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JD Rucker Show, December 8, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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Hunter's Latest Charges, DNA Global ID, Death of the American Dream, and More

Title: Hunter's Latest Charges, DNA Global ID, Death of the American Dream, and More


Will Hunter Biden's latest round of indictments finally yield fruit? Will they be used by Democrats to force Joe Biden out of office?

DNA could be used as a Global ID. Apples playing games with governments and your data. The border crisis is serious and nearly everyone knows it. Hamas's evil knows no bounds. UPenn loses big thanks to their president. Hopes for achieving the American Dream are fading. The CIA is a data monster. Melania has a VP favorite. Climate change cult is stupid.

Yep, it's a jam-packed episode of The JD Rucker Show.


Recorded: December 08, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello and welcome to another episode of bjd Rucker show I am your host JD Rucker and let's get straight into it as I like to do now because it's just not enough time to waste I will have to do my obligatory post-debate analysis and four of the so-called candidates Vivek ramaswamy Ron DeSantis Nikki Haley and Chris Christie I was was nothing and I didn't watch it I know that there might be some of the wash tub if you did chance or you were watching it for entertainment value because we know that it is a foregone conclusion there is no catching up to Donald Trump one of two things will happen either the Deep state will be able to take him out through La Fair or whatever means they deem necessary to remove him from being able to be the next president or he will be the nominee to run for president against Joe Biden or whoever else they actually put up there against him those that sit there is no catching up to
Ron Sands can say we're a bunch of people are going to be like oh my gosh well let's just hop on his his bandwagon or Nikki Haley's not going to be able to pull all this money from JPMorgan Chase and black rock and everybody else on the Wall Street to be hey here's your's a 2 billion dollar ad spend let's go ahead and and put Nikki in there and even if she did it wouldn't work Vikram swamy of course is really not even running for president he's running for position but I think it's more likely that he's running for a media career afterwards whether that's with his own show or I don't even know I mean it's funny because he's just having fun and as much as I do like him I don't trust him one bit I don't think that he is his motives are as our sincere I don't think that he even though he spouts all the appropriate Maga talking points I think that he's he's not really true Megan and if he is a data want to judge his heart maybe he is maybe he's converted but I know that he didn't used to be that's for sure something has changed you really ever since he decided he might want to run for president than a person is Chris Christie and who cares about Chris Chris
there's nothing there that is my post-debate analysis now let's get to some obligatory post-debate analysis done now let's get some real real news here is a story that came out this week from national news Zoe sky is the writer biometric data and surveillance as the ultimate Global ID and I talked about in the past in a long before they were starting to do do these types of of posts and not trying to brag here but I said look it when they've really cracked and when I say past years ago so when they really cracked how to be able to to quickly read the anay that's the whole the whole I guess you could say predicate or that the the requirement for this to become realities that they have to be able to read the anay instantaneously once that happens then they'll be able to use DNA as they say here the ultimate Global ID and they will position that hey don't worry
there's no way this is the one way that you can make sure that you don't have ID theft and I would imagine that in the not-too-distant future though their cell phones as well as their computers or any device any digital devices that require identification are going to have monitors that will allow them to to be able to check your ID by looking at your skin looking at your hair look into something touching you touching your DNA and being able to decipher all yes this is the right person this is who who is supposed to get his bank account and that's how they're going to sell it by the way they're going to sell it as hey this is the total security nobody can copy your DNA they can copy your name they can they can forge a driver's license they can steal your phone or whatever you know they can hack this hack that but they can't hack your DNA sorry from the wef often says here that we can bacon humans have to be in it it is dangerous for human DNA to fall into the wrong hands because it Reveals All Your
genetic predispositions and DNA cannot be altered which ensures lifelong immutability now there are DNA sequences devices sequencing devices that can quickly generate DNA profiles anywhere using mobile devices and fully automated processes and those in power are eyeing DNA as a potential Global ID your DNA is more precious than gold for technocrats because it is the irreducible structure of all life on the planet there was a recent hack 23andMe for those who don't know 23andMe was their DNA collection company and they were hacked and now they're they're they're kind of big trouble they they put out a whole hey sign this waiver and get something you got one month sign the waiver or else it's assumed that you're not going to participate in any class action lawsuits against us they are they are definitely definitely concerned and they should be the parents more concerning is that our DNA is being collected in and sent everywhere at such as being mean since the last year in the United States
secure your PCR test a lot of them will end up going to China to get you tested stuff like that they're doing everything they can to collect as much DNA as they can and it's not just about individuals it's also about a holistic approach length of the bioweapons the ultimate buy a weapon which may or may not already be developed by multiple Nations is the type of bioweapon Lincoln Target people specifically based upon their DNA is there was that the last Bond movie I don't want to spoil if anybody but the last Bond movie with Daniel Craig actually feature that basic premise that they they created a weapon a virus or some sort of some sort of chemical or biological weapon that could when inhaled by anybody else it did nothing when it touched anybody else's skin and did nothing but when it touched me it was targeted to the person whose DNA was encoded for that person will die pretty much instantly that's science fiction that's Bond fiction but it's also pretty darn close to reality and I'm not going to say that it's already done
I figured out how to do that more individuals I would argue that is probably based on the race based upon for this position could be based on age there are ways that they can manufacture bio weapons that can Target US based on certain criteria within our DNA or genetic predispositions so that is I think a good chunk of the end of course there's the whole idea of transhumanism which is a much larger conversation because DNA technology and trans humanism combined
scary stuff scary stuff
speaking of government overreach and the machinations of the globalist leak ball and their their desire to serve a less as part of their agenda for depopulation and control his nautical that came from reclaim the net can make it over there reporting Apple reveals governments use app notifications to surveil users now I almost laughed when I saw this because it's like well. Of course I mean who doesn't know this but I often have to remind myself there's a lot of people lot of Americans out there maybe some of you could just don't realize how how intrusive our own government is how intrusive other governments are that's the important part here it's not just our government I mean Apple Google Facebook they're all using that they're all taking cues from even other governments and they are sharing our data..
it's a it's done it's a foregone conclusion while we've known that for a while but now we get at least some for those of you may be here maybe you or you're at your friends are normies and you you don't want to believe it you want to stick your head in the sand and say oh no government would never do that the CCP would never do that the Washington d.c. would never do that no they do for the Articles it again this is from reclaim the can make in reporting in and chili revelation of his all-too-familiar Apple has confirmed that governments are using push notifications for the surveillance of users and imposition on personal freedoms and a glaring example of State over each is unsettling news was disclosed in response to Senator Ron wyden's urgent communication to the Department of Justice widen the highlighted that foreign officials have been pressuring technology companies for data to track smartphones via apps that send notifications these apps you know to protect companies in a pivotal role to assist in government monitoring of app use
app usage just want to know which apps are using is totally not about surveilling you or your activities are your people your family or who you're connected to a what you doing tell them you're not about that that's the article Senator Wyden the Department of Justice to alter or revoke any existing policies that restrict public disclosure on the surveillance push notifications and their reaction to this Apple's Apple stated to Reuters that widens later presented them with an opportunity opportunity to divulge more information about government monitoring of push notifications the tech giant clarified quote in this case the federal government prohibited us from sharing any information now that this method has become public we're up in your transparency reporting to detail these kinds of requests but it's definitely not funny but just what's the weather saying I'm going to go slower so you catch it all in this case the federal government prohibited us from sharing any information so okay so that's good right
something they were prohibited from sharing information with the government they were prohibited from sharing the information with us that's what they're saying here folks
now it's back to the what they're they're saving was now that this method has become public we are updating our transparency reporting to detail these kinds of requests in other words we got busted working for governments sharing your data sharing your information
using push notifications oh yeah this is it's not like you're sitting there having to click on stuff they're pushing it out to you and using that to track you
you can't make this stuff up and now that they've been caught now they're using this as an opportunity and opportunity
to update their transparency reporting is so funny you know sometimes I don't know who's worse our government corporate Media or corporations themselves whose worth of gas lighting it and trying to take something that's very very very negative pretend like it's positive K I mean that's how he's been named build they literally named bills after the exact opposite of what they're actually trying to do they claim they're trying to accomplish something for example for schools okay it's like what was it that got the exact name of the bill but it's something like like that the bill protecting the Publican and school safety act or something like that and what was this act is it was out here in California a few years ago and they named it something about it was a can of Public Safety and school safety back and what ended up being was the TV show King of of the laws basically making it to where any any theft under $950 wasn't even really in an arrestable crime
I mean how does a Texas schools has a protect students how does that protect the general public house that make our streets safer obviously did not it did the exact opposite but if you go you're just a votary you're not really paying attention you're like oh well I would have ducked schools let's vote Yes past and we're all idiots back the article letter from Brian reportedly stemmed from a tip about the surveillance activity in a form Source confirmed that both foreign and US Agencies have been requesting metadata related to notifications from Apple and Google is metadata has been allegedly used to link Anonymous messaging app users to specific accounts on these platforms wow
I mean just wow you know the one thing of the government if there's one thing that all governments okay all governments but let's clarify all corrupt governments which today means all governments but but all governments they all agree on one thing in particular they all agree that we the people and not just us but in any nation that we do not deserve to we we should not have the ability to communicate without them being aware of it we should not have that this should not be anonymous messaging apps and if there are Anonymous messaging app then they try to take advantage of those in other words they they say oh hey you know this message Totally Secure totally Anonymous you don't need to no way that it can be tracked said that it can
