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JD Rucker Show, December 7, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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Laura Loomer and Why the GOP Establishment Must Be Taken Down

Title: Laura Loomer and Why the GOP Establishment Must Be Taken Down


The Republican Establishment wing of the UniParty Swamp is arguably more dangerous than the Democrat wing. At least Democrats are transparent about their machinations to destroy the nation. RINOs who run most of the GOP are more cunning, saying one thing during campaign season and then doing the opposite when they're actually in office. Congressional candidate Laura Loomer knows this first-hand. After two election cycles where she had to work against her own party on top of taking on Democrats, she can attest to the standard operating procedure within the GOP to pan America First candidates even if doing so puts another Democrat into office. Ronna Romney McDaniel and Mitch McConnell have demonstrated this time and again. On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I'll be playing an interview I had with Loomer. I'll also be discussing what the Republican House must gain if they're going to negotiate a debt ceiling raise with Democrats.

Recorded: January 27, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

this podcast is sponsored by paint your life as a gift for her husband Dana Gibson went to to have a portrait hand-painted of their beloved dog that they recently lost my reaction to this fine painting that I got from Dana was extraordinary it just gave me butterflies in my stomach to see my beloved dog that I've had for years and such a lifelike picture this holiday season give someone you love an original painting done by hand from any photo at a price you can afford a special person your children even a cherished fat in a painting done by hand by a world-class artists at don't wait because right now get 30% off your painting plus free shipping just text the word gift to 87204 order now to guarantee delivery for the holiday text gift to 87204 that's a gift to 8720 for my texting is 7204
well the shows about to start and I wanted to do I nobody has their little countdown with a play music and have cool flashing images my countdown I just wanted to say hi to you and thank you for for being here I want you to if you will subscribe to the channel always important to get subscribers that way of the notifications will also tell you that you can track a lot of stories that are you talking about the day over at the CERN its owner if you want to find me where I am on social media other channels outside the right now you can always find me at JD Rucker. Calm find and that that's got a list of everywhere that I am so check that out we should have a fantastic show for you is always so so stay tuned it starting any second literally right now
hello my friends and welcome to another episode of the J D wrecker show I'm your host J D wrecker and we are very excited to have a guest day technically speaking it was a guess yesterday I did an interview with Laura Loomer we had to get it scheduled in a way that I had to print report it so that is what it is so we'll be able to play that here next segment today I wanted to talk about I guess in in preparation for the the Allure interview I once talked about the GOP and what's they're doing wrong I know I have been obviously very opposed to Kevin McCarthy over well the whole time and I know that he has back said I don't think I said many nice things I think I said one nice thing about him recently where I said he's been he's been a pleasant surprise okay that's the best I can I can say and then only because it's
I shouldn't say even that it's been Pleasant it's just been he hasn't been as bad as I was expecting now we're just getting started so I still expect things to go go down the road of the unit party swap as he is he is wants to do but at least for now so far he has fulfilled his promises promises that he made to the freedom caucus that's that held up many of them held up his his Ascension to the role that he is always wanted to be as Speaker of the House
so what are they going to do what can the GOP do that's a question you know having control of one chamber of of the Congress is not enough to be able to really do a whole lot what is power like in the pass legislation know they do have one area where they have massive power and that is in the go she ate the the looking at raising the debt ceiling that is wearing a lot of times people say oh they got the power of the purse I don't think people understand that fully what that means because we just as an example they had passed legislation to fund the 87,000 IRS agents and everybody was cheering and I'm painting my sometimes that was a symbolic at best you'll still have to get pass legislation that affects my previous legislation will still have to get past through the Senate and the stock to be signed by Joe Biden and neither of those things are going to happen so another was yes they they passed legislation to defund the 87,000 new IRS agent but it
can happen Okay so why is everybody cheer whereas with the debt ceiling that's new legislation that they have to get past which means that they do have power there and I need to use that power to negotiate as good of a deal as possible there's much time I would love for them to have been prepared for this and I already had had ultimatums and everything ready and and legislation to be passed in exchange for raising the debt ceiling there's a lot that they could have done which they have not done and now time is short so they should try to get whatever they can one of the things that they will not go after that it should be going after of course is Ukraine the funding of Ukraine the live it's not funding a ditz money laundering and it's antagonizing Russia
every dollar that lets you I think people think all this is helping Ukrainian people it's not this is not helping Ukrainian people whatsoever all the way that we sent over there is helping some of it is helping a lot of zelinsky and the Ukrainian government the very very very very corrupt Ukrainian government telling them to to get rich it's also helping them to launder money to other people and telling them to launder with what amounts to military aid to other nations sending it nobody's talking about you think of it because we send military 8th and salt is being missiles and everything being shot at Russians it's not the case some of it is actually going to other countries and nobody's talking about that this is why they don't want any transparency that's why they don't want anybody talking about it they don't they don't want anybody to know what the money is being used for they don't want anybody to know what the Weaponry is being used for
it's not with a claim it is
quick way to President Trump come out today and finally make a very bold statement is this is something I've been hoping for for a long time he said first come the tanks then the nukes from calls for cost for war in Ukraine to end
he's right we just were sending 131 Abrams tank so that people go in as 231 tanks folks that's a massive number of tanks that is a massive age shipment and it's not going to go well not for us we're pushing ourselves closer and closer to nuclear war according to President Trump or his article from the post-millennial former President Trump has called for the Warren Ukraine 10 following Joe Biden's announcement that the US will be sending Abrams Tanks to the war-torn Eastern European country
going to a post is there a true social first come to tanks then comes come the news get this crazy war ended now so easy to do he said he has cracked do you know it's nothing easy about it folks it is
it is actually easy to end this is not their sanctions not through through anything like that they both both sides have very few requirements believe it or not they're just being stubborn they're being driven by I would say the global delete cabal is pushing both sides to keep the war perpetuated because the United States and they don't want the war to be perpetuated they want to to whittle down the Russian military forces they want to to perpetuate this. Just for the sake of of aggrandizing the military-industrial complex it's also a matter of distraction song is this is going on there other things that they can do
other plans they can miss you do the things that they can push forward that fewer people are going to be paying attention to because of the war in Ukraine
backyard Vine announced on Wednesday that his administration would be sending off tanks to Aid in the fight against Russia Russian aggression the announcement came shortly after the German Chancellor olog Schultz announced that his Nation would be sending leopard two tanks going to Biden's reply to Jeremy didn't force me to change my mind we wanted to make sure we are all together okay
whatever he continued I'm announcing that the United States will be sending 31 Abrams Tanks to Ukraine the equivalent of 1 Ukrainian Battalion has an entire Battalion at a time with Advance American military force being sent to Ukraine to try to kill as many Russians as possible
this is I can't repeat this enough this is not helping the people of Ukraine is not bringing the war closer to ending is perpetuating the war
they can and should go to the negotiating table figure out what is necessary to keep in mind what we don't understand what I wouldn't say what you many of you do understand I know I understand what the vast majority of Americans do not understand is that there are many people in Ukraine and would love to be part of Russia
this attack this Invasion I'm not justifying The Invasion by the way I'm not saying I'm not backing out Amir Putin and his decision hear what I am saying is this is that prolonging it is not beneficial it should have gone in Ashley not but he went in it's none of our business to regional conflict it should have already ended lawn mower selenski should have been removed the government should have already been been with the Nazi should have been removed and would it be a puppet government that gets installed at a puppet to Vladimir Putin absolutely and that sucks but at least at that point the war would be over the killing would be at work in Ukrainian people would be happy and probably better off this again the crushing it doesn't matter whether it's Obama's Crush which is currently in place okay the one in Glamis for instruction which is currently in place both Obama and all members of the ball they have control to some extent over volodymyr zelensky all Russians doing is trying to switch control to somebody that they have
