are no races something to to willy nilly use that phrase and throat of anybody who can who doesn't completely agree with your your stance on diversity equity and inclusion that in itself is a bigoted attack any other ideas
later in the article we read with activists administrators assuming the role of grand inquisitor's the traditional I doubt we're time of the educational aspect of it I can't wait to get the I haven't gone to the next door yet we'll get there don't worry with activist administrators assuming the role of grand inquisitor's the traditional ideal of the University as a refuge for complexity I send for free exchange of ideas is getting buried under an avalanche of platitudes and fear that guy just want take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting up your body extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in the end she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being exposed to heavy metals and toxins in and eat in any form against this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I would just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is
will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs and and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First pure body order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First pure body if you go to that link specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you get to that go to Freedom First a body and Order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy metals in and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First / pure body
hey guys this is Jeff to work I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book that I'm currently running called Following the Leader in this is a book that's will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the of 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Cults Cults like Scientology a new people into Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the cult tactics that they perfect with with in these groups that are now using on the masses now you now using on you and I and our friends and family and people all over this world this will answer a lot of the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of the rise was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected within the cult so it's so important to understand not only how it's happening what tactic they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to
pre-order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once a book is released again Jethro slash store
and it would appear that students and professors would have have it no other way by and large they want more bureaucratic intervention and regulations not less they don't want freedom and they've been made it very clear yeah over the last three years we've learned very clearly that universities and it's not just the administrators not just the professors it's not just the students in his real name just University we can take this down to what grade level schools even k k through 12 they don't want freedom
the students in particular been brainwashed into believing what their teachers and professors and administrators and corporate media is telling them this is why we see so many of them embrace the idea up to the point that they realize exactly what they're embracing unfortunately most of them gets so brainwashed so indoctrinated so embedded in the ideology they never actually gone by the time somebody gets around telling him what is the really supporting there any lost K there was who is Roseanne Barr did a special kind of tell the story real quick Roseanne Barr to the special on them and it was okay okay I saw parts with I could make it through the whole thing because she's she might have lost a comedic step or two maybe I don't know but that there were some parts were actually hilarious and one of them was just talking about the the Japs right and she that that person important the important part is it later on she said you know you you trying to wake people up but it's like trying to wake some
yep cuz not actually asleep they're just pretending to be asleep you can't wake somebody up if they're just pretending to be asleep and it's a profound statement I don't know if she got it from somewhere else I don't know if that's maybe a common phrase and you guys like the first time I ever heard and I thought oh my gosh that explains a lot of things especially Bei if people see it and recognized it as badly still wear them because they're scared of being called a bigot or because they are scared because they involved in all for it on social media I remember when black lives matter you know everybody had their of their BLM Heather change their avatars to George Floyd and they have their BLM stuff in the more information or to coming out about BLM about how they were were completely anti anti capitalism completely against the traditional family and then also be were like oh wait a second you know and then I'll go and look all BLM money is not actually going to any of the local BLM chapters blow
disco founder of BLM in and Her Seven houses and then I'll look you know that's all new when the sun start coming out all of a sudden people just kind of quietly quietly took down there and they might have given they were they were virtue signalling about black lives matter and using hashtags all that for over a year after George Floyd but then all of a sudden thing, it wasn't talking about that you know that's sort of what we're seeing that people are are more awake than they claim as far as the dangers and the the stupidity in the bigotry of the eye but a lot of them are stupid pretending to still be asleep which is why you can't wait them out they will totally made the choice to embrace this even knowing deep down or even even knowing on the surface that it is extremely wrong but
yeah when you get somebody brainwashed are you get them two to be too committed to something to wear if they back out that look like idiots
most of time they just went back out at all back to the article as more institutions create DEA offices in higher Evermore managers to run them the Enterprise inevitably becomes self-justifying pay attention if you been kind of dozing off on me pay attention to this part according to Parkinson's law bureaucracy needs to create more work however unnecessary or unproductive to keep growing wrote itself becomes the overriding imperative the DEA movement needs the pretext of any inequities real or contrived to maintain and expand its bureaucratic presents as Malcolm Kim a Swedish commentator and self-described Marxist rights managerialism requires intermediation in intermediation requires a justifying ideology
that is such a profound statement even especially coming from a socialist basically they're saying is that this is being treated like a bureaucracy that those who are familiar with Parkinson's law you understand that a bureaucracy is self-perpetuating in other words she uses an example use a a a very basic example okay like the EPA Environmental Protection Agency they have to continue if they ate they if they win okay if they were to say let's say they get all the regulations they can cram into they they make it to where I only know we're going to Green we're going to solar we're we're cleaning up all the rivers and there's that we're cleaning up all the pollution if they were to somehow gets that point or even close to that point they would just find more ways to say oh no this is pollution out this is this is this is part of the environment that needs to be protected
and if it were to say hey we've done our job then they would lose their job that's kind of how what's happening with the e i k in many ways there's already been here the pendulum has already swung in the other direction anybody who throws out white male privilege at you there they're either stupid or they're being disingenuous gave that they're either stupid or lie because right now I would say the hardest the other the getting a job for example at me a major corporation fly for CEO what company do you know out there today would if the CEO position came open what's higher a white male K as the CEO
the vast majority of them would not
they would not