and by getting access government's getting access to the to this day the now you got a whole bunch of people that think they're secure speaking their mind maybe maybe speaking out against the government may be their doings in maybe they are doing bad things and that's what it's always that the predicate by the way the do you know we got to stop child porn so the only way we can do that is to take these Anonymous messaging app to monitor them whoever is using them you know they're always bad people if they if if if they're not breaking the law why would they want to hide I mean it's the it's idiocy it's absolute any super hay in the 2024 that is represents every government in the world today
this next door is a combination of both hope and I guess discouragement but it's the only other way to put it it can be very discouraging when you see what I'm about to show you but on the other hand at least it does alerted us that people hopefully Lord willing are starting to wake up to the realities of the Border there was a time not too long ago I would say it was in within the last few years where it was only about half of America thought that the Border crisis was a real issue has been an issue for decades K it really has been and yet it hasn't been a top of mine prices until until recent years of course the vine Harris regime decided that hey let's just open the borders let's let's reverse all of the off of the policies that were the President Trump put into effect at work preventing people from even trying to cross over let's just say hey everybody come on in and come on in US is open for free business
get your gift cards get your your free hotel stays get your your food you know get your Asylum papers will have you will have your court date set some time before 2037 so between now and 2037 you're free to roam about the country that's that is what has woken people have apparently I was going this article from from the national pulse you can find my commentary about over at discern. TV 81% of Americans say they border crisis is a quote serious problem when the article over at the national false the vast majority of Americans 81% believe that illegal immigration in the United States is becoming a serious problem for the country according to a recent survey conducted by Rasmussen report which found that majorities from all political parties the number of people entering the country of those who believe it is a serious problem more than half 50% argue it is a very serious problem only 16% of those surveyed do not consider it
migration a serious problem that's idiotic that they're still 16% but but whatever was also asked the 996 likely us voters quote which political party do you trust more to handle immigration only 37% of the respondents said that they trusted Joe Biden and the Democrats more than Republicans pray to 49% who have more trust in the GOP that includes 54% of white people 39% of black people in 53% of other minorities now obviously it is a crisis. Can you can't make an argument that it's not a crisis we have tens of thousands coming over that we know of it could be higher than that but then it sends tens of thousands that we know of streaming cross the border every single week
how is that sustainable the answer of course is that is not we can't have them all we can't take care of her own American citizens very well how are we supposed to take care of everybody else's citizens and that doesn't even take into account the risk of crime and terrorism these are not conspiracy theories these are legitimate risks that we know are happening in this isn't just coming from from Central or South America we are seeing illegal aliens coming from across the globe including China and as we all know it seems to be you know that we've seen the pictures you've seen the reports of the claims that although you know they're they're just trying to save their families they're not even bringing their families okay generally speaking we see who is action crossing the border is a military age men I don't know if I'm going to watch this quote but there was a I don't even know if it's a quote or if it was just a send a message on social media but it really stuck with me and the idea is this that when you are trying to to flee from War when you
trying to flee from from bad conditions then you take your family with you
but when you're going to war
you don't you as a single or as a as a military age man when you enter a country illegally without your family you leave them behind it's not about protecting that it's about what you plan to do here against us in the United States of America
this next story is obviously very very sad it's one that I was hard to read and it's funny because even the author Michael Snyder know today was hard to write after what he had read I'm not going to read most of it I'm going to just touch on on the basic points but I do want to at least lead in with Michael Snyder's article TV evil on a scale that I don't even know how to describe this is not an easy article to write in fact it would probably be easier if I did not write about this at all but if we do not speak out that is a victory for evil so I'm going to share some truly horrible things with you in this article everything that I'm going to share comes from mainstream news source but I have to warn you in advance that the material is not for the faint of heart so if you do not want to read about the sexual violence in a mosque has been committing you should stop reading now I do not really want to write about this stuff because these acts are evil on a scale that I don't even know how to
describe but we must expose the truth because the future of the nation of Israel hangs in the balance much of the world is enthusiastically supporting a mosque and they need to understand why they should stop supporting these extremely wicked monsters even here in the United States there are a lot of people that are passionately cheering on Hamas and want them to win this war
if you are one of those people what in the world is wrong with you and it's a good place to stop because I'm not going to get into the into the and I stopped at the top of the article I'm not going to get into the Hideous acts I don't want to talk about it I don't want to read it inside out of cowardice is not because you know I'm a prude I don't want you guys to to be exposed any of that stuff is because I want you to research it yourself if you have not seen the interviews if you not have not read the article seen the read the descriptions that eyewitnesses gave
it was this was not a cortical terrorist attack because that's not it's worse than that if you can imagine this wasn't just about killing people this is about taking people humiliating them especially women and girls humiliating them making them suffer as much as possible this is this is a hatred that goes far beyond do we want our land back you guys are colonizers and that's the part that I don't understand I mean I really don't I don't understand how there is this disconnect between the pro Hamas supporters and those who who
I'm have I'm struggling here because it makes me angry to know that some of my fellow Americans approve this stuff and here's the thing and pay very close attention you don't have to be do you know if you oppose Hamas and you must be a scientist or whatever I I don't care if this was North Korea attacking South Korea Orville South Korea attacking North Korea
when you look at the actions of these monster these animals
that did what they did they came across the border not to send a message of of we want we want our land back they sent a message of we want to to eventually kill before we kill we want to humiliate and cause the severe as possible pain to Jews as we can that is the message that they sent that's the actions that they took
okay I mean this this sort of stuff is unprecedented in modern history this is the type of stuff that took place when barbarians ROM from from Village to Village raping and pillaging that's exactly what happened in those they should be behind us and for most societies for most for most people it is behind behind them but apparently I forgot one more quick note there are those who will try to differentiate between Palestinians and Hamas but you can't and I'm not going to throw out the whole they elected a monster for the responsible that's not a good argument what is a good argument is that we saw that there were hundreds of thousands of people that were cheering him a saint in the streets we seen that that they are hiding from us
hiding the hostages if this were truly over the Palestinians are evil and and their oppressors are Israel you know if it'd been in so so they're just nothing should ever happen to them the totally innocent they did nothing wrong and I want to be clear I'm not suggesting that that they should be punished for what the what am I said I don't want to say that but I'm going I'm trying to oppose the opposite angle which is that all you know the Palestinians the Palestinian people have no no part of this if that were true then they would be able to recognize hey look at what how much just did to those people look at what Hamas is currently still doing to these women these girls
they're still a mean it's it's conspicuous and for obvious reasons why they seem to be releasing all these hostages but they just had me keeping the ones that are between the ages of 11 and 30 the women
why do you think that is
we seen reports heard reports from the few the few women of I guess you could say Hamas torturing age the few women that have been released they're not okay okay they weren't they weren't just thrown into a dark room and and fed little bit of food and water and no they were raped constantly
these are not your average of people taking political prisoners or even hostages even me we've seen in the past we seen hostage situation in the past is extended for for long periods of time that they did not exceed include the sexual humiliation and violence perpetrated against the women and in some cases the men that's not that's not how these situations pan out except for with Hamas and Isis before them
that that was commonplace for Isis they would take sexual hostage they mean to invoke a Haram
these for whatever reason these evil radical Islamic terrorists are just out to send a message of we're going to kill you that's not evil enough for them they want to leave a message in the Palestinian people aren't out there saying hey you know Israel we got some people here we got some Hamas how much people here that are holding hostages you don't see that very much has happened but you do see some there are there are Palestinians who are assisting Wiley assisting Israel
there aren't a lot of them but I would say there's not even a majority of the majority of them want the majority of Palestinians want Hamas to win the majority of Palestinians want Israel to be wiped off the map do not exist they want Jews gone or dead either way they don't care
so don't give me the whole innocent Palestinian thing are there any some Palestinians absolutely okay they were probably innocent members of Westboro Baptist Church
okay they were just there they just have to be maybe a family member got them in and they said they were just fine and normal and not not crazy in in bigoted
they're probably normal people nice knowing people who were active members of the KKK your or even antifa or whatever but I'm trying to make it so that you can't just say that that Palestinians are completely innocent in this because they're not
I know that's going to get a lot of people complaining I'm sure I'm going to get going to get emails do you know is to go to j.d. talk to send me a direct message
going to get people's saying a know you were as I noticed your your this day out of the other I'm a human and as a human I cannot abide by
watching in and saying and doing nothing about people that are that are kidnapping beating raping and murdering other human beings and doing it
let's go to break I think it's probably best let's go to a break because I'm going to start start spitting in person here if I don't don't move on to the next story soon I'll be right back
what are you concerned about ESG funds being pushed by your financial advisor or Central Bank digital currencies that are rising across the globe is fake looting here in the United States of America or dollars a shins push to remove dollar as the world's Reserve currency the petrodollar people shipping two nations are shipping to other forms of currency to do their business why because they don't trust the dollar and neither should you can I'm not a financial advisor but I do understand that when it comes to return when it comes to wealth protection to saving your life savings and self you should be working with a Christian company one that's going to treat you fairly when it's going to be honest with its focus on customer service and one that's not trying to push a $5,000 or $10,000 in free silver on you because that's just not real check out Genesis Gold group at JDR that's Jenny are gold
cam today
after that that very