can I control over their puppet and again I say well but we would rather be worth it is it really worth it is it worth all of the taxpayer dollars taxpayer-funded money and military aid going over there absolutely not is it worth the destruction of our economy through the sanctions that are being being sent it down and back it up
causing the fertilizer shortages causing food shortage causing energy shortages across Europe is affecting us as well because now I have no scent liquid natural gas over there is any of this work no no no it is not we're not spending democracy were prolonging the war that is not it's not going to end well for anybody it should have already ended and it can still end in s President Trump says they just make it happen give Russia a little bit give Ukraine a little bit like Ukrainian the Ukrainian government stay but give make sure that that the parts of one of your Russia get to become Russia
okay is it ideal actually not released the war ends the aid and the con ends the advancement of the military-industrial complex with them they had to find another word of spark in order that to get what they want
if it's the article the US has thus far provided Ukraine with several emergency funding packages with the largest being worth forty billion dollars it's also includes 3.75 billion no sense kickoff 2023
such a joke point B is this where is the discussion from Republicans where where where are they on this should they be saying hey hey we sent too much ate already since you've got Lindsey Graham out there doing his thing pushing for essentially War nuclear war this is where this is heading this doesn't get turned around immediately we are probably buy me the chance of us getting engaged in a nuclear war with Russia I would say at this point we're at about 10 15% but it's going to continue to go up and up enough the longer this work persist the more tanks we send them or Rockets we send them or everything we send over their clothes when we bring ourselves to facing a living legend. I really love this interview so I just I just wish I could have a bunch of life but I couldn't so let's go to play that when I go to break then we'll Lay Low lyrics to Stand By
my good friend dr. Vladimir zelenko you left us way too early so sad that he is gone but his legacy does continue we do still support his foundation we still support his company that is still benefiting that the masses across the world those who have either been jab or maybe you've been been exposed to those who may be shedding on you that's becoming more and more likely this being the case more times you jabbed wears off you are in the more you're likely to shut on others even if you never been jabbed not around other people very often you should still consider getting Z detox or is he stack life protocol either one of them will help your immune system is demonstrated by scientists demonstrated by doc dr. Zev zelenko should go to the Beast app Freedom that's vstack Freedom ginsey detox released act like protocol today
anybody just watch my show before you're probably very well aware that yes I am a conservative yes I am in America First Patriot know I'm not necessarily a republican for say I'm out here in California so it doesn't matter if we don't have a Republican primary so it doesn't make a difference there I can vote for whoever I want so I've chosen to be independent because quite frankly the vast majority of lawmakers and cannons who claimed to be Republicans I don't consider them to be well America First Patriots and I don't really support them we've seen what the GOP can do when they have majority we seen when GOP can fail to do I guess is the better way to put it we can see that they can pass bills that will repeal Obamacare they get past 16 of those while Obama was in office but the moment they get Trump in office who might actually signed one of them suddenly they can't pass a damn thing this podcast is sponsored by paint your life as a gift for her husband Dana Gibson went to pay to have a portrait hand-painted of their beloved dog that they recently lost my reaction to this fine painting that I got from Dana was extraordinary it just gave me butterflies in my stomach to see my beloved dog that I've had for years and such a lifelike picture this holiday season and from any photo at a price you can afford a special person your children even a cherished fat in a painting done by hand by a world-class artists at don't wait because right now get 30% off your painting plus free shipping just text the word gift to 87204 order now to guarantee delivery for the holidays text gift to 87204 that's a gift to 8720 for my texting is 7204 you agree to receive messages from messaging to wake me up to your life. Complex turn that actually has anything to do with fixing America
I'm talking about all this stuff as a journalist who I can just look at it and just see what's happening out there but there are people who been directly affected by the feckless nature of the the RNC the Republican Party In general the Rhinos will call them and those people have have been truly harmed we do have one of those people on as our guests today I'm very blessed pleased and honored to have Laura Loomer joining us for the first time we never actually spoken
no because I was banned from Twitter for about five years and then I got my account back and. We were following each other and now you know we are it's funny because I saw a tweet that you would post you post a screenshot that somebody else has screenshot of the show that you can you tweet it in 2021 about something which I thought was odd since you weren't on Twitter in 2021 but but that was that was really weird that's actually kind of disturbing cuz it seems as if they were trying to defame you when you want to start their tell us what happened with that battle right between the governor of Florida
President Donald Trump I honestly have spinach from playlist much like you I am a registered Republicans that I would consider myself to be is more Independence in the sense that I'm an American first constitutional conservatives and the Republican party is your modern-day Republican party is less conservative than Barack Obama was 20 years ago, was taking 20 years ago and distinct Republican party as you said in your intro have controlled the house but it seems like they are experts in failing to actually exert power when they have it then you know you don't wise I'm not power for the sake of
the Constitution and protecting conservatives from or just protecting anyone really protecting Americans from government overreach which is what our lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are supposed to be doing according to the Constitution
one of the things I've been doing since my campaign ended and no since I've been doing a lot more activism again because for four years I was running for congress I ran for congress twice a year and a half for January 6th dependents and assisting John peers who founded nclu the national constitutional law Union it was supposed to be the polar opposite of the ACLU fighting for people free speech rights and I have been exposing the fact that Governor Ron DeSantis not only is in favor of January 6th descendants of prisoners locked up as he has said he said he believes they deserve to be prosecuted but
movies on staffers including his own Chief of Staff by the name of Jeremy Redfern we did on January 7th 2021 the day after January 6th that he wanted President Trump should be impeached and when somebody said oh well actually. It don't deserve to be shot after she went you know she tried to trespass into a room she wasn't supposed to be in a naturally tweeted how to ask around and find out 101 basically you know okay and showing support for her assassination that took place inside the capitol even though she was an unarmed veteran and so there's always weird accounts online that are not in the people don't want to actually say what their real names are but they have enormous power and are followed by the press secretary and the rapid response director of Christina push off from Ron DeSantis his campaign and his political apparatus
the other night when I posted the screenshot of redbourne Street the same individuals who are followed by the staffers in this is Santa's Administration and seems to you know kind of like tag team on their post. My name of a red Fern Street to try to make it look like I had actually said what he said and wanted to discuss in giving us back that's right I was never really critical of January 6th because I do believe that people have a right to propose to try to keep her for five years and only recently got my account back in the first week of December okay the first week of December 2022 thanks to Elon Musk it just goes to show you you know like how low can you actually go see there's many reasons why I support President Trump
has Governor after two terms obviously I don't want to have a Democrat, but I really see your lack of Integrity I see a lot of a lack of loyalty and a lack of principle from DeSantis and a lot of his staffers and paid employees and I hope that other people will actually see that and see him and his staffer who they actually are. Because obviously there's a full-blown propaganda movement right now in the Republican party. She tried to push Donald Trump and make sure somebody else
I'm going down that does the same people that were pushing against him in 2015 are pushing against them now but unfortunately there been more people and I think it is the rise of of the sand is as a viable candidate because you like him or hate him he's viable he does have a certain level of national peel that could benefit a lot of people in the Republican party that where I've always people have asked me where you stand I said it I'm going to tackle the issue a couple times but I'm a big fan of I still support Donald J Trump as president do I like the Santa's I like the Santa's as a congressman A Lot K I did I spoke to him when he was a congressman when he became Governor I started watching him
and there were concerns and you voicing his concern that we're going to talk about not just my concerns and your concerns but other people's concerns it was breaking story that came out earlier today that I want to cover to let's talk about that next segment
cuz we don't have a lot to talk about their I do want to First go back to either you're as you said you ran for congress twice you will hopefully or willing you will run again for it for something because I do believe that you you are the type of person who needs needs to be in public office I love the fact you know you start off in journalism I love what you do there I love what you do with activism I love pretty much everything that you do but I do believe that Congress even whether it's executive branch of the state level or if it's National level the legislative branch I think that America needs you so my first quick question and you don't have to you don't have to make promises but are you going to run again maybe even in 2024
