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JD Rucker Show, November 21, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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From Trans Supremacy to AI, How Wokeness Seeks to Replace God

Title: From Trans Supremacy to AI, How Wokeness Seeks to Replace God


For the last few weeks, I've been coming to a clearer understanding of the motives behind seemingly inexplicable actions and agendas coming from the radical left. I've always believed that attacks on faith were behind many if not most of the various Neo-Marxist and globalist campaigns, but it wasn't until recently that I realized nearly ALL of these attacks either go after faith on some level or are directly engaged in destroying faith. As a Bible-believing Christian, I am hyperaware of the attacks against my own faith. But it behooves us all to acknowledge that the globalist elite cabal wants ALL traditional faiths to be subverted or abolished completely. In some cases, they don't mind if we have a little faith as long as it does not supersede the religion of climate change, the cult of wokeness, or the supremacy of government entities. In other cases, they simply want us to completely abandon our faith or die. On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I dove into various ways they are attacking faith and trying to replace it with their earthly gods. I started off with an explanation for why the show and my Substack have been on an unscheduled hiatus for so long. The bullet points are:- An Epiphany: Considering how much the faithful are being attacked at every angle, it makes sense to shift gears to focus more on how the worlds of culture and politics are being weaponized against faith. I won't be getting more "preachy" or doing analyses of Bible verses. Instead, I'll be applying a Biblical lens to the various events happening in our world.

- A Show Loss: We are no longer working with our excellent producer, Disco. He's a pro and I highly recommend him to anyone who wants their show properly produced. I'm just not a good fit for a producer.

- Discern TV: Our intention starting last October was to launch Discern.TV as a full-blown television network. During my hiatus I came to the conclusion that we should launch it now and move it forward over time rather than making it perfect before launch. There is plenty of discerning content out there already, so why wait until we have all our ducks in a row?

- Sick as a Dog: God works in mysterious ways. I believe that the forced break due to an odd illness that's still circulating back and forth in my family may have been a blessing in disguise. Even with everything else that was happening, I still would have done my daily show if I hadn't been too sick to do so. Now, I understand that I needed to be sick to force me to take a step back and set other things in motion.

- Whole Cows: We have launched a new product with our meat company! We launched the company with freeze-dried chicken last year. Now, we're offering beef, both frozen (for today) and freeze-dried (for tomorrow). You can check out our new website and if you order with promo code "JDR" at checkout you'll get 15% off. With that out of the way, I turned to discussing the agenda against faith. It isn't just the Nashville mass murder that represents direct attacks against Christians by the transgender supremacy community. It's coming from multiple fronts. It's telling that after a transgender person committed mass murder against Christians, corporate media and the wokesters in government all turned to defending the LGBTQIA+ community rather than Christians. That's America in 2023, at least for those under the thumbs of the powers-that-be. I covered several stories that represent this shift in the American narrative, not to mention one that addresses the shift in the Canadian narrative. Here are the stories I covered:

Recording: March 30, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

call my friends and welcome to another episode of d j d wrecker show I'm your host J D wrecker and I owe you all an extremely heartfelt apology for for well disappearing essentially we've had some good things and bad things and challenges some Roblox some attacks even as well as some positive things that I I look at the last 2 or 3 weeks I think to myself you know what it's as bad as it was there were some bad things that happened it was all worth it and I feel better going forward with this show I'll go ahead and start with some of the the good news there's a good mix of good and bad we'll just go back and forth just as a quick explain or I'll start with with a good piece of news we have decided after much thought much prayer much a consultation we decided that you know what
America's biggest threat right now we can look at all the various things that are happening but the vast majority of the existential threats as well as even the minor threat's they'll Point towards one thing that is an attack on the faith now I am a bible-believing Christian but I want to be clear that the attacks on the faith are going to affect Jews Muslims Hindus anybody who does not put this world who does not put government climate change wokeness the various new religions that they're trying to push on to the world anybody who puts their own personal faith above the faith of the world there going to be a tax so even though I'm going to be focusing on obviously my my that perspective as a bible-believing Christian I will be focusing on that but you don't have to be a bible-believing Christian to understand and acknowledge that these
tax these attacks against us or attacks against faith in general keep that in mind and so as a result this show is transitioning in many ways to become far more faith basins I'm not a pastor I'm not going to be sitting here reading you a bunch of Bible verses and doing doing that breakdowns there are people that are much more qualified for that I'm going to continue to be looking at the news looking at politics looking and culture look in the various ways that the radical left the globals the leak could ball the powers and principalities how they are attacking the faith of the people of this planet and in particular the people of the United States of America of course this comes on the heels of a literal direct attack that for it it it couldn't have been written more aligned with these changes that have been happening for us cuz yes it was a literal attack from
literal transgender person
the winning and murdered six people
6 Christians
now the Department of Justice may be hemming and hawing about trying to find motives
but let's call it what it is the motive here was that she wanted to attack her old school she wanted to attack the face she wanted to drive fear into the people
and those people being specifically Christians people that didn't didn't accept her at least in her own mind so I would argue that Christians are are the the most tolerant the most accepting when it comes to people's Lifestyles not all Christians but okay there there are many many out there that just aren't
when it comes to accepting a person as who they are we don't have to to love the the sin in order to love the person and I would say the Christians do tend to embrace and love their fellow man more so than others simply because there are flaws we know there are sins we are all sinners none of us are perfect none of us are good no not one and so many and again I'm not saying all Christians many Christians are willing to to embrace and love a person despite their sins now that does that mean the week should be going to whoop churches that are like all we know it's all inclusive you know everybody's everything over there is no sin at all that's not what I'm saying please do not take my words is that app
but we do you know I am I going to go down to the personal stories because I don't want to to a particular people but you probably heard just now what's going to go to a negative you probably heard just now Me Clear My Throat yes starting approximately 3 weeks ago my family has been just there's been this rotation of the illness and I don't know what it is I don't know if it's jumping for one person the next than one person starts to get better but then it mutates and then they get sick again I don't know I felt like it's been in continuous thing it's been it's been glasses hasn't been a anything serious nothing you know where nobody's bedridden or anything like that but it's just frankly it sucked really bad I'm talking about the series congestion Series pressure had to the point that I have had a challenge me able to communicate to talk on the phone let alone being able to do a show that has been that we we
she did try I tried to do one yesterday
and it was I was able to make it through one segment and then I had to go to get the whatever then stuff they put in your chest because it was just building up so hopefully I thought I was going to tell her last night hopefully we are legitimately on the tail end today and I won't be having to clear my throat or cough or sneeze or anything else crazy it's happening there now back to some good news the good news what when huge piece of good news is that we have officially launched discern. TV discern TV is not in this final adoration and that's the point game one of the things that has been holding back my entire network we've been working this really since October and the only thing is really house back is that we've been pushing for me to where we want to be in rather than waiting until we get to that point
point where we want to be is for the turn TV to be television to be a Roku and klowdtv whatever you all the very cells maybe DirecTV someday to build build an actual 24/7 News Network one that is focused on conservative politics culture and Faith of course
but rather than waiting for all the pieces come together and made the decision during my down time or my time away from the show my time away from much of the work that I've been supposed to be doing I use that time to come to the conclusion she know what we can build and launch certain TV based upon content that there's plenty of discerning content out there that we can already use why not get that expose why not build up the site do you get it get it going get it launched and then overtime build it up and then we'll achieve our goals of having this 24/7 News Network just not necessarily today we don't have to wait
wait for it to be completely done before we we get it launched so so that's exciting you can check it out at the CERN. TV let's see let's go 20 some semi bad news it's just news I guess it could be considered - my my friend my producer disco is no longer with the show or I should say more more accurately the show is no longer with the production company that's one of the reasons that was really it's it's funny how my illness coincide almost perfectly no I didn't get sick because because of what what happened with my producer it was actually in many ways probably the other way around because I got sick and then I actually missed a couple days and during that time I came to the conclusion that I am I'm just very challenging to work with we we try to to work some things out and I am not the
show us to get along with Matt and I don't think I'm at I mean person per se but sometimes I don't go by Script I don't have a series of the day we're going to talk about this video and you know I don't I just go in and I just talked okay I can talk about one topic 4 4 2 3 4 hours if I need to it's a topic warrant out where I can bust through topics every two minutes please Lord let me get through this whole show without coughing too badly pardon me when is the yes we did have we did we did separate so we're back to self producing and I still think Discovery think that the team over there at at Red Beach because they they are phenomenal okay it's literally one of those things where he is not you it's me I'm the problem here
because I really am so but hopefully going to have to press the buttons when we go to break so so be it the unfortunate part is I won't be able to interact very much and chat that was one of those the huge benefit of having a producers that I could keep an entire screen note that there's actually currently being used for the for the production I could use an entire screen to be able to watch the chat that way I could talk to people live can't do that anymore sorry folks just can't get it. Not yet. Maybe someday we'll be able to get a a producer who who
who can deal with me but until that day I am I am like a a wild stallion at least that's the the delusion of grandeur that I have in my head it's probably more like a feral pig you know what I'm not here for something a case I'm here to give you guys some good news another piece of good news so we had the bad good good good news recap the new so far I'm trying to get back in the groove here folks so good news we are we are going to be even more on the bashed with our faith I know you know I've been told before hey you know I like the fact that you're willing to talk about your your your faith you're willing to to talk about the need to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior you you your would say those things and it's great well it's I'm going to be talking more about faith and again not from a preaching perspective talking about how the stories that are affecting us today everything is happening in the world
