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JD Rucker Show, December 6, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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The Feckless GOP, Destructive Democrats, and Todd Starnes

Title: The Feckless GOP, Destructive Democrats, and Todd Starnes


It's unfortunate that the current state of American politics is that we have to choose the lesser of two evils. As long as the GOP does nothing of value and Democrats do nothing that's good, we're going to continue to degrade as a country.

On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, we dove into multiple instances of fecklessness and evil perpetrated by both parties. We also had a show host Todd Starnes on to explain what's really happening at the border and how to prepare for what's to come.

We discussed these stories:

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Recorded: December 05, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello my friends in welcome to another episode of The Daily Record show I'm your host JD Rock then we're going to be talking about corruption today we're going to be talking about the many many many reasons why and there's no way I can fit this into a two-hour show so could tell me about going to be talking about all of them will be talking about many reasons why we should not trust our government when I say that I'm not just referring to Washington d.c. on Friday to force other countries people in other countries we can have a nice growing audience and several countries around the globe you shouldn't trust your government either and it's not just the national government we shouldn't trust our state governments for the most part we shouldn't trust modem is special if you live in a big city you shouldn't trust your city. Don't you start getting into smaller smaller sparsely populated cities or towns for County perhaps you can have a little bit more trust because there is more accountability and generally speaking because those those areas are considered
pathways through through with somebody can get me a move up the political ladder a lot of times I won't even say most the time it a lot of times you will find people that are doing it for honorable reasons then again there's also a whole series of types of corruption that you can find in small cities small towns small counties where Wakeman there if they have their little fiefdoms that creates I'm not suggesting that just because if you live in a lightly populated area that you can suddenly trust your government it really does come down to people do you trust the people that are representing you you trust the people that you have elected into office and have they demonstrated a penchant for earning that trust I would say in the vast majority of cases the answer and fortunately is no
so we'll be covering a lot of those today this first story is actually one that's yeah I debated whether or not it what is what am I going to lead with me to leave with with you know example the all the various lies were being told about the vaccines so that's the big one maybe some would argue yes and it should I focus on the perhaps the lies were being told about the economy that's another big one very important and yet I mean we're here and all sorts of positive things about the economy as long as we're listen to corporate media and our government and not looking in our own bank accounts are seeing our paychecks or checking our grocery bills or anything like that funny because we just got a we just kind of like a utility bill that was lower than expected and they're like oh you know Rejoice feel great about this I mean they were they really played it up and I'm thinking myself this time last year the same deal was actually still lower you know it's just
Delta flight last couple of months so
but I guess we take whatever victories we we can get so I decided that the first day I guess you could say the most glaring most obvious degree of Lies the most the most glaring example of corruption is with what's happening in Ukraine and specifically you're not just with the Ukrainian government the Russian government's both of them are lying profusely I'm talking about within our own government and lying in order to final Century to launder money and weapons through Ukraine and seems like the vast majority Republican Democrat doesn't matter the vast majority of people are either either cheering it on or conspicuously silent now it's a conspicuously but it's only conspicuously to the people like me and maybe people like you who are paying attention for the most part those who are silent they're talking about a whole bunch of other stuff so it's not like they're silent mode cross support they're just not speaking out against the tremendous waist-deep again the laundering of US taxpayer dollars US taxpayer funding a military equipment and weapons
you're not talking about that stuff and if you're not talking about it then they are in agreement with I'm sorry but this is too big of a deal for anyone in the federal government to stand on the sidelines or focus on something else this is it this is the big one so I turned to a story over at Aurora natural news published by J D Hayes title propaganda by the treasury Department claims no us funds are being misused in Ukraine in latest push to just buy more 8
so I don't even have to read the articles you write they're pretty much I see you've got in the headline a humongous lie already already being told by the the treasury Department the vine Harris Regine but with that said I'll go ahead and read parts of it came into Power based on the LIE that Joe Biden actually won the 2020 election garnering more than 80 million votes for the faulty mind and campaigning from his basement in the last continue to flow from the administration on a daily basis to justify I'm gone bad policies one of them is providing tens of billions of dollars in Aid to Ukraine which before Russian invasion about a year ago was considered one of the most corrupt countries in Europe is not the most corrupt all of which explains why Joe and Hunter Biden were doing business there now the regimes treasury Department's claiming Beyond any reasonable justification that none of the monetary and military aid being provided to Ukraine compliments of the US taxpayer is being misused or Miss
misappropriated do I research report out of the country out of the country blows up that propaganda going to a Reuters report the US Treasury Department on Tuesday said it had no indication that us funds have been misused in Ukraine and would continue to work closely with Ukrainian officials to ensure appropriate safeguards were in place to avert corruption it was the treasury's first comment on the issue after Ukraine's government last week dismissed a slew of senior officials in the country's biggest political shakeup of the war following corruption allegations so I can send you I want to touch on that you know this is the it's it's funny because of course corporate media was referencing last week Purge in Ukraine's this anti-corruption purge as volodymyr zelensky president of Ukraine of him doing the right thing and trying to get the corruption out of government but in reality what he was doing was he was you
to cover up his own corruption was getting rid of some some middle managers and lower managers even a couple of important people get in the mood to long they're the ones that have to fall on your sword for the sake of allowing the crushing to continue cuz if the you know it's sort of like you think of it like a tomato that's going bad okay the tomatoes gets going bad no matter what you can start cutting off the bed pieces but in all reality it's the core of the Tomato that is has been bad and volodymyr zelensky has always been the core of the corrupt Ukrainian tomato it has not always been released for the last few years that is that is his role long for Russia invaded he was a corrupt politician to myself that he was just an actor and I would say well who was controlling this actor
of course one of the people who was controlling him is no longer controlling him as matter fact that person that I forgot his name but this is the person who backed him all the way through all of the stuff all through his is that movie career throughout his campaigns and as president he was being backed by this gentleman whose again name I forget but he was he was the president of burisma Biden old stomping ground is the ultimate expert in energy and Ukraine for whatever reason to be paid so much cement and tens of thousands of dollars a month
you get the idea that point being is that they are turning on people not because they're trying to clean up corruption but because they're trying to cover up the ongoing corruption in the nation but I digress let's get back to to this article to treasury spokesperson Mega neighbor we have no indication the US funds have been misused in Ukraine we welcome the ongoing efforts by the Ukrainian authorities to work with us to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place so that us assistance reaches those for whom it is intended balance breakdown that statement real quick shall we take no indications that look you have to be searching for something to be able to get indications of it and I assure you they are not searching for his matter fact even as Rand Paul tried to get transparency about what's happening with those funds or Democrats and Republicans alike shot that down last year
shut down the idea of safeguards Watch Dogs everything that will be required in order to track an audit the money that was being sent over to Ukraine that should instantaneously make you wonder why would they not want to know so when they say there's no indications that I mean you know if you're inside in the dark closet there's no indication that the sun is shining but chances are if it's noon the sun is probably shining in this case it's not the sun it's very dark dark hole of corruption in Ukraine so then the second one to break down we walk in the ongoing efforts by the Ukrainian authorities to work with us right there laughable just going to stop I'm not going to even going to comment on that part to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place so that the US assistance reaches those for whom it is intended to use the question
who is the eighth intended for I mean that's a serious question did the 8th is not set aside some food and water and shelter and medication and protect these people let's get let's get you know that the Ukrainian people who are suffering what's get them either protected where they are or let's get the move to a place where they can be safe now there's nothing like that there's no way that's earmarked for anything like that it's just like hey hey guys here is a lot of money and here's a lot of weapons okay use it wisely make sure to get 10% for the big guy don't forget about the little guy over here in the little guy over there you know make sure that everybody gets their peace that way you know maybe out of this you know hundreds of billions of dollars that you made that were sent you between the United States and other nations across the world maybe just maybe a few million of them might actually get to the people who Kraang probably not and who cares if it doesn't write
