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JD Rucker Show, December 18, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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Exploring the Complexities of Modern Politics

Title: Exploring the Complexities of Modern Politics


"The JD Rucker Show," hosted by the insightful and candid JD Rucker, is a haven for those seeking a deeper understanding of the current political landscape. Rucker's show is not just another talk show; it's a critical examination of the day’s most pressing issues, from political scandals to policy discussions. Each episode is a mix of thorough analysis, bold opinions, and a call for listeners to engage with the often-overlooked intricacies of politics and media.

Rucker, also known for his work with The Liberty Daily, brings a unique perspective to the table, often challenging conventional narratives. Whether it's discussing the potential implications of AI-generated news anchors or dissecting the nuances of emerging political polls, the show encourages its audience to think beyond the headlines. Rucker's approach is not about pushing a singular viewpoint but about encouraging a well-rounded, informed discussion. This show is perfect for those tired of the same recycled talking points and eager for a more nuanced, in-depth look at the forces shaping our world.

Recorded: December 18, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

you're listening to the j.d. Rucker show let's begin
well what a weekend or was it was a crazy weekend as we look back on it was last night I'm sure everybody's already here by now but the last night a part of Joe Biden's motorcade got hit big news for little bit until his realize that I was probably just something something innocent maybe maybe a drunk driver maybe just a reckless driver maybe it wasn't that big of a deal but it's just so happened that the Collision took place right when I was leaving I saw this one video this lady saying why is Trump beating you in the polls and and Biden mumbled something as he's walking the car then you have the crashing so we'll go over and this guy Sky the hits parked car in the motorcade house out in the street strange stuff I should have pushed Joe Biden in there nobody thinks it was related to anything but it drew attention away as did pretty much everything else of course this entire weekend. I've almost tried to avoid social media it's rough because I have to use social media while I'm running V Liberty but I did enjoy it one bit because battery
34th post was was a picture of some dudes back who is apparently been engaged in the in the homosexual porn in the Senate chambers we cover this request last Friday and now we're stuck stuck with talking about it and it just bugs me aboard me okay I get it it's one of those things where Scandal barely touched at all and those who did touch it of course Republicans conservative media I'll wear the ones that are doing a former staffer for Ben Cardin he he's playing with us he says oh you know this is all about homophobia does that it's weird whenever you see these events happen the radical that always tends to the point of some sort of bigotry is the reason that we're paying attention to their their Follies now it's because of what they do it's not who they are when the matter they could have been a heterosexual female was engaged in filming sex
in the in this chamber is Senate chamber we still be talking about it wouldn't matter if it was a Republican or Democrat eight or whatever but they don't look at it like that they always have to turn it into identity politics because that's all they've got that's all they've got I mean if we can say one good and bad thing about Barack Obama's good and bad that he made the Democrat Party essentially focused solely 100% on identity politics in every single possible decision they make every policy every decision every statement everything they do is about identity politics is not about actually solving any real problems about manufacturing more problems problems are generally fake not real okay this is why we always have always hate hoaxes they have to have these hate hope so because you're the only actual number true legitimate hateful actions taken against these these groups he's protected groups that are very minimal so they have to manufacture them it's all manufactured it's all a gigantic lie I do want to start the day off to negative manner really is
we had I am fest I was a positive I'm going to be talking more about that later actually I'm going to stay there for the second hour but I do want to talk a bit about about these conferences and stuff like that it those who've watched in the past I'm not a big fan of CPAC offering you the reason just because CPAC is it's really turned into a it's it's like a it's just a to Zocalo yes are you going to see pack if you're not going to see pack then you don't get your conservative card renewed in as it's like I don't know I get it but I don't I don't know I will be talkin about it though because I want I want to stress the importance of what we have to do when you're not just with this coming election year but also just in general this isn't about it we've gone beyond the point of being able to to try to win on the basis of ideas not because their ideas are wrong but because the the adversary doesn't go around ideas they don't try to to make it fair and talk to take their eye
