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JD Rucker Show, December 21, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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Why and How They're Manufacturing a Food Crisis in America

Title: Why and How They're Manufacturing a Food Crisis in America


For over a decade, many of us believed the powers-that-be were laying the groundwork for a massive food shortage as part of their depopulation and control agenda. But their past efforts with GMO, unnecessary regulations, and nutritional propaganda were nothing compared to the outright attacks they've been engaged in over the past couple of years.

2024 seems to be a tipping point for the globalists and food will be one of their primary points of egress. On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I will discuss several stories demonstrating why they're going after the food supply, how they're going about manufacturing the food crisis, and what we must do to prepare.

Until Christmas, is offering 25% off with promo code "onetime25".

Stories we discussed:………;

Recorded: December 21, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

you're listening to the J D wrecker show let's begin friends our food supply is under attack here in the United States of America and abroad of course as well cross the globe it's happening but when we start feel fear the way that we are already feeling and the USA that's a very bad sign that bodes very ill when I just us before the rest of the world I will admit I did not see this coming out of the space I've been thinking about food shortages for many many years it wasn't until approximately USA 2019 2020 when I really started diving deeper into the whole whole lot conspiracy theory wing of the of the internet but when I did that's what I was referring to a notion that I already had the idea that they were trying to control our food supply make it to where eventually they would have a strong on the foundation for which they would be able to to maintain control to to gain and then maintain control of us thought at least before the last two or three years my thought was that it was going to be slow and methodical they're going to utilize
genetically modified organisms are going to to Really crack down on on the the use of organic food or the distribution of organic food they were going to attack organic farming I was off I was off because they are accelerating their plans much faster than I had anticipated at least at least a decade or so ago when I first started thinking along these lines what I miss was there the tenacious Manor at which they are coming after the food supply they need this to be rapid and it is rapidly if you've been paying attention the last two or three years you'll know that yes we are seeing extremely high prices food inflation is much higher than inflation on most other other indicators
then of course are the food shortage they were saying it's getting harder and harder to get the foods that we were able to get in touch because they're the price higher because many cases they're not available and then there's a third Factor that's not nearly enough attention but it's real starvation here in the United States of America is at a decade's high decade-long high it is you would think I will surely we would have heard of that except if you stop and think about it knowing that their intention they being the powers-that-be and their minions in the unit party swamp as well as the corporate media industrial complex they don't want us to know that there is already a massive amounts of starvation here in the United States because to do so would turn send him an even further against the open borders that we have when Americans are starving is hard to justify bringing more people to then they have to take care of and that's already bad enough if people aren't starving if people knew how many Americans were starving as well
and that's something we get even more so they're keeping that has the Dirty Little Secret The very few ever talked about but of course we're we're going to talk about it here today so we're going to be talking a lot about food because it's very important let's face it you can't live without it you might be able to live longer without food than without water but not by much I mean it's not like I do you know we don't have very much food I guess we'll be able to survive for a couple of years most most adults most healthy adults can only survive approximately a month without food maybe a little bit longer go to the old biblical notion of 40 days without food that's about the breaking point as long as you have water if you don't have water then you got two or three days maybe four if you're you're super hydrated and healthy before going into dehydration mode but yeah they are going after this we're going to be talking about it today I am
for full disclosure I do I am part owner of a long-term storage food company but here's the thing if I wasn't part owner of this long-term storage food company wouldn't matter I still would be talking about exactly what we're talking about today because this truly is one of the various existential threats we talked about the Border prices existential threat was talked about the war on religion existential threat we talked about the war on our freedoms existential threat and yes the current war on food is an existential threat now we have to look back to of course met you many times Andre Kissinger The Godfather of modern-day globalism is famous words 3310 it's basically for global domination the first one was who controls the food supply controls the people
that's us we don't they want to control last part of the depopulation in control agenda they want to control as many of us as possible and those that they can't control they want to eliminate depopulate if you will wear that means arresting us or just letting us die or even coming after us in in jail and are killing us are both fun stuff great times great great great time to be alive I may I say that sarcastically but in reality I am very I feel we are honored that this is a a time of blessing because this does give us an opportunity to demonstrate this gives us an opportunity to State Route to be tried and tested have our faith test and have it that you face trials and tribulations that could make our faith wavered because through those trials and tribulations assuming that we are able to maintain our strong faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior this really is it a time of blessing look at the disciples
where it was very pleased even if they were being literally killed they they love the fact they were becoming Martyrs now I'm not suggesting that all of us are going to be turning the martyrs because of the food supply but this does pose one of the very very many dangers that we're going to face here in the near future in the way that we react the way that we prepare the way that we share the way that we can get the word out these are in my humble opinion
test of our by true Faith so first story I'm going to go to Natural news this is actually an article that came out about two weeks ago by bell-carter but I saved it because I knew I knew I was going to be accumulating these stories about food and never a show there was a century dedicated to food and this was going to be a good place to start because the place where we can see it the easiest whether you are a conspiracy theorist or not whether you you been paying attention or not at the very least you know the food prices are going up not just him in the grocery stores at restaurants are going up so so high I remember I was the first real shocker came to me can I have this company I get Sofia the First real shocker came to me when I went to go buy a bucket of chicken at Popeye's now they've have the special at the time you can buy for whatever reason. When it was on the menu yet to know about it but you could buy a an 11-piece they have the templates on the menu that the 12-piece but if you
what an 11-piece meal for whatever reason that one was was was much cheaper is like like 1617 bucks or call and I want to go by and let you know we're not offering that anymore okay well how much is a 10 and they're like like 39 bucks when I like last week for like 16 bucks or 17 bucks and now you like double the price more than double the price for one last night and letting care of it but yeah that was the real real shark it's been over a year ago when that struck me and I didn't take notes her well you know on this day that's probably should have a Big Mac or to go for those of you who love Big Macs well don't there but you should love me you shouldn't love McDonalds food at all or really any fast food around me food source we'll talk about that later what's wrong with this one I had my share of McDonald's I mean look at me do I look like someone who is eating his share of McDonald's
I definitely have customers of fast-food giant McDonald's are not spared by inflation the fast food Chain's Big Mac extra value meal a combo of the iconic Burger medium beverage and a medium fry now cost $18 in some locations of $10 from 2018 when former President Donald Trump still president a viral video of an enraged diners resurfaced where he claimed the fast food franchises no longer affordable for the everyday American quote so I can get there's a labor shortage I get there's a wage increase in the number of other things flabbergasted Idaho man Christopher Olive began in a clip posted to Tik Tok last year
critics blame President Joe Biden's terribly, policies dubbed Vitamix saying that the ever surgeon cost of supposedly fordable fast-food could impact the 2024 election I guess thinking about the election, carbines economic plans have driven prices overall about 15% higher since by MK on the central light on a sentence like food and energy there up close to 25% in New York Post article pointed out equivalently think of it as having a having / the income of a typical Family Y close to $5,000 mortgage rates are cruising toward 8% as the medium home prices hover near $420,000 they're going after groceries they're going up fast with the going after all of those they really are and it's not a fair statement to say that the yes they are making food of all types even fast-food they're making an unaffordable for
the average American and that's by design your people say I'll buy it and Onyx has been a failure you know what is not find nomics is working precisely the way the architects of B an I wanted it to work if anything's it's outperforming expectations it's taking the economy and hurting the American people better than they had expected
you have to understand this if you sit back and you and you still believe the corporate media talking point or even that the Republican that the unit party swamp Republican Wing talking pointed that fighting in the Bible Harris regime has failed miserably at this and failed miserably at that and they're failing their failures and they they just can't get the job done no
that's not true
they're getting their job done
until you recognize that you cannot fight this enemy you cannot fight this threat
if you assume that they're trying their best and failing trying their best to to make things better for us and just failing at it and you're under estimating the evil that we face this is intentional this is absolutely intentional and not the easiest way to see that is to see the action coming out of the White House coming out of the Democrats coming out of even the most in the unit party swamp on the right side that's the so-called Republicans when we see this border search that's happening right now today they're setting records folks it's December 8th December the slow. December is the time of year where we should be seeing the least amount of illegal aliens crossing over and we're seeing the most how is that possible right I mean generally speaking it's called don't like to travel in the cold right
it's near Christmas time is why leave now let's spend one last Christmas in cool with my family before marching off to war in America
which is literally what I was hoping they would be saying
as far as waiting not coming for war that part I'm not happy with him saying but the fact that they are doing it I was hoping they'll do it later they're not they're not waiting that she can serve as Chickasaw and everybody and if that wasn't part of the plan then the Biden hair Sheen would be doing something about it but they're doing literally nothing okay they're doing less about it today and they were when they first came in the office and their reaction to it is to do more nothing
this is one of those things where they really cared about all your people especially on the right that we talked about all this going to hurt in the election is going to hurt in the election they don't care about the election for two reasons one if they want to win the election they'll just steal it just like they did in 2020
but number to let's say that they're thinking oh my gosh that we're not going to be able to steal that much you know Trump's going to ask for your glitter eight B I still don't think the bidens going to be the nominate really don't think it's a it's a done deal I would make a bold prediction somebody you save this clip if you'd like book market so that if it doesn't happen you can call me an idiot or bookmarking so that when it does happen because Emily was right
my prediction is this that there will be zero Democrat voters
who actually vote for the eventual nominee for the Democrat for the Democrat Party