do we have a president alleged president who picks his vice president as well as a Supreme Court Justice be specifically on the criteria of racism and bigotry
he determined that he was not going to pick the best person to be his vice president he determined he was not going to pick the best person to be a permanent Supreme Court judge
he said we're going to take the best female person of color for both those two extraordinary really important positions it doesn't get any higher as far as far as impact on the nation it doesn't get any higher than a Supreme Court Justice and he literally excluded what 91% or more of the population of the United States he basically said we're not going to pick the best person for this job unless that bass person happens to be a female person of color
no that's not how you survive as a nation is that how you make decisions you take the best person regardless of sex regardless of color based upon merit with a pencil on Swamp again in the exact opposite direction to the point where it is harder I would say in you know especially for the height any any job of prominence any job is going to have have any press associated with you will not see very many at least not in woke left this world you'll see it with with either a political or conservative companies and organizations and groups and whatever but you won't see it in any in that that portion of the world that is left is that does include a Silicon Valley for example that it does include Hollywood you're going to have a hard time convincing anyone to make the the next CEO of Google a white male it's just
not not very likely okay almost there we'll just say it's impossible okay who's the company that that was founded by a couple of white males that their first CEO is a white male and no no LOL I would say it would probably never literally never ever happen again or a white male to ever be CEO at that Google or alphabet or whatever their parent company is that's just not going to happen to back to your work to get this article finished for you
I'm glad it's important to note that it is based on Parkinson's law
that these Dia I got on top of there for so I can let me let me finish that point that baseball park has lost its it's almost impossible okay impossible for the job of let's say ADI officer or ADI Department to ever ever get there and when I say almost it is impossible they will never get there they'll always find something it will always be bad because it was not bad then they're roll their job is no longer necessary you won't see reports of hey we've you'll see all we've been proved by this look at all these people persons of color that this role with all these women in this role of the transgenders and homosexuals in these roles but they'll always end that by saying there's still more work to be done we still have to go further
you can have a company that is comprised of 0 white males and I assure you they will find some way to make it more diverse and Equity base and exclusive they will try to find something because again if they ever accomplish their goal fully they'll just have to reach to change the goals that's it have the backyard by the titles and the handsome salary is most Pei Ministry of positions are supports that jobs not teaching or research positions in contrast with the positions of Title Nine DUIs not mandated by law and it's true it is you probably wouldn't know that based on how much the yacht controls our world but there is nothing that says you got to have a DEA officer it is entirely optional DIY officers nevertheless exert enormous influence in part because so few people oppose them the thinking seems to be that if you are a guest expanding and intrusive diversity equity
inclusive agenda you must be the opposite discrimination inequality and exclusion
is a quote from rickets sure which one it is but Ricketts said this by telling themselves that they're making the world a better place they've got they got to throw their weight around they have a lot of money a lot of Leverage in a lot of people who just don't want to butt heads with them people who just want to go along to get along people who are thinking if we Embrace t.i. nobody can accuse us of being racist or whatever they're trying to cover their backsides and that's what is the the rise of d e i and the rise of the ER required literally required people in power and University that Josh in government across-the-board it required them to say there is of The Logical way of doing things and then there is the EI way of doing things there is the the way that will help us to advance and there is the way that will prevent us from getting hit by cancel culture
Darius the be truly focused on marriage truly focused on colorblind equality of opportunity and then there is this bigoted but socially safe way of doing business and so many companies so many government agencies so many schools every school pretty much went with that second option across the board again they know that it doesn't always make sense and when I say always and never makes sense not based on the current iteration of the d e e I push the agenda and it never makes sense I've never seen a d e a policy that makes sense they'd all gone very crazy and why is what I mentioned before because of Parkinson's law it would've been enough to say we need to be colorblind but that that would have ended their jobs because we were already getting there like I said Jeff Goldblum okay they went all straight Jeff Goldblum on it and make things worse
and it's just getting worse and worse and worse all the time. The only way to stop this is if enough people stand up and say no this is stupid and this is
closed mouth need some little girl stand up and say hey TI has no clothes why are you guys pretending like it makes any sense or that is not naked and stupid
a moment like that room anymore like that is because this has become pervasive this is everywhere and every aspect of our lives like I said earlier that wasn't getting really it
Rich problems Nation if you do not reverse this course immediately do you know who else knows about this our enemies
it was Henry Kissinger who once said who controls the food supply controls the people and I for one do not want to be controlled by anyone especially somebody like Henry Kissinger class Schwab work Joe Biden or Gavin Newsom or really anybody okay I don't want to be beholden to anyone I don't want to be standing in in a bread line with Bernie Sanders or which will eventually be converted into a cricket line or a mealworm line or a artificial lab-grown meat line not me I'm not going to do it I have found well actually I technically started one company and then found four others that can help people to secure themselves long-term storage food go to J D wrecker. Calm food that's J D wrecker, food and you'll see the five companies that I have selected one that I won that I'm building and in that for more than that we are working with to try to get as much food to the people as possible
hey guys just won't take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting help your body extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in and she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in it in any form again this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I will just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs another vaccines in pharmaceutical drugs and and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First pure body order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First Body if you go to that
Lee specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you get to that go to Freedom First a body and Order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy medicine and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First pure body
