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JD Rucker Show, December 4, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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Commiefornia Insanity, Covid Lunacy, Plus Darren Beattie Talks Fedsurrection

Title: Commiefornia Insanity, Covid Lunacy, Plus Darren Beattie Talks Fedsurrection


There are so many awesome changes happening at The JD Rucker Show next week. On today's episode, I briefly talked about that before diving into the news. Top 10 Questions a Covid Commission Should Probe About the United States’ Pandemic Response -… Francisco Mulls Creating a Red-Light District -… 50% of All Vaccinated Young Athletes Have Myocarditis - Wolf: Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA Shot a War on Women, Human Fertility -…‘It Was a Mistake’ for Biden to Open Border Without Plan: Andrew Cuomo -… Digital Tyranny: U.K. Introduces 'Britcoin' CBDC Project - Senate Votes to End Income Taxes on Gold and Silver, Hold Monetary Metals in Reserve - the end, I'll be talking to Darren Beattie from Revolver News. He wrote the forward for a book about The January 6th Report, so we'll be discussing that and all the things surrounding the "Fedsurrection."

Recorded: February 11, 2022

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

if there's one thing I've learned over the last nine months so I stood in this iteration of the J D wrecker show is that there needs to be more iterations it if you want to make a change that we should make sure that is a positive change don't make change for the sake of change and we have no need to change anything. Because my work over at America out loud with the J D wrecker political report Trump's catchphrase you know it's we haven't been treating you guys very fairly because we've been sharing the show Kay the show that you're here at America out loud talk radio has also been played at rumble brighty on bitchute so many other places right now that's going to be changing
make it louder at 8 p.m. eastern Time Monday through Friday will be will be unique and will there will be a premium version of it in other words not at America allowed this is going to be the premium show that I do over at Red voice voice media every Monday through Friday at 6 p.m. but then we'll reclaim the audio for free over at America out loud talk radio that way that way you guys get to it kills two birds one stone number one the people in America allow cats hear a unique Show versus versus a version that's played everywhere the number to it allows the people who live with media yeah there's some people just don't want to pay they should at least use promo code JDRF they do sign up for a premium account override voice me to get bit but I'm not a big fan of having content that can only be reached by paying so people just want to hear you don't want to pay Great America out loud talk radio or of course Apple podcast the audio versions are going to be available for free to to all of you so I think that's going to work out fan
that's what you got out starts next week another big change were doing at with the 11 p.m. Pacific Time live shows that because we are finally getting start a producer over there that means guess what we're going to be able to take the phone call you guys going to give her a call and talk to me live also going to be referring to the chat on regular basis to chat over get her and rumbling anywhere else Works live so that's a huge benefit I think and in my humble opinion being able to talk to the audience to take phone calls to dress check concerns that answer question I think that's something that will hopefully make the the early show the Jenny Rucker show at 11 a.m. Pacific that'll make that show even even better okay so we got the premium show what you can watch the video 6 p.m. Monday through Friday at Red voice meet you at work you can listen to it for free over to Meraki allowed talk radio or apple podcast
I don't know I'm thinking I'm thinking this is a good thing good thing today we got a great show I'm going to have mr. Darren be joining me here relatively soon I think it's probably going to be close to the end the show but still I mean it's going to be great because he's great he's fantastic he's the the editor the founder of a revolver news he's also been doing a lot of work on the half of the country and in particular when it comes to the January 6th Gulag that the political prisoners that are currently still being held in many cases it's actually ridiculous it is it is it a sham okay just the saying that up front door also one other minor change we're going to be doing more stories okay one of the I guess you'd call it complains or go out suggestions what are the the things I was dropping the suggestion box on multiple occasions has been the idea that I talk too much about one particular subject and it's true I mean folks I've gone
I've done one topic for 2 straight hours and still not gotten everything that I want to say out there so yes I can be for both when it comes to certain topics we're going to be cutting that then make it well not all the time so we're going to be making the topic work with the time and we're going to make the time work with the topic in other words I'm not just going to talk about one topic because that fills a segment I want to be talking about however many topics we can get to the topic link that I discuss it's going to be contingent specifically on the topic itself the topic needs a minute and a half to describe it so be it if it takes an hour to describe it so I'm not going to be constrained by the demands of whatever advertisers The Rumble in Brighton on bitchute I know they like they like some like it sure it's something like a long I'm just going to take the topic and talk about a frog however long and needs to be talked about the first story speaking of which our first story today comes from the Federalists the author is Sean
he would at his top 10 questions a covid commission should probably out the United States pandemic response I'm going to bust through these top 10 because I'm going to go and cut to the chase here all right let's let's let's lead drop to leave here in the beginning the reason the answer to all of these questions comes down to a combination two things but they're really one of the same Force down to push to Jabs and establishing control they wanted control they took control they engaged in a Thor attarian measures specifically for the sake of establishing more governmental and public-private partnership control over the masses and it wasn't just here in the United States even though that's the topic of this particular article so let's cut through it in with that in mind understanding what the actual answer is to this let's see what Sean Fleetwood over the Federalists had to say
number one laser again questions that we should ask about the American pandemic response plandemic response if you will be number one that could have been done that to better protect older high-risk Americans and when we talked about lock downs and we talked about about those about self-inflicted quarantine right quarantine it's something that we reversed through as a result of the pandemic is where you're supposed to take the sick people and keep them away from others in other words somebody gets infected something to get sick they get 40 we did is As Americans many people did across the world was to Ascension quarantine everybody which makes the number one makes no sense number to it is to establish again control they can just keep us from going to church keep us from going to store keep us from going to wear quote-unquote non-essential jobs and they have control over us and they Flex that control
about that's the question you know what could have been done to better protect older high-risk Americans with the answer that is to use those who who could be infected number one don't do what Andrew Cuomo diddles which is to take the infected people infected elderly people and mix them in with the with a non-infected ugly people it was almost as if that was the plan they wanted to scare up enough deaths so they literally killed people I'm not accusing Governor Gretchen Whitmer or or or Andrew Cuomo the disgraced former governor of New York I'm not accusing them of murder per se but it's pretty darn close they knew what they were doing they knew that by taking infected in the infected that Ali and mixing them into the populations and nursing homes of the uninfected out early that they were going to cause more deaths what should have happened is this some note through regular testing and I'm not talking about the PCR test I'm talking about actual real covid test somebody gets infected that person that individual gets quarantined nobody else could have been done
what Sean has to say over at the Federalists as noted in the report age is the single most important factor in predicting hospitalization or death for covid patients take for example the fact that from the beginning of the outbreak until June 2020 residential lawn care facilities comprise 40% of covid related deaths in the country give us information remains completely implausible why they wouldn't order infectious covid positive patients into nursing homes placing other vulnerable seniors address what would justify such a decision and how many lives were lost because of the number one I'm not buying those numbers I know those the official numbers but that's when we start talking about covid related deaths especially in 2020 when they were really trying to stir up fear give me a break okay let's let's call it what it is they were anybody who could have possibly maybe sort of kind of tested positive for covid if they died and if they've tested positive a week and month several months before up covid that they weren't sent the vised to take
credit for anything about how do you say it is they weren't sent by our government to take credit for his many deaths attributed them to covid as possible so somebody dies of at at 88 years old they died of natural causes died because they were 88 years old and their time was up and they had covid at some point they're listed as a covered that so I'm not buying that number there but still we can agree that relative to younger people it seems as if it is operated the younger person is the less likely they are to to be hospitalized or die as noted in the article so child take somebody use who's Atlas and the age of 20 even under the age of 15 or so that child if they get covid they have like a 99.99 97 per-cent chance of recovery of full recovery so that means no risk whatsoever okay the flu was much riskier to Children then covid as you go up in years it becomes more more challenging especially to those with
these are those were extremely elderly with that set the questionnaire why how many lives were lost because of it and why would they justify such a decision again it comes down to control it comes down to trying to use the elderly to stir up fear to stir all my gosh look at all these deaths a year you're going to kill Grandma how many people remember the phrase you're going to kill Grandma such such an easy number to why was natural immunity to covid ignored I'm not even going to read that the answer is vaccines.. They can say all natural immunity works then people the gods covid would not want to get the vaccine
so they lied to us
they've been lying to us the entire time when it comes to natural immunity and the vaccines. You cannot convince me otherwise okay I mean seriously you can't it's there is no other reason because natural immunity has been proven to be much more effective at stopping covid it at all very level we went to the point now with the lady at latest iterations the latest variance alleged variance I should save covid-19 these latest variance the if you've been injected you're more likely to get infected think about how stupid it is for them to continue to push it unless it's not stupid at all because their agenda is to get as many jobs and every man with woman and child on Earth as possible that being the the actual goal well I guess it's not stupid I guess they're they're doing what's right by their agenda number 3 why were schools and colleges closed for a question again and again it comes down to control
United States becomes on the vaccines and controls the two primary issues but there is another aspect to it that this sort of ties in the control but not completely it's the depression fact it's the it's the fact that they wanted the American people and the people of the world the most of the American people to be beaten to feel defeated to feel like there was no hope they wanted us psychologically destroy that's part of us the entire idea in a siop is oftentimes to shift somebody's somebody's perception somebody's self-perceptions as well as perceptions of the world and make them feel hopeless why do they want to schools and colleges closed
because they wanted us to be going against each other
one of the one of the primary tools I want to call the purpose and that purpose still comes down to control and vaccines but the tools they use was the big get people blocked in together you know about the Mystic violence Rising Sun depression dry suicides drug abuse drug overdoses and yes we saw college students started to do things that were crazy and you seen that extend by the way we see the largest college in Sage's College High School students even Junior High and Elementary School students these children are hurt their broken much more than any previous generation because of this idiocy they inflicted Upon Us number for why was covid prioritized over other health problems you know I would say that's part of the depopulation agenda is to get me a more people die from cancer as a result I don't think it's like that I think it really does come back down to control not saying they're not trying to be populated
Court one saying is that this really came down to you know what we just need the code prioritize we need everybody begging demanding their becoming solution in the form of operation warp speed in the vaccines we need them lining up around the block just to get their jobs so that's why in my humble opinion why they did that number 5 why the CDC failed to collect actor David about the viruses
that's not to say they didn't fail to get activated by the buyers they just didn't tell me but they already knew what the day that would say CDC is complicit in all this that I'm nearly sure I'll put it on that at about 97% you some people say they were pawns I don't think they were pawns a big Pharma I think they were in bed with big Pharma and I should correct that by saying I think if they are in bed with big Pharma are all between the CDC big Pharma the FDA NIH and pretty much the entire White House on evil in trouble is an option I might think Trump himself but his advisers almost all of them were not just in bed with each other but also more importantly they're working on the direction of the powers-that-be the global delete of all the powers and principalities that I want to install this depopulation in control agenda
just my two cents never six why did Public Health officials trust unreliable models again
I want to do is trust K they're they're taking this universe or at least that the Federalist Sean is is looking at this and I understand he's not he's not defending them by any means but it's not that they trusted and reliable models models and projected those and base their decisions Quantico base their decisions on those knowing those model would be able to instill more fear those miles would be able to to get the Panic going to get people to be more compliant more obedient to stay home to not go to church not go to work. Go to school and I go to the grocery store unless they absolutely had to that's it. Number seven why was there a constant concentrated is that right a concentrated effort to demonize potential covid Therapeutics I would say
okay well we'll stick with concentrated I would say widespread maybe almost the option concert but I get the idea maybe you meant concerted who cares why was there an effort to demonize potential covid Therapeutics will. Okay. Okay. Seats.