I don't think that whoever is going to actually be the Democrat nominee is going to be on a single ballot my project prediction is that are around the time of the way I don't want to get into time because it's too specific but at a certain point they see when it's too late for anybody else to Mountain effort by Dan is going to say and then probably Kamala Harris as well they'll come out together and they'll say you know we set out to to do this in one term we said that from the beginning we're going to do one term it out you know we did our term and now it's time for us to to pass it to younger people I like to introduce you to do whoever Michelle Obama Gavin Newsom somebody we have no idea about Oprah okay I don't know who's going to be but I think of that person will then just get the delegates the delegates will meet at the Democratic National Convention say okay it's it's I guess it's it's Michelle graduations Michelle Allen and VP Gavin
that's your that's your ticket and you will be like well I didn't vote for that but I guess it's not so bad Democrat Democrats will be like this I wish I would have got the vote for this but but I guess they're Devils Garden Joe so I guess we should be happy about it
my prediction is that not a single Democrat voters will vote for whoever is actually the nominee for president not at least during the primaries because they won't even be known about during the primaries it will be after the primaries this is why you know this is really going to hurt Joe during the during the election this is really going to hurt Joe next November Joe's not going to be around next November folks I really don't think he has and again if he is in any way and try to steal it so they don't really care about what what blowback there is from their actions today what terminal they cause how much they harm the country because I never expected they're going to get a fresh reset in the middle of next year sometime they're going to get a fresh reset that says hey you know what you guys are right Jo did a terrible job we love you Joe but maybe the dimension and whatever don't worry me and Michelle we got this we got this for you. I don't like Gavin Newsom please don't let it be grabbing it so I would almost rather it be Michelle Obama no it wouldn't take that back scratch that I wouldn't
is it just gets worse you know Joe Biden has been worse than Barack Obama as impossible as that is to think he actually has been Rock Obama said the stage for Barack Obama laid down in the the the roots the seats were cultural Marxism to to be promoted this this woke woke society that we are now on gulfton that's a direct result of the actions of Barack Obama he lay the seats he didn't get the snake stick around long enough to see them them bloom but maybe you did a lot of people still think that if this really is just his third term that Joe Biden really is just a placeholder and if that is the case by the way that would be the only scenario in which Joe Biden is allowed to continue and where they cheat to try to get him to win again this is why you somebody asked me you really think that trumps the right guy for the job literally just said that somebody asked me early this morning is Trump really the right person for the job that's the number one he has he has been we've already had it for years we already know or getting
no question marks no Loose Ends there to tie up number to and is the most important part a second-term president is exponentially more powerful and and the able to do more than a first impression at first our president has to think about the re-election so they have to be more cautious s her present that's when they're building a legacy and we want to present such as Trump who is building his legacy people saying you know Trump's going to seize power is going to be a tire know Trump wants to go down in history trust ego would not allow him to be a tyrant Trump's ego wants people to do things because they want to do and they want to follow and they love him that's what he wants he wants a legacy of being being one of if not the greatest president of all time for coming all this this turmoil over coming to impeachments probably 3 once I get to the office again overcoming odds and still making America great again it was when he started he wants to go down in the history books and it will set the stage for the potential political careers of the rest of his family his kids
so don't tell me it's going to be tired how do I get on that topic anyway point is that people ask be a better fit in a turmoil has already been kicked off the Colorado ballot in and what if the Supreme Court doesn't overturn that been going to be hard for him to be able to win and and maybe we really should look at the flash on that is this
and we need to push him as far as possible we need to unite the party around not the other way around we can't try to tell me this answers will be able to unite all the Meghan Geist sandwiches as just trash truck too much Trump is trashed this and this too much there is no love there there's no way that it DeSantis turns out to be the nominee because the Deep States able to take out Trump there's no way that he's going to get the massive support from from the from the maggot Camp there's no way that he's going to get more than double the black support that he had in 2020 he's doubled that which is already very high at that point at that point in his black vote for Trump in 2020 was higher than anybody since I think Nick's in the car call I think Nixon was the last Republican candidate to to get that high of a black-footed might have been might have been dragging my thing is actually next anyway point is is that is that they don't even get me started
Nikki Haley could she win that she's going against Joe Biden middle of the road but she gets some more Lucid Lucid Democrats the more moderate Democrats as possible that she could beat Joe Biden but do what you would want that would she possibly be even worse okay having a neocon in there is can be worse than her her fiscal policies are absolutely horrendous her ideas about essentially ending anonymity on the on the internet Megan's where you can't have social profiles unless you've got your your photo ID ready I mean she is a Thor attarian in many ways far worse than even Joe Biden
it was and what about our kitchen and you know what wow you give me politics was rather than Rucker rain in Hip when I was trying to get her this long ago I was trying to say that all these things were seeing these challenges such as with with the the food at McDonald's cuz you all the prices all those Wars all the open borders all the Strife don't go around thinking that all of this is just failure on the buying a used part what we're seeing is Success on their part
just saying
is that story comes from kit nightly over at off Guardian okay we already established we've already established that that's restaurant prices grocery store prices were also mentioned in that article that they're going to to be skyrocketing what about what about the pharmacy maybe the food supply and we know this is happening in Europe we now know it's going to happen in the United Kingdom we heard rumors is going to start happening here we need to pay attention this is not one of those things where oh don't worry that can never happen here I never want to hear those words from any American again when we see things happening in Italy and the Netherlands in the UK and we will say all that can never happen here I just want to slap them because it can and it likely will be down here okay
we could also happen here that this happening in other places around the world is that a populist or libertarian minded or even a Conservative candidate can actually win the national election we're seeing an unprecedented levels so don't tell me that can't happen here in the United States either because he can't as well it's not just the bad stuff even though unfortunately mostly the bad stuff started to buy kit nightly over to off dash guardian. Or why is the government paying Farmers to stop farming inside the UK's food security report on November 29th the British Parliament cross-party environmental audit committee report on environmental change and food security the timing of the report is more than interesting considering the un's top 20 Summit publishing its own Declaration on sustainable agriculture resilient Food Systems and climate action what's the UK signed just two days later but I'm sure it's just a coincidence there for claims amongst other many of the things that we quote needs to adapt our food and farming systems to become more
to the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss there I think everybody knows what climate changes for it when I won't get into by whatever she lost it something that
that in itself is a conspiracy theory that needs to be discussed that you need to be aware of because we already know the weaponization of the the climate change hoax when she start getting into the biodiversity loss now we're really going to go over so many people's heads with people should have been an odd those those hats as they're watching the the facts go over Mom okay biodiversity loss not my head and not my head I guess it's something we should concern ourselves about it's not but hey whatever let's get back to the Arnold this is actually an inversion of the usual argument standard line is that we should change our eating habits to tchoup to prevent Climate Change Report still claims this too but we are able to we are being told that we must change our eating habits are climate change will cause us to starve to death so I just change your eating habits for the sake of the environment is change your eating habits or we're going to die from from food in Starvation prior to dying from from the Earth being 1.5 degrees hotter than it is yesterday or something whatever their claims are there things always change a failed to keep up
you'll be pleased to know why all the reason you need to change may have altered when we actually have to do Remains the Same eat less meat that's all there were peace countless times the climate change committee's recommendations of the UK reduces its meat meat and dairy consumption by 20% by 2030 and by 35% by 2050 does two numbers they keep popping up 20-30 2050 I know they're round numbers are easy to throw those round numbers out there but there is 23 keeps popping up a lot. There's the notion that I've brought up before my show if you are a bible-believing Christian you know and I'm not picking dates here don't don't sell these beasts he's declaring the dates of the Apocalypse Now I'm not as interesting that depending upon when Jesus Christ was born and Scholars say that he was probably born sometime between between 4 BC and one b c k
if you were born right around 3 BC then that means that his death would have been and at 30 a d k and what happened one thousand years prior to 38D that would be 970 BC which just happens to be the year that King David died of course of you fast-forward the math is easy if you fast forward from the death of King David your 1,000 years for this could be the death of Jesus Christ depending upon the day of his actual birth and death within you you fast-forward to thousand years from there that's what we get to 2030 probably just a coincidence probably no prophetic bearing whatsoever except probably does but but again I don't I don't like to make any any claims about dates or prophecy that is way above my pay grade I just I just poured the facts we have 20 30 we know that something crazy that it's not just it's not just the agenda 2030 and I just because it's around number there's something is brewing leading up to 2013
please don't take that is all we got got the six and six years in a few days that's not what I'm saying Folks by any means I think that things are going to lead up to 20 30 and that things are going to get really really bad own maybe next year, 2020 for having a lot of things are going to get really bad I'm going to think man things got really bad when I think things are going to get really really really bad will start in 2025 and then getting worse in 2026 and then that that's not a nothing to do with Bible Bible prophecy there that's based on the trajectory of the world in the nation that I'm looking at today that all of you today don't forget to keep my my finger to the pulse of his much news both conservative and alternative media I watch this far too much far more than your average person because as the editor at the Liberty like anywhere from fifteen hundred to 2500 headlines every single day
okay I have to keep my finger on that post because we upload are we we publishing post links to anywhere from 132 to 200 articles or videos or both per day so it is it's a fun job I do want to say it's challenging it's too much fun I'm actually I'm actually very blessed to have that as one of my one of my many jobs but anyway let's get back to let's get back to this this article to change climate into a Public Health crisis inverting this argument is about creating a sense of threat about scaring people it's always about scaring people but you'll be pleased to know why they're trying to cover that sorry but I apologize I got stuck in the house 20-30 in a blanket trick it tries to make this figure just figured the 20% and 35% tries to make this figure some kind of compromise by pointing out some of the witness it so I'm there when this is the noted lunatic George movie. Or I like the movie A moonbat
advocated eating zero meat or animal products of any kind of force full of this kind of manipulative language for example on page 48 the others claim that the government does not believe it has a role to tell people what to eat
I'm not going to say I got nothing I can't respond to that because it's literally exactly the opposite of what there what they're actually doing their if their words do not match their actions but then they proceeded to quote testimony from experts to tell them that they have responsibilities tell people what do they eat in that argues people aren't informed or sensible enough to make these decisions you're all idiots idiots stupid so they think it was my professor Tim Lange and since she argues that we eat as chosen for us anyway that's a different take hey folks don't worry we're going to tell you what they already tell me what the huge don't know and now we're telling you that we're going to tell you what to eat and now it'll be out in the public so here's your your bug Burger is a quote from from Tim Lange everyone thinks they choose their diet we don't actually we choose it by Race by class by Family by Jenna by Culture by one we were brought up by the power of advertisers in their expenditure nearly 1 billion dollars I'm sorry 1 billion Euro