nine out of ten of them have something to do with faith nine out of ten of them do and the reason being is because that is the ultimate goal is to to take out the faith and snot just Christianity though I do believe that is the primary focus they want to take out Judaism they want to take out Hinduism Buddhism whatever if it's not climate change Faith or woke cult or embracing of government as the supreme power in the universe or it ain't accepting a Bill Gates Anthony fauci Brock Obama Klaus Schwab George Soros and all the bad guys that they're better than us if it sounds faith based on that then they don't want it
it would face if they want are the world Leaf ades the evil Fades if it's Christianity Judaism anything else that's got to be secondary or completely eliminate and their books which is why some of the problems that have nothing to do with faith is an example the Border crisis the Border crisis that's not an attack on our faith it's an attack on our shop and see if it's an attack on our nation this attack attack on our economy listen to attempt to establish permanent rule for the Democrat Party but it's not an attack on the faith okay so there's that one out of ten but I can show you nine out of ten where faith is the thing that's that's primarily or even second are we under attack there are certain things where you know what that's really mostly an attack on this but there's also a faith component in there and we can talk about all of those so that's that's number one
sec I'm getting better please forgive me if I cough too much number 3 we launched the screen TV that's awesome. Just good stop number for I lost my producer think I just want take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting help your body extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny if she told us about this product in and she recommends this for anybody who maybe you maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or being supposed to heavy metals and toxins in it in any form again this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I would just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both of covid-19 are vaccines in pharmaceutical drugs and in all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of these heavy metals in in and toxins that you're coming into contact with constantly
highly recommend you guys go to Freedom First pure body your self a bottle of this is zeolite heavy metal detox okay if it's Freedom First Body if you go to that lie specifically you will get $50 off your first order which means that you're spending about $15 as opposed to $65 I highly recommend you get to that go to Freedom First a body and order a bottle today and start detoxing your body from the heavy medicine and toxins that you're coming into contact with again Freedom First pure body
hey guys this episode is brought to you by Z stack you know what's so important that you're taking care of your health in you're not relying on big Pharma telling if we try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're relying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend everybody is go over to see freedom, freedom go over their stock up on the stack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by himself to really help people build up your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 to make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to get to do track Coben that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with his minimal downtime as is as possible to make sure you guys are going over to calm freedom of a bottle or more did they sign up for auto ship at sea
better use promo code freedom freedom use promo code freedom and you guys are get a discount when you order to make sure you guys are going over there and when you do that you're not only supporting us your freedom first network but you were taking care of your health and you take control and take a nap hour away from Big Pharma so again that's East act like cam Freedom use promo code for him at checkout you guys will get a 5% discount
that's sad I feel badly for you guys really because I want to get the hurt the most by that but hopefully we will be able to muddle our way through and then never 5 this is I want to say this is the biggest casino to oil your folks on faith but he was bigger news now I will call it more directly life-changing news for the Rucker Clan those of you who have been following me for why you know that we lost the company last year do prepper Organics and it was fantastic still is it was in the past tense and still is fantastic, and you are to get your organic freeze-dried sous-vide chicken that can remain in long-term storage for years for decades that way you're not eating crickets but exciting news is that we'd have also partnered with a local Rancher down in in Texas this local Rancher Barnard beef cattle
cattle Co I think is there at the official name they're supplying us with lots and lots and lots and lots of cows and so we launched whole cow's w h o l e c o w s when we are selling both Frozen and freeze dried beef it's an amazing concept I know you probably think of hate no other country or company in America is doing that I know right is that crazy you can get your Frozen beef frozen Ribeyes Frozen New York strips Frozen sirloins Frozen fillets frozen ground beef ribs whatever and get all these Frozen boxes shipped directly to your door with free shipping of course
or you can get freeze dried beef in mylar bags k each bag has 12 adult service with 24 grams of protein in those they are sealed in a way that allows them to remain good and fresh and nutritious for at least a decade maybe 2:00 depending on who you ask I've seen people that say Hey you know we open up their freeze dried beef after 25 years and still good I don't know I go you know I'd go with a 10-year Mark I don't know if we're going to still be here for another decade so maybe it's easier for me to go with that but this is good high quality beef and keep in mind is there beef cubes or like a lot of the freeze dried beef out there they sell beef crumbles or season ground beef or whatever 24 grams 4 grams of protein per serving you look at the same size serving from other companies of their beef crumbles or whatever and you'll see that's like so how tall is 16 G 17 G like
so much less because we don't use the crap okay this isn't filler be that we're taking and grinding up and thrown in the freeze-dried of is there actual beef cubes you reconstitute them there are greatly come from the exact same house but we get the revised and them in the New York strips and all that stuff we caught whole cow's if you go to w h o l e c u w s today right now and use promo code Jay Dr. Check out you will get 15% I need to buy recap my Microsoft test for for being gone for so long but I show you had to work in the sky being sick as a dog does not look so pretty I shouldn't we are going up and down show every day going forward Monday through Friday so that's a good thing I'm very excited so welcome back to me welcome back to you guys and God bless America
Paris B12 not be eating meat they want us to eat crickets lab-grown me they want us to eat anything other than actual steaks Burgers stuff like that we are fighting back I have formed a company with a group of veterans who we decided we're going to sell beef and we believe we're the only company in the nation that sells both freeze dried beef as well as Frozen beef in other ways you can eat well today with frozen Ribeyes and sirloins New York strips and ground beef and all that stuff plus you'll be stocking up be able to eat well tomorrow with fries dry piece in my lower back to the oxygen absorbers that last house today and I'll be in the same cows 10 years from now or whatever it is that the crap hits the fan go to w h o l e c o w s Hulk use promo code JDR check out and get 15% off of your beef
as I have long said a good chunk of the things that they're using to tax the end goal is for them to try to destroy the fates and it's not just the Christian faith though that's I would say the the primary target they do want to attack Judaism Islam Hinduism Buddhism whatever anything that's not perfectly aligned with their their religion of climate change their religion of wokeness their religion of of Earthly government control over is the ultimate authority over your God if as long as there's a faith out there that is Supernatural in nature that faith is a target again Christianity is the primary target on States the only Target
I like a talk with the targets of the radical left and what was the leak ball and most importantly the powers and principalities that are arrayed against us first batch of stories are all tile at least listen to that notion one thing I said was I've always known this and I've talked about it for a long time I was until very recently during my little two or three-week Hiatus up in the mountains of Mongolia where I decided you know what I really stopped to think about it 9 have 10 of the attacks that were facing as as America's as America First Patriots as Christians Muslims and Hindus use whatever 90% of the attacks do have at least something to do with destroying our faith or attacking your faith or in the air Faith or in the US those who have
first story comes from Ryan Saavedra a rat the daily wire he posted press secretary for governor Katie Hobbs resigns after tweet suggesting transpose should be shot now this is of course coming in the wake of the Tennessee shooting in which a transgender person went in and that shot and murdered six Christians three children for adults have been much worse if police hadn't gone in that you know there's only five of them been going in and out and stopped it would be much much much worse as the Lord for their bravery and their actions in the bravery and actions of those both adults and children in the school who helped to save some of their fellow Christians that were in attendance on that fateful day this year we've got Jocelyn bury the press secretary now former press secretary for for Democrat Governor Katie Haas resigning
after much pressure local media reported that berries resignation came after she faced pressure from those close to her and from other lawmakers in the statement milquetoast statement from the office of City Hobbs is well miss milquetoast it's pretty bland the governor does not condone violence in any form this Administration holds mutual respect at the Forefront of how we engage with one another that's a lie I don't know whatever by the Press Secretary of the values of the administration Governor has received and accepted the resignation of the press secretary
oh yeah well here's the real takeaway from this particular story about song about Joseline berries tweet okay I'm not even going to post it up there it's not about what she said talk about transphobes or anything like that the fact that she said that you know in retrospect yeah I guess I could see that why didn't you see that before why does she realize before
I wish you was doing was going to get her in trouble and this is what we have to face we will just have to face the sheer hatred from the radical left from the goal was to leak the ball so I just that many of their minions are actually delusional and I'm not saying that and they all we know will email. He's delusional know I'm saying they are experiencing a strong passing the supernatural delusion one that prevents them from seeing reality such as hey if you start calling for recordable transfers to be shot that might not be conducive to your role as press secretary for a governor here in the United States of America
why didn't you see it
why didn't she understand that that was the case that was going to happen
because folks again this delusion makes it to where these people many of them not all of them but many of them
act and speak and do based upon
not reality
she should have known something prevented her from knowing
was that
that should concern us
this is one thing that we've all heard that you know you you should always fear somebody who has nothing to lose
this may be actually worse because these people they have something to lose but this delusion prevents them from realizing that they'll lose it based on their actions is why we see idiotic things I mean I'm talking about full-blown legitimate mental illness is wokeness a mental illness I think it is what is taking this far yes yes it is
is it temporary or permanent I don't know I don't know how these delusions work all I know is this