hey guys this is Jeff to work I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book that I'm currently writing called Following the Leader in this is a book that's will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the of 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Cults Cults like Scientology young people like to Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the cult tactics that they perfected with Within These groups that are now using on the masses now you now using on you and I are friends and family and people all over this world you know this will answer a lot of the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of their eyes was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected within the cult so it's so important to understand not only why this is happening but how it's happening what tactic they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to
order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once the book is released again Jeff store
it's never going to end it will literally never end in other words I mean that I should let me be clear the if we don't do anything about it let's say that we don't fight this with everything we've got there's not going to be a conclusion to the whole Dei phenomenal it's going to continue because it's it's self-perpetuating I don't care you could if if you're a let's say your mid-sized company you got a DEA officer and that person is essentially above the CEO okay they can do anything in the matter what they say no matter what they recommend it's going to be adopted by the company that's going to be people who will get fired is resolving is going to be other people to get hired as a result and policies will change and you could do every single thing they say and in the next week they're going to come up with more problems that they can supposedly saw by putting out more policies it's self-perpetuating so it's never going to end unless we stand up and say this makes no sense this is idiotic
this is what we expose that it is self-perpetuating that it's not it's not a problem that needs to be solved it's a solution is to create problems
if if you would have asked me 20 30 years ago you know where we a racist country I would have said we're getting better everyday I don't think that's the case anymore I think we are becoming more and more race as a result of this D E I push it is creating its own problem is making it to where there is more animosity more division
because they are they pushed it too far the pendulum has swung all the way around and now that we're facing the consequences of that these silly people in silly radical leftist these cultural marxists is neo-marxist they just see this as a pathway to achieve their ultimate goal of destroying the country but I'll get to that here in a minute let's get back to the yard because the segment for where we're going to get done with it see. I don't know of an organization's groups in this case, the cities where it would they try to do everything they could and you still never going to be good enough for the article when the city council of Asheville North Carolina hired Kimberly are cheap as its first equity and inclusion manager its members probably didn't anticipate being accused of having a white supremacy culture after all city manager Debra Campbell is black as are three of the seven
7 women making up the city council the council have cut police funding and you Nana has unanimously approved a reparations resolution
never Archie never the last complained that her colleagues still aren't doing enough to advance racial equity
she said in 2020 what I described what I described it as is kind of like the bobblehead effect we be in meetings and people's heads are nodding as if they are in agreement however their actions didn't back it up are you kidding me are you kidding me I mean they literally made a reparations Amendment the people that are that are participating in making this decision a good chunk of them are persons of color and or female
how can you say that there are no
it's like I said it's a problem it's not a problem it's a solution if all solution but a solution the needs to perpetually create its problems so that I can continue to try to solve them you will never ever ever if you're sitting here at a business if your church if you are a school if you're whatever whatever whatever you run you will never be diverse Equitable or inclusive enough
you can make it 100% And then we'll find some way to make it to where you're not a hundred percent anymore every single time they don't want to lose their jobs. That's if I should say they don't want to lose their jobs they don't lose their purpose they have real incentive to keep this going and that is because they have dedicated in many cases they've dedicated their lives to this Pei concept of for it to ever ever spin or reverse as it has many ways make it to where now the bigotry the the the exclusivity harms persons not of color harms men more than women harm straight people more than gay people
was that suit to to happen to still isn't enough I have to keep pushing it further or else their purpose in life is exhausted their purpose in life has been fulfilled and nobody wants to hear we might say you know you want to achieve your purpose in life but a lot of times people don't it is the pursuit of that purpose that is in many ways the actual purpose we don't we don't live so that we can achieve a goal that's not part of human nature we live so that we can be in pursuit of that goal
it's one of the reasons why and we'll get to this here in a minute later on hopefully in the shop if not I'll have to get to it in later so that way we're going to be going to be the laser show today but but if we don't get to it this is one of the reasons why you know we as as people should must turn back to our bibles if we haven't been doing that already because Now's the Time Bible talks about all the stuff hopefully I'll be able to get those explain why they escaped let's try to finish this were almost there. We're almost there all right
back to the article perhaps two similar administrators and executives are beginning to realize that despite the moral Panic of 2020 the most culturally diverse country in the world might not be irredeemably racist even if it's no longer acceptable to say so
United States twice elected an African-American man named Barack Hussein Obama as President his first attorney general was a black man who would be replaced by a black woman his vice president will pick a woman of mixed race as his running mate the mayors of 12 of the 20 largest cities are black including the four largest cities
are we really that racist are we
as a nation are we really really say that that all we've we need more more diversity more more Equity more inclusion or have we already accomplished that and now the push is just to perpetuate the Condor pitch with the the
perpetuating is happening and I said before the break I said I would explain why zapping thankfully thank you real clear investigations for that long article that took two-and-a-half to three and a half seconds to wait
but now we can do the why it's not just about race so I just about anything like that this really comes down to the destruction of our nation you might say what what does this have to do with it deep down are they trying to get to to save the nation and I would say that on the surface they probably think that way but either deep down or subconsciously or whatever know they're trying to destroy us because of the things they're trying to to take down are the very things that the keep a strong or have kept a strong as a nation once such aspect of our strength has been our children you might say what what is the I have to do is write the M goal here with the entire diversity equity and inclusion component is really has very little to do with race I know that sounds crazy considering that's what it's been about the entire time but as I said we got past that we can and we should be very proud of the nation for being so inclusive
we really have become an extremely inclusive nation and yet here we are still pushing for but it's not about that the real challenge as long as you do with race the real problem they're trying to solve has to do with the lgbtqia plus Supremacy agenda and it sounds weird I mean we know that the that the the other the lgbtq community is part of it but they're not really the whole thing are they but in reality they are even if you look at the tenets of black lives matter talks about black lives matter but was it really about why if black lives matter why was there so much with Focus lease until it was caught why was there so much of a focus on lgbtqia plus Supremacy
