JD Rucker Show, November 16, 2023
Title: Trans-Supremacy, Economic Collapse, and the Depopulation Agenda
On today's morning episode of The JD Rucker Show, I discussed the launch of Discern.tv. Just like with so many other things we're facing in the world, the need to have honest media that's not beholden to corporate interests is becoming an existential threat. Just like the trans-supremacy agenda. Just like economic collapse. And yes, just like the plans for depopulation. Get sous vide, freeze dried premium beef cubes at https://wholecows.com and use promo code "JDR" for 15% off.
Recording: April 28, 2023
JD Rucker Show

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.
We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”
We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.
hello my friends and welcome to another episode of the J D wrecker show the new and improved at JD Walker show I am your host JD rocker yes I am serious when I say new and improved we are going to be doing a lot of things very differently with the launch of discern. TVs made it to where well if it was us to to make some changes in this is something that I'm hoping that you all would like these changes are going to necessarily pull me away but the more add to what I used to do and there was a time not too long ago when I would do between 2 and 4 hours a day where the shows now I've been lucky to get to 4 hours a week for the shows that's because again circumstances number one I had some health issues that we are still actively working through and I think we've got a solution praise God I have the number to it we've been working on very various projects one of those projects is discern. TV and as a result of now launching officially launching discerned out TV we are we are in the discernment busy
as we always should have been now I want to be very clear when I use the word discernment that I always get a little hesitant because I'm not suggesting that my discharge is any better than in your discernment or anybody else is discernment on the contrary I feel that I could use some some help in the destroyermen category from time to time especially on certain topics which is why do me on Expert with that said the idea of discern. TV no., stop TV discern. TV as well as discern report.com and pretty much everything that we do the idea here is that we take content we have we have a look through that we are somewhat at least fairly sure that it's accurate but then we put it would resent it to you in a way that allows you to engage in your own discernment went on the servant here to pick pick all the winners where we're supposed to just pick up the things we think hate this seems like it's the type of content that our audience needs that a mare
it's really way comes down to we don't post content that's just their father everything's kind of wood post over at any of my sites America First report.com discern. TV the surf report.com the idea is that it needs to be Mission critical needs to be the type of content that conservatives Americans I should just a conservative Americans need
there are certain types of content I would say probably maybe half maybe more of the condom that actually goes out on the vast majority of conservative alternative media sites the vast majority of it is is a spider or half since I've fast but over half of his father it's the type of content that was like okay yes that's great it's interesting it's fine that's whatever but it doesn't actually doesn't actually do anything this is an example example of use before but it is the right example you'll rarely if ever she is posting anything about the latest dumb move by Joe Biden is Joe Biden you're being senile who is Joe Biden has dementia going through his Joe Biden you know not being able to read has this huge teleprompter you already know the Joe Biden has dementia you are most American already does as well this is not something that it's like oh my gosh breaking news Joe Biden has mental acuity issues with getting out
the reason cancer besides, that is because we like to see that it's like I said his father It's Entertainment you know, Harris works out as we don't post those but I know that a lot of most concern was I supposed to know every time she doesn't she doesn't so often and has become of me the joke how bad this this person is at speaking in coherent sentences we get that you'll need me to continuously Hammer that phone with additional stories because if yes will drop a Jewish or but is it is it mission-critical absolutely not it's just far so we try not to post any that there's anything wrong with it I'm not trying to rip on the other sites to do that and just saying that's not for us we want to stick them to things that we need American said Americans
so that's going to be the focus overturned on TV now as far as The Show Goes one of the big change so we're going to be making is that for the longest time I focus primarily I would say nine out of ten of the pieces of time that I would talk about during my show will be written content article
we're going to change that because now that I'm doing a lot more videos not just me but I'm having to sift through videos a lot more than I did before and I just for my science fair also for the Liberty daily back, cuz we're posting videos they're well great YouTube channel arm so I can talk to you too whoa whoa in trade Ray trouble channel for the Liberty daily that, you're going through a lot more videos and so I suppose all of us not just me but also you guys to be able to offer commentary on them as well on those videos as well so that's the big change in what I've realized is that because there's going to be in Century lot of other people do a lot of other talking outside of me that we're going to be able to put out a whole lot more content we're going to be streaming it over at the CERN. TV through the rubble Channel Guide TV Rumble Channel which if you're watching this in my regular challenge not this channel we're only going to be posting the show on this channel over you'll have to do a search for is find this
find the it'll be right up at the top to go to discern. TV itself you can find our Rumble Channel they're being is that had this turned out to be we want to be able to post a whole lot of cons in a whole lot of videos that are again important that we have we believe Americans need to see and then I might shun going to be doing a lot to do, turn and every single video de I can assure you that it's sometimes videos don't need commentary but here's the thing in this is important takeaway that I want you all to clearly understand the whole situation with Baptist across from Casey's the big one but of course they've been others lately need silver was exactly a nap time at project Veritas Racine all of these guys even argue about Don Lemon okay that's that's a crazy with all these very shows going down
speednews going down another left us but that's just the sale of a new corporate media failing faltering when one of the Vice news channels going under their their shuttering this is Media the whole media landscape is changing those two possible directions this can go when they're not mutually exclusive technically it can and probably will go in both directions number one is going to be consolidation companies big are gobbling up as much they can is going to continue for BlackRock just bought you know it's up there so they can Fox News up to 15% what does that tell you
so there's going to be a a consolidation and an expansion of quarter median to on the only way to fight that is through alternative Media or is a lot of people like the Independent Media but I look at it as alternative medium this is me. Corporate-backed this is one of the reasons we have we have two options just so there's going to be two options for those Nations world with its go lean towards corporate media more willing towards alternative is also going to be a need for us to make decisions okay we do not have the resources that corporate media has why because we're not corporate media which means that we're going to have to lean on primary sources we can't afford to send correspondence and film Crews across the country around the globe we just can't do it and have to rely on those primary sources in order to get some of the News That's most of it we're also going to have to lean on the discernment of other commentators
Steve Bannon Glenn Beck Alex Jones Alex Newman people out there across from wherever he lands at these people who are out there we're going to have to the pool and Sara videos as well and put them on the show and then put them on the turn. TV reason being it's like you got you got your primary source then you've got Terry about the primary source then you got commentary about the commentary about the primary sources I know it sounds kind of alluded but it's important and it's what America needs in my humble opinion is what America needs is the direction we need to go cuz the other option for us will be to accept corporate media sponsorships we're not going to do that cuz once you start accepting corporate media sponsorships they can try if Tucker Carlson to be taken out because he lacked the legions to the message allegiance to the narrative allegiance to the globalist leak evolve is controlling Fox News as you know party swamp mouthpiece
if you can get food so can any of us so we don't have that kind of power to be able to fight fight any corporate machinations therefore we have to avoid them we can't take that money I granted if there's some sugar daddies out there that wants to say okay here's a billion dollars go do what you need to do I don't want to I don't want any control I don't want any interference no editorial control as matter fact don't even let anybody know I gave hey if that happens I'll let you know so I can have but if it does I'll let you know why would he want to invest a billion dollars into this and he obviously is not going to bed but you get the idea they would have found flashing his old gods investing money and you know that's not what I'm saying by any means sorry but we are there for a second that you give you understand what I'm saying so so if we can't do that then we're going to have to lean on these primary and other secondary sources so that's where
I'm going to be going to for example the post-millennial they grab a lot of Clips are primary sources and we're going to be commenting on those Crystal liberte dailies do the same thing that is doing the same thing we're also going to need another house looks like Glenn Beck work or Tim pool or whoever okay we're going to be commentating on that we're going to let other non journalists for example for example you just give you an example of what I mean so here's one this comes from the Gateway pundit's Rebel camp and it's just a short video. A young lady I think blue she's a high school student speaking out of school board meeting and in Peoria Arizona what she says isn't exactly like Earth shattering anywhere or super Inspire he's Brave and that's the important part is
many many many people feel especially including her her classmates what's Gunplay that and then we will we will accommodate on it
if you guys have a daughter around freshman she's in PE class she needs to dress Out imagine watching your daughter change