that we have a whole lot of people out there
being fueled by nachas than their own demons but also by corporate media which I guess is still part of their own demons also by buy the echo Chambers on social media that are telling the real victims here are the transgender people leaving those six Christians were murdered in Cold Blood by transgender persons a transgender person and what that person did to do to the transgender people by making them even more of a Target I sure you their stories of true legitimate attack against a transgender person physical attacks
they'll be humongous news we don't see that do it but I often at least
it's not like the old days where you know you always heard in time when I was growing up there's always and always so sad because it's like it forced me to defend that homosexuality is an act but gay people because they would like to get attacked as much anymore as a matter fact you see many many many many many more and talks has who's the actual hate crimes as far as it pertains to the lgbtqi plus Supremacy people
you're not getting attacked and even soon as the story broke with its expression again we're talk about six Christians who were murdered by a transgender woman or whatever I don't know how she's a female a biological female who goes by here him is that the transgender male I guess is what they call them it's a woman okay scissors young woman went in with guns and kill people I don't care what you think she is she's a woman she was
when is that hey you know you got you got her going in there killing these people and you have corporate media is defending transgender people who aren't being victimized they were saying when NBC or ABC they went out of this I know you know there's these attacks against transgender that are already taking place and I when I was like oh my gosh you know that's real further and see what these attacks were what turns out the attacks they were talking about these attacks
is a tweet by Marjorie Taylor Greene
that was the attack let me tell you what an attack is attack is taking Firearms into a Christian School and murdering children and adults in Cold Blood that's an attack
a tweet
Marjorie Taylor Greene
that's not an attack corporate media wants you to think that it is the transgender Lobby wants you to think of that it is
so yes I have no problem with saying that this Jocelyn Berry person is wrong with this Jocelyn Berry
I knew she was wrong or should have known that she was wrong and she posted her tweet calling for the attack physical tax wasn't calling for everything you know subtle she was calling for cooling for transfers to be shot she shouldn't have known that was wrong and she didn't and that should worry you
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hey guys this episode is brought to you by Z stacking what's so important that you're taking care of your health and you're not relying on big Pharma telling at least try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're relying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend everybody is go over freedom, freedom go over their stock up on Z stack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by dr. zelenko himself to really help people build up your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 to make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to get to Detroit covid that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with his minimal downtime as is as possible. Calm yourself a bottle or more did they sign up for auto-ship that's even better
use promo code freedom freedom use promo code freedom and you guys will get a discount when you order to make you guys are going over there and when you do that you're not only supporting us your freedom person at work but you were taking care of your Healthy You Take Control and take a nap hour away from Big Pharma so again that sea stack Freedom use promo code for you to check out you guys will get a 5% discount
sex story lives actually I'm going to bust through these pretty quickly rushed you're right I've I've been my goal is to try to go through these as concisely as possible get the news out there a little bit of commentary and move on and I'm already was trying to squeeze in five stories in the segment what a moron I was or still am rather perhaps this article comes from Jacob Bruns overhead line USA, great if if underutilized website over there good guys over there been Sellers and Company to Jacob Bruns the covid lockdown let me cut to the chase here so Church attendance they did a survey Church attendance said that I was at 87% of the religious habit had not changed they percent said they were going less to church because the lockdowns or since the lockdowns 4% they were going more because the lock down that's not the news and I appreciate what what Jacob
what they're doing overhead line USA but the real lead on the story the real real have I visited there is a at least they even a strong delusion and we'll call it even amongst Jews and Christians there's no way that 87% of still attending church as much today as they were in 2019 or before it's just not happening I seen Church attendance numbers they are down I'm more than three or four or five or or 17% or anything like that they're down dramatically in many churches Across the Nation and some Churches is going up we are seeing signs of Revival I don't want to downplay that by any means
the most churches your your average run-of-the-mill churches their tenants is down
and what I say that their attacks are the other sometimes where where the attacks are directly going after the faith the so the times for the attacks are going after somebody else but also the fate and this is one of those things I don't think that that covid-19 happened because of because of so they could try to take out Church attendance that was just a cherry on top as a a whatever you want to call it an intentional casualty of it it's or Terry's took the opportunity
to capture into lockdown what are given that power not by anybody but by the way we allowed them to lock us down like morons to the Sprint give me a break we the people did not stop and then we should have but that's a discussion for another day if we allow them to do that they took that power and used it to try to slow the church down stop the church event churches from being able to operate its wasn't about Healthcare this wasn't about saving lives this is a battle attack on the church and again it's not the purpose of covid-19 stand for in a fact so as as the Panic succeeded the covered Panic succeeded in stemming Church attendance see if we can squeeze in these three more stories real quick and we go got Katie Anderson from The Daily Caller news Foundation I found the story actually over at Christian School to state for science that a major ruling on religious discrimination is making Supreme Court ruled that religious and private schools are eligible to receive tuition funds through the state's school choice program provided that they met the same requirements as other schools in response main lawmakers passed legislation that limited the ability for religious schools to gain an exemption from certain nondiscrimination rules while participating in the program problem first Liberty Institute to file a lawsuit on behalf of Bangor Christian school on Tuesday I've often said that we have to fight from every angle because they're coming at us from every angle of those angles has to be through the legal system the system I know this it's awful I know that you did Sherry is corrupt I know that even the screen cord is not nearly as conservative as a lot of people try to paint it to be
but we have to continue the fight to the courts because in certain situations in this one that's our only recourse we can't sit around and wait for the next election or two election cycles of three election Cycles before we try to get some money back for these these religious schools that don't get me started on whether or not religious school should even be taking saf funding I don't think they should be but with that said it's easy for me to say as in I don't know about individual would I rather school we don't want to take the government money so we're going to shut down now I don't want to see that I would just prefer that they don't so I'm not I'm not dog. Matic about that but I will say this then you don't need to fight this in this particular case
main put out a different piece of legislation and you know the Supreme Court's ruling should stand Maine's at least challenging whether or not it will stand in their state so legal action is the only appropriate recourse long this might take too long we have to fight from every angle folks all of them is if we don't we're going to be we need to take advantage of every tool that's available to us so to speak
back to the church church school state were talking about it all right this article I think we're going to get squeezed in we are we're going to get it in there is article by Shaun Fleetwood over the Federalist Younkin signs Bill Banning unequal restrictions on Virginia place of worship during state of emergency that I am not a fan of Glenn Younkin never have been not see how old Trump endorse look I thought it was a snake with too much ambition before he was elected I'm glad anyone he's done some good things that said all those things were where he's doing good it's easy to sign bills by the way but whatever on Sunday that prohibits government officials from imposing discriminatory restrictions on places of worship during State emergencies HP 2171 stipulates that quote no rule regulation or order issued by the governor or other government entity pursuant to this chapter 7
restrictions on the operation of a place of worship that are more restrictive than the restrictions imposed on any other business organization or activity that measure previously passed the republican-controlled house of delegates and the democrat-controlled Senate last month you might say how did it pass the list of the democrat-controlled Senate will you know what we're not going to get to that we will get that sort of yeah when I get to get to it will try to get as much as we can following back the article following the March 2020 covid outbreak then Democratic governor Ralph Northam you remember the guy with black face issued an executive order on March 24th temporarily banned in public and private Gatherings of 10 people are more including a places of worship you order furthermore man in the closure of non-essential such as restaurants gyms in hair salons among others at the same time place of worship were deemed non-essential businesses such as liquor stores were classified as essential to operate under normal hours
you all know all that stuff it was ludicrous times those times may come back to haunt and some point in the future
the weather through legislation legal action to protest the coming at us from being at the church of the coming of the school's it's not just about the shoes that's important to only have two large you have so much was already have you up to now it's open right now today in United States of America the only things that are being attacked because our borders one universal thing is being attacked above all else is there
it's unfortunate that in America in 2023 we have a hard time finding doctors and Pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies that we can trust I have been able to find one that I trust wholeheartedly based upon the the trustworthiness of the doctors in the people involved it took me a little while to vet them out but I'm finally come to the conclusion of the wellness company is definitely worth it you can check them out at JD well JD well and they don't just sell supplements and stuff like that that they do that but they do more than that they have services available that can help you for example to to break free from Big pharma's grasp of Our Lives they they help people to to even get away from Pharmaceuticals altogether have you ever heard of a medical company that does that so check them out the wellness company at JD well
it is of course my contention that the vast majority of challenges we're faced in the world today especially here in the United States of America are driven by an agenda that is designed to go after the faithful and while that does mostly and Compass Christian's Christian's are the primary target is also includes choose Muslims and Jews Buddhists and he was a a faith and belief system that is geared around the uncle Supernatural and they want us to worship government as Supreme they want us to worship worship the climate change cult as they're they're enlightened better they want us to to worship wokeness is if it's the the trend this is they think this is like some some version of the Civil Rights Movement want us to
to hold all of those there truth in their post-truth society they want their truths to be held at a higher regard than the truths of for example the Christian Bible