is versus how are you this instead they like to just become like there are no ideas at all to try to quash our ideas so there's only one real way to fight it and that's to make our ideas like that means we need to build the base I'm not talking about the Republican base I'm talking about the America First that the true Constitution conservative base the populist base if you will whatever it however you want to label at the base of those people those of us who actually wants to fight for the sake of Freedom who's got a good show today we got a great show today unfortunately with Lindsey Graham so it is what it is
other weekend the unibody swamp Unleashed one of their favorites Talking Heads to go on to the Sunday shows it took Senator Lindsey Graham and told him to go try to throw a smoke screen a monkey Ranch whatever you want to call it into the whole world Biden impeachment scenario and he did just that watch let's turn to the impeachment inquiry into President Biden your colleague Republican senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa said that he does not see any evidence quote that the president is guilty of anything do you agree with him is there any evidence so far you know I haven't really been paying that much attention to it they have to put that to prove that President Biden some out financially benefited from the business enterprises of Hunter Biden will see done it yet and your mind if there were smoking gun I think would be talking about it but let's be clear about two things number one the role of u.s. Senator the responsibilities of a US senator
under three categories I'm the one that's supposed to pass legislation legislation as they do but they say they are supposed to pass some legislation number to supposed to represent the interests of the people in the state the people that they actually directly represent the people that voted for then there's supposed to represent those people and their interest number three and arguably most importantly they're supposed to offer oversight for the Executive Branch the extremely powerful executive branch at Founders knew that the executive branch didn't have certain checks and balances that enabled them to be to be held responsible and accountable if they wouldn't be they wouldn't be able to police themselves as we seen through multiple presents he's over over the years of the Decades Joe Biden is arguably the worst that I'll say arguably I'm going to see the Monster but he is the worst he is the most corrupt president we've had in modern history the very least crafts in American history
and for the sitting US senator a senior sitting US senator said that he hasn't paid attention when the current president of the United States is credibly accused of multiple massive massive National Security crimes rivalry influence for sale to foreign interest receiving money from multiple Nations multiple non-government organizations from foreign foreign bodies he's not paying attention and that is I was just say right now that is grounds for him to step down he's lost his touch apparently if he hasn't paid attention to the most important news story the most important development of the day and a time when there are so many important elements this is it this is the most important one the most powerful man in the United States of America is likely compromised
and US senator isn't paying attention to that step down sir step down
this isn't just your not just an embarrassment if you're not paying attention you're not just an awful Senator your traitor and you need to leave immediately
number to the other things we learned is that he's using the good old if I would could you I don't know what it's called it's it it's a tactic I forgot what the name for a thought of it if you would put cheese you using the tactic of of answering questions by saying well I'm not saying that what you're saying is false but if it were true don't you think this or don't you think that he says you know is there ask him do you think that is you think that he should be impeached she's like well you know if there was a Smoking Gun I think we would all be talking about it as if he's not aware that of course corporate media is not going to talk about the multiple multiple unambiguous clear as day smoking as I mean it is you can't breathe there's so much smoke around all of these guns that are demonstrating that Joe Biden is corrupt, I still took bribes his entire crime family needs to be behind bars
but of course government is not going to talk about it because they love him they hate trying to hate Republicans with a definite hate Trump the most and they don't hate all Republicans that we saw people that that putting our next to the name they don't hate Lindsey Graham they love Lindsey Graham because he's going to run run smoke for them smoke screens for the Democrats as he's doing right now noticed he didn't say that I don't think that you'll buy this disorder I don't think Joe Biden to that he's saying if you did don't you think that this will be everybody we talkin about the Smoking Gun
insinuating that since corporate media is not talking about the multiple smoking guns they must not exist in shorts not only is he a traitor but he's hoping and I think in his heart he truly believes that you and I are stupid and for that alone he should step down and probably a lot worse you should probably go to jail because I do believe he has a trailer so sorry Senator I'm not sorry