The only way there's an emergency use authorization can work legally speaking as if there is no other treatment that's acceptable and they can work well we had other treatments they knew that so they had to dispel them they had to pretend like there were no other treatments that we got to put an emergency you saw there was a shin there's nothing that can stop covid anything and anytime somebody get sick over there pretty much on death's doorstep is the narrative they were pushing least early on and then once that start a folding with the vaccines finally started going out I started going to a different types of narrative control number 8 why the public health officials disregard safety protocols for the covid Japan again this regard is actually the right word in this case they did this regard and they knew going in they knew when they were being developed a new after they were being tested in new before they were rolled out while they were being rolled out and after they were rolled out they were unsafe and they knew the the the the protocols that were applied to the testing that they were for faulty or false
number 9 how did the US get its covid testing policy so wrong refer to the same the same answer there is number eight.
A number 10 why the massive push for ineffective mask mandate now we're getting into the Altima control mechanism facemasks or as we like to call them slave masks are designed to make you feel stupid to every aspect of an even from the diminishing the amount of oxygen to go see your brain is about compliance obedience their totality any control over everything
this is a scam this is a plan that we could scan them it's a joke and I'm already in second one I've officially eliminated the ability of this video to go up on YouTube so did it again folks we did it again
so let's be honest the vast majority of long-term storage in survival food prepping food it's just off I mean it just taste taste really really bad and that's why they expect us to to eat during the the apocalypse well if the crap hits the fan I'm going to actually be eating good food I go to Lake prepper. Com-web said that I built based on two Partnerships to companies that produce really good food no need to set up a book discount this matter with you by 1 or 10 there's no no hidden fees here as a matter of fact we charge the same price of these The Source companies charge the difference is we actually have exclusive discount use promo code rap 2023 for 10% off or for The Big Spenders use code prep 2034 15% off on orders of $777 or more go to let pepper, eat well for the Apocalypse
one of the most common questions that I received from viewers listeners readers is why are you still in California why do you subject yourself in your family to the the evils of communist California and the answer is a personal okay that I have reasons they are there are valid reasons there at the medical reasons for that have to do with my family so so that's that but I tell you sometimes it does get to the point where I just I don't want to take any more I can't take it anymore it's that bad out here in in the Left Coast Force out here in California for those who aren't aware they just recently decriminalized essentially you couldn't we made it to where you can't stop loiterers we have people that are loitering for the sake of prostitution
that takes away probable cause that makes it to where even if somebody is there against their will if they can't if it is a police see that and they really can't they can't go up and question that person say hey are you in trouble I have to let The Pimps have their way essentially that's really just very discouraging so it's obviously a shocker and has caused massive problems here okay there there been reports of prostitutes hang outside of schools religious school Catholic schools have been reports of increased violence towards women in the sad part is that this entire the law was designed to protect protecting the unjustly targeted women of color and trans women with in the sex trade industry
so they're not going to protect them but I whatever I don't even want to talk about that while let's talk about what they're trying to do to fix it quote unquote Fix-It San Francisco is currently considering creating a red light district so they're just going to be anybody's watch that was it that show the wire on HBO back with two decades ago one of the seasons of The Wire there's there's something called Hamsterdam we're basically the captain in a particular area of a Baltimore decided you know what we can't just keep her repeatedly taking out the the people that are selling heroin and Other Drugs can just keep taking them off cuz they just get replaced why don't we just create a couple of zones in the area where they can do it freely and that keeps the grime away from other areas mean what position is not a bad idea of course it's idiotic is it since they legalized drugs makes it okay if you sell your drugs here you can do it on the open the police will even watch to make sure that the nothing happens but they won't arrest you
I made the drug trade free there and this is supposed to be a solution and again that even the show was position is hey this is the right way to do it is is is idiotic. Don't get me wrong I'm not talking about let's be clear on this is not a debate about drug Trader I'm not trying to say that that heroin or whatever marijuana or methamphetamines or mushrooms or any other drugs I'm not talking about the legality whether whether or not you know the War on Drugs was right or anything like that this isn't about that okay we're talking about the type of solution which is to try to isolate isolate the problem to keep it away from the good people you let all of the bad guys hang out together but keep the good people safe it's an idiotic play if you have something you consider to be a crime and you fight that crime you don't try that you don't try to to coordinate off that's why it's so idiotic in my humble opinion that they went and
San Francisco is mulling creating a red light district court in this article over pjmedia by Linkin Brown he talks about why you move there and California's race to establish itself as America's first third world state it passed a law repealing the ban on loitering for prostitution the bill Senate Bill 3357 was the brainchild of state senator Scott weiner who held the cops were disproportionately targeting women of color and trans people now according to a report on Fox News prostitution and with it you and trafficking is running rampant in cities in California. So they can do nothing to help women and children who may be victims of trafficking since they no longer have probable cause to stop and talk with somebody and possibly intervene what is the bill say that yeah let's get to let's get to the the solution of this is so funny. It's not funny it's very sad but it's funny that of course it's in sandwich
they would consider it San Francisco's Mission district has seen a growth and prostitution to the point that residents no longer feel safe one person told the San Francisco Chronicle quote from the window right there I'll see three people gang up on a girl they'll be hitting her or the city by the bay is considering a possible solution and official Red Light District San Cisco's ABC News 7 reports that supervisor Hillary Ronan supports the plan Aid Santiago Lerma told the station's she's very concerned about the situation out there right now the last two weekends we walked out at night with some of the neighbors last week we also walked with assistant chief David Lazar who is also shocked at the magnitude of the situation the shot nobody could have seen this coming
back to the quote what we want to do is push our state legislature to legalize sex trade in California this will allow localities to regulate the trade and keep people safe
what happened to Maxie on one resident who was identified as Bernie said that there is a problem and told channel seven and he supports the creation of red light district and this is the quote you have to be conscious these are people who are trying to make make it like everybody else they have Healthcare they have benefits I think it's very smart to do I love to see that happening here they they are here everyday really working hard it's only fair to give them the opportunity to work in a better environment
wow so far no location has been pitched for the proposed District what they always say illegal aliens don't bring him here where is sanctuary City. We're not a left me crazy and they just literally drive me crazy I get to find a location that has been pitched for the proposed district for the present the city's planning on putting up barricades all that work on one of the problems treats okay they're going to hit a tree that's great which will provide access to Residence while preventing drive through traffic the police department said in a statement the Department's where the issue of sex workers and the potential of human trafficking in on Capp Street Department is utilizing strategies to stop and disrupt the criminal activity while being compassion to those forced into the sex trafficking trade don't let me stop you right there okay if you were real
going to be compassionate somebody's been forced into the sex trafficking trade you get them out of the sex trafficking trade you don't make it easier for them you don't make it to where they can be more easily exploited by those who will traffic and use them to make money who keep them hopped up on drugs will keep them dependent threatened scared terrified abused that's not a solution specialist should be a solution here in the United States of America is a God-fearing Nation we should say to ourselves no that's not right and yet in San Francisco apparently
anything's right right anything goes in communist commiefornia
reminder of this segment I want to play a clip an interview that I did the other day with Christy Lee over at Infowars in the War Room first time I've been on Infowars so I thought maybe you guys would like to see me getting interviewed instead of me just doing the interview so here's that
that is such an appropriate song with everything especially in Jungle of the state about your phone calls I'm going to make JD take some with with me in the next segment but we're going to talk to JD Rucker he I consider him 20 G of conservative media he describes himself at the last non-communist in California holding it down there and big fan of his at work being editor of the Liberty daily thank you so much for coming out with me
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let's stand up together. Org