they want this because that's that I don't think a lot of them even realize it they don't know what the agenda is there just participating in it as useful idiots and unfortunately there's a whole lot of useful useful idiot neo-marxist and radical leftists and then Global of supporters out there they they just Echo their their particular narrative their particular talking point that they're focused upon whether it is the lgbtqia plus Supremacy agenda which is of course anti-biblical whether it's the the climate change agenda which I can demonstrate and I will demonstrate Insurance in future episodes how bad is anti-biblical there's a very big difference between proper stewardship of this planet and embracing a Ludacris and
again I can't wait for that episode but that is an episode of it sounds they were talking about certain aspects of of government of Life culture that are really geared towards attacking the faith and how they're taking it from different angles this next story does next series of stories for this whole segment focus on their tax on children of course children are the easiest to go after the reason being is because let's face it they're dumb k a smart as I thought I was as a as a child as a teenager every always so well you're so smart you're so smart it was such an idiot I didn't realize it at the time I thought I really was smart I thought I was making sure you know what I think a lot of kids think that I think that their life isn't so hard it is until we get all do it anyway realize just how stupid we were right if you're 20 you realize how stupid you were as a team if you're 30 realize how stupid you were in your 20s
goat keeps going on and on and on until you get the Joe Biden's age anything, man I wish wish I was as smart as I was back in 30 years ago but hey not all of us are even going to get to that is unfortunately and again my apologies upfront yes that's going to make it to the shop promise but it is getting harder and harder at keeping my throat during every single break the next story is will the next series of stories these are about the kids and I've mentioned this before I mentioned again one of the reasons he got to Children's because yes they're impressionable but not another reason is because their worldview hasn't been fully formed yet you know it would be literally impossible for them to convince me you are many of you that there is something some benefit to the embracing the mental illness of of gender dysphoria that's what it is it's mental illness
them to convince me of that because my worldview which is based on a Biblical understanding of this world as this episode is brought to you by zeest that you're taking care of your big Pharma in Telangana please try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick in your lying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend to everybody is go over to see freedom, freedom go over their stock up on Z stack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by dr. zelenko himself to really help people build up your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 and make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to get to do track covid that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with his minimal downtime as is as possible to make sure you guys are going
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hey guys this is Jeff. I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book that I'm currently writing called Following the Leader of this is a book that will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the of 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Cults Cults like Scientology young people age of Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the cult tactics that they perfected Within These groups that are now using on the masses now you now using on you and I and our friends and family and people all over this world this will answer a lot of the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of their eyes look because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected was in the cult soap it's so important to understand not only why this is happening but how it's happening what tactic they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to
order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once a book is released again Jethro store
place a conservative mindset that I have developed over the years they couldn't there's nothing they could do they they could roll out 50 scientists and and doesn't woke clergyman will not be able to convince me but you get a kid you get a kid and you convinced em hate you know what do you feel kind of weird huh and your own body don't you is that kind of weird maybe you're not really a girl maybe your boy if you can get these kids to start thinking along those lines to start thinking that there was some sort of mistake made with them what are the chances they're going to believe in an all-knowing and all-powerful God that created chances become diminished because again if God could make a mistake with them and God is supposed to be perfect then something's wrong with the Christian narrative that's why they got to the kids so hard they get no benefit out of it they being the the adults who are already they've already done they're transgender surgery they're already they already lost to this world there are already know they're they can't reverse
so why are they so adamantly opposed to these restrictions to prevent children from making the permanent same type of mistake they made that just because they want to spread the love is not just because they feel so so bad for these these children who were who are experiencing mental illness and who do they want to push on this permanent surgical solution of pain and because that because they realize that if they can indoctrinate these children these children are going to fall be much more likely to follow their worldview rather than a Biblical worldview and that is whether they know it or not consciously or unconsciously they do understand that that is their end goal is to prevent these kids from ever embracing a conservative and more importantly a biblical worldview
just wish story comes from a been weeding over at just the news Kentucky overrides Governor's veto of transgender care restrictions Senate voted 7:31 and the house voted to 76223 they knew this was coming to the end and it was sheer radical left as governor of Kentucky he knew that it was coming but he has a virtue signal of course in the end he had to try to stop it's even though he knew that you'll be overridden there's a quote though that I want to want to read quote from Republican representative Shane Baker very telling and this is very true potential allow people to continue down the path of fantasy to where they're going to end up 10 20 30 years down the road and find themselves miserable from the situations that they made when they were young and here's the thing I just throw this out there real quick for let me finish reading this without I'll give my comment about Shane
Baker's comments the bill bands miners from receiving certain generally the treatment and require students to use bathrooms in line with their biological sex rather than gender identities go figure it also restricts discussions of sexual topics in schools for students of all ages numerous republican-leaning states have pursued cover of legislation in recent months with Tennessee doing so shortly before the violent episode in Nashville or as I like to call the mass murder committed by a transgender person against Christians including three Christian children a baby I'm a little bit more blunt facts about Shane Baker setting of The these people many of them are going to regret it 10 20 30 years down the line because the permit I understand that's a great talking point nine I wholeheartedly agree with it but it's not just about regret folks this isn't just about you know all we can't reverse that surgery and I'll look at these people to try to drink the transition and you feel bad for my do I get it I feel bad for them that's not the proper that's not the right I guess you could say convincing there to fear because
it's kind of plays into the hands of those who are pushing the transgender Supremacy agenda against us for every person they can show that we can show that it's been it's trying to be transition the fields regret think it's a hell yeah but we've got a hundred people that are living their best life and there's so much happier now and then so you know of course there's going to be one out of a hundred or one out of a thousand or one out of 10 or whatever numbers they pull out of there that there's going to be a better cable person was regretful of this Ripple that I could show you people that use me Christians you know here's a guy that used to be Christian now he's a transgender if she or whatever
checking into this whole thing out you know you got to regret it is, that I understand the the need to use that argument I'm not saying it's a bad argument what I'm saying is it cannot be the only are going to hear the real argument we had pressed for is that they need to they being children as well as their parents need to be restricted on her what they can do when it comes to Bobby mutilation and then see a medical treatment for children should be in the hands of the parents are too certain point be like oh my gosh you're so what I'm trying to do what I'm saying is that the health care decisions of an individual should be handled by the individual questions are adult Health Care decisions of a child should be handled by the parent health care decisions
that lifestyle medical decisions that something where I do believe there should be restrictions not just about transgenderism mean it's about any of it was just a b mixed up sometimes it was a short. Of time there where those as odd and I don't know of like 16 year old girls that's not right okay this isn't life-threatening injury that needs to be fixed getting your parental permission to do that is not no I don't see that as an appropriate way for us to express parental rights
we're talking about Lifestyle Changes through surgery and some of that I think should be two adults and adults only
forget about parental consent if you want to say oh you know it's okay for for a 16 year old to get a boob job because her parents say it's okay you know or whatever but it's not okay for for her to become a boy that's a little bit hypocritical so we got to take it we have to to classify it appropriately when it comes to actual medical Medical Treatments those should be in the hands of the parent you have the decision between the parent the doctor and the child in many cases have been as far as the final decision should be made by the parent but as far as lifestyle surgery such as gender mutilation or whatever breast enhancement or plastic surgery or anything like that unless there's a a medical Valley Medical reason
I'm all for being it
you guys want to say oh my gosh that's against parental rights I can make a pretty strong argument then maybe I will someday
is that story cuz it's I'll go through it pretty quickly because it's it's fine I'm going to bust her actually a couple he's pretty quickly snake story comes from Elizabeth strautman over at the daily signal d.c. Library displays books promoting LGBT agenda ahead of Christian bookstore e h you know it isn't always just wait until we got laws that are going to go out to the kids in and we got a dependent sometimes it's something stupid and simple like this here's a school cake Kirk Cameron he's making some ways the past few months cuz he wants to have these these big uglies Christian store hours for these children with asthma library and his greatest Finds Its opposition obviously to to drag queen drag queen Story Hour is that what it's called though and his his children's book in the answer it's a great idea these these passive aggressive weirdos in the DC public library system
so they actually ahead of making you do in preparation for Kirk Cameron they thought oh let's let's get this place up there with all these rainbows in which kids towards he was transgender transgender homosexuality all sexual orientation or gender or religion blah blah blah but
the reason I want to see I was going to skip this show he said they realize it that it's not just the big huge stuff folks they're coming after us with the little stuff as well and this is little bit funny but also as sweet as can be this one is not little or funny at all so from the daily signal this time Tony connect Virginia school district boots 14 x sexually explicit books to County Libraries Virginia school district's new superintendent decided Wednesday to remove 14 sexually explicit books from school libraries and donate them to the County government public library system 14 young adult novels to be removed from libraries in Spotsylvania what a great name for his first school district Spotsylvania County public schools by order superintendent Mark Taylor on the job since November 1st include there's a list of of 14 books and see some of the titles all boys aren't blue a memoir