you right but feel okay with your daughter stripping down and a guy watching her your daughter's privacy would be invaded and she will forever be scarf and she would remember that high school's girls should not be fair to use the restroom or change in the locker room I am here today to speak out for these girls that are uncomfortable and in fear this is not right if we do need a change now
so you the idea I assume that you know she is she wasn't like oh my gosh earth-shattering you know everybody plays viral video
but she said something
she got out there she put herself out there she took a risk when we need more more people like her through this because this whole transvestites and locker rooms and then beating girls in sports in in bathrooms and on beer cans or whatever it's just got to stop look I've got nothing against them as people per se OK and want to dress up as girls they want to go get surgery and have their whatever genitalia removed that slipped free country right long as you're not hurting others but we're seeing that they are hurting others obviously it hurting others in again and female sports when you got men beating women female sports that's hurting them that's taking somebody who has spent her entire life trying to become the the best at their Sport and they are defeated not by my by another girl but the defeated by male hormones essentially by mail mailed thicker bone density stronger muscles because they can't a little bit I'm a girl but they're not
they're not sure what surgery they have what hormone blockers or or whatever or man still man
just a deformed man intentionally willfully the Ford man still a man still beating girl that's just wrong trying to push this of course on stew children Houston saying I get it that you're talking about for example when we had all those thousands tens of thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of parents going to school board meetings over over books and public schools I get it that's how good you were doing the right thing so why aren't there even more speaking out against against the the push for Trans Supremacy lgbtqia plus Supremacy
because they're scared most of the people that is swimming does to say oh you know I'm against them talking about sex and in books in the library that the nobody's going to end up reading that's safe not safe to say oh I'm against this person trying to indoctrinate my child into into believing their agenda that they're not ours or thinking of their gay that comes with more risk and there's a lot more at stake their we still need more parents Moore's more students for the young lady we just saw and I just female student students as well when you'd be able to speak out we need sanity to Prevail is right now it's not right now I wish seen in this post-truth Society emerges from the left from the global delete of all we're seeing sanity evaporate right before our eyes to stop and say know whether I'm doing it on my show your do near the school board she's doing in the school board you're doing it on where ever get the word out educate people
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let them know that it's not right that they're not crazy for thinking that is not right because I assure you that majority of Americans know that's not right they know that that will I think his name is well will, stay calm Leah Thomas that that if he ever loses a match is because he he intentionally lost the match so I can get some some heat off them it's funny that he lost that one match to another transgender person just coincidence right one time where he has runs his worst time ever on that particular event happen to be one where he was going up against another transgender person
nap now I'm not buying it whatever whatever we've got a lot to do and got a lot of lot of demons that are fighting against us it's time for us to stand up and this is just one of those Battlegrounds I just saw a headline having at the store yet and I just saw a headline earlier about how one is for high school students in public schools in America identify now is either a sexual bisexual or sexually undecided one and every for 25% no that's not the case it's not reality it's indoctrination it's brainwashing
letting your kids get brainwashed we going to do about I know what I'm going to do I'm going to fight for you
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one of the main
change of the average annual car show on behalf of the CERN TV is to be able to lean on other conservatives other alternative media personality to find this content look I can go through so much and I do I drink a whole lot of coffee at any given moment I have my my little different sizes color-coordinated but they're they're gonna die coffee up a lot
I do that everyday and it's it's how we're able to get a lot of them so much content over at the Liberty daily over to certain reports turn that TV America First Report based on the ground. Calm a network all the very places where I post and then still have time for your faith and family that on top of all that with that said I still have to lean on other content creators to find this stuff because if I'm just out doing all the research doing. There's no way I can put out the amount of content that's going to be necessary for us to be able to fight against the corporate media Juggernaut that is emerging is emerging the firing of Tuck removal of James O'Keefe even you say Don Lemon the same Vice news them their Channel going under the bus feed news on the left they're really trying to bring everything under the under talked about one world economy One World Government one world religion is going to be one world media as well and this is already been processed as we speak with me
our best recourse is to embrace and share and disseminate and propagate alternative media such as what we're doing a TV so if you would you get the opportunity please spread the word let everybody know go check out this turned out TV and that'll help every little bit helps we need to get a whole lot a little bit in order to fight the eat the big Juggernaut so that said it is so let's push that we're seeing for for transparency I said it before I sent it on on show yesterday I'll say it again many many times genderism push for for transgenderism in in the world especially here in the United States is all about trance humanism that's really what it comes down to it and you can say that that the Mulvaney's are Leah Thomas they don't they're not really involved at Biggby probably aren't they maybe they probably aren't they
I just helping doing the bidding of the global Sleek ball that is pushing this trance humanist Jenna transgenderism is the pathway for them to basically normalize the idea of you can be whatever you want to be doesn't matter what how God made you that doesn't matter only matters what you want to be that's why they push transgenders this is about pushing the trans humanist agenda that's going to require a lot more unpacking the one we're going to do today so I'll return to that topic the first I want to the point to a fellow fellow conservative host out there is doing a fine job and he is among among the men that we're going to be lenient as far as people that are finding content that we can use this is one I didn't see missed by the way. 5 maybe maybe the others to know for sure ranking on the
he is one of the funniest guys in conservative media that's for sure I'm fortunate this particular video there is no commentary it's just Dylan Mulvaney calling for the arrest of people basically I should be illegal we should be illegal to call him a key you know he is he's a man but he's still a man you know he wants me arrested I guess let's go to play that
I like the Articles written about me using T pronouns and calling me a man over and over again and I feel like I should be illegal I don't know. Journalist yeah yeah if you think folks if you think that there's no chance at all that could never happen number one is already happening not outside of United States there are place in Europe where do you say the wrong thing you can literally get jail especially if it if your espousing a Biblical worldview and of course the idea that they got for you this men and women that's concept is one of the things they're tacking when I say that it's all about transhumanism is about an attack against God against the creation is why I'm certain that it is a push by the powers and principalities spoken of in Ephesians 6:12 this is why this is such an important topic to me this isn't about hate
Dylan Mulvaney okay I don't even necessarily dislike and he's just he's a serious dude right dances and obviously got some some issues but I feel I feel pity for him you know I hope I wish nothing but the best for him personally but would he starts or any of them anybody and I'm I just started my transgender transgender LGBT Advocates are pushing for our children to be group when they start pushing for for stupid rules policies that attack women in particular but also many cases men will start pushing these things the home of the people that's where I draw the line so I'm going to do what they want to do and it doesn't affect anybody else they can do it I'm all in favour that kubu we're all Sinners know none of us are good I'm not going to judge somebody because they have a penchant for doing whatever weird things they do
the privacy of their own homes are or just to themselves in general but when they start taking that in Spanish that's why we get into real dangers and that's when he starts talking about arresting me because I'm calling him a male because he's a male that's he's he's already crossed my line was going to go to this other video another mother famous man that that was pretending to be in order to advance himself on this case this comes from the post-millennial another group of conservatives trying to help to spread the word and space again no commentary from that makes us located in this video which I hadn't seen the force of will go to go to Leah Thomas compete against actual females in sports than not really do you know you're not woken up I guess has essentially what he saying and and how is your Filly attacking feminism
they're like oh we respectfully as a woman as a Transformer whatever we respect I did we just don't think it's fair you can't really have that that's her half support we like I respect you as a woman here but not here using the guise of feminism to sort of Porsche transfer a lot of people are implicit bias against trans people but don't when I guess fully manifest until they try to play it off as a sort of half support I think about how twisted feminism Concord family has become their arguments you know in order to exclude anybody in the trans category you have to reduce women to reproductive capacity which is in my opinion extremely anti-feminist I don't want to put those women down either I know you don't want to watch wag spicy pain I see pain and I said that the pain is coming from somewhere it's not you though it's the patriarchy and how can we get people to see that
it's insane I mean it is insane and it's not I'm not saying it's insane all that's just crazy don't seem like it's literal Insanity okay so we can say it's demon possession but there is there is a mental illness that is certainly involved because these people this isn't like they're they're doing it all for so many of them are many of them are okay in many cases of special kids are doing it because they have been shown they've been brainwashed into believing that they get better stuff more stuff more privileges more rights less bullying that marries better if they just come out as gay or transgender or confused even a survey said that that one out of every for high school students in public schools today are either gay homo homo sexual bisexual or sexually confused one out of every 4 that's called a doctor Nations called brainwashing this is why people like like will Thomas and Dylan Mulvaney
