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JD Rucker Show, November 22, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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Where's the Outrage as Biden Will Sign Away Our Sovereignty to Tedros Next Week?

Title: Where's the Outrage as Biden Will Sign Away Our Sovereignty to Tedros Next Week?


How do you con conservatives into backing off on an issue? You tell them you're sorry and you won't do it again. We saw it with PayPal who apologized for the "mistake" of threatening to confiscate $2500 from users for wrongthink. Conservatives saw this apology as a victory and stopped pressing the point. But the $2500 penalty still remains and nobody's talking about it. That's nothing compared to the odd lack of concern from conservative and alternative media regarding the Pandemic Treaty with the World Health Organization. Last year, it was huge news from March until July when it was allegedly "defeated." But as I've said since then, it was only delayed. Now, the deadline has quietly creeped up on us and Joe Biden will be signing onto it as early as February 27. Yes, next week. Where's the outrage? Where are conservative politicians who should be screaming about a president unilaterally signing away our sovereignty? Where are the conservative pundits and alternative media show hosts who were rightly apoplectic last year? Pandemic Treaty 2.0 is about to be signed and there's barely a whimper coming from our best journalistic warriors. On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I spent the entire time talking about the article below by Kevin Stocklin from our premium news partners at The Epoch Times. Why? Because this is the existential threat that's sneaking past everyone, and we need to take action against it immediately. In fact, it may be too late.

Recording: February 20, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

friends and welcome to another episode of The Daily Record a show on your post J D Wrecker in today's kind of an emergency broadcast we want to say that yeah I know that's Alex Jones the emergency broadcasting and well but this really is at least as of right now not very many people talking about it it's it's an emergency it's going to be ongoing so it's not like oh my gosh I didn't get the list of this on Monday or Tuesday or whatever they should still I mean by the time you listen to this evening if you listen now listen live to listen to later it's still going to be a big deal I'm going to turn you straight up to the story over at the epoch times its width this is by Kevin Stockland Biden admitting negotiates deal to give who authority over u.s. pandemic policies in the subtitle is new international
record a voice message Terry Senate approval of course it does of course of that I'm going to talk about it so the by the ministration is preparing to sign up the United States to a quote legally binding Accord with the World Health Organization that would give this geneva-based un subsidy of subsidiary the authority to dictate American policies during a pandemic despite widespread criticism of the whose response to the covid pandemic US Health and Human Services secretary Xavier Becerra joined with who director-general General Tedros adhanom I always get his name Jeb Bush give rhesus I think anyway the US whose strategic dialogue together the development platform to maximize long-standing US government who partnership and to protect and promote the health of all people around the globe including the American people
is discussions and others spawned the zero draft of a pandemic treaty publishing February 1st which now Redux Radix C240 and slipped it definitely spend this 16 ratification by all hundred ninety-four w h l member states a meeting of the whl's inter-governmental negotiating body is scheduled for February 27th all members will then sign in this for a long long time okay not to my hornbills over it was his right out of that is almost a year ago to the day now that I think about it but I had dr. Peter breggin on my show and at that point nobody has been heard about her have been talking about the pandemic treaty we broke the story doctor when I say we I was just the conduit dr. Peter breggin broke the story he is located in the Southern Man is a bombshell nobody's talking about in here it isn't talked about it then
fast forward you know we've been hammering and hammering and hammering in approximately may you know April May June July there were a lot of people lot of conservative and alternative shows who were out there ringing the alarm. Oh my gosh this is it this is you know we got to stop this they're going to sign this treaty and it's it's claiming it's not a tree but it really is a treaty and all this other stuff and it was horrible and several member states are opposed to it and so they they pulled it before 4 and everybody I mean everybody in our conservative an alternative media they are like okay Victory one move on to the next subject let's go to election let's focus on Captain mechanics theater let's focus on the border prices and I get it I all those things are not trying to downplay any of that stuff but here's the thing and let's be very crystal clear about this it did not
and this is this is the con job that's used against conservatives in particular off and Christians as well America First Patriots we we smell Victory way way way too early almost every time and that the less play that what they call out of their playbook is say okay well I guess we lost and then you know they come back with the approach examples would have a PayPal get PayPal yeah everybody remembers last your PayPal Me Away In A League of Their Own and I don't mean as legal as we made a republican believe within their terms of service you know hey we can take up to $2,500 of your money if we disagree with you basically is what they were saying we can confiscate money for for hate speech wrong think all that other stuff and you know they everybody was up in arms oh my gosh oh my gosh you know all conservative an alternative media was screaming about it then PayPal came out today okay guys know this was a mistake we screwed up that wasn't supposed to be made public that wasn't really you know what are in
engines were and where we really sorry about that and of course on Q conservative and alternative media went out and they're like okay well you know you guys better better do better next time we're watching you were watching you nothing changed okay nothing changed at PayPal the $2,500 fine see whatever you want to call it was never moved to this day it is still never been removed in y'all but because they came out and said oh my gosh we're so sorry we screwed up and serve it on trying to meet his like okay well you know I guess we'll move on to the next Story the next outrage you know because we won this one obviously because they made a statement they put out a press release so therefore Victory Is Ours
but of course it was no Victory the policy wasn't changed wasn't even edited just stay there and bugs me because this is we are as conservative America First Media alternative media Christian Media we are I mean just suckers absolute sucker for the stuff they say we screwed up they say we're going to fix it we say okay you better fix it then there's no follow-through there's no no follow-up there's no you know verify we have the trust part hey we trust you use admitting you screwed up so we trust should we didn't verify we never verified World Health Organization this whole thing has been around for a little bit me and we were talking about of course even after the alleged Victory back in June or July whenever it was last year you know we can talk him out so hey there they're just they didn't say they weren't going to do what they just said that they need to make adjustment and I did a show I believe it was in October 11th September about how I expected
the World Health Organization in the United States to get engaged in what I call a pandemic tree 2.0 I expected it possibly in December most likely in in january-february and we are gay and I'm not trying to toot my horn as hell you were right you know who Jamie was right I did was no brainer that didn't take a lot all you have to do is be paying attention and unfortunately far too many than conservative an alternative media are not paying attention when this stuff happens we just let it go it's okay we won anyway you guys get the idea you know the thing here
so and again this is from the epoch times written under the banner of the boat the world together quit it bleeped that word has become so annoying to me Equitable equitably Equity whatever zerodraft grants twho the power to declare and manage a global pandemic emergency once a health emergency is declared all signatories including the United States would submit to the authority of the w h o r e b a regulation such as lockdowns in vaccine mandates Global Supply chains and monitoring the surveillance of population that doesn't matter they been wrong from the very beginning about every aspect of the covid-19 it's not it's I mean even as just a name covid-19 its shelf is from the World Health Organization and their puppeteers within the Chinese Communist party everything else Spanish Flu you know we've got all these various types of flu this should have been something to do with
Wuhan gay the shortlist or China or both I mean the naming of it and even that from the beginning the World Health Organization started gaslighting it's like none of this one is called covid-19 withstand MSI, my gosh really okay it is what it is you know I guess who knows I come from the World Health Organization they were endorsing bat soup no no travel restrictions they were saying that from the very beginning and they continue to say that even those clear the travel restrictions would have worked at least to some extent travel restrictions would have been beneficial if they could have and should have isolated it when they had the opportunity that that window of opportunity was very small obviously but they didn't they still didn't they were against it in the woods there's a thing I guarantee you this with 99% certainty if this was the say the Boston flu okay if it if it originated in Boston World Health
you would have had no problem canceling your basic making endorsing full-blown travel restrictions to and from the United States because it was the Chinese communist China that's where we got to fight this email travel restrictions are totally racist that's literally what they were saying they're pushing that button and they were getting Nancy Pelosi to go out to get to Chinatown in San Francisco and say hey guys come on down for Chinese New Year you know because again trying to make it to where if you are opposed to any of the stuff and you must be races that nothing to do with the Chinese people have to do with with an infection in the matter to me if it was a you know it was a British dude okay who's on vacation in Wuhan and the time it has nothing to do with race it has to do with the area that's why I was in favor of The Travelers fixes what they've worked probably not unless you could have completely quarantine the city and I mean
you'll get into something like they do in the movies right I hope you got all these hazmat suits and basically a bubble is placed around the town like to do my thing with the Simpsons movie pack way back when you know I mean something like that maybe then it could have stopped but who knows and maybe it wasn't supposed to you know maybe we're here for weeks when we get back to the article though. Don't you love the word centralized give you the warm fuzzies is a quote from David Valley Public Health Physician in former who staffer specializing in the epidemic policy he said they want to see a centralized vaccine and medication bass response and a very restrictive response in terms of controlling populations
let me repeat that last part a very restricted response in terms of controlling populations again were talking about the World Health Organization controlling calculations of the Nations including the United States when I'm say they get to decide what is a health emergency and they putting in place a surveillance mechanism that will ensure that there are potential emergencies to declare I'm going to reread that one. This isn't a common thing and I'm not just going to keep re-reading these statements because that one that one should get your kid to get to decide what is a health emergency they got that who determines well that's Health Emergency that's not okay and they're putting in place a surveillance mechanism and putting in place its argument at least partially here in the United States all across China all across the Western World East Royal doesn't matter you can have to go to the store