yes I do I have already stated desire to run for office again in 2020 for the first time I ran in 2020 was Florida's first district it was denied all access to social media even though of course in 2020 and Forest was when we had to lock downs and I know there's this misconception that Florida was somehow not a lockdown state but we were very much a lockdown State and in Palm Beach County where I was running for congress the sheriff was actually threatening to arrest people for violating lockdown orders and creepy order so we can order we were not able to
where did right of the camping season
you can imagine when your band on all social media and your band on the payment processors to make it very difficult and so after the 2020 election I ran for Congress district 11 because Florida was redistricting and red District in the entire State of Florida to ask yourself why would I not want to show up for the impeachment why did he skip the vote on j6 committee so chronic absentee record and
I do the same thing happened this 2020 the incumbent that I ran against okay and I also performed and then on Election night at 99% of reporting people are watching all over the country is crazy and the media was about to call the race for me and then all of a sudden
counting stopped when 99% of the votes were counted and it showed that I was ahead of Daniel Webster for 38 minutes or was the only Democrat part of the district because the rest of the district were all Shirley Republican counties
they stopped counting they stop counting for 38 minutes in the machines and the computers all went down just put it was crazy because obviously I was denied access to social media and it was so close and only determined by 5800 of you could really argue that me being denied access to social media really debilitated and now we know that with the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk that he has admitted that he purchased not only is social media company by crime scene and he confirmed and a sweet bread with several conservative accounts including constant of Judicial Watch
what he said right there any chance you were actively campaigning Shadow bands are censored while running for office and he said yes so write a candidate in office I wasn't completely private individual right I've been running for office so my primary in 2020 and President Trump's term District President Trump did for me and even then the Republican Party would not issue a statement when Twitter said we're not going to give Laura Loomer her account back even though she want to say anything on Facebook said they weren't going to give me my account and they can say anything when in 2020 Comcast which has a monopoly on the internet service provider system
in Palm Beach County okay I'm sending text messages and emails so it's not just where a lot of this Draconian censorship originate from in Silicon Valley but I see you know even during the lockdowns when Gavin Newsom a lock down the entire State and then you had the the mayor of Los Angeles as well as threatening to shut people's electricity in their water off so we're headed there we're headed to a point where you can actually have your electricity in your water turned off in this country if you defy vaccine mandatory lockdown orders we're heading to a point in this country where you can actually you know be banned from sending text messages and emails and not be able to communicate as a as a candidate for office if the big check social media Executives don't like your political affiliation and a Republican party they're just sitting on my ass is doing nothing
that seems to be what they do best unfortunately because it's it's worse than just being feckless I think that in many ways they are corrupt and we're seeing we're going to see I think that manifest a lot on Friday that I think's Friday when the when the RNC votes this podcast is sponsored by paint your life as a gift for her husband Dana Gibson went to to have a portrait hand-painted of their beloved dog that they recently lost our reaction to this fine painting that I got from Dana was extraordinary it just gave me butterflies in my stomach to see my beloved dog that I've had for years been such a lifelike picture this holiday season give someone you love an original painting done by hand from any photo at a price you can afford a special person your children even a cherished pet in a painting done by hand by a world-class artists at don't wait because right now get 30% off your painting Plus
free shipping just text the word gift to 87204 order now to guarantee delivery for the holidays text gift to 87204 that's gift +28-720-467-2040.
Change your has the best graphic tees in the game whether you're looking to rent the Sports World for Vibe with some of your most famous music and pop culture icons of your crew or yourself head to game-changer. L a nap Game Changer the best graphic tees in the game don't believe me Google best he's in the game and see for yourself for vintage graphic tees Game Changer. L A R A I am I have not stated who I support in that I stated who I don't support did I do not work Ronna Romney McDaniel by any means because she is when she should been gone two cycles ago there's no reason for her to be in there she is literally we have the Republican party has failed miserably since then what is your perspective on her do you think that she contributed it all directly to any of the the attacks were will call Nan actions you know I think is there tax against you when there was not willing to
do their job
yeah but
charge of the of the RNC she's okay
aftermath of the stolen 2020 election if you look at the FEC reports voter fraud okay doing anything. I mean it's possible to issue a pissy you know short little statement after Donald Trump was big and while he was still president of the United States okay call him believe it or not I got a phone call from run around me the night is my primary in 2020 she called me before the polls closed and said I wanted to congratulate you you know you're going to be a change and blah blah blah blah blah well I found out the only reason why she made that phone call because one of the donors who contributed to my Camp who at one point of time was a very large jar to the RNC call Rana out when they were at a private dinner with Donald Trump okay overnight
and not giving me any money to help defeat censorship in President Donald Trump's mom district and so she was like oh I'm sorry I was kind of shocked right wow like what kind of weird you know Twisted reality simulation of my living a call if you ever need anything right now she's like this is my number anyway I called the number thinking okay well maybe I'll give you the benefit of the doubt he has heard mistress about me is willing to listen to the real story about and she's actually being genuinely so I called the next day I called right because I saw it okay this is egregious they're not going to give me my account back so maybe the RNC chair
we will issue a statement I kid you not okay I called the number and it's like some type of steaks with immediately turned off the very next day because why would she call me and say oh I just goes to show you how treacherous they are basically wide okay the minimum to satisfy the donor and then of course I told the donor about what happened and the donor completely pulled out but it's just disgusting that they would lie like that and they would say yeah we're going to call we're going to help we're going to do this we're going to do that and then they give me a fake number
I emailed that's the kind of stuff that if if it came from somebody else I might not even believe it but I do believe you because you know you say things that you speak the truth almost too much of the truth and so there's no reason to doubt you would all do you obviously she's not going to be your picture of a picture real quick you out to the lab right between the the two
the election for Ronna Romney Outsider he is a successful businessman who has spent millions of dollars funding the conservative movement and fighting for election integrity and fighting against election and voter fraud while the warranty did nothing for me Dylan in her own words okay in a podcast that I found her on the other day called States state bird
steak for breakfast podcast. OK Google, why do we see claims right that she is a lawyer who fights for Free Speech but as I have shown a screenshot you know she mocked me where I am and I started shouting truths and calling out Jack for censoring conservatives and trying to steal the election and I was properly escorted out remind you Republicans had control of the house and the Senate and the White House at that time and they decide to shut down a prominent repeat after this and call the cops on me
you know almost arrested me but I don't want somebody like that as my RNC chairwoman I don't want somebody who's going to make light of the conservative Free Speech activists getting drowned out by the police in the capital I just don't think that that really shows that somebody has principles and people always like to stay there or you know they like to brush it off when they get caught but that's when people when people are not running and they say things okay with no idea of position okay because that's when they're speaking truth because if they have no political aspirations like that's actually what she did when she has to get her name in the press that she's a free-speech or that she bites but are you actually fighting for Christmas like
are you actually fighting against voter fraud when you're representing Sherry late whose election was clearly stolen and then where what happened to that I thought her name was going to file all these different cases for Carrie and then she just disappeared and I'm sure you like comes out and endorse is Michael in jail
why didn't you relate to George Michael and do a car meet with such a fighter for her what's the real story
live feed you have a story about that that I can't say I can tell you but I can't say it on the air so remind me to tell you that story I think she was singing her Praises right talking about how she helps me so much combat Motocross
just like a solute