that's the score dealing with this far as Weapons is a friendly note very few people are talking about this but I firmly believe that many if not most of the weapons are being set aside I'm going to send for Ukrainian use I think a lot of it's not even going to you cry or it's going to Ukraine it's being laundered through you cramping Distributors elsewhere where else I don't know I don't know the machinations of the global Elite cabal I just know that you know you don't hear a whole lot of about American-made weapons being appropriately use you would hear those stories
why is that we don't hear very many stories at all about the war we getting reports all Russians losing Ukraine's winning Russia's losing big loss here Big Lots there oh my gosh they just bombed a children's hospital was evil evil people will actually get any reported you remember that Ukraine war which are you can you remember the Iraq War you remember me even worse than ours we do get to see a lot of things that are happening there this case we do not where is that you should be asking that question why the sidewalk she went on to say that the US Treasury will continue working with the World Bank ye why didn't you say so in the beginning that's great
continuing to work with the World Bank to track American monetary disbursement to confirm that they are used as intended as well as with Ukraine and other partners to tackle corruption yeah I don't think that's going to be the case I don't think that's going to be the case at all is that this story is this leads us into the rest of the show Kay going to be talking about corruption and you'll be able to attract a lot of the things that we're going to be talking about the day by going to discern and will be posting those stories under the category show notes you eat we often do give victories in these corruption things I do think that Ukraine is going to the truth is eventually going to come out about Ukraine just as a lot of Truth has been coming out about the vaccines we've been scoring victories when it comes to exposing the truth and getting people to wake up about the vaccines but there's one area where we have had essentially no victory
tonight is in the arena of election fraud that's one of the reasons why we cannot trust them because they have stolen the last two election and at the very least maybe maybe more than that
and we're back how we doing Anna without that things are heating up Nelson what the hell up in your father's getting crowded over here it's beautiful formation he's going for it today and what do we do I mean how can we have faith in the election system when we know in our hearts we know based on the evidence that it is that they were stolen people will say all the new 2022 wasn't as bad as when I would argue it was much worse I would argue that the widespread voter fraud was was much bigger in 2022 because they had to cover a lot more elections a lot more a lot more seats in the end position had to be stolen in 2022 but we haven't had any movement at all
I would argue books and please take this and how well take it how you want to take it I'm not trying to tell you how to take it but he was my perspective for the first time in probably probably since about January and February of 2021 for the first time I'm actually feeling a little hopeful there been developments in in the Arizona election that has referred I gave up on our admitted I gave him I'm still going to find out if I'm still fighting for 2020 but I did not have hope that we could fix it I'm starting to change my mind and I'm not going to talk about that here I'm not going to explain why because we have to go to break soon but I'll talk with that in the future but with that said Patrick Byrne kpatrick co-founder and founder of Overstock Patriot kind of crazy guy but also Wicked smart this guy he came up with
at work he described a mathematical understanding of the of the balance of the adjudication of ballots in in Arizona that basic proves that it is impossible for Katie Hobbs to have one now we need to get this out there so I'll talk about why I'm hopeful and a future episode 2 they were talking about corruption and this to me he is an example of that corruption so he was Patrick Byrne
let's play a game with this Fair quarter
50% chance it does that right 50% tell if you flip this four hundred thousand times you would expect two hundred thousand heads and 200 thousand. 200250 thousand times headed out of 400,000 you can find the math and a different video on 115 Power of One in other words if we quadrillion X quadrillion * quadrillion quadrillion 9 * 2 + 400000 * + 250000 + 2.5 million
which is caused by stray more to distribute equal 100,000 it came up to $400,000 for a judicata the recent Raising Arizona 250 and allegedly went 50/50 50.3 49.79
that fine yet out of the random ballast that had to be adjudicated $400,250 and went to Katy Hodge the eyes are the same as flipping a coin four hundred thousand times and having them come up heads come up to 150,000 times which I've already told you is the one again that's the odds that those results that Katy has Hobbs Drive in Arizona are legit for the odds that you can flip a coin four hundred thousand times and have eggs do I need to pick up
astronomically astronomically.
Anyone who's familiar with my show or Alyssa Michelle before knows that I am a a very huge proponent of preparedness I haven't always been I didn't become a prepper until really 2021 but since then I've been working diligently to find companies that offer the things that we need and if the crap hits the fan I want to be ready for it and I will you to be ready for it to I picked up some sponsors for Walter store food for precious metals for for solar power I've got a candle sponsor we got antibiotics for storage just in case the pharmaceutical supply chain goes down got medkits nutraceuticals natural survival got guns and ammo you can buy and buy by going to JD prepare JD Rucker, prepare bug out bags that were so so stock up now why you
still can
you can bring this money if you ask your neighbor ask you if your friends are all of his people around you ask them if they trust government and nine out of 10 I say no maybe eight out of ten maybe some of what you're talkin about do I trust the government to build our roads 12 Shore because I mean you'll get those people you look around and the actions that we take most vast majority of Americans the actions they take are based on trust in government right just we saw we saw the lunacy in 2020 during the lockdown 2020 2021 and even if the 2022 with a lock down based upon and not the science that was clear enough clear early on they weren't really basic anything on Sundays because the science was telling us a you know don't lock it down science from 2018 to 2019 when they actually explored such possibilities they said no lockdown
face mask probably won't work for most most diseases social distancing what is that even contact tracing while sure if your she got like something massive and my master I'm not talking about size infection talking about my massive in the the potential to to actually do harm which covid-19 was not that pretty much everything that they tried to do they was wrong and we trusted them and maybe that you maybe not me but we is a as a people as a nation as a world we trusted the government's at 8 you know if we do this this is going to fix things and don't even get me started on the whole back seat thing we're now what 7080 I don't even know the percentage is any more issues percentage of Americans have been injected with a drug that chances are is going to my chances are it's probably hurting them almost certainly hurting them in some way some people it's hurting worse than others and yet they continue to push it I just had my first warning on my new YouTube channel
I think I mentioned it to our show I mention vaccines like one time and that was enough to get the video pulled does not just government as I've said many times it is also corporate media it's big Tech it's all the various players Academia big farm of course they all have this agenda to continue to try to jab as many people as possible as many times as possible in yet I mean people are starting to finally got question though really is are they going to wake up fast enough
we will see but it isn't just about the Jazz it isn't just about those things we also is tend to trust trust our government when it comes to climate change and again I'm not saying we as in you and me we don't most of you I hope realized that the climate change hoax is exactly that a hoax but here's the thing
most vast majority of us more than even believe in the lockdowns the vast majority of Americans do believe to some extent that number one climate change hoax is real and number two and something important on that they need to make lifestyle changes to to be ready for and that's a lot of those people will make those Lifestyle Changes based upon policy changes another especially like for example out here in California we have a lot of people that are going to electric vehicles not because they actually think that it's going to help the environment or anything like that they're going to electric vehicles because that's what they're being told to do they're being worn hey you know by 20 whatever we're going to eliminate all gas cards from the road either we're going to get rid of all the gas stations and so you better go ahead and get used to it the other normalizing let's push for electric cars and again most people think that is because Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders and Greta thunberg and and all the others they actually do believe that that's by switching
to electric vehicle switching way from vehicles that are driven by fossil fuels that somehow going to save things but there's a problem with that and there's a problem that doesn't get talked about nearly enough but it's it's real and it's no it's no by the powers-that-be it's known by people like like Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden okay so probably Jill Biden probably doesn't actually know cuz he probably doesn't know where he is at any given moment but still you get the idea the people that are pushing for us to switch out of our gas cards and into into electric cars they know there's a huge problem with this in the fun part is is that where are you seen the manifestation of the the next phase I guess you could say of the con you see there isn't enough lithium available for them them the powers to be for them to be able to replace all the cars with gas car so are they really trying to eliminate gas cards for the sake of the environment or is this just a control measure I would say
the ladder
we'll go to this article by by Michael Lee and Hannah northey over at Scientific American now you might be singing oh my gosh why is he going to Scientific American there are radical leftist propaganda machine and yes they are and sometimes we have to look at the propaganda that they're pushing to get an idea of which direction they really wants to go the title of his articles making the entire US Car Fleet electric could cause lithium shortages what does that mean well now we get to see where their real agenda is heading what would their endgame at least as far as automobiles weather in game is