very discouraging story that that really chaps my khakis let's go to a yeah let's go to I wouldn't even call it a palate cleanser it's not even really feel good stories just positive movement as the momentum regarding all of these crazies that are out there right now he's he's promised called members going City to City College to college chanting from The River To The Sea I want to be very crystal clear about one thing when it comes to protected speech it's all protected folks all of it if it's not illegal it's not illegal it's protected when it comes to government the first amendment is designed to prevent the government from being able to suppress our speech that's it that's it in that regard them as close to 8 as a free-speech purest as as they come without going to the extent of allowing laws to be broke and then I always have to throw out this example because people died
what would be an example of of what you would consider to be needed not legal speech
so let's say a jilted boyfriend besides you know what I'm going to take a naked picture of my girlfriend ex-girlfriend I'm going to post it and I'm going to post your address and then going to to declare that she does not own a firearm and that she's normally sleep in these times and and her perky can be found at under the this particular door for this particular Rock and I hear your alarm code okay so obviously that's contributing to a crime you can't say I was just free speech Free Speech no that's not sure your weather the even if the crimes ever committed then in that hypothetical situation that's still an attack on her on her rights that is against the law. It's a crime and therefore it's not protected him to free speech more specific or more more directly related to the topic at hand if somebody wants to go out and chant from the river to the Sea
Soviet it's the right okay from a legal perspective they can say that for me government perspective they can say that they should do they cannot and must not be allowed to be arrested for for sale
pretty much anywhere is it hideous Shore calling for the genocide of of a people calling for 4:10 to be booted from their land yes that's that's that's hideous and stuff but it's not illegal to say now if somebody would instead say hey there's a Jew we should go kick his butt and you know that person doesn't participate in that but that person ends up getting their butt kicked yeah that is not protected speech you know I was just making a suggestion
constitutional laws that that have I've been very clear about this you can say pretty much anything you want from a legal perspective as long as it doesn't cause direct an actual harm or we need to have a reasonable expectation that a cannon and would cause
reasonable are the cause actual harm so he wants to hurt your feelings with their speech is protected folks sorry I no go go cry to mama if you have to but I would recommend just saying something even meaner or not listening at all or going away or making them go away or something I don't know don't don't cry Free Speech anyway we don't cry for you if I cry Free Speech all day when it comes to private institutions they do have the right to to have codes of conduct they have the right to have rules of for whatever and just as an example of that you know my kids are adults and we live in America if they ever come over to my house even as adults I can tell them as my rule that I do not want them cursing in my house
okay it's I'm not I'm not a pressing them I'm not by government dictator or using the law to prevent them this is my domain my house I can make that code of conduct request or even demand
so that's that should be hopefully that clears everything up before we get this straight cuz I got in this kind of a feel-good story comes from Brandon culture over at Daily Caller donation over president's remarks during Congressional hearing a donor to the University of Pennsylvania is withdrawing a donation of roughly one hundred million dollars awesome response to its presidents Congressional testimony Tuesday now by to set the stage on Tuesday the other university presidents from University of Pennsylvania Harvard and MIT I'm all women and they all failed miserably and answering just very basic questions you know is it harassment to call for genocide the pans means is they have to act upon it and I kept wanting I wanted at least the stefanik to say hey so what you're saying is that it's only harass
if they actually engage in genocide in otherwise they can say whatever they want they can call for genocide but unless they commit genocide unless unless Sally Sue over there goes and kills a race of people then otherwise she's fine with what they were saying and it's funny cuz cuz one of them lives Miguel over it you can't she is come groveling I mean growling growling and I'm not going to put it here now you know it should have been I didn't answer the question right and blah blah blah blah blah funny in those this 2-minute video not once did she say the words of apology or sorry or anything she did not apologize whatsoever in fact seems as if she was kind of lame in the school you know all of the presidents before me and yada yada yada know this was you you were the one that was sitting there in front of Congress and basically saying well unless you commit actual genocide and then it's not harassment and rash
because we're not talking about Free Speech hate speech anything like that were talking about harassment codes of conduct at these universities and that would should can and should be considered harassment okay if you're a Jew walking down down the sidewalk and there's a huge group of people calling for the genocide of your people and yes you are being rest okay again Free Speech legally they can say it but as far as code of conduct at these universities there's
that that should be considered harassment prima facie I mean there's there's no way around that. Now with that said be clear even though it is harassment I would never hope that Congress or any any government body would go after these universities for not enforcing that again this comes down to that's not their role
K you can't force the University of the government can't force the university to even and they are two to act upon their own codes of conduct
we don't want government involved in anything thank Lee we have people like this guy with the name Ross Stevens live Rush Stevens a major donor he's acting with his pocket book and that's how it should be. It should be private citizens who who is justice
against these woke College professors including UPenn president Liz McGill hard-pressed Claudine gay in Massachusetts of Institute Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT MIT and they refused I refuse to answer weather calling for genocide against Jews on campus was a violation of their codes of conduct Stevens founder and CEO Stoneridge Asset Management decided to pull his donation Thursday I'll let you in the school violated the terms of the donation by violating anti-discrimination in anti-harassment policies okay we as a as a company is an organization we are not allowed to donate to those who who are discriminatory we cannot donate to those
or work with those who engage in harassment you guys are so we got to pull pull our funds a hundred million dollars you know in the scope of government today unfortunately that's just not a lot of money but before University evenings Rich Ivy League schools that's a that's a that's a smack in the behind right there big time for this letter to you Penny says it's permissive approach to hate speech calling for violence against Jews and laissez-faire attitude toward her discrimination against Jewish students would violate any policy of rules that prohibit harassment and discrimination based on religion including those of Stoneridge and our policy is that you have to face it by by your policy and you're not you're you're you just didn't you're allowing your allowing this and I hate the fact that use the word hate speech are the term hate speech but it is what it is
Stockyard the large donors have been withdrawing from Elite universities following their responses to anti-Semitism on campus Jon Huntsman Jr
Jon Huntsman huntsman Jr a UPenn elements and with an estimated net worth of 1 billion dollars condemned the University's silence regarding a massive attack against Israel and hold the donations UPenn but Bill did not refer to him as a terrorist organization until after prominent donor Huntsman said his family would stop donating to the university if you you want to be pro-palestinian pet pro-palestine fine I describe if I got no problem with that but if you can't
declare that Hamas which is the most blatant and obvious terrorist organization in the world based on the fact that they commit terrorism
duh you can't call them terrorists then who are in adventure if you go back you can probably find where where Mcgill and and her cronies have called you know those people Grandma's at the school board meeting they probably agree that all those are domestic terrorists okay they have no problem throwing her out the terrorists phrase when they're referring to to conservatives are Christians the by golly an actual terrorist group. That's a political protest organization or whatever it is they want to call them it's it's a joke it would be funny
but it's not missile joke
the Wesley Foundation founded by billionaire Les Wexner stop donating to Harvard University following the University's response but McKellen gay backtracked on their statements on the on that hearing and clarify that calling for the genocide of Jews is not acceptable on campus following backlash following backlash following backlash
there are times like I've said this before if we are going up against for example the world economic Forum the World Health Organization there's not much that we can do we just need to prepare we need to to try to go through political means or other very I guess you could say higher levels and we need to pray against them we need to to alert people we need to get prepared and all that stuff when it comes to stuff like this we can actually act and backlash is good and there's just not enough from the from the right okay we get to cheer all the time we see on the stories about how do you know protesters is there so look you know that this billionaire pulled his money from the school and yada yada yada that's great but why is it taking so long number one number two why is there not more of this
these are mostly leftist almost all of them globalists act with impunity to have no fear of repercussions they're starting to get some at least here in these Ivy League schools okay so that's good we need a lot more when you 10 times 100 times as much of this
as I noted a thousand times before I'm not a fan of talk I'm a fan of action you might say well since you got to talk shows aren't you a fan of talk as long as this is my form of action talking to you guys asking you begging you to get involved what I do on my non are time I think I can be deathly construed as action but I also like to go on the ear try to get others to do the same tired of going to protest where there's a dozen a dozen of us and and you know two dozen press you know I'm tired of going to protest where I'm staying with 20 people where the counter protesters were able to muster a hundred
I'm tired of I want you guys out there with me
that's why do we shows
tackle stores like these it's not just about going out and protesting it is about withholding your money don't shop at Target it's not just about not drinking Bud Light good for you you decided not to drink of crappy beer okay but don't go to Walmart don't go to Target support local by local know the people that you're buying from is it going to cost a little more ubetcha is it worth every penny yes it is
find it within yourself to act whether it's how you buy where you go protest what you go protest how you go protest if you just sitting back on Twitter and saying all this socks you should not really helping I assure you so but thankfully we're done we're done with your stupidity and so there was finally some action being taken against these woke schools
chestnuts roasting on an open fire children being sniffed by Chris Christie a. If you're in the room when Eric swalwell you'll find it hard to breathe tonight they know that Trump is on his way you're close the border on the first day they had their whole plan will have backfire when we tell crooked Joe yep fired and so I'm offering this simple phrase will say it from now until the end
though it's been said many times many ways make America great again he really is Sam frost really is a truly talented. If anybody knows anybody knows where is podcast is please leave that in the comments because regardless where you are if there are I didn't know that would be crazy how much time I spend if you do want to find out where you can find me where we're updating it a lot we are on the in the process of negotiating deals to be on two different radio stations that one in Tennessee in one in Southern California I trust your radio stations Chris Perron wwcr shortwave radios or reaching reaching across the world hello in all those folks not here we love you too already on bitchute and Rumble are on my primaries