with Judy Hopps overseeing the election and then being the Democratic candidate in the race between herself and her late in the chamber is there a knot on the back of our elections is swamp benefits more from a Democrat and we were talking about the Rhinos like like I love all of them you know the right they would rather have a democrat in an office than in the America First conservative you know that with a certainty we're going to go to after the break we're going to cover the bombshell story about Ron DeSantis but I've just give you fair warning I'm going to start will get that when I'm going to start by asking you about two things coming together
Donald Trump vaccines I'm going to see where that leads the stuff so I be right back stay too
anyone who's the money with my show or Alyssa Michelle before knows that I am a a very huge proponent of preparedness I haven't always been I didn't become a prepper until really 2021 but since then I've been working diligently to find companies that offer the things that we need and if the crap hits the fan I want to be ready for it and I want you to be ready for it to I picked up some sponsors for long-term storage for precious metals for for solar power I got a candle sponsor we got antibiotics for storage just in case the pharmaceutical supply chain goes down we got medkits nutraceuticals natural survival got guns and ammo you can buy and bye-bye go into J D prepare J D wrecker, prepare bug out bags the were so-so stock up now why you
so this segment should be I would say the the segment that gets quoted a lot because we're going to be talking about some pretty controversial topics and out of the maybe we'll get even more controversial segment after that but hopefully I can keep Laura Loomer our guests on for at least two more segments I gave you the a chance to think about it because then I'm sure you didn't need a chance because you probably been asked that before but for my audience your Trump supporter you are against the covid-19 vaccines in the mandates but I'm sure you have your very strict concerns about the vaccines themselves and yet we have Donald Trump out there I wouldn't say promoting the vaccines but at least touting his involvement in getting the vaccines out there so at least he's not out there saying a ever to go get back he's always been against the mandates I bounce back and forth with what to think about it what do you think about how do you reconcile
or your vaccine feelings with your perspectives about President Trump
yeah so you know I get
I tell people look I'm a trump supporter I voted for him the reality is is that
just because you broke or somebody and just because you support somebody doesn't necessarily mean you agree with everything that they say or to write that I agree with 100% because he's anti-establishment or at least in the beginning right on both sides of the aisle they do
I like President Trump's America First policies I like his zero bulshit demeanor I like his individual takes when he responds to people who would attack him okay I like his style but I do not like the support for the vaccine I do not like that he has continued to refuse to criticize the vaccines now that now that more scientific information is coming out that shows that there are massive increases in my car died as some people dying from blood clots and heart disease and write a lot of people dying suddenly especially children
and so what I think that President Donald Trump was put in a very unfortunate a position you know being president at the time of the covid bioweapon of being spread throughout the world it was unfortunate that he you know what kind of gave a platform to Dr birx and Dr fauci 2
I guess push ball science but I do believe that at the time President Donald Trump right believe what they were telling him I think that a lot of people I certainly did not know about dr. fauci about masks and my refusal to take the vaccine when I have covid-19 is living in Palm Beach while running for congress
people in the media went crazy and it was a trending story on drugs and he know are there they were writing stories about how I was on my deathbed and I should have taken the vaccine or no of course I was not on my desk but I was very ill and so I think that now that the data has come out as presents Donald Trump the perfect opportunity to say you know I thought I was doing the best that I can do when I trusted the scientist in the science now I realize that wasn't the case and these people were not trustworthy and they committed crimes and for that I'm sorry I regret you know the 15 days what did they call it the 15-day slow the spread National lockdown
she could you know apologize I think a lot of people would say you don't like at that point in time we didn't really know what was going on and so I appreciate President Trump's honesty but instead you know I've said this before I love President Trump butt and one of the things that makes him so successful is the fact that he has a narcissistic personality and I don't necessarily think that being a narcissist the bad thing I think that in politics you kind of have to be a bit of a narcissist if you want to be successful when you choose your own path
that was with a track called Echo Park every car happy owner when did you start speaking English did Marco Polo really go to China wildlife and more what's the real story behind the Mona Lisa we got that what caused the collapse of the Rome we know where did he find Mankind's earliest ancestor come find out for the holidays get the gift of curiosity with 25% off gift cards for your curious cohort its holiday shopping season at gift is a double-edged sword save this as an attack on President Trump
but I will say that what's the biggest size of people who have narcissistic personality and I'm not attacking President Trump when I say you know he's a narcissist I'm saying that narcissist time to be unable or completely unwilling to admit when maybe they did something that didn't turn out the way that they thought I was going to admit they're safe and I completely disagree with President Trump and his statement that the vaccines have saved lives I don't think that's accurate because we do know that the vaccines don't even work
how can you say that the vaccine saves lives when people are still getting covid after they Prestige five shots so that they took the vaccine actually took the vaccine right people like Joe Biden and others I think that there is a push
for financial reasons and I'm not accusing President Trump of doing it because he's not pushing the vaccine right he's doubling down on the fact that he thinks that his decision to treat operation warp speed was a good idea he's not telling people to go get back season before he finally got the memo that his base doesn't like that but he is doubling down on the fact that he thinks that you know operation warp speed
I don't know whether his advisers were the people around him or even President Donald Trump are you know watching you the kind of media we do now that President Donald Trump does not use the internet does not use the computer this is well-known okay that's why he has his secretary send you no papers that they print out and then he's basically science messages that they still do an old-fashioned facts to write what they scan it and email it to people that received letters from Donald Trump knows what I'm talking about and so
at the same time though how could you not right how could you not be aware of what your base is saying because it's just every day there's so many stories coming out right about people dropping dead she just attended the funeral for Diamond of diamond and silk and silk the sister literally will Donald Trump was sitting right next to her. And I need to be an investigation
I hope the President Donald Trump will eventually say you know operation warp speed I tried to do the best that I could I thought that I was doing something turns out the science was faulty and for that I'm sorry I think that that does not make him look weak I think that that is a reasonable explanation that some people who have otherwise turn on Donald Trump and are now supporting DeSantis over the vaccine issue even though just answer and I say this as a Floridian vaccine there's videos of him telling people to take the back seat and that it's you have merely to you know pretty much nearly every politician in this country primitive the back seat at some point okay
beer and far between examples of those who did not
now you know Ron DeSantis I'll give credit where credit is due
you know he started his grand jury and he is now questioning right with his Surgeon General doctor doctor Oladipo out of Florida the possible side effects of vaccines particularly myocarditis okay is he going to continue staying back or will she
start calling for investigations will he start calling for investigations in bauchi and into speiser okay will he start you know actually admit that the vaccines are killing people and injuring people I hope for his sake he actually gets on board with no pushing out the real facts about the vaccine I hope that he can find it within himself to realize that it's not necessarily his fault okay he was president at the time I think that he genuinely wanted to try to do this and he was against mandates and he was a guest lockdown orders if you recall he only wanted the 15-day walk down and the protest against Governor is right he's actually quoted saying he supports activist and people that are protesting lockdown especially when a lot of people were protesting what was happening in California
I just hope that people will take that into account but like I said the facts are out and so I said some point in time it will become an excusable it will because you know a really big point of Distinction if Donald Trump continues to double down on operation warp speed so hopefully he has an advisor around telling the truth
why do you need to get a whole new set of advisors but that's a whole other discussion for Hall of the day I do hope and I said it's very similar to what you said the other day I said it like I support him but time is running thin okay he's got to there's too much information out there too many people are aware he's got to come out very soon I even sweet I think I deleted it I know I post on the other social media sites but I said the first Republican presidential candidate and we are glad I didn't have to put that qualify because you know Democrat won't stay for the first the first candidate presidential candidate to come out and say the vaccines seem to be dangerous we need to help them immediately and do further testing or just scrap it all together first one that says that will when I almost don't care about him either of the policy so that took to be honest because it tells me that this person is is saying and you got the Santa's Catalina he's I was