best O The Perks of Being a Wallflower actually heard that book before Neanderthal opens the door to the universe I don't want to know how that one is sexually explicit back the article though it is not clear whether these spontaneous patil Vania County governments Library System would accept copies of the 14 books from school system or place restrictions on minors access to them if it does a committee of School District staff insulted by Taylor had the offended the 14 titles and you don't complain. Jennifer Peterson outlines excerpt from the 14 novels that include questionable content for a school librarian I'm not going to read the saddest part about all this we see this all the time school board meetings and praise God for those who are out there fighting the good fight and taking these yeah there's nothing more embarrassing than that a parent or even a student walking up and saying hey this is mr. and mrs. School Board
okay these are the books that you're allowed one go to read directly from a book that you're allowing this this twelve-year-old to read and they start reading in there but that's a long time to go cuz it's it's all straight of sexually explicit it's a testament of I won't even read any of these on my show I got no restrictions mean I can say whatever okay yeah but I won't I choose choose not to
they're going to have the kids folks are going after them hard they're going after them while they're alive they're going after them before they're born we've all seen the attacks and then let me go to get to the yeah we got time we get that one story from one of my favorite authors over at lifenews Micaiah build your Democrats never got to walk out of committee meeting after hearing how dismemberment abortion tears off baby's limbs outrage Montana Senate Democrats walked out of a Committee hearing Tuesday cuz they did not want to hear how abortion is brutally kill unborn babies orange Montana public radio the Democrat lawmakers objected to what they claimed was unnecessarily graphic and inflammatory language about abortions it's it's called the truth Democrats call the truth and dare is the it is graphic it is inflammatory it is hideous barbaric
I don't want to talk I did and it's disturbing I don't even like looking the pictures on the screen those are illustrations Josh I seen the pictures of the aftermath makes you want to cry
Maxi articles State Senate has been holding hearings on a series of pro-life bills this week including a state house bill 721 the pro-life legislation would ban dismemberment abortions that killed nearly fully formed second trimester unborn babies by pulling them apart limb from limb while their heart is still beating and then removing their bodies in pieces from the womb
state senator Jen gross Democrat from Billings became angry during the Space Center this year hearing a life is use the word barbaric to describe these abortion procedure for the reports except one another remember another lawmaker linked abortion to Satanism they don't want to hear the truth they don't want to see the truth the truth
grease pink quartz is that it is satanic
it's no secret to my listeners my viewers anybody's visited my websites that I am very bullish on gold and silver here in 2023 the United States economy is looking challenged will say they push you were Central Bank digital currencies of course the central banks themselves are buying up gold and silver like crazy like they never done before that should tell you something if you have wealth retirements your life savings it's time to protect it to secure it by putting some or all of it into a self-directed precious metals Ira there are different types of products out there I have found three companies that do a fantastic job is there America First companies that can help you to secure your retirement your wealth your life savings in a self-directed IRA go to JD's Ira you'll have three America First companies to choose from pick 1 pick 2 Pick 3 J D IRA
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hey guys this is Jeff to work I just want to take a second just to come to you guys and let you guys know about a book that I'm currently writing called Following the Leader in this is a book that's will be out hopefully by the end of the year maybe beginning of the 2024 but this is a bookworm documenting how the intelligence agencies have been working directly with Colts Colts like Scientology young people like to Charles Manson people like Jim Jones be even Jeffrey Epstein and the cult tactics that they perfected Within These groups that they're now using on the masses now you now using on you and I are friends and family and people all over this world this will answer the questions about why your friends and family they see the truth right in front of them but they just cannot believe what is right in front of her eyes was because they've been brainwashed and manipulated by these tactics that they perfected was in the cold so it's so important to understand not only why this is happening but how was happening what tactics they perfected the whole entire process so go pre-order the book Following the Leader go to
order today all pre-orders will get a signed copy once a book is released again store
I think I forgot to mention the first three segments why I was Imogen the first table because I talked about the store and got TV and nausea but I didn't mention the other two seconds you can finally did I talk about you be able to find them over at the CERN TV or answered. TV in a little should also be at the server Port, as well my brand new news aggregator trench alternative we'll call it even though it's really not it's really more kind of a combination of the Liberty daily where I'm the editor and revolver God knows where I am I fan so I checked it out of the server Port but ya need all these articles you can find a link to the article and the segments of Today Show once we get them up over there then you'll be able to see the reports of its share that with your friends and family and loved ones and anybody who needs to know that they are attacking us they're attacking our safe and many ways through our children many ways through laws
the court system through protest through physical attacks with guns they are coming after us hard and we need to we need to address it as bad as things are for us sometimes we can look at other areas of the world that includes can of that we're Wilkins has really become even more of a thing in Canada than it is even here in United States that there's a population as a government they have really gone further to the left and even even our nation has they are most like a precursor to us there's an article hard me again still sick article over at the rare Foundation rair by Vlad tepes Ottawa School Board and dangerous young girls with four strands agenda
left-wing activists without children in the school came to intimidate parents who wanted to protect their children against sexualisation and gender ideology in school just let me stop right there I like I'm very glad that they noted that left-wing activist without children in the school in case you missed my earlier comments are you on that point these a lot of these radical left is whether they're transgender or not they go out for the kids not because of that they have any vested interests they don't have two kids there they don't need no they're not they don't get any benefit from the kids be able to transition they just wanted to happen in this is ice thing to me is proof positive that they are being either controlled or there will flee allowing themselves to be brainwashed in the concept that they need to get as many kids as many adult Mini everybody to to convert to transition into the opposite sex and embrace this entire lgbtqia plus Supremacy and Jen
one way or the other whether through surgery were through ideology or through donations or through just whatever decision indoctrination campaign campaign is designed to support the depopulation in control of jet that I've talked about so many times and yes this is an attack against you against me against anybody of any faith mostly Christians but the Jews Muslims anybody in the face generally speaking of the especially the Abraham the abrahamic faiths they do not like this whole lgbtq A+ Supremacy agenda I know there's there are many left when Jews out there who would I call you know it's okay you knows they they try to make excuses for why there's a reason that I need to say that about the progressive Muslims as well as woke Christians there a lot of people out there who claimed to be embracing their faith there who are actually succumbing to this worldly
play some locus of climate change agenda government soupremacy I digress I'm glad that Glide noted that these kids are these these activists these
demonstrators domestic terrorist if you will but they they didn't have children at the school where they were protesting backyard go on Tuesday hundreds of people lined up in the ottawa-carleton district school board headquarters parking lot do two public hearings about transgender students using school bathrooms website for all students have the right to use the washrooms and other facilities they feel most comfortable with this includes boys girls and all inclusive facilities and other local boards facing similar criticism have pointed to the Ontario Human Rights Commission code to back up these rights than it continues left-wing activist mobilize many left-wing activist without children in the school can you say parents who wanted to protect their children against sexualization and gender ideology in schools and speaking of the event had to fight through the crowd of trans activist who shoved
and shove them and screamed obscenities at them and it's worth noting I would say you know check out the article again you can find this discern. TV if you're watching live and you won't find him here for another probably an hour or so but you get the idea at some point you'll be able to link to the article and then you'll be able to watch these videos and videos are okay I mean these people are really Stephen with his other videos that show the police just there standing by they were there to protect the the parents that we're trying to get the score mean they were there to protect the lgbtqi plus their privacy activists from any Paris I might get out of line okay that's that mean the law enforcement has been captured ardently in Canada it's it's really quite quite scary especially if you're a Canadian but even if you're not a Canadian that again we see bleed over in both directions not just with your oblige us with us
are you not just with Japan or any other westernized nations yes even with Canada our Northern neighbors we bleed over to them they bleed over to us what we're seeing here is the assembly we can expect to see in the United States of America soon as matter fact we already are it's getting bad vibes you want to see crazy ugly I'm not going to play the video but Shannon should there's an article by Dowling over at Independence talking about what was it again I'm not going to play the video but you you should check it out because it's just me there's not a whole lot of people I know the Acoustics in the area are fantastic so you so is it makes it loud of a man you can almost hear the Satanism in their voices as they scream article titled angry screaming trans people mob KY Kentucky Capitol over Bill protecting children
seems to be a Common Thread here huh Mom every transaction has besieged the Kentucky Capitol in Frankfort on Wednesday following the murder of six innocent people in a Christian school in Nashville they are protesting the murders the radicals picking it and screen to protest the Republican legislature overriding Governor Andy beshear has me do a Senate Bill 150 which would prohibit minors undergoing radical trans surgeries has a try to protect children Veronica Malaysian surgeries when that they are too young to understand what it really means for their future and again like I said earlier in last night that's not that that is a talking point but let's not make it the only talking but this isn't just about regret this in just about protecting them from you from it and I'd either they did not old enough to understand this is about protecting them from the Satanic forces that are arrayed against them in this is one of pathways through which they are able to go after kids and adults encourage you to to watch that video listen to Just the sheer