find me by going to JD shows that's shady Rucker. Cam shows plural because there is more than one even though it's the same one and all the water I even have a YouTube channel believe it or not and I put some stories are some of my videos actually go up on YouTube very few you know if I'm talking about like vaccines a crap I just said the word vaccines up to this video can go up on YouTube you kept the idea to mention the stolen election if you denounce climate change we talked about about transgenderism it's theirs are all crowns for them to to get rid of you and I think it's like 450 other ways that they can kill you off of YouTube I try to just post the things that are that are safe and approved by the Google regime whenever I post them to to YouTube so the whole lot over there but you still find that channel and everywhere else go to shows
this actually is one that's what made me laugh it made me laugh because they do they being pretty much everybody in the in the cabal whether that's government's corporate media Academia the Deep state in general they they just think that all of us are stupid and I know that there are stupid people all across America thankfully none of you are my audience has been demonstrated proven scientifically speaking to be the most intelligent audience in the world so I appreciate you all very very very much for this article from axios it's a scoop okay scoop they got they got they got this one all by themselves they didn't need any help nobody nobody nobody there to help them they did it themselves it's a scoop top border officials say releases attract more migrants to let me get this breaking news straight okay cording to
top border officials because they are the experts because they are the experts and according to I guess everybody else in the entire planet because we're all experts on this regard according to this they're saying that if you let illegal aliens come into the country
and then you release them once they get to the country that other people in other countries who want to become illegal aliens here will be more likely to do something this attracts them sacks the scoop
well I'm sure your mind is blown mine is it's it's all over the screen right now it's it's an ugly sight according to article by step wffw kite border patrol Chiefs have acknowledged to Congress of the release of migrants into nearby communities is an incentive for others to attempt illegal border crossings according to transcripts obtained by axios Republican demands for changes to border policies including the legal mechanism known as parole that allows some migrants to be released in the US and let's be clear it's just so so this is important for those who aren't familiar for illegal aliens is not anywhere near the same thing as as Parole in the in the regular justice system the justice system that applies to two American citizens with parole it's basically a judgment call that says hey this person has no legal right to be here
I bought because of circumstances we're going to let us stay that's parole as far as it pertains to immigration law and that's the way it's been used to base allow people hate you know you are you're here you're filing for Asylum so we're going to to Grant you parole until your Asylum hearing of course under President Donald J Trump that wasn't the case President Donald J Trump we had to stay in Mexico policy which is okay you want to apply for Asylum great we want we want to offer those who deserve it and those who who qualify for we do not offer you Asylum until you're granted Asylum have to stay on the other side of the board that was his policy of course Joe Biden replace that got rid of it and we should say his his handlers got rid of it and then and now we are we are
and so they're saying that Republicans have used this to just all the Senate's hundred and eleven billion dollar emergency packets for Ukraine is real the indo-pacific and border security I understand that all of these things are are connected in some way especially as it pertains to the border right because we are having Hamas terrorists cross the open border that's so that I guess that pertains to the Israel we should be helping them coordinate many Republicans this has me going to many Republicans we should be sending them a so that they can get rid of the Moss to kill more of them so that fewer of them are crossing over to become sleeper cells in in feets are terrorists and of course with Ukraine there's something there that's that's all irrelevant and then indo-pacific I'm sure there's something there I mean we have a lot of people from the indo-pacific region Coming to America through Mexico for some strange reason
forty or fifty thousand that we know of are coming from China to worry about right and then they turn on border security this is where I go all the way back to Matt gaetz d d initial discussion when he was really talking about hey you know before he got got Kevin McCarthy out he was saying look let's just let's build and everything let's just take a bit by bit piece by piece why do we have to bring everything together this is not been the case for a while it has been the case for a long time but this wasn't the original go down that okay you want to find this let's build on that we're just now it's like okay so what do you all need funded let's throw it in the bucket and let's vote yea or nay on that bucket doesn't matter what's in it cuz there's going to be something that I want then it's I'm going to vote yes there's probably going to be something he wants in it so he's going to go yes it was going to be something she wants in it so she's going to vote Yes and we all get our wishes and we all raise the the national debt and our budget deficit
in some cases at least that's what it seems like considering that we are now at about $100,000 in debt per American. American not adults not working adults not tax-paying adults that includes the the newborn popped out today that newborn has is is born with $100,000 national debt and that and that newborns name congratulations America congratulations Washington d.c. anyway point is is that they do think we're stupid that there is a problem obviously and we don't need a scoop for Max used to tell us this we just need to make sure the more Americans are aware of how bad it is everybody knows there's a problem to cover that earlier everybody knows was a huge, the board will just got to tell him how big the problem really is so they will act and vote accordingly
well in temporary good news good news in that sits going to get people excited and think about all maybe this it may be the right one it's probably going to be long-term it'll be bad news because of in might not it will almost certainly not do anything of substance but hey at least four for now for the next day or two we can celebrate because Hunter Biden has been indicted again 9 times actually had a California of all places, for now he's got nine more charges filed against them gluten-free felonies so take me to take another Swing Swing number 15 at the vine crime family just in the last year or so and see maybe we've got something to stick now there is a reason why this might actually be something of a benefit that this might actually turn into something of importance and I'll get to that here in a minute first one to get the story posted over ads
the Liberty on Thursday night Hunter Biden faces nine more charges including three more felonies cuz I posted a job I may have have to whip out the presidential pardons soon as his son is facing even more charges including three felonies but actually the charges point two and a quote and extremely extremely probably hundreds of thousands of dollars on quote adult entertainment I wonder what that I wonder what that could possibly be and I hope that they don't have to bring that out in court but then again who knows Colin rugger over in Twitter noted Hunter Biden has been charged with nine federal tax crimes in the central district of California hunter Biden allegedly engaged in a four-year scheme and spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills and quote Hunter engaged in a four-year scheme. I did not pay at least at least one point four million dollars in self assess
federal taxes that he owed for tax years 2016 through 2019 from in or about January 2017 through in or about October 15th 2020 through 2018 we file false returns in or about February 2020 with normal people you would say wow that's you know that's what Mary would say just don't mess around okay and they might they might be okay with BLM burning down buildings and an antifa no attacking journalists and somebody goes in and they say robbed a convenience store or or whatever justice department they are generally okay with that but can you try to stiff the US government on a tax bill and it's game over man it is game over unless your course by which case this is probably not going to amount to anything but am I
we'll see when the actual report by the sun President Biden is facing new legal challenges in California as he was recently indicted on nine charges related to tax evasion according to recently revealed documents charges against Hunter season 6 misdemeanor adding to his existing legal troubles is already grappling with federal firearms charges and Delaware related to the purchase of a firearm in 2018 during which he was known to be struggling with substance abuse issues yes everybody was and probably still is a crackhead
the reason indictment filed in the US District Court for the central district of California alleges that Hunter Biden was involved in a 4-year scheme to evade paying at least 1.4 million in federal taxes between 2016 and 2019 by and spend substantial sums on which the indictment described as an extravagant lifestyle including memberships in sex clubs and over $188,000 on adult entertainment 188,000. I don't know you personally but I know that many men most of you don't make $188,000 in a year let alone know how much how much Hunter Biden the entire by Biden crime family have been making during that time we spent $180,000 that they know of this is when they can trace probably does include cash purchases or anyting else $188,000 on a Delta entertainment that's strip clubs folks
Smith prostitutes that sex toys at sex clubs
the dude is just messed up you know that Ashley Biden's messed up we have to wonder what Joe Biden was doing to them I'm not making accusations against the current member residents of the Oval Office but
Ben and that's that family is just screwed up back to the article the documents that Hunter Biden's expenditures escalated along with his income highlighted highlighted that in 2018 alone he spend / 1.8 million dollars on very expensive expenses such as cash withdrawals payments to women clothing accessories in miscellaneous retail purchases significantly use funds allocated towards fulfilling his tax obligation for that year crazy this is if he might have thought that maybe Daddy was going to get him out of trouble special counsel David Weis operating through a Federal grand jury in Los Angeles and don't think that they would waste a good guy I'm sure thing that they were forced to to file 9 indictments that means they hit another 99 somewhere nice has been Gathering evidence for potential criminal tax charges against Hunter Biden the son of the president had previously pleaded not guilty to federal gun charges in October in the US
your court for the District of Delaware stemming from Weiss's ongoing investigation why is is not there to investigate why is there to cover up. But it's hard to cover up when you have that much criminal activity when you are that bad of a dude like Hunter Biden this it's almost like if you let everything go then it's clear that you're you're bought-and-paid-for that you're corrupt that you're you're not that mean he's he can't just let every single thing. So he's cherry-picking the ones that that he he he just can't can't look away from you know can't maintain any level of credibility or or withstand any any degree of oversight if you would have let those these crimes go there's another theory is that almost almost there almost there
the other than that it was anticipated that the criminal investigation would conclude with a plea deal witch hunter Biden had initially planned to enter over the summer yada yada yada we know that's my theory is this I believe that if these charges do appear to start sticking that this is the way that Joe Biden is removed I don't think I still think of the global ball like him because they control him because he has access to the type of technology that can help him to steal the 2024 election and that you know he's he's basically he's a he's an open so I mean that they can get rid of him at any moment and nobody's going to question it at all but I think if they were going to try to find an elegant way to get rid of them that's not health-related this will be at they were basically say okay so so he's going to Pardon Hunter everybody's going to turn against him he's got to step down or at least not run in 2024 and then sir Gavin Newsom enter enter Michelle Obama enter whoever to help
not Kamala Harris Howard just not fun to watch but but yeah that's I think a possibility I don't know this could all be legit maybe I may end up in jail cuz he wasn't there on January 6th at the Capitol that's the only thing they charge nowadays let's go to the station identification and I will be back in like 20 seconds.