trying to buy the stuff and more importantly the people that are that are not just not just enabling them but a dancing them in advancing their cause they are doing more harm to the United States of America again I know they'll have me arrested for 8 speech for saying that but it is the truth okay it's it's the truth
yeah well
I'm going to I'm going to stop it right there before I get myself into some actual real trouble because there is not censorship by any means but there are there are certain ideas from Concepts when it comes to what needs to be done that quite frankly you shouldn't you shouldn't say anything you shouldn't even feel that way and I'm not talking about from my perspective I'm not think it's
to say that
these people need these people they need number one they didn't do need help mental help the number to they need God okay they need to be to be witnessed to they need to to read their Bibles we need to do everything we can and where I start to get into confusion on my part I'm not sure how to handle it because you know you can't you can't force it on them right you can't you shouldn't
should enforce them
to read the Bible and I always go back to I go back to a few different concepts in the Bible but but there are times when you know somebody like a Leah Thomas real Thomas somebody like a dilemma veiny maybe it's just better to
take a quick shot at it you know try to try to spread them the truth to them try to spread the gospel to them and then you know just just wipe the dust off your feet and move on because maybe the effort isn't going to be beneficial Trump will get to him in a second I want to go real quick to to one America news they they had Ryan Cunningham on earlier but this was Thursday Thursday Wednesday but I think it's Thursday they had Ryan Cunningham on the discuss the bill the there's a lot of political shenanigans that are happening across the country some good some bad but it's still I have yet to see anything that is that is definitive that is like oh my gosh you know this is the way that we need to go I've seen some bands but even the bands themselves have challenged looks let's go to the one America news real quick
I'd like to bring on Brian Cunningham to discuss this is the former campaign manager to Illinois Republican attorney general candidate Tom Devore Ryan thank you so much for being with us today it's great to be a court so Ryan I think it's insane that it's 2023 and we're still talking about which bathroom someone should use I mean how many examples do we need an account with perverts claiming their women to gain access to a woman's only space tell me a try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be relied upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're relying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend to everybody is go over east.com freedom, freedom go over their stock
call ponsi stack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by dr. zelenko himself to really help people build up your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 and make sure that you are helping if you do happen to get to attract covid that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with his downtime as as as possible. Calm freedom of a bottle or did they sign up for auto ship that's even better use promo code freedom freedom use promo code freedom and you guys are get a discount when you meet you guys are going over there and when you do that you're not only supporting us your freedom first network but you were taking care of your health in your taking control and take a nap hour away from Big Pharma so again that's East act like cam Freedom use promo code for you to check out you guys will get a 5% discount
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you know this is absolutely ridiculous and and Katie Stewart who is you know of female legislators self right outside lives lives very close to where I live next to me and she is champing this and this comes on the heels of in deep red Illinois in Waterloo Illinois where you have these very scenario playing out before our eyes are you have biological males going into female restrooms using the restroom indiscriminately as leader has it in addition to you have biological females going into men's restrooms and using a funnel device that urinals to use that these the restroom this is absolutely appalling that Katie Stewart would you know take this accident on it and the communities in this area are absolutely having an outraged and you know what the answer is the answer is to spend more money to develop these types of restrooms that Katie Stewart suggest and today's just fixing the problem which is if you're a male use the men's restroom if your female
Athena's Restaurant you know if there's this other class of person that wants to use the restroom then they can use the nurse's office if they don't feel comfortable with the rest of society shouldn't be put out for this specific gender classic there trying to make up that isn't even you know a biological male or female quite a simple issue but here we are still having to go over it time and time again and there's still people who are just incest and I'm pushing this who are trying relentlessly to make this happen and I can't believe it's actually being considered a video this is going around viral video of a biological male who claims to be a woman and if I should make you some very dangerous threats against people who don't agree with him let's watch
you back a wild animal into a corner they're going to become a dangerous animal so if you want to die on that hill of yours of righteousness and Moral Majority and you go right ahead I dare you to try and stop me from going into a women's bathroom it will be the last mistake you ever make
I dare you to try and stop a transgender woman in my presence from using the bathroom it will be the last mistake you ever make
this is a call to action in a call to Arms to everybody within the United States that are scared worried have children that are transgender lesbian buyer gay is it called action you need to warm up
plain and simple go out buy a gun learn how to use it efficiently through and through
because the time to act is now
so if I'm not mistaken that is quite literally the incitement of violence which we often get accused but that's a whole nother level and then another issue here is that I think he's really stopped enforcing any sort of cultural norms which I think is very slippery slope these types of people didn't used to be accepted in society between physical reality and fantasy wouldn't you say absolutely in this is being driven this agenda and her becoming a platform all the way from the vitamin the face in the White House you have them advocating up to and including telling them to bear arms from mayor Lori Lightfoot from the press secretary you know suggesting that they take action and they're not acquiescing to this is tantamount to domestic terrorism in were attacking a you know what we would believe fundamental beliefs of what our country was founded on to this outside class that I cannot believe that most of society accepts but we're getting on this platform
and they're running with it and they're making a centerpiece of their campaign from the vitamin Streisand on down it's absolutely ridiculous what is the solution you know I am I am a federalist believed in states rights I do believe in the rights of the individual even above the state I think that that our nation has been inverted it you know it's not should we the federal government of the top federal government's be the bottom it should be the individual at the top family at the top of communities just below and then the city county in the state and then finally was the last resort when it comes to governmental power that's where the federal government you know we need somebody to build the roads we need somebody to manage the military I hope we do a better job at managing the military than buying horses but there are certain times when you know what maybe it just doesn't make sense to stop the spread of
evil because that's what I do believe the transgender Supremacy agenda the lgbtqia plus Supremacy agenda I do believe that they are derived from Evil and you know it is sometimes it just makes sense to just do it from a national level you know there's so much to do you know it's great to the states decide about abortion no no I think we should just as a nation Outlaw abortion all together but that's just me and that's a discussion for a different day but here is President Trump
speaking in this comes from again from a job that's two in one second they're done a great job of getting my radar finally great content to post here is President Trump giving his thoughts about what he would do about the child gender mutilation your genital not gender mutilation to genital mutilation surgeries and and drugs that are being spread to two children across the country under Trump he said it won't happen anymore
now do you think it has anybody really believe what's going on in this country
I would sign a law prohibiting child sexual abuse relation in all 50 states
something needs to be done that is for certain and it's not just going to be true politics not just going to be through policies we have to as people as American citizens we have to do our own heart is not used to be going out and voted it's not exposing the lunacy the mental illness and yes in my humble opinion the Demonic satanic spread of this very destructive ideology again not talking about the people in the individual shit I'm talking about the spread of the skin indoctrination the brainwashing you tip to normalize this in society for the sacred transhumanism which of the end of the day is for the sake of attempting to separate as many people as possible from God
this is what they want and they're using our fear what comes after they're using your fear my fear everybody's fear of not wanting to not wanting to mess with it or transfer or be accused of hate speech or whatever they say do you know where we're going to destroy them the other with it the one great thing that's come out of this hole Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light things it at least we're able to express Financial power okay we were we haven't been able to say look if you go woke did you spread this too far as Bud Light did then you there's going to be repercussions but is that what it takes is it going to take somebody put in a likeness of a transvestite on a beer can for us to act why are we talking about him one schools for the last signal why are we being like that girl
why are we talking about it more and more more School Board you might say somebody is
hey is it enough know how do I know that is it still happening
indoctrination the attempt to groom literally green children still going on