when the subtitle converting existing US Car Fleet electric vehicles were would require more lithium in the world currently produces show me the need to move away from private cars as a primary means of travel there it is there's your agenda folks this is why they're pushing laws that are going to Outlaw the use of gas cars this is why you have not just California other states are starting to adopt in California where I don't know why California became the the gold standard for leftist to to decide how to how to penalize people for their automobile use for that has been the case for decades and now it's happening again in this article and if I laughed because this article is awful but hey we got it again sometimes we have to dive into the dirt and see which path we tried to take us to transition to electric vehicles could lead to a lithium to lithium shortages unless the United States and other countries overhaul the transportation system and move away from private cars
the primary means of travel simply konvertimi existing US Car plea to battery-powered electric vehicles for example would require three times more lithium by 2050 in the world currently produces according to new research from the University of California Davis and the climate in community project a spike in looking to man could cause other problems to such as greater environmental damage it wasn't supposed to cause greater environmental damage we are switching to the Lithium powered cars because it was supposed to save the environment what what is Scientific American
greater environmental damage in worsening international tension of the supplies of the metal which is primarily mind outside the United States but that outside the United States its China OK Google what are Jews that broader changes in the transportation system combined with intensive recycling of lithium batteries could drastically cut into lithium demand some suggestions include greater use of mass transit dancer Urban Development and micro Mobility Solutions such as electric bikes and scooters
okay so call me crazy if you will but everything that we've been coming here and coming out of Davos for the last 3 or 4 3/4 it's been about 4 4 years or meetings that they've had died years before many of them had where you're the primary pushes to to get us into some kind of controllable scenario right they don't hold a that's exactly what it is they're suggesting at least suggestions include greater use of mass transit okay so get people into the cities and get them using whatever buses and trains I guess McCord lb green trains and green buses Urban Development kind of sounds like 15 minutes so used to Me Maybe I'm crazy 15 minutes City's holiday season game changer has the best graphic tees in the game what are you looking to rent the Sports World or 5 with some of your most famous music and pop culture icons game changer
threads coffees must have and hook up your crew or yourself head to game-changer. La now game-changer game-changer the place of the most lit vintage graphic tees that's Game Changer. LA to level up your gift this holiday season whether you're looking to rent the Sports World for 5 with some of your most famous music and pop culture icons La now game-changer the best graphic tees in the game don't believe me Google game and see for yourself in danger. Ellay is Urban Development micro Mobility Solutions such as electric bikes and scooters you know it was having my my car
worked on in my driveway is that not something I need to take out I had somebody come in to have to do something for my car and there was his kids ones an electric bike ones on an electric scooter that you're not scooter out one of those little skateboards like like I remember when I was a kid you know we actually at work for it so yesterday it's funny that there's they're pushing for electric bikes and electric transportation versus why not I mean look for bikes I seriously I really do believe that there should be more biking in the United States of America that people should be being more active the people should be you no more engaged with the outside world instead of being cars that has done to do the environment the reasons by the way I think that's a healthier lifestyle okay you know that's your Joe Biden
your bike if you have you stopped at did you see a little kid that you want to sniff their hair right so don't be Joe Biden but yes riding ride your bike more get a bike if you don't have one you know it's if if you live in an area where that allows but here now they're not talking for calling for more bytes does you know what they were to call for more bikes I would mean that a population that the needs to use more energy cuz they're using you no more more personal energy right and then they might become healthier and I don't want that the powers that be they don't want that at all no no no no no point being is that is that this push they're saying on one hand we need everybody to be in electric vehicles on the other hand we can't have everybody in electric vehicles at least not personal extra Vehicles so why don't we just transition everybody is at dance or population areas where they can use these electric bikes and mass transit they don't even have to own a car you know if they don't have to do with anything they can do nothing
and they can be happy and we could control them because there's always going to be Millions hundreds of thousands or millions of people in these little areas that are being so congested so so dance will be easier to control them they'll be here we can control the pollution that way it'll be easier for us to distribute our our lab grown meat and bugs in need of the breadlines might become a problem but hey as long as we have fewer cars on the road because they're real gas cars will have been outlawed by then everybody's going to be happy this is going to be great at least everybody is calling the shots the powers-that-be it is time if you're not awake yet to all the various cons out there this isn't really the Today Show isn't really just about don't trust your government it really is more about trying to understand
what our governments are doing to SNY get this isn't just about power we have to stop thinking along the lines of our every politician is just out there or most politicians are out there just trying to get rich and die trying to to be special and then craving Tower that's not always the case I'm not saying that's not the reason why they're doing it per say but that's not the reason for their actions they might get into politics for the sake of power and money but not all of their actions today are based around advancing those particular goals today so many of our politicians and it's not just Democrats by the way it is many many republican so many of our politicians have been co-opted they've been compromised they've been one of the three b's either either blackmailed or bribed into doing the bidding of the global Steilacoom you know we're going to have to expose your terrible sex crimes you know we got
video we're going to expose this terrible sex crimes unless you U-Boat to to Reno vas murder a bunch of people. Selling you know what we need you to be pushing for this reduction of carbon emissions we need you to be embracing take it from a republican perspective and we need you to the kind of try to coax your York New York caucus your people your constituents into believing that they should be driving electric cars okay and that they should accept accept the legislation that is going to reduce carbon emissions and eventually reduced the fossil fuel driven cars and race taxes on on gas and other oil and other things that are going to affect things what are they asking you to do anything stupid or just telling you that if you can send you that if you don't get on board and start pushing climate change number one we're going to release this number to you'll be out of office and maybe if we just can't
I need that stuff will just kill you but these scenarios you know people will hear this especially me know many of you are still not you're still skeptical about this whole liberal world order the powers-that-be powers and principalities that I could borrow your still skeptical that it might be hard for you to swallow I wish that I could just just transfer what I have in my brain K&N just transferred directly to you just so you know that be pretty cool
Maybe not maybe you'll be like I like guys those guys crazy maybe I am
maybe I am
but I'm certain that many if not most if not nearly all of the policies that come out whether it's coming up from Washington DC or your state capital or your city call vast majority of them are in some way being used to advance
the machinations of the globalist elite cab all the new world order or as I like to call them and they like to call themselves now the liberal World Order you might see what is doing this for that have to do you know what it looks like they have legislation out there for you know build back better or whatever that's ones obvious you know when I get back the infrastructure don't what's wrong with with having better infrastructure doesn't that promote the idea but now it doesn't if you look in the details and I know none of you do okay none of us do I didn't look I didn't read the entire infrastructure Bill Kay I got my cliff notes and the vast majority of you did as well the hidden within this infrastructure bill is supposed to do Bridges or whatever is actually push for more charging station to push away from the use of fossil fuels in this has nothing to do with the environment
it really doesn't
if it's the monster but it's not about oh you know this funny part is they tried to say although it's this is the best economic plan look at the gas prices right now you just I just came out and I said is that a report it was just an article where they did they did some some research that it wasn't a full-blown study but it's actually cheaper to travel a hundred miles on it with a relatively gassy, but still gas burning car than it is to go get into an electric vehicle and try to drive the same amount of miles if you could even make it that far this is just a humongous got it just is a Hugh Mungus con job and it's not just about making people Rich when she start understanding the things they're pushing us toward you should Gillian dialect either creating problems and we're marching ourselves towards those problems the creating problems that they won't have I guess the only solution is
we have electric bikes move to the city mass transit you can on your own car not enough lithium battery so you know now that we've Outlaw gas cars sorry you're you're too because of the shortage of lithium now it's going to be well all I don't know $200,000 to buy your your Hyundai electric vehicle and we have to do that because we got to reduce the numbers folks you know this isn't just for average people to regular people it's only for the elites they can actually drive around you should use mass transit anyway it's better for the for the world
this is what they're pitching for us
after the break room talking elections
top security of our Pharmaceuticals the ingredients in them come from China they are controlled by the Chinese Communist party where are you sing supply chain issues pharmacies are running low on a lot of things in the if the crap hits the fan as a lot of us think it may in the very near future you will want antibiotics in the best way to get that is to go to JD Rucker. Cam manager be able to get a teleconference with an actual doctor and then they'll send you meds they'll seem to like five different versions or types of antibiotics are the different ailments that could they can hit us these are great for long-term storage you will you will want them and knows if it's one of those things where if you if you need them then you'll want them if you don't need them then least she'll have them so and here's the thing if you don't have him you're almost really going to need them at least sometime in the near future so JD Rucker.