pounds sorry I'm looking them looking that wrong is Tony symbols nearly 11 billion pounds is spent on Advertising food in Britain and it is overwhelmingly the ultra processed foods biggest The Advertiser there's very little advertising let alone National guidance for any more appropriately if you take nothing away from this article and you will take more more away from a show but you take nothing away from this article other than that that's enough
we are manipulated into trusting whatever food they they want us to trust
this is why I'm such an advocate of sourcing your food Noah treaty know what Farms are coming from make sure they're coming from farms and pastures not coming from some lab or some petri dish
don't accept substitutes unless you actually have to unless they ask we have to look for some of us for example you know I I know somebody who can't drink milk but they love milk so they they drink pee milk and when I say pee in the sink for my pee is in the legumes not pieces in like pea that's gross but I have a drink
but the blood sugar substitutes okay they always say four years and they said oh it's bad it's bad as bad but I've heard that like monk fruit can be good and do your own research I'm not going to tell you what sugar substitute to use I would say this stop eating sugar okay for this your carb intake dramatically whatever people were saying that specially the American Heart Association and all these various doctors in nutritions for decades whatever they're saying basically my fat ass really that's on the real culprit here carbs are the real culprit and I'm not saying this is a scientist or nutritionist or dietitian or a doctor or anything like that and I can get medical advice or dietary advice from a position of authority and telling you my personal opinion the research that I've done I think sugars the bad guy okay I really do and I will say this about the ketogenic diet find me a keto sponsor since I talked about it so much I don't have one yet but but one thing I can say about the ketogenic diet is that it does
truly legitimately enhances your brain if for any other reason it's just to keep your brain active end and faster legitimately faster like you probably still shows why are you know when I'm on on glucose again or glycogen or whatever that stuff is you can usually tell because I sound more like you you're more than I sound like you know sometimes when I'm super heavy heavy keto mode all the sudden I sandwich Ben Shapiro I don't like it but I still sound like an economist about drugs folks if it's just ketones but but I think I'm not advocating the keto diet by the way that's his choice I am advocating a reduction dramatic reduction sugars even have an article about that by dr. Joseph Mercola we probably are going to get to it cuz I've got a lot of other food articles to get to as matter fact let's just let's just move on from that one cuz you can you get the idea they are coming after the food supply in in Europe and in the United Kingdom they are doing it for the sake of climate change they are
doing it in a way that is designed to to keep us in the dark
but it's not just countries it is the bad guys the other bad guys out there such as far as my keto fail me and I can't read the letters you and what is you and mean I guess that means Beyond United Nations Demands a Crackdown on food supply to fight climate change
the United Nations is demanding that governments around the world are you know what let's go to a quick break will it let me get this article after the break let's let's go to a quick break first and then when we return I'll talk about Frank bergman's article over slay news with me and by
I think I made it very clear the last couple years that I am a big huge fan of physical precious metals I've worked with multiple companies during the time and I've finally found one that I can wholeheartedly endorse not just because they do good business they do with right away they don't try to rip people off but only because they are a Christian company they they check off to Major boxes at least as far as I'm concerned Genesis Gold group does the Fantastic work helping people transfer their their Ira as their 401K as their government retirement plans whatever you've got your money be probably invest into woke ESG funds without your knowledge or maybe even with your knowledge risky risque Endeavors hate now is the time when you look around you seat inflation you see the bank's doing their thing I'll start closing or even just saying open closing your account and you see what's happening with recession stagflation bricks the dollar ization
it's B concern but you don't have me concerned at least not with your life saving so you can go to JDR sjdr contact Genesis Gold group and see what they can do to help you it's what I mean it's worth a try right sell you $1,000 and free silver if you just you know transferring don't worry we're only making a $299 fee off of it they won't try to do anything like that it's going to deal with you honestly and that and help you to secure your life savings go to J & D R for Genesis Gold group
let's get to this story by by Frank Bergman over at Slane you and demands Crackdown on food supply to fight climate change this is not a reiteration of the previous story this is this is this is just believe it or not this is just another example of another Global's organization is trying to tell you what you can eat how much you can eat where you can give how much you can get it what you can get away with it won't control the United Nations is demanding that governments around the world launched a coordinated Crackdown on the global food supply in order to fight climate change the call was made by the un's food and agriculture organization FAO remember those those letters because they might not be familiar to you today or very commonly hurt today but they will be more and more and more calmly hurt especially as we start getting into more public-private Partnerships pertaining to the food supply and distribution to the masses to the people to to you and me as we we are given are lab grown meat and genetically
wide Bill Gates style organic vegetables and stuff like that the head of the FAO is former Chinese Communist Party official Aku dong you who served as China's Vice minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs watch my show recently I know that I talked about mr. cool down you just the other day in a similar scenario similar situation I want to I want to promote this this concept and get this word out because people folks friends we can have taken seriously and is demanding that Sovereign Nations bikes play strict limits on their agricultural Industries specifically meat and dairy production to comply with the world economic forum's Net Zero targets for agenda 2030 before on Sunday the FAO published a report a commanding policymakers to substantially alter agricultural markets to align the global agricultural system with a w e s green agenda yes the world
form in conjunction with the United Nations in conjunction with two counts of Reckless of capitalism and Bill Gates and George Soros and Klaus Schwab and all the bad guys and Q dong you and the Chinese Communist party it's funny because when we talked about the right we talked about conspiracy theories I never use that phrase as a pejorative there are conspiracies. You have to be an idiot to think that there aren't people conspiring to achieve their goals conspiring it behind their backs to manipulate or use or control or even depopulated it's happening in a fortunately all we have right now are theories all we can do is speculate I can guess the things are going to be bad in 2024 worth in 2025 and really really bad in 2026 that's a guess but even though a lot of my guess is a lot of my speculation turns out to be unfortunately very accurate sometimes I do get it wrong I really thought of the food attacks on the
Supply wouldn't start for another two or three or five years I was wrong they're pushing it harder and harder and harder
let's not just say oh you know they're using Bud buzzwords like wef and un yeah they are I am we are
Carrabba's words this is reality my friends reality
despite the FAO claiming that they move 6 to save the planet for the greater good the motivations of the organizations have been called into question by people like Maine and you don't shoot I'm sure Chief Donna Donahue has been repeatedly accused of using his past or his post at the I don't like to Global institution to advance Beijing specific interest according to Politico the album the outlet notes that telling you has ignored other issues such as food shortages and hunger crises around the world focusing on efforts to crack down on Western Nations agricultural Industries is a quote from the FAO report they say providing healthy food for all today and tomorrow is crucial as is aligning agri-food here that's name again variations not the same statement that I said earlier by the way this is a different statement from a different organization right around the same time as is aligning agri-food systems transformation with
climate action Zagreb Food Systems should address food security and nutritional needs but they host a large number of actions a line with mitigation adaptation and resilience objectives remember those words mitigation Mitigation Of what what are they trying to mitigate they will claim is the the actions that are the effects of climate change the play mats the actions of Western industrial nations of claimants it's the various Wars of claimants it's everything they claim everything needs to be mitigated and we're the only ones that can do the Mini-Game adaptation suck them that have to adapt its you they expect to adapt they want you to make changes in your life makes changes that will save the planet that will will help the greater good
and unfortunately The Inn at you listen if they truly believed that this would be the case I could almost say Okay so let's take science versus science besides one of us the science says the wrong science is Crystal Clear okay lab-grown meat is 25 times more harmful to the environment than pasture-raised meat so don't tell me that they that they're using the science to declare that there they're manipulating the science to fit their needs and when it comes to it at Tatian they're not talking about adaptation of a very now they're going to be eating filet mignon and lobster we're going to be told to eat lab-grown meat or crickets they're going to be drinking cow's milk we're going to be drinking pea milk and I'm not talking about the lagoons here folks
and then resilience who's got to be resilient who's going to be compliant who's got to be be able to do just keep taking and bounce back you can do it we're all in this together folks they're not going to be resilient they're going to be pampered this is It's funny because there was a time when I used to be against the any notion that talks about redistribution of wealth and that usually leads with no disparity between the mega rich and the poor I used to go every time they go down that road there talk about socialism but now I realize that in many ways they're talking about Corona capital is which is not going to capitalism is almost more opposite of true capitalism then even socialism is crony capitalism is where hey you know I mean crony capitalism is like The Hunger Games and I know I've never seen him but I know enough about him I've got enough children to know enough about the movies in the books or whatever that you know you got the the super-rich and then you got everybody else right this is what they're they're trying to create an
crony capitalism not through real capitalism in not even through socialism that is they want to install so it was actually a Marxism is what they're trying to install through their concepts of stakeholder capitalism through their the great reset all this stuff
you will own nothing and you'll be happy that's that's me on Marxism
it's only going to be us those who aren't prepared
those are the people that are going to have to be be adapting the people that that have to be resilient
so I can be the people that are actually making these stupid policies that's for sure they're going to be flying their private jets eating wagyu burgers
the report asserts that individuals in wealthier Nations can and gain from A reduced meat consumption always that's the only always a sales pitch you know it's like they are the inflation reduction Act Right inflation reduction Act was about the green New Deal is about putting more money towards green green initiatives it wasn't in there was nothing in it that could possibly reduce inflation as we seen it hasn't K information has been reduced in the other than place has been introduced but it's not like you're going down it's just you're not going up as fast as they were that's what they call me on Victory now that's that's in a reducing inflation but it's not as a result of inflation reduction act at all it's a result of you got so much inflation so many rate hikes and our final to the point where it is starting to kick in I was starting to to to slow down the degradation of our economic system in the United States and abroad