sebaceous blue States and red States as well and truly truly stand up and do something about it this is not going to stop it's not going to take it would have been a great great for the auction and got to wait until 2025 for that to happen really going to wait till 1:25 so we can stop this insanity or are we going to actually do something we actually going to say enough is enough this is insane this is demonic and it needs to end now
people often ask me Rucker why do you have three or four now for gold companies that you recommend when I just pick one and my answer that is well because there's no such thing as one size fits some people want to go to are gold guy.com in India to work with directly with the owner of this very small company others want to go to Genesis precious metals., to work with a larger company that that has a a Christian till 2 if you can find the four companies that we've got it out over at JD Rucker.com gold J D wrecker., find the one that matches you I said about 31 different companies I picked for why cuz these four do not donate to Democrats they do not work with a Chinese Communist party in there not pressing forward for Central Bank digital currency they actually I don't know love America so check it out JD Rucker., gold and by American
I know I can go on about the whole lgbtq A-Plus Supremacy agenda really indefinitely I mean until the problem solved it's it's going to be a problem and again for those who may have missed earlier as I said when I just talked about it a challenge here with do it since I'm all about wokeness we're talkin about a bridge through which they'll be able to achieve transhumanism in that of course is a step on their path to separate as many people as possible from the Bible from God himself so hey to me it's a big deal but I know a lot of us are struggling a lot of people out there many of you I know we have our own struggles when it comes to to our finances and one of the one of the big
challenges we're faced with right now at least for a Rita perspective it's not just about inflation we're having challenges with a supply chain that at the end of the supply chain okay we've been experiencing problems with splashing so really since covid even though things look like they was trying to get better and then all of a sudden the biden-harris regime was installed and then it stopped getting better completely and totally stopped I laugh but it's not funny it's now we're seeing it on the on the back and the back and being the actual retailer side we're seeing retailers closed across the country and while it's not it's not just happening in that place like San Francisco due to Crime it's happening because it just logistically no longer make sense financially no longer makes sense for some of the biggest companies out there to to keep certain stores open so we're having our own challenges being able to just find the stuff that we need and you might say I was on the big of a deal yet it's not it's not a huge deal yet for most people if you're living in the suburbs or your living close to a major city or even if you're
bring in the city which I would recommend getting out of that situation as soon as possible but we're not feeling the pain but the trend is rejecting the broad is that yes we are going to feel the pain the more that the source close the the two things will happen to the one price will go up number to yeah because of less competition number to availability will go down this is a witch sing the beginning of a class that has nothing to do with the dollar was wearing a challenge with the dollar that's a whole other discussion D dollars a shins happening across the globe and that's going to affect us it's going to hit hard and I can talk about that some other day but right now I want to smoke some retail side of it and what's happening with
what companies like big companies when it when I talk about your little Amazon's getting hit on Google's going to get my son Google is is apparently struggling Google like Google you know it's funny because I'm on one hand took okay you know Google so woke up got my challenge with Google but then on the other hand I don't like seeing people anyone lose their job over over stupidity and then Walmart in another one that is really struggling and I returned to the Epic Economist on YouTube for for this particular video yeah I will say this with the economic challenges it does behoove you if you have wealth or retirement please not making the picture I'm just saying go to JD rocker.com ashgold James record.com gold and you'll find the three companies that front sight for companies that we have vetted that we've read about 12:31 we found for that are actually married first companies they do not donate to
Warcraft they do not work with proxies of the Chinese Communist party they do not Embrace Central Bank digital currencies may be shocked at how many of these companies precious metals comes out there are engaging in one or two or all three of those activities donating the Democrats working with the CCP and embracing Central Bank digital the reason for their business but I have found for America First companies that do not do that then you should be working with yourself and you find them at j a d Rucker.com gold with that said here is the Epic say that but I kept it got it got to do things right way there we go all right now we can see a guy was about to play the entire video and that you were actually going to be seeing me during it which would have really sucks cuz I would have probably been drinking coffee and and picking my nose or something then that lets go ahead and play this video from the Epic economist
in uncertain times with a value of your hard-earned money is at stake there's a name you can trust our gold guy with concerns about inflation On The Rise due to government policies it's crucial to safeguard your wealth that's where our gold guy comes in introducing our gold guy your ally against economic uncertainty gold and stood the test of time as a store of value just as conservatives chairs the principles that builds our nation you can protect your financial future with the tangible asset that holds it's worth our gold guy offers a range of gold options from coins the bars ensuring that you have a secure Avenue to preserve your wealth with every gold purchase you're making a statement that you value sound money and independence from government-driven economic fluctuations join the community of conservatives you trust our goal guy to navigate these challenging times with confidence secure your financial future today visit Alco guy.com and take a stand against the risk of inflation and economic instability our goal guy were conservative values meet Financial Security go to our goal guide
concert at the Forum and make gold part of your strategy to protect what matters most
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Walmart Walmart going to close for stores in Chicago
is closing after 40 years they they are shocked and disappointed for many people this is the closest grocery store for them and for some people it's the only affordable option as it turns out Walmart is facing challenges bigger than anyone's going to the second round of school closings was just announced and the company is that how many locations are underperforming right now is shop is complaining about double-digit price increases at Walmart located Financial condition missing investors earnings expectations and Reporting growing cash flow problems the situation has become so alarming that one Industries
CEO is only about a flutter bankruptcies in the sector in 2023 as America's biggest retailers cope with an increasing amount of distress break to you in today's video but before The Supreme among discount retailers and budget versus in fact in 2020 in the United States groceries back in 1988 the company only own 3.6% of the country's grocery market share today and has a grocery market share of 26% and a whopping 60% of his income comes from grocery sales of course extensive operations
a huge network of supplies give us some leverage in the industry the store 635 locations in the u.s.a. Sam's Club according to Walmart's cheap from merchandise in office it 90% of Americans live within 10 Mi of a company that built a good reputation among customers and has an absolutely enormous retail footprint is struggling to stay afloat in trying to save some of it has liens advocating against price hikes pause Don buy supplies in 2021 and 2020 the phone me on several occasions that the company is doing its best to keep prices low for US currency
noticing that prices at the big box retailer have continued to rise in 2023 cooling down and losing Shoppers who has the cheapest in the land the truth is that when it comes down to Walmart vs. Oliva prices for example when the same goes for Costco and Trader Joe's since the second quarter of 2020 to continue to decline while I increase by 11.5% but customers haven't returned to Walmart because they found better price is elsewhere as previously reported by gobankingrates the study from the value investing site value found that Walmart grocery prices climbed 21.5% over the past 12 months
show me the at Walmart shoppers are exposing even pick up by comparing the same item she purchased from 2020 to 2023 the video was uploaded by users ways to save money at the grocery store the content was the item she bought at Walmart in a shopping cart call mix flour mixed vegetables and grain according to Amy she felt just hold of these items for $10.09 in 2020 she claims she made a week's worth of meals
sharing a room in fact of inflation in March 2023 The Tick Tock a claim she went back to Walmart to purchase the items you had a game and the total came out at $15.10 that's a 50% increase from 2020 video has over two million views now with he was social media we need this. It is price gouging price gouging and I am sick of it it's not just they keep saying it's just inflammation
others experiences with noticing price hikes for the Sheep we used to buy a year ago was $0.99 now it's three bucks one person commented I just got hamburger from Walmart for almost $6 a pound I remember it being $3 fifty a pound another stated my local selling a 12 pack of Sprite for $7.89 a month child video claiming that she touches the 60 count by March 14th and she showed in the video this product was selling option at what point is it considered price gouging
kind of a couple of months and it's coming. I remember that 7 Bucks a year ago one fellow Tik-Tok user wrote on Twitter at FJ pants tweeted one item I was buying it warm up with $6.99 months ago it's now $10.99 buying it online from the manufacturer now for $6 50 inflation oil price gouging he have any similar complaints can be found on Reddit and Facebook Amazon happy with the Steep price hikes that are seeing at the store and at this point they only buying the inflation narrative anymore we don't let down from a peak of 9.1% in June 2020 to 5% in 2021 and yet
you'uns consumers are still dealing with the highest grocery prices since the 1970s according to see themselves in an interview with Reuters the executive said the world's biggest retailer might still have to raise prices when was fuming about this year is going to be somewhat I know I'm a list still feeling the effects of high price is right he said the company's bottom line is the most discount stores in 2023 is a drive stick shift trim the Retailer's ability to recoup its 2022 launch Android phone strong sales growth this year but those views was The Big Box store changes.