it's only just recently interviewed me so now we got to we get to switch the tables and I get to interview you for those that don't know I mean Infowars has used the Liberty daily I know for a lot of our sources where were able to find things to talk about I frequently turn to the Liberty daily as part of my prep for my media malfeasance a segment each weight week so it's a wonderful aggregate service there and then also I mean I don't you said you don't really sleep because you're doing the Liberty daily burn your doing oh my gosh so many things but 10 to take me through how you are in California yet you can think logically and have discernment and how are you doing in which your backstory
well I guess my origin story I came out to California for the sake of business which was drawn out here by a company that's wanted me for for digital marketing for advertising to tell them with with various things and then the net company got sold and I was free and so I started my own company for a while things are going great living it up during the truck years but then I started realizing I wasn't I couldn't do it I couldn't just survive in and then thrive in corporate the corporate world was out doing what's best for my children doing what's best for my nation doing what's best for for my God and so back in 2017 I decided you know what I'm going to sell sell my company which is thriving still is driving so my company in and move onto to politics now while I'm still in California that's a great question but you know that's what happens when you got got two kids that are still in school he can you don't want to move them out but I assure you the moment that we can
we are out of here going back to Oklahoma or wherever Montana some place some place where it's a little bit rather than than that, for me as we like to call it at the Liberty you for being able to bear with it I could only last a year and a half there in California I homeschool my children while working full-time there because I just didn't see any way to make it possible to get them in school there in California so good in you for trying to hold it down there in that beautiful state and in some cases successful your reaction on that but before we do since you do work for Aggregates and so much good work at there at the Liberty daily wanted to get your quick take the Drudge Report because I remember that being the major thing that a lot of conservatives turn to for their information and what happened
so there's a billion different theories out there some say that that he was bought out that Matt drudge's bought out by the Chinese Communist party or the world economic Forum or the DNC or somebody like that I think it's possible but the part that's a Siri that I've heard but I think makes the most sense is that he was always he was always on the left he was always a basic laws leftist and you know but he he basically was able to create lightning in the beginning biking popular with conservative me and you know he went after one after people on the left he was able to break some stories about that guy out there he started realizing that he could make a lot of money and he focused on that up until 2016 when I think my personal opinion is not because you like Trump but because he thought the Trump would lose Hillary Clinton the deep down he wanted Hillary Clinton to win and then once she lost is like oh crap I've made enough money I
can do this anymore I've got to I got to switch sides I got to do what what I really feel versus the damage that I think he feels like partially responsible for Trump winning again I have no ethics not making that observation has anyone seen any proof that he is still alive is my question because I always say you know what hermit kind of a guy anyways but I mean I'm not convinced he's even alive.
It's possible but again you know I'm the only one if you ever saw him funny enough was Alec actually Alex Jones interview you for like a screen it was the oddest thing I remember thinking myself what in the world I mean this guy I don't know I don't know if you're still alive give us a sign of something the State of the Union real quick people died and didn't bother to mention during his State of the Union Address and it goes through obviously has lots of horse parents and children harmed by leftist education policies American suffering from covid Man dates victims of the bus Afghanistan withdrawal women forced to live with male inmates religious Americans who follow the true meaning of marriage
can babies safe from abortion so that's their Roundup and you know where I found this the link to this article article on the most infuriating part of Benedict state of the union break down what that was you can find us on just a report but go ahead
Dark now and in my nickname for her Joe it's actually Matthew Burke's nickname Matthew Burke is the owner at the Liberty daily I'm the editor he's the owner he came up with Benedict vitamin much shorter than your previous callers name which I try to remember it's just very very long
the very long anyway so the thing that infuriated me the most as far as what what he said was when he was talking about the border and listen for what everybody's done - at the border for all these policies that have essentially destroyed our sovereignty of the Southern border he should never have mentioned fentanyl or illegal immigration illegal aliens or anything like that when I drop him down on the floor and groveling and begging the American people for absolute forgiveness because he deserves nothing but scorn he deserves he deserves jail time this is we're not talking about like oh you know it's kind of bad it had a bad under Obama but at least he was supporting people right Vines not doing that he's doing everything he can to prevent our borders from ever closing again any other people or even mentioning like the fentanyl crisis and supposedly how he's going to combat it going to come in at it's unbelievable
it is Andy again is it was one of those things there's that there's that mean that gift with I forgot one of the Hollywood guys we can like do you know that's what I want to do take by no don't go there just doing really to help just focus on something else goes snip somebody scare don't talk about the Border because you've no right to talk about the Border without growling to the American people
sniffing hair what did you think about Melania Trump OK Amazon she was classy she was wonderful and then watching dr. Taco Jill come along and kissing oh my gosh it was just like dude there's that scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off where the father is supposed father is Paris Bueller Ben kisses his girlfriend was supposed to be his daughter and the principal so that's how it is not family I guess that's how it is in this White House there are all sorts of creepy isn't Scheels
do I want to go to the next segment is back on the State of the Union hopefully you're cool with that you could that we can take some comfort in the morning to get back to a couple of your other phone calls and in need
my good friend dr. Vladimir zelenko you left us way too early so sad that he is gone but his legacy does continue we do still support his foundation we still support his company that is still benefiting the masses across the world those who have either been jab or maybe you've been been exposed to those who may be shedding on you that's becoming more and more likely that is being the case more times you jabbed wears off you are in the more you're likely to shut on others now even if you never been Jabs not around other people very often you should still consider getting Z detox or is he stack life protocol either one of them will help your immune system has been demonstrated by scientists demonstrated by doctors dr. Zev zelenko so go to the Sea stack Freda McKenzie stack Freedom ginsey detox released act like protocols
one of the improvements that we've been making at the show is to improve the equipment I now have a new computer took me awhile to get but we finally got it I've got we're still using currently we're still using the same camera in the same microphone but changing to the new computer has made it to where my boys actually matches up with my my face and see which I had to clean up the Infowars video a bit because it didn't match up and very embarrassing you know I was watching replay my God oh my gosh those poor people the pork producers probably sitting there thinking I know why is it so bad but that's that situation has been fixed so I'm going to go and play the last the last whatever 810 how long will say eight and a half minutes worth of interview that I did with Christy Lee over Infowars so and then I'll be back with some more story to sew
watch stay there watch don't leave the 2023 State of the Union Address or as I call it the wonders of adderal the slaughter of the Union started out with a husband went at least I want to congratulate sleepy Joe for creating more towards the history of our country it's so incredible that when you're not looking at him and you're just listening to him it sounds spot on I don't know if you've heard that version of Trumps state of being
he is these B I mean not just the best Trump impersonator he's the best impersonator. Of any one individual that I've ever heard it like you said close your eyes you're certain it's got to be Trump talk on the other and I want I want to get him on myself
I noticed I'm like my Instagram some liberal person would like and you call yourself a serious journalist I did this impression of like winning a Grammy and you were sprinkled in otherwise how can we even have her sanity right
absolutely I saw the video and it was hilarious
daily are in amazing aggregate vert of all of the news that the mainstream will try and hide and that's where we can rely on the unit wanted to sneak in a couple of other calls and try and hit a couple of Idaho
Market hello Christian with me
yes hello JD and I pray that God continue to bless and protect your families thank you wanted to stay that Marjorie Taylor Greene last night she was on with that beautiful coat I don't know if he saw the picture of that but down between her and Lauren boebert they both came in about the same time now boebert worth two million marjorie's worth forty million things like that she's getting paid them do their for something and I kind of don't really trust her and I think they kind of getting ready to run her for president listening to McCarthy's saying he's always going to be
laughing as I'm very thankful that fighting isn't President because now we have the cure for cancer like he promised us so we don't have to have that Scourge in our lives anymore that's great thank you so much Marcus and Marcus brings up a great topic actually yeah I mean it's a little bit strange and speaking of touchy-feely I mean we have to wait we seen the whole lot of thoughts on that