Macy's closest closest but then again you got Trump trump has defended it is not going to sit back and say well we're going to maybe week he's like it's either they're great or they're not great and I was lied to and that's it so we're going to move on you know a butt but let's hold them now and I'll when I'm back in the white house I'll hold fast and Berks accountable and I agree I think that a lot of people would understand if he said that he were lied to obviously is going to be a blemish and people don't like admitting that they're wrong at the same time it will show people that he's humbled himself in a sense to get in touch with the base
why the funny part is you know I seen him beat you with a nice breeze he is actually a narcissist and I also agree that's not a bad thing for president of the United States OK Google ask not a narcissist that we had in as president was Jimmy Carter ever won since then has been a narcissist and most the ones part of that we're narcissist it's just kind of Part of Me part of you need that sense of narcissism to be able to suspend disbelief in your ability to become the most powerful person in the on the planet right it's that means I've seen that I saw a documentary years ago about a how you almost have to be a narcissist in order to be a good president or CEO of a major corporation or anything like that anyway
okay just checking time we're not going to get to the the bombshell before the break so we're going to have to say that for the third segment for the fourth segment the bombshell being the DeSantis thing and I think that's one that you really want to talk about and I know I want to hear about it so in our final couple of minutes here before we we get to one more break
you said that you know you you consider yourself a conservative and more so than in an America First Patriot more so then then a Santa Republican
DC what are the chances I guess if what will it take for us to be able to put people like you or and not that I would ever run for office but people like me people like like Carrie like people who actually want to make America first people like Patrick Buchanan who just retired finally after all these years this is a man who who was pushing America first before Donald Trump you know we're talkin back in like the 90s he was pushing an America First agenda so my question for you with a couple minutes left for the break is what can we expect from the America first movement can it eventually succeed
comes down to one thing and one thing only
and I'm not saying that you know he can't win on his own volition because obviously he wanted we saw the election was stolen but at the end of the day it doesn't matter how good of a candidate you have an okay day so they still so many elections
the recount in California with red you can't tell me that after Gavin Newsom destroyed all those people businesses that they overwhelmingly elected him in a recount to be governor and gas okay so we have Selections in this country not elections and until that address it doesn't matter how good Donald Trump is he could come out today we're going to talk to the vaccines are poisonous. But, I swear be more powerful than the president of the United States and they're going to get away with silence and can confirm that all this stuff
what difference does it make in the words of Hillary Clinton does it make
flip a Democrat house key ever again
in New York you're right New York was an interesting case because I really like lizelle. I think that's a I know that nobody like Kathy hochul and I used to live in New York talk to friends even Democrats or like yeah I don't know probably going to sit this one out so I would say that's one of course I meant to mastriano they were Democrats because Donald Trump's endorsements okay but he's focused on trying and trying as an issue that has ruined people's lives New York okay and it has the greatest cities in the world New York City in the world to live I wanted to live in
I had dreams of living New York City has been totally destroyed because of crime
100% and prices that's that's also contributed he was off with you after the break we are going to get to the bombshell that I've been wanted to talk about that I know no Laura Loomer as want to talk about we're getting to it so thank you all for being patient it's coming out Tuesday 2
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so there's an article today that unfortunately I haven't had a chance to read I've been so busy we had we just been going like crazy over Liberty Liberty I had another interview this morning is just been a crazy day I am going to get the article but I know the gist of it this article from The Daily Beast basically says that that Ron DeSantis and his team are paying conservative influencers on social media to promote them basically which is not against the law for say but it's pretty darn ugly wrong with Laura Loomer Laura I don't know how much you know about the story but I know that you keep up on the ins-and-outs of both not just President Trump which we talked about last segment but also of Ron DeSantis who isn't just your governor who also person to post 44 president obviously I guess Donald Trump quick question before we get to the The Daily Beast article do you support Donald Trump for president and round.
to continue to be governor of Florida or are you completely against us and saw together
when he ran for governor right that's a commitment you're making a commitment to serve your 4-year term so did you lie like if he lied to everybody when he decided to run for governor and raised two hundred million dollars what did your money I mean that's kind of an absurd amount of money for governors race you to spend that much but what is he doing with this money what is it being used for and obviously he has presidential aspirations there are packs is a packed Hall Draper on I heard about the $2 a pack ad throughout the country and end in Iowa as well ahead of the Iowa caucus
I voted for Ron DeSantis for governor Charlie Crist as my Governor I don't want to be in a lot I supported his policies more than Chris Paul
it doesn't really seem like Ron DeSantis has it has a desire to even fill his full four-year term as Governor in Florida so it would be nice for him to continue his obvious that even his staff are laying the foundation for presidential he had his wife dress up she isn't DeSantis like Jackie Onassis okay at the inauguration and I mean they're like playing dress-up trying to be nice or something so I think that these people have fantasies of of the Grandeur and their mind and Hazel Just Dances Casey and Ron DeSantis I think that's he wants nothing more than to be president and first lady in the back even after running ads okay
Ron DeSantis and basically saved his ass after he was about to be defeated by a communist leader was exposed as a closeted homosexual crack on it okay and some little gay sex Chris and a hotel room in Miami Beach Florida
say no I'm basically the Trump Towers and he had his little kid playing with Legos okay and then saying come on and then you said Trump and she has Donald Trump images Donald Trump policy that Donald Trump Brandon Florida where he and his wife and their children now live and so is entire political career to die later he was a prosecutor for the oversize scorcher okay
I think I'm going to cause a lot of a lot of hesitation for some reason moderate Democrats Independence or even some Republicans when they find out about how Ron DeSantis basically what some people would call a human rights violations and terrorists who have committed actual but we now know that the Patriot Act and all of these tools that were established to come back right the war on terror has been weaponized
and it's conservatives and Trump supporters and so I don't know really how I feel about a guy who oversaw portrait Guantanamo Bay utilizing all the tactics of the Patriot acting president when we now know that our government is demonizing at conservatives and using these tactics of the platforming and you know any interrogation that were developed to combat Islamic terrorism on conservatives okay
and you know how Islamic terrorists that are being hired at put into office okay we have some in Congress jihadist and then you have Islamic terrorists that are on SSDI payroll and former while our own government uses these tactics that were supposed to be used on terrorist in Guantanamo Bay you know what the formation of the Patriot Act there now utilizing those tactics against us so personally I think it's really really crazy that you know we could potentially have a president that oversaw at Guantanamo Bay under the direction of President Bush of course we now know is a total globalist topic
you know he wants to be Governor I really don't approve of everything that he's done is Governor as a most handsome man in the world I've been going on also like all these different social media companies the first in US history and what is that the free state of Florida am I supposed to feel liberated in the so-called free state of Florida when I federally prohibited from owning and possessing a firearm in my CCW denial letter has Governor DeSantis his name on it
I am not one who equates governorship and and the presidency has the same and here's one piece when when
you're when you as a governor many the best Governors are the ones that essentially fight against the overreaching dck and it's almost like like they have to to switch roles they really Governor I think in my humble opinion only Governor we've had in the modern era who who could have been in and was a great president was Ronald Reagan otherwise every potential governor and every governor who was bombing look at Mitt Romney Mitt Romney was a was a horrible Governor right but he was able to get the Republican nomination we're trying to get at is that very similar to you I would love to see Ron DeSantis be in many ways the Prototype I don't agree with everything that he does or says or any of his policies but I agree with a lot of it and I would like to see him or cherry lake you know I personally like what's Montana's governor
Greg got his name now but I do want to see more of that the bottom of this is that I would love to see the Santa's stay in Florida or long long long time and make Florida that the free as possible
I want to see Donald Trump return as president as of now against vaccines notwithstanding we can talk about that later quick question and then we'll get back to the bombshell quick question about Elon Musk he let you back on I think he's a trance humanist and a I loving globalist but on Twitter he's doing a fantastic job what is your thoughts the trust them do you not trust them do you partially trust about Twitter but not about other things what's your stance on the Yulan his commitments what was it like he's lost over $200 of his own personal wealth right fighting a business associations I I don't know like how for how a boy