ask yourself that I'm serious what's that have to do with race or color doesn't that encompassed all all Races can't a white man be as gay as a black man can't a transgender woman be of any color any any race any religion any whatever we yes they can so what is black lives matter have to do with that now we're seeing the melding of seeing the the combination
because if they can get it is wondering when we're dealing with race that's a whole set of issue when we start dealing with lgbtqia plus Supremacy now we're talkin about going against every aspect of human existence and that's not hyperbole
everything hinges on that Supremacy and I'm not talking about equality okay we already have we live in a nation where where gay people can marry do I agree with that no I don't I think that you have do I agree with with gay whatever or civil Partnerships or whatever you think that the two people should be able to to to cohabitate in to share bills into two right right we'll see each other or whatever short absolutely that's fine but once you start talking about the biblical
form of marriage which that's where it all started the biblical for a marriage that's not acceptable in my humble opinion and now of course do they show won't be able to make it to YouTube because I just said one of the many knows you can't say that okay so I won't go on YouTube but I still have to say it and it is true from a Biblical perspective marriage is between a man and a woman just like from a procreation perspective or creation happens between a man and a woman know despite contrary to popular belief in modern-day America men can I get pregnant and contrary to popular belief in modern-day America women cannot get another woman pregnant
does it matter if he thinks she's a woman do you thinks he's whatever it's so confusing sometimes that really is when we talked about the EI the big push is finally starting to come out of that big bush has everything to do with transgenderism homosexuality bisexuality queerness whatever any of the the various 57 Heinz varieties of of genders and then sexual orientations and pronouns and all that stuff and all comes down to that because that's the part where they can go after their real enemy and their real enemy is God their real enemy is Jesus Christ The Real Enemy is the biblical worldview they're trying to not only eliminate but there I mean not only try to try to make people shy away from there trying to make it to where eventually it will not be legal
I think that Mark this down to take note of the time and show her the time of the date that you're listening to this watching this if you disagree with me because you'll when when it does come to pass in the future you'll be like okay yeah so back on whatever February 16th yada yada yada he was right that's what they're going after
we are finally going to move on to then to to reiterate this let's move on to a different article I know
crazy we're going on to another article that there is one
and again I'm going to go through these very quickly because love for time but also because they all they all just highlight that point I'm trying to make it over this from the Gateway pundit Cassandra McDonald over 200 New York Times contributors sign open letter complaining about paper's coverage of transgender issues the New York Times
when the article over 200 New York Times contributors have signed an open letter complaining about the way the paper covers transgender people and issues letter was addressed to Philippi Corbett associate manager managing editor for standards at the New York Times does a quote from the letter and begins we write to you as a collective of New York Times contributors with serious concerns about editorial bias in the newspaper is reporting on transgender non-binary in gender non-conforming people plenty of reporters at the Times cover trans issues failing their work is Eclipse however by what one journalist has calculated as over fifteen thousand words of front-page times coverage debate in the propriety of medical care for Trans children published in the last eight months alone reporters at the times do not think procedures that can sterilize and you take children is worthy of debate
can you repeat that the reporters at the times do not think procedure that can sterilize and use a children is worthy of debate
the newspaper's editorial guidelines Samantha reporters persevere preserve a professional Detachment free of any whiff of bias when the cultivating their sources are remaining senses the personal relationships with new sources can a road into favoritism in fact or appearance in the times has in recent years true gender diversity with an eerily familiar mix of pseudoscience and euphemistic charged language while publishing reporting On trance children that omits relevant information about its sources the letter then blasted individual stories and reporters that they need to be problematic for example
Emily bazelon article the battle over gender therapy uncritically use the term patient zero to refer to a trance child seeking dinner for mancare a phrase does vilifies transness as a disease to be feared Basilone quoted multiple expert sources that has since expressed regret over the worst misinterpretation another source Grace ski Smith was identified as an individual person speaking about a personal choice to the transition rather than the president of g c c a n and activist organization to push his junk science importance with explicitly anti-trans hate groups the contributors continued you no doubt recall a time in more recent history when it was ordinary to speak of homosexuality as a disease at the American family dinner table a norm Foster in part by a New York Times track record of demonizing queers through the ostensibly report through the ostensible reporting of science
some of us are trans non-binary or gender non-conforming and we resent the fact that I work but not our person is good enough for the paper of record some of us are cysts and we have seen those who love who we love discover and fight for their true selves often swimming Upstream against the current of bigotry and pseudoscience fomented by the kind of coverage we hear protest all of us dare say our our stance is unremarkable we hear protest all of us dare say our our stance is unremarkable even common and certainly not deserving of the times intense scrutiny a tiny percentage of the population is trans and they even smaller percentage of those people face the type of conflict the x is so intent on magnifying there's no rat reporting of the thousands of people who simply love and support their children or the hard-working Professionals of the New York Times in during a workplace made hostile
buy a bias a. Of forbearance that ends today all those poor people know they're working that right-wing extremists that conspiracy theory magazine the New York Times now
folks it's never going to be enough that when it comes to the transgender movement I want to come to the lgbtqia plus Supremacy agenda
they will never have enough until literally all of us are silent or dead all of us being non-transgender Nom lgbtqia plus Supremacy agenda supporters they don't want I don't want to lose you
they want Supremacy and that's it
it's not just going against us as different types of people there jenda in intended to go against God
it's no secret to my listeners my viewers anybody's visited my websites that I am very bullish on gold and silver here in 2023 the United States economy is looking challenged will say they're pushing for Central Bank digital currencies of course the central banks themselves are buying up gold and silver like crazy like they've never done before that should tell you something if you have wealth retirements your life savings it's time to protect it to secure it by putting some or all of it into a self-directed precious metals Ira there are different types of products out there I found three companies that do a fantastic job these are American first companies that can help you to secure your retirement your wealth your life savings in a self-directed IRA go to j.d. Ira you'll have three America First companies to choose from pick 1 pick 2 Pick 3 J D IRA