/ meds
there's a lie has been told by government as well as corporate meeting but mostly by government for Century now is that your money is safe in the bank and I it's it's been perpetuated because for the most part that has been true but it's not true because there really is safeties been true because nobody has actually ever had to pull the trigger not at the FED not within our own government not at other central banks but here's the thing in this is where the trust Factor comes into play they know not just the US government also European union and other Western governments across the world and not to mention our Western governments they know that an economic collapse is very likely probably going to happen very soon they know that this recession stagflation there's so many so many moving Parts in our current economic status and there
ready without telling us they're getting ready for what to do in case a repeat or even worse scenario a repeat of what happened in 2008/2009 come pass with talking about the financial institutions that were bailed out back then they can't do that again this is not possible not feasible so now they are preparing was called a bail-in but those were unfamiliar I would recommend while number one listen to this video watch this video that I'm about to play by Greg Reese over at Infowars banned. Video but also you do a little bit of research yourself if you have y'all go ahead and throw the takeaway out there if you have more than $250,000 the FDIC guarantee if you have more than $250,000 in any One bank account unless you got tons and tons of money split it up and I wouldn't even recommend Nashua putting it all into bank you can put into other Investments put into other types of accounts
put into physical gold and silver at your home I don't care do whatever you need to do to split up because if there is any, collapsed and if the banks to engage in was called a bail-in then your money is in in Jeopardy if we really legitimately is nobody's going to tell you this special non-government but this is the truth let's go ahead and play this video again this is about the European Central Bank but whatever you hear from Greg Reese assume that it can and likely will happen as well in the United States of America we are not immune to it didn't matter fact some would say that we are arguably more vulnerable so let's play Greg's video
an instacart I can drop a huge selection of pet supplies from that one brush sets
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after publishing my video report on bank bail-ins a contractor for the European Central Bank who asked that his name be withheld for security reasons contacted me with the following information shortly after the FDIC meeting that went viral my source was assigned an urgent project related to bail in capability for the European Central Bank or ECB Baylands is when the bank steals money directly from people's accounts just like we saw in Cyprus in 2013 the Project's goal is to build a data infrastructure for the financial Market infrastructures which are the networks that allow Financial transactions to take place to report to the ECB about the capability of Banks and capital markets to absorb losses and to execute bail-ins as quickly and efficiently as possible
this urgent project makes it clear that the ECB is expecting a system collapse and that they know it is uncontrollable and unforeseeable the current security requirements do not legally compel the banks to provide information to the ECB if a bank is insolvent they have no incentive to tell the ECB and so that is not targeting Banks directly but rather Financial intermediaries like Swift and large settlement houses the purpose of this contractors job is to provide a way for the ECB to pinpoint which banks are insolvent and where the collapse will stem from this is being done by creating large data links which an engineer can analyze and Find meaning at a graphical level how much bail-ins each bank has to execute and how much of a loss they can take this is evidence that the ECB
is definitely planning on bail-ins as a means of surviving an imminent collapse and when this occurs we can expect multiple Banks to close and stock markets around the world to shut down as the bank's steal as much money from the people as they deem necessary most of this work is being done in private but there are pieces of information available to the public on the eu's SRP website including operational guidance on bail in implementation and the operational guidance and play books the ECB contractor has also pointed out that the latest directives for the European Union's digital service providers that governments shall appoint to trusted bodies for Internet domain registry meaning that the government will have the sole Authority on who is able to have a website allow a gaping hole for a major cyberattack which
official commentators are ignoring reporting for Infowars this is Greg Reese
I do really love listening to you and watching Gregory's videos they I don't agree with everything he says by the way he does have certain videos that I just sometimes I completely disagree with you know if you can get 70 80 90% agreement with anybody in in media you're doing well you found something that you should listen to I don't expect everybody that to believe every single thing that I say or agree with all of my perspectives mystery did especially considering how many of them I put out on a daily basis but yeah it was Gregory's I would say probably about 80 per-cent aligned with it which is very very good so I appreciate him you're that is one thing to talk about the bank Bill isn't in the whole scheme of things I would say that the chances of that happening are approximately Thirty thirty-seven so is 30% chance I would say that it could happen in the next 2 or 3 years
but even then you know you might say that's an optimistic view maybe 30 a hundred percent guarantee they already had a plan and it's already in motion I don't know okay but even a 30% that should concern that should make people react to make you you take action right now if you have over a quarter-million dollars in any single bank account move some of it get to the make sure that you haven't spread out and like I always said me and my preference for some most Reven I would say all the clothes to all of you or your money a lot of your money if you are wealthier you have her time it should be converted over to Precious Metals just my my present physical person that was not the digital stuff in the papers of physical precious metals that is where I stand but you guys probably already knew that if you watch my shows with 41 area that does affect everybody is a job market and I'm very disappointed with my
piers in conservative an alternative media because with the January jobs report that corporate media analysis amazing incredible you know it was it wasn't it was absolutely awful and yet so few were talking about I just want to talk about the the Spy balloon before it got shot down and wanted to talk about the whatever you know some important stuff and stuff is important I get it but this was important to accept I didn't see very many many reports that should have been a bombshell the bombshell being terrible jobs report released and yet corporate media and the by the regime somehow to try to spin it to make it look amazing music literally not amazing one person who did notice that was Michael Snyder over as the economic collapse blog
the article titled don't be stupid I forgot lost 2.5 million jobs last month that's right 2.5 million jobs we might sail what sort of adjustment did he make you know what a judgement is he using to become that number actually what he's doing is he's not using a judgment so it will get there at 3 from the article I can't take it anymore fake numbers that are released by the government get turned into fake news by the corporate media and many Americans don't even realize they are being kind and then what he says many Americans either way it's called the vast majority what is 70 80 90 per cent anymore they just don't realize you might think I'll have my guys were making so much Headway on the truth on certain topics especially as it pertains to the economy everything was mass really okay the mass is just they just tune it out okay and I get it I understand I do myself sometimes anyway back to the article
tri-r breathlessly trumpeting the quote Blockbuster jobs report as if it is a sign from Heaven that have time for head we're being told that the US economy added 570,000 jobs last month but that isn't true sadly the truth is that the US economy actually lost 2.5 million jobs in January yes you read that correctly so how in the world does a loss of 2.5 million jobs become a gain of 517000 jobs every month supply adjustments to the numbers that they believe are appropriate and at this point they're adjustments have become so absurd that they have to be turned the that they have turned the monthly employment report into a total farce and this is a new show me the Bible version by the way jobs reports have been getting butchered badly for a long time and severe I mean it really started getting bad under Obama but I mean the real
what time do the Trump Administration some of them were we're off as well and off in the other direction some of his job reports are actually fantastic but whatever the bureaucrats didn't want that to be the case so that you know Hanford expectations in and record all the champagne bottles it was it's ludicrous it is ludicrous all of this is ludicrous as I have been documenting on my website for weeks there has been a tremendous wave of layoffs over the last several months Google Microsoft Amazon Apple Facebook live Twitter Walmart McDonald's in countless other large corporations have decided to conduct Mass layoffs but now the government expects us to believe the US economy is actually adding jobs at a very brisk pace
what is the house that doesn't make any sense at all unfortunately the corporate media is falling by I don't think they're just doing their job their mother real job of Journalism they're doing their job of being the mouthpiece of the White House or the Democrat Party of the liver world order the world economic Forum the the globalist elite cab all the powers and principalities whatever you want to call them that's their job now they don't they don't report the news didn't fall for their just doing what they're told and unfortunately the corporate media is buying it for example CNBC just posted an Article 2 describe the jobs report as stunningly strong is a quote from the article the employee picture the employment picture started off 2023 in a stunning strong Stanley strong a note with non-farm payrolls posting their biggest gain since July of 2022 non-farm payrolls increased by 517000 for January above the Dow Jones estimate of a 187,000 and December's gain of 260
according to the labor Department's report Friday and a CNN article has quoted one extra the saying yada yada yada get it okay yeah so their corporate media trumpeting the the amazing job that Joe Biden is doing allegedly there's another one by Moody's Chief Economist Mark zandi also saying how things are looking great but no they're not they're not
the backyard will US economy did not add 517000 jobs last month that is the adjusted number the adjusted number actually shows what the US economy law or them sorry the other Justin number actually shows that the US economy lost 2.5 million jobs last month and then here is an article or a quote from an article from Bloomberg which you have been quoting Bloomberg lot with me I'm not suggesting by any means that they are starting to tell the truth but at least they're being a little bit more transparent than they were just I mean just a year ago they were looking awful and I don't know if there's been a change or what but I've been getting more and more semiaccurate economic news from Bloomberg live. I mean it's been the last time I would say the Bloomberg was a trusted you can on his sources probably 2013 2014 at best maybe even earlier than that you know they did very well during the economic downturn that their projections were were very accurate their news is very strong back in 2008-09 but then things started to change for them they became more and more