I I have to I do love doing radio so as much as I appreciate you all my video Watchers it's the radio people that I get the most I don't pay attention but but they tend to attend to help the most when it comes to sponsors will always try to to keep track whether they're they're buying gold or they're buying freeze dried beef they're the ones is the radio listeners honestly they do the most then I'm not trying to again I'm not trying to rip on my my rumble or 8:30 YouTube I don't care about you you YouTube people get shoot or or even Apple podcast I'm not I don't take this the wrong way it's not about oh you know those ones are cheaper or whatever they don't they don't care about America or they didn't like my showing up to something that it's just there's something about terrestrial radio I think it's the people that still listen to it
admittedly I hate to say it I'm not one of those guys I haven't tuned into a a radio station in Forever usually is it's a see if there's weather coming which Southern California there's never weather coming so so it's it's very rare for me I do do like to keep control over what I'm listening to and I can be selective and in so I appreciate that I appreciate everybody who's was like me and those who are those who were listening you listening right now and terrestrial radio then that thank you so much and if you're not listening terrestrial radio thank you so much as well because without a sponsor without Genesis Gold group without without Freedom First beef we would not have a show you know I am not flush with cash by any means if you couldn't tell from my my background is a lamps
I got a website I don't have one of those big sound sound Studios or anything like that I got a I got a lamp and there's a table with the computer on the other side over there so that's that's that that's that's my studio hopefully Lord willing and we'll get bigger but you know what I don't care you know I don't have to have a fancy Studio I just focus on the content that's what what I do
so with that said yeah I've got a got to do a shout out to my wonderful sponsors who will shortly be a company that I I own a piece of that will be free to First be free of her speech., will you can go to get freeze-dried long-term storage shelf stable beef real be all American beef no mRNA Jabs ever no fake beef ever no crickets ever see the place that we make and you can get 15% off I mean that means it's expense we don't want to sign beef crumbles we're selling freeze-dried ribeye New York strip Tender Loin sirloin the good stuff the stuff that if the apocalypse comes anytime soon you'll be ready if they start start outlawing beef which it seems like they're getting closer and closer and closer to doing you will be ready by going to Freedom First taking 15% off of your order by using promo code jader we are expanding it would have the major blessings lately as far as from a
perspective it's been been good we have been expanding or into a third building now as far as a production facility we picked up another Rancher to help us meet the demand because there's a lot of people that want their seen the writing on the wall so I don't care whether you listening on radio or rumble or bridie on or B shooter Apple podcasts or wwcr radio or any of the other places where where I'm apparently my voice is apparently reaching please take a moment to go to Freedom First use chemical JDR check out take 15% off and start stocking up on on that long-term storage be high quality stuff there I actually eat it semi-regularly you know I don't know the only reason I don't even more like why am I eating in today when I can can still at least for now still go to the store and get me my my fresh ribeye it's not better than a fresh ribeye but it's definitely better than the prepper what is a beef crumbles
beef chunks or whatever else whatever else is selling not trying to lose nothing wrong with that if your goal is to survive my goal is to thrive during what her Apocalypse of times are ahead of us speaking of which because it really kind of puts into it puts into perspective how bad things have gotten economically speaking he runs a lot of a lot of sites and the American dream the economic collapse blog if you can't tell she definitely is is into that hole and they call it fear poor and I don't want it I ain't saying that cuz it's not really he's not trying to just scare people is not fear my this is what you truly believe I believe that Michael Snyder is extraordinary sincere with his proclamations of Doom and Gloom and today at least you're now going into 2024 that's certainly
like his his current projections is current predictions are are looking pretty darn accurate pedal this one is it now cost 3.4 million dollars to live quote the American dream and the gap between the wealthy and the rest of the rest of us is bigger than ever now look up I have never been one of those you're taking on the Socialist mentality of of you notice the rich vs poor you know I take more along the lines of it's Us Versus Them Patriots versus the evil ones the globalist the the powers and principalities the powers-that-be the liberal world order the new world order whatever you want to call the bad guys Klaus Schwab George Soros Bill Gates Barack Obama Anthony fauci
the Rothschilds
counselor inclusive kabbalism if you're not familiar look it up cancel for inclusive capitals and we're talking about about the the challenges, challenges we are having here in America other people if you're not in America you probably experiencing and that much of the same as not even worse took her in the article for a long time it's been clear that the middle classes being systematically destroyed the cost of living has been rising faster than paychecks have for years and this has pushed millions of Americans into poverty as for those who were already impoverished many of them are being pushed out into the streets according to the Wall Street Journal homelessness in the United States is increasing at the fastest rate ever recorded in 2023 anyone that thinks we we do not have a major problem on our hands simply has not been paying attention at one time living the American dream was a goal of the vast majority of Americans could achieve aspire to cheat but now it is Out Of Reach for most of the country in fact airport that was
please conclude that now takes 3.4 million dollars for the typical us household to live the quote unquote American Dream over the course of a lifetime and that report comes from Daily Mail not the Wall Street Journal News comes from Daily Mail they say the so-called American dream is The Benchmark the many people hope to achieve in their lifetime getting married buying a home in Dorr and a car and raising children new analysis has found that achieving these Milestones now cost a staggering three 3455300 and $5 much more than most Americans will make in their lifetime what's the biggest amount is for paying off a mortgage on a property the average home buyer will Fork out $796,998 going to Investopedia assuming a 10% down payment on a 30-year fixed loan at 7.2% interest and unfortunately for those who are not currently home home buyers Home Mortgage today trying to
into a house is becoming much much much much harder and more expensive so back to Michael Snyder are you going to make 3.4 million dollars during your working years if not the American dream is not for you sorry today is only those that are at the very top of the food chain that are thriving Once Upon a Time in America has the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world but now the top 1% controls more wealth than the entire middle class in this comes from USA Today I'll let this publication I'll be able to pay truth truth or truth facts are facts and I've heard that only about 68% of of Statistics are made up so we can still still count on 32% of them being accurate 30 years ago America is celebrated classic Man twice as much wealth as the upper one percent is 30 years ago so within the lifetime and most of my listeners
over the years the rich have grown steadily Richard the top 1% caught and passed the middle class and then Collective wealth in late 2020 fed data shows the top 1% of American earners now control more wealth than the entire nations middle class back to Schneider
this is why do people ask why is there so much money allowed in politics is because there needs to be so much money a lot of politics or the people that have the money to maintain themselves to maintain their wealth to reason why people like like Jamie dimon up at JPMorgan Chase or Larry Fink over at Black Rock in all the wall streeters there's a reason why they're migrating over toward toward Nikki Haley they can control her they know this they know everything to know about her she will be extraordinary favorable to them you might think will why don't they like Joe Biden me answer that is because they don't think Joe Biden can win now watch if say Gavin Newsom or somebody else Pops in the mix maybe they pull away from from old neocon Nikki and go go gravitate towards somebody that they think on the Democrats side my win but until then she is there their knight in shining armor they don't want Trump is bad for business bad for the
it was bad for me for the Uber rich and they don't want they don't think I could win they would go for Biden if they thought he could win they don't think he can win with a definite don't want Kamala Harris and they're okay with me taking the entire nation in a matter of weeks I'm not kidding not exaggerating either come on Harris as president of the United States and we would not we would have weeks left until the collapse came it would be crazy to Michael Schneider power and wealth are highly centralized at the keyword the gap between the wealthy and the rest of us is now bigger than ever so good luck trying to live a middle-class lifestyle in this environment do you want to buy a couch well exact same couch that would have cost you $799 in 2019 will not cost you $1,599 in this is again according to the Daily Mail on interior what they're saying is an interior designer has revealed and Ikea couch that used to cost
$199 in 2019 is now four years later Glend a small business owner base in Los Angeles went viral on Tik-Tok after switching somebody's video about stitching LOL just Marx video about the Swedish Furniture giant Crazy Prices Mark construction the home decor experts pointed out that Ikea is Finola sofa and chaise now cost a whopping $1,599 saying he wouldn't pay more than $700 for it
well that's bad
that's really about you know I've seen in I'm sure everybody's seen examples it's not an isolated sending its isolated to the furniture industry of the food industry or they do you know whatever we're seeing across the board folks or sing it with clothing and my white literally just bought the same thing cuz I'm a simple guy right there's a certain certain types of jeans that I liked and she just tell if it ain't broke don't fix it so fraid of the bottom she just buys me the same ones over and over again the same thing with shoes to do that we're seeing that if you do if you're like me and you're buying the same things that you can buy for years but you're finding is that you're paying much much much much much much much more okay I'm saying you know compared to comparative Lee like go for like 10 years ago 25 years ago there was a modest increase in the expected increase from 5 years ago till till today and all the sudden it's like holy crap it's in a completely different ballpark
does that make sense now it does not accept if you think along the lines of that failure another was if you think wow the Bible seems really failing they're really blowing this then you still can't put it still doesn't quite come together right of how everything everything can be shift it's like that case of seismic shift to see change in the way things are priced so no matter how bad it is policy how about his policies are no matter how many mistakes he makes its and how could it be that wrong
but here's the thing if you think along the lines of maybe he's not failing maybe his handlers I should say it's not really him maybe his handlers aren't failing maybe they're doing in accomplishing exactly what they set out to do maybe this is why the 2020 election was stolen because they needed somebody who's willing to to do whatever they said somebody like Joe Biden they could have done this with Bernie Sanders okay. Bernie Sanders wouldn't have allowed things to get like this and I don't like Bernie Sanders okay but I'm saying there's a reason why he was essentially he had the nomination almost locked up after the first three or four primaries in 2020 K going into the into the Super Tuesday the 1st super Tuesday he was done it he was going to to to clear the table he was going to leave no doubt Joe Biden not placed higher than six place or so in anywhere other than South Carolina leaving up to Super Tuesday
but they decided because he didn't do well on Saint in South Carolina they decide of the power to be said you know what we can't have Bernie it's got to be Joe so somebody get budajudge on the line somebody get get a Klobuchar on the line so you know all these get to get those two to listen to start with those to get them out of here okay make them go away make whatever promises you need to make whatever dirt you have to dig up to threaten to get them out because we need Joe to do well I'm Tuesday he's not going to do well if he's got to go against the people that are actually doing better than him currently