it's just as horrible as actually another video from lives of Tik-Tok I see now in as well I'm not going to play it either but if you saw the bill includes I want to be clear that the bill this is exactly this is one of the I guess you could say most conservative bills out there right now the other lot of states are talking about doing this with bathrooms and now his surgery this was pretty pretty hard core but this is the gold standard in my humble opinion the bill bands is a list of five five things bands gender-affirming medical care for Trans user requires doctors to transition minor to D transition minors in their care if they're using any of the restricted treatment options for Hibbetts conversations about sexual or sexual orientation or gender identity in schools for students of all grades this isn't just for an up-to-date third grade or eight year olds or whatever this all grades require school districts to forbid
transducers from using the bathroom tied their gender identities and allows teachers to refuse to use the pronouns a student identifies with
what is a is I will go into that because that's him we said before that the left they have four years for decades possibly for centuries they have mastered the art of controlling language and we've allowed at the happen that then shouldn't be able to do this okay we should be able to overcome and we end up playing their game for some stupid reason we end up playing their game and even if the term liberal they're not liberal
at all their leftist
not Progressive at all they are marxists there's a huge difference in the way they control the language is made it to where it's sometimes we are even using the same terms that they're using to describe them true
it was a note of their for either they are to you how you are with the line was to jump on that is this is that is that they have to embrace these lies they have to control the language and get us Embrace these lies they want people to be able to make decisions based on their feelings of those who maybe don't understand what that implies you for a lot of people and a dr. Jordan Peterson talks a lot about about the postmodern Society we are far beyond post-modernism right now America is either on the Verger it's already happened in the way of becoming post-truth society that understand the difference with post-modernism you've got the whole concept is there's no there's no objective truth okay with post-modernism it's it's you know it's about interpretation it's about there's things you know you
you can't impose on people because because that you know how do you know it's true it's it's a very I don't know is it's destructive but it's not nearly as destructive as post-truth mentalities in with a post truth Society in a post truth way of thinking the ideology Macy says yes there is objective truth and it's whatever I tell you it is
if I as a twelve-year-old say that I am not a boy I am a girl you must accept that as the objective truth
that is far more dangerous folks are more dangerous than post-modernism
because it's you we talked often about slippery slopes this isn't a slippery slope this is a this is a plummet off the side of a cliff our nation Western Society this planet cannot survive if we as a society Embrace this post-truth notion
sweep of the Chinese Communist party's is Russia is this the one who's doing those who is who is playing for the destruction of the United States of America this is one of those this poster Society they've tried to install here they are trying to successfully install in here this is our downfall of this is what allows
boys to go into girls locker room
and for them to say to to play the victim because the girls don't want them there though it wasn't the girls who have their their bodies exposed to the young man they're not the victims in the post recited young man is the victim for not being accepted by those girls
that is like I said this be honest Liberty slope is a plummet for the United States of America
so we're going to that that's that's going to be a great time I'm so happy that to be back doing these shows and it's just it's really really really gets me pumped up because I know there's so much so much that that we need to talk about to have time with you
so how else are they going after kids young adults even older adults I guess gaming is no longer just for just for the kiddos anymore right I know I don't game I'm not a gamer but I know that there's people my age and even older than the two game and that's just what it is you're one of those people hey I'm not judging
it's it's you know
total waste of time away you who I mean who would sell like the other battles to fight in our lives or anything like that whatever anyway this article before they get another a bigger hole to write Bart's Joshua Kline trans anti-christian video game attacking gendercritical tyrants released month before the attack when they are going to video game featuring a transgender hero who shoots down trance critics including priest in order to allow players to unleash their pent-up Fury upon the gender is a quote by the way to release their pain the fury apart the gender critical pirates with an Arsenal deadly weapons was published by trans game developer 2 months before Monday's Christian school shooting in Nashville Tennessee now I'll be clear that I'm not going to start say hello this is why it happened and it's but whatever.
if you're not familiar with it kind of Turf & Stein 3D The Game's name is a play on the pejorative term turf terf or trans exclusionary radical feminist JK Rowling for example I like what she's saying that she's a feminist I don't agree with the vast majority of her ideology when it comes to women's rights compared to trans rights my gosh I mean it's funny that she's getting attacked so hard now it's not funny at all actually anyway backyard to go according to it refers to an advocate of radical feminism who believed that a trans woman's gender identity is not legitimate and whose heart stops in the inclusion of trans people in in gender diverse people in the feminist movement in other words is left on leftist attacks
oh you're at your is your feminist well are you a feminist who believes that trans women biological males are better or whatever so stupid the game the game is a spin-off of the classic Wolfenstein Wolfenstein they love running first person shooter Series where an American Army Captain protagonist battles off evil Nazis however & L conversion Nazis are replaced with enemies such as religious clergy in transgenderism critics who are to be hunted and killed the trailer for the game I'm not going to play it on a trailer for the game released in advance appears to show the main character gun down unarmed priests hard hammering that is if you guys don't already know what you do know it we have to spread this word we have to make other people realize this isn't just about you know what's going wrong to get along at some point we have to leave really just stand up
is there coming after those rights
this isn't you if you are going to sit there and stands at all you know the First Amendment protect my right well folks hate to tell you this but the constitution of the stage in American history is just not enough we have to defend our own rights
if you listening to a conservative or alternative media chances are you've got people telling you to use their my pillow code I'm going to be one of them I love my calendar I consider it to be a friend I love my pillow I consider them to be the reason that I don't have back problems not kidding right now they do have their new my pillow 2.0 the first the second iteration the first time they've actually change the the scientific formula or whatever it is that they might does with his smart people that they make their pillows right you can get buy one get one free buy going to my selecting my pillow 2.0 and using promo code JDR they might ask why should we use mine instead of anybody else's look all the coach of the same okay they all get you the same discount if you like me if you like the ones for the show hey jtr
so far everything that I've talked about has pertained to at least North America the United States and we had a snack in the story about Canada right and that is of course as an America First show that's that makes sense that I would focus on the United States but I want to clear that our enemies are not just here domestically our enemies are brought as well the enemies of of the of the faith the enemies of our nation
they are being led by the global Elite cabal and they themselves as being led by powers and principalities Allah Ephesians 6:12 so where does that leave us we have to address all our enemies because again we can't just sit back and let let this this group attack his butt and it will stop this group or we'll go get this group of these guys over here there's nothing we can do about them so we'll just let it be listen this is one of those situations where if and when they are able to crack the DS spirits of the American people very able to get us to the point to where we no longer are willing to or able to fight back it will be because of one of these threats were multiple of these threats we have to stop them all
that might sound like a dog and Cask it is that's why I made the comment earlier I need to explain that you know there was a time when I was a young man you yes specially as a kid and then as a young adult I remember you're my my first son we used to play video games a lot okay Kinder gentler days of the United States of America he's a he's a grown man now but back then we sit back and play with Xbox remember it's been that long but I never really got into gaming after that and only because you're not that I don't like it it's because I don't time and I would argue that none of us 2
this isn't like okay you know well well it was put in a little bit of effort in and we'll be able to get through this together. These are existential threats they really are and I'm not telling everybody that the chapter of band and everything and don't have any fun and don't enjoy life and and stressed all the time and just worried because we're all going to die any second now and it's just all bad and doom and gloom I'm not saying that not say that but I'm not saying that for the saying is that I mean would you have to acknowledge that our enemies outnumber us maybe not necessarily in sheer numbers of people but as far as power they are more powerful than us these are people in our own government is there people in the world governments these are the vast majority of the ultra-rich
they are part of the problem you ask me why why why I'm so skeptical of Elon Musk what I like a lot of what he's done over Twitter. All of it but I like a lot of what he's done over Twitter I'm glad a lot of people have their accounts back people that are that were friends are friends people that that should have a voice I appreciate all that stuff but there's other aspects other things that he's done that you should concern us greatly they should so and he's probably the closest thing to a new Ultra rich guy who's not completely Ultra woke
maybe he is and maybe he's just a trojan horse I don't know I don't know from a few different articles these are again focusing on today's topic which is the various attacks against us almost all of them 9 out of 10 of them can be traced directly to either either in a straight-up attack against our faith inside attacking Okala date a side benefit like covid-19 I believe they didn't intend it to get to use it just to shut down churches in hay while we're here while we got the authority why don't we just shut down the churches keep the liquor stores open keep the keep the the strip clubs open but dang it don't let people go to church that would be awesome how bad
I am is article from from slaying Frank Bergman over there World Bank calls for public to surrender children to Global Child Care is Gene from the article and I'll read it as quickly as possible without stuttering my words the World Bank is promoting a Marxist agenda that involve the public surrendering their children to a global childcare regime Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were the pioneers of modern socialism they insisted that every adult member of society be quote liberated from parental work instead they must still be socially productive rolls China's Mao Zedong embraced this Doctrine and declared that quote in order to build a great socialist society it is of the utmost importance to arouse the broad masses of women to join and productive activity which would Foster genuine equality between the sexes in just a few words as far as ideology labels the work