parties and more and more woke I guess but lately they've been better anyway side-note okay so according to the article from Bloomberg for the establishment survey the government's updated seasonal factors may have impacted the headline payroll figure on an unadjusted basis payrolls actually fell by 2.5 million last month
that is actually what was measured but if you brazenly add more than 3 million jobs the report of a simply do not exist it makes it look like the US economy is doing just great needless to say Joe Biden was quite eager to take credit for the spectacular job supporting he also told reporters that he takes no responsibility for the Raging inflation crisis because of course not is Joe Biden skipping all that for the next month do you buy the ministration is going to endlessly post that says 570000 jobs were added to the economy in January most Americans would never even know that it is a number that is entirely fictional the cold hard reality of the matter is that the economic activity slowing down all around us and many people are starting to become quite desperate
how many how many balls are there I might return to the article cuz there is more to tell but I don't know if I'll have time anyway
I should have before especially a lot recently the economy arguably the most important components as far as a controllable component of the economy outside of policies outside of strange events in the single most important aspect of its economic growth or failure is sentiment sentiment of employees should have been an employee or something in the consumer sentiment of sellers sentiment of imports and exports if they people react but this is really based on what's happening right now as much as they react what they expect to happen in the future I participated in that was actually turned out to be really awful series of decisions made in 2008 ahead of the economic downturn yeah I'm the company that I was with at the time I was an executive and I didn't see it coming nobody nobody saw coming we didn't recall not nobody but nobody in my companies are coming and we started
massive amounts of of new hires back in 08 and of course then I'll and I happened to be in the bottom dropped out of our business and we had to make some Cuts would never make Cuts before we did have to make some Cuts in that that that hurt a lot with that said you know the
sentiment tells people how the economy is going to go
and if their goal here is to try to keep sending them high fine I'll accept it but I don't think that's it I think this really is political is sentiment Falls then the economy is going to continue to fall it really is already falling a lot very fast so what do we do about it get ready I would go forward assuming that whatever government tells you in this regard is just as wrong and that bad days are ahead that's going to be doing the Moon
will get happier after they leave in the next second
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11 hours by plane hate travels faster in a comment in a post in a second to 88% in the US are up to 11 hate Rises they all do let's stand up to all hate together Sharon where the Blue Square from stand up the Jewish State. Org
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I need the last segment by saying that we were going to get them to have your stuff and it's not actually case whatever in elections and the climate change hoax all the stuff can be I gather they can be very challenging for us to make a trip because nobody wants to hear about all the Doom and Gloom all the time and unfortunately look I'm a truth-teller I try to to focus on the things that are real and in our world today let's face it there isn't just a ton of good news that I will give you some good news at least this is an excellent news but it's just a perception you know shift will call him and how I've been
been handling things I've come to the conclusion in this is relatively new just within the last couple of weeks it's it's taking some time to get to really bear out of my brain but I'm coming to the conclusion that perhaps just perhaps we really aren't in the insides maybe things are actually going to get better maybe we can fight this people ask me all the time how do we fight it and I always return to you we can fight it by getting more people wear because we can't that the people who are aware of for example
voter fraud challenges economic collapse risks the climate change hoax we are in the minority if you're watching the show then you are in the minority of a drastic minority most Americans most people the world are buying into the claims of the government which is why I wanted the show to really be about reasons why you should not trust government but it's really it's deeper than that
is it possible that this is just an echo of of maybe future events in other words could this be a trial run has got me more hopeful just in the last couple weeks is realizing that they're messing up baby in the powers-that-be they've been having some nice stuff lately they've been information coming out that is encouraging to me because it means you know is what was it a Rocky 4 I think AI is Rocky Fork where where Rocky fighting Ivan Drago big Russian and he's fighting and I remember the first time in the alinta when Russia or when from Russia when Rocky lands of low and then and Ivan Drago and he's like oh you know it's easy as human he's a man. He can bleed
and then of course you go back to the Predator the movie reference bleeds we can kill it or whatever that's mixing accents there but you get the idea they're starting to bleed a bit to see see their armor with flaws now I'm not saying that we have the upper hand by any means when a third movie reference in this segment do you know it's kind of like when they went through all this trouble and I think it was Avengers Infinity War when they they were on Titan and they went through all the trouble of of hitting trying to take down fanos and he's he's owning them in and Tony Stark shows up and starts doing all these things and disable that to finally after after shooting rockets and and Penny is ham down and using a rocket-propelled punched him in the face and in this is little little scratch mean it's not even bleeding his butt but he he touches bannos
all that for a drop of blood maybe that's what we're facing maybe maybe it is going to be mad and I don't know when is that we are starting to see some victories for her side was trying to see the truth coming out more people waking up about everything vaccines Ukraine spy balloons whatever your corporate media is losing their touch obviously everything has been happening lately with the Twitter file and ask him what he's doing
there's hope we fight because weather weather is getting X or not we fight no matter what okay what is a good fight get the truth out there white people up even if you're just going to be helping to preserve then I wanted to do that that's my little it's not doing Gloom by the light always tell people I might have a I just got to a higher tolerance for the Doom and Gloom because I've read my Bible I know how it end and ends well nothing they can do to us in this world in my humble opinion is going to get if you're if you're strong in your faith you read your Bible you pray you believe in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior there's nothing they can do to you in this world that is going to affect your eternity gay you're covered covered in the blood of Christ so Rejoice don't don't just be like oh my gosh it's also bad you know nobody again
with that said I still focus on reality of the world today that reality is pretty ugly one of the things one of the reasons I'm going to turn it over to the Oliver here in a second as you're going into what is this the 234 5th August 5th 4th or 5th I'll keep track here in a minute not to trust government one of this reason is that they're attacking the Constitution it's not just the United States Constitution he's going to be talking about the British constitution going all the way back to the natural rights and then the Magna Carta in the British and US constitutions they're going after they being the government is going at the Constitution that this should not be the case
okay they're sworn to protect the Constitution and you were seeing it across the board the deadly with with every Democrat pretty much and I'm with a comfortable number of Republicans more willing to to do things to try to sidestep to to subvert to change the Constitution to make it say what it's not saying and I'm not just talking about gun control Free Speech just crossing the border up and down this is a large document they're going after Oliver and he's going to explain what's happening in Britain and how it applies to us here in the United States
look up water on and not enough people knew it I'm not talking about the stop World War warming up nicely between Russia and the West over the Weeping sword is Ukraine but silent War which iPod has we the people don't just between us and our parliament against us in these islands may be the most important here in Britain are like to tell us we have the mother of parliament for the tourist consequences of the whole of the West and the whole of the world the politicians another strategic objective is to control of the people that should be achieved in the misuse of legislation that was in Pursuit
of a One World Government cheat on with every fiber of their being sold and nation states that said that it have a special losing for National constitutions that defend the rights of people in perpetuity total control of the state has in mind requires that he drinking of the people in Parliament is the highest power in the land that they tell us what to do it's interesting to note that the art of falconry the swiftest attacking flight in the shop is eyesight of all living creatures is can't do silent under control simply by having a little Heat play stupid-head I told a silent one and I mean it G-Eazy of the dissenting voices can you hear the beach no that's because you're not like most people in the country or behind Central Glass no matter how to load the drumming with Festool not glass too many cars on the goblin is looming in the form of a
we've a wall of flame and yet no one here has the alarm being raised in Game of this war unfortunately for us right in the closing stages over these last two years or so I know she would control of pollen finally want to play the hand on by the high-handed application of disastrous and the khunying policies inadvertently work too many people are being played on The Institute after all those years of distance run the last Bunch handy the backbone of a relay race for the Sprint to the finish line of proving to be the clumsiest Clones tripping over their own feet too much too quickly went to the head before all that we have to concede that they tried their damnedest to get over the line in the Beverly still trying but these last two or three years The Underdogs caught up in the salad while sleeping silence. Shut up myself together is my old man of the sea obedient to rules respectful of authority if you told me a few years ago that I'd be saying something
can you keep asking questions I just coughed but you've Rihanna here I am like so many others increasingly subject to censorship online to a broadcast journalist in this country going to speak up a blatant Wrong by authority of complicit and slavish transmission of parliament message and the suppression of Country reviews
and yes seriously saw an old man of Silence Jews who is it be called misinformation or ridiculed as conspiracy theory have been proven correct after all scientists doctors and other health professionals a handful of journalists people from all walks of life but the reputation trashed the lady who destroyed and yet they were right all along but still the censorship in silence and goes on Bill Gates the self-appointed Lord God Almighty of Science in vaccine cut himself, and admitted the so-called vaccines he pushed on everyone has a time if I caught him on some online chat comes down to being withdrawn for the on the fifties and asked why they safe and effective