they're doing better than himself we can talk me them Bernie can have all the crazy crazy radical leftist vote we try to consolidate the the non crazies behind Joe and maybe we can pull this off that was the plan that's exactly what happened to judge was in until we're sure we're both ahead of mine at the time they're only behind Bernie at the time
why why do they drop out
before super Tuesday keep in mind keep my closures home state was coming after super Tuesday she had no reason to drop out she did cuz they wanted Joe they wanted so badly they're willing to to lie cheat and steal to get Joe Biden to be the nominee and that's exactly what they did now looking at the economy looking at at the series of a plan and manipulated as scripted events that have taken place since he's been installed into the Oval Office and it's crystal clear to me I hope it's crystal clear to you and if not do more research read a book or something I don't know what books are in the back of it but that's what they say when people trying to be rude read a book
I'm not trying to be rude I'm just saying look around you can't be this bad unless you're being this bad on purpose as you were to take 100 100 question multiple choice test and you just answer BC BC BC BC or let's say you didn't study for when you try to give your best answers okay that's the type of failure that happens you know like if you're not trying and you'll get 35 maybe 25 maybe 40% maybe you look at him because you have a little bit of of understanding of topping maybe you might get a 50 but you're going to fail either way with the buying hair she has been doing is they've been going through 100 100 question multiple choice test and they've been getting every single one of them wrong
you can't do that it's not possible for you to do that unless you know what the right answers are and you intentionally avoided those it's a matter what it's the board of the foreign policy fiscal policy by the nomics everything they have tried to put out there has failed miserably which means that they know how to how to not fail their intentionally tanking it it's not just Joe Biden really it's not even just the Democrats this is the unit party swamp under the direction of the globalist elite cabal
so when we look at this when we see oh my gosh you're telling me it's going to cost 3.4 million dollars to live the American dream
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this folks but here in five years and a problem if we're still here that number won't be 3.4 million it'll be completely Untouchable it'll be it'll be 30 million three hundred million will be at a level that nobody other than the anointed Elites that the only ones that will be able to afford Stakes the only ones able be able to afford a house or gas everybody else will have to take their Universal basic income not telling you this is a fear Monger I'm telling this is a warning if we are going to fix this we can't wait
you should have been fixing it already and I know a lot of lot of you have tried but now we have to come together we have to figure out what is it that we can do to prevent this I don't want to say I'll just wait until the election until your truck in there that'll fix everything up the election that it's over a year for Trump is even even
I'm inaugurated
over a year now
if we were to wait for the election and that's if the election isn't stolen from me either by the Deep state in the primaries or something else pandemic Panic theater 2.0 war with China something I can happen between now and then there's no given so don't wait act now the best way to ask what do you want to do number one compare yourself make sure can I have the city's get out of suburbs go find yourself a place if you can if you haven't the resources if not try to figure out how to get the resources but get it and get away from the cities make yourself I'm beholden get chickens prepare get ready
I know it's not very but I know that not everybody is capable of doing it physically not everybody is capable of doing it financially not everybody wants to do it maybe you know what I would rather the income and I'm still here with my friends and family then surviving off in the country maybe that's who I don't I'm not trying to I don't I don't I don't plan on anybody's lifestyle choices literally anybody's so he wants to know they can do whatever they want I'm singing my suggestion My Hope Is that we have a whole lot of people that are capable of fighting this when the time comes to fight and I don't care how patriotic somebody is they have to choose between feeding their family
or not if they have to have to roll up their sleeves and get jabbed and stand in a line for government handed their their daily supply of food and that's the only option if they didn't prepare themselves that's the only option they could be the best Patriots ever they could think of that wrap themselves in a an American flag blanket every night
they're still not going to be useful to still going to be beholding the government which means that they're not going to be allies we need allies we need people to either help stop this before it comes to fruition or we need to have people that can rebuild a sports
most importantly if you can do nothing if what's in your situation you can't leave you can't fight you can't prepare at the very least everybody whether you can or not prepare if you if you can or can't prepare at least start praying more and more and more America needs prayers
we all do
we all do that's the most important thing that you can do literally ever
yeah we'll come as a surprise to literally no one in my very intelligent audience that the Central Intelligence Agency is the most embedded into technology of all the various intelligence agencies across the globe they they are at the top know this my based upon any data because data that comes out of the CIA is very limited and limited the amount that we get is probably a lie but we can get it from from them we can look at other data and then figured a the center which is just it is what it is. It's it's it's useful will say if you at if you know what what's look for it was an article over at Zero Hedge that I showed showed what we already know that the CIA is deeply embedded in this technology and perhaps most importantly they are deeply embedded in what can only be assumed is artificial intelligence technology they're using aai2 to crazy crazy things much much more
then what you or I could ever do with AI because we will never be given access to the degree that they have but according to Tyler Durden over at Zero Hedge the CIA Shore looks busy rise of Jennifer today I applications like chat GPT mid Journey or Bard already leads to increased demand in the world's Datacenter networks do do it sometimes have two requirements for the underlying large language models this Computing demand will only increase in the upcoming years and assist in the building of new data centers and expanding the capacities of existing ones at the statistics as statistics is Florian's and shows in the following chart based on 2022 data collected by the commercial real estate company Cushman & Wakefield the race between the global superpower is China and the United States also extends to Data Centers and I'm looking at this chart and spoiling not sit to the United States is pointing to one area in particular that seems to have well the most by far
the most power usage in in mega Watts the most power usage in their data centers and that place happens to be Northern Virginia now anybody knows there's yakamein the location of the Central Intelligence Agency knows that it's conspicuous that Northern Virginia would have such so much more processing power will call it than anywhere else in the world bhakti article highest concentration of data center power capacity in the world can be found in Northern Virginia particularly in the county of Loudoun and Prince William going to an interview with with the vice chairman of real estate service provider CBRE Rob Factory row with radio broadcast for WTOP in 2022 the main reason our tax incentives Superior connectivity and infrastructure well-suited to this resource needs of big server farms in these clothes so you know yada yada yada
is almost 50% of the entire Data Center capacity of the United States he couldn't help but notice that both those for north northern Virginia counties border the cia's Langley h e q in Fairfax County go figure coming in second is Beijing with a capacity of 1800 megawatts Ball by London and Singapore while the greater Tokyo area only ranks fifth for current passing the island nation is on and acceleration path in terms of future projects especially compared to its competitors in the asia-pacific region according to Yadi Yadi at that they're doing something in the question is what okay. Would save you in the recent past where the the machinations the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency were really a major concern to American citizens and threats and maybe their their engagements
some color revolutions here there may be some assassinations here there but hey you know what their worst thing they do is probably probably import opium from Afghanistan and you know we can't do anything about them so why bother
what's day during the 2024 we must concern ourselves with Central Intelligence Agency
pregnant the use of genders of AI and eventually impress you now we don't know we can't we can't know for sure but perhaps even artificial general intelligence which is that's the the big one that's the Skynet taking over the world and killing all humans kind of scenario that will require so much data center capacity that it's it's it's mind-boggling and I'm not going to go into you know I have actually seen some statistics about to why this is the case of why they are pushing so hard for Quantum Computing why now you're IBM is is putting together and Quantum Computing a modular version of a quantum computer
one that will have exponentially more processing power than any super computer on the planet
and that's going to be required if the bad guys weather is the CIA the broader deep State the broader even broader Global Elite cabal whatever they have planned for us it seems it seems almost certain that artificial general intelligence powered by quantum computers utilizing large data centers like what they're what they have already ready and available there in Northern Virginia that that will be the game-changer that would be something that can that can that affect us and you know I always talk try to talk about Solutions here I don't know what the solutions to this one felt so I really don't I really I have no idea okay there times when we can protest house when we can vote as a weekend when we can boycott this boycott that have your boys have the CIA protest Quantum Computing how do you how do you prevent the powers-that-be from developing or perhaps they've already developed artificial general intelligence how do you do any of that stuff
how can I try to the four at this point the best we can do is to to get prepared and pray pray a whole lot because this is getting ugly
it's funny I probably shouldn't have even click the the swoosh by buddy I have it labeled as my swoosh button for people who aren't familiar with the whole reason I do the swoosh it between segments is because it gives me a a nice shopping Point through which I can then take that and turns into a individual clip I've been told I need to put a larger or smaller Clips much more of this I can just say hey here's two hours and go you know that everybody is Glenn Beck doesn't Megyn Kelly doesn't that everybody does it so so I need but since I am I'm not sophisticated or Rich enough to have a full-blown production staff who can sit there and watch and splice it up for me I put in the swoosh swoosh to make sure that I have a an easy to find a breaking point to where I can cut my clips for for later consumption so so that's that I should have swoosh this one though because I've got a story here that applies to the
they had I didn't look ahead I'm dumb I apologize for that dear audience is next week comes from the airport X Nathan that Worcester or is is I think it's it's it's funny because I used to go to Boston all the time and and I think that it would be pronounce Worcester if his car called in a while if you're going by Bostonian pronunciation of the word we're going to go with with with Worcester something Nathan if you're out there give me a call let me know how to actually pronounce your name so I don't I don't put your next time I read one of your stories Economist warns government could be mean bottleneck in a i progress in the reason I had highlighted this isn't because I really want to read a whole lot but it's just the sheer fact that that I would believe I hope I hope you tell me if I'm wrong and tell me always communicate with me at JD talk I would hope that