now you're starting to understand that this guy again that is far worse than just an annoyance I think a lot of times we see it all we just roll her eyes and all here comes more diversity inclusion Equity whatever crap I can't wait for this day to go back to normal folks it's never going to go back to normal there will never be a new normal or an old normal I should say there this is the new normal that will never be an old normal when we are going to go back to sanity when it comes to races when it comes to sexual orientation when it comes to religion when it comes to to gender we're never going to go back until we stop and say no and enough of us needs it to really just get out there and start fighting this we've seen some Warriors but I would say the vast majority of people even those who adamantly oppose this agenda are just too
whatever I want to call you scared but maybe it is maybe you're just too scared to speak out if you too scared to share videos like this one we're talking again so you know he said that the d e l g b t q i a plus Supremacy agenda goes against God and therefore you know that's that's kind of whatever you know it's it's true it's just it's just true just as an example we can look at how it's affecting the entertainment industry there is a story over at Slane Kay slay I need to make sure that I do this right yeah then we go over at sleigh that is well
it's infuriating in many ways not just because of a Christian teacher being fired for refusing to tie the kids gender but also because this particular person this this song
the song Lady
she's trying to do what's right based upon her perspectives that you could say it's specially if you're an atheist for example you could say that why should her perspective be any greater than somebody who's who's not a Christian is not faith-based who doesn't doesn't have a Christian worldview a Biblical worldview why should her perspective go above and beyond the somebody else's perspective who's not and the answer is from a as a Christian I get to the answer is because she's right but even from a legal perspective perspective even if we take it and we so we assume that everybody has opinions are equal her opinions are not evil or opinions are secondary their their second class there's subpar compared to the opinions of prospectus of those who want to push the lgbtqia plus agenda for those who want to push the d e i n de case she is a victim of the EI she is a v
some of this shift in our culture that is geared around excluding biblical perspective if you believe for example the children should not be that should not be allowed to change their pronouns or or where chest binders without their parents knowledge then you know if you're the person believes that than you believe that your perspective is about Hearst and unfortunately that's the direction that our nation is heading not just its schools next of companies I just didn't government but across the board
even in churches this perspective is taking hold
articles by Frank Bergman of rats lay a Christian teacher has been fired from her job after she refused to comply with the California school district policy of hiding children's gender transition from their parents Jessica to the pious Pious the pilots who worked at la ropa Unified School District argues that the policy conflicts with her Christian beliefs after being fired from the job she loved to the pies is now blowing this with the whistle on the district woke agenda
I want to know what let me just cut to the video Let's watch the video of her six minutes 40 seconds and we got time let's watch this video real quick
and the district began investigating me and Rule through the whole investigation and there were meetings that were held I found out. I was was being put under the directives of having to call students by their preferred pronoun or gender I also had to lie or withhold that information from their parents and then I also found out uniques my position as a teacher. I I have to allow all I was told I need to allow trans dudn't into the locker room I obviously oversee the the female the girls locker room and so you know. Really caught me off-guard and I clarified with them are you are you calling me I need to let male genitals into the locker room
and they said yes
I thought it would be discriminating if I didn't if it was a trans to decide who you know appears is is choosing to be a girl appears like a girl that I would need to allow them in and so I was very clear with them if if the student has male genitals I'm not letting them in the female locker room and my district fed a whole other issue then because you have to and so if a student share the information regarding a pronoun or no stinking there may be the opposite gender of what they biologically are they share that information with a teacher we are supposed to keep that info from parents in case the parent doesn't know
there's so many issues with that how do we know the parent doesn't know you do number two in my opinion students I mean we're talkin 12 13 14 15 year old I don't I don't believe they should have this put on folk privacy to where their parents are being left in the dark about very you know personal information about their well-being right yeah I totally blindsided by this then again how it came up for me is I guess students decided to find me on social media and again I'm very clear on social media where I stand with various names again my beliefs my opinions are my values my face and
they found out that I I don't believe in in the whole pronoun thing I believe firmly that God created man and woman and know you are who she made you to be and when someone has confusion about. I believe you have us lies and confusion from the devil and I I don't believe that it's something that I should be up for me I don't believe in my face that that's what love is but that's how God calling us to love is by affirming those lies and confusion so how how that came up for me again and found that out reported to my school district my view and then not when the district began investigating and having various meetings with me and I found out clearly about the direction that are up on teachers
yeah that was
it was intense it was definitely intend find you immediately like in my gut and my heart and my soul that there was a decision I have to make because you know these two things were totally butting heads and I essentially I had to pick one
am I going to obey you know the district in these directives. Again are not lining up with you know how I was raised you know my own believes and convictions and say that we are promoting the extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in and she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in it against this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I would just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines in pharmaceutical drugs and and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming
contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First purebody order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First / pure body if you go to that link specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you guys do that go to Freedom First / pure body and Order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy medicine and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First a body
hey guys this is Jeff to work I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book that I'm currently writing called Following the Leader in this is a book that's will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the of 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Cults Cults like Scientology young people like to Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the cult tactics that they perfect with with in these groups that are now using on the masses now you now using on you and I and our friends and family and people all over this world you know this will answer a lot of the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of the rise was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected within the cult so it's so important to understand not only why this is happening but how it's happening what tactic they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to Jeff door