you know businesses concerning artificial intelligence you run one of the most popular or the biggest social media companies in the world OK Google write his commitment to come back for it and she has been targeted for it right now but then again there's still a lot of Road employees who are violating orders that being said you know obvious statement to say that he is transhumanism this Anthony how can you not say that when he promotes artificial intelligence I think that you know some of this technology does AI technology can be beneficial but also the long-term concerns are well are they going to just completely replace you know the need for human labor so I do think that there are arguing
the sides of the aisle but I do think that people need to be extremely grateful to Elon Musk because he has done what none of our Representatives have been willing to do okay so like I said I don't agree with everybody a hundred percent but I am extremely grateful for what you on musk is doing putting himself on the line being transparent okay the Twitter files releasing the Twitter files and being transparent and telling people that he purchased not only a social media company but a crime scene you have to really admire somebody like that he's willing to put their money where their mouth is and trust me I was extremely critical a when it happened I thought that this will be just the pr stunts and honestly I think that's what I said I am willing to admit when I was wrong I was shocked I mean I honestly my mouse at the floor when the Twitter
but now it's somebody who's been silent for 5 years I'm incredibly grateful for spreading spreading the truth about this election interference that so many people were just denying and basically gaslighting people into thinking was never taking place so I believe that is a positive for society
I have no disagreement with literally anything you just said so that's perfect especially I love you you when you said you don't agree with anybody understand the time I say that a lot by the other day he was promoting he said that Kevin McCarthy should be speaker and then I think he posted something like well at least he's got a sense of humor about it and I do really respect the fact that he has on his Twitter account okay and he tries to listen to these polls are not given the fact that he's willing to actually like you know let people be okay he's willing to take a pool and she did that whole account and the steeple should accounts that have been busy and just get a general amnesty
and I see you have to respect that and the fact that he is doing more and Western Civilization as a foreigner okay he's from South Africa I do believe he's a US citizen now but he is really truly
has done more for free speech than any of our Representatives even anybody in the Republican party so she right and bra but it's really goes to show you how scary it is because if there was no Elon Musk Would we not have receipt but we still don't even know about it but what do we even know about any of this stuff because clearly are Republicans and Democrats represented
and that's what separates in my humble opinion somebody who has integrity and intellect they have to be able to admit the rock if they can't do that one thing that I don't think that they're lacking one either Integrity Oriental cuz kid at both and still be unwilling to acknowledge her own so kudos to you for that I have one final question for you before we get to that tell us will you tell us how to find you obviously we can find her on Twitter give us all your various URLs your book mention your book and how do people find you and all that good stuff
my Twitter is at moral and social I'm on Gavin parlor at Laura Loomer a telegram at official and then my website is you know I haven't filed to run yet but my my campaign website is still up with people want to go back and they want to see what my policies were for when I did run for Congress my website is Laura Loomer for congress. Although I do like I said the account if it's not like an active campaign right now because I haven't filed to run again but that's just in case you want to see what I actually am and then my book is called Leeward how I became the most in the world that came out last year but unfortunately due to all the censorship I was not really able to sell copies of this book because how do you promote a book when you're banned everywhere so people can go to my website
and then you don't want to sign copy
it's also online Amazon to I don't know how many more copies they have I don't think they have many more because only purchase late but you can still buy copies on my web is well we've already hinted about it for the last like 2 3 segments Daily Beast article
explain what does it say when a little we know and and what kind of information do you have to add to it
it looks like some of these Pro Trump influencers who built their careers or irrational and do for a while now I suspected that a lot of these individuals are being paid behind the scenes Ethan's exactly always right the most credible source and that they have a bias against conservatives but as I like to tell people in a broken clock is right twice a day and it's interesting because some of my friends and other people who have been looking into this as well weird social media Gathering where are the Santa's had a meeting with some of these influencers and this was about this happened last year and lo and behold some of these things
what are smoke there's fire right and
it just goes to show you there really is a full-blown funded campaign to try to brainwash people through the use of influencers who built their credibility or careers off of Trumps back be online and don't be so quick to abandon Trump
I was muted yeah I'm sitting there and you know the funny part is I was muted everybody her the silent it was the most intelligent thing I've ever seen in my entire life now nobody's going to be able to hear it so sad sad damn you done all right so nobody'll ever know now that it is I think it's important that people have pepper spect so I am keeping my 2024 options open as far as you know I'm not going to say I'll with if Trump doesn't win the nomination I'm going to I'm going never DeSantis or anything like that I am reserving the right to to assess but
I will admit for me and everyone we know about like for example of what's his I forgot what her name is Christina Shaw who shot Christina flu shot I heard and you just might be able to confirm for me that she was with was at the World Bank or she works where are the Koch brothers for a while and then she also has ties to zielinski
yeah but she did she did actually work for I thought it was World Bank
at one point I need to look that up but you know you'd already mentioned that the guy that was those grip it on on an Ashley who else's you surround yourself with and then people say for yeah but Trump hire and Rex Tillerson
it does not it does not we need to talk more about this and so I'm going to have to get you back on sorry this wasn't enough time we only had one hour next time we will confer to definitely believe so Laura Loomer God bless you thank you so much for coming on with me
actually talk to you soon
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play I really love listen to Laura Loomer even though I did the interview yesterday I actually sat there and listened to the entire thing just now and again so so I'm out now hurt her twice her heart is definitely in the right place
I don't agree with 100% of her perspectives but I don't agree with 100% of anybody's perspectives and neither should you not even lying you should make your own decisions and we should still be able to have this course with pretty much anybody I know there's going to be some on the really far left and even some of the really far-right who are just to unhinge too too far off to to be able to have a constructive discussion we should try okay we should always try and if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out and I really love talking to you and listening to Laura Loomer because I would say we're probably be eighty-five 90% of line which is actually quite a bit considering my perspective I know today were really ripping on the feckless gopez the Rhinos unit party swamp in general but I would be remiss if I did not at least discuss the bombshell project Veritas you know it's a bombshell this one was a real huge bombshell
I think this is one that can actually be used to Enlighten normies and that's so important still ongoing I know we weren't going to talk about the vaccine today but my gosh that I just couldn't pass that one up so so let's play for those who haven't watched it in here let's play the quick 10 minute video it's important they stay tuned why if you aren't even watching the second time as much information from it as you can because we need to practice with luckyland slots you can get lucky just about anywhere
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to those who are clueless you're not going to see corporate media spreading this I assure you guys are old family is thinking about mutating covid
no I don't want you on the phone when you got to go do that thing today as you could imagine no one wants to be a crazy Jordan Tristan Walker a director of research and development strategic operations and mRNA scientific planning at Pfizer sounds like Dana functions name
I don't know but if I needed to be gained function research of the viruses that the gentleman seems to have absolutely no moral compass at all for everybody else but I am a risk Global Public Health
only corrupt
what is Pfizer doing I guess to optimize in the vaccines in the house is handling the fact that their covid vaccines are ineffective against virus variants what he said is disturbing listen to this frequently not you don't have to do that if we're going to do that though that's a risk as you could imagine no one wants to be having one of these are considering ultimately is thinking about mutating covid
that's right it appears that Pfizer is internally discussing the possibility of mutating the covid virus themselves in order to tailor a vaccine need to sell to the public listen to Walker describe in detail just how they would conduct such a scientific experiment first in living animals for the way they were like causing the keeping talk to each other