another round of closing siding poor financial performance at several locations the stores are located in Indiana New Mexico taxes Washington and Wisconsin filmon centers across the US the decision to close the impact is greater than just closing a building it affects people people who work in shopping and live in communities near our stores and we never take that lightly the company said in a statement published on his website
the simplest explanation is that collectively I only Chicago schools have not been profitable since we opened the fence while nearly Seventeen years ago was lose tens of millions of dollars a year and the annual losses in just the last five years if revealed many different strategies to improve the business performance all these locations including building smallest localizing product offering Services Beyond traditional retail we have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the city including 70 million dollars in the last couple years and Walmart health facilities and a Walmart Academy training send it the company noted it was hoped would help improve performance unfortunately
examples of not materially improve the fundamental business challenges all stores are facing Walmart Limited in 2020 the company operated 5342 locations All Over America today it's door count is at 4635 meaning that over 700 Walmart disappeared from the United States economic Landscaping just two years as a retail apocalypse continues to accelerate the goodbye volatility in the stock market on Tuesday after reporting its fiscal first-quarter 2023 earnings Walmart missed investors earnings expectations of $1.48 per share profit instead of $1
hoodies and push a pro-forma Walmart actually beat analysts' projections for you and over your Revenue 140 1.6 billion dollars and the streets expected hundred 38.9 million but investors didn't care about that they are exceptionally 24% year-over-year decline in profit per diluted share when calculated according to generally accepted accounting principles as a result the company is currently valued at a pricey 27.8 times trailing 12-month earnings even after Tuesday sent off and with predicting that the increase rather than increase that high price to earnings ratio looks even more expensive and signals and increase potential for a crash in the mud
Walmart's problems should alarm everyone in the industry according to CNBC due to its massive size and substantial market share for the nation's economy is a home seeing and Walmart will likely be reflected in your local grocery store as well another company seen as a gauge for the retail industry is Home Depot and its CEO seem so concerned about the developments happening in the sector right now then he came forward to warn the public about a coming out of bankruptcy in an interview with Fox News but not deadly said the country has indeed for into a recession an unusual one for months now that we are in a recession we have had nine consecutive months of inflation
na daily notes that some price increases while being hidden in plain sight love what do you want down if you looked at the price on that you could see almost everything has gone up any qualms food product or what-have-you wood gone up he said but what's happening now is that you look at the price on the Isle let's say it's $5 when it hasn't gone up since last week what has happened is that the product is about a third last volume now daily continue this phenomenon shrinkflation is regaining a lot of popularity among grossest as they trying to prevent customers from getting sticker shock so Shoppers are buying few ounces to pounds. Daddy said that's deceptive if I can say it that way and people will eventually find out and stop buying the product behind it
the complexity of this crisis is different than anything I've seen in my 52 he is not delegated I think we're going to see a lot of bankruptcies like Bed Bath & Beyond the executive lawn we got Walmart not only laying people off but closing stores like Century Lane people out we go to Amazon closing Distribution Center driving a couple years ago is crazy explain anyone predicted that even the biggest chickens are struggling to survive in such a difficult environment. Even more serious problems this year
retail apocalypse has no one has many people to look for
thank you for watching
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as far as changes here at the J D wrecker show here at the stern. TV wherever you're watching us is that we're going to do a lot of short clips of other people like I said it might be a job for my jobs as far as going through in the end getting so much content lot of times it's just this makes sense to let other people do the talk to you I don't have to I can be anybody's watching my show you know me I do like it was an eight-hour show essentially four shows and back to back to back about the pandemic tree so yeah I can talk about a topic for an extended. Of time but sometimes it's just better to get other people's perspectives and we're going to be doing that a lot more so I will call these quick hits I guess I don't know these are usually the one two three five minute videos maybe a little bit longer but but not like long big videos
for example he was one Tyrant riding covid revisionist history this is from Jesse Kelly over at the first doesn't like Jesse Kelly but they're wrong it's not like Jesse can let's let's go and play that one I'm watching right now you're watching you're watching right now all the most horrible criminals in this country a communist from dr. fauci to Randi Weingarten to all of them you're watching all of them right now try to rehab their image and try to rewrite what they did try to rewrite the stomach pouches on TV is the New York Times for shut down schools I never closed down factories with Randi Weingarten communist John Denver's testifying in front of Congress I didn't do this I didn't do that
and you know what it is you do to his speed and I think about this last night it's a little dark but it does it hit me it is hitting me hard
what if a hundred years from now when they look back on this time
what if people believe that
these people will all right folks these people write books these people will be defended by today's academics by today's media the people who will frame the truth or whatever it is and a hundred years from now instead of people opening up full-service or watching videos or who knows probably getting beamed into your head by then but when they pick up a book a hundred years from now they'll look back on Colvin and stead of looking at people like Randy winegardner dr. fauci as the subhuman monsters they are who should have been tried and thrown in prison what if a hundred years from now because of all the revisionist history people are going through whatever hundred years from now there looked at as the hero
the heroes who never shut down in them down they didn't think these Mass should be part of it what if that's true and maybe right now you're saying to yourself check if there's no way everyone would remember no we remember now
you remember now we remember idiots like Scott Gottlieb going on television in admitting that all that social distancing stuff that they just made the whole freaking thing off
the initial recommendation that the city brought to the White House and I talked about this was 10 ft and a political appointee Society will shut down so the compromise was around 6
made up some stuff and completely reordered American society
think about this when it comes to all the things you and I know about history how much do you hear me talk about history got a special on the Teddy Roosevelt this week I love history but talk about it all the time you talk about it all the time we we enjoy it think about all the things we know or think we know
what if we've been lied to about virtually everything when it comes to who the bad guys were the good guys were I think about this a lot now is I watch this happening as I watch Randi Weingarten communist John Denver sit in front of Congress and talk like this
I'm sorry Congressman Raskin I'm just we've spent every day from February on trying to get schools open we knew that remote education was not a substitute for opening schools but we also knew that people had to be spayed
trying to get schools open
trying to get schools open now you're laughing about that maybe you're throwing things at the TV maybe you're rolling your eyes but in the future 100 years from now your kids kids kids are they going to believe that are they
are they going to forget our our is society as a whole going to forget that in the face of a pandemic if we're still calling it that in the face of a pandemic the head of the teachers union coordinated with the Center for Disease Control of what the response should be
I do not talk to represent you have a the government have a direct number to director Woodlands do I have director women's skis direct number yes I have director windland's his direct number
door Center for Disease Control your nation my nation is so broken that your Center for Disease Control will coordinate its pandemic response with the head of the teachers union
and speaking of the Center for Disease Control a hundred years from now when they look back on the poison shot they tried to force it in many cases successfully force on so many people a hundred years from now what will they say about it what will they say about who pushed it who was responsible for it but he's smarter than he comes across another person to do a lot of people think for whatever reason is dumb but he's actually pretty smart is President Trump and when he comes up with nicknames I don't think anybody does it better I remember how how funny it was the Blasio was such a super clever nickname and remember his delivery do you know I'm going to go out there and we're going to win and I call him called on the car this when I call him I call Donald Trump a con Don the con because because he's a con in his first name is Dawn and it and it rhymes
go to build the Blasio was just awful it is been dented Donald Trump Donald Trump's deliver you know what if he ever wanted to leave politics and get back and entertainment sure you could do a fantastic job what's play that as you know I've done very well against crooked Hillary Clinton today I'm going to do this and I think this could be maybe the most important part of what I'm going to say because at this is going to be a major announcement are you ready is everybody ready
I will be retiring the name crooked from Hillary Clinton and harmonica and I'm going to give her a new name I don't know like maybe lovely Hillary or beautiful Hillary but I'm going to retire the name crooked so that we can use the name for Joe Biden because from now on
you would think that Hillary would be very happy today she'll be at least she'll be she's out there someplace celebrating because there's never been anyone of the history of American politics so crooked or dishonest is Joe Biden and the Press absolutely refuses to report it all that pressed back there
because frankly they're just as crooked as he is that they are
so when it comes to Republican politicians I have been up and down in and out regarding Kristi noem she's sometimes she seems like okay she's finally did find the amount of times she feels weak I'm sorry she's got to Scott kind of Mike Pence Vibe I used to be a big Mike Pence man when he was early on when he was governor governor in Indiana and then he woke me up so fast we go boy this guy this guy is a politician he's a snake and I don't want to send Kristi noem is Mike Pence but you know she does have sort of that Mike Pence Vibe it don't matter but it's true with that said sometimes she's right and when she's right in the end looked I think that I don't agree with any politician especially I don't agree with any human I don't agree with myself on the time but I do tend to judge politicians by whether or not I agree with them 70% of time 80%.