sometimes I frustrate myself even even thinking about these Concepts but we have to remember those those and help them quote fight climate change your we're all in this together so it's ridiculous and you don't know what are the True Believers in climate change than the true cult members they're the ones that at least these useful any of these happy little soldiers going out there glue in their hands to the pavement glue in their hands to artwork you know the breaking gas stations and then King King big SUVs or even little SUVs or whatever these these idiots then and only true believers okay the people that are making the policies including many of the cortical scientists that are involved in this they're just doing it for themselves folks they really are
they know that if they if they get out there and then pronounce loudly that they're going to that that climate change is going to kill us in 8 years 3 years 12 years whatever they're going to get grants they're going to get funding they're going to get I got to get awards they're going to get speaking engagements are going to get everything
everything that's what they want just like I mean I don't even get me started on the doctors and and the and the Javits that's a story for another day
what is the story you know I don't often go to cauldron pool cauldron pool is a it's a cauldron it's a mixed bag but the content there by the way is absolutely amazing the vast majority of the time but sometimes I don't like using it because it's over my head a lot of it is really over my head both the illogical as well as scientifically mean these are these are some smart dudes and in gals over there and so I don't like talking about it not because you know I don't want to be a little my audience and say oh you know I don't know if you guys would get it if it's sometimes I don't get it it's a false humility folks it's like wow you know that's that's pretty pretty crazy let me stick with some simple conspiracy theories and let's let's not do this pool did catch my attention because I understood it so Lord willing you guys will to this by professor John getting Hartnett over at cauldron this one is also from a little while ago this is from the ninth as well but I
save me stories of that I'm going to talk about a particular topic I will save the stories and accumulate them so that I can talk about a topic for an extended. Of time if you knew the show this isn't how we do every show a lot of time most shows we're going to take a potpourri of Motorsports okay we'll take a wide variety of talk about the border to talk about whatever today I'm trying to stay focused on the stick on top because there really has been a lot of news following top 28 and that's why we're talking about it today this article's title why do Stark there we go to why do the globalist want to stop us from eating meat and I could it be could it be that the demons part oligarchs do not want us to eat meat because of all the positive health benefits I think so the stakes are from another angle and let's be clear you know I am I'm not on the carnivore diet per se but I am a carnival in many ways I do eat a lot more meat than anything else
if you couldn't tell if you're watching on video yeah I eat quite a bit but I'm working on it I'm actually down like 12 lb believe it or not cuz you can picture me being 12 pounds heavier yeah that was me but I'm going down we're working out I've been walking like 5 miles a day praise God for that so yeah we're we're getting there but we're not there yet got a long ways to go but I'm still going to eat meat with her I'm bigger not one big aspect of the sustainability dominated agenda 2030 of the wef United Nations is to stop us from eating meat especially red meat why is that what excuse they use is that global warming the global warming scare cattle are falsely claimed to contribute to global warming due to their methane emissions with global warming is a hoax there is no climate emergency there never was a guy after my own heart and by the way how do we know it's a hoax okay there were far more buffalo in North America way back when hundred twenty years ago then they
are beef today cattle today
so in the same similar style of digestion far larger animals why why were they challenged back then
but that's a topic for another day and it'll be interesting interesting to bring up the topic talk to you guys about the history of why the Bison were killed it's actually a pretty ugly story and I only recently learned it but not for today we'll get into that later topic some of the time back to the article or they love us and their reason is to protect us because meat is unhealthy but that can't be the case because it has been shown scientifically and by experience for thousands of years to boost human health human beings have been eating meat for thousands of years since the end of the global delusion fact prior to the great flood humans only ate fruit and vegetables according to a plan God put in place at the creation at least that was the Creator's original plan the curse change that and the fossil record show carnivore carnivore sorry was common pre-flood
but after the flood God said that the survivors no end and his family should eat animal meet the scripture does not specific specify what animal that's didn't come until much later until the laws given to Moses on Mount Horeb in the Sinai Noah and his family might have enjoyed Leviathan meet wearied you break the heads of a leviathan in pieces and give him to be meet me food to leave people inhabiting the wilderness sounds good I would love to eat Leviathan that sounds sounds like chicken but maybe maybe it's not maybe it taste like beef I love beef and I love bites but I digress backyard of the context seems to be post what the Hebrew word is transliterated because it is not known by the translators what it was and is often translated as a sea monster or Dragon couldn't have been a marine dinosaur or some of some kind dragon is also a possibility so Dragon Meat was on the menu I guess I wonder if
tastes like chicken we always have the same jokes we have the same every time it's it's it's very funny why did God come see me after the flood was it because the supply of nutrients from a plant-based diet was inadequate there are three factors that I would have influence that one is the change in the global environment due to leak out of the cash me they killed everything on our service another is the effects of the curse on creation plants produced antitoxins and ward off animals from eating them and that would have multiplied overtime the third is the effect of Decay process is in human physiology due to DNA damage that has been accumulating since creation something you don't hear a lot about by the way but it is true and increase in genetic entropy meant increase mutation that makes humans were less fit and needed a more direct supply of the essential nutrients that come from eating meat nowadays they blame all new diseases
everything everything else you probably read me don't you that's why you got this that's why you got that strange considering the long history of humans eating meat without suffering from these modern diseases but only a few hundred years ago people ate unprocessed me from naturally grown animals without the Friday and oils and trans fat saturated process food modern times nor did they eat toxic seed oils like canola which is now ubiquitous nowadays we specify organic to avoid the toxic chemicals and fertilizers used in the agricultural system for the old days of organic simply meant the food was natural it's because you know who do they have work actually had a guy ask me this Ben 2008-11 when I was explaining how how has it cuz I was talking about organic food back then I was at a dinner this actually with the client was talking about organic food back then and he's like oh you know I didn't realize you're one of those hippies and like I'm not a hippie I'm actually
let's start there any organic eating the way that that like like our our fathers and grandfathers 8 you know it wasn't until very recently that food this whole genetic modification aspect of it the addition of more pesticides and more more fats more nasty stuff that wasn't in the diet before that wasn't in the food okay so to say oh you know do you you must be a hippy because you want to go back to the old days that's more conservative than you would expect anyway I digress I miss that guy I don't want to mention his name to the Casey's he's listening but if if he is he probably knows I was talking about the conversation we had and yes it was in Washington DC that one day anyway when is that they're right you know that organic is just it's just basically original right it's not just have to be special it just has to be protected from all the towns that were trying to put into boots today
humans are biologically designed to be on The Voice which means we can eat meat and plants the simple fact that our body can digest meat is evidence that we are designed to be on divorced the human intestine is similar to the carnivores with an intermediate size digestive tract the vegan Community have claimed that humans are herbivores however the science of the human body in the historical record of human dietary choices do not support those claims humans can survive without meat but far better positive Health outcomes are achieved easily only if meat is included in our diet many vegans are ideologically driven they claim killing animals is inhumane but killing human human slowly with malnutrition is definitely in Hewitt and the Creator made from about 44050 years ago in the post-flood world
could it be that demon inspired oligarchs do not want us to eat meat because of all the positive health benefits I think so some years ago I went on a vegan diet for 9 months and when I say I am talking about this professor not me I read them directly from here but I always want to make sure that you guys know if you'd caught on lay these are not my words I did not go on a vegan diet ever I never will unless I'm forced to Ed gunpoint and maybe not even then I was hoping that back the article I was hoping to heal from numerous afflictions at a time I also started eating only organic food plant-based I did get some benefits but after about six months I started to go downhill develop developing much more pains around my body I learnt of the time about the organic acid oxalic acid in many plants which use the anti nutrient to fend off insects and other Predators oxalic acid forms razor-sharp calcium oxalate crystals in our tissues especially if their gut
has been compromised due to past antibiotic use but going yet on a low oxalate diet I have overcome most health issues overtime this is an example of one anti-nutrients implants there are many more of us I took to eating a very high meat fat diet because meat is low in oxalates and I have grown stronger over the past few years and overcome all my incurable diseases without Pharmaceuticals meat has all the needed new transfer humans only in animal protein are found all the necessary amino acids which our bodies cannot make themselves to get all of those a vegan needs to be very diligent and take even take supplements even so the amino acids from plants are not so well absorbed to build healthy muscles skin and bones when you eat meat especially in this is sin cursed world the longer the time since the curse the more accumulation of deleterious genes in our genome in the last fifty human species is
essential amino acids can repair some of that vegans and vegetarians more quickly show the effects of time in their bodies do to a deficiency of the essential amino acids the ideological vegans are not always so healthy health-conscious either if do you want to avoid the onslaught of all the anti-nutrients eat meat it is that simple there is not a single plant-based food that has all the micro and macro nutrients found in meat some of the essential nutrients are only found in meat and not in vegetables are drains one of those is iron and essential mineral that is abundant in red meat without iron a body cannot produce important oxygen-carrying molecule hemoglobin and without a body is starved of oxygen that means no energy that means no strength
clean unprocessed meat is the answer to most ills and disease stop there real quick okay there's a time I love bologna I love sliced turkey I will I'm a sandwich guy okay I've always been a sandwich guy obviously before I start the keto diet I love sandwiches and I used to love processed meat I just I love sausages yummy okay I won't do it anymore I want to meet I want actual I want to see the dead animal and then I want to cook it or have my wife look since I can't cook that is an important thing that we cannot we cannot ignore the start of us back to that article is the answer to most ills and diseases it is not it does not increase cardiovascular disease type 2 diabetes or can start the process food especially with trans-fats are highly toxic and cause diseases but saturated animal fats are food not poison is like the lie that carbon dioxide is poison when
actually it is essential for life on this planet saturated animal that has no real impact on cholesterol levels and cardiovascular disease recent studies show praise God for that almost everything that the oligarchs tell us as bad including red meat and saturate the animal cattle is actually very healthy in fact this guy that ordains food for humans in a post-flood world the real reason for the plant shutdown of all meat produce an agriculture are as follows to decarbonise the planet of humans that is to a massively reduced the human heard the population less humans means less strain on the resources of the planet also to return the planet to Nature in their demons inspired guy worship of Mother Earth gosh I like this guy