the Chinese Communist party is laughing at us they laugh at us often especially over the last 33 years or so under under Joe Biden there they laughing hysterically I'm talking about like deep belly laughs at at our actions and in particular the rest of the world for being so obsessed with climate change they realize they know just as our own leaders know that climate change at least the the agenda is a hoax I'm not saying whether we have weather patterns we have changes in those patterns yeah but this is far as man-made climate change it's going to to kill us in 10 years 20 years whatever five years three years depending on who you which which cult member you listen to they they know it's not true our own leaders know it's not true but still we are perpetuating the the scan for the sake of a fact for the sake of advancing the globalist agenda and meanwhile China is laughing at us every now and then they will take advantage of
National obsession with climate change and then really Western society's obsession with climate change and then I'll take advantage of it when they can use it to harm us the story over at Daily Caller by Nick Pope you can finally have a cross posted with permission of course over at the CERN. TV / food Dash un and it's long but check it out. TV / food Dash un here's what's what's in the latest food report from the UN body run by an X CCP official United Nations food and agricultural organization and agency headed by former Chinese Communist Party official issued a Sunday report calling for decreased meat consumption in developed countries and other sweeping changes to agriculture in order to fight climate change and we seen variations of this over it seems like every single week every couple of weeks some agency some global
organization some some oligarch queso technocrat is out there saying we need to reduce consumption here in the United States in Western Society especially beef does beef is bad because killing you know somehow someway have been been on the earth for all this time and you now now they're they're killing us with their farts allegedly report that the article the report released ahead of the UN climate science conclusion calls on policymakers to substantially alter agricultural markets in order to fight climate change and line the agricultural system what's the climate agenda
the FAO is led by Q Don you the ccp's former Vice minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs who's been accused of using his post as at a global institution to advance Beijing specific interests and here's a quote from the FAO report providing health food for all today and tomorrow is crucial as is aligning agri-food systems transform transformation with climate actions agri-food systems should address food security and nutrition needs but but food just shouldn't just feed people there's a big but they're but they host a large number of actions aligned with mitigation adaptation and resilience objectives simultaneously the climate agenda could mobilize climate Finance to unlock the potential of these systems and drive their transformation in one paragraph can they were able to throw out all day they laid out the entire game plan you know yes we need food we need better nutrition but we need to do it in a way that we control number two
it's all about climate change it's all about climate change number 3 this can actually be a good thing if we get enough money to battle climate change so they may be asked the ask for the money they they use the boogeyman Scout the key of climate change and on top of all that they said I'll buy the way you present scants can't determine your own food you can't grow your own food you can't eat whatever food you want you must was what's the smarter people the technocrats we are the ones that can determine what food you will be eating in the very near future
Erica goes on it and it's one of those ones that just the more you read it the angry or you'll get so I'm not going to read anymore cuz I'm already in it it was a g put me in a bad mood earlier so so let's go ahead and just put that story aside and focus on the real yes they are coming after a food supply yes they are coming after our food supply I cannot repeat that enough okay so I'll swab and I'm sorry. Schwab's predecessor Henry Kissinger
who controls the food supply can control the people and that is one of their goals in their the population control agenda using climate change even the CCP knows and he's a former CCP there's no such thing as a former CCP guy okay there are CCP people and then the only quote on quote for Mur CCP people are dead is that your CCP for Life once you're in you're you're you're in there is no going out it's like Hotel California okay who's Dallas ECP yeah you know this guy is Q's is named funny enough cute on you a few cute on you for for taking advantage she doesn't believe in climate change she doesn't believe it he's using this that this entire organization the entirety of the United Nations is using it for their depopulation in control agenda this is why we watch are coming in the first place but I will say
can now but if you're watching this for Christmas and Now's the Time okay to take advantage of the it's the best discount we ever have or never going to have it again I can almost guarantee it I want to promise you that you never know what's going to happen but we are for the first time ever offering a 25% discount by using promo code one time 25 at will help you to to eat better not just today but also in the future Ribeyes New York strips tenderloins high-quality freeze-dried long-term storage 25-year shelf life all American all Texas beef so check it out promo code 1 * 25 because they are I mean.