you know Matt Matt gaetz I probably agree with him about eighty-five 90% of time you know Andy Biggs maybe even a little higher than that Rand Paul Thomas Massie there are certain politicians that I agree with over 70% of that 60 to 70 range video so I almost didn't play it I'm not a huge fan of Eric Bolling nothing against you know he's a straight-up political commentator let's hear what what's up what Christina has to say about Joe Biden good to have you on appreciate you taking time out for us
yesterday Governor Jay Inslee Washington State Governor signed an assault weapons ban that a lot of people on the right side of conservative Second Amendment Advocates like ourselves find a wide-reaching work now it's interesting Eric is that these things don't happen by accident any executive order they get done by a governor is extremely vetted by attorneys they put some thought into this I would say that executive order is guaranteed to try to take away people's second amendment rights so we all know that Ensley is one of those left-leaning socialist and governors that oppresses people that's just not her story here in South Dakota so I'm proud that were the most Second Amendment state in the country it doesn't cost anybody anything to exercise their rights here in South Dakota I signed constitutional carry wave.
fees for any kind of permit I even pay for the federal background check for folks if they want to exercise their second amendment rights so exact opposite of what's going on in Washington state and I would say our people are benefiting from it we've got the best economy in comes going out faster than anywhere else and people are moving here by the thousands Skyler down here in the I would say the freest state in the Union Florida Governor DeSantis except for this is fascinating to me
well we have defended our Second Amendment rights here in many many ways I also just signed an executive order that said that they would no longer do businesses with Bank Sour or financial institution has been discriminated against our gun industry the discriminated against those who would be in the gun business or ammunition business of recognizing that that is something you're doing to push an agenda so our state and that it will continue to lead by example and I think we have broken records in the amount of people that have moved to South Dakota and they moved here because they know that we value the Bill of Rights that we value our Constitution that we live by it so we've led by example and I think that's inspirational the people a lot of times you turn on the news these days all you hear is bad news is doing wrong in this country it's so people need a little help they need to know that somewhere and bring freedom and joy and hope and that South Dakota
some of the other conservative policies we were talking about this a lot lately with the Bud Light controversy using you are protecting women's rights in sports and politics is Downstream from culture day will win the policy the legal the legislative policy wore down Downstream but you are fighting back tell us how
oh absolutely and for us in South Dakota we're fighting for fairness a fairness for women especially in girls Sports we signed the strongest bill in the nation to protect girls Ford's believing that these women deserve to have a Level Playing Field has the ability to compete in two experienced success and and listen when they are pushing policies and agendas from the left like we seen its to try to take over the minds and the hearts of our next Generation that will inherit the United States of America but what they're doing now is fundamentally choosing winners and losers in deciding who gets to benefit and who doesn't and who should be punished and those people who get up and work hard at every single day and live by the values that this country was founded on are being punished by Joe Biden in the White House they're pushing these through their political platform but also to their policies and we is Governor's everyday make dozens and dozens of decisions in our agencies and departments that have to
offends conservative policies and all you have to do is look from state-to-state to see that the conservative States the ones that have Republican Governors that they're the ones who are doing better people are happier suicide rates in mental health rates are going down people are thriving and living with more freedom because that truly is how this country was originated was that personal responsibility would be a priority
now in in Joe Biden's 2024 request to to re-elect him in his video he said let's finish the job he started laughing because I literally started biking has this policy this thing he's trying to push through and has to do with your credit score cap fell under the radar with a big fox you will save around $6,000 on a homeowner closing and the finance that $500 additional Home Loans closing costs are in the world
O'Fallon thoughts Freddy's use it and he's using it to push an agenda of racism to divide the country and he's continuing to do that through several different policies that he's pursuing that this housing one is just the latest example of him going after hard working Americans that they work very hard to do the responsible thing to take care of their families make good decisions and he's rewarding those that maybe aren't a very different situation so yeah it should be a surprise I guess I'll be honest with you I think that announcement video for president that he released was the weirdest thing I've ever seen and it was so dark and depressing and strange I just don't see how that will inspire people and you know it is strange to me that he wrapped his arms around the word freedom because his policy since he's been president to have been only to enslave the American people to his big huge overbearing federal government
yep can't be finished what they started continue to the bank or become country you know a lot of people talk about Governor noem is a VP but a lot of people like me see someone I'm looking in the screen right there who could easily occupied the top spot to you thoughts on 2024 presidential election are you going to throw your hat in if you do so when would that come
that's the problem with this time of year right now is that a lot of talking going on is very few people doing I guess what I would encourage people to do is as they're looking at presidential candidates going through this process is really examine what are leaders in this country have done what policies have they put in place are they giving press conferences and traveling around and talking a lot and did they actually do something that made your life better so I think there's plenty of time to continue having that conversation in the next many many months but America cannot afford to get somebody in the White House that just devises talks a lot and doesn't actually do something that's good for families
you haven't ruled out a presidential run for 24 hours
you know I think that's accurate I'm going to really focus in South Dakota we've got a lot of good things to do and and that's my priority so you know I think that this this country there's a lot of people running for president right now I'm looking for one that I could support obviously President Trump's policies were fantastic for South Dakota and I appreciate his leadership you know we we really have an important decision ahead of us I hope everybody's taking this as seriously as all the decisions that I've got in front of me I hope everybody else is taking them seriously as well
and I we are as well we're thankful you're joining us as well on the bounce thank you so much Governor Kristi noem thank you very well maybe Mike Pence comparison wasn't right maybe she's she's more like almost like like a governor version of like a Marco Rubio I'm still like your don't like her like it don't like her it is what it is but hopefully you guys listen I need your feedback is this type of a situation this type of form at work where I just do the intro and let other people do the talking maybe you like that a lot. Obviously I'm not going to do that every show or else why would I even do a show in the first place but I mean I'm not going to do it every segment of every child but I do think I can do this every show
23 preview 3 segments if anyone with the news is I've just meet in trouble and other videos wedding videos play getting my light, David not not hammering at home I'm open to suggestion
this is your show as much as it's mine so so go ahead leave leave comments we can go to J D wrecker, talk J D wrecker, and that will send an email directly to so many ways to to to reach out if you can please do so because our Salvation more discourse
it's unfortunate that in America in 2023 we have a hard time finding doctors and Pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies that we can trust I have been able to find one that I trust wholeheartedly based upon the the trustworthiness of the doctors in the people involved it took me a little while to vet them out but I'm finally come to the conclusion of the wellness company is definitely worth it you can check them out at J D wrecker, well JD rocker.com well and they don't yourself supplements and stuff like that that they do that but they do more than that they have services available that can help you for example to to break free from Big pharma's grasp of Our Lives they they help people to to even get away from Pharmaceuticals altogether well if you ever heard of 8 medical company that does that so check them out the wellness company at JD Rucker.com well
if you want to know why one of the biggest reasons that I wanted to go to this new format one playing a lot of other videos and not just me talking for her to 34815 hours straight. Because I don't like to have because I think that I'm wrong or that other people right but there are other people that are right I mean let's face it I'm not the only guy out there he's right about
yeah there are others who are speaking truth I might not agree with them understand the time you might not agree with me I had to spend the time but let's face it we need more people that we can agree with at least 60 70 80 90 per-cent of the time when a certain person that I tend to believe has a great perspective on most topics is Josh sigurdsson over at Swirl alternative me wham wham I was thinking George Michael but that's because I'm old. Anyway Josh is he is a Patriot Patriot in the human sense of the word another words he is he is against anyone who wants to take my freedoms not just anybody wants to kill others especially if they want to kill them for their own purposes not that there's any good reason to kill somebody with such person that he likes to go out
what is of course class swab my I would say top 5 favorite bad guy okay I don't think I play some nearly as highly as other people who think that he is he's like the soup I think he's in charge of the w w e f to be to be frank I think that he is a he's a figurehead and maybe he wasn't charged but I think others have taken over and he's very much more more of a spokesperson and then then ething else I would say that even his alleged advisor Harare okay I think he's probably really has more power over what the world economic Forum actually does or sometime on U Vol Noah Harari The Economist humanist Satanist whatever this guy's truly like legit straight upheaval and and very smart about it I would say that he's probably more in control of suave