pre-order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once a book is released again Jethro store
or am I going to stay true to those you know and shoes choose my face choose to be obedient to you know what I believe the Lord has the way the Lord has called me to live and I
so it was it was crazy to be in the position where I realized that I could I couldn't be a Christian and a teacher is what that felt like I felt very alien needed authorizer believer and
what I what I read from them as I see no smoke on my face and the religious accommodation meeting
was just a total lack of understanding
they seem to be just so confused as to why I couldn't just set those things of thighs and follow the directives and keep my job and again we're talkin about children these are very moldable you know multiple times in life is when you're a child your brain is developing and it's so important that you have a very good and I know I had a rough childhood and I know that a lot of my students that I was just going to be teaching we're probably going to be coming from rough childhood than I thought you know how amazing it would be Tempe you know a light to them
I'm possibly coming from very rough poems like I did when I was a child and you know so it was just so exciting to get to work in a field where it was just Way Beyond a pizza now being able to make a difference in a way that was priceless on Young Lions
goodness goodness gracious very very very sad sad stuff
nuts for her
no place for the students for the parents are left in the dark else for this nation that is being being hit with all this when we were talking about the students keep in mind I'll take a lot of times people will look at this and know they'll see the people who are for example confused or sperian seing yo gender dysphoria which one we used to be considered a mental illness that they could be treated they could be helped
then and now that we think that okay so those are the ones that that are hurting but it goes beyond then the other people the other students the other children who are around this who are who are I guess you could say that the side effects of being around all this indoctrination than being in many ways treated like secondhand sit at those second-class citizens in class students they see that if somebody goes out there and you know boy proclaims that he's a girl that he's treated so wondering if she whatever is treated so wonderfully by the teachers treated so much different day they get to get treated better by the friends they get they get such as that of the other or not I mean I'm not saying that there's no victim of there as well but at least the other people the other students are just as confused just as affected by this maybe they start to think something's wrong with them because they're not transgender maybe they start thinking something's wrong with them
because they don't have feelings of of dinosaur bisexuality or they don't have pronouns to go against their biological sex maybe they start feeling inferior or maybe all of it just becomes his great-great version of depression that that they cannot overcome they're incapable of overcoming because of their lack of of emotional maturity were talking about children
the story over at Breitbart that you know you can come up with a bunch of different excuses a bunch of different reasons for these horrendous statistics but to me at least in part D e i in the transgender the lgbtqia plus Supremacy agenda has a lot to do with the fact that's what we're seeing on the ground in schools according to this according to CDC now this isn't like oh my gosh it's some some friends website Nana this the CDC statistics that are saying 57% of teen girls feel sad and hopeless
24% made plans for suicide
sports team girls in the United States
thought seriously about suicide and a world where that they are let's say there a an athlete you know I track runner a swimmer some like that and they've dedicated their good chunk of their young lives training being the best of the sport this dude that thinks he's a girl or at least pretends to be a girl comes along and annihilate them in this for the day and he's you know barely on the blip if you were playing against boys could be depressing you don't think that has something to do with it what about these girls that are in the locker room they see penises because because that person has more rights than she does
Coney article on the songs by brecon reckons he's over depression and thoughts of suicide have dramatically increased marketing team girls following a tenure-track according to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention that's important of these is a 10-year Trend will get that according to new CDC study 57% of high school girls before the feelings of sadness or hopelessness in 2021 a 50% increase from 2011 wow 30% seriously considered suicide a nearly 60% increase from 2011 and 24% made plans for suicide again a 60% chance 60% increase from 2011 the girls felt sadness or hopelessness is about double the rate of their male counterparts the mental health of America's young people is generally poor 42% of high school students overall felt persistent sadness or hopelessness 22% seriously consider suicide 18%
Med plan for suicide in 10% attempted suicide one out of every ten kids only kids are in your kids English class with 20-30 there's 30 of them then that means according to this the three of those kids in your kids science class try to commit suicide
is the highest numbers reported in a decade these risk behavior survey which is conducted every two years was a minister to around 17,000 students across the country in 2021 as we saw in the Ten Years prior to the covid-19 pandemic mental health among students overall continues to worsen with more than 40% of high school students feeling so sad we're helpless and they could not engage in their activities regular activities for at least 2 weeks during the previous year if possible indication of the experience of depressive symptoms we also saw a significant increase in the percentage of Youth who seriously considered suicide made a suicide plan in attempted suicide across almost all measures of substance abuse experienced violence mental health and suicidal thoughts and behaviors female students are faring more poorly than male students these differences and the rates at which female students are boys are negative experiences are start biting a teen girl findings for teen girls show the 30% and used alcohol in the past month 20% you sexual violence and
sexual violence and 14% have been forced to have sex
this isn't from the pandemic is a lot of people are saying this is for my separation of the nation from a biblical worldview
this is from the idiocy of the eye
it's unfortunate that in America in 2023 we have a hard time finding doctors and Pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies that we can trust I have been able to find one that I trust wholeheartedly based upon the the trustworthiness of the doctors in the people involved it took me a little while to vet them out but I'm finally come to the conclusion of the wellness company is definitely worth it you can check them out at JD well JD well and they don't just sell supplements and stuff like that that they do that but they do more than that they have services available that can help you for example to to break free from Big pharma's grasp of Our Lives they they help people to to even get away from Pharmaceuticals all together or have you ever heard of a medical company that does that so check them out the wellness company at JD Rucker. Calm well
so I was able to get the remaining Nine Stories in the Bible say no no we're not we're going to try to get through as much as we can now but just to recap so you know this all starts way back when 80's and 90's Windows really has pushed for Ford Iverson's push was at least partially semi right just going to not I'm not suggesting that that forced diversity was righteous by any means I'm not suggesting that the first sample informative action was righteous and enemies what I'm suggesting is that the awareness of trying to push people towards a color-blind mentality trying to push towards Merritt over everything else you pick your you use science scholarships you pick out employees you hire people and you you elect people based upon who's the best regardless of sex or Carlos of skin color regardless of religion regardless of sexual orientation regardless of any