discover this is Daniela hi it's Jennifer Coolidge I just want to thank you for making me feel so special and cash back on debit for my dinner party groceries give everyone cash back on everyday purchases anything else I can help you with do you like leftovers eligibility and turned the cash back debit Discover Bank member FDIC quit luckyland slots you can get lucky just about anywhere we got clear runway in the weather is 5 or just going to circle up here a while and get lucky no no nothing like that it's just these cash prizes that up quick so I suggest you sit back keep your tray cable upright and play for free at lucky land are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law 18 + terms and conditions apply any website for details
call janeen Lawson I did I was extraordinary disappointed that she did a back him wholeheartedly for speaker of the house okay is she did it for personal reasons we need to know what those personal reasons were if it was just to get committee assignments which had been stripped out before I disagree but at least it makes a little bit of sense as far as the 40 million vs 2 million for Lauren boebert I've never heard that so I don't want to comment on that as if it's fact but if it is true to jail let's figure that out because here's the thing nobody should go into government and make more money than they were in the private sector she was a business owner you know she she was doing very well but I know she wasn't doing 40 million well so if that is true and I have to show then I have questions and I can see I have interviewed Lauren boebert have interview Marjorie Taylor Greene he's right that Marcus is right that came in at the same time so what does that tell us
I don't know it's always good to be cynical and have discernment speaking of discernment you are just kind of your new Venture is j.d. did you want to I'm kind of like what you're doing with that
so you know you as you noted a few times I'm I'm the editor over at the Liberty but I really want to do that like two or three times a week sometimes but for the most part I started destroying just fill the Gap is essentially because you know we have to read through his part of my job I have to read through anywhere from twenty-five hundred thirty-five hundred headlines and at least 30 to 50 storeys a day over the other side so I figure you know the days that I'm off there I'll be publishing over it just turned that way we can spread the discernment of the truth this is what's so desperately lacking here in the United States of America with their corporate media journalism so yes discern is kind of I call it the light version of delivery yeah there was an old ad that came out way back when is right when I when I think Austin Powers the second movie was coming out and
they said you know if you're only going to see one movie this summer than see Star Wars but if you're going to see two movies that also see Austin Powers it's kind of how I feel like you're only going to go to one side everyday multiple times a day go to the Liberty you got to go to to report it to the next this whole alternative media effort is I I don't really feel like there's too many I mean the true people. Fenton people has not the sense of like competitiveness like we just want the truth out there whether it's coming from us or someone you eat we can point you too and there's not this like really you're fighting for for the story is kind of an angle we just want the truth out there let's try it since we talked about kind of like having to expose yourself to all of this it can be a downer because I'm right with you I'm constantly like hours of podcast reading soaking in so much so I can do not use analysis that it can get you very pessimistic
this might be a good time to take this phone call I'm from Jonathan in Florida who is saying both sides are are the same so Jonathan
call Christie can you know what life but I was pulling it up while you got to talkin about it I'm like your report on steroid what he was on that show with Alex that time if he's the he called it before I was right before Alex like looks like coming after that for the State of the Union
what he saying is not even a few other people.
McCarthy and I mean I mean we just keep getting the same thing differently I mean this person did this good when I get a phone call I know is he brought up that is selections rather than elections now others would say hey we got some concessions we saw some strength from some of the Republicans your take
Castilian party Squad this isn't a question of democrat versus Republican there's a question of US versus them and yes there are a handful very tiny handful of people on the Republican side that are on our side but there's just not enough of it's a unit party swamp we got to take them all system
he also
if you miss when Drudge Report was a good place to turn to and not just a Chinese communist
Jeremy Christy appreciate you it was really a true honor to be on not just on Infowars but with Christy Lee herself because she has been I think one of the brightest spots by the new addition to the Infowars team that she's doing herself independently of course as well and but she does she does fill in from time to time as she did for Owen Shroyer on war room the other day and I was very blessed to be on there so very happy about that all of that that whole experience good good folks over there so
here's the thing if you as a Democrat leader if you lose somebody as radical and as partisan as Andrew Cuomo they start criticizing you know you done messed up that would be fair he's criticizing the border which is the easiest possible thing to criticize when it comes to the binary fusion they have been disastrous and that's saying a lot when we consider that they've been disastrous at almost everything for the border to be there arguably their biggest disaster not a selling consequences but as far as just completely botching it okay it wasn't hard all they had to do was keep doing what was already being done tired of them stealing the office and then but they didn't they refused they instead decided to change things up and to install open borders
nautical over ABS over at the epoch times are good content Partners written by Samantha Flom title it was a mistake as a quote for buying to open border without a plan Andrew Cuomo I like how he knows without a plan you know it's okay to open the borders long as you got a plan right part of the plan former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo critiques President Joe Biden's management of the u.s. to Mexico border on February 9th holding that President policy decisions on that front had been made and are there's a quote from Cuomo it was a mistake for President Biden to open the Border without having a plan to handle the tremendous flow people and this is what he said I was on a podcast that as a matter of fact is the name never heard of it but whatever
he continues politicians make promises and campaigns that's what they do but government officials professionals need to understand the consequences of eating and acting those promises the Democrats who who the Democrat, who resigned in August 2021 amid allegations of sexual harassment and criticism of his handling of the covid-19 pandemic also conceded that the southern border states had just had been Justified to a degree in the reaction about his policies he's quoted as saying the southern states were right that opening the Border created a tremendous hardship for them to handle their rights than the federal government was not prepared for they were wrong and using migrants as political pawns and shipping them all across the country stop right there you know he was a semi loosen up until that point
when does the gas lighting about the Border there is probably six hundred different ways that Democrats and corporate media will gas light on the topic this one in particular is the one that probably infuriates me the most about it because when they say that and it's not just Cuomo Saints others as well when they say the Republican governor should not be shipping people across the country. OK Google. Saying something to that effect on urine corporate media era politician worth former politician like Andrew Cuomo don't say that because it means that you're either evil or stupid there is no other option there's no in between before before Greg Abbott Ron DeSantis or anybody else should have single illegal alien up to Democrat State Joe Biden the Biden Harris regime with shipping illegal aliens in this is not this is not
this is demonstrable fact shipping them to cities all across the country only difference is that they were doing it under the cover of night flying them into little itty bitty airports hoping they wouldn't get caught and dragged Abaddon and the others they were doing now the open letting the people know this is what's happening this is what this is the consequence one of the consequences that we're now sharing with the rest of the nation so far, to come out and say that that discredits all at once but twice making that statement about them for political reasons shipping illegal aliens to other states into making a statement means he's either really really evil cuz that's your gas light or really really stupid I mean like like Andrew Cuomo saying that would would be
one of the dumbest things he could possibly ever say any of these set it
my theory on Andrew Cuomo
is that he's evil and stupid this is a guy that thought it was a good idea to put elderly people who are infected with covid-19 and mix them in nursing homes with other elderly people once again either evil stupid or most likely scenario both so here I was I was going to have this is a semi positive Andrew Cuomo saying something something good same time in the Lucid about the border and then he has to go off and make that statement which demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is either evil stupid or both
when is it back to the topic at hand that one even Democrats as radical is Andrew Cuomo or out there saying that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the the whole installed machine with a date and they screwed up at the border and continue to screw up that's a bad sign for me to go in the 2024 I know we're not there yet but it's still ugly ugly
hey folks I am super super excited to announce my pillow 2.0 brand new brand new technology Panda technology by Mike lindell's on his my pillow cronies they are bringing it out there the filming of the commercial behind the scenes spell me I'm about to play that for you but this is amazing I'm super excited I already ordered two because of course I use promo code noq that's November Oscar Quebec I use promo code noq to get it and I got buy-one-get-one free and go to my and get yours now brand new temperature-regulating technology to keep you comfortable throughout the nights all sorts of stuff and of course it's made in the USA so let's turn it over to Mike Lindell, code noq don't forget
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okay route to name something that's not boring
sorry we were looking for chumba Casino
that's right, cuz he know.