hopefully a willing my audience the vast majority of you already realized that they are coming out to the food supply they've been coming out of the food supply for a long time they're going to they're in the process of attempted to use food to Ashley possibly control is so I just threw up late so I'm just a shortage they're trying to control every aspect of her diet to try to make it to where to where will only live in our 15 minutes cities we won't have any choice about what food to eat and none of it is going to be good for us it will be genetically modified let me Cricket's it'll be lab-grown it'll be something that was that was born in a Petri dish and not a pasture that's not what I want that's why we lunch or coming in the first place but make sure that your friends are aware make sure you relatives or where cuz I think I get the feeling a lot of people just don't know you just don't get it and I understand that if they're watching Fox News or CNN or whatever but for those of you who are watching and listening to me when there are others out there that are saying it but put me in particular you will know that yes the food supply is under attack
and there's no helping it at the end of the table okay it's like you learn how to take care of yourself take care of your family starts talking up plant your garden get your chickens if you can
do whatever you can to take control of your own food security stock up because there's going to come a time when a whole lot of people are going to wish they had and you don't want to be one of those people cuz that's talked about gnashing of teeth just not gnashing on steaks like like we will be
there are very many a lot of arguments in favor of artificial intelligence you can really make a great case and of course my perspective of those who have listened to me before talk about artificial intelligence you know that my perspective it doesn't matter how many positive uses you can find for artificial intelligence the negatives will I weigh them because the negatives are that this is an existential threat to the human race this is an existential threat to life on this planet and let's not hyperbole that is reality and I'm not talking about just from a Skynet you know Terminator perspective there are a lot of reasons for for us to be concerned about artificial intelligence and for us to essentially hit the brakes permanently to believe that artificial intelligence isn't going to to emerge that it's not going to to become transcending in this planet have been many movies talking about it we are at that stage in human
it's where the science fiction is going to become reality very very very soon one of those positive things and I know to this last week should I think it's Friday referenced in our to buy didn't talk much about it but I'd rather reference an article that I had seen about how artificial intelligence is being discussed to replace news anchors and see if I wasn't a skeptic if I wasn't a conspiracy theorist by was I was blinded by the Allure of artificial intelligent I would say you know what that kind of makes sense you know you can have a pinion people and show host that are asking questions and offering their perspectives and commentary and all that stuff but when it comes to news technically speaking one would think that you could actually improve on news reporting by letting artificial intelligence just simply take the facts and regurgitate them in the easily digestible format for humans
using artificial intelligence to write articles for example that is another one where you could say technically speaking as long as you're transparent about as long as you're not pretending like Sports Illustrated was pretending that they're making a fake names for these AI people you know they're actually giving them pretending like they were actual reporters they were reporting on these things despite the fact they were they were not they were completely artificially generated whatever as long as you're transparent about it I don't see anything wrong with that again I had to be crystal clear everything is a slippery slope when it comes to artificial intelligence really is I mean any anything that you you start 2-0 you know that's not so bad maybe I can just do this
everything is risk when it comes to a i and if I if I thought that we could somehow stop it then stop it from emerging stop stop people from researching it stop Google in China and everybody else from doing their thing chat GPT Microsoft everybody's getting involved in what we attach artificial general intelligence which is either coming soon or it's already here and we don't know about it as we combine that with digital access internet access and then on top of that put it behind for the quantum computer behind it's game over we will then literally have our artificial intelligence computer overlords
I know those people people have smarter people than me have made the connection between artificial intelligence and end times prophecy but that's that's for another day we'll discuss that some of the time for now I want to talk about Los angeles-based TV channels that is set to launch AI news anchors in 2024 so you're watching this with the middle of December now right and you're watching this in January than you're already there it's already happening says by Laura Harris over a natural News television channel based in Los Angeles is set to launch news anchor has generated by artificial intelligence in February 2024 based on a base it's all it's all becoming a Los angeles-based channel one will be debuting these digital humans and eventually create avatars and cortical digital doubles created by the channel by next year of the Daily Mail reported these digital news anchors will be reporting news updates on global events they will also be featuring