watch meet you around kind of surprised that the government had deployed spies and sneaks that are called the same thing voices and seek to have their voices silence among them the 77th Brigade style of the British army that uses social media to help the government control the narrative and push its propaganda to buy sell weed chairman of the defense warmonger is the big eight lieutenant colonel in the world it's the same Canadian psychologist social media VA education and stop saying the same consequences as the principal Weapon It's ruthlessly wielded by Parliament what's my father was to Silence Yourself what's the silence is accepted as the safest way the only way than the war is over now is the time to make noise a lot of noise
is the endgame all the weapons are in Plainview digital IDs are almost within the framework of Central Bank digital currencies is where they hear surveillance cameras or phones and being retarded every day 15 minutes cities of the new look. Can you guess whose everywhere the proposed by the majority of the people to be to ride roughshod over supposed to democracy and impose them anyway expressly against the wishes of the people voted for any of this agenda 2030 known since I was far as the so-called leaders of consent
I always it's a so-called climate crisis the greatest hopes of multiple times has the justification for making us to rid of cold up hungry 24 hours a day if that's what can we do for a start we can speak to all of it March and protest before they passed legislation they can I illegally as well but principal weapon in many ways the only weapon we need is right here under our noses believe I believe that not scoff if you will but it's on National Constitution give me a constitutional monarchy and then maybe after work and a new constitutional monarchy in the form of King Charles the sun right now is the perfect time to the man. The VA education of our constitution says and means to cut to the chase that exposes the LIE the blatantly lied Parliament Southern
is not and never can be sober and I don't Constitution is older than Parliament came before there was such a thing as Parliament anso new Parliament by the Constitution and yet cannot touch it alone must drive the with the tile and despots and Westminster only we the people have the final say the absolutely final fate and other governments if you won't take my word for it I don't think father and second president of the United States could be argued that a government like this where the sovereignty resides in the whole body of the people is a democracy that need to be answered that the right of the sovereignty in all nations is unalienable an indivisible and does and can reside nowhere else
most importantly of all even though the last the vast majority of people have deliberately made unaware of this crucial crucial fact is the only way the people have the power to judge the Justice of the laws we choose to live by this is not some obscure legal talk this is simple fundamental and which is most important of all it should be on t-shirts in poggi's every child should be taught that's above all any government itself to write legislation and also to impose the punishment for breaching that legislation is at any any people that submits to the idea that the government both NATO legislation and enforces it is a people living under a dictatorship absolute power of the people is wielded by the Judy generations of people in this country have been messaging cated in to overlook
when Judy kills a trial even if it's proven Beyond any legislation hello has been broken the Judy be still said the accused free indeed a trial by jury has began exercise a defined by the Constitution even one juror finds him guilty must result in a not guilty verdict if you listen to this awesome that is because it truly is gone tomorrow government to try and persuade her otherwise awesome tree is another day closer to object into the rule of despots an ancient King Charles if we do if it's still in a constitutional monarchy and a constitutional monarchy must swear an oath to protect the rights of the people know that I know of but if people against all comers for more than a thousand years of constitutional law.
Elizabeth the second included a sword also to protect our national border I don't spend it up on the unquestioned unchallenged sovereignty of the people the Modoc swears to protect our liberties without exception if anyone anyone tells you the other Constitution signed it up on Magna Carta 1215 has been set aside of superseded is simply and preferably use the same and see if we win the war either we live in a democracy in the form of a constitutional monarchy or we don't if we do it then Parliament better at least have the decency to tell us to hunt for the most explain when and how did that happen we have three people and Sovereign we don't Grant you the freedom to choose his much older than Magna Carta 1215 restatement of what was Jose T to an undefeated and made real By the Mark shoulder common law
I will begin the long path of remembering that we cannot be told what to do by government. Truth is final and can only be denied by those who I know it you know it kind of lying
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I need to know if I'm going to be doing a show about lack of trust in government about not believing pretty much anything they say of course at least got to bring up one story about the vaccines Ivory up at least one story about covid-19 in general but the vaccines in particular now there are at least half a dozen major major stories and I could be covering today that just popped up and over the last two or three days even over the weekend I could have there were stories that could highlight why you shouldn't trust Governor when it comes to to of course the vaccines but there's an old story that I want to bring up and something that very few people are talking about actually want to see very few I haven't found anybody talking about it
at least not on social media or in the blogosphere and that is of course the the project Veritas Pfizer bombshell the drive to was last week the last week for the last 10 days will say the Pfizer bombshell that they are engaged in what's called directed Evolution which is game of function research under a different name possibly even worse than just getting a bunch of research though I'm not going to get into the science about that right now and you might stay over that's an old story why would you talk about that what does that have to do with government of course they know where they know we're not here's the part that gets to me okay here's what chaps my khakis in regards to the story is the fact that nobody in government is talking about and watching nobody I mean literally nobody my cell but it was wasn't like the announcer the house investigation into it or they're going to they're going to do a do a hearing about it or whatever you okay so so maybe there's a little bit of movement but
you just check the people that we generally trust the conservatives in Congress they're not talking about they haven't been talking to his write a check in a while I know the people will rip on me for using Twitter because I prefer gab I have integrity about forgetter okay I like true social it's okay I like parlor it's okay and Twitter Elon Musk has gotten better it's moved up in the rankings but it's still me that the only reason I ever uses because that's where everybody else says it's if everybody left with her I would leave it in a heartbeat no offense Elon Musk one that said you can still use Twitter as a good barometer about what people politicians in particular want to talk about and it's conspicuous I did a search on for the the keyword Pfizer K and I searched accounts for people that we generally like and or trust Lauren boebert Ted Cruz Rand Paul Marjorie Taylor Greene
but I figure between those people that would Rand Paul as well whose is obviously been in one of the tips of the spear on this one I'm going after the only after big Pharma and we're really going after Anthony fauci and then big Pharma by default I would check Kevin McCarthy who I don't really like her supportive but hey you know is Speaker of the House you would think that it would draw his interests as check the FDA I checked and I uh I checked the CDC one would think that after this bombshell undercover video by project Veritas exposing a director from Pfizer admitting that they were engaged in a in a functional research or steak is he called it directed evolution
of covid-19 you think it's somebody would be talking about it somebody in government definitely not a Democratic or some probably not very many Republicans but surely somebody's talking about no do not
they're not talking about it at all and I cover this before about how much McConnell is the only one just because Mitch McConnell is the is gets paid more by big Pharma than anyone else in Washington DC at least anyone else on Capitol Hill just because he's the Big Daddy doesn't mean that the most of not the vast majority of them maybe all of them for all I know but at least a good chunk of them are on the take they get support from Pfizer moderna Johnson & Johnson Mark all the others they do contribute greatly heavily to Congress we've seen how they control media anybody was watching the Grammys last night check out there's a story I put published over the Liberty daily from the Gateway pundit regarding how it was very ironic that you have you have this satanic very clearly obviously and unambiguously and unabashedly satanic portion of the show happening and then right after it plays you see you
brought to you by Pfizer and you could can't make this stuff up that happened at the Grammy's I know much but I saw some people posting about on social media the point is is that is that show people talk about that and you'll have very many news outlets talking about I would say at least on the conservative an alternate side talking about the project Veritas bombshell he's talking about a Big Tex can't sweaters got like 30 million views but it's not even allowed on on Facebook or Instagram or YouTube looking bands are getting the getting censored hard
and you think that pays for all the information considering the severity of the accusation you're in again when I'm talking about an accusation we're talking about an admission why is nobody in government talking about this why is why are they so focused on the damn blue and I'm not saying the balloon you know it wasn't a big deal thing that all we know that's just the kind of gummies party spying on us and then balloons blown up over the Atlantic no big deal and no I'm not saying that
why did everybody in government
avoid like the plague avoid talking about Pfizer talking to project Veritas talking about the bombshell talking about getting a function research or directed Evolution that's the biggest story that we've had over the last two weeks by far hands down
need nobody in government is talking about it how can you trust those people at all and get what is goodbye by biblical stand but even if we go by our human standards you can't really trust anybody and DC okay right I mean I like Thomas Massie he's had some flaws I like Ron Johnson he's had some flaws the Apple mention Marjorie Taylor Greene to got in bed with Kevin McCarthy at least figuratively that we know of Lauren boebert had some challenges math games has even the cortical good guys have a challenge but this is one that should have been this should have been like a homerun Grand Slam e z k easy to talk about Pfizer what are you doing Pfizer is this true you know just sent out a tweet posted something