most of my audience are extremely skeptical of the very least if not completely whole hardly concerned about the advancement of artificial intelligence into society Gaither the risks greatly outweigh the rewards and I'm not going to suggest that there are no rewards I'm not going to suggest oh I'm going to boycott all forms of artificial intelligence you know a i bad just like with any technology there's going to be good and bad applications unfortunately the way that I look at it advancement of artificial intelligence into American society will turn very very very bad very very quickly
we never talked about regulating it is the u.s. government getting their hands all over artificial intelligence and it's over game over man game over but I did want to highlight that not everybody is as concerned that I would argue that the way that it's being pitch to everybody right now I would say I don't know what the person whose are those who are familiar with artificial intelligence in the application I would say a majority of them are not horribly concern maybe they have concerns about certain bad things but otherwise they're looking forward to what this could possibly do in this why I brought up this article about sea no one could be the main problem that can AI progress as if AI progress is it positive thing that was a little bit from the are the headlines often emphasize the danger of Rapid Innovations in artificial intelligence from us conspiracy theorist what Economist told Congress on December 6th at be risks from AI to government or a
wait by the risks of not implementing it fast enough this is from my Samuel Hammond he's a senior Economist with the foundation for American innovation formerly the Lincoln that work and he said managing the are transition will require the government's not only a dab adopt-a-family but may even Force Congress to resync the configuration of our administrative and Regulatory Agencies from the ground up incremental reform is unlikely to the fights he continued to warning that business-as-usual could risk risk government becoming the primary bottleneck to technological progress was speaking at a house oversight hearing focused on the White House has a policy that comes after Joe Biden sign a new executive order on what he called the courts safe secure and trustworthy development and use of artificial intelligence he did that in October two days later the Office of Management and budget the White's house is linchpin for translating its policies into actions by federal agencies issued a draft guide
on the order that was open to public comment until December 5th of the bidens Evo Mr Hammond said he was concerned that it does not go far enough in facilitating government application of a i arguing that the order is constrained by in the excess focus on hypo hypothetical harms and an even deeper failure of imagination is your attention to Google's deepmind which was recently leveraged to identify 2.2 million new critical structure Krista critical Crystal structures what could we have done without that anyway in the their nature nature of the publication that the paper outlining the fighting deepmind researchers described it as an order of magnitude expansion in stable materials known to humanity that sounds like it's probably a pretty big deal to the scientist and Crystal collector is not a guest but but to me that's
it's not a great argument or else we're not going to know what these crystals are misbehaving question whether Regulators are prepared for a coming flood of discoveries made possible by AI is the FDA prepared to handle an order of magnitude increase in drug discovery
gosh I hope they are prepared when I hope you're not trying to get prepared but then again I'm not an economist like Mr Hammond The Economist suggested that at least some tasks performed by the government could be automated though he shied away from suggesting bureaucrats jobs could be eliminated though we don't want to scare because we don't need you they can do a much better job I want to be clear about some I do recognize I know where the certainty that artificial intelligence will be able to do a heck of a lot of things better than humans okay especially when it comes like for example dangerous okay when when it comes to to dangerous consequently comes to things that that are critical and we're human error might might pose a problem solving problems through artificial intelligence we've seen what's in basic artificial intelligence can do when given the parameters in those parameters are very constrained they can come up with things and ideas that we've never done throughout human history I'm talking
something in particular that the game go ancient Chinese game where artificial intelligence was very quickly able to defeat the greatest human possibly who ever lived at the game of go get him handle a thing nine out of 10 games Mario Kart 8 out of town or some like that it was not even close and any of this is somebody who is master the game somebody that other humans cannot beat generally speaking in this artificial intelligence was able to be the most of the time
and the thing that that really intrigued me about that story was the fact that this player said he was seeing moves that he would never have contemplated that he's never seen other people other humans ever, but that is this the power of a i a i n of the box it's almost impossible because we are as human beings we are constrained within her own personal intellectual boxes are on Personal emotional boxes we are a boxed breed of people I don't care how how much you want to paint your hair purple in and do whatever you think is outside of the box eventually the Box just going to Encompass you have we seen by all the people walking around right now wearing purple hair
but I digress that's a whole other topic that has nothing to do with AI but again we will talk about it some of the time the point of this is that are there benefits of course absolutely I would Envision if I were not a skeptic if I would not a conspiracy theorist if I were not a Christian if I work and if if the world hadn't gone crazy in the economy tanked and I had you say save a lot of money and I wanted to open a restaurant I would open an artificial intelligence through an automated restaurant that was able to produce perfect basic foods such as Burgers I would open an automated Burger Joint one that was The Cook's we're machines Artificial Intelligence being able to utilize that you might say all that simplistic but it's consistent to
it's there are certain tasks many of them crashed most that artificial intelligence will be able to do in the superior manner than humans now we could go to the other side of that particular example would I ever want to open say a fancy steak joint that didn't have humans involved course that I don't think that would work very well at least not in the beginning perhaps they can be trained to work better but I still want the Artistry yardistry of humanity I don't want robots artificial intelligence
machines running our lives not because I am scared that they could do a better I know they could do a lot of the better I'm scared that what better is could actually end up being extraordinarily detrimental we've all seen them they want maybe not always been a lot of us have seen the science fiction movies where it seems like so many of them whenever there's a machine involved it's like you know your prime prime directive is only two to protect humans and and they always come to the conclusion after thinking about it long enough and monitoring humans what is to enslave them or you know to to preserve some human all human most humans must die or robot logical he'll kill the people's kill kill kill the air breathers
but that's not far from the truth
as we advance in this extraordinary really concerning technological world
the ease through which they will be able to infiltrate our minds infiltrate our hearts to take control that should concern us even from a Biblical perspective that should concern I've heard theories this wasn't even recently I've heard theories for years that it will be an artificial intelligence and hologram technology that's going to be the the the Beast or the false prophet or whatever I mean I've I've seen all these various Concepts and well I'm not endorsing any of them it seems as if the closer we get to this crazy technology advancement that of of artificial general intelligence powered by quantum computers the more likely it is that we will be at least in part the Bringers of our own demise
night vividly remember the first time I really started liking and trusting Tucker Carlson he was in the middle I was not I didn't sound anything like I might I didn't fully trust my thought he was an opportunist I thought that he would do and say whatever whatever was going to help him Advance know how long I was as it turns out and you know he's probably arguably the best media Fighter for true that we have in America today let's that's not a stretch in the top five between his to say what he truly believes to be the truth then that puts him up in the tippy-top echelon he's a he's the the closest to a Rush Limbaugh that we have currently in American medium well at the time I didn't like him I didn't dislike him it's just you know he was being given that the best slot on cable news at the biggest Network and cable news and I didn't know if he was the right guy
job the the switch for me came at a point where I thought you know this guy might actually be a loose cannon in a good way and I remember the topic was there something about about some sort of foreign this or form that anyways it took her was was basically handing it off to Sean Hannity and Sean Hannity threw in some neocon comment and Tucker gave a visible like what the H what the f you know why would you say that very very not willing to just accept what his time what would be considered his his Superior or his whatever you know the longest longest standing guy there and he wasn't going to take any crap even from Sean Hannity and it smells like maybe I need to give this guy a chance so I started watching I started realizing okay yeah this guy this guy doesn't bow to anyone even Fox News I mean obviously you
job because the end of day he lost because he wasn't willing to bow down and just press the truth the way than they wanted him to that's that's why he's out and now it appears as if he is becoming much more powerful outside of Fox News than he ever was while he was there that's a good thing anybody watched his interview of Alex Jones Thursday night that mean that interview could not have happened if he was at Fox News still
Pinellas Rumours popping up rumors that he may be considered for the vice-presidential Roland's I go you know okay whatever like that's going to happen actually apparently might pull over headline USA Melania Melania Trump pushing Tucker for VPS Trump's loyalty cabinet takes place shape now I want to be clear about something I'm not a big fan of the creating a loyalty cabinet not because I don't want the people to be loyal okay stop because of that is because I don't want them to say nothing if and when Trump's wrong and Trump has been rocking I'm not obvious you support Donald Trump quite a bit but I'm not a sick of paying I'm not going to sit back and say he can do no wrong he's done plenty wrong don't even get me started about the bump stock ban don't get me started about operation Works M or the lockdowns or anything there's plenty that I can play the game initial I could use against Trump but I I look into the the entire he was working so I had some pretty
price of stuff that's why I'm a supporter but with that said I don't especially want people who are just yes man I want them to be loyal to his agenda I want them to be loyal to him but most importantly I want them to be loyal to American that's why I think Tucker Carlson fits the mold perfectly so call me article by Luis Cornelio from Headline USA as the 2024 presidential election looms and polls indicate they strongly from President Donald Trump the formation of an official Trump cabinet is taking shape actually has released a report shedding light on the potential Administration under consideration should Trump reclaim the White House in 2024 I'm in discussions about potential vice president and cabinet members former first lady Melania Trump has shown interest in conservative commentator Tucker Carlson for the top ticket notably Crossing has reconciled with the former president after allegedly criticizing regarding the 2020 election and is widely considered a popular conservative star other individuals in the mix for the vice-presidency include former
toriel Canada Kari Lake Senator JD Vance Ohio governor governor Ohio governor governor Kristi noem from South Dakota and representative Byron Donald's from Florida gnome expressed their Readiness to serve deems fit while representing Donald indicated openness to the possibility as reported by Axial Yeti Yeti Yeti Kamala Harris on the campaign Trail axial suggested that if Crossing were chosen Melania Trump might join the campaign would be awesome and recently gained attention by issuing a warning about the 2024 presidential election citing concerns about the state of the country under President Biden's leadership