in free streaming TV platforms Adam maasim Channel wants founder said news reports will come from trusted official sources like public records and government documents in partnership with undisclosed Legacy news outlets commission freelance journalist and AI generated news reports the digital news anchors will then report the news on are awesome added that channel 16 to provide viewers with a personalized news experience similar to the popular social media app Tik-Tok throw up Oaks game we're going to be speaking Mandarin at any point
the app is designed to adapt to user's preferences over time learning their habits and interest whether it's financial news sports or other topics channel one will you also use digital double anchors to replace the voice and mouth movements of people in new stories with an English translation holy cow deepfake translators awesome this in turn will transform local news stories into an accessible format for international audiences if we can generate in the support from my so we can choose the right line 9 or 10 for you than that we're doing going to do a better job of informing you and showing you what you're looking for in your allotted time
now there are some very clear risks with this but the biggest one according to Laura over at natural news is the the risk of fake news as she puts a medium fresheners and critics expressed fear of the development voicing it out potential consequences that could befall the dying news industry and here's a quote from Kristen Kristen Ruby CEO of the public relations firm Ruby Media Group says if you believe in the concept of fake news you haven't seen nothing at least your news is presented by humans when AI news anchors replace human news anchors the concept of fake news will have a totally different meaning PC Today reporter Alec lasenby denounced the utterly terrifying idea of having a high news anchors well as the development of an entirely AI powered broadcast is beyond impressive they could have used a huge ramifications when all ready to play the news industry and accelerate the loss of high-quality reporters and anchors
like I said there's some positive to the local news national news news in general is dying as a result of their poor poor judgment this is not a solution for artificial intelligence is not the right Solution that's because the fake news risk but because it does it it puts in the truth is that the biggest risk in my humble opinion which is to to subtly
propagandize us to subtly gas light has a few think that it's bad enough and it's already happening you're right if you think that it's as bad as it can get your not even close artificial intelligence will learn and be shown by humans how to start manipulating Us in ways that we have no idea when we don't see it we can't hear it it's just their butts County Water mines I won't be watching it that's for sure because I'm concerned that all they're going to indoctrinate me to send Lee you know drink oat milk instead of regular milk now I'm not concerned about that it's because there's going to be there going to be ways and they're going to get into our heads. OK Google visual through the audio through a combination of two it won't just be simple you know false reporting and we sneaking into other aspects through technology that is stuffed we're talk about DARPA level stuff that's going to be utilized I guarantee you there already
they're already doing it probably okay this is just enhances the ability for that to happen it's kind of name is Asma there's a movie from the 80s and no not not they live two different scanners there's no wasn't scanners obvious I forgot the name. I'll try to find it on the break and see if we can we can highlight that but it's it was terrifying because it did talk about the ability to to manipulate people and oddly enough presciently enough through basically taking deepfakes they would take they would take these actors are the news anchors and they would be the would be able to the scan them and then generate them artificially so that they can be made to say whatever they want
the whole idea behind deepfake technology combining with artificial intelligence which are they in people would like to say I am a idee fixe it's it's one driving the other side the other way around or not but it's all on the same in other words artificial intelligence has very is unlimited applications one of his application is to be able to generate deepfake videos right and audio simultaneously this is a huge risk but then once you combine the actual that's that's with us humans giving an input to to this tool that can create the pic once you have artificial intelligence actually driving the deepfake messaging actually putting the the words but also the sounds the annunciations the subliminals I'm already convinced that a large part I don't know if it's a majority it probably is it could be a vast majority but a large part of our population special in Western society and
particularly here in the United States is already brainwashed brainwashed beyond beyond Redemption brainwash the point that they can't different degrees brainwashing but either they're brainwashed with they have anger when they don't need anger the brainwashing the point to where in England faced with an ambiguous they refuse to see it they're incapable of seeing we know this because we've seen in an easy example of course it's the look at the unhinge left we already see that you can give them fax you can give them logic you can give them that the truest truth is out there and it can open it doesn't make a dent that's not somebody who's acting that's not something he was like oh well I R E I do know what a woman is but I'm going to pretend like I don't know they legitimately
many of them have been reprogrammed the point where they truly can't I mean they can't fathom the idea that that we think that a woman is actually a biological female human they like what these simpletons why do they think that you know it's nuanced complex was take into account the feelings and emotions in the true identity because because nobody else can know what's in that side that person and I mean it's just like it's it's infuriating now here's the thing take all this brainwashing all this indoctrination