nothing no coincidence we're all come to the same conclusion the final reason is to control the her that is left because red meat makes you strong and able to think clearly and critically more oxygen to the brain heart and muscles is much more difficult to control a group of people who are well-fed Joe Stalin and all desperate to have known this keep them off close to starvation on a drip feed and they will obey they won't have the strength to revolt anyway eating red meat falls in the same category as other freedoms we enjoy the freedoms we think of we think our own thoughts and express them the freedom to worship the Lord Our God and that speak of his grace the freedom to not allow do not follow the dictates of the oligarchs who would control every aspect of Our Lives please do not succumb to the lies about red meat and lose all its health benefits what follows is weakness disease malnutrition and death and again that's professor John getting Hartnett he's got a PhD
have fun in physics so that's good let's go to station identification and we will be back in about think it's like 45 seconds would be back in 45 seconds
all right in that first hour we were able to talk about the why why are they coming after the food supply I hope by now you do appreciate the understanding you accept that the powers that be are truly coming after the food supply the powers and principalities the new world order whatever you want to call them whether you are a bible-believing Christian or you're more secular or a different religion doesn't matter we're all talking about the same enemy okay we can be unified we can debate Theology and then Faith later let's just hook son on the enemy all of our enemies all of us have the same enemy the same the same bad guys we just call them different things so let's accept that as well
so we know why but now it's going to the how how are they coming after I've talked to many times especially last year and we haven't talked about it nearly as much lately but there are certain ways that they're going after the food supply just directly like literally destroying the food supply we've seen those food production plants that have been going up in smoke case clearly it's it's not a coincidence that there were more more industrial disasters industrial catastrophes have the various food food processing plants Across the Nation across the globe just in late 2021 and early 2022 and into 2023 then there were in like the previous 10 years combined it is conspicuous and it is to me it's it's blatantly obvious that it is intentional
we've also seen bird flu and I talked about this before in the past as well but just for those who may not remember bird flu does not act the way the birth was acting today and never has historically speaking bird flu usually hits an area of very small area so I don't have to use this analogy before but you know they say you got you got bird flu and got a pigeon a pigeon goes and and lands and starts talking to some hands and saying hey hands what are you guys doing go Way Pigeon you're not a hinh we only want a rooster in things like okay well fine but this infected pigeon okay now infected but maybe one of hens have that bird flu and now this infected pigeon has a fluke and that pigeon flies to a farm you know three miles down the road is it what are you doing hey Q you know come talk to us and talk to them and then as the bird flu that that's traditionally
a rough version of of how bird flu spread across the nation and then it's usually very easily contained will we see the past three years of the birth of Acts completely differently it pops up in Texas and then I won the Minnesota and then in the UK and then and where it's like popping up everywhere simultaneously it's as if it's being done intentionally and I would say that it definitely is what about the cows we seen entire cattle hurts mysteriously was just drop dead Ranchers go and they like the hell happened on my cattle they're all dead and there's no no signs of alien abduction or kids doing cow tipping or anything crazy like that they just died
we keep seeing this over and over again we keep seeing food getting contaminated lots and lots of food getting contaminated my wife follows the recalls case she has alerts if you know she's a diligent an awesome mother so she she watches to see when food gets recalled and she was noting that that over the last couple years I'll be enough there have been many many many more food recalls for various reasons you would think that being 2023 going into 2024 that we would actually be better at food safety certainly got enough regulations we certainly have enough automation that food should be safer today than it was a decade ago as far as I'm talking about from contamination is Led poisoning or salmonella all that stuff but that's not the case
we're seeing more more more more people getting hurt and even dying from food contaminations of various sorts why is that why is it that every angle of the food supply chain seems to be under attack could it be because it is we know about that what other techniques are they using here's one that that should should wake you up come from from newsnation to percent of u.s. land owned by foreigners what 2%
of United States land
is owned by foreigners
what that happened
we know that China has been buying buying up land we know the Bill Gates has been buying up land I know he's not a foreigner but he's a he's probably an alien of some sort so so we should include him as in that list and he's not he's not part of the 2% that there will probably be much higher of his land ownership has included we know that European countries and other Asian countries are buying up food I'm sorry buying a plan and medications specifically for food did you know the majority of a pig pig plants pig farms the pig farm the pig farms in the South carolina-georgia are owned by the Chinese Communist Party are they do a little ton of pork they had much more work than we do you generally speaking but it's like I guess it's understandable but but still keeping ownership of the of the Farms of The Landing in exporting it to them why are we allowing so much of it to get bought up this article comes from newsnation Bryant
says I'm going to go to the key points cuz I don't want to get stuck on just a handful of stories like within the first hour is over foreign investment Canadian investors own the largest amount of reported foreign held land Canadian you hearing wrong if you think that it said they have the largest share that doesn't mean they have most of it not by a long shot for his own land in the US including more than 3 million Acres of Farmland purchase just in the past year for the new statistics by the US Department of Agriculture the trend has raised concerns in rural communities across the country some states have tried to prevent foreign entities from buying Farmland much of the u.s. land owned by foreigners is agricultural including farms in Timber Ridge properties as of December 31st 2022 for investors held an interest in over 43.4 million Acres of Agra
43.4 million Acres
Forest land accounted for over 48% or 28% was accounted for by cropland and 21% was land for pasture and other agricultural needs in other words being able to raise chickens for India or or or pigs for for China One Indiana chicken farmer says the numbers should be disturbing to every American has a quote from from Farmer John rush to alzheimer's be running for US Senate will be very concerned about it you know almost 30% of our meat production in the United States is controlled by Foreign interest right now and so it's not 2% is 30% in terms of meat we have to be very careful we have to have a safe supply of food that is for Americans in November small Michigan town voted to oust the entire Council after they approved a controversial project for a Chinese Affiliated coming to build an electric battery plant in the community
as a quote from Mom from Green Green Charter Township resident on the public forum Everyone's entitled to an opinion and guess what China's is they don't like us they don't like us that's their opinion Corning USDA report Canadian investors own largest amount of the reporter for and held agricultural land and non-agricultural land with 32% of 414.2 million Acres so again if you like and Trust the Canadians great that's that's at least better than the Chinese Communist Party only all that land right by the Chinese Communist Party does Alan still quite a bit in there buying more Divine more of it every single day and yes folks that should that would concern you
now let's get into I guess you could say some some other concerns and this is a concern I gave this I gave the the disclaimer in the beginning that I do own I'm part owner of a freeze dried Meat Company specifically we sell we sell beef right now next year we're going to start selling bison eventually probably going to sell sell freeze-dried eggs and chicken the purpose there is that we want to feed Americans so when I start talking about lab grown meat know that yes I have an interest in it but also know that if I didn't have an interest in it I would still be talking about the stuff because this concerns me and it should concern you
and by the way this is just for the guy throw this in there as as my what we'll use this is the ad for the for the the segment we are over at we are having our unprecedented sale it hasn't happened before probably won't ever happen again because of the aforementioned by so we are bringing bison into the mix next year and we have too many bags I just got the report from from Jason Nelson five disabled Army veteran Jason Nelson one of my one of my partners in the company he was telling me he gave me the numbers are we currently have stored in this staggering we have a good Surplus I'm very sad about that now shut make room because we got to make room for bison Bisons big and yes the the the bags of ice are going to take a lot of space in the warehouse so I've tasked with selling as much of it as I can therefore go to and use the promo code 1 * 25 that's onetime the number to the number 51 * 25
25% off of your order if you are a big spending you spending $1,000 more you can use promo code one time 30 you get the idea of their you'll get 30% off of your order again we we've done 5% and 15% Max discounts in the past the only reason the only reason that we're doing this to the sound now between now and Christmas by the way so we've only got a few days left the only reason we're doing the sale now is because like I said we got to make room he wants to buy the Bison I'm all for it but we got to have some place to put it so take advantage eye loss is your gain go to use promo code one-time 24 25% off or 1 x 30 or 30% off if you're buying $1,000 or more worth of freeze dried beet and yes and it is free shipping not to Alaska if you're laughing so hard we got to charge you for the shipping but otherwise free shipping across the United States this article and speaking of the reasons that we have this freeze dried meat company that has ribeye New York strip
sirloin tenderloin the good stuff and All American not imported not imported beef is All American befall Texas raised needs to be clear reason we're doing it is because those situations like this one is over at America out loud News America out loud. News you can find this doctor Steve latulip is his name great name Steve latulip lab-grown meat scam is a great health risk in a truly truly is Courtney article in the age of deception wear fake news fake medicine pay politicians fake Wars and fake religions for dominate along comes another great lie that says man can improve on all the natural foods that God has so abundantly blessed us with for nourishment sustenance and Delicacies of the palette fake meat has just made its debut in America receiving a full stamp of approval from the Food and Drug Administration
but how can fake anything be good for you it isn't it can't as a global conquistadors steam Full Speed Ahead finding anything real or Genuine is becoming increasingly more difficult we seem to be slowly drifting into a counterfeit world was I like to call it a post-truth society when it comes to physical health and nutrition invitation food is about as unhealthy as you can get for the consequences of marketing artificial food extend far beyond just the realm of diet grocery shopping is becoming through a maze of pitfalls and dining out is inviting disaster especially in the fast-food industry don't expect the FDA to protect you if the 8th is a government agency is the agency that approved the updated covid shots and herpes of the mattress safe and effective as many some 17 million people globally have died today from the approved product it's also the agency that approve lab grown meat for production in the United States this year
the cultivated mammalian stem cells can hardly be called meat neither can it be called safe or good for you
if anything lab-grown meat quote-unquote meat is nothing more than an opportunistic by a weapon let's take a closer look first of all stem cells research stem cell research is a budding science currently very limited medical application when stem cells are grown in that bioreactors that's a quote bioreactors and then nourished with additives to improve texture color and cell growth you aren't getting anything close to it cut of real steak or chicken breast it's just not possible to duplicate the real meat that is harvested from a once-living animal that God created and called good for Food Lab drawn stem cells process for human consumption don't have the taste texture biological composition more nutritional value than actually contains as an animal grows its its muscle tissue the meat contains more than just my side sore muscle fiber cells blood vessels nerves fat connective tissue bones and Marrow are intricately woven throughout muscle tissue these functions together to make
of all the properties of Natural Healthy meat the FDA admits it has done no studies to verify that synthetic meat is nutritious safe for truly namakkal he cannot be able to produce
the tourist agency has approved lab-grown meat based on the words of upside food producers who described their processing steps included in their own opinion of the process was safe satisfied with the company's self-assessment efda Century said okay sounds good go for it that's pretty much the extent of their regulation