call Schwab is in control of my pay grade to try to figure out who named all the bad guys know there's an agenda at playing one such as gender of course as Josh talks about you and the video is the population OK for a long time we're facing a population in control of the powers and principalities the powers-that-be the global suleika ball the liberal world order whatever you want to call them they want to reduce the population of the world to a manageable level and then manager for themselves is video I'll play next to next explain 15 minutes cities that I thought was a pig gets old but if you haven't seen you in the morning stick around and watch if you have seen it you still going to want to stick around and watch because it's that good it's like 4 minutes long but first let's go to play this video from from Wham from Josh sigurdson
everybody got serious in the world alternative media here and there's a lot of New Revelations coming out as we walked closer down this tyrannical path to the next World economic Forum meeting in Davos this out of the national pulse it says the world economic Forum says it will accelerate implementation of globalist agenda 2030 remember agenda 2030 is the agenda for the year 2032 not just destroy all industry as far as the climate goes but also to destroy humans get rid of carbon-based life-forms were human they want to depopulate the World by 60% it says world leaders will be gathering together later this year to accelerate the implementation of agenda 2030 according to an announcement made by the unaccountable corporate world economic Forum wef earlier this year remember agenda 2030 is not just World economic Forum at the United Nations United Nations agenda and the United Nations has the same entity that you just said
and promoted the the sex of having sex with children and you know it's just it's absolutely crazy that we're living in X where this is normalizing this isn't the number one most outrageous thing in the world and everyone is in the streets over it because it's 2023 and you know the insanity and debauchery is normalize but anyway it says United Nations UN in the wef a frustrated by the lack of progress made towards their great reset ideologies Long's head agenda 2030 the Socialist any logical successor to the failed Millennium development goals Agenda 21 and in the heart of America were conservatives in the Maga movement Stands Strong there's a coffee that's as bold as your convictions introducing Freedom First coffee the coffee that tastes like freedom and no it's not just because we said so our coffee is fire roasted to Perfection right on Main Street USA with your Roma Liberty fills the air with every sip you'll feel like Lady Liberty herself the saying that's the good stuff Taste of freedom in every cup are organic gourmet coffee is your
daily dose of patriotism proudly roasted for those who believe in small government and big flavor join the movement of coffee lovers who know that a great cup of coffee is almost as essential as preserving our constitution Brewing Liberty one cup at a time to get your freedom first coffee today and taste the revolution go to Freedom First coffee.com and use discount code freedom for 15% off Freedom First coffee because great coffee should always tastes like Freedom yours now and Let Freedom percolate
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I mean I would say that we are moving really fast towards this because there's some at the same time as we're talking about accelerating into agenda 2030 we see the WHL is forging ahead with plans to implement a global digital health certificate and this comes at the same time as they are ordering in countless new vaccine coming back in 2020 Trudeau ordered the vast majority of the vaccines for the year 2024 why we don't and that's the same time we're seeing Bill Gates say this can be a huge you know new plandemic next year it's all a hoax of course and then I thought you said the same thing we are obviously treading in very choppy Waters here and they are already changing what it means to be healthy as far as defined by the World Health Organization and terrorists like Tedros who have pushed for this agenda that most of the world is already agreed
the new Global health certificate will also show under an emergency order the unvaccinated are considered disease Vector agents which means that people that are unvaccinated could consider it could be considered by police as us a serious danger to the public and imprison double offense on a global scale without any sovereignty being involved so we're going to get into this and more today and this goal for the world economic Forum going forward as close to off himself says the goal is to use China as a role model we all know that the CBC is and it is a big part of it faking World War 3 you know weakening is going to the public getting little boys to wear dresses obviously that's a huge part of it of course weak men create hard times and then of course you have the collapse of the global economy the dollar the collapse of the housing market collapse of the supply chain the collapse of the energy grid All By Design all meant as a vector in order or a conduit if you weigh
in order to bring us into this great reset so we're going to get into that and much more today my friends but before we do I argue with a check those links below to go to heaven target.com for long-term survival foods that are non-GMO Heirloom Seeds water filtration in storage and books and how to get started youth code Wham w a m and you get free shipping on much of these products in the US and even if you don't qualify storage disease called when we have fully organic it's as well again this could save your life don't wait till the shelves are empty that's what coach Rob wants he wants you to eat the bugs and drinks too much as he says and of course they Infuse meats that are already likely on the shelves at grocery stores have already integrated a new food police system in New York City where I'll be in a few days unfortunately for myself this is an emergency situation my friends and waiting until the shelves are empty at the stores that you can get food rations later is absolutely silly and self-destructive get on
today while you still can for the love of God that's haven't arvest.com use CO2 mwai we also have wham's survival.com pronounce in Forma Foods as well if you go to us on their finally make sure to check out RNC store.com Richardson Nutritional Center at because well they're trying to kill us it's your source for laetrile amygdalin vitamin B17 of course apricot seeds made famous by G Edward Griffin Book World Without cancer so get on this today you could it takes two seconds to order they're probably going to ban it someday so this is your opportunity anyways my friends as a who is forging ahead with plans to implement a global digital health certificate and they're moving fast I'll continue what I was already reading regarding the world economic Forum saying it will accelerate implementation of globalist agenda 2030 and this is from the national pulse an article written by Jack Welch and it continues here it says
the wef lead by German engineering Les Schwab whose father once worked for the Nazi party apparatus has said previous efforts to implement their plans suffered unforeseen setbacks due to the covid-19 pandemic which is a hoax major negative impacts of climate change which is a hoax and the rising cost of food and fuel everywhere due to the conflict in Ukraine now that's also a hoax they collapsed to the supply of fuel across the board and they just cut Supply in Saudi Arabia as they move into the brick system it's all part of the plan my friends anyway continues here
global leaders and representatives are there for being summoned to strategize and expedite the progress of what the wef refers to as arguably the greatest ever human endeavor undertaken to create a peaceful just equal and sustainable societies what they're doing is they're just rebuilding the Tower of Babel let's be clear it continues it says the UN department of economic and social Affairs has argued that practical solutions that can accelerate progress on the sustainable development goals of the United Nation will be urgently needed yes the United Nations where you know the amount of wars that have happened since our Inception just insane and the view child trafficking and they are involved in the new economic system tyranny and of course they're promoting pedophilia recently in a document that they released worldwide saying that they need to normalize pedophilia they are sick bastards it says the 17 sdgs comprising agenda 2030 were first compiled in 2015 and we're agreed upon by one hundred
in 91 UN member states the government do not necessarily their voting Publix these goals include laudable aspiration such as ending poverty and eradicating world hunger most most more in the various globalist goals in the area in the areas of generating ology and hard love socialist economics and that's literally what impoverished people so it's a problem reaction solution repeat my friends at the Hague and dialectic they talked about so much it is all there's all the things that they're doing from the special drawing rights of the IMF the original seizure of the gold from the FTR to fund the IMF in the exchange stabilisation fund a war chest is meant to impoverished people the printing of currency in general is meant to impoverished people the whole idea is to push people into an economically weak position so that when they give everyone free goodies that everyone follows along and play so long because he comes under the guise convenience and always has always will
and that is what they are totally depending on in the system so the UN is heavily involved in that whatever the UN says they're doing they're actually really quite doing the opposite aren't they so anyway let's get further into it it says since Davos 2021 the wef has publicly discussed how these girls can you use to achieve the great reset which would see Ordinary People able to do nothing personally the wef claims this will increase happiness in the world civic participation the wef is focusing on something called civic participation to push its plans they described this as tackling economic inequality gender imbalances corruption and environmental degradation says the number one polluter says the most corrupt leaders in the world and it's not the economic inequality is is absolutely absurd don't expect equal results equal opportunities that's fine obviously and I quote it says in the quest
to build back better says the wef Civil societies proposing new ways of achieving the sdgs and creating a better post plandemic world
what this will look like if something approximately approximately communism for a better world is one where the benefits are evenly spread because development must be about Freedom From Fear And Freedom from Want a dozen people that are scaring people into you no getting rid of all their private property and their freedoms it it's just backwards World disappear very much in line with the WTF to Jen that where everyone works together for the common good rather than ending for profit or reward for hard work rendered or risks taken halfway there it says it'll do you have plans to assemble world leaders after the highly-anticipated sustainable development goals progress report and published is published by the security General of the United Nations Antonio Gutierrez later this year