increase exponentially make it tenfold 100,000 million fold that's where we start getting into what's the possibilities are for indoctrination for brainwashing you lysing artificial intelligence that is driving artificial intelligence generated news news reports education starts here what's next education you think maybe huh well hey I can teach better than teachers that is the next step I was and maybe not the next that maybe were two or three steps away depending upon you know what happens politically speaking trailer we have is our artificial intelligences are Kamala Harris and Pence so she's not thinking that far ahead she's not thinking about tomorrow she's not thinking about the next 10 minutes she might not be thinking at all for all we know maybe she's already been completely full and oxygenated she's been a eyes apt and that she has she has no idea if she could probably pass the bar exam finally but anyway I digress
there was a probably the best I would say this is the best explanation of the danger of a I delivered by a politician I've seen some really smart people talking about artificial intelligence in ways that they can terrify you of course I've also gone and you've heard my many rants about artificial intelligence but here's a big ramaswamy and if I get I want your politicians talking about AI it's generally pretty dumb me no offense offense to you guys are trying some of you are most of you aren't but with some of your really trying to get this stuff you don't you're not getting it you're not seeing the true risk Vikram swamy seems to be at least understanding mostly the risk he is a pretty smart guy and no I'm not endorsing him move a promise why do you like his opinions on artificial intelligence let's play that
I'll take a funny story about a I did was Take It Outside of politics that is enough for you was my mistake
my baby ice cream
so what's going on with the at
I like to watch Tennis to my first job was actually is a ball boy tennis tournament Cincinnati and then I got a promotion to be a line judge when I was in early High School like 9th grade or so so the human life is not done that way anymore it's all done by a I did predict where the ball is going to land so that's what I used to be
it was all the rage with players used to argue with the line judges over the call John Mcenroe and everything else
something funny happened when I started making the call the first generation of the AI it was so bad that you could literally see with your eye that it was like a bad call but the funny thing is that the players stopped arguing
with the call
why do I bring that up
the biggest danger of AI
is actually the human response to it
anime to get to philosophical but I think it's important you asked a deep question I want to give you a proper answer
do the simple AI policy I'll give you the superficial piece but I come back to the more important part superficial pieces hard boundary between a high-powered Ellsworth and should not be regularly interface in Brawley with kits
I think that we should not ban anything to China is also not willing to bet but the right way to deal with it is don't ban anything put the liability on company
why we should tell the company's you're going to be liable
you're going to be liable for any unforeseen consequences of a protocol that you develop
that then at least make them take the risks into account on the front end which they're not doing today so that's the right answer as a matter of policy but I want to go back to the deeper Point by the tennis player is not arguing for the calls go to chat GPT today or something equivalent
and asked how do you address climate change
how do you address racial Injustice or whatever it'll give you an answer as though it's a political opinion
but weeds with the authority of somebody who's converting degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit
that's the real danger until I think I'll give you the policy but
at philosophical level the best answer to the risks posed by a eyes actually the Revival of faith
and kind of country faith and patriotism in a belief in something bigger than ourselves but yours is really going on with her is a i r transgenderism or climatism or covid ism
or depression anxiety fentanyl suicide
it's not an accident that we see the rise of the same poison that the same time
their symptoms
of a deeper voice of purpose and meaning
in our country
and I think we got to fill that vacuum with the real thing has no expression has a hole the size of God in your heart and God does not fill it something else will instead the same can be said of belief in a country
so that's what's going on in the country right now is we are lost or hungry for purpose and that belief in something bigger than ourselves is actually going to be the best protection against bending the knee to whatever the new false idol has
like I said many times I like vikrum ramaswamy I don't necessarily trust they promised Swami his connections with the world economic Forum I know he's tried to debunk them I also know that it's one of those things where once you're in this kind of hard to get out I also don't trust his past past Prospectors I'm I'm one of those guys that look I'd forgive people when it comes to getting things wrong clinically speaking it when you got to feel like Glenn Beck who was a he swore he would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever support Donald Trump and he did so I don't I don't hold it against him that he was wrong okay this there's nothing wrong with that and I also know because here's the thing I feel like you got to be ideologically pure your entire life why would you support Donald Trump then I mean this is the guy that was that was in favor of partial birth abortion is a guy those in favor of assault weapons bands this is a guy