I know I've been trying lately at least trying I've been trying lately so you can't more stories out there that are just talking about covid-19 this is for a couple reasons number one because well people in here about other things number to because I can't talk about on YouTube and let's face it now unfortunately Grumble as great as his is Brady on his grace has it is America out loud as great as it is bitchute red voice media for Freedom First Network all the various places where to post as great as these places are You Tube so that the best reach so I've been trying working my tail off trying to make it to where I have at least a handful of stories and every episode that I can take clip out and put it on YouTube the idea there is to get people on YouTube or doing searches even if you're not going to YouTube to do searches let's say they're going on Google to do searches are being or whatever DuckDuckGo
I wanted to be able to find the show up for whatever reason... Oh Brave even the end on Google search engines don't give Rubble Friday on B Shoes Merrick out loud read voice media they don't give him any luck so you can test it before you can do searches for an exact match you know the exact name of the show that we put up on brighty on or or rumble or wherever and the other search engines just won't find it so again trying to expand the reach of the show one way that you can help number one if this is your first time here if you've been here before be sure to subscribe please I just bit helps okay I don't care if you're right on bitch you were never got a subscriber to share this this article with your friends and family I hate YouTube okay I do I really do I'm the end I don't support anything about them and I it makes me feel icky even putting any videos up there at all but then I start thinking of myself and reminding myself you know what you're just trying to
get the word out to as many people as possible so the other are still enjoy probably a vast majority of Americans who don't go to rumble variety on bitchute or any of the other places Odyssey anything like that they're still going to YouTuber Facebook YouTuber Facebook it's it's disgusting but but those they have the Lion's Share so if you do not listen to this song on YouTube because I've got an article by by Emerald Robinson that is now it's it's pretty pretty damn shocking for those who don't know Emerald Robinson she was with one America news is Newsmax now she's doing her own thing and she's she's much better off I think in my humble opinion doing it this way you are to go and you can find this at Emerald db3 the number three Emerald db3. Subs. Dot-com Emerald Robinson's the right way the name
article title study 50% of all vaccinated young athletes have myocarditis and I try to say that is plainly as possible because we've seen over the over the months and the last couple of years as long as they've been back since we've seen we've witnessed this just repeated story after story after Story every single day of course we're all familiar with the died suddenly phenomenon will fill you with myocarditis pericarditis stroke heart attack blood clots brain tumors I mean it's just the list of covid-19 adverse reactions continues to grow and I stick over covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions continue to grow and that sucks
but this particular one is for the absolute bombshell I tried to use my my normal plain non alarming voice but this is huge I mean stop and think about it 50% tax and the young athletes have myocarditis explain why so many are having a heart attack with a collapsing at age 14 19 2434 I don't care 44 yes I just the super super youngest is people who shouldn't be having heart attacks in the middle of the field or while working out of riding a bicycle or walking to school or anything like that
50% that just blows me with the article Emerald Robinson a boy named denim Bradshaw was riding a bull at a rodeo show in King North Carolina two weeks. We covered that story by the way and he went into sudden cardiac arrest and died he was 14 years old a week or so later former Georgia Bulldogs tennis star Lily Kimball collapsed and died at the age of 31 at about the same time Halfway Around the World a soccer player named Ben it dear mohini died suddenly of a heart attack on the field as well meanwhile officer Clarence CJ Williams was chasing a suspect in Cairo Georgia when he had a sudden cardiac event and died on the street he was 24
3414 with folks that's not normal this wasn't happening before I'm sorry okay this is going to be the second time or earlier last night when I said that Andrew Cuomo was stupid this time I'm going to say that if you believe this is always been happening like this this is nothing new or that that it's due to climate change or erase any quality or whatever if you don't realize this is the covid-19 vaccines. And you are stupid sorry no offense you know I'm sure you're offended because you think that I hope you're offended cuz you are sensitive but I digress getting obnoxious obnoxious be cool man be cool alright
these seemingly random tragedies all happened when young people who were presumably all vaccinated were exercising their bodies were generating adrenaline adrenaline might be a trigger for sudden cardiac arrest in young people who been giving the new given the new covid-19 vaccines
let's call it what it is she's not as and I just her this is going and this is beyond or starting to I shouldn't say Beyond it's not there yet but this is appearing to be far beyond the realm of correlation this does seem to be venturing finally after 2 years of of giving anecdotal examples we're finally that point to where we can legitimately call this causation the timing is conspicuous it didn't start till after the vaccines were rolled out the uniformity of the what is the characteristics of the people that are collapsing and dying
this is mean it's a shame that our scientific and medical communities are so scared of losing whatever it is that they have and they're not going forth and in general I know there's many that are but when I seen the studies when I seen the money behind it when I see anybody really say okay let's look at an exam and do autopsies on however many you know 10 100 1000 get these young athletes talk to their families get their medical histories dive into a find out what's happening when I say I want to be clear it's it's not just Athens I'm glad that she put in the she noted in there there was a police officer involved I don't know if it's a police officer was particularly athletic or not but he was 24 should be dying of a heart attack okay so it's not just athletes we seen people at Jim's they themselves are athletes per se but they're engaged in and physical activity
at least one case that I recalled recently if somebody who is Young and otherwise healthy collapsing and dying during a bike ride then she mentioned adrenaline in here maybe that's it maybe it is just when there's an influx of adrenaline this is the result I don't know I mean we'll see but I'll post a link to this one in the show notes the talks crap I skipped skip the story here darn darn it let me find a real quick Gary so so turning to a another similar story but this one not about the targets being athletes or or people that are involved in physical activity this one is involved women who are women in general I should say not just women who are this or that this article comes from
comes from Kevin Hughes over natural news in reference to a video done by Naomi wolf I need to get on my show of anybody has access to Naomi let her know please been trying to reach out for awhile it's hard to get to her not sure why Pfizer's covid-19 mRNA shot a war on women in human fertility again according to the Naomi wolf wolf described Pfizer's mRNA Wuhan coronavirus vaccine as a war against women and human fertility she explained the MRNA shot was supposed to address a respiratory infection however it resulted in many women suffering in their reproductive systems and their children experiencing vaccine injuries to me and it's a quote from Naomi wolf to me it says that this is a war against women it's a war against women's fertility women's voting to nurse woman's ability to carry and deliver live babies and they knew it they ruined women she pointed her finger at the government's Health agencies along with
the medical establishment for pushing pregnant women to get the vaccine these people alongside those who were aware of the vaccines Danger on fertility should be held accountable and that's so true. Just a quick sign up there this let's come down to two things you know we still have to continue to push this and what I said earlier that I you know I've been trying to talk less with a vaccine that it's about 50 Cent is any less important in describing is now I think a lot of people smashing it's hurting me Dr other so now you know what we'll have to talk about the Jazz very much anymore because everybody already knows they're dangerous everybody's you know you can see the numbers of people getting boosters order first vaccines has dropped dramatically okay but here's a say number one in just two reasons why we have to continue pushing number one we have in Riis everybody obviously cuz there are still some people that are getting booze or some people are getting everything else you have vaccines first time even some people that are having their children get vaccines and boosters so yes we have to reach as many people as we can but number two
I do believe can this is just a a supposition here but I do believe that if it's extraordinary likely that the powers that be will engage in another round of pandemic Panic theater here in the near future I don't know it's going to be a covid a cold very into new ones spreading that's more dangerous I don't know if it's going to be a different disease all together but they're going to try to do one I just called one final push to get Jabs they got a lot of people jab a lot of people vast majority of Americans have been jabbed at least once a not multiple times so they have they have done what they wanted to do for the most part they won in a way that won the the war but won the battle we could not we we we weren't strong enough to overcome the censorship the gas lighting the propaganda the massive machine they use to try to get people jabbed we didn't win we lost that when folks
sorry say this but you know if we were able to keep the numbers down then 20 30%. Shane read the fact that we could not do that
is a loss on our part I know you tried I know I tried but it just didn't work there just outmatched outgunned we still have to keep fighting because there are still more people the same and again assuming there's going to be another round we have to keep pushing and get back to the article so
Pfizer documents according to Woolf document 10 by orthopedic surgeon dr. Robert Chandler that came out in August of 2020 to the report was scrutinized by a team from the daily cloud and Van is war room found that 923-920-3194 women or 72% of the total female vaccine trial participants suffered from
vaccine injuries of this number 16 per cent were reproductive disorders she's sorry I pause that I just hope she said the fisa documents analysis reports that women are hurt more than men and it surely lead you to wonder if this mRNA injection is kind of a war I guess women it certainly is a war against human fertility more over the author and former political advisor mentioned Chandler's findings I mentioned Chandler's finding that the lipid nanoparticles in the covid-19 vaccine spread throughout the body within 48 Hours the lnp's accumulate in various organ such as the brain spleen liver and ovaries earlier wolf had issued warnings about the 13 to 19 per cent drop in live births worldwide especially in Western Europe and North America which used the MRNA vaccines versus those that obviously did not now I think it is important that I do
I know it's important to note here you know we talked and talked on the show and I'm on other shows we talked about the spike protein protein protein that seems to be what's causing the micro class the clots and they they persist in the body was conspicuous the boat the CDC in the FDA took off a portion or a lay statement on both their website this is only been a couple of months now but they took it off the same and said that that Spike proteins dissipate rapidly or dissipate over time they're learning obviously know they don't we heard of autopsies that are done they were had to be forced by the families at least one in particular those done where they were able to determine that were spiked proteins in the deceased gentleman brain with luckyland slots you can get lucky just about anywhere in the bride and groom