simulation was just Apple what the different like like look like overtime control to make sure that this virus yeah I know covid virus experimentation on live monkeys this is unethical to say the least and Walker describes those experiments as if they are ongoing and not simply a hypothetical discussion so I mean when is five are going to implement the mutation of all these viruses sounds like in a function today
I don't know but if I need except for a direct Evolution directed okay so I mean is that what it is
function research of the virus has more outbreaks Jesus place so tell me more like what's developing with the hole in a virus mutation process
well there's two types of ducks are there any dolls that came from what we have like two sides of the officers that are like the other division in a subsequent meeting or undercover journalist asked at this type of gain of function research is already being studied advisor but no as long as it's called directed Evolution visors in the clear what was the goal of doing that
come down later on like in the public nature of for nature even happened to self write things like that so
Atlanta holds like research of the viruses and you tearing it like would be the ultimate like cast out the vaccine would be illegal but no the pharmaceutical industry as Walker posted is quote a revolving door for all government officials unquote how do you feel about that revolving door like is it a regular person who have dogs know that wants their shopping and regular they weren't home work for the company that I have
to get his take on the comments made by Jordan Walker you're gaining function you're creating a new function in virus 1 by adding elements from virus to infect a one monkey and then another monkey that's called cereal passage that appears to have been one of the Technologies deployed in the Wuhan Institute of virology with the humanized Mouse trains again I believed were obtained from a ecohealth Alliance that's a good example of directed Evolution the gentleman seems to have absolutely no moral compass at all about what he's doing the hubris and arrogance and immaturity if this is the quality of individuals within Pfizer that are making these huge decisions that a risk Global Public Health with such a casual disregard for the human toll is profoundly corrupt in terms of would it be feasible for Pfizer
to circumvent International or national law I think that is undeniable and the gentleman in your investigative work has clearly indicated that Pfizer believes that it has successfully captured the regulatory apparatus of the United States government and presumably worldwide Pfizer has completed regulatory capture is quite proud of it information from the public this is an ongoing story be brave do something spread these videos and stay tuned
you got to say that that's a bombshell it really does does not do justice to exactly was told this is one of the most important if not the most important Revelation from Project Veritas that I've never seen one of the biggest Scandal out there that they've ever done but it is arguably the most important from a useful as respect that you can use this okay this is what I said before I'll say it again profit is not the end goal of the globalist leak above all the powers and principalities it's just a tool they use it in order to get the executive of the top top guys on Pfizer moderna or whatever and talk about what they're just below those Executives the middle managers than everybody else they use profits as a way to keep them focused on doing their bidding they don't want them looking at the actual implications they don't want them having any any Moral Moral internal discussions with themselves as phones
that mean we can make a lot of money into that also helps them to justify breed according to to Gordon Gekko from Wall Street greed is good and I think a lot of people in the pharmaceutical industry look at that as an acceptable path forward they use it to control people and you need to get that information out to you know any friends you know my family's okay you don't have to go so far as to say look as part of a the population control agenda from the liberal world order as they try to to to kill billions and control the remnant you don't have to go all the way there yet
is people aren't going to be a lot of normies are not going to be open that but if you tell them what watch this video it's clear that we're being lied to on a daily basis about covid-19 the vaccine for the sake of big pharma's massive profits of their printing the money is a printing okay then they're willing to kill this entertain the idea that they can watch that video and you can give him some more information perhaps just perhaps we might start questioning the official narrative perhaps they'll start questioning whether or not they should participate in booster number 5 or 15 or whatever hopefully they'll be smart so that's why this video is so important after the break we are going back to attack exposing grp but we're going to do an active Way by focusing on one item that should be focused on Guernsey the debt ceiling debates are station
there's a reason Klaus Schwab Joe Biden and the global Elites want your life savings locked in IRAs and other portfolio management schemes that they control they can keep your money tied up and woke ESG funds even if doing so will lose you money Patriots are quickly moving their Investments to self-directed Ira is backed by physical precious metals unfortunately most companies that work in this field are beholding to Democrats the Chinese Communist Party the wef and others or pushing us toward a digital dollar I have identified three precious metals companies that believe in America First these companies make it easy for you to move your retirement investment to a self-directed IRA backed by physical precious metal go to J D wrecker, gold that's j.d.
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is an article over in spectator that addresses some of the Heat and start the I took heat over the weekend for for appreciating and acknowledging what Donald Trump has said about telling one Republicans not to go after Medicare or Social Security people were hitting me saying oh my gosh you know what are you saying you're not a fiscal conservative if you say that and I wasn't saying that I support not doing anything about Medicare Social Security what I agreed with on with Trump is that we should go after the Weeping the Republicans if you want to include me as a republican we shouldn't guard her now because nothing can be done from it will be taking a a political hit in the one of the most important voting blocs
taking a huge political hit for absolutely no reason they can't fix the only way that you can fix Medicare and Social Security list three ways Daddy and none of them are very popular all of them will hurt but you need to be able to engage this unique control the house the Senate and the White House so option number one would be to cut Medicare Social Security and of course any government that does that are you going to be have Trump you can have a a filibuster-proof republican majority in the Senate you have a huge majority in the house to overcome any of the naysayers who would have ejected to making those cuts so I'm sure there will be a lot even on the Republican side. But you could get it done if you did that you would be done you get that done your careers done because I kept making cuts to Social Security and Medicare is the death knell for for any politician
but it's it's it's going to have to happen some point whether we're forced to do it because we run out of money or if we're we do a preemptively it's going to be hard that's option one option to be dramatically raised taxes cover the shortfall is very challenging for for either party to do and I seen the Democrats don't want to raise taxes they always raise taxes to cover some new thing they don't raise taxes to cover old debts you think that if they're going to raise taxes they might as well cut costs at the same time they don't sow It Go hey we're raising taxes so let's go spend more money it's the dumbest thing ever but hey it's Democrats here try so hard over that cuz it goes against what is allegedly part of their platform Judy was born to be discovered my little Escape
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jumper hide my dentist office more than once actually see you I have to say never win until anywhere play option 3 which is the option that I think they should be going after pursuing as much as I can is to be able to make to keep to keep benefits where they are
don't touch the benefits and just make massive widespread cuts to other programs other I mean cut agencies cut the apartments of government governments to Big it's got too much money this should be done with it since a social security and Medicare or not a government should be approximately in this is probably going to sound pretty radical but in my humble opinion the federal government should be about one tenth of the size it is and that a Max you can actually argued that it can should be even much more than that kill off a EPA kill of the Department of Education Department of energy there's so many waste department and agencies in in our government that could just all go away and they will be limited if any consequences whatsoever
government has become a soccer pitch waiting Cesspool of waste and so cut the waste that's how you really want to say social social security Medicare cut expenses across-the-board I'm not talking about the Saudi military expenses though that might actually need to be on the table I'm talking about all the other massive levels of waste we have in our government cut it all get us down to where the government's one tenth of the size that it is and then then maybe maybe we'll be able to start I don't know haven't seen the budget paying down our debt getting securing the future of Medicare Social Security securing the future of this nation
those are things that could be done of course you need a very very large majority in the house and the senate or the GOP and plus a a Republican president in order to make that happen more importantly you need Republican party that's willing to be bold and aggressive which outside of trump himself we haven't had that in DC probably go all the way back to Eisenhower since that's been the case since you had I truly truly ambitious and bold Republican Party
so let's get to this article quick you know what I think I'm going to skip it I am I'm going to skip that are let's go to a different light on the weird but what time it is it's a topic I was going to rip on on these false understanding of the Social Security and Medicaid problem but I'm not going to you because again it's off. Let's go to the topic there is one I think I just I revealed what the topic is left let me do a little set up real quick or and I know I'm all over the board but trust me it's worth it