draw attention to this fact and yet nobody nobody did that I know of and tell me in the comments if you seen somebody talkin about it maybe Ron Johnson I should have checked is anybody would be talking about it would be him but as far as I've seen nobody in government has talked about Devin I left ye which is that's kind of the job. CDC which is also part of their job and I age bottom line is is that even the cortical good guys are to some extent beholden to Big Pharma beholden to the universal vaccination narrative beholden to hand a mechanic Theater what's coming up
we should ask that question and then we should demand answers because to me at least for them to be doing that going into a continuing to try to advance their Research into covid-19 even knowing that with each subsequent variation is becoming less and less potent less and less dangerous even when we we have kind of a Hi-Point with with Delta but every variant after that has gotten less severe deaths are going down even the cases go up to the vaccinated oddly enough right and 690 miles away from the u.s. 11 hours by plane
light travels faster in a comment on a post in a second 88% in the US Muslim and Arab to Rises they all do let's stand up to all hang together where the Blue Square from stand up to Jewish hate. Org
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so why why is nobody talking about it you cannot trust them you might say okay so what I trust Ted Cruz on a constitutional issue sure when I trust Marjorie Taylor Greene on you known issue as far as free speech I trust Lauren boebert to try to defend the Second Amendment sure okay well I trust Rand Paul to Garfield Avenue fauci absolutely
you can't trust them across the board and you have to understand that everyone everyone everyone
who works in Capitol Hill not just those in the cold office also there stat cap and please
and they're all to some extent corrupt by the nature of their jobs that's why we cannot trust them not if not wholeheartedly are there are degrees of trust as I meant
I don't think that there's that this
this should tell you beyond a reasonable doubt that there is an agenda at play this is Jenna comes down from the powers-that-be that the powers and principalities deliver World Order and these orders are being given to everyone on Capitol Hill office at every pure crap everybody in the White House they all have different levels of understanding of what their plan is with this one that cannot be broken you can't see is he that must not name myself out of his name when you can't say Pfizer can you just can you might be able to say it every now and then maybe during a hearing hear a tweet there but when it's something serious like this accusation from Project Veritas nothing God zero silence
again we're talking about the good guys you can't trust them but you know you can't trust just saying you can trust the news that we publish over at the two places that to our gators that are used to ever get is that one of my own discern and one that I managed the Liberty daily that we do Post what we believe to be the truth and that's as I can't say for sure that we'll never get anything wrong because everybody get something wrong every now and then we posted it beats because we truly believe it because we think oh my gosh this is going to get us great pageviews she won't find Google ads anywhere on my sights okay it's just not going to happen isn't about that this is about trying to save America trying to save the world
trying to inform the masses so check them out to turn Liberty
does this wouldn't be a j d wrecker show if I didn't talk about vaccine so too would not be an appropriate J D wrecker show of I did not talk about food as well as it pertains to government government lies government deception government taking control government doing everything they can to prove to us they're not trustworthy but more importantly to to demonstrate that the justification for us to not trust them yeah one of the best ways to do that best places to understand just how far they're willing to go is there any here in the United States we're seeing a lot of ignorance when it comes to the food crisis the crisis I should say we're seeing them not talk about eggs very much not talk about chickens or or cows or anything because they have in their plans the instructions they've been handed down by the global sleep cabal they've been Fil-A you know where we're going to have lab grown meat for you at we're going to have bugs meal worms crickets it's all going to be
home in protein world all in the name of climate change well we have a horrible whereas in the Netherlands they are faced with Extinction essentially of the ability for the Dutch to generate food and that's a huge deal considering how how imperative the Netherlands their Farms account for a huge percentage of the food is distributed across the world especially in the EU but also even here in the United States so let's turn to someone who I'm hoping to have on the show she's a grease from the show here soon but I'm going to go ahead and play a video first and I'm going to butcher her name but Eva of learning her Brook her name on the show so if you guys know or if you think her tell her that she's already said that she would do it so we just got to schedule it so get her on the show but let's first I have heard of scry what's Happening Here in the near future with
the Dutch farmers
do you remember the Dutch farmers and do you remember their creative products last summer do you remember how they fought for our freedom well I'm sorry to say it but I have bad news for you are farmers are losing and the Dutch government is winning the fight they have doubled down on their plans to expropriate 3000 Farms before the year 2040
they call it expropriation I call it stepped in the name of climate change and how are they doing this well they're waging a war of attrition against the farmers while simultaneously vilifying them continuously in the media and that strategy has been proven to be very successful
whenever I speak to our Farmers now I can tell that they are losing hope and who could blame them they've been badgered intimidated and vilified they're afraid to be threatened or rested or even shot at again
they're afraid that they have lost the support of the people
the same people they provide with food every single day and that's why I'm reaching out to you right now because I know that that is not true last year the farmers gave us hope and courage and now it is time we returned to favor there are elections coming up in the Netherlands and we have to show our government who is boss and our farmers are the only ones that have the manpower to do it
as civilians we have to stand United with our Farmers against the totalitarian forces who want to cut our food supply and take away our rights in order to control us it is absolutely vital to let our Farmers know that they do not stand alone let them know you'll support them if they decide to protest again let them know please leave a message of encouragement here in the comments or tweet out using hashtag Dutch Farmers because remember no Farmers no food
I said it before and I'll say it again when I actually I didn't say it is said by Henry Kissinger who controls the food supply controls the people that's what this really comes down to they are trying to control us invoicing how they're trying to control us with other measures this is just another one and the way that they figured you're going to have people that do not want to be controlled special here in United States but also not everybody is a sheet but unfortunately I have what we've learned especially during the pandemic Panic theater what we learned very clearly is that there just aren't as many of us as I always thought I would have expected maybe you knew there weren't but I saw people that I would have expected to not be compliant be compliant and some people who should have been fighting back by participating in events that were embarrassing because of how lightly they were attended were talking about events that were calling for
and of lockdowns at a time when it was very clear at least to those were paying attention is very clear the lockdown we're not effective and even if they were still talking about the United States of America was talking still talking about the constitutional republic that we are or at least were
so for them to you for that the people's not rise up and we it's funny because we've seen in other nations including in the Netherlands how they do tend to rise up better than we do what happened to us what happened United States where is their fighting Spirit where is their desire to maintain our freedoms we're going to need that if we have any hope at all I'll be able to survive this attack on the world's food supply and if they do get control more control of the food than they already have we are in big trouble. He's the one that you want to see what I'm talking about stay tuned
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you're so far everything that we talked about today all of the various pieces of corruption the lies the the various reasons why we should not trust government on just about everything a lot of it has to do with them try the manipulators lot of it has to do with our mission and it is a mission that brings me to the spinal final piece of today's show the final piece of the puzzle in the one that I consider to be arguably the most important because it betrays the reality of our government in a way that is inexcusable you might be able to say for example that hey yeah maybe they really do believe that the vaccines work or maybe they just don't think they have the power to fight him a maybe they're being bribed or whatever you might be able to make some sort of playing about that you might be able to say hey voter fraud has a toxic subject so the reason I can't trust him in that regard at least you know there whatever reason maybe they think they're they're doing right
eating maggot people out of there maybe whatever can you can find any justification you want for pretty much everything that I've discussed in it there's one subject that I don't cover nearly enough that I need to cover more one subject that is the epitome of why you must not trust government
a lot of people refer to it as and I was in the vast majority of people refer to it as as child trafficking child sex trafficking I don't like calling it that because I think that it diminishes the true depravity that the hideousness of the crime this is child rape they were talking about this is rape and torture of children destruction of Life Falling just short of absolute murder as far as the worst things you can do to somebody these lies the lies of these children that are getting getting raped and tortured by whoever
these lines are destroyed they are permanently affected that child will not grow up to be the same person that he or she would have had they not been raped
it changes a person's life that changes everything about them their entire future becomes change based upon the one of then hopefully just one but many times as we know as multiple events multiple multiple crimes performed against them and our governments at almost every level ignore this problem in the problem is growing this one there is no excuse you can't find any justification for any politician any member of government any bureaucrat any whatever
does not hold this at highest priority
it is getting worse and you might say well child rape has been around forever Raven General has been around forever fine but it is getting worse it's getting worse here in the United States getting worse across the world message should not be not based upon the level of Technology the law enforcement has the way that mean we are giving away right at the rights of the rights of a piece of privacy is being stripped of us you can't walk through an American City without being monitored in some way and yet still despite all this