sorry sorry we're here we were getting lucky in the limo we lost track of time
luckyland daily bonuses are waiting no purchase necessary boyfriend you can get lucky just about anywhere and speaking it would get clear runway in the weather is 5:00 and I could get you sent back keep your tray cable up right now so I can't look it up. Calm are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law 18 plus something conditions apply see website for details
bring pulse rate proteins are dangerous for the Cornerstone exist is a Naomi wolf has is one of the only ones out there who really is focused on the on these lipid nanoparticles she's I heard her on a on the interview I forgot it was doing the interview but I know that she was just the opposite of Doctor Peter breggin good friend of mine dr. Peter breggin was talking about this bike proteins she was like you know I'm not a doctor that you know whatever it is she does talk to a lot of people from what I heard it's the lipid nanoparticles that are the real culprit here I don't know which one it is we know that both are bad some of the Greek what's killing people giving people myocarditis pericarditis Strokes heart attacks and everything else is it going to be one could be the other could be both could be neither could be something we just don't know about me to get were talking about technology that is his burgeoning at best and advise a burgeoning it's only burgeoning by force it shouldn't be burdening okay the past the past experiments they've had over the last 15 years 17 in a year
18 years they've not been good at all
I have been very disastrous so why is it that all of a sudden everybody or not everybody but every big Pharma company every every seemingly every politician and a lot of doctors are pushing for more mRNA vaccines and Ronnie flu a and a cancer mRNA this the other day wanting to put mRNA technology into our food supply torque how we're starting launching a new company or not when they watch a new company launched last year and we're watching the new product with Trevor Organics with beef we have to talk to the ranch or they were working with we bought ten cows we asked her look are there is there going to be an RNA vaccines injection to your cows and she's like number one there's not a number that will never happen number two that's not a real thing I have to do to look it up but she was technically correct it's not a real thing yet but they are talking about it and you talking about so many things and as we've learned
the last three and a half years they start talking about chances are it's going to happen okay it doesn't matter how idiotic how how insane something seems once they start talking about it it's almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy
don't get me started
don't start yourself you're the ones talking to you cuz I talk to myself and just makes me crazy talk to myself on air as if I'm the second personality speaking of myself in third person that's one thing that's in the stuff that's the point being is this why are they pushing all this new technology they know it doesn't work ask yourself that now
Housing Authority of our Pharmaceuticals the ingredients in them come from China they are controlled by the Chinese Communist party where are you sing supply chain issues pharmacies are running low on a lot of things in the if the crap hits the fan as a lot of us think it may in the very near future you will want antibiotics and the best way to get that is to go to JD record cam manager be able to get a teleconference with an actual doctor and then they'll send you meds they'll seem to like five different versions or types of antibiotics burbs a different ailments that could they can hit us these are great for long-term storage you will you won't want them and it's one of those things where if you if you need them then you'll want them if you don't need them then we still happen so and here's the thing if you don't have him you're almost really going to need them at least sometime in the near future so JD meds
the last two years have been talking quite a bit about the economy now that wasn't always the case but I Sho didn't really start talking about the coming until until it became necessary and let's face it during the truck dealership just wasn't necessary even during the lockdowns in early mid and even late 2020 there was still at least a realistic expectation that we would be able to overcome all of the most of his that all of the economic turmoil that was being caused by the lockdowns by the pandemic but then once Joe Biden got into office was Kamala Harris tagged along with the regime. Starting from day one they were already initiating shuttle policies that were intended to take down the economy here in the United States and cross the club and it's important that we understand that that's by Design
that's by Design they want they want and basically he found parody they being the powers-that-be the world economic Forum the council for inclusive capitalism the United Nations the World Health Organization all the various Global Elite cabal members want there to be essentially would Klaus Schwab and Henry Kissinger lot of out back in the 1970s what what Satan was plotting out six thousand years ago or however long ago they were plotting this idea of having 10 Regional powers or is the Bible calls it ten kingdoms ruling under one centralized government this public-private partnership is demonic government that they want to rule during the end times I mean you might be thinking yourself why in the world would anybody do that whenever one I don't know if all of them are doing it I don't know or even that I don't know if they have their eyes open maybe there's a strong delusion over then maybe they're just being coerced maybe they're being bully blackmailed bride whatever people are stupid generally it's the third time I call people stupid
how weird is that maybe it will just call today show these stupid show so I'm not really going to call Today Show this stupid show you get the idea that there's there are reasons for for this to be happening and unfortunately none of those reasons are positive not only for for Humanity not for not for America for sure trying to destroy us they want to to have this this Regional that they don't want bricks to get too big for the Devon don't want us to remain as big as we are they wanted to be sure it'll leveled out again so that everybody is easier to control one way they want to do that is through Central Bank digital currencies which we talked about quite a bit really since November of 2022 when they first initiated a test of the digital dollar that's when it started getting a lot more height we've been talking about it for about four months for over a year now but of course you know more and conservative an alternative mean
I started talking about it really since around November of last year now we're seeing spreading again that's just you in the United States with a cross across the pond going to an article by the very talented the incredibly talented Jordan schachtel you can find this article by the way over at his sub stack it's at. See a. style push button digital tyranny you can't reduces brick coin CBC project sounds bad it is instead of separating money and stay the CBC acts at to create and zero separation between money and state that is so true I know you've probably heard of the billion times just to recap for those who may not be aware Central Bank digital currencies will put the complete and total power over every penny or digital penny that you spend don't know where you're spending at who you're spending it with why you're spending it probably don't know what you're getting and I'll be able to cut it off
baseball whatever based on your your political affiliation your your religious gold maybe you're eating too much beef
bugs me the death BrickQueen the current nickname for the Central Bank digital currency project is a product of the UK cbdc task force that was announced in April of 2021 the paper says at this stage we judge it likely that the digital lb will be needed in the future it is too early to decide whether to introduce the digital lb but we are convinced prepare Tori Preparatory work is Justified they continued the digital lb would remain Public Access or would maintain public access to Rita central bank money and as our lifestyles and the economy becomes even more digital it would also provide promote Innovation choice and efficiency in domestic payment all of these various versions of propaganda gaslighting double-talk this is this is George Orwell type of stuff is Aldous Huxley type of stuff this is the type of a sales job con job they're trying to push on the people and then unfortunately
call it what it is generally speaking most people are going to embrace this they're going to to buy into it and they going to be like okay so yeah that makes sense okay well I know it's a conspiracy theory that they're going to have the ability to take control of your money and not let you have access to it and tell you what you can and cannot spend it on or anything like that that would never happen. Here in the United States and the UK or any other Western countries except that's exactly what's going to happen exactly what's going to happen
continue Jordan schachtel a CBC gives enormous power to governments and grants them much more control over the population spending saving investing and borrowing power for Ritz experienced Beach radical and restrictive policies of covid-19 amounts with permanent Financial lockdown as a Chinese Communist party has demonstrated cbdc is a valuable tool for financial censorship and manipulative Behavior as it is a key component of a central credit score system and receive a dc-based monitoring engine the government or anyone high enough in the political hierarchy can band a citizen from transacting in the currency at the push of a button should their social credit score dropped too low more over any random government bureaucrat who has access to the CDC system could decide to wipe out anyone's account balance entirely on the other hand they can reward reward good behavior
like we're prisoners and they know we're prisoners we just don't realize it yet many of us don't we do you do probably but most of your peers friends relatives of Queens as they don't get it yet they will unfortunately
when it's too late they can reward good behavior by boosting a citizen social credit score in purchasing power through the use of the same tool in other words he knows it's like okay you do good and you'll be allowed to keep your your digital dollar if you do bad then we're going to take your digital dollar and it's all for your own good we're all in this together we're all in this together
it was a reason why people ask me why do you push gold so much why do you put silver so much folks this isn't about just Your sponsorship skates only call well you know you must have gotten an offer he couldn't refuse by from all these these precious metals coming I was passing on sponsorships for precious metals from 2017 all the way up until about the middle mid-to-late 2021 get for years for years I would refuse to take on even consider the possibility of taking on a precious metal sponsor cuz I didn't believe in them cuz I didn't see this coming I thought hey going to be okay
I was wrong
now I'm trying to catch up so yes I do push gold and silver a lot but it's for a reason you can always find out those Reasons by going to J D slash gold JD Rucker. Cam go there is good news though and we saw the other day or was it I forgot which publication but they're trying they're pushing really hard here right now for for whatever reason Wisconsin is the only state that charges sales tax on going so good at trying to get that reversed so I'll be I'll be the final loophole that wisconsinites can finally get a hold of theirs now we're seeing some other good news coming out of Missouri and this is across-the-board by me where we're getting good news about gold and silver cross the board which to me is great news across the board for new headline USA Missouri Senate votes to an income taxes on gold and silver hold monetary Metals in reserve and folks this is becoming more and more common
or more likely in other states as well Missouri Senate today passed legislation that would prompt the state treasurer to hold at least 1% of State funds in gold and silver while eliminating all state income taxes on monetary Metals in a growing National backlash to the rampant inflation caused by Massive federal spending debt in central bank money printing more than a dozen states are already moving forward on Sam money bills during the 2023 legislative session