we heard the same words from Pfizer or moderna who insisted that the MRNA shots we're safe and effective despite knowing full well that the studies that they did prove just the opposite they lied and mRNA vaccine recipients continue to die to continue to Die daily because they fell for their Lies We cannot accurately predict what the final mortality rate will be but the accumulating data has left shot victims holding their breath and praying they don't become tomorrow's next casualty will it be the same with fake Meats consumer skepticism retained fake meat is more than Americans will have to decide for themselves whether or not to buy into the safe and nutritious propaganda but knowing that the population control eugenicist Bill Gates has been a top investor in the outside food since its Inception 2017 should be enough to dissuade anyone from sampling these products not that you would buy the way to even try this stuff maybe one bite I don't even want a bite
text because it's disgusting in concept or disgusting and nature are discussing in reality it's because ideologically I don't want it I want real meat Boys had it was always had a real mean we've been blessed as a nation why are we trying to destroy that while we trying to replace something that as has the good doctor here points out or play something that God created and said was good for food
ugly stuff the old the mobile advocated for fake meat during a lecture he gave at the UN climate change convention in Dubai recently where he was surrounded by a cesspool of liars frauds Hypocrites and sociopaths it should make us wonder is this another genocide plot the absence of regulations and accountability maybe for Bill Gates another license to Kill let's not ignore all the flashing red lights in the latest Meat Market associated with the climate change called Bill Gates the world economic Forum the new band of mad scientists and all of all our fallen angels in government Your Health and Welfare of the last thing on their minds I like I said mine I I hope that wasn't a mistake I hope that he is referring to collectivism within their group
I'm we're going to go with that the first is your subservience an early demise abstinence from lab-grown meat might be a safe Choice here's to the truth and for those who are familiar with America out loud yes my show used to play there and no fault to them for my show no longer playing there by the way it is what it is you know I did it again I keep forgetting to switch the tab right I've got it set on here in this is where it why I need to sell more beef and and get more gold leaves because frankly I I need to I need to get the ya get a producer full-blown producer I have a great producer for radio okay John at BBS radio does a fantastic job but when it comes to producing the show visually I do it myself and unfortunately, I'm not very good at it cuz I keep forgetting switch tabs I think that's the second time I did it once before I thought don't do it again and here I did it again so you didn't get through
along with me hopefully you like the way I read it I didn't start it too much but here's the article from America out loud. News and as I said so I have work with them in the past their great organization if it wasn't for for my inability to put out a consistent show several months ago I would still be at my shows still be there had a wonderful viewership wonderful listenership hits radio but alas when I see awesome articles like this one by doctor Steve latulip I will I will happily share those with with you the audience this does bring up the point them you know what what can we do one of the challenges we're faced with is that the people that have the money and I'm talking to Media the people that have the reach you know we got Tucker Carlson
who starting to get out that he's really starting to hit the hit the the topics that we need him to hit a mean someone says he's been talking about has been fantastic you got Elon Musk who may or may not be a global shell he may or may not be one of the technocrats is going to lead us to our demise he may truly be a free speech guy you may really be in favor of of natural stuff he always thinks maybe I'm not sure about him the way that I'm much more sure about Tucker Carlson you got the The Fringe people you know like Alex Jones he's been trying to promote the stuff too but here's the thing outside of just a handful of Eva Hart alternative media heavyweights vast majority of us are too small that's why I always ask you please share share what you see here and tell your friends about this show and other shows if you like what you're hearing and then if you don't then don't tell them that hopefully somebody else will like it and tell them but you get the idea we need to spread the word we need more people watching this
what do you listen to the show we're very blessed to be where we are getting back on terrestrial radio out here in Los Angeles here very very soon and I middle of the month and next month will be when we finally finally get back home to trust your radio and we're talking to a couple of stations in Tennessee I'm looking for essentially hate to say it but anywhere they'll take us okay we are desperately trying to get the word because people need to hear this stuff people need to know what's happening to the food supply people need to know what's happening with the with the elections with the vaccines with with the Border K there is there is there plenty of conservative news outlets out there that do get great reach they often will avoid the topics they could get them in trouble then I'm talking about God not talking about. Any of the aforementioned topics they won't talk about anything they could get them in trouble with their with their station that can get them in trouble with their with Facebook or Google
rely on Facebook traffic they rely on Google money in traffic pretty much any of it none of it comes from face what do I broadcast on Facebook you bet you how many people watch about none but hey it's automatic litter day I click a button and as The Show Goes to bridie on her B shooter or rumble or spreely TV or or shortwave radio or wherever when it goes out of these places it's it's always telling me what I can can or cannot say at least not yet we're willing that will continue I'm always scared then at some point we're going to get knocked off of Apple podcast or or rumbles going to start turning Yogo big-time and start being more like YouTube or something bad's going to happen or will he know that happens but I do get concerned about that
so don't try to make it as displeased if you can share the place that you always be able to find this show and hopefully we're in the process of negotiating with other shows to come onto to the network would be this turned out TV. discerned that TV is my project I've been working on it for off and on really for for about a year now and the idea is to try to put up content I'm not just my content with other people's content which is why we are we're trying our best to get other people other shows on there but no matter what even if we get none of those you'll find mine there so try to and we put tons of barnacles X Brother videos up there so so check it out go to discern. TV a bookmark in and share that with your friends if you need to okay the best place to subscribe we are trying to build up a separate Rumble Channel got a rebel Channel already didn't get there by any of the big Rumble Channel bigger Rumble channel is that JD trouble but the one we want to build up his at JD Rumble one
number one JD Rumble one that will take you to my new discern TV Rumble Channel and we're going to try to do the whole dread pirate Roberts thing okay yeah we got we got the bigger trouble Channel great awesome love Mike my subscribers there and now we got to try to get them and everybody on Briley on and and anywhere else Apple podcast wwcr shortwave radio where ever try to get them to go to the other Rumble Channel J D wrecker, Trumbull one is a few reasons for that the biggest one being is that that would that's the actual full-blown Channel verses with feed a network where my other channel is I'm sharing that Channel with what about two dozen other show host and it's fine I don't mind I'm still going to be on Freedom First Network I do want to make it sound as if I'm leaving there or anything like that but I think it just it just makes more sense
for me and for hopefully for you to stay focused on these topics on this kind of content the stuff that I believe we need to all be talking about for the crap hits the fan and as I said before I think that day that the day that the crap really starts hitting the fan is anytime between now and election day and because after election day I think it's going to get even worse and then within the year after that I think I would get even even worse we're going to see things we're going to think this is as bad as it gets and then it's going to get worse the next day and I hope I'm wrong I pray that I'm wrong okay like Daniel I pray for reprieve I hope that we've got we've got Seventeen more years 100 more years than a thousand more years until the end times I want to see my kids grow up in a world of of sanity not a word of lunacy I don't want to necessarily go through any of the bad stuff that's coming inside so much me and I'm concerned again for my family
but then again there's a notion as I talked about earlier that if we are indeed in the end times then it is a blessing for us to be going through whatever is to have but that's because it's a blessing that doesn't mean we need to go on Tuesday okay well I didn't prepare I'm going to go go ham give me give me the cricket Burger allows for the day I'll go take that back to the kids and try to force-feed little baby little baby Bobby the cricket burger for the day you can still be prepared make it to where you can help to fight the good fight if and when the time comes in our lifetimes so so there is that now let's talk more about this whole lab grown meat concept this article as next article comes from Marie Hawthorne over at the organic rapper what have I would say top five
top 5 best prepper channels out they're prepping of channels prepper websites out there that do a fantastic job of putting out some really good content and I really want to work with them I've been in reaching out I've been trying you know when we get close so you will see our Lord willing we will be able to make arrangements with them but I've gotten Hawthorne story I've got it over at the CERN. TV American Meat producers heavily invest in novel protein that the new the new phrase AKA lab-grown meat and bugs novel protein is in stuff that you hate you know you might have tried beef chicken pork fish you might have tried maybe some some bison maybe some elk maybe some some wild boar but you never tried this and if you if you believe me at all and you never will try it on the Articles and I'm never going to eat a chicken that I forgot about that
I'm in a different story earlier comparing that the process of creating chicken nuggets and how a lab-grown meat is it take to get disgusting process than they used to take chicken stopping and making this pink stuff of informative into chicken nuggets take that process and multiply tenfold on the discussing M and then you've got you got lab grown meat
I'm never going to eat a chicken nugget again why because the Relentless drive toward getting novel proteins into the food supply this year's climate Summit was the first to sense we address food production there was a food pavilion with a thematic days and one of those days was exclusively about how to advance protein diversification is that where their favorite word they're in other words how to get people to eat stuff they don't want to well said he's getting into this to you can find dozens of books that have been recently brought to Market earnestly promoting insects as food to say the planet these are not to be outdone by books swearing that lab grown meat will revolutionize food
they discussed how to push consumers toward dhaval protein discussions highlighted Innovations in Israel Brazil Singapore Denmark and the Netherlands all countries that have pioneered research in either insect farming or cultured meat the folks of the climate Summit discovered quote how we can push push out of disgust not discovered they discussed how we can push others for the Tipping Point in protein diversification one discussion focused on circular agri-food and biomass circular agri-food sounds high-tech were really boils down to waste processing for example if our may be perfectly circular if livestock exclusively consumes vegetation on the farm their poop is spread at around the pastures they get processed on farm and the waste material are buried fed the dogs are otherwise kept on the property two hundred years ago most Farnsworth circular agri-food systems that doesn't sound too bad so are they promoting the traditional closed-loop local farming in the
operating Farms this discussion was chaired by an expert in Waste Management in a representative out of an Innovative food Processing Company not managers of close with forest in fact if you live in wealthy come and a wealthy country these people may see your local Farm as the problem not the solution speakers at cop 28th so it's blamed over-consumption in wealthy countries for food instability and poor ones is a gross simplification of an incredibly complex set of problems