World find places that aren't I having the surveillance mechanism essentially already built but but I digress and they're putting in place a surveillance mechanism that will ensure that there are potential emergency the Claire hey we're going to find the emergency we're going to find a reason to lock you down we're going to find a reason to to stifle all of your freedoms to quash your abilities do you have expression this is happening so much faster than I had anticipated I'm sorry you know and I apologize wholeheartedly for not ring the alarm Bell louder I've been talking about the push by the global Sleek ball on this isn't just the World Health Organization also talking about the council for inclusive capital is in the United Nations of the world economic Forum as we all talked about the club of Rome all these various Global Group and many that we've never even heard of before on top of the ones we have they opened societies with all these groups and others out there their goal has always been to have control
people that's not news to you but I always expected so it needs to go as quickly as possible it's going to take 2 years 3 years to five years whatever I was wrong okay I was wrong not saying that I won't take that long but I'm saying it was ignorant of me to assume that it would take that much time but I should have thought of what I should have been saying is that it can be implemented at any point in life at any point I'm saying it could literally be implemented today we might sell well but then talk about meeting on the 27th I'm not saying just this I'm saying anything if anything would have much to say as an example the Marburg disease starts spreading I know that's that's a and don't don't say hold your workers are predicted in Marlboro tomorrow malberg it's not marble Marlboro disease is going to be spreading I'm not suggesting that it will just say any hemorrhagic fever I'm not saying it is this happening I'm saying that if it were to happen and they they be in the power
the bee could make it happen at anywhere at any point did they did they did a test run I believe with monkey pox or something that was essentially harmless believe it was harmless it could get attention to those harmless they did a test to see how easy it was to spread and of course because it was a no it was and I didn't kill the rest of the infected very quickly or at all and it was able to spread quickly so then then the question is I think they've been doing these tests how can they spread something wide like a hemorrhagic fever and spread it fast enough to wear because people do die from that a lot of people will die from that so can they spread a fast enough to where it can reach a large proportion of population large enough again for control lest we forget and I said it's a billion times and I'll say it a billion more times I'm sure that the agenda to me I'm not saying this is fake I'm saying this is what every spidey sense every into it into the bone in my body says this is a control
and depopulation agenda and you can put a neither or because they both work together. One or the other it's it's a combined thing it's controlling the population is the population in control they do them simultaneously and use the same tools for both for example Kayla covid-19 I'm going to throw out a quick hypothetical the covid-19 44 vaccines okay we all most of us hate him some of us have taken him I haven't praise the Lord but yes I love you have a nice I appreciate it whatever it took for you to make the decision you were caught and I think that most of you already realize that work or likely realize that by now and if you don't then just keep watching my shows in the hopefully eventually you'll get to that come to that conclusion but anyway you know where they can part of the control mechanism or were they part of depopulation mechanism that's the whole point is that they're part of both imagined it would say that hypothetically speaking I don't think there is obviously there are some studies that back this up or so I wouldn't say
what state is proven demonstrated that the covid-19 vaccines do it Road everyone's immune system to varying degrees some people are the roads it instantaneously and have the other people takes time and I got to get 2nd 3rd 5th 8th job before it really makes it to where they are much more susceptible but at some point most of not all of those who take the Jazz are going to become susceptible tonight just covid-19 is worth seeing but also the other diseases so then they come back with okay but the solution to that is this other drug this other MRI and a technology that will that will counteract the original Mr in the technology that we told you to take it you shouldn't take a nap but now he's going to tell you to take this and you should take it because this is once actually really going to keep you like there's your control agenda oh you got to get this you got to get that you got it seem like you got out of an appropriate social credit score you got to wear your mask got to do everything else or else you know you're going to not be able to get this new drug that's the only thing
possibly keep you alive
for those that don't get it they die control the population population control it doesn't matter since they're trying to kill two birds and billions of people with one stone we got to go with that we'll be right back
one does not have to be a quote-unquote doomsday prepper in order to appreciates to knowledge that the pharmaceutical supply chain could could be challenged could even break down completely at some point in the future after a 90% of the ingredients used in the Pharmaceuticals that we produced here in the United States come from China that should scare you that should concern you greatly
I have started working with a company that helps people to stock up on long-term storage antibiotics you can get five different antibiotics using tell me how do you want to go go visit a doctor or answer your question why do you need this it's so whatever reason antibiotics are you deserve lots of questions when I'm with these guys go to JD record cam meds JB meds and stock up because you never know what's going to happen we don't know if and when we won't be able to get these without may be representing our vaccine passport or something so I stock up now
yes folks it is still looking pretty bad with the pandemic treaty pandemic tree 2.0 as we call it as I've been calling it for a little while now now it's here I just didn't have the reach I guess you know people listen to me whether you're listening at America out loud talk radio if you're listening to the to the broadcast on red voice medium or if you're missing an apple podcast we've been trying we've been pushing the South and its you know there's a reason why I do ask this isn't I'm not a narcissistic per se I'm not somebody that even enjoy the spotlight if all things being equal if let's say the world went back to normal or at least partially normal and my kids I fell to their their Futures were secure that that the United States of America was going to thrive.
these are going to just continue to get better and I no longer felt the need to do the show folks you would never hear from me I would not have to be talking I wasn't doing this back in the days when things were looking great I started doing this when things started looking really really bad and as a result of I guess being late to the game I never I never really was able to push this out to to the masses I am not Tucker Carlson I am not Rush Limbaugh I'm not even to some of these bigger guys on the YouTube or or rumble or wherever they are I don't have I don't have Joe Joe Rogan's audience and nor do I really want that for say I want to talk to to you guys I don't have to be big I want to talk to the people actually listen I'm not here to reach the masses for st. because quite frankly talking about pandemic treaty 2.0 I would say what 90% of the US population wouldn't care wouldn't wouldn't want to hear
even if they thought oh my gosh it's coming and it's going to do this okay well great you know that's fine what's on Netflix I mean they just the ship they they take their heads and they stick their heads into the ground and they do this on a regular basis now seems to be happening more and more and more every single day we we can't seem to stop it and that's fine because that just means that we're not to get stronger it's not fine as a no this is good we can't stop and it's it's fine because that means that there's still work to be done is work to be done by me there's work to be done by you you might ask yourself what can you possibly do to stop this will remember what I said earlier or in the article there is a meeting where they're going to work on the final terms on February 27th so that means we've got a week we got to wait to try to get the word out and make people aware of
of what's going on and to get people to pair because Congress has to stop at this is the part that bugs me to death okay why is Congress not doing anything we gave Kevin McCarthy the speaker of the house we gave we gave them and he's not even mentioning that's named I see what they have nothing to do with it and even that's the Senate because it's treason even then be by the hair so she was able to sidestep the whole tree mechanism in the US Constitution and they can just ignore it because they're not basing not calling in the trees are playing Obama on it right with the climate Paris Accords not a treaty listen is actually buy things for how in the world does this work and we'll get into that after you know here in a second when I get in one of the stories up but it's still a very disturbing that you're not seeing Republicans talking about this on Capitol Hill
are they involved with at least some of them are
otherwise why would they not be screaming at the top of their lungs their roll one of their most important roles in as the the legislative branch of government is to offer checks and balances to the executive branch why are they screaming about getting sidestep you know where is Rand Paul Ted Cruz Ron Johnson any of the the Senators that I that I think are pretty good where they let alone of course the Rhino so I wouldn't expect Lindsey Graham to be all up in arms about this but I ignore Mitch McConnell or anybody but where there are the good guys are decent guys were semi not awful guys whatever you want to classify the mass wouldn't even though it doesn't technically affect or can't be controlled from Congress where is that where is the the pressure Kevin McCarthy saying hey you know that's a great great spending package you guys want me to sign up to be a shame if we had to not sign it because you signed off
Wright's our sovereignty as a nation to the World Health Organization and where's the leverage their why is nobody talking about this
in a government where are all the conservative pundit screaming again I'm not trying to toot my horn here but we've been talking about this I've mentioned pandemic treaty at least once every week or two for the last year and yet we get back the article before my blood pressure goes up it's a pretty sad Testament when reading this article about our impending doom is actually what will lower my blood pressure compared to talking about it openly to you guys just from the headset so let's let's read on
yeah we talked about the centralized pandemic response
the World Health Organization pandemic treaty is part of a two-track ever coinciding with the initiative by the World Health assembly to create a new Global pandemic regulations that would also supersede the laws of member states in case one of them doesn't work we got a backup we got a backup destruction of your sovereignty plan
yeah you you're going to have to the w h o we got the whaa you know you got McDonald's we got McDowell's theirs is all beef patties Special Sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun how is doesn't have sesame seeds and this is ridiculous but it's more than we living in this is this is not surprising it's ridiculous but not surprising the whaa is the rulemaking body of the WTO comprised of representatives from the member states so it's like they got a 501 c 3 in a 501 C 4 pick your poison both are coming after us is a quote from Francis Boyle professor of international law in Illinois University don't know if that's a he or she Francis is is an androgynous name I've known many Francis he's right that are men and women okay so according to Professor boil both initiatives are fatally dangerous either one or both would set up a worldwide Medical