who figured it out later in life that he was he needed to to allow his perspective to evolve so bottom line I do it's not that I don't think that he could have evolved a serve you did okay I think there's a lot of his his stick is is very geared towards towards being impressive and being Maga and he sees that as a pathway through which he'll be able to achieve his life goals whether they really is that he wants to be president of the United States or if he wants to be in the cabinet or what I think is most likely that he he plans on letting this into a very important and Powerful media career some sword okay after after the primaries after he's out if he doesn't get a cabinet position and again I don't even know if he wants one but whatever it is you can say what you want about his his desires his dreams his Ambitions she definitely have to acknowledge the new smart he's wicked smart and he knows what he's talking about here in the case of Art
I would draw the line obviously if I work running for president I would draw the line at not just do you know regulator for kids and I would try to put an end to it all together again were talking about the threat in my humble opinion so no it's not like well we need better regulation we need to make sure that the companies that develop their have a countable okay well you know you you all can sue this company because they developed the artificial intelligence and now rules over the planet
ye know I'm I take a bit more of a of a bullish approach to wanting to put an end to the advancement of artificial intelligence but but then again maybe I'm in the minority
so this next door he's going to probably seem like a sort of a repeat from last week but it's not this is the story about Nikki Haley and last week I covered how the poles are manipulated to try to boost her up and we're getting further confirmation of that and thankfully more people and conservative media are starting to catch on to that fact that's a good thing for its for clarity when it comes to Nikki Haley I do consider her to be the worst potential Republican nominee in my lifetime yes worse than than George W bush worse than than John McCain even worse than Mitt Romney she is that bad she is a neocon hardcore I mean Dick Cheney and high heels might not do her that that moniker might not do her justice as far as her her Charisma her personality or whatever it is just not there it's just that I don't trust her at all okay are there certain people in politics most vast majority that I don't trust I take
my trust level of her to the the lowest possible level it's that's how bad she is she really is that horrible and I if I'm forced abortions Ron DeSantis fine I don't like him but I would vote for him over and Nikki Haley any day but we were forced into Vivek ramaswamy I don't trust him
but I would vote for him over Nikki Haley any day and if the choice came down to either Nikki Haley or Chris Christie I'll probably try to speak at an audience and do everything I could to get Robert of Kennedy Junior 2 to redo his economically and perhaps get some some more conservative-minded Economist to advise him and revamped that because he can diet plan you know he's right on several topics but when it comes to the economy he is arguably worse and Joe Biden seriously I mean Kennedy and Alex would be worse than Biden on its if you could possibly imagine that and I know you probably can't but it's true it's just awful and at this time this point in American history we can't have even worse you can only policies and we already have but this article is over at the national pulse Raheem kassam because dies in the details you know reasons that he believes this latest poll is wrong then you should be able to hear and determine that it's wrong I just want just the first two sentences so the article's title the new Nikki Haley
High pole in New Hampshire isn't all it seems I'm no it's not unless you like me in and what you think it seems like is that it's a manipulation by the unit party swamp to try to disturb the false false hope momentum surrounding Nikki Haley and it's that's what they're trying to do anyway and Trump in New Hampshire the top lines show Hailey with 29% up from just 11% during the last poll 29% her support since the last Pole now is dishes moving up yeah you betcha and I'm not because of anything she's doing because the the Santa's campaign is taking so miserably as a result they never trumper's who drove for whoever they think can beat Trump in the prime of anybody that was over anybody okay Andy but they would take literally anyone over Trump
in the primary they are that unhinge that they they just they still don't understand why they're still kind of questioning you know how to how do we possibly survive the first term of product that that first time was going to destroy the United States of America they were certain of it and when that didn't happen we actually flourished for the first 3 years up until it covid like you don't we we don't understand our calculations are coming out but by golly we weren't wrong about him
and we're sure that if he gets a second term then that's it that's it it's over we're all going to be that he's literally going to walk into every household in the United States of America and he's going to blow every household up with a nuclear bomb where we would check with our statisticians were a hundred percent certain that's exactly what's going to happen on day 1 of a trump presidency
330 million nuclear bombs
it's not funny it is but it's not that's how an inch they are they are they are manipulating these polls are trying to use these two to manufacture momentum for Nikki Haley because they think that she's the last hope maybe maybe not mean they have there is another maybe they're they're still hoping that the Glen young and old pop in there something I don't know that they're giving up on this and I don't like ramaswamy Chris Christie is just a is just a puppy but they they thought he was going to be a big attack dog and it's like he's been completely nude or because he can go out there and rip a bunch of during the debates and valleys relegate it to him getting on CBS News this is going to kill us all with nuclear bombs or whatever it is that he says point is is that I leave the news article in the in the show notes with but yeah yeah they're trying real hard trying real hard to make make Nicki happen