overconsumption of food isn't just a rich people problem it's the opposite for starters overconsumption of food is not necessarily related to overall wealth you don't see overweight people walking around Elite enclaves like Malibu Aspen there in the poorest parts of the major cities in throughout Rural America I spent much of my childhood any low income household people at the bottom of the socio-economic food chain are not over consuming Pastor steaks in kerrygold butter they are over to tell me the stuff like their SNAP benefits pay for at Dollar Tree foods like Doritos and Mountain Dew these foods are artificially cheap because they are made of process corn which is heavily subsidized by the government use every culture secretary Tom vilsack is aware of this he was less militant about eliminating meat from American diets than his European counterparts his talk during food de-emphasize less food wastage rather than eliminating meat and dairy however the intergovernmental panel on climate change insist that affluent westerners
need to reduce meat and dairy consumption by 35 to 50% to achieve climate goals climate change is being blamed for food shortages in developing countries however you cannot ignore the role distribution problems play these might be related to war or to internal problems such as corruption they are not necessarily affected by the actions of wealthier countries solving the problem of low income overweight Americans would involve massive cultural changes it would involve fixing the subsidy system that makes junk food so cheap it would involve a huge push to introduce homie, you cannot miss classes empowering people to prepare their own food and it would involve a change in cultural expectations when working multiple part time jobs in Norm it's really hard to find time to prepare healthy meals
that's why we disagree about I mean it's it's one thing I won't disagree I will say yes it is harder to find find time okay and you talked about somebody who if I wasn't married to the greatest cook in the world if I did wasn't blessed with the ability to to not have her go to work away from home when she doesn't home is Fred so far but if I didn't if if that wasn't the case then yes we would have probably have a difficult time finding time to be able to to go to the grocery store to pick out the right foods to be be selective with where we're sourcing are fruits and to them properly cook it all I know there are real challenges that real people are facing every day whether it's Financial with his time with his combination of two maybes access maybe you just don't have access to the the right Foods
I would strongly suggest and I'm sure this for different reasons in the past but for the sake of food itself I would strongly suggest if you have the means or if you can acquire the me do whatever you can to get out of the Cities now lot of people say how was that counterproductive wouldn't don't you think that you know in a city you have more access to my grocery stores Ardmore Whole Foods more Sprouts Markets more Trader Joe's or whatever and that may be true
but in the future when the crafts are students families cities that are now having abundance of certain foods even high quality foods Within These high-quality grocery stores we're seeing them shutting down especially if you live in the city we're seeing them change hands we're seeing different cities across our nation is real Canada's well that is talking about government-run grocery stores in the cities
why because of high crime because of of high prices because they want to control food food inflation they're trying everything they can to make it to where these cities are able to to have control the food supply notice I didn't say they're trying everything they can to make it easier for the people in the cities to buy the food that's not the end goal has Control Missy an opportunity here to be able to take control of people take control of people in the city so what is the advantage moving out to rural areas even away from the suburbs if possible the number one places where you have access to multiple at least one but fairly multiple Farms farmers markets are the best place to get you food. OK Google Oakland Rangers
one of the best place to get your meats you should be able to if everything at the crap really does hit the fan to the point that there's a century martial law across the country and there's there's a roving Marauders trying to take things from people then you should be prepared for all that but try not to scare you folks I'm just telling you that that is a possibility especially if you live in the city but even if you live out in rural areas you have to be prepared you have to have firearms. Make sure that you're going to place that's not going to arrest you for owning I want to try to register you for only certain types of firearm be able to defend your property defend your family spend yourself and offend your supplies
especially if you're in a row are you again today that's not so so much the case with in the future if there is is this collapse of some sort then you don't want to be isolated
and face those Marauders that's for sure make friends make friends with the locals if you can have have a local infrastructure one where you know where you can get your food you know where the food is grown you know where you can get your beef your chicken your fish whatever probably hopefully you know you can find a place where you have access to fresh water with fish and hopefully you can move to a place where you can open grow your own garden very least if not a full-blown Homestead if not even a little mini far or maybe a full-blown far maybe you're rich maybe you can just hang out instead of the the Chinese Communist Party in the Canadians buying all the farm and maybe you can buy some farmland for my father who's ready to to pack it up or move along or whatever
we need this I'm not just telling this to give you advice we need more people to do this for the sake of everybody else and otherwise we need allies those who are not prepared those who are not able to feed their families without government assistance in the future once the crap hits the fan they will not be our allies they will be beholding they will not risk losing their families
and your family start letting them self start for the sake of patriotism or Freedom they will line up I don't care how patriotic they are they would line right up
so I want as many people as possible to be independent to be self-reliant to be able to to work within a local network of like-minded individuals or be able to work a lot to be completely completely self-sufficient card and it's not for everybody but maybe it's for you maybe you should check it out and don't forget the meds don't forget your Bibles don't get your water I want to make sure we have everything don't forget your energy supplies off grid is the best way to possibly go set up for I'll say it's probably a million times again with that said let me go ahead and and the speaking of meds let's go to a quick break I where you can hear about meds and then we will be back to finish off Today Show
folks that the threats that are happening to us when it comes to our medical freedom is not just about covid-19 vaccines are face masks are lockdowns there is a true risk to the pharmaceutical supply chain that could put many if not most of us in bad situations should that Supply Chain break down company that I work with is that they specialize in helping people to secure long-term storage meds whether it's amoxicillin or diabetes medications are heart medications no various antibiotics go to JD record cam meds J D wrecker, meds use promo code Rucker 10 for 10% off and start stocking up so I could today get his can what you can as far as the meds that you need just in case the crap hits the fan and you can't just run down to the pharmacy and pick up your moxa sillen or whatever it is Janie slash meds
generally speaking I like to in my shows with Solutions I'm going to go ahead and throw the solutions out at you I've touched on them throughout but I want to go and throw them out to you one more time before I get to this last story by Martin Armstrong you need to be as self-sufficient as possible. You can say I sound like a broken record I do I know I do get out of cities that sound like a broken record you betcha I do sound like a broken record because I need you to take this seriously and I need you to get other people to take it seriously as well okay this is one of those things to do first rule prepping I always tell you don't tell anybody about your prep don't tell your friends don't tell your relatives the idea there's and if you tell anybody then if and when the crap hits the fan they're going to come knock on your door or maybe they're not you're really your friends are not really good relatives and they're going to come come with weapons or something and try to take you or perhaps they don't never say never tell anybody I think the opposite approach look I didn't then maybe because I'm well-armed and I don't have a lot of friends and relatives but I do want to get as many people as possible to be
here because we're going to need allies we need people who are going to be able to because they're self-sufficient they're going to be able to fight the good fight when the the crap starts hitting the fan and if we fail then we need people that are going to be there to help rebuild that's it I have a big fan of spreading the word and making as many people wear as possible within your circle outside of your circles are not single tell all your neighbors hey I'm prepared you know if the crap hits the fan is part of my house now I'm not saying that but but tell the people that you care about and get other people to do it don't you tell them because you want them to come knock on your door when things go south tell them that you want them explain to them how can watch my show tell them that the things are looking bad
and if things here's the beauty of being prepared if things don't go bad praise God and it's not a waste okay you can always eat food or I ain't especially as we had a lot of people that I didn't expect this. I did not anticipate there will be a lot of people who are actually eating their food because again when I talk about like beef crumbles we're talkin about freeze-dried long-term storage ribeye New York strip Tender Loin sirloin the good stuff and people are actually taking it opening the bags and using it and then buy some more I'm not at all you do for me I keep every bag I keep all my lingerie stores food separate and I'm going to use that in a long-term but some people are okay with using its day and that's that's beneficial to me but the point is this is that there is no stopping
the United Nations there's nothing on the weekend to God can do it but I said pray all the time okay God can can put it into all the shenanigans
so pray for that but as far as what can we do I mean are we going to go protest the world economic Forum or we going to the pass legislation against class Schwab or George Soros a rock Obama the it seems as if again without divine intervention seems to the die has been cast they're heading in this direction whether we like it or not so that's why you go back to protect yourself protect your family
for the sake of the nation even you can say is that selfish one yeah but you need to be he has kind of like those on the planes they always say you know in case of an emergency if the air drops put your mask on first and then help others have the child or whoever next to you you don't want us to go over we got to help everybody else and then you have you passed out and then everybody around you dies do you want to you got to protect yourself first put the the mask on prepare get the insurance the security of food water ammunition Bibles meds energy get all that stuff together and then get other people to do the same thing that's the best thing we can do and I'm not I'm not everybody has to become a doomsday prepper but everybody does have to get prepared in some way
such as Mark Zuckerberg is building a bunker in Hawaii and needs to be as many of you as possible so why harp on it that's why I'm a broken record let's get this final article the day this is bye bye Martin Armstrong and it's a reiteration of the reiteration of the reiteration but taken from a different angle you know something's going to stick I've taken the faithful I know I'm taking the conspiratorial angle that was given to me I guess you could say the logical thing is from from the 19th so earlier earlier in the week there is this scheme to reduce farming which will reduce population of the whole theory of Thomas Malthus that the from the 17th hour from the 18th and 19th century Debbie population would surpass the ability to grow food that is the agenda and if you want to see what his actual Rings worry about it you can find those at principles of population
might as well call the principles of depopulation
wind generators or solar panels consume 1/3 of the Farmland worldwide this is what has inspired this this is what has inspired this thinking that we must reduce the population war is a great tool for that which is one of the reasons why we're pushing for World War we've got Wars everywhere you realize we might be in golfed in 24 Wars at one time that's possible I know that things seem to be coming down and Venezuela but they're not come down obviously in the in Israel and Gaza not coming down in Ukraine deserve a Remy and be abused. Vladimir zelensky saying that I hate is going to reduce their military activity base he's trying to get more or A2 to buy off more oligarchs as China there's there is just a matter of when of when they are going to invade Taiwan at some point could be tomorrow could be next year cuz I don't think it's going to take a decade and could you know
don't have it I don't have a crystal ball or anything like that but I do think that that it's a foregone conclusion that at some point in the very near future they are going to invade how involved will we be at the question for for politicians but it's also question for us we need to make our voices voices heard on that issue for those who don't know I am very much I don't want to be involved in any of this I don't want to send Aid to anybody people say oh you know but you don't have to spoil his really look at great let's sell them weapons given intelligence what's block block off the United Nations with are our un Security Council veto we can still help them without having to send the maid