State under the control of the w h o and in particular who General director-general Tedros if either one or both of these go through Tedros or his successor will be able to issue orders that will go all the way down the pipe to your primary care physician in other words you're doctor right now they're they're beholden to Medical boards okay they're beholden to states are beholding in some ways depending on the state to the FDA and CDC in the NIH there's a lot that that's that's a separating them already from you their goal of delivering care and there's all sorts of bureaucracy and then they get to you so they got to climb through the bureaucracy we're talking about the good ones there's a lot of bad ones out there that are just bathing in the drawer actually just letting letting it fall all over them and like all my gosh I love this I don't know if that's literally thing but you get the idea as of now they're already having to swim through this Brock bureaucracy
just to get you a life Healthcare just to be able to examine you to prescribe drugs to your prescribed you know alternative medicines to you if you if you have that type of doctor unfortunately this is going to be an additional layer of bureaucracy in this bureaucracy bureaucratic layer is going to be the worst of them all the World Health Organization having control over what doctors can say what they can do what they can prescribe what they can recommend where they can treat where they can't treat you betcha it's going to be bad and that's if I guess this is just wait because we get to the real and games here okay this is this is awful at the surface level
and we're not even we're not even peeling back the onion yet sadly it actually does get worse than even this
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hey guys this episode is brought to you by zeest a keynote so important that you're taking care of your health in you're not relying on big Pharma telling at least try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're relying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend to everybody is go over freedom, freedom go over their stock up on Z stack this is this is one of the things that you really help people build up your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 and make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to get to Detroit covid that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with his minimal downtime as is as possible to make sure you guys are going over to calm Freedom Ortiz of a bottle or more today sign up for auto ship that's even better
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you the way that any health care System should work and you know ours is not socialize but it's close enough with Obamacare but even before then there were challenged there has been challenged ever since the since we ever since the rise of of modern technology they've been challenged has there been good and bad the good parts are there been medical advancements that have helped many people the bad parts are because he's medical advancements because of the the greed and lust for both money and power from bureaucrats from politicians from from Big Pharma from insurance companies from everybody cross the board big hospitals big Medical in general and anybody who's got their hand out from that who can acquire either money or power or both they have perverted what should be an advanced Medical system does not just here in the United States as we know you throw in your throat and Marxist medicine as they have in place like anyone and can then and other nations Western Nations across the world all of a sudden it's just awful gives you almost would be better off going
Turtle Nation where they have fewer registrations with our doctors are still very educated they have the level of Technology oftentimes they don't but I was still almost trust that doctor more so than doctors that are swimming in this bureaucracy that we have this bureaucratic socialize medical State even if we don't have quote about socialized medicine it is essentially that special anybody was have to go through through your own state to get insurance for example you've already witnessed that you felt that you felt the reduction care compared to what we've had in the past now you throw in the World Health Organization the extraordinary woke World Health Organization I guarantee you this there will be theirs with with a 99% certain there will be wokeness inserted into this once they have control once they are able to say okay so so so now that we can dictate what doctors are allowed to do now let's insert DVI diversity equity and inclusion in with the equity mean
the key there now all the sudden you know 40 and I can actually picture them saying this this is the sad part is many set prices but I can picture the same as you know for years for decades or centuries it has always been the white man who has gotten the good care and it's always been everybody else all the persons of color all of the women all the transgenders and and homosexuals and whatever they've got in the shaft when it comes to medical care will not anymore we're going to proactively bring it into the medical system in the United States across the world that way we have a more diverse and inclusive portable Medical Society we need your I'm going to coin a phrase you're going to hear this I guarantee you going to hear this at some point in the near future once this pandemic treated 2.0 is in place and you may have already heard it already I haven't met the other people that are already talking about it but I don't
keep my my ears to the the will crowd I'm sure somebody has mentioned a bit but you're going to hear a lot about about medical Justice Healthcare Justice applied equally to make it to where sins of the past and I looked there were sent there but there's always since this is a sinful world and there have been racially-based as well as gender-based sins even even faith-based against religions that have permeated throughout the medical field for 4 years for decades or centuries Millennia we could say but today they are going to try and very soon they're going to try to swing the pendulum back and they're going to apply medical Justice Healthcare just Justice they're going to promote medical equity in a way that is his perverse in other words you're going to have to explain not only what you need
but why you qualify for it you know you need a heart transplant so does Bob the Bob has a person of color therefore Bob gets up in the list as a matter fact he's a transgender person of color and he's no longer Bob she's now
Sally and Sally this transgender woman of color is now going to get the heart transplant before you even though you've been waiting for a year and she just got on the list yesterday cuz Equity is a medical Justice Healthcare Justice
World Health Organization is woken woke by Design because they the powers-that-be leave the towels are principalities the world global silly cabal the liberal world order whatever you want to call them they use what was they wielded as a weapon the whooping this weapon is arguably their most powerful tool when it come that outside of straight up cash and control over medium not sure about other things but as far as being able to the silence I silence you silence me to me silence a lot of a lot of us out there where they're able to do it is by throwing their weakness and willing as a weapon and making a shower you're a bigot if you don't believe in this you must be one of those right-wing extremist you must be a national as you must be at you one of those those Rich Jim radicals you must be whatever okay and it doesn't matter whether you're white black male female gay-straight doesn't matter
if your belief system or if you're understanding what's happening in the world if it does not align with that woke ideology they're going to come after you someway somehow they use woken in the other direction as well and I can do an entire show about wolves but I'm not going to because we're talking about I'm going to talk about the World Health Organization I want to read this quote from from dr. Romero Nash physician marijuana sorry is a quote to that she gave to the epoch times if these rules go through ask her we drafted I as a doctor will be told what I am allowed to give a patient and what I'm prohibited from giving a patient whenever the WHL declares a public health emergency so they can tell you you're getting REM disappear but you can't have hidroxicloroquina or Ivermectin what they're also saying is they believe in equity which means everybody in the world gets
vaccinated whether or not you need it whether or not you're already immune and of course this is perfect timing this comes out right when you're even I was it was in the Lancet one of the might have been the British medical journal bmj or the lancet's think it was was New England medical journal book one of the big the top two two or three medical journals out there finally published an article that said what's with many of its most of us I would say at least if you listen to show in amongst the most intelligent audience in the world and you probably already know you've heard many times that natural immunity is as good if not much better than quote-unquote vaccine immunity I don't think there's any such thing as long-term vaccine immunity okay I'll see you there then there are the stories that show that there isn't yes course I believe those ones unfortunately for those who go against them they do come from in my hump
can you more more more credible science people that don't have an agenda there are other saying hey look we gonna study and a quart of this study the other these covid vaccine to a vaccine one back seat to booster one booster to do stress free they last for 4 weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 1 week take venturing to maybe a month baby to its this matter okay we've seen the national news against each individual very much we have in the union says Darien in the vast majority of cases you are very well protected against getting that very much again it doesn't mean that you think he'll do it again with another married
Kevin Gibson Gary Buena parently that there's a lot of political breakthrough case we used to hear about that a lot you can leave the good old days when they're first growing up and vaccines quote of a backseat to get the idea so that's 1 yd 2 hours
if you listening to a conservative or alternative media chances are you've got people telling you to use their my pillow code I'm going to be one of them I love Mike Lindell I consider him to be a friend I love my pillow I consider them to be the reason that I don't have back problems not kidding right now they do have the new my pillow 2.0 the first the second iteration the first time they've actually change the these scientific formula or whatever it is that they might does with his smart people that they make their pillows right you can get buy one get one free bike going to my selecting my pillow 2.0 and using promo code JDR they might ask why should we use mine instead of anybody else's all the coach of the same okay they all get you the same discount if you like me if you like the ones for the show hey JDR
I was hoping things will look better after the break as I read some other stories about this topic I don't want to stick with this one for now because it does seem to to be the most comprehensive and right now we don't need just to to to glaze over this we need me to full-blown telling of this story so yes there is a good chance I was spending a good chunk of The Today Show not the whole thing on this one article I want to get into to the next section of it regarding Medical Treatments the Accord would require member nations to Monitor and regulate against substandard and falsify pandemic related products at all the vaccines novavax and visor and
it's all good cuz they're going to get rid of all the the substandard and falsified pandemic related products which is like all of them outside of Ivor vet Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine
based off of course they're not going to do that they would say I don't know these are the effects of a severe does does a great job of killing I mean saving people whatever based on previous WHIO in by the ministration policies this would likely include forcing populations to take newly-developed vaccines while preventing doctors prescribing non-vaccine treatments or medicines and other words this is a step to actually get rid of more so than they already did at least attempted to get rid of hydroxychloroquine ivermectin any new developments that actually could save us because again we're talking about a depopulation in control agenda. They need you to get back to me as many times as possible.