we are
faced with an opportunity and a threat with the debt ceiling I'm against raising the debt ceiling but it's going to happen anyway so we might as well get everything that we can out of it with Kevin karthi's going to go to the negotiating table with with Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden they're going to work something out if that's going to happen question is can we get what we need out of it now this article over at spectator it does talk about how you know they they could possibly negotiate against Social Security and Medicare but they were not just because they're feckless but more important because they don't have enough time it's going to take a massive amount of negotiating planning and I'm in even if they could get it get it all together very quickly they will need to put in the fail-safes to make sure that it actually works that a future future iteration of government of future Congress of future president can't just reversed course on
you have to give it some teeth and that would require again more time do we have in probably couldn't negotiate it with with a debt-ceiling bottom line in that regard is this yes we must we must fix Medicare and Social Security to be able to do that we need to do it at a time when we actually have enough control of in DC in order to make its sale through relatively smoothly because if you start getting into a contentious debate over something as complex as that monstrosity would be
it's not going to work you'll end up with another version of Obamacare just from a slightly different direction so what can we do what can Kevin McCarthy negotiate since he does have any of this power of the purse concept the most people seem to misunderstand but in this case it does apply
if we're going to raise the debt limit the debt ceiling then we have to get something out of it and then one of the things that the most important thing in my humble opinion that we can should get out of it is the the Border because as I said before most it's not just most pretty much every Republican and a lot of democratic voters it's also most Democrat lawmakers that I understand in the Border crisis is a problem they just can't say anything about it cuz that goes against their base their base doesn't understand your average Democrat radical at least not in on your your average modern Democrat they get it but your average radical Democrat they don't see that problem and without that basis I don't know if it's 10% 20% of the Democrat Party maybe even thirty percent and it but it is growing by the way the number of Democrats and found her that category but if they lose that they lose their elections and they can't risk that so they can
can just say okay we're going to fix the Border crisis cuz they will turn too many people out at least in my opinion I don't know if that's true or not this is what they are the strategist tell them so you have to give them an out I need best out is to say hey those either it's either fix the Border crisis sorry guys we had to fix the Border crisis because otherwise the government shutdown as Republicans would have shot us down so they they have this is there's consequences to elections why you guys should have voted for republicans in 2022 and now we got to fix between 24 and and whatever Democrat rallying cry give them that that opportunity and take the opportunity now to make it happen this is so this article Breitbart article by Pam Keith says GOP rep Roy that's
arguably my favorite one of my top 10 favorite members of Congress AAA out of Texas Republicans have to actually do something about the Border crisis from the article representative chip Roy said Wednesday on Fox News Channel's The Fault in the focus that Republicans should go to actually do something about the surge of migrants crossing the US and Mexico border instead of speaking about in that is so true that so much talk and no action we now have the opportunity for action and this is what details here he said we need to detain or turn away that's what we need to do change the policies at the border Republicans have got to get with the program and understand what it means to actually do something about it instead of speaking about it is that time to act you have to use the debt ceiling fight the spelling fight and actually will have to do what the Senate didn't do when Mitch McConnell capitulating in December and took away Leverage
now we have to use the debt ceiling and spending fight in September to demand by them do the right thing and HR 29 is the right path for that's what's his legislation to to fix the Water Crisis
he continually said the pain I like current law requires under Asylum adjudication we will allow silence names but you need to be detained that is what the law requires this Administration is trying to use Asylum to and run their actual duty to secure the border of the United States I've had it will do something about it and I'll make my Republican colleagues join us in this effort and again he continues how many Republicans have you had come on and is talking to Faulkner
how many how many Republicans have you had come on including some of the other Republicans who say that our bill at HR 29 as far as they've come on and it said used title 42 to turn people away and is consistent with the law every American should agree with us and does agree with us we shouldn't just allow an open flood at the border come here claim Asylum adjudicate you're saying but we turn away if you are flooding The Zone because cartels are making money if you do that reclaim control the border and the most compassionate thing we can do as people of faith it is unchristian and not right to allow little girls to get it sold into sex trafficking trade and get raped in safe houses I'm tired of Republicans using rhetoric that's not addressing the problems of the people getting abused that's what is happening right now and he's a hunter
I cracked the Border crisis issue is one that is a no-brainer if people actually did the research people look into what is really going on if people looked at what I mean what we're doing but we're allowing the cartels to do we are essentially as a nation in this isn't just the by the hair for Gene this is the majority in DC they are allowed in promoting the cartels to make a whole lot of money to get a whole lot of little girls and and raping them
and to do just
the worst possible things to these people
people that are desperate
but are they really here's the question and this is where we do you get into a a debate over compassion people say well obviously they know they were going to do it and they're willing to to walk 3000 Mi and get raped a long way because that's how bad things are you know how can you be so heartless and and not allow them to come listen I will allow them to come they just have to do it the right way the right way is an illegal immigrant that's right way number one asylum-seekers true Asylum Seekers they have a pathway through which they can seek Asylum it doesn't have to be okay well let's just let them all in and then we'll buy some to New York City will bus come to Chicago will will buy some the main will buy some to the Martha's Vineyard and we'll get move somewhere else
Kate no that's not how it works you can't continue to bring illegal aliens into the nation to login to flood the borders to cross to put these border cities in Jeopardy not just Financial Jeopardy but in many ways criminal Jeopardy you can't allow terrorists to come across either and that's what exactly what we're doing so I can be compassionate about the situation and demand we do the right way as to ship Roy is demanding
and when can this be done do we have to wait for there to be a republican majority know it can be done right now if Kevin McCarthy does the right thing it could be done right now if we stick to our guns if we put our our government's spending ability creditability at risk with the debt ceiling but we use it
as a negotiating tool to finally close the borders lest you forget
Democrats actually do want this to happen they just can't admit it they know then I'm talking about Democrat lawmakers the vast majority of I'm not talking about Alexandria ocasio-cortez Rolando more anybody in the squad or any of the other radicals Hakeem Jeffries or anybody else with your your standard semi Lucid Democrat moderate lawmaker they know there's a problem they know this is untenable they know that it has to be addressed this took it on it with her name on it
but using the debt ceiling to negotiate you will be able to give them the out that they need
you will you'll be able to say hey we didn't want to do it but Republicans are going to do great harm to the nation if we didn't so we had to
do this we had to secure the Border we're sorry for doing it it sucks but hey we had to do it now deep down to be like I praise God I say that because they might be thankful we were able to get this fixed they would never say that in public though they'll do it clawing and scratching up pretend like this is such a horrible thing to secure our borders but at the end of the day they'll know that it is the right path forward and most Americans the vast majority of Americans will also be like
it's a good thing that we got that fixed
unfortunately I don't know if Kevin McCarthy is going to do that unfortunately I don't know if he has the stomach to be able to have that type of a of a battle that tough of a debate and this is the worst part is where I really just broke with the whole notion of putting McCarthy and a speaker of the house he's going to do with most politically expedient for himself and if we can't force him to address the Border using the debt ceiling as leverage that I don't think it's going to get done in the next year or two years or possibly ever finally have the opportunity right now today to make it happen to finally fix this border crisis
and may be the only opportunity we have until 2025 at the earliest so take advantage of that is my message to Kevin McCarthy and to rescue thank you so much for listening today for watching been a pleasure and an honor to come before you today Lord willing I will be back very soon with another episode but in the meantime just a straw stay safe and God bless
this podcast is sponsored by paintyourlife as a gift for her husband Dana Gibson went to to have a portrait hand-painted of their beloved dog that they recently lost our reaction to this fine painting that I got from Dana was extraordinary it just gave me butterflies in my stomach

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