and directing them again they want to buy weapons awesome awesome I hope they do
I don't hold it there because then that empowers more more powers to the military industrial complex which is a whole other can of worms
Haley back the article they insist that industrial agriculture which is employed by the majority of the development developed world is creating climate change the US Food system contributes nearly 20% of the nation's carbon dioxide emissions the intergovernmental panel on climate change with which we talked about earlier says that agricultural land has used contribute 12% of global greenhouse gas emissions then they have the embodied energy required for industrial Agriculture and they claim that this gets worse the manufacturer
are the manufacture and use of pesticides and fertilizers Fuel and oil for tractors equipment Trucking and shipping electricity for lighting cooling and heating and emissions of carbon dioxide methane and nitrous oxide and every possible greenhouse-gas they can think of increase the impact up to between 25% and 30% which is the number used by John Kerry gun play play Master carry Ultra contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world depending a little bit on how you count it but it's anywhere from 26th and 33 and we can't get to NetZero
we don't get this job done unless agriculture is front-and-center is part of the solution but with a growing population on the planet we just crossed the threshold of 8 billion fellow citizens around the world and just cross that in this last year emissions from the food system alone
are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century on the current course that we are today I couldn't agree future
could result in an additional 600 million people not getting enough to eat
and you just can't continue to both won the planet while also expecting to feed it doesn't work so we have to reduce emissions from the food system to keep the 1.5 degrees why do we have to keep 1.5 degrees line because scientists
as a basis of physics and Mathematics not ideology in politics or party labels or anything else is a matter of physics and Mathematics and some biology and chemistry have told us these are the consequences and we already see it happening and almost everything they predicted for 30 plus years now it's coming true but the problem is it's coming faster and bigger than was in fact predict
they really do hate us and they think we're stupid on top of all that they hate us and they think we're stupid and they probably hate us because they think we're stupid who knows maybe they just hate us because we exist but it's it
anyway in other words they want to reduce agricultural shipping Refrigeration air conditions and turn off heat in the winter and reduce the population by Thursday to 40% and maybe they'll be satisfied Lexus of Creon that I don't think they want three I think they want to down I mean just using their numbers they want to down about 80 90% so
maybe less than that nineteen ninety-three percent I guess we'll get us down to about half of half a billion people that's that's what they said in the club of Rome back in the in the 60s and 70s maybe that's what they used to say on the Georgia Guidestones that are no longer their parent Lee crazy
they get to impose their tyrannical policies with absolute zero evidence to support their Theory because they ignore that natural cycles have existed for millions of years climbing is always change the temperatures have not exceeded historical Norms the data from NYC shows that we have not exceeded the highs of 1932 and the days of the Dust Bowl mainstream media only repeats what they are never what are told and never does any mainstream media dare to investigate anything and that's that's part of the problem I would say that the entire problem but that is definitely part of the problem I am going to get one more story I can do well now look talking about that a warning signs this is something then I'll admit I the only reason I was going to skip this store was because I have not actually read it so we're going to read it together this is on my list to read but it's been on my list of recent December 4th so I might as well get to it with the time that we have remaining this is by a site that I haven't heard before it's called she fine
dot-com by faith Geiger
I hope I pronounced your name right
but the silent treatment think I found this is probably over at or someplace like that maybe I don't know where ever I found it it's been sitting in my room sitting in my browser waiting for me to get to and I still never read so we're going to read it together here at least part of it seven foods you may not be able to buy in the grocery store in 2024 before they're gone so surprising with what I would have been saying the whole time as we prepared to step into 2024 it's important to know what changes are to come over the next year including the changes that might come to the selection of items at grocery stores in 2023 we faced scarcity of several products from toilet paper to Sriracha news to me now there are a few other items that maybe become hard to find over the next 12 months factors like environmental challenges labor shortages and more could pose a risk to the availability quality and affordable
certain spices dairy products eggs Seafood grains fresh produce and meat and poultry I can sense the list right that's okay we don't have to read anymore do it here's a closer look at the challenges each category is facing and some alternative options for Savvy Shoppers spices are okay I don't want to skip that because because I'm saying that the you shouldn't Pak spices pretty simple there are health benefits to spicy are great for you some of them are some of them are definitely not but if you are going to have to get into preparing a survival prepping whatever you want to call it then there's there are very easy ways to store spices you can get get these little containers that are way too expensive I said just make your own it pretty easy and I'll cover that topic another day but I'm going to skip town with his sake
time because there's corn products dairy products and not just pee milk because it's not very many people keep their fridge stocked with dairy product like milk cheese and butter at all times however unfortunate truth is that you may run into the issue of limited availability and higher prices of these items in 2020 for these issues stem from a few complications including the escalating feed cost for cows caused by green growth issues additionally labor shortages and extreme weather events are just floods droughts and heat waves further stress Dairy production yikes it might just be time to embrace plant-based milk Alternatives like almond swollen up milk presents represent sorry we went to read a sustainable and nutritious substitute I'm going to be just like I said I didn't read this article or going in blind I'm going to disagree there you can store long-term storage both both milk and definite cheese and even bought her
is this is this nasty rumor that you can't you can't store those items because his fat ass so hard to store and that's true but if you have them freeze-dried okay and you seal them up properly I've got plenty to too many actually number 10 cans of long-term storage butter year shelf life. As long as most freeze-dried foods because it is fat and fat that goes rancid pretty quickly but ten years is it is enough and here's the thing as much as I always say protein protein protein protein protein protein because that's going to be what they're attacking us clearly while they're attacking and as far as the food supply goes if things do go very very south and let's say that you're stuck bugging in for years at a time it's the oils that you run out of first that you do you keep your oils sealed you know what say you got plenty of olive oil which I would recommend having plenty of olive oil even if you have them carefully wrapped you know you do everything you can to keep all the critters and all the sunlight and all the
keep away from them you still only have here too but I think it goes I don't don't quote me on this one cuz it's been a long time since I investigated but it's somewhere between 18 months and three years I think is the max that you can get out of that might be less than that but bottom line is that if you can get a long-term storage butter and long-term storage milk and long-term storage cheese that won't just help you with the obvious in the calcium and the protein but also the necessary facts because you have to have that okay you do this whole room or the fats are super super bad for you there are fast but animal-based fast like these are generally not I'm not saying that as a nutritionist don't quote me on that and say hello Rucker said don't use much much beef fat as you can get get Tallow and just drink it now I'm not saying that I'm just saying that that you should shouldn't fear animal fast the way that they try to make us eggs eggs
hi earlier in 2023 and while we may be recovering from that Fiasco there are still a few issues present that could I keep prices high and availability low challenges that could contribute Excursion 2024 avian flu outbreak we talked about yada yada yada best solution this is this is one of those things where I consider this to be truly one of God's great gifts to Mankind and that is chickens okay chickens turn the ground into protein into delicious eggs if you can get out of the Cities if you can get out of suburbs
Asian get the point where you can raise chickens my gosh that's the best thing you can do it might like my aunt she raised chickens she's in the suburb and she raises chickens in the back yard and the neighbor's hate her for it but she doesn't anyways and they have the best eggs so scrumptious scrumptious a whole lot of land you want to keep your suggesting have inhumane conditions make sure you do have enough space for him enough dirt for them enough grubs and whatever feed you need to get yeah but they can live off thinking base with you again turn the ground into protein and delicious protein at that and fat as well stay up there did miraculous there's nothing short of miraculous chickens are a true gift from God and take advantage of that and if not worse case scenario you can also buy freeze-dried eggs and we will probably be selling this one the way I hope house sometime in 2024 we're still we're still testing it out I want to make sure that we can get get good stuff it and eggs generally have also shorter shorter shelf-life than most
other freeze-dried foods I think it's around eight or ten years for eggs egg powder so number for Seafood as it turns out there may not be plenty of fish in the sea isn't only a delicious source of protein is all so incredible for your health and I wholeheartedly agree I love eating salmon I didn't get Sam and skins because many of us Seafood on a regular basis there are a few issues that could make that more difficult in 2024 though overfishing climate change it's it's the other way around folks so we'll skip that but the truth is that there is we are seeing Seafood prices go up or also seen more scarcity it's getting harder to find the fish and stop because there is not enough out that there is plenty it's because of other factors which I don't think we have time to get into today so we won't never 5
not important and like I said if you if you do have the resources or you can move out the land that has has a river or lake awesome you know if you can go fishing you know to teach a man to fish you get the idea so yeah that's another another wonderful gift again from God has a reason why why Jesus went to make Fishers of Men and I just because they they they got some fish for fish and grains are another crucial component of a balanced diet but as you we mentioned above Global Climate issues there is going and we have seen this I'll go I'm I'm going to add live here and go against this this will play out change grains climate change cows climate change okay we'll keep that in mind about so the major major to the point that it's it's like
what countries are starting to to not exploit them anymore Indian particular okay we're having challenges going United States I think the rice crop in California was the lowest in history or at least in recent history China of course has been hoarding rice for a decade now they have like 2/3 of the of the rice in the world stockpiled rice is good because it's it is nutritious and you can store whole lot of it for a long. Of time rice if you put it with beans you get a good mix of amino acids and you could literally survive off rice and beans for an extended. Of time so it would get boring but that's why you got the spices we mentioned above number 6 fresh produce
I don't know what to say about that I mean is true we are having family issues and vegetables and fruits and nuts and everything but that's a matter of you know you grow your own for a week if you can I do want to keep harping on that but if you can grow your own grow your own if not go ahead and start getting more more buckets of those leafy greens in particular at least meat and poultry most Americans rely on meat and poultry for protein
the most Americans are not aware that whole cows has been unprecedented sale right now to get a whole whole whole house. Cam and use promo code one-time 12:35 word w r i t i m e 25 number 21 x 25 all one word you get 25% off at the end I will be back very soon with another episode but in the meantime you'll stay strong and stay safe and God bless

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