in the name of health care they're going to try to kill us in the name of equity they're going to divide us they're going to call evil good and good evil they're going to call the Dana scheidt & Night day they're going to try to reverse everything honest and unfortunately don't think all my gosh will be able to see through that maybe you will maybe I will of the masses will not the masses are still out there was one eighty percent of the population getting least one jab 70% some like that despite the very clear fact from the very beginning that if those who who rushed out okay and got the check for any of the day that was in okay so you can kind of give them a past for being stupid but for a different reason at least they were stupid out of fear instead of being stupid for not looking at the data but it didn't take long were talking about weeks not months before the day to start to say okay so they're saying it's 100% effective but here's a breakthrough case remember those rare breakthrough cases right there's a
breakthrough case here there's another one there's another one another one another one and then they just stop reporting on the Breakthrough cases and then you started getting to where I was 90% in 83 and then all of a sudden well let's change the narrative here actually hate to tell you this special you've already been jammed so since we're already rolling up vaccine mandates again they back too early to mid 2021 tell you this but the vaccine okay so they don't actually stop you from getting infected and if you like oh okay well but at least it'll it'll prevent us from spreading the disease to others and then like well well now without saying that technically it doesn't actually keep you from from from spreading the disease to others
the globe okay so what does it do this and that not what a vaccine is in the vaccine supposed to do that look like well actually if you look up the recently added the definition of vaccine know I was supposed to do we change what the word vaccine mean so now it's still a vaccine Noah's Ark was important for them to be able to maintain emergency use authorization otherwise they would have to say well it's not doing what a vaccine does it say well yeah actually that's cuz we change what vaccine is supposed to do therefore we win course they did
anyway so then the narrative shifted okay so so it doesn't
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hey guys just won't take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting help your buddy extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in and she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reaction to vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being exposed to head to Middleton toxins in a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I will just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs and all sorts of things and so if you can start it all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First pure body order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First your body if you go to the
Lee specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you get to that go to Freedom First a body and Order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy metals in and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First pure body it's a vaccine that doesn't keep me from getting affected and doesn't prevent you from spreading to others what does it do what it does and for some reason even though the the science with an l r tell you to follow up with the actual science says this isn't true but they're still sticking with the narrative they've stuck with since about mid-to-late 2021 all the way through until right now today the vaccines will prevent you from being what will reduce your chances of being hospitalized or or dying from covid and that's not true either
as matter fact there are studies out there that show the vaccines will actually increase your chances of being hospitalized in the vaccines will actually increase your chances of dying so the real narrative hear the noted in the CDC or FDA or or Hollywood or corporate Media or Congress or anywhere else the real truth the none of them will tell you is that hey guess what reality is if you get vaccinated then you're actually going to worsen your your ability to prevent covid-19 are you going to increase the chances that you'll you'll be hospitalized and die from covid-19 so here you go. Here's another booster and this matter fact don't worry we've got like 17 lined up after this we're going to make it to where it's yearly I mean I mean every 6 months while probably recorder you might have to get your monthly monthly dose here soon and I'll buy the way
did you really want to get ahead of the the damage we've done to you with these mRNA kill shots if you really want to get ahead of the damn she probably have to take a daily a daily oral drug cuz that's that's the supplement to try to take them pop of everything in the only way you can get that in order to stay alive is if your social credit scores high enough if you're you know you can only buy with the Central Bank digital currency and you have to swear Your Allegiance to whoever baller or whoever
I wish that you couldn't make this up and apparently somebody did because this is the direction they were heading into Nations another question becomes let's go to move on the question becomes how in the world could I possibly get away with this okay how is it that this treaty which it is a treaty he's clearly a treaty how are they able to to do it with the US Constitution saying that the Senate has to approve a treaty right well let's read on in the next section of circumventing America's Constitution if you haven't paid attention paid to this part because this is where we start to get into more political stuff I know as a political report that that's what you guys want so so now we're getting into the politics of it I keep questions surrounding the Accord is whether the you buy the ministration can bind America to treaties and agreements without the consent of the US Senate which is required under the Constitution zerodraft conceits that international law trees between countries must be ratified by national legislators does respecting the
write other citizen students and then they know that great however yours the but however the draft also includes a clause that the Accord will go into effect on a provisional basis as soon as it is signed by delegates to the WHL and therefore it will be legally binding on members without being ratified by legislators rate that's just great Professor boil remember the Francis Boyle him or her kitten not sure Professor Boyle said whoever drafted this Clause knew as much about the u.s. Constitutional law and international law as I did and deliberately drafted it to circumvent the power of the Senate to give it to advise and consent on two trees to provisionally bring it into 4 immediately upon signature in addition to buy Administration will take the position that this is an international executive agreement the president can conclude of his own accord without a proof
why Congress and its binding in the United States of America including all state and local democratically elected officials Governors Attorneys General and health officials
well crap so literally they were able to wear their there hopefully they won't be able to but they're they're play here is that they can get around the United States Constitution by throwing in the word provisional K it's a provisional agreement that it's being done on a provisional basis. Granted this discreetly no country but treating this provisional agreement executive agreement ramps them finding power the World Health Organization will be able to once this is signed by Joe Biden they will be able to do anything that pertains to the pandemic or a pandemic and eventually that will be that as it pertains to Healthcare in general and eventually that will be as it pertains to anything to tell for later including climate change which is that's the blank and that's the that's the The Skeleton Key okay they were
able to make a play for they have control over everything because of climate change. Talk about that let's go back to the legal aspect of this
are there are several several US Supreme Court decisions that may support the by the ministration that they include state of Missouri versus Holland in which the Supreme Court ruled that tree supercede state laws other decisions such as United States versus Belmont rule that executive agreements without sin against him can be legally binding with the force of trees in other words you can never treat you without it being at Renys long as there's something like the word provisional in it so it's an executive agreement International agreement and it's not considered a treaty at least under the Constitution that's total BS and somebody's mean everyone that comes through the I mean we're going to the point where our best recourse and potentially our only recourse is through legal action against the biden-harris regime and possibly Against the World Health Organization setup
you might say how can that possibly be and I don't know I'm not a legal expert but it seems like they're shutting every Avenue shutting the doors to any any possible recourse we could have to try to stop this abomination
Banksy are there are parallels between the w h o p and a recent oecd Global tax agreement with the B Administration signed onto but which Republicans say has no path forward to a legislative approval in the oecd agreement there are punitive terms built-in that allow foreign countries to punish American companies if the deal is not ratified by the United States with and as with the oecd tax cream administrative officials are tending to appeal to International organizations to impose policies that have been rejected by America's voters under the US Constitution Health Care does not fall under the authority of the federal government is the domain of the states by the ministration found this to be an unwelcome impediment to its attempts to impose vaccine The Mask mandates on American when courts ruled that federal agencies did not have the authority to do so and then boil said to circumvent that they went to The Who The Whole30 radio or the treaty to get around
domestic opposition
so this play is not just about you giving control to the wh also about empowering our own government there on federal government to impose their will upon the states this is a this is one big happy family of corruption and evil they all rolled into one one signature from one man wasn't even rightfully elected in the first place who stole his way into the office who was inserted there by the global suleika ball that man
can sign away with one signature sign away our sovereignty and when I say can it appears that he will there's doesn't seem to be any anybody trying to stop this even the cortical good guys are decent guys or whatever in Congress
even the governor's where the governor's where's where's the Santa's wish Trump you like to hold Trump's out-of-office nobody hate has he has power in who he is why is nobody talking about this that should have. You too I mean you should be screaming about this we all should be maybe we'll maybe that's the next step
Lord willing
is there a draft stated that backyard zerodraft stated that uses Euro trash in the Tories would agree to strengthen the capacity informants of national regulatory authorities and increased the harmonization of regulatory requirements at the international and Regional level they will also Implement a whole-of-government and whole of society Approach at the national level which will include National governments local governments and private companies in other words there's a private company aspect of it anywhere that I've used many many times lately public-private partnership this is where this goes into effect it's not just that who who will be tellin ya the biden-harris is you want to do or the meaning of the various state governments what to do if they'll also be telling Pfizer What to do they'll be telling moderna what to do they'll be telling Kaiser Permanente what to do they'll be telling you what you can do a doctors can do what hospital can do with everybody
do they will have this power and they will yield has power and even if it's if it's temporary that temporary will go on forever if there's one thing that you cannot do this this so hard I shouldn't they cannot but it's so hard to do without Revolution it is to wrest power away from those who have achieved even if it's only on a temporary basis are minor victories that we've had with ending medical tearing these what really thick trees the medical tyranny was there they let go that power a little bit of it and only for temporary period of time those temporary powers are permanent there temporarily letting those Powers go but they will seize them back up in a moment's notice for whatever reason they choose we're already seeing schools that are going back to masked this is after the science has shown
The Masks do not work.