that way I can see I wasn't going to continue but I'll continue because I know that I think I got I probably got your interest sponsored by Senate Bill 100 passed the Missouri Senate by a vote of 20 11:59 and now has the house if ultimately signed into law ask me 100 would reaffirm the golden silver our money in Missouri and the one exempt tax papers from state income tax on capital gains from golden silver reported on the federal income tax returns and number to require the state treasurer to hold it an amount of gold and silver greater than or equal to 1% of all state funds and number three wire the state to accept gold and silver coinage ask him for any debt tax fee or obligation owned
this isn't you people ask me what but you can't really go out and spend silver coins or gold coin Adventure hopefully in certain states in the certain places you will be able to okay this is the big pushed there's a reason why you know the central bank's right now central banks across the globe as they're pushing for Central Bank digital currencies which are purely digital they themselves
purchasing Judy was born to be discovered bacon take it easy Judy everybody redeem some serious dearly beloved bride and groom
sorry sorry we're here we were getting lucky in time no see no
luckyland daily bonus no purchase necessary boyfriend
an unprecedented amount of gold and silver this is I mean look it up I don't have the articles in front of me read them almost every day now they continue to push for this why is that why would the central Bankers be trying to protect their own assets with physical gold and silver while they're getting everybody else prepare for Central Bank digital currencies don't think they want to get in on their own magical solution everything why would they need protection from anything why would it be under gold and silver this is why again I cannot stress enough if you have retirement of any sort I don't care what kind of retirement you have you know did you get to look at moving into a self-directed physical precious metals Ira that's a very specific product has plenty of self-directed IRAs plenty of precious metals I raised the companies that I deal with three of them they only deal with self-directed physical precious metals Ira as you can find them at JD Rucker. Calm and again this has nothing
these are new stories this isn't about me trying to cherry-pick the stories out there because I do you know that it's going to benefit him yeah and it benefits me but so so does selling my pillow and you don't hear me talking about my pillow do you know you'll fix your neck you know I love my pillow but I'm not going to do a story about pillows or neck sore or dog beds
what destroys my call because it's that important that article you just heard me talking about if and when the crap hits the fan and if and when you're going to have to make that decision about whether you want to get involved with the Central Bank digital currencies have all of your money switched over on your behalf you meant it will I won't do it always keep fiat currency what are you going to do when that dollar bill is mean worthless
that could happen it could happen in our lifetimes it could happen within a decade it can happen within years
and technically speaking I don't think this is the case but it could happen within months I try to fear Monger here
when should understand that I'm just telling you that that is that's the State of Affairs here in the United States of America today we have to be we have to defend ourselves in such as gold and silver it is about an ammunition okay physical ammunition it's about food getting your food supply stopped up making sure your pantry is full making sure that your cupboards are full making sure that your freezers are full and I know it says it's not everybody can do that but maybe it's time to make some adjustments is there could come a time in 2023 maybe 2024 maybe not until 2027 or 2030 but I do believe with a over 90% certainty that at some point in the next in the near future it is going to be very challenging for many if not most if not all of us to be able to get food without standing in the government's breath find my purpose in all of this stuff
it's not because oh you know he's pushing my Patriot Supply to buy whatever and no it's not about that
my purpose is self-serving but has nothing to do with sponsorship my purpose is because I want as many Americans to be self-sufficient as possible because the Americans I don't care how patriotic how amazing how wonderful Our Kind I'm going to Christians they are how whatever you know those that are beholden to government in order to survive they will unfortunately be our at the very least worthless to us those who are going to be fighting back and at worst they could become our enemies
he might be unplugged perfectly everything but if it comes down to they're not going to be able to literally feed their families they're literally going to die or they have to stand up in the government's red lines which will become crooked lines at some point and get handed vouchers for lab grown meat or mealworms burgers or whatever it is that the government is peddling and that point through public-private Partnerships probably devised by Bill Gates and everybody else
those people who must must abide by the rules and and and play by the rules for their Central Bank digital currencies to to be re reinstated for their digital dollars to account for them to have access to it for them to pay their rent pay their mortgage not have the government or private corporations take over there their property
I'm at gosh I mean I'm very bad at this by the way K I'm very bad at at the quote unquote fear-mongering and I'm not trying to be a fear Monger but I'm trying to tell you the truth and it bugs me because I'm that guy that three or four years ago I was like oh don't listen to those crazy conspiracy theorist So Crazy Aaron's Fine Trump's got this we got this we're winning 20-20-20 we're going to we're going to take back to this house of the Senate is going to be fantastic and we're going to impeach Pelosi I mean I was that guy I did not see this coming
I thought
I thought that
the truth could prevent
but it hasn't so far so now I'm stuck telling people stock up on food stock up on Ammunition stock up on gold and silver stock up on you to move out of the Cities get your homestead if you can out in the mountains in Idaho or something Get Off the Grid if you can
she got plenty supplies of water I hope had to open up a start a website called late prepper why cuz I'm late prepper late to the game I didn't see any of this coming I'm I feel stupid for that its fourth invocation of the word stupid everybody stupid today
I do feel stupid for not seeing it
but I'm trying to correct that by morning people by telling you
and is it doesn't benefit me if you go to j.d. Ira and contact Warner or all three of the companies there and buy gold and silver absolute it benefits me in benefits my family benefits of show
we don't have corporate sponsors I'm not backed by anybody big back by the sponsors of with products that I truly believed it if I didn't have a single gold or silver sponsor I would still be telling you guys stock up on physical precious metals stock up on food
that's the state of our nation today
we'll take a break and come down and then we'll be back with Darren Bailey be so stupid
there's a reason Klaus Schwab Joe Biden and the global Elites want your life savings locked in IRAs and other portfolio management schemes that they control they can keep your money tied up in woke ESG funds even if doing so will lose you money Patriots are quickly moving their Investments to self-directed Ira is backed by physical precious metals unfortunately most companies that work in this field are beholden to Democrats the Chinese Communist Party the wef and others were pushing us toward a digital dollar I have identified three precious metals companies that believe in America First these companies make it easy for you to move your retirement and investment to a self-directed IRA backed by physical precious metals go to J D wrecker, gold that's JD gold
yeah there's only a couple of websites that I actually truly legitimate go to on a daily basis one of them happens to be obviously the Liberty daily where I'm the editor obviously my sights I go to because I got to post up there but there's one side of particular that I go to see what's really happening in the world of conservatism in the world of patriotism America First patriotism and that site is revolver. News going to revolver news you will learn something every single day and today I'm very blessed peace and honor to have the founder of revolver news Dan be joining us they dare and this is her first time on the show how are you doing sir I'm great I'm very happy to be with you it's funny that we never spoke and we share each other's content on a regular basis we talked about a lot of the same stuff that we've never actually been able to cross paths until today so everybody gets to see her first interaction live in
Living Color you are a speechwriter for President Trump you have fought against everything from cancel culture to to the left the radical left the globalists and and now you have had your fighting against something that's we fight against two but not nearly to the extent that you had you have been leading the charge I would say in many ways exposing the lies of the attraction and you have this the forward in a new book the January 6th report the report of a select committee to investigate the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol you wrote the Ford what is this book about tell us about it
well the book itself is the public report released by the Sham January 6th committee and their different publishing houses that have decided to release this publicly available report but commission various journalists and so-called experts to write an introduction to it but there was one publishing house skyhorse which is a subsidiary of Simon & Schuster they took a little bit of a risk here and they said well why would people want to hear the same thing that they're going to hear on CNN or the same nonsense that's part of the report why don't we get somebody who's actually known for presenting a contrary and controversial But ultimately far more substantiate it and compelling thesis as to what really went on in January 6th and they so they took this risk because they're in a Simon & Schuster in some means
media Outlets were utterly scandalized that they would pick me even though you know my credentials are better than the other people and it's just that oh how dare you counter the regime approved narrative the Insurrection narrative and so I said sure I'd be happy to do it and so I wrote a pretty compact introduction is about about 60 pages but is it one-stop-shop for understanding the nature of the January 6th committee is composition why it was never going to be a neutral disinterested fact-finding vehicle for January 6th but then the second part which is the darker and more disturbing But ultimately more important part is we address and explore the questions that the January 6th committee was set up
to obfuscate and ignore the questions that get to the Beating Heart of what really happened on January 6th that expose January 6th as not an Insurrection but what I've colloquially termed as a fencer action and what I mean by that is not that everybody who is there in January 6th was a card-carrying member of the FBI's what I mean is that had it not been for a handful of critical participants January 6th playing key roles that collectively allowed for the rally to turn into a riot we would have not had the events unfold the way that they did and furthermore that these key critical actors are overwhelmingly likely to be
affiliated with the federal government in some way and are certainly being protected
by the government in a manner that lends itself to no innocent explanation and one of those individuals is in our household name Ray ABS but there but there are other people and we get into the full story of these others as well as re-ups as well as the pipe bomb so in short it's the One Stop Shop and that's the sky horse introduction with Darren Beattie the January 6th report of course if people want the full story the full top brands of story that's a revolver. News we have the January 6th series readily available for people to peruse if they can stomach it has just recently I had somebody I had somebody an older fellow in our patriotic older fellows that you know take a look at this is what's going on with all this January 6th of seems weird take a look at me Trey up are too and this individual was very disturbed