bearing and raising human beings as an unproductive activity the doctors insist that women must be emancipated from raising children so they can equally contribute to the economic security of the global Elite Marx and Engels also promised that large amounts of money would be plowed into the economy by equalizing workplace participation which would in turn facilitate the quality and make entire societies prosperous President Joe Biden and his administration has added its voice to the chorus calling for every able-bodied female to join the work of contributing to the GDP recent vitamin Station Washington this should have called the US strategy of Louisville women's Economic Security have a lunch meeting Jennifer Klein director of The White House dinner policy Council said we must all work to achieve our shared vision for women's full and Equitable participation in the global economy studies show is going to clients a show that closing gender gaps in the workforce
a between 12 and 28 trillion dollars in global GDP over a decade holy crap that's a lot of money so sorry State and Tony blinken reiterated these sentiments strands quote the strategy that we're putting to get forward has at its heart a simple Vision creating a world in which all women and girls everywhere can get tribute to economic growth in global Prosperity that's a world in which we will all be better off closing the gender gap in the workforce by 2025 would add up to 28 trillion dollars is that number again 28 trillion dollars to the global economy my cash all we got to do folks we're all I hear is the message we're all going to be rich is lemon stop raising kids and let the state raise the kids like gosh
who would have thunk it
this is been a problem old time I am struggling because I'm being facetious but I'm also extraordinary angry by this week shows the past about how fathers need to be more involved in their kids lives I'm not suggesting the father's need to stay at home you stay home Dads going to do that they can still support their family and help to raise their children same thing with mothers mothers can still be productive members of society in some way form or fashion but focus on raising their children call me old-fashioned I've been married for three decades my wife has had a few different occasions when she's had jobs but it's been a long long time okay I have been the quote-unquote breadwinner for four decades now and I am
I take that role very seriously she has whole school our children she has to raise their children she continues to raise our children and I participate in any way that I can but our roles are very different these rules which again this goes back to not just tradition I just conservatism but also a Biblical perspective hour and you can't even take out the biblical perspective let's just look at at historically let's look at at the way that that that life is this is always been the case
it has always been the case that mothers that women are the primary not the only the only put the primary Caregivers for their family for the men are the primary Breadwinners for their family think I just want take a quick break and come to you guys and let you guys know about a new product that we are promoting help your body extras from Touchstone Essentials dr. Sherri Tenpenny and she told us about this product in the end she recommends this for anybody who may be a bit maybe you've been jammed and you are concerned about getting adverse reactions or vaccine injuries or even if you're not jumping you concerned about shedding or be exposed to heavy metals and toxins in and he's in any form against this is not a product is designed specifically for covid jobs and I would just want to preface it with that clarification but what it will do is it will detox your body from heavy metals and toxins which are found in both the covid jobs and other vaccines in pharmaceutical drugs and and all sorts of things and so if you're concerned at all about that and want to rid your body of
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that silly women should never work is not to say that men should never raised the kids not to say I mean there's other hey look I did have a short stint back in like the 90s I think we're where I was a stay-home dad for for sure. My wife went and worked last night and then we had a very specific reasons for that but they know we've been there I'm not suggesting that it can't be done what I'm suggesting is there trying to push they being powers-that-be all they're trying to push for this Society
they want everybody to be productive 28 trillion dollars that's a lot of money that is a lot of money that is unfathomable how much money that is okay I mean there are very few people out there maybe you and I know that you guys are broken there's a lot of you out there that could not fathom truly how much 28 trillion dollars is it's almost the the equivalent of our national debt which is already unfathomable so yeah it's a lot of money so then why do you keep throwing that number out there is a global GDP
because they really want any way they can to try to convince us that we need to allow
allow them powers-that-be to raise our children just as long as they can get us out of the way mothers specifically out of the way they know the children can be molded however they want those children to be molded by the Sea where was I
what are the children is 242 en ingles plan number one call for women's full inequitable participation Economy Inn number to promise that affluence will follow do we say and you'll be rich or at least you'll do nothing and be happy as what they really saying what about the children if everybody participate in a fully and equitably in the public Workforce no one will be available to Shepherd their own children and raise Humanity's Next Generation Angel said that in a socialist society the care and education of the children becomes a public Affair and society looks after all children alike client appears to be familiar with Marx and Engels philosophy the top White House officials next to man it was for governments to ensure women's Economic Security by improving care infrastructure we get back to school by insisting that governments must strengthen the foundation support child care
Elder Care law that allows women to participate equitably in the economy going to be equal
but how will the world government to provide free or low-cost daycare services for everyone such an undertaking would certainly cut into the wealth that is supposed to materialize from women's full participation in the economy how they do it
enter the World Bank the US strategic strategy on global women's economy economic security says quote the US government has partnered with the World Bank and is leading in his diplomatic engagements to encourage partnership the recently-launched global investment children initiative housed at the World Bank which will expand access to Quality child care and Early Learning Program school all the way we're bank is a financial institution within the globalist United Nations system it boasts the primary goals of ending poverty and promoting shared Prosperity it pursues of these aims by lending money to different countries in an effort to redistribute wealth and incentivize participation in their initiative within the last year the World Bank launched its new child care initiative invest in childcare
Kashi just incidentally the World Bank sign an agreement in 2014 with black rock a major driver of the SUV investing the program's wording revealed the priority behind it and I quote child care has the potential to yield multi-generational impacts by improving women's economic empowerment child outcomes family welfare business productivity and overall economic growth
it goes on to say that not only this child care enable others to participate in the labor market but that for children quality Child Care can provide the critical inputs needed during the early years to build the foundational skills that will help them succeed in school and throughout life in other words they will be indoctrinated it will be made as woke as possible that the article childcare may very well in Mayville Motors to participate in the workforce and many mothers may need or want to do just that but is it the government's responsibility to facilitate child care for everyone many may also questioned whether David support the claim that quality child care in the early years provides the critical and put a child needs and I was in course it does not okay and if you must participate if you must use the various Child Care Systems out there please don't do it at the young age if you had stay out as long as you can definitely to bolster their position a major element of the World Bank initiative
to quote make a case for childcare through data collection as facilitated by the oecd and other actress additionally will make plans to leverage development development policy lending which essentially pays government for policy or for the agency says we will identify a set of child care policy reforms which could trigger payments to countries
after the whole world to ensure that the children of the world are in good hands the World Bank will launch quality assurance and this shit is including quality standards and regulation in monitoring systems quality standards regulation monitoring systems all sounds very cover mental which it is
will Banks as governments must act immediately to fulfill their duty to provide Universal Child Care Solutions are needed urgently governments need to ensure that child care is available affordable of these qualities and quality of all families in short the by the ministration is to clear that Universal Child Care is the key to unlocking women's untapped potential to contribute to the GDP is partnered with the World Bank to make Child Care University of Alabama to pay countries for complying with their policy requirements they will also produce data showing that child care provides the best outcomes for children and we use regulation monitoring systems to influence our child care centers are run to put it's a fine point on it a global Child Care scheme has been launched with the objective of getting little children away from their mothers and fathers in convincing parents and socially in society at large that this is a great idea that will Empower women and Rich children and save the world they will do whatever
they canceled their power to separate you from your children no more specific than just your children from you it's too short you are waiting on my children are grown and you know I don't have any grandkids are I don't have any kids or whatever okay the thing this doesn't affect you folks what are the reasons that I don't have any kids to public school system was going to fight public school system as hard as I do is because these are people that are going to affect my life you're going to affect you are like my kids life I'm going to be at some point okay what's a speedy in it
Georgia setback as he always does affect me it all affects us
this here this is a perfect example how the global relief their easiest Pathway to take over the world is through the kids
one does not have to be a quote on quote doomsday prepper in order to appreciates to knowledge that the pharmaceutical supply chain could could be challenged could even break down completely at some point in the future after a 90% of ingredients used in the Pharmaceuticals that we produced here in the United States come from China that should scare you that should concern you greatly
I have started working with a company that helps people to stock up on long-term storage antibiotics you can get five different antibiotics using towels you'll have to go go visit a doctor or answer your question will why do you need this it's so whatever reason antibiotics are you deserve lots of questions when I with these guys go to JD record cam meds JB meds and stock up because you never know what's going to happen we don't know if and when we won't be able to get these without maybe you were presenting our vaccine passport or something so I stock up now
if I should believe I told you we talked today about how they are trying to attack the faith not just the Christian faith but other faiths as well they want to replace it and I mentioned wokeism I've mentioned climate change and I've men mention government tyranny of course as the ways they want to replace but there really is a dance around and haven't mentioned the ultimate goal or at least one of their ultimate goals are all the golf courses complete the population in control but how they get there is by establishing a conglomeration a joint venture will say between faith and government that is controlled by a singular for Senate singular force of course
to have read their Bible know that singular force will be Satan but such as going to be in the same manifesting on this planet and say no hey I'm Satan you know and I'm your ruler now that that's not how it works. How it's going to work they're going to try to in my humble opinion work in a different angle a different perspective for this understand that's where the first one to turn to an article by Brandon Smith over at Revolt Dash Market. Us government's by artificial intelligence the ultimate unaccountable tyranny