the report's findings will inevitably lay the foundation for the international deliberations and it was this year's report insisted W hat is especially crucial as we're nearing the halfway point of agenda 2030 yes after the Paris Accord all those years ago and then previous to that in the early 1990s the Rio Summit which led to Agenda 21 and it just happened at the same time as you're pulling this you know depopulation goal off at with the world economic Forum the who is forging ahead with plans to implement a global digital health certificate the proposed amendments to the international Health regulations ihr are a completely different set of proposals to the pandemic treaty that will not need to be signed by any present or prime minister at Norwood in the proposed amendment require the advice and consent of the senate or Parliament amendments to the ihr or adopted in 2022 with outside Parliament confirmation the Amendments that are
currently being proposed easily be adopted in the same manner in either May 2023 or 2024 among the 307 amendments to the ihr proposed by 94 member nations of the World Health Organization WTO are several it would seek to implement a global digital health certificate and this happens at the same time as we find out that pre knowledge of the United Nations for example the sound comedy poet says you and foresaw covid lockdown for months before they happened November 2019 you and demand 7% cut in CO2 emissions Presto by December 2020 CO2 emissions down 10% yep well this was all part of the plan it was all it's all the same thing the climate stuff and the covid stuff are the same thing that you genics experiment that sled to 163 per cent increase in death you're recording to Lincoln National Insurance companies in the world and this massive increase in cancer heart attacks Etc autoimmune disorders and and then move from that in to the fear that leads to things like
the zeroqode policies in China which are basically 15 minutes cities for covid-19 ledge Australia in for my too many similar things and now we're seeing the zero carb policies go for work it was all part of the same goal so yes United Nations knew about this stuff long before there's anything out there because it's a hoax it's a fear-based hoax is a mind control program man to psychologically manipulate people into servitude to the technocratic state to the cashless Society same thing with the fake war between Russia and Ukraine or China and Taiwan the whole purpose is to create the umbrella of an excuse of a World War 3 in economic collapse in order to bring us into the system so the destruction of the supply chain the energy grid the housing market the economy destruction of email individualism the destruction of the child that the human in the child assault of a child the destruction of all things we hold dear
in order to force a massive reset that will fall into instead of in the past and moving into more Independence because we have to fend for herself and this case and moves into a system of complete compliance under a technocratic grid with a central bank digital currency everyone is dropping dead everywhere remember everything is double thing they say the vaccines are great for you safe and effective they tell you to get that even though it's killing everyone they tell everyone that they need to get no drink the water in Palestine Ohio and it safe to drink even though it has the option to change your DNA but at the same time they say it's it's dangerous to you know
have a gas stove to cook anything to eat meat and to not eat bugs and they also promote the idea of how safe it is to have this Global International conflict with Russia and China it's all an excuse in order to bring us into that system and a lot of Revelations are coming out regarding the covid-19 since lately natural least has claimed fries are bribed over 400 independent medical organizations and nonprofits work to propagate alleged false narratives about their so-called vaccine meanwhile we also have this early expose says Matt Hancock admits he should be in prison after the man in jail time for vaccine missing for an anti vaxers and O'Reilly and Online safety biliya and a day by his own words yes basically but you don't that's the thing we have this Awakening and that is why they're speeding up the process so much out of desperation at the World Health Organization and the world economic Forum which says himself that they have info
most cabinet so many governments and this is why it's so important to be aware I mean with the World Health Organization pushing this Ford and the wef talking about agenda 2030 guess who did videos on this very agenda way back when I showed you guys on the screen before and save videos on Odyssey Library Etc which if you haven't followed us on there you can, it was all backed up at ipfs when he posted it back in your January 2018 or I said the plan is to have a banking crisis World economic forum is meeting in Davos to literally just to forge a banking crisis and a Health crisis in order to bring us into a cashless society as he would you see but based on carbon credits that Walt decide your credits versus your smart meter in her home which will tell him how much gas electricity and water use depending on that it'll determine how much you could go outside of the boundaries of your area and I've been saying that for many many many years as well as they'll determine the food rations will be allowed
this is the agenda covid the supply chain the economy it's all the same thing worlds were three all the same thing little boys in dresses all the same thing as what the demoralisation of the collapse of Western Civilization by Design By by proxy in order to bring us into a new world Reserve currency system and a new world order that is based in technocracy in the cache of society so that none of us have any individualism none of us have any say in our own private life we are all just part of a system we are just the cells making up the blood of the state this is what we're being sacrificed for and that is why you know people say should we protest yeah protesting helps and it gets the word out but should be violent no will protest save this know what people need to deal with his withdrawal from the system that they're creating around us in order to bring us into this remember with their health orders what they plan to do is call anyone that's unvaccinated public health risk
Dubai's East a key notes so important that you're taking care of your health and you're not relying on big Pharma telling if we try and do what you can to be as healthy as you can take preventative measures do not be Reliant upon big Pharma again they're just trying to profit off of you they make more money if you are sick and you're relying upon them so take control of your own health and what I recommend to everybody is go over disease.com freedoms eastech life.com Freedom go over their stock up on this tack this is what this is one of the things that that was formulated by dr. zelenko himself to really help people build your immune system to be able to withstand covid-19 and make sure that you are healthy and if you do happen to get to attract covid that you have the absolute best chances of getting through as quickly as possible with his minimal downtime as as is possible to make sure you guys are going over to East act like cam freedom of a bottle or more today sign up for auto ship that's even better use promo code freedom
Freedom use promo code freedom and you guys are get a discount when you order to make sure you guys are going over there and when you do that you're not only supporting us your freedom first network but you were taking care of your health in your taking control of the power away from Big Pharma stock life.com Freedom use promo code for him at checkout you guys will get a 5% discount
which yes we saw before but not on the scale that they're working on right now nothing near what the w h o s working on with his debt digital health certificate for emergency use authorization movements around the world in 95 countries and it's not like you can escape and hide under a bed over this thing it's not all running away it's about withdrawing and building up your own life in opposition to what is being built around us
and it'll yeah we're going to have full policing of our of our Behavior what we've ever said on social media going back deck a decade or two what are we ever search on Google every you know vaccine we dodged you know every bit of Disobedience of the AC on a day-to-day basis how much meat we eat how much we drive him as we travel how much we do all these different things and add to the equation here
and our way out of that is by being prepared as free individuals and not part of a cog in a system upon to be sacrificed for the king and the queen so as always I aren't people you know what thank you sister as much as possible Food Water Shelter self-defense or not Gathering thing sometimes got on the Block remember they're already adding food policing systems in New York City and they plan to have 15 minutes cities across the United States Canada the rest of the world are implementing it in Vancouver I'm about to go report and it in England in places like Oxford they are going for broke this is happening and they're getting desperate and AC in Awakening so they're pushing it through faster so I urge people before the supply chain collapses go and get storable food we have you know things like having harvest.com pumpkins from the foods that are non-GMO Heirloom Seeds water filtration in story books and how to get started we have fully organic it's well use code Wham w a m and save yourself today to get free shipping too much of those products to use that code though not on all of them so just remember that but still use it anyway cuz it helps keep you alive and Us Alive at the same time
this is how we save our family this is how we fight a war by having the preparations in place that you know brought Humanity to this point in history where now we become so weakened by the convenience his tyranny comes out of the guys convenience that we are in this position today we cannot accept it we cannot allow it and it comes from within and we are endowed with responsibilities by God to make these decisions for herself faith without work is dead my friend so I urge people to get on that today before the shelves are empty before you're in a ration line eating mRNA food and there's already mRNA food on the Shelf according to a lot of studies that has been to have been done traces of mRNA in the meet at the stores don't allow yourself to succumb to this is soon about fear this is all solutions Solutions and mobilization for Humanity that's all I care about at the end of the day we have wham's revival.com for long-term troubles with as well you said a bunch of money if you go to us on there
and of course we have her kelia tasty.com Wham where to buy gold and silver today you could get a bunch of free Special Report to that all you have to do is go to that sign-up sheet takes two seconds to do we have a line energy like batteries and solar panels linked below so you aren't dependent on the government grid we have things like clear phone privacy or answered phones so we have that out of course we have rnc's for a while, Richardson Nutritional Center your source for laetrile online made famous by G Edward Griffin smoking world without cancer kids or apricot seeds laetrile I make the linen vitamin B17 there there's no excuses anymore we have all the solutions right in front of us is all about what everyone watching does next I know a lot of you already are doing something about it and God bless you I appreciate all the support from people over the years I am heading to New York City and then England right away to report on all the stuff and then hopefully some protest in in Europe over all this insanity