did they watch Mean Girls
stop trying to make Nicki happens it's not going to happen and there's a reason so so just to be clear that it's more than just that their manufacturing this and that she's so far behind and doesn't have a chance it goes beyond that can this is so if you're there if you want those people it's like well you know what I don't like I still support Trump but what if they take him out okay we all have any let's acknowledge the fact that the Deep state is putting everything they can possibly throw at Trump to try to prevent him to try to take him out from from even being the candidate okay they're doing everything they can Zoloft and hopefully please Lord don't let it happen but but possibly even other means they're they're wanting to try to take him out so people are are thinking of the back of their minds think a lot of you are and what is the alternative okay what if they take out truck okay what if he goes to jail or something number one of course we all know that the chancellor of the nation would burn as a result but then who's the backup maybe you're thinking that maybe Nikki Haley
when she is supposed to be able to be biting more easily than everybody else except that's not the case may turn to this other Story by Suze moreover ATS red-state latest Fox News poll shows Trump with white and that's not news but there's a second part to it and an interesting note on voters second choice let's kick scroll down scroll down Trump swimming trunks swimming trunks when okay when asked is asking Trump supporters
after second choice the top picks among Trump supporters are did Sanders with 50%
so Trump gets taken out the sand has allegedly we get half of the Trump voters on his side number two is where they promised Swami mister mister Mega want to be mad I want to be better than Trump is how he positions himself he's coming in 20% and Nikki Haley's coming in at 14% she's not even there's 86% of trump supporters consider her to be there their second choice the back of choice
how many of those people would go to RFK Jr instead of 7:00 Haley how many those people might even just say you know what no we're just not going to vote at all I'll say a lot of people would if Nikki Haley were to become the nominee that I believe the Joe Biden or whichever Democrat that they slide in there instead of him will beat her there trying to position her the one that is most likely to beat Joe Biden that's not true the exact opposite she was the one that would lose the most handily to Joe or Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom or whoever else they throw it throw up at us she might be able to beat Kamala Harris there's a there's a I think she can probably beat it in a Nikki Haley versus Kamala head-to-head battle she probably could be, but I think she would boost a job despite all his dementia problems I think that you would lose two I know she would lose to Michelle Obama and I know that she would almost certainly lose tube to Gavin Newsom both Obama and new some are extraordinary
Alex and campaigners orders that got you know deep State and and all sorts of things behind them in ways that's with lacrosse job that has all of the discussion for another day when being the know Nickie's don't think that Nikki is the best second choice just because you think that she has a good chance of beating beating beating Joe or anybody else it's actually the worst now let's finish this segment off with this is actually it's funny cuz I got this from zerohedge but is actually from the epoch times Austin Alonzo over there. Backers in to include Democrat donor Silicon Valley building there and I would say most of you know this but I just for those who don't let's go ahead and just throw this out there and let's use this is the nail in the Nikki Haley political career coughing
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley's racking up endorsements from Key conservative fundraisers ahead of the 2024 primaries she already have solid backing from wealthy donors in Silicon Valley donate the Democrat Party as well as her network of political action committees according to the FEC filings in her campaign spending a head of the Iowa caucus the former United Nations Ambassador Germany is SFA fun ink however is also linked to two other super Pacs and a 501 C 4 organization the did the did the Dyson from Erica that's the big one from the IRS a part
where is it by the way I lost it it was I think I got that I did I picked the wrong article well it's okay cuz I already know what it's what it's supposed to say I know what it should have said it should have said that the bad guys the worst guys out there were talking about the Rhinos were talking about the so-called Independence were talking about the I guess you could say the non-radical Democrats they're all flocking to Haley and I'ma keep mine as I've already noted the voters aren't going to fly to her
but the money people
the the people that are bundling the donations the people that are that are going out there and in and giving big money these packs they're the ones that they were all team to sand it feels like whoa what is how's it going to be able to be Trump how's it going to be able to be by the way better seek somebody else jump on that bandwagon anybody anybody but Trump
I can't JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie dimon
Larry's pink / Black Rock just that alone the fact that not only are these two that we know of in an unlikely other Global suleika call financiers not only are they packing in encouraging other Uber Rich backers to back Haley they're going to their nor