I like I wish you hadn't shown me that because it presents a vision of the country that is not something that I want to live with you know a lot of people don't want to digest this type of reality so it's not for everybody but I think for a certain type of person who wants to be engaged in the political process once I understand what's going on and be part of the solution in Cumberland has to understand what's happening even if it's uncomfortable and so I would encourage everyone also to go to revolver. News and if you want to start somewhere to look at the me tryouts part too because the video alone I think
is is quite compelling hello it is Ryan and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day could wait just to make up for things like sitting in traffic doing the dishes counting your steps you know all the mundane stop that is why I'm such a big fan of chumba Casino chumba casino is all your favorite social casino-style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere with daily bonuses that's actually a lot to sign up now, that's I mean folks calling this offense direction is that's the definitely the best way to put it because there is zero doubt zeroed out I think really anybody's talking about people on the right I'm talking about even Democrats are the members of the January 6th commission itself they know that if it wasn't for the Deep States involvement on January 6th
there would not have been the the the incursion need the instruction as they like to call it in to the Capitol Building and people who wants to get that book they can go to J D chance 6 I'm very big fan of the sky chords Hive interview Tony Lyons before we could great guy great company they really are one of the very thing before people that need published Robert Kennedy Junior's book on the vaccine witches and the Disco whole sham Industries surrounding fauci that was I was a best-seller but I think at least for a time it was deplatform from Amazon like they they took a lot of heat for that so I I always congratulate part of mainstream a stream of Jason institutions like that will take a risk. That's just kind of substantiating well are you
coherent stop that frankly is more compelling than the official narrative but lot of people don't want to touch it just because they don't want the the professional and social push back the comes from entertaining any idea that's not approved by the regime exactly also there's a separate challenge that I think you and I and many of the others in in the America First patriotism media I don't like calling a conservative or alternative media anymore because there are many and conservatives on all turn on the media that aren't in my humble opinion doing it right but we're we're having to face this unit party swamp that's that's really I would say a lot of the acquittal vote conservative media sites out there aren't doing their job they won't they won't talk about like the vaccines they won't talk about the fed's direction they won't talk about voter fraud they there and there seems to be the song
I'm glad you brought it I'm glad you brought it up and that way because it's like you know there's so many politicians even even more so than on the media but it's reflected in certain quarters in the media as well as they'll talk about oh look at the look at what the Chinese are doing to the wiegers. They all look at look at the look at the chai, balloon girl look up to the chai, balloon and they won't see what's right in front of their face which is the day today decline of our country the look at the the uyghurs and say oh look what the Chinese doing the weeders they want talk about the January 6th prisoners you know it's it's a sham and we have it's really kind of
captures how kind of steak and trivial so much of the conservative or right-wing media cycle really is and maybe you know part of that is just too kind of people deep down know how screwed the situation is and you know they just want to consume that information almost as an entertainment option like kind of a night go and Escape is like I don't really want to let you know to look at this dark stuff I want to vent about aoc's grass story and I want some washed-up you know fat Popstar put on a devil suit and you note worked around for a little bit so I don't really want it to get in cuz there's there's an understanding at least at some employee
I said level that this is bread and circuses stuff and that's you know it's a distraction it's an open Where's I think if if there were more institutional and cultural power connected to the right we probably feel more comfortable exploring the real things but I think ultimately on some psychological level is just depressing to talk about these things that are people kind of don't really expect any solution to at least in the near-term and so that's just in I'm just being a unsolicited psychoanalysis there but given that you know I'm in this business and I see like how people reacting know the people go to revolver people who go to go to your site or maybe are the exception are the people who can you know handle some of the stuff that that that others can't but
there is now there is this I think disturbing Trend whereby people process news on the right and we act and react new cycles and treated as is kind of an entertainment option is not say that things should be boring you know we we like entertaining stories but that can't be everything you know
why I've always been people ask me why don't you like horror movies because I used to like look I don't need I don't need to watch horror movies or Thrillers are really anything out of Hollywood I can just watch the news and it's horrible enough there's plenty of plenty of really really bad stuff and some good stuff as well but there's really a lot of bad stuff happening to our nation right now we've got to fight the good fight and if we don't I mean who else is funny because I was just telling my wife the other day and said I'm going to have a damn PT on Tuesdays are you going to ask him about scaffold Commander like a wall of course I am you know I said that's just one of those examples of you know here's here's a humongous story that I hope he's talking about nobody is it has been really focusing on it except for you we we focus on on right now because we've seen space we've heard his words but nobody knows the identity of somebody that was keeping something in mind we're talking about this is 2022 well 2021 2022 and 2023 when they can
pinpoint from like some obscure traffic camera and identify identify you know January 6th person and determine okay so let's go this person's house and let's arrest them and put them in jail for for 10 years they can identify that person in minutes but but they can't identify the the the fake type bombers at the DNC on January 6th at Delphi the scaffold Commander or maybe they can and they just won't tell us tell us a little bit more that's Rex we are we got ready and they can learn all about ready to tell us about the other the other players in this absolutely unfortunately I only have about 5 minutes but this is very important so I'll squeeze it in as efficiently as I can under there is a I did the whole thing with Glenn back on it and and I brought up scaffold Commander whose someone who's just
in many ways more egregious than then re apps he was certainly someone who is part of the plan from the beginning he was pre-positioned at that breach site before the proud boys. They're just like Ray apps he was cutting fencing and then you know right at that initial read she said he was he was right there at the scaffolding he knew what he was doing it is clear that you don't you just don't do that unless there is some kind of planning and then he's up there Standing On Top of the scaffolding with this bull horn telling people to move forward and move forward move forward and then when the capital itself is breed she's telling them to fill up the capital fill up the capital I mean very very aggressive an overt behavior and unlike Rahab so at least was put on the most wanted list for a time till we published our first piece and then they took him off the next day but at least they put him
at least we know who he is with this Capital Commander if the government has never expressed any interest in him and we don't even know who he is and it's really disturbing like is one of these people I think it would really find out who he is you know conclusively that that could be in a one of the biggest stories in the country and as for the pipe bomber same thing you know that's a whole is genre unto itself that unfortunately if you don't you know have time to to fully explore but the long story short is you know the full story is the circumstances under which the RNC pipe bomb was found completely unbelievable the circumstances under which the DNC pipe bomb wasn't found for as long as it was sitting there out in the open equally unbelievable and both of those things had to happen together in order for the official count to make any possible sense and then that's compounded by the fact that revolver
proven that the feds have deliberately doctored and censured the surveillance footage shows just to make it nearly impossible to identify this person the Democrats have zero interest in identifying the person who's allegedly this maggot terrorists who planted explosives outside of their National national headquarters so again that's something if we really find out who it is that could be the biggest store in the country and believe me we've tried on both accounts but it's just inconceivable that the government doesn't know in the case of a note in the case of the pipe bomber it's very clear that he has a phone and so basic is geofencing technology would find him and you know what we reach that I reached out through proxies cuz I knew that I was a known quantity I wouldn't have success I reached out to very clean very connected proxies and was willing
the offer some of the Big Data forms a lot of money who had you know there's only a handful of firms that have that geofencing data and initially you think why would I want one of these companies want to be part in a hero who helps to identify this terrorist and initially there were like okay you know we we want to do business we're we're just interested in this place at this time so and so and you know in multiple cases they're like this sounds really interesting I was sure yeah we love to do it then like the next day they're like I'm sorry this isn't it something like no explanation. It's it's just so weird but and I try to be as resourceful as possible but it's it's
and I don't know what else to do and so will it will see but as far as for the the pipe bomber in I'm I'm pushing for these new committees in Congress to do the very least and subpoena the chain of custody of the surveillance footage for God's sake and the in get the full and raw and unedited footage at the very least maybe you know I don't think for a second I'll release it but once we see their resistance to it I think that will generate further and Justified suspicion of publicity cuz again in theory
everybody should want to know who this pipe bomb but you don't have to be a Fed surrection revolver news guy to want to know you don't have to subscribe to the fed's direction thesis you again like the Democrats in principle
should want to find out where this guy is more than anyone else why wouldn't they want that footage so that's that's a place that I think we might be able to at least get some achieve some progress they are but you know it's in some ways it's at an impasse where there's a diminishing returns and it needs to read start of the second stage where institutions with with more resources and more access can kind of take it to the next level
hopefully that will be the case Darren Beattie revolver. News early check them out Darren jbd on Twitter believes that correct yes very good go to revolver. News every single day and come back on the show star come back you're on war room like like you're on with with Bain in like seven times a week you can come on once a month on the JD Rucker she'll let set it up. Good sounds good thank you for having God bless you sir God bless you by by goodbye
anyone who's familiar with my show or Alyssa Michelle before knows that I am a a very huge proponent of preparedness I haven't always been I didn't become a prepper until really 2021 but since then I've been working diligently to find companies that offer the things that we need and if the crap hits the fan I want to be ready for it and I want you to be ready for it to I picked up some sponsors for long-term storage for precious metals for for solar power I got a candle sponsor we got antibiotics for storage just in case the pharmaceutical supply chain goes down we got medkits nutraceuticals natural survival got guns and ammo you can buy and buy by going to J D wrecker. Cam repair JD Rucker, prepare bug out bags the were so-so stock up
why you still can

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