Merit who's good who's better who's the best for this position that shifted very much so specially during you really just got started during the Obama years where this pushes cultural marxists push to make everything about race to make everything about skin color to make everything about about sex and sexuality and talk about sex is in your male versus female gender is a try to call its day that became the primary focus they wanted this is what you push for a call at the front of action on steroids that all of a sudden we have the George Floyd situation George Floyd incident that empowered black lives matter to push their lgbtqia plus agenda has nothing to do with your black lives matter at least the DIA the corporate the the the base level than the founders of the original push was again trying to equate to trans
black lives matter with lgbtq A+ lies are better than that's seriously again this is this is undeniable by you can sure you could deny it either see-through got the history we know what was on their website before we know what they've done since the George Floyd incident
so now we're here today and the iai's primary focus is on that lgbtqia plus soupremacy agenda and it has dramatically affected schools and still is that wasn't that the unfortunate situations that we're seeing with suicides in Fortune situation or scene with teachscape fire that's just the tip of the iceberg I cancel a show if I really want so I can go for 6 hours easily probably not even cover all of this but I will make you sit through all of that is an article by a Kasey chock over the Federalists DC public schools new curriculum turn social studies into social justice and sexual perversion elementary school children in Washington d.c. will be taught not traditional but gender and I tradition but gender identity systemic racism and white privilege while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is trying to re-establish some semblance of Sanity in sunshine State's education system the District of Columbia's board of education is doubling down on woke isn't going to a February 12th Article in the
to post City School System serving 96000 students is preparing to roll out a new social studies curriculum for the 20 24 25 school year that will eliminate what one School Board member called problematic in archaic material a closer look at the proposed revisions serves as exhibit a for my parents need to follow what's happening to their children's schools on subtitle sexual and racial radicalism amazingly DC officials aren't hiding how truly radical they aim to make the city schools studies curricula kindergarteners will learn kindergartners learn how to understand their gender identities as well as identified different kinds of family structures including one single parent grandparent headed multiracial in lgbtq Plus or the post first graders Charlie learn to identify symbols and traditions associated with the United States and recite the Pledge of Allegiance that's that's today but that will all seemingly be scrapped in favor of learning how one can
work together to achieve a shared goal which sounds suspiciously like a means of encouraging activism Revan citizenship and also by the way I think I just want take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting computer buddy extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in and she recommend this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reaction to vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in it in any form again this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs and and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First
everybody order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First your body if you go to that link specifically you will get $50 off your first order I which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you get to that go to Freedom First a body and Order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the medicine and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First pure body
hey guys this is Jeff to work I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book that I'm currently writing called Following the Leader in this is a book that will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Cults Cults like Scientology young people like Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the cult tactics that they perfect with with in these groups that are now using on the masses now unit Now using on you and I are friends and family and people all over this world you know this will answer a lot of the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of the rise was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected within the cult so it's so important to understand not only why this is happening but how it's happening what tactic they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to
pre-order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once a book is released again Jeff store
sounds a lot like, this crazy crazy right in case you think such fears seem conspiratorial consider that under the old curriculum second graders learn how a person becomes a US citizen and what it takes to be a good citizen but under the new curriculum they will instead be a special focus on the geography of indigenous Nations resume please do students will be well equipped to perform land acknowledgements and in case that seems conspiratorial consider the third graders will be taught the contributions of biscuit Piscataway and pamunkey people in the DC region I don't even know what a Piscataway or pamunkey person is I don't know I'm I'm hey I was private public school to raise Public School educated as well folks and put back then they didn't teach this stuff it just gets more bizarre third graders will discuss the importance of affirming spaces which are
quotes affirming spaces which are safe places for people to express their identities as well as the home rule movement and discuss how we lack of statehood effects residents are going to learn how how to make DCU the 51st state awesome 4th graders will learn about the importance of the Year 1619 high school not to nikole hannah-jones who created the 1619 project while fifth graders and analyze the rise of queer culture 6th grade students are urged to consider who is harmed by border policies how racism privilege and bias affect the way resources are distributed and and the hell that distribution has influence racism in the. Lsim and the
then switch and European worldview has dominated Global Society it's all the Europeans fault
the building according to this article building good little liberal activists
okay I'm just I'll leave a listen to show nuts I would come a lot more to cover last segment try to squeeze it all in Charlotte Allen reporting the DEA invasion of public universities tax dollars Bond useless bureaucrats and indoctrination yes tax dollars that's the part that I haven't touched on I've talked about the cultural implications here what about the financial implications this is not just hurting us from hey Ira money is being wasted on it but more importantly our money is being wasted on something that's going to make it harder for a money to be of any value in the future by putting people into powerful positions based on their skin color their sexual preference or their their gender identity rather than face the pain who's the best for the job we're going to have a nation that is ill-equipped to handle the the challenges of work currently facing today not to mention what we're going to be facing in the near future
it's a no-brainer but hey well just write Lopez and University of Michigan one of America's top public research institutions the average tenured professor makes $93,000 a year what is the date of birth that's a probationary period of around six years as an untenured assistant professor proven ones research and teaching chops plus the for 27 years of Dibley takes to complete a PhD program at the same University of Michigan the average the diversity equity and inclusion Stafford makes $97,000 a year according to data and Lies by Mark Perry and Emeritus professor of Economics there that's a job that requires only a bachelor's degree in human resources related field