the the raping of children is increasing how is that even possible was possible not only because of the cultural effects of radical cultural Marxism not just because of the obvious moral and ethical boundaries being torn down because as a nation and as a planet in many ways not on All Nations like this at least here in the United States the faith has been attacked the pointed it's it's diminishing the faith of the people the I guess you could say that
the acceptance of the Bible as the inerrant word of God that has diminished so great we just in recent Years love them decades both those things can can be too clearly attributed the rise of tribes race here in the United States but you can also look to a political recent many political reasons behind it and it really does come down to radical leftist
no no no no no Daniel
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I titled radical left ISM in government is to blame for the unfathomable rise of child rape and I'm not going to read the entire article because it does it is very long and it does going tonight cuz my article one by Michael Snyder over at the economic collapse blog that goes into some details about just recent events and frankly I just don't want to I don't want to Echo those even though maybe I should maybe I will maybe that's exactly what we need maybe we need more people to be aware of how heinous these crimes being committed against children are
turn the article over the years I've learned to never attribute to politics what can better be explained by culture for example many try to blame Democrat policies for the rise of lgbtqia plus indoctrination in family friendly drag shows are in Iran schools but it's really the deterioration of cultural sanity and an abandonment of biblical principles that are the actual culprits with that said the ramp and child sex trafficking problem in America can be attributed to a combination of lighting Faith failing culture and the criminal empowering policies of leftist mostly Democrats even the phrase quote child sex trafficking is a failure because it down plays the depravity of the crimes themselves trafficking can be applied to drugs or illegal merchandise it implies criminal activity of movement
taking the focus away from the actual heinous crime of raping and torturing children destroying their lies from the start and greatly reducing the chance they can live happily and fulfilled with major problems with cultural Marxism continuing to rise in America we definitely have tremendous problems with a population that does not spend nearly enough time on our knees in prayer or reading our Bibles those are massive factors in the advancement of raping and torturing his children the political left ISM in radical policies can rightly be attributed is playing big roles as well these policies have reduced the jail time spent by those who get caught rendering our Judiciary impotent to render appropriate judgments on child rapist these policies and made it a quote hate speech to call out those who promote child rape as long as they do so with with careful wording cross worst of all is that the cultural degradation and reduction of faith can both be in part blamed on
Democrats and their milquetoast Republican cronies for pushing the worship of cold lowercase Gods like climate change and wokeness to the detriment of judeo-christian values in America today diversity Trump's reality equities from sanity inclusivity Trump's quality in other words lies from the truth this is why child rapists are getting months in jail or somebody who entered the Capitol building on January 6th 2021 may spend years behind bars this is why the FBI pulled Agents from the field for hunting child Predators so they could track at Grandma's who spoke out at school board meetings of government has prioritize left his talking points over fighting the good fight against evil it's no wonder boys pretending to be girls are raping fellow students in school bathrooms
the article by Michael Snyder over the economic collapse blog that details some of the stomach wrenching incidents that have been in the news just over the last few days expanded this out over the months and years and it spells Doom for the United States are children are in Jeopardy the only way we can fix this is to replace Wilkins cultural Marxism the idiocy and anti Faith policies with real Justice if we cannot protect our children we are worthless we are worthless as a nation we are a nation that deserves whatever judgment is coming in folks there is Judgment coming I don't want to speak for God
but we saw what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah and I would argue that the trajectory we're on I wasn't there obviously but based on what we know about the depravity there where they're again okay this is it this is what OK he is this nation and the world in general
we become evil than you would say well we've always been evil and that's true yeah weed there is there's no one who is good in this world at least not among men and women but no we have embraced a level of evil that has destroyed us Renal Care to destroy our our sensibilities and get nobody in politics is talking about this why why why
how can you trust anyone who has power to address this who has power as representatives of the people to help defend the people children are people parents are people I would say the monsters who are raping and torturing these children maybe they're not people but it seems based on the way that our government is heading right now they have more rights than their victims
going to turn back the article cuz I keep granting this is going to turn very ugly I can assure you of that you may want to vomit after you read about the Unspeakable evil that is happening All Over America right now more kids are being sexually victimized in the United States than ever before in our entire history as you'll see below in some cases kids are being raped 20 to 30 times a day and very little is being done to prevent this from happening but this crisis is certainly not just limited to the hundreds of thousands of children that have been forced into sexual slavery in our society today very young children are being constantly bombarded with extremely sick and twisted messaging on television in the movies on the internet and in their class what are we doing to American children are what we are doing to American children is beyond criminal and if we do not reverse course our nation is not going to have a future
every society throughout history that is violated children like we are violating them has fallen then I'm assuming he's referring to the Romans to me he's referring to the the Mesopotamians and now the American Empire is falling victim to the same evil
taxi article did you actually believe that we will be able to get away with our heinous crimes you are just being delusional every single day hordes of extremely young quote sex workers are being rated in the streets of our major cities in fact in East Oakland The Pimps and become so Brazen they're actually forcing their girls to solicit men right outside a Catholic grade school and he's referring to an article over from ABC7 News video showing women who appear to be sex workers listening right outside a Catholic grade school in East Oakland is Raising concern about human trafficking in the area officials tell the i-team young women some please believe maybe traffic are walking outside Saint Anthony's K through 8th grade school off East 15th Street in Oakland at all hours of the day back to Michael's article this is even happening while school is in session and has been reported as some of the prostitutes are just 15 or 16 years old
like I read any part of that for the shop the sex industry in Los Angeles has been Ashley thriving one man named David Cox that helps to rescue those involved in the industry say the girls as young as 11 are being victimized and he also says that some of the kids in La streets are being raped 20 to 30 times a day from a Zero Hedge victims are sometimes brought in from other states or countries to David Cox CEO of Zoe International at Los angeles-based nonprofit that helps victims recover once rescued once rescued locally and internationally Cox said his organization partnering with similar similar Los angeles-based nonprofit savings saving innocent as care for 893 use victims of sex trafficking this past year with some as young as 11 inner-city kids are being raped 20 to 30 times a day he says I'm back to Michael's article
is like hell on Earth for these children the most of our leaders don't seem to care every once in a while someone someone actually it does actually get busted for having sex with kids but often those that do get busted or hit with extreme life sentences example 28 year old man that actually raped two girls under the age of 10 long you be serving 180 days in jail and that's from law officer. Com
is this what passes for justice in modern America of course if we had adjusted adjust Society millions of sexual predators will be serving hardcore prison time now in the previous article I share a very sobering statistics that originally came from next one piece by John and Misha Whitehead and they prefer to consider this every two minutes a child has bought and sold for sex hundreds of young girls and boys some as young as nine years old I'm being bought and sold for sex as many as twenty times per day adult purchase child children for sex at least two point five million times a year in the United States alone 2.5 million times a year somebody is buying a kid for sex they're raping children
here in the United States in Georgia alone is its estimated as 7872 hundred men have them in their 30s seek to purchase sex with Allison girls each month averaging roughly 300 per day on average a child might be raped by six thousand men during a five-year. This is why I don't talk about this stuff more it's because it it infuriates me I mean if there's anything they could drive me to engage in criminal violence this is it okay what I would do
not even going to go there
back to Michael's Oracle this is America now we've become a nation that is absolute teeming with Predators sadly way too often that includes men in position of power and authority over here today I came across yet another example this comes from American Military a former in the from from their article former producer for ABC News was arrested Tuesday on federal charges of transporting child pronography James Gordon Meek lives in Arlington Virginia at several devices seized from his home by the FBI last April the Department of Justice said in the statement according to court documents they contain images of children engaged in sexually explicit conduct authorities also found multiple check conversations with the user who expressed enthusiasm for sexually abusing kids
I'm going to read any more of this I can type
our government's your your representatives at the city state and local level city state and National level sorry
they're doing nothing about this they might make speeches or send out a tweet every now and then about heinous is
but if they really wanted to represent us they really wanted to do I mean this is something Universal we can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that the vast majority of people other than the psychos themselves the vast majority of Americans would fully support legislation at any level that will crack down on this that will make it to where these men and sometimes women are put behind bars indefinitely
I mean they there's no recourse from this there's no coming back from this if you're willing to do that to a child you do not belong in society you need to get used to jail because that's where you going to stay not for not for 180 days number six months after six years anybody who will do that to a child should be removed from society because there's nothing that was about that they should eat we should lock them away and prayed they find find Jesus because that's the only thing that the only they they think it's probably part of the society anymore
that's it I'm done anymore not today maybe tomorrow I will be back very soon with another episode of the meantime just stay strong stay safe
God Bless America Beats
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