it's no secret that globalist in institutions are obsessed with artificial intelligence as some kind of technological prophecy they treated as if it is almost Supernatural and its potential often argue that every meaningful in the industrial and social innovation in the near future will owe its existence to AI the world economic forum sites AI as the singular Keith the rise of what they call before the Industrial Revolution in their view their can all be no human progress without the influence of AI algorithm is making human input almost obsolete this delusion is often promoted by Globus propagandist for example take a look at these summarize version of wef number Yuval Harari who actually believes that AI has creative ability that will replace human imagination Innovation not only that but Ferrari has consistently argued that in the past that a I will run the world much better than human beings ever could before play this video
I think it's about a 3-minute video of Yuval Harari I want to note that usually introduce Yuval Harari as this the base of the right-hand man or the the intellectual spirit animal of Klaus Schwab I've always been of the belief that it's the other way around the Clash Squad is the front man that he is supposed to be the guy in power but it's actually Yuval Harari and his minions maybe even his his overlords his powers and principalities that are rolling over him that are actually in charge and that that's a class Schwab is just the bond villain face of of the global Elite cabal play Yuval Harari talking about artificial intelligence
I'm Professor Yuval Noah Harari I'm a historian and a professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem one of the biggest from humans to algorithms today I increasingly this decision about you about your life is done by an amount of data about you which no human beings able to do we don't give you alone and you come to the bank and you said why not what's wrong with me why do you mean I'm application and the bank says the algorithm said no but the problem is that you just can't because an AI makes decisions in a fundamentally different way than humans some people think it's something I don't know some mystical Supernatural things with the day I will never have but actually in many cases creativity
being able to spot a pattern and then break it in a creative way to do something new and this isn't something that's actually becoming very good enter our heels today AI is more creative than human much more creative in the type of moves does it make to more and more field when people think that the main aim of music is to inspire you with the motion know if this is what music is about very soon and better than most human musician that one of the biggest dangers wiz's new technology is that a lot of jobs will disappear so the biggest question in the job market would be whether you are
train yourself to feel the new job and whether the government is able to create these educational system to retrain the people we need to restrain themselves if they can do it then if you can't do it the danger is you fall down to a new class not employed but unemployable useless class people who don't have any skills that the new economy
this will be a disaster the prophet of the new Industries they are used to benefit the whole population to retrain themselves and feel fulfilled their entire human potential
so essentially what he saying is America behold your Gods the AI gods that you've all Harare and the others are trying to promote these are these are dangerous and I'm going to keep running just a bit from Brandon Smith article he'd my Brandon Smith also brilliant guy he recognizes globalism recognizes economically disastrous not necessarily the most most Faith driven guy but he does at least understand from a technical perspective the challenges with tyranny as it pertains to artificial intelligence so so I don't mind that introducing his secular perspectives into this important discussion for the article raris examples of AI creativity might sound like extreme and I haven't eaten any of us but he knows exactly what he was doing and misrepresenting the capabilities of algorithms games like chess and go are games of patterns restricted by rules there are only so many pro
locations of these patterns in any given scenario and they eyes simply faster than most humans because that is what it is designed to do by software creators this is no different than solving a mathematical equation just because of calculator is faster than you does not mean it is creative there is a difference big difference between cognitive Automation and cognitive autonomy AI is purely automation play the games Is For Real to play and will learn to play them well but it will never have an epiphany one day create a new and unique gamefromscratch unless it is coded to do so may I will never have fun playing this new game it made her feel the joy of sharing that game with others so why would it bother never seek to contribute to the world any more than it is pre-programmed to do the manner in which war was Taipei is very tactical however when Harare claims that many people will become part of the protocol uses class was AI takes over the economy he's hinting at another
it was I Dio ideology based on Italy tourism transhumanism the goal of transhumanism is the one they merge human bodies in human Minds with technology and they eye and only a limited group of people have the resources to accomplish this question like all the visions of narcissist and their their delusions are of godhood and then there is reality you read that again but like all the visions of narcissist their delusions of godhood and then there's reality I continue to have serious doubts that a I will ever be legitimately autonomous or legitimately beneficial to humanity in any way beyond having the ability to calculate quickly within mathematical rules Speedy data analysis can be useful in many areas of science but it's not really proof about time does intelligence in our rooms can be predictive but not any more protective than human beings looking at the same statistical data there's nothing about AI that is impressive when one considers what little
can actually accomplish now is where I'm going to differ a bit from Brandon Smith and this goes back to my understanding in my appreciation of the biblical worldview artificial intelligence can be controlled demonically this is the part where I think a lot of people have to have a race with Brandon Smith the same here that all you can say I can never be truly created Ferrari is saying the one we've already know is that there is access to the Demonic there's access to this evil force that computers can can tap into or vice a versal I should say pib of quantum Computing accident I probably shouldn't say this for the end because I'm not going to have no time to explain this properly but with Quantum Computing the ideas that you use Q it's okay so you got in standard Computing the ones and zeros that's fine are you got 10 right and that's how the computer languages operate with Quantum Computing me of 10 and ones and zeros or
no one's are nosy or it's it's a very complicated notion because it deals with non absolute that's this day at least allegedly computer scientists don't exactly know how it works or why did you know that it does they know that somehow this is able to exponentially increase the computing power of these supercomputers we've seen Google supercomputers and those are nothing compared to what the US government a half the Chinese government and even the Russian government may be the Israeli government or possibly even Saudi Arabian government and other governments already have access to
this is in my humble opinion tapping into the Demonic tapping into a realm beyond the what we can see and touch and stays world in the canyon I'm not going to let you know what I better not go into it because that I can't make that statement without backing it up with research and I just don't have the research in front of me so let me let me break that statement down to this Quantum Computing and artificial intelligence I do believe that they have either already created or are in the process of creating
an artificial intelligence that can essentially think and think very similarly to the way that humans do is it programmed absolutely I'm not denying that would Brandon Smith the saying they're about the program mechanical be honest programme absolutely and this is where the tie-in from Quantum Computing and which I do believe is I said is attached directly to the Demonic realm the Unseen realm if you will that is where we can see what maybe maybe an antichrist figure maybe an antichrist leader in artificial intelligence leader and I'm not going by the way this is radical new idea this is actually something that has been been at least partially and Play 4 for quite a while so yeah crazy stuff huh let's get to
let's get to the other article here real quick cuz I remember running out of time as I said I'm not the only one out there saying it or concern about it at least according to Breitbart author Lucas Nolan 1080i experts and leaders call for temporary Advanced AI development experts including Tesla on Twitter CEO Elon Musk was a lot of money invested into a i and apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was a lot of money invested into a I have called for a temporary halt on the advancement of AI technology until safeguards what can be put into place and let's be clear for a further what's a I eat of this isn't I'm not going to go all Terminator and talk about Judgment Day that might not be far from the truth there's nothing we can do to truly stop at once if you give it enough access and it isn't it if you give it enough access if you give it enough control
if you give it the ability to circumvent any restrictions we play song there's nothing we can do to stop it that's what the unfortunate reality of artificial intelligence back the article reports that an open letter calling for a halt in the development of advanced AI systems has been signed by more than 1,000 AI expert in Tech Executives including Titans of the sector like Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak letter written by the the future wife Institute cost for a moratorium on any more potent than open a GPT disk for for at least 6 months in order to about to develop stronger governance and shared safety protocols the letters publication was made possible by the future Life Institute a nonprofit organization dedicated to redirecting transformative technology toward enhancing life introducing a significant risks prominent researcher and well-known machine-learning authorities like
Yoshua bengio and Stuart Russell are among the signatories now
is this one's going to stop for absolutely not gay an open letter is meaningless it's a warning that's that's the best they can do their warning us that this is coming they're saying hey you know they're they're getting the i-told-you-so ready I sign I sign the letter okay I signed a letter that said this is going to happen and look at what's happening
this is it this is it
artificial intelligence
is the I guess you could say The Entity that is an existential threat I'm not going to go out and say that I don't know the identity of the Antichrist I don't know if we're going to see the Antichrist in our lifetime I don't know if it's a person or an organization or whatever to get into a Biblical debate on this one all I know is that artificial intelligence is the god the day they may be in the woke people need the RAV4 ball the gods they want us to worship sooner rather than later when I would I would be remiss if I didn't say could even be months
the speed at which artificial intelligence is being developed the pathway through which is being embraced by the masses
normalize into society being as using it Google courses using it I think a lot of people that may be most at this point I'm at some point you some version of artificial intelligence played around with chat GPT or something I don't know maybe I'm wrong maybe it hasn't reached that Tipping Point of understanding and maybe that's that's not a good thing we do need to be more more concern from a healthy perspective about it
but I don't see a way to stop it so that means that we as conscientious faithful Americans
just be prepared for it and preparation is not something that I can cover in the final 30 seconds of the show so that the teaser how do we fight against the emerging AI lowercase G God
did they tried to throw at us with the try to make us in brakes
question we have to talk about it it's a big question and if I can do the one show I know that I got to try to get it at least in one show maybe two maybe three and he can make a series out all those this denying that artificial intelligence is a humongous threat of a humongous Mistake by for one will not be back to our AI overlords Lord willing I will be back very soon with another episode in the meantime you'll stay strong and stay safe and God bless

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