Blood pressure going up anyway I'm going to reread that lasts and it's cuz it is important they will also Implement a whole-of-government and whole of society Approach at the national level that will include National governments local governments and private companies zerodraft stated that this new cord is necessary because of the quote the catastrophic failure of the International Community and showing solidarity and solidarity and equity in response to the coronavirus disease pandemic covid-19 others what they're saying this is again we're talking about the World Health Organization which is complicit in everything wrong with the pandemic every bit of false information was derived from them every everyone policy was drive from them they
are to blame for literally that I would say the majority of deaths that came from covid-19 can be traced in some form or fashion based on the response of the World Health Organization and then they're going to lecture us about how we didn't have we were the reason for the catastrophic failure of the International Community was the reason for the catastrophic failure nope they were the reason there was such a catastrophic failure by design it wasn't incompetence folks this is part of the plan they have planned this for a long time so was it then start in 2019 with the the coronavirus simulation there with Bill Gates and who and everybody that's someone who started that was just a that's like that's kind of the dress rehearsal for a play they didn't track singing in scripting and beat getting ready for for a long long long time
long time
so this is what a lot of people are blaming on incompetence is actually evil
the World Health Organization
is an evil organization or not a healthcare organization without a medical organization that goes have nothing to do with preserving life
they are a tool used by the global Elite the ball to bring about death to bring about a population in control of the rim that that's it that is the purpose of the World Health Organization gets there. They're Pawns of China yes they're Pawns of the wef yes they're pawns these pawns are extraordinary powerful pain and Joe Biden is about to give them even more power why
is that part of the plan to
it was Henry Kissinger who once said who controls the food supply controls the people know I for one do not want to be controlled by anyone especially somebody like Henry Kissinger class Schwab work Joe Biden or Gavin Newsom or really anybody okay I don't want to be beholden to anyone I don't want to be standing in in a bread line with Bernie Sanders or with will eventually be converted into a cricket line or a mealworm line rate artificial lab-grown meat line not me I'm not going to do it I have found well actually I technically started one company and then found four others that can help people to secure themselves long-term storage food go to J D food that's JD slash food and you'll see the five companies that I have selected one that I won that I'm building an in that for more than that we are working with to try to get as much food to the people as possible
I just want take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting help your buddy extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in the end she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in it in any form again this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs I would just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs another vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs and and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you get go to Freedom First purebody order yourself a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First your body if you go to that live
specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you guys do that go to Freedom First your body and Order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy medicine and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First pure body
hey guys this episode is brought to you by zeest a keynote so important that you're taking care of your health and you're not relying on big Pharma telling if we try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're relying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend to everybody is go over to Freedom go over their stock up on the stack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by dr. zelenko himself to really help people build up your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 to make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to do track covid that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with as minimal downtime as as is possible to make sure you guys are going over to calm Freedom Ortiz of a bottle or more today sign up for auto ship that's even better
used promo code freedom freedom use promo code freedom and you guys are get a discount when you orders make sure you guys are going over there and when you do that you're not only supporting us your food in person at work but you were taking care of your health and your taking control and taking the power away from Big Pharma so again that cesak Freedom use promo code for him at checkout you guys will get a 5% discount
a 7 ft brake funny words disingenuous I don't even know what I said but it's pretty stupid for the World Health Organization be pointing fingers at anybody other than themselves or the international response to covid-19 they were the cause for pretty much all of it and that this is funny because because this is actually what they do their own their own independent panel there we go independent panel that they put together even felt the exact same way according to the article from the epoch Times report from the w h o n dependent panel for pandemic preparedness and response characterize the whl's performance as a toxic cocktail a bad decisions that's a great phrase I need to I need to remember that one when talking about Joe Biden to wear any of these guys cocktail of bad decisions
co-chair Ellen johnson-sirleaf told the BBC it was due to a quote a myriad of failures gaps and delays the solutions proposed by that report however did not suggest more local autonomy or diversify decision-making but rather greater centralization more power and more money for the who of course it did you know in this is listen if there's anything we've learned over the last three years that hypocrisy common sense they don't work together at all like you can overcome logic if you're a powerful person if you were you whoever Joe Biden hedgerows Klaus Schwab the United Nations and all these powerful people organizations they're able to overcome the block which they turn into a basic speed bump of logic by saying one thing and then declaring with their Authority using their authority to declare Ashley wise
I mean here it is been a perfect example of it right there with the World Health Organization their independent body determined that the World Health Organization screwed up with a toxic cocktail of bad decisions but then they say hey since they means had made so many bad decisions they solution to it is to centralize things even more another words they're saying hey these guys screwed up but they only screwed up because they didn't have more Authority didn't have more money than that more power if we just give them more Authority more money more power then they'll do everything right I missed is the cognitive dissonance than that not only the day they exude but also that they depend upon they they depend upon people to look at something and to disregard it to hear one thing see something contradicts it and say you know what it's okay I don't feel a contradiction there it's okay that they're saying that
for example the World Health Organization with screwed everything up that they should be given more money more power more more Authority
it's it's okay for them because we the people aren't doing anything about it cuz I'm going to talk like you know it's funny because I said earlier that the only our only course of action may be lawsuits but the more I think about it I do I am starting to see other avenues of of recourse other ways that we can attack this and hopefully stop at Lord willing we we must try we must fight the good fight this is one of those throw this on there is another one of the various existential threat we're facing as a nation we're facing is a people you know we we keep facing these existential threats we keep winning we need to win at least one of them in with some point and this is the one this is the big one okay you might say that that there are food shortages economic class border crisis there are so many there's a myriad of poly crises are they like to say nowadays there's a myriad of multiple crises out there that are existential threats to the United States of America and that
yeah we we have to dress them all and it's true but there certainly wasn't we need to do to nip nip in the bud before they become too big and this is one of them this is one of those ones where if we let this one go if this one comes to pass as it appears it's on the course of doing we might not have a way to to come back from it
and that's not hyperbole that's not me trying to be a drama queen here that's me saying that this is that bad we are talking about the sovereignty of the United States of America being handed over without permission from from the people through our elected representatives
mean Congress cannot stop this allegedly know I think there are ways that they can and then hopefully we'll and this is where we're going to press them look I'll say it now and I'll say it again a little bit later in the show ninety-nine times out of a hundred the solution is not political solution is is through suffer Alliance the solution to the vast majority of our problems that promise that people keep looking the government fixed we should be the one fixing it private people private organizations should be the ones that are addressing the problems government is way too big in this one out of 91 out of 100 opportunity order time I will say that we do need a political solution this because not like we can go and stop Joe Biden their selves from signing it's not like we can go and prevent the World Health Organization from stealing your sovereignty we don't have that powers individual Americans but we do have powers to address of here in the states and we do have the power to apply political pressure that may be able to
be enough to to over overcome this I hope the Lord willing I can wear work on God's plan here so God has a plan we just need to keep doing what we're supposed to do keep fighting the good fight even if it appears that we cannot win it okay there's there's something that can definitely said about perseverance when it comes to these times these the potential of these are the end times then we must persevere whether we're going to win or not we know if you're a bible-believing Christian you already know that and we do win in the very end we're going to have to go through some tough times and I think this is it this is one of those tough times I'm not suggesting that we in the end times sure seems like it but it sure seemed like that to a lot of people throughout history so maybe we're not
I would say that perhaps now more than ever it does seem like it but an end that that makes in many ways it makes me happy to be alive at this time this is the time I could not have picked a better time to be alive even though we are going to go through hardships even though we are going to go through to this this deep level of persecution unlike anything that we at least As Americans in the modern modern day we've never had anything like what's what's coming many of us are already experiencing the bad things even before this is there so so there's bad news article that say I promised God I got to keep this promise we will get to what I hope to be possible solutions before the in the show but let's get back because now there's a whole new section that's a good article is very good article and it's very rare those who watch my show the four number one if you never watch my children before but be sure to subscribe number to this is I never read articles all the way through this one I think I'm going to have in the parent to read all the way through
I don't know what is a sport s cheese where we're going to make it all right so this next section 1 Health surveillance and misinformation twho pandemic agreement calls for a member states to go to one Health surveillance and they're not even hiding it anymore folks they're not even pretending like they aren't totalitarian dictators tyrants oppressors their dictators tyrants and oppressors with a Justified because it from their perspective they'd think we're doing what's best for you guys we know better than you so you know we are the science you guys are just peons do what we saved for your own good dammit the population in control it's it's better for you to the planet if you were human zoos good thing for the planet anyway one house is a concept that has been embraced by the um the CDC the World Bank and other global global organizations they should have said glow
organization going to bail out of the term originally meant away Singin human and animal health as linked they sometimes are so that you can improve human health by acting more broadly and has become hijacked and now is used to claim that all human activities and all issues within the biosphere affect health and are therefore within public Health's remit so Public Health can be deemed to include climate or racism or fisheries management and this is being used to claim that address in carbon emissions is a health issue and therefore a health emergency boom there it is that's exactly what I was thinking earlier this is the big threat this is the part where you even if you were to show you know what maybe it's not a bad idea if we have a unified worldwide response the pandemic that's not what's going to happen that's how it starts where the Vols to is that the move will have a worldwide response to everything
there will be rules that are set in place that we do not control these rules are not going to be dictated by elected officials there going to be dictated by public-private Partnerships and public-private Partnerships are at the end of the day this is the real wing of evil that the powers and principalities we used to subjugate and depopulate and control everyone you're either going to be dead or in jail or upon a puppet a slave this is what they want this what is always wanted to visit New what we're witnessing is the attempted culmination of their goals that have been around for eons this is something that they have always wanted from the beginning from the Garden of Eden you could go all the way back to the serpent
in this type of you know empowering the People by enslaving the people this type of mentality is exactly exactly what they the powers-that-be the powers and principalities the forces of evil they want them and then they're going to use these public-private Partnerships to impose it
World Health Organization you don't elect them nobody does
everybody likes them in that body is controlled by who the globalist the Chinese Communist Party in the world economic Forum the United Nations the council for inclusive capitalism all the bad guys keep ranting about on what seems to be a daily basis now they're the ones said that election do you wouldn't did you vote for Ted Rose can you even pronounce his name I can't I can't pronounce his name I didn't check off his name on about I wasn't even given that option either where you this man's going to control our sovereignty or a successor that is from somebody even more evil somebody that you maybe you never heard of maybe this is the pathway if we are in the end times maybe this is the pathway where a world leader will emerge into who who will be able to unite the planet under some common goal
in charge of 10 Regional powers or kingdoms
like I said I'm not saying I would definitely in the end times sometimes it's certain I mean if this isn't it this is a pretty darn good replica of it somebody's somebody's trolling us as what they're doing
but we probably are Alien X any way back to this this article the w h o c r o Drive states that one Health surveillance means quote leaving the definition of meats what's the definition of a future draft it literally says 01 house surveillance means... Awesome that's great they're not even going to reveal the key to their evil plan until the very end until after it's like okay well what health surveillance means that we control everything and everybody got to do exactly what we say our your your killed or put in jail you are our slaves sign here Joe Biden okay here you go
when's where's my ice cream and I suggest it's not really like that I don't think I think they've been biting you know he's definitely a puppet Jeffy puppet notched up his own members of his own regime Lhasa Apso the regime nice. Just Ukraine it's not just the Chinese Communist party they installed the man whose most compromised me literally more compromise than any other human being on the face of the planet Joe Biden as Oracle install president of the United States is the most compromised human alive he is everybody okay five decades and politics and begins corrupt as he's always been from the beginning this guy is beholden to anybody who's got a who can sneeze in his Direction Everybody's Got dirt on him and that's even before you get in the hunter or James Biden which is a whole other discussion not going to talk about that today I think I just want take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting up your body extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in and she recommend this for
anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you were concerned about getting adverse reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not Japanese concern about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in it in any form against this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I would just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines in pharmaceutical drugs and and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly I highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First pure body your self a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay that's Freedom First ask your body if you go to that link specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you get to that go to Freedom First
your body and Order bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy medicine and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First pure body
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go back to the start again one Health surveillance means... Leaving the definition to be worked out in future drafts whatever one Health surveillance ultimately entails however the signatories must invest in it implemented and strengthen it
in September 2022 the World Bank approved a financial intermediary fund to finance among other things one Health surveillance is involved are great stories also agreed to support the official narrative when it comes to information about a pandemic specifically they will conduct regular social listening and Analysis to identify the prevalence and profiles of misinformation and design Communications and messaging strategies for the public to counteract misinformation and disinformation in false news thereby strengthening public trust folks this is directions to be clear this is 100% this is about me okay this is about you this is about anybody who's speaking the truth and anybody whose hearing the truth you don't have to be out here like me okay they know who you are I'm sorry okay I've already you're marked in their book is because they're tracking all of the stuff they know that you're watching the you know that you're listening
damn and you might tell my gosh turn it off real quick too late you can hear these words they've already got you they already got you in their in their crosshairs and I hope I'm wrong to say that would like that ninety-nine percent certain of your even a 90% certainty I'll put it about 60% but I would imagine that because they are now starting to openly talk about tracking and condemning misinformation and disinformation as they have been been talking about the last one for five years now long before that the discussion of fake news that Donald Trump brought it brought out they were already getting the stuff ready in the fact that they're now openly talking about it from their it not showering they're talking about it they're trying to fight it there engage with with YouTube with Google with Facebook with everybody they ever in a place where we get our information there in bed with her should be I should say it's the other way around because of that
we know is the tracking is already in place they're not comic book villains even though we like to pretend they are they're not going to unveil their evil plans before it's too late for us to do anything about it so again I apologize upfront you know you're watching this wherever wherever you're watching this or listen to the words coming out of my mouth
they already know who you are that's okay it's okay because we if we if we're going to start being fearful of being tracked by government then go buy an island and get off the grid and you know there's there's no way around it at this point if you listen to anything online if you read anything online if you are online if you have a smartphone if you have a smart meter you're a smart refrigerator if you have anything at all technologically speaking they're tracking it
the tracking you they know that you're paying attention that makes you a threat
that doesn't mean they're going to round up everybody who's a threat because they're going to monitor their going to deter cuz they know that and I hate to say this but many of you out there listening right now not this bad we got to find a real fight this push comes to shove some a lot of you hoping that all of you but some or or or many of them will be like that I don't want to fight I don't want to find find me a central bank digital currency back soon passport gives social credit score whatever it takes World Health Organization to help hedgerows whatever whatever it takes is just leave me alone just don't don't make me to call me don't make me lose my medicine don't take away my family don't judge me don't kill me
many of your grave some of your cowards
it's no secret to my listeners my viewers anybody's visited my website that I am very bullish on gold and silver here in 2023 the United States economy is looking challenged will say they're pushing for Central Bank digital currencies of course the central banks themselves are buying up gold and silver like crazy like they've never done before that should tell you something if you have wealth retirements your life savings it's time to protect it to secure it by putting some or all of it into a self-directed precious metals Ira there are different types of products out there I have found three companies that do a fantastic job is there America First companies that can help you to secure your retirement your wealth your life savings in a self-directed IRA go to JD's Ira you'll have three America First companies to choose from pick 1 pick 2 Pick 3 J D IRA
I promise that I will get two possible solutions because I look to see how far along the article we are and we're about halfway through and I'm already two-thirds of the way through the show so there's a chance I'm not going to make it to the end of this article to say you might say all you talk too much okay so it's probably true but it's because there's a lot to say this isn't a simple topic where I can just do like a 25-minute podcast
we know it was bad in and let's fight it and we're done so let's go how do we find it though you know I mentioned earlier that we can and probably should assume that we need to do to take legal action against this and be ready for that and I'm not sure even who would do that who can we can we lean on him can we look to this going to be like Judicial Watch as it's going to be somebody completely different I'm not even sure where to begin with a lawsuit I'm not an attorney I'm going to have to get I'll probably reach out to attorney Thomas friends at America out loud talk radio or somebody like that maybe a harmeet dhillon who's on the show before but now I will try to get her on private conversation just got to be some somebody turning out there that would know how to handle this and so that I think is going to be a certain that we are going to have to take legal action against
before it becomes solidified with the way that we fight it now I mean as everyday just a average Americans died in the tornado warning thing is we have to make our our representatives in Congress and the Senate we have to make them say something and even if I say nothing you're saying something matter fact all of the right now who were saying nothing are saying something it's not like they don't know about this hey this isn't something where it's like all you know this is this is a sneaking up on us K is might be sneaking up on us because corporate media is not touching you most and conservative media are touching I did a search earlier I think in the Gateway pundit and like one of their sight and even really mentioned in the last couple of days at the very least we are we are where we go away no he's talking about I remember it was like the discussion of the everyone is talking about it back in May June May and June of 2020 to now all of a sudden this is going to happen
with or without us with or without our consent and nobody's talking about it no that's not right that's not right and that you might say you know how bad I was talking about her or stupid or just talking about it or somebody was talking about I don't know maybe I'm just missing it but I'm not saying much about it so that's just me how do we fight we got to make sure that these Representatives out there who have access to Kevin McCarthy you know your representative constituent of somebody and you obviously are if you're living in the United States of America reach out to them reach out to other people go through email call them pick up a photo call them and say what are you going to do about this this is wrong he's trying to circumvent the Senate bill by the circumventing the senate in about to get us into a tree's going to sign over sovereignty to the World Health Organization to the point that even I mean again we're not talking about how do you know that's that's a possibility that this is exactly what they're saying if you read the zero draft
is the PDF is in this this by the epoch times if you read it it's clear yes Joe Biden is going to hand over sovereignty of the United States of America to the World Health Organization
how is how is our all these allegedly freedom-loving represent us how are they missing this my balloons really balloons
turn on Ohio I get it Ohio's a big deal I'm not trying to rip on Ohio you know that's up that's a big huge deal maybe it's all part of this
when is the end of this one and this one is the this one is the existential threat unfortunately when you're talking about the extent of threats. Like okay well if it's truly agree there's only at that time frame okay that's why I say this one is the one where of the time frame seems to be seems to be most eminent we got a we got a week before we are essentially at a point of no return and now is the time when nobody's going to talk about it give me a break okay if their intention is to complain about it after the fact after it's signed then they suck
and I'm not afraid to say that
so yes then I know you're probably thinking how your solution is to write your Congressman unfortunately yes because like I said earlier this is one of those things where where we can just you know okay well let's let's get together was protest let's let me know get us get a petition out there going we don't have to pay power
99 problems out of a hundred we do have the power to fix our own situation this is not one of them nothing we can do to prevent Joe Biden from going into the World Health Organization and sign his name to a treaty that was signed over sovereignty of the United States of America we can't do anything directly about that that's not a problem that we can solve as individuals tell comes down to two thing with three things but who won the legal aspect of the witch that happens after the fact so I don't even want to talk about that because it's we'll get there hopefully we won't have to get there I do too so let your Congressman know your Senator no state representatives I don't care your governor
people in charge of media we got to get the word out you know if I don't know if Steve Bannon has been talking about it but if he hasn't asked him why I don't know if anybody's been talking about it but if they haven't asked them why
why are they talking about this cuz this is huge this is gigantic this is an existential threat and like with dinner so I definitely existential threats that phrase out a lot this legitimately is and this is the demise of the United States of America so as an existential threat and means the end again there's no you're not actually dead this is The Princess Bride out he's he's mostly dead or somewhat dead know if when if it's an existential threat that means they were our existence as a nation ceases there's no coming back from that
CSO either one legal we'll talk about that later I am to write your Congressman righteous and call them I'll just write them don't just email them bill just throw a tweet at them call them let them know let them know that you're aware that they're saying nothing about this and then ask them why are they saying nothing about this and then part 3
set in a few times and different ways I said you know I'm not the one to say hey head for the hills but it might be time to head for the hills I used to it's funny I used to say and then when I say you still talking about like last week I even said hey and I moved to a red State at this stage Red State doesn't seem to be able to protect us. From this might be able to text a little bit from Joe Biden but as the article stated the supersedes all that news is Supreme Court back and forth at to wear states are going to be able to say you know Healthcare falls under the state's they start going to be able to say no to this allegedly again I'm not a constitutional scholar but this article which does seem to be leading to our side I mean speak all the right people to interview about it so it's not like it's trying to hide it from his parenting
either they're saying that there's not much you can do so maybe this time to buy that homesteading Off the Grid at the Idaho and be done with all of this
the very least and this is whether you want to believe in the threat of the pandemic treaty or not the very least start building your local infrastructure is best you can I know people have been asking and today you can ask me anything on Friday I got three other people asking how and unfortunately yeah there's no easy solution to that is no easy answer something that I shouldn't say that there are the answers for some people in certain situations for some people in certain areas you know putting there might be a pre-existing proof that you can just find you don't look for look for whatever it is and I don't want to see do Google search but you get the idea for some people you already have a pre-existing solution you just got to go join a group and there's already like my the people Patriots that are ready to to stand up to support each other or two to fight back to build an alternative economy in the local area and then you might live in an area where it's like that just doesn't even cross their minds
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hey guys this episode is brought to you by zeest a key notes so important that you're taking care of your health in you're not relying on big Pharma telling if we try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're relying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend everybody is go over freedom, freedom go over their stock up on Z stack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by dr. zelenko himself to really help people build up your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 and make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with as minimal downtime as is as possible. Calm yourself a bottle or did they sign up for auto ship that's even better
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so I it's not there is no there is no Universal solution my thing is not an easy solution because there is some there isn't it's just no Universal solution that I'm still looking I will hopefully in a few traps that I'll be able to step one step two but that's not where I am today I'm still lots to do lots of research to do but but that is option 3 and it's not mutually exclusive so you can exercise the option 1 and 2 and still be exercising option three is to adjust your situation and awake that allows you to survive and even Thrive while the rest of the world goes crazy
Tubac the article shall we
is over here
so Bubba Bubba Bubba by the by the administration to as former White House Press Secretary Jen sake put it but make sure social media companies are where the latest narratives dangerous to Public Health and engage that with them to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies or as you do and under-secretary-general Melissa Fleming stated and a 2022 World economic Forum panel on tackling this information is at Davos we own the science and we think of the world should know it ye the official narrative during the covid pandemic included support for lockdown school closures and masking all of which has since proven to Be an Effective in stopping the spread of the virus in damage to the public out a group of more than 900,000 doctors epidemiologist in Public Health Sciences only sign the great Berrington decoration 2020 expressing grave concerns
damage damage in physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing covid-19 policies this declaration was widely derided as dangerous misinformation and was sensor on social media and then I'm going to bail the views they that they have crushed were Orthodox Public Health but up until 2019 Public Health guidelines specifically said the things like prolong border closures are closing stores that Central or harmful to go away for low income people and shouldn't be done Beyond a few weeks number 2 weeks to slow the spread turn into two years those who pushed for lockdowns were very clear that what they were recommending for covid-19 to be extremely harmful and that the harm would outweigh the benefits Bill said they were clear because they wrote that down to four and there's nothing new in the idea that I'm publishing people's reduces life expectancy something dramatic change the minds and that something wasn't evidence so we can only assume it was pressure from vested interest in the
what is Vince best interest powers and principalities and powers that be in January survey presented at the world economic Forum found that public trust in government has plummeted since the start of the pandemic of the attendees were at a loss to explain the reason for the decline in trust instead the discussion at the panel titled disrupting distrust focused on combating Rogue new sources that challenged the central narrative again therefore they're coming after us to coming after those who are saying the truth like me those were listen to the truth like you we are their biggest enemy we are the biggest threat if any of us any of those who were who was trying to spread the truth if we get a foothold on the on the Zeitgeist if we are the people that are out there it's pressing the news and I mean I'm talking to the level of like a Tucker Carlson Tucker Carlson could be that guy if you really want it too I don't think he does nothing against Tucker age don't think he's he takes it relatively far especially compared to his Co
go to Fox News in Devon more so than anybody else's big in corporate media but will he take it far enough I don't know
sometimes it seems like maybe you will other times it seems like he's just he's just pushing the the semi crazy narrative that he's just pushing that the narrative it's a little bit close to the fridge but not quite Fringe enough that will be Alex Jones Show me like that and then the others there's different challenges there but we need somebody to to be that person and unfortunately they're ready dirty getting ready for whoever that person is who those people I can't a person so I can do one individual the truth they are going to be their biggest enemies and they're already preparing to fight us I have I have one my family many times guys there's going to come a time is a very good potential there's going to come a time when they will try to take everything from us even our lives and they will come after us first because I do is show okay because I I don't I don't put a show up that's that panders to the sensors that
I just speak the truth the way that I feel the truth is and if it turns out that I was wrong I'll say I'm wrong and no problem that I want to be wrong on this one by golly I want to be wrong about this
I want I want my Primerica nuffer not for the Americans not for me and I for my family and I by any means I think we're going to go we're going to get there or almost there I was going to get this this next part of the of the article America's membership in the hoo yeah we can squeeze in July 24th then President Donald Trump was Drew the United States from membership in the World Health Organization and sunny quick note quick note on that truck has been quoted many times saying that he feels that his greatest accomplishment maybe operation warp speed is greatest accomplishment was pulling us out of the World Health Organization. Bigger than the tax cuts bigger than than fighting fake news bigger than any of that stuff when he pulled us out of World Health Organization he delay their plans now we I hope that you understand why I'm so adamantly certain that the 2020 election stolen wasn't about you know Joe
and it wasn't about Democrats it was about this because if Donald Trump was in office today as he rightfully should be based on the voters in 2020 then none of this would be an issue they don't have to be having to wait or they probably you know I hate to say this out loud but they probably will be trying to find a way to get rid of him and I'm not talking about a third impeachment any way back to your don't respond on my first day of present I will rejoin the WHL and restore our leadership on the world stage and kept his promise and took it one step further negotiating the pandemic record today GOP GOP lawmakers are attempting to revive you ever take the United States out of the World Health Organization on January 12th House Republicans introducing no taxpayer funding for the World Health Organization act which was sponsored by 16 representative why just 16 why not every single one of them represent a AAA lead lead sponsor of the bill stated funneling millions of taxpayer dollars to the World Health Organization that serves the Chinese Communist party is a slap in the face to hard-working American families
struggling under record high inflation into all those whose lives and livelihoods were ruined and destroyed by the covid pandemic who praise China for their leadership and the beginning of covid-19 and is done enough to hold the CCP accountable for the spread of covid-19 pandemic Accord a spokesman for Roy told the epoch times his quote is just another reason to defund The Joker Is funny cuz I scanned the ark before I bring them on air I missed that part that I apologize for saying nobody is out there conversing in the mouth can't be at least two boys k-16 members of Congress unfortunately there's not much they can do with legislation
that's not where the power lies right now and I want the GOP wheel inflation they put out there when never make it through the Senate and they went to dinner with never get signed by Joe by
we need we need a better solution to the break and hopefully you're still paying attention because this is big stop
it's unfortunate that in America in 2023 we have a hard time finding doctors and Pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies that we can trust I have been able to find one that I trust wholeheartedly based upon the the trustworthiness of the doctors and the people involved it took me a little while to vet them out but I'm finally come to the conclusion of the wellness company is definitely worth it you can check them out at JD well JD well and they don't just sell supplements and stuff like that that they do that but they do more than that that service is available that can help you for example to to break free from big farmers grasp of Our Lives they they help people to to even get away from Pharmaceuticals all together we have you ever heard of a medical company that does that so check them out the wellness company at JD well
this is where the metal hits the whatever
according to this article is wonderful article that I spent two hours on here article by the epoch times redefining sovereignty and human rights and this is where we get into really what what is the meaning of this this is and it took me took me 5 Seconds to get to it but we're here now on the Zero draft of the report states that National sovereignty remains a priority but within limits
that statement was just stop right there that statement by itself is Ludacris you know it's National sovereignty remains a priority but within limits then it's not a priority does National sovereignty should have no limits you either a nation neither has sovereignty or doesn't there's no partial sovereignty that's what the partial sovereignty by the way is what Hong Kong in Taiwan Hong Kong and Taiwan has okay they're part of a bigger country the China but they're supposed to be self rolling except obviously that's that's not the case bhakti article is a quote from the the draft declaration states have in accordance with the charter of the United Nations in the principles of international law Sovereign right to determine and manage their approach to Public House provided that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to other to their peoples and other countries to their people's case
so in other words that's like saying you know you're allowed to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect you
they say well because then you might as well that's all it says it says they cause harm but again if they have complete control they can determine what's considered to be hard and once you start throwing in climate change into the mixed anything can be harmed do you want to you want to pick people up in ambulances and driving to the hospital that's not going to work because the ambulance is give off of missions even the electric vehicle ones don't quite do the job so so yeah so now you can't take people from pick him up and take him to the hospital they have to to set an appointment month ahead of time in order to get there that's the best way to protect them and this sounds sounds like I'm being facetious I'm actually not mean I can actually envisioned them getting that ludicrous because we are on the path to hitting full-blown Ludicrous Speed with this stuff that's how bad it is
I know it's going to make sense and yet enough people are going to accept it that even those of us who were screaming we're not going to be loud enough unless again and I don't want to be doing good I saved this as if it's a foregone conclusion hopefully we will maybe we will maybe we can we fight either way and you know what maybe it works out in the end because cuz like I said we are either in the end times or not this is part of God's plan and God's plan is perfect so if his plan is to is is for all this to happen then so be it
who are we we will just screwed up if we start answering yourself so I backed the article V of Courts states that human rights are also important and it mandates that important people living under any restrictions on the freedom of movement such as quarantine and isolation has sufficient access to medication health services and other necessities and writes we're going to come back to that one because that one is an important very very strategic wording and they obviously did on purpose or presents human rights as Health Equity and there's that word again after Resolute action on social environmental cultural political and economic determinants of Health
El paragraph we're going to handle that one because that's the one that I can talk about you think I can talk on one article for 2 hours I can talk that talk about that paragraph for 2 hours okay I'm not going to don't worry but I could I could trust me in line with this concept countries like Australia went so far as to criminalize the refusal to take the covid vaccine within the United States places like New York City mandated vaccines passwords for access to public places providing its residents into device are divided not providing they don't provide for the residents they divide their residents into a privilege vaccine in class and a second-tier unvaccinated class however others see human rights not in terms of collective health and rather as individual rights crazy to Clute such things as personal sovereignty the ability of individuals to make their own choices the right of people to have a voice in medical decisions that affect them free speech and the freedom of movement and assembly following the second world war and the state control ideology of fat
Chisholm national socialism and communism in this record the Bell quote it was realized there has to be a fundamental understanding that individuals are sovereign human rights declaration after the war emphasized that even during times of Crisis we are born with rights we are we're all equal and those rights are inviolable
that is being very much water down or wiped away in order to do this
so true so sad I think this issue again is a quote I think this issue is much much broader it's what sort of society we want to live in do we believe in equality or do we believe in a feudal system we have a few people at the top controlling Society telling others what to do that's the direction we're going in and then the article includes by sings whao the US Health and Human Services Department and the World Bank will contact you regarding the article but did not provide a response and of course they won't they're never going to provide a response to the people or to any journalists that aren't just cheer leading them in the epoch times and Kevin stockin over at the airport X is not going to be a cheerleaders going to report the news as it is and he's going to go to the people we're going to explain the truth I want to go back to that one paragraph again briefly in the states that human rights are also important and it maintains that was some carefully there's a quote people living under any restrictions on the freedom of movement switches quarantine and isolation
I have sufficient access
okay I guess that people living under any restrictions on the freedom of movement so just quarantine and isolation they want to make sure these people have sufficient access to medication health services and other necessities it writes OK Google
this is this is being met to to seem as if this is about you know making sure that it's in the very rare and unlikely case that we go into lockdown again of some sort or teens in isolation in which we should have done in the first place which have been proven scientifically Beyond any any possible that the counter to it they were ineffective and destructive people died as a result of the locked out that is that's an ambiguous you can't argue against it if you try to you will fail because the evidence is Crystal Clear blocked I'm still people more so than covid-19 kill people especially when we normalize the numbers and not include the people that died with covid-19 if we just look at the people that died specifically from covid-19 vs people that got into a motorcycle accident and they were covid positive so they were count as a covid death if we take out those people and
also compared the excess mortality rates most people that have died because of suicide because of drug overdose depression loss of Wassily building to take care of themselves loss of their access to health care that could have helped them with other other needs to look at that it's not even close the lockdowns killed more people then covid-19 itself and if people say ow when you can't say that well I just did and this true
Rihanna here's it when we look at the verbage to whether they're trying to explain explain this they're prepping us there getting us ready for more locked out there getting us ready for what I believe to be essentially permanent lockdown. They're going to instead of dishing out lockdowns only when necessary they're going to go the opposite approach they're going lockdowns are going to become and I'm not saying it's going to happen in in the next month but I don't want to say that it wouldn't or couldn't this could happen at any time most likely scenario is that they start to creep in rapidly creep it's it's not one of the slow creeps over decades this is a rapid Creek we're over the months and years they start to to Green Door Eliza everything with the locked out and it's not going to be there where the lockdowns a rare and and an exception to the rule they're going to be there and in the rare parts will be when people can have access to their freedom access to the world
is why they're sending us up they want these people to have access to what is it the medication of services and other necessities and rights
but let's take it a step further and see what they say next cuz the Accord want to talk about these rights they position these rights as Health Equity through Resolute action on social environmental cultural political and economic determinants of Health why would they were like that why would they have to throw an equity Equity is the magic word when it comes to Justice you know they will have Healthcare Justice and it has to be equal an equitable is not equal K there's a huge difference between equality and Equity is matter of fact the way that's been defined today not just in the United States of America but across the world they are opposite of each other okay if if all people have a quality for people are equal date they have equal rights
the equal opportunities that's not to say they have Equity of results that's not say they have Equity of you know where it where we basis upon on the historical scale so therefore because what you're white males for example have had the access to the best Healthcare and non-white males have always had a subpar Healthcare we're going to her first to make it with a ball because if you look out over the years decades centuries we have to do to make this more balanced it's got to be perfectly balanced doesn't matter what people deserve its matters what people would people in what they earn
based on Merit respond me makes one desire this again we're getting into some really truly evil stuff we were getting into it to Pure socialism and not just so she knows we're getting the Cure satanism
I mean there's no way to put an apology for the dog if you heard the dog park it's funny that we've been doing this for a long time and I've been blessed I have two dogs that bark a lot and for whatever reason they don't usually parked on the show it's as if they know we considered a lie I didn't get the memo so apologies for that so let's continue beyond equity for wrestling action on social environment was just a social and environmental okay what does that have to do with Healthcare
seriously they are separate issues I'm not saying that there's no no issue with with social or environmental or cultural components that is political and I'm done okay we should all be done with even talking about this what does politics
what is positive anything to do with being a determinant of Health
unless the plans are to make sure that from a political perspective if you are not part of groupthink if you're engaged in the wrong think what if you're in America First Patriot and we've already heard a lot of people talking about you know what I think was it was Overman somebody Sean Penn I know I think he said basil is what they were saying was anybody in again talking specifically about the conservative write the the far-right extremists those darn anti-vaxxers you know that you should be separated from society they should not be allowed to do this that or the other you know if they want them to get the shot that's fine but should be able to have access to health care and we will do ya like that could ever happen they can happen and if there's one take away from all of this there's there's one take away from Today Show it's that don't assume that none of this can happen because just when you assume that there that's just too crazy for it happen all of a sudden does and you will have wished that you would have thought back at some point that you two fought back
now today let's we have to do
is again we really even barely touched on the notion of what this really means what be as I've called him earlier this skeleton key control of totalitarianism is once they have power to do whatever they want to make us do whatever they want to make it to where the state's can't fight it a new president couldn't find it but new Congress couldn't find it Supreme Court couldn't find out what they have that type of a control over our sovereignty is Joe Biden wants wants to push upon us
me and we get into some really really dark scenarios not just because of the health care not to because the pandemic but again because that's skeleton key because of climate change climate change answers every question for them this is why they harp on it is why they built this entire gigantic cult around the concept of climate change is the climate-changing sure and I'm not going to throw out the the standard reply yes cold weather really is I'm not saying there's no such thing as man-made climate change I do believe that we need to become better stewards of the world and I do believe that we might be in the process of destroying the world to the where if we don't make it change over the next say say 235 hundred years maybe you can buy Millennium or two that we might actually do some some real damage
but this whole thing we got to get ready in 10 years that's a cot that's why they really is it's a flat out lie.
They are lying and when I saved and talking about the people that are pushing the narrative from that from the higher levels and I'm talking about your average your average groupie okay you have is called member they actually believe that stuff I mean they don't look at the science they just hear the science says you know and then they go with it or they it it matches their worldview so they can go with it
unfortunately there's a lot of people in there so I could do the same thing but from the opposite perspective I know there's a lot of you out there that you know all climate change is a hoax and you might actually but do you really know that for sure I do I know that it is I know where the CERN got done my research it definitely is a hoax and hopefully you know maybe maybe that's fine maybe that's all that you need to hear from people like me and others who are the saying don't buy into it you're talkin like it's kind of an environmentalist I want to be a better Stewart but they're going to try to reverse this on us we're going to use pandemic tree 2.0
can I just give sovereignty over over pandemic issues not just give sovereignty over Healthcare carry shoes are they going to determine and they're already in the prussians are they're going to they're already in the process of determining and they put it in this is zero draft they're already in the process of saying that climate change climate Justice climate whatever
is Central to healthcare once you throw that in every action that you take every single action that you take
will be put under the microscope of the power affects climate change
in the determination true determination of what you can have and what you can't have from a health perspective what drugs you can take with medic what degree of medical care you're allowed to have whether or not you're allowed to move about the country move out your own City movie home
it's the destruction of national sovereignty but is also the destruction of personal individual sovereignty and Joe Biden's about the silence and very few chip Roy and a handful of others are the only ones in Congress that are standing up for this which is why I say the most important thing we can do at least right now because we don't have access to Joe Biden more or Ted roast or anybody else the best thing you and I can do right now is the division switch to reach out to our esteemed why the hell aren't you dealing with this why aren't you saying that we will not go to shut down the government and media soon as possible if you silence we're not moving forward we were statues
that's what we need we need to strike my Representatives because otherwise Joe Biden and tewodros and the global suleika ball have already won

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