attorney Stephen Miller and Kash Patel are also being considered for key roles in this potential Administration Miller speculated to be candidate for attorney general while Patel known for his role in countering claims about Russian Russian involvement 2016 Victory could potentially the CIA or the National Security Council and I like both of those very much both of those options like there's been a lot of commentators revolver has an incredible, turn by the way about why why Tucker is not just the best way for that he's probably the only choice he's the only real choice and they make it a very good point about that trailer parks on board the Johnsons on board board lots of people are on board with this idea now here's why I'm on this is the biggest reason Trump needs for his second term he needs somebody in the vice presidential role that is loyal yes that's important but more importantly need somebody who can tell him no and expressing the way without fear
okay if Trump is about to make a bad decision so the only role really of the vice president is to be the backup quarterback and I guess the only three will be the backup quarterback number to break ties in the Senate okay that's fine the number three in this is this is the big one is to be a guide and adviser
hopefully arguably the most voice for the most impactful adviser to the president on all things of course you got your cabin if you're dealing with with foreign relations you going to talk to your secretary state if you're dealing with with military actions you're going to too many military bases including the Joint Chiefs of Staff you got to talk to you about specific things we seen during the Trump Administration we saw many of those advisors not give good advice don't forget Anthony fauci was Kevin pretty much all the advice when I came back of it it was he going through Mike Pence imagine of Tucker Carlson were there instead of Mike Pence during a pandemic imagine if the person who is helping to filter along with Chief of Staff whoever that would be those are the two people the vice president and the chief of staff of the two people that can essentially filter information up to the present from the cabinet right
I would want to see somebody like Tucker Carlson and I would argue that maybe no one else no one else would be able to do the job as well as him because he will push back against Trump he would be able to say mr. president in this case you're wrong and press most importantly not even perhaps definitely most importantly
Tucker Carlson's the type of person that Donald Trump would actually listen to that's important
that is so important you know unfortunately had Mike Pence in there and Mike Pence was giving bad advice we know this we know that ranks pre was pretty much every chief of staff that he had you going to argue the mark Meadows was good some would argue that he was bad but all the others were bad they were just they were they were not not good Chiefs of Staff in the chief of staff for those who don't know is probably the most powerful overall person in the White House seconds of the the present the chief of staff may be more powerful in the whole scheme of the operations of the company, the country may be more powerful than even the vice president
and if that's my point being said yes I wholeheartedly endorse a Tucker Carlson the vice presidency that would be that would be not to mention he would also be be epic when it comes to the campaign they mention him going up against Kamala Harris could you imagine could you imagine I would argue that if he Tucker as his VP pick that they would get rid of, right there and then there was a no way no way we're going to let let the Kamala Harris I mean she got eaten up by pens and pencils isn't nearly as as charismatic or intellectually stimulating as Tucker Carlson so, Harris will be toast in that regard
the main reason I talk about climate change so often pretty much every show I mentioned least once I think is because as I said before this is in my humble opinion The Skeleton Key the master key through which they will be able to unlock very many doors pretty much all of them when it comes to enacting authoritarian and even totalitarian rule over the masses this is their tyranny key this is how they're able to say you can't do this you can't say that you can't wear this you can't eat that you can't drive there you can't drive this to get there you can't drive this to get there this time got to cool your home only when you actually have to we have to heat your home only when you have so we have to and if some people died along the way you know trying to keep up with all of our our ideas well so be it you know is we got we got to do what's best for mother nature not to be clear I am I am an environmentalist a source maybe that's your traditional environmental Sandlot treehugger per se but I do believe that for example we should be embracing much much much more
nuclear power wind solar least for now nuclear safety inspector has green inexpensive we can take your power and we can power the world with it for now that's some point I am a big fan of eventually taking advantage of these alternative energy is hydrogen for example I'm not talking about from the nuclear perspective about utilizing being able to generate energy directly from water or even sold her head looks solar I believe is the future give it fifteen hundred 250 years something like that on the technology catches up to the point to where to where we can quickly easily inexpensively Harvest sunlight and turn that into electrical energy in an efficient manner let's do that let's let the science guy that the real science of climate science the real science let's let let's let innovation
go let's let it do its thing let's not said arbitrary dates of when we got to be in the electric vehicles by this time we have to be an 80 here and have it you know we've only got five years 10 years 15 years 8 months
we have to get the word out because we cannot very easily fight the powers-that-be that are going up against us using climate change can't boycott the world economic Forum you can't vote out the United Nations it's not within our it something it's impossible but it's not very easy for us to organize around that what we can do though is that we can get people aware that we can have them help other people to get aware we can start exposing continue exposing every day these these these and pay for scientists these these green cult leader politicians these fake news media people that continue to push this false narrative there's an article over at in issues and insights fighter that issues inside stay calm by the editorial board title the Doomsday cult needs to recalculate it's many fail predictions or as I like to say that you need to eliminate them altogether Courtney Article 5 years ago when the California Governor Jerry Brown said with great certainty that quote in less than 5
even the worst Skeptics will be Believers this was 5 years ago and I don't know of any Skeptics that have converted I seen a lot of lot of cultists a lot of climate change has to have been awakened to the reality but I have never known a single person who was a true climate change Skeptics a true one one who did their research figure out what they need to know and then convert it over and became a I called member I don't know of anybody like that not a one I never even heard of it and believe me you would have heard of it will take is one prominent you know climate change denier take one of those turn them into a climate change and every news channel in the world will be broadcasting about that conversion entry into reality or the embracing of science whatever it is they would call for it
wrong as the predictions of the end of snow was wrong just as wrong as Prince Charles and and a o c Al Gore celebrated activist James Jansen and the tiresome will have no Kool John Kerry the clearing we have a few of the 100 months or or was it 12 years or 10 years that it was four years is 500 Days is 10 years back in the seventies and we are going to die if you guys don't start recycling now we got to save the ozone layer or else the Earth is going to be literally toast by 1982 folks this is serious nothing changed
skip to work toast in 1982 or 1992 or 2000 to 2012 to 2022
go to the article that have a century of various Spell climate and ecological predictions 18 of them that were spectacularly wrong yet the carbon of ss to do sales continued to insist that a planetary tragedy is eminent the difference between them and the end of the world called that have have to recalculate the day of the Apocalypse when they are prophecies come and go without incident is that much of the western world has bought into the climate zealots hysteria in other words they haven't the numbers and when people are in that invested it's hard to make them change their mind I mean that you seen there's there's no reason for example that anybody should even remotely consider pushing for lockdowns or pushing for face mask mandates based on these these little spurts of of covid or blue or anything else that pops up is like all of a sudden we've been conditioned so hardcore condition that masks will save us
that there are those who Embrace that wholeheartedly they still wear mass today at Universe nothing going on it's raining Washington dr. Nations pure gas line
and there's enough of those out there when comes climate change that does matter what the science actually says doesn't matter that the predictions are wrong and then wrong and then wrong and then wrong doesn't matter to them they say they feel self-righteous they feel like they must continue the fight no matter how incorrect it is deep down they know it and that's why I spread this information I'm trying to give you guys as much information as you can to try to save these people from themselves save them from their lunacy get them away get them off that that's that false religion of climate change worship
hopefully we can do that let me finish this up we are we are right I see it did not even realize how how close we were to the end of today's wonderful show in addition to the many botched timeline predictions there's also the temperature dashboard warning light message you know I have to I will just a quick side notations and insights I love it it's a real boy have communicated with a couple of them are they do have a way with words I wish I could hire the man that good once we reach back to you on it once we reach a global temperature that is 1.5 degrees C is higher than that of the pre-industrial era whatever that is so hard to Define what that is but anyway we will have arrived at a disastrous threshold of going to the cultists nevermind then there's no such thing as a measurable Global temperature record is unreliable or that 1.5 degrees is not established by science with the number agreed-upon to forge a climate agreement is and that's the funny part when people many people don't realize special the cultist
is Ashley possibly zero science behind the 1.5 degrees Celsius in Kris Theory case and they they claim claim a proven it but they haven't proven anything you haven't came up with that number they needed a number that was large enough that you know once it once it was achieved and nothing bad happened that they weren't fools or at least maybe they've already moved on maybe it's been five ten fifteen years 20 years since they made a prediction so they had to make it bigger they could just so you know if the if the temperature increases by zero one degrees then we're toast they couldn't say that the number had to be small enough this important part had to be small enough to where the sense of urgency was created in their their gas lighting their propaganda their manipulation their brainwashing and indoctrination agenda
the 1.5 was agreed upon again no science behind it here's the funny part
Backyardigans never mind that somehow we have essentially hit the 1.5 degree celsius Tipping Point it at the climate change Holocaust should have already started right now right and at the same time he's Associated Press reports that the world is heading for considerably less warming them protected a decade ago go figure regarding the latter any rational group of people would be cause for a thorough revaluation but not romantic so no Central committee's of zealots con artist corrupt researchers look at Mimi's and political despots both elected and appointed that is forcing the green energy transition will not stray away from him scolding never will and that's why it's important to show these articles that's why it's important to continue to talk to talk about it that's why it's important that you just your chance of ever breaking true whether its fact weather it's reality where there is hate a diction member 5 years ago you said this and now we're 25 years it's been 6 years now and then
nothing happened but if they won't they won't change their minds based upon facts like that then they're lost but there are other people maybe they just haven't heard the real facts may be telling her the truth
maybe those people should be watching the J D wrecker stop every Monday through Friday
everybody should well that's it from issues and these sites and it bends good for sure I will be back very soon with another episode strong they say

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