please start off making more than a tenured professor that's a saint but that's America in 2023 the streets are in a Michigan Dei staffers need only a few years if that of on-the-job experience as recently as 2017 University's PDI team consists of 69 people buy the 20 22 23 school year that number had more than double 242 working on a budget of 18 million dollars considering than just a decade ago Michigan's DEA staff had to comprise a mere Seventeen employees it's not surprising the Perry told the Daily Caller the that the number of brand new hires have messed a size like a cancer very good work way to put this welcome to the d-ii Beijing public colleges and universities eating of taxpayer dollars that could fund scholarships for low-income students or slots and salaries for professors teaching Subs in subject chemistry history and literature
what does D I add to the college experience at Michigan you won't find much on the DA's office has official website Beyond vague verbal much about fostering and inclusive in an equitable community on campus when you dig deeper you discover what the office really does and it's creepy one of the Michigan programs consists of an inclusive teaching initiative that sponsors supposedly voluntary training Workshop in which instructors learn how to incorporate such Concepts as unconscious bias talking about racial hatred was the way one Michigan do you put it in 2016 into the Freshman physics calculus in Spanish classroom in fact those Workshop sessions and indoctrination are actually mandatory for all new tenure-track and graduate assistant hires at Michigan as well as senior faculty members who serve on hiring committees the University of Michigan is scarcely an anomaly a report issued in January by the Virginia social Association of Scholars noted that the public universe
system in Virginia spent more than 15 million in 2020 alone on instructors and administrators with the word diversity inclusion and equity in their job titles the report wasn't just concerned with the siphoning of taxpayer dollars away from substitute instruction with the left-leaning ideological content stressing such Concepts as critical race Theory white privilege and gender oppression in the train sessions the diversity bureaucrats pushed upon student and faculty like I'd love to spend more time on that particular story but I I won't just because we got too much noise I am delayed we're going to get these because these are crazy these are crazy I can't believe this is America in 2023 over pjmedia transgender cannibal baby rapist put in women's prison your mother and baby unit just so that we know that that this whole lgbtqi plus Supremacy genda which stems from the DEA
which United States of America yes it has real-world consequences and yes you know what I am not even going to read this one cuz this is just too hideous I'll just reread the headline and leave a note because it's I'm going to start start flipping out if I really start thinking about the transgender cannibal baby rapist
was put in a women's prison near the mother and baby unit
what sort of world do we live in
that's where that I want to live and I assure you that
and just in case you did not realize that this push to indoctrinate to brainwash children to brainwash adults to get everybody situated in the whole Dai framework that everything pushing for lgbtqia plus Supremacy get everybody away from a Biblical worldview here's an article by Colin Linebarger from the Gateway pundit titled
Satan has told gender-affirming ritual to protest Idaho's proposed ban on child sex surgeries and puberty blockers
when the article sometimes truth in advertising really does exist on Monday in Boise members of the satanic temple gathered inside the Idaho state capitol rotunda to protest Idaho lawmakers want to ban child sex reassignment surgeries and puberty blockers for minors what better way to honor the devil than by demanding the mutilation of innocent children remain legal
the bill being protested at is called the verbal child protection act the bills introduced by Republican State Rep Bruce skog and would make offering puberty blockers or transgender surgery for my a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or no Fox News the legislation also aims to protect children from harmful pharmaceutical and surgical interventions for the purpose of changing the appearance of a child sex but it's not apply to medically necessary treatment accorded the Idaho family policy Center a blue-haired woman opens the so-called ritual claims that place that they will be lightbringer's to their community
an adversary's against Injustice she also valves they will not shut up even against opponents who me to silence us the woman goes on to say bodily autonomy is sacred for children who wish to permanently alter their gender she pledges the satanists will fight back against oppression of this value
hail Satan to that she says while throwing up Devil's horns she then tells the satanic crowd to write down their dead names that pronounce false identities and whatever doesn't serve you anymore
woman next to her fellow devil worshiper tells her fellow devil worshiper to close their eyes and reflect on this act she then instructs them to open their eyes and tear up a piece of paper to put in a jar she pours water in the jar and later shakes it with dirt and then and then she says I take all of these forced false identities and watch them dissipate into the Waters of self-compassion the woman finishes her speech by giving again give me a devil's horn gesture and telling the trout to the crowd to F the haters and praise Satan and themselves
counter-protesters confront the sadness after the speech calling the Communists and anti calling them Communists and anti-American I'm like the left conservatives refrain from violence and tell the truth which isn't always the case to be clear but at least in this case I would say they are definitely on the right side of the ball may the good people of Idaho Prevail in their efforts to safeguard their children you know this reprieve you say it's always about this is more than just being about the children I know that sounds callous especially if you're a parent I'm a parent
okay but this is worse than just the children this is a fight for the soul of a Nation
guess we have to defend the children it's not just defending for their sake it's not even just venue for the future of this nation if we may not have a future if this continues God's judgment has been help I can assure you that because and I'm not saying that biblically prophetically it just feels as if my gosh mean considering what he did to Sodom and Gomorrah how are we still around okay the gas planets differ from ours God knows best God knows everything and he knows what the plan is going forward all the stuff we talked about today I know it's gone from hey we're going to talk a little bit about Dei all the way down to satanists
the best of the the transition that's how it progresses
it won't stop. I don't sound it's self-fulfilling self-perpetuating just as a DEA officer music continuously find reasons to complain about lack of diversity what are you losing so too
do the powers of evil have to continue to push harder and harder and further
they can't stop what's it going down that path if we don't stop them for somebody. Or somebody doesn't stop them from the path there on they will continue is Roseanne Barr said you can't wake up somebody who's pretending to be asleep right now so many so many on the go to the lab so many of these radical somebody needs to doctor native people are pretending to be asleep and hit the staff or I'll leave you with lyrics
many view any of us only concern right in the Christian right we too are pretending to be asleep like tending like this isn't a huge problem when in reality this is the problem if you don't solve it could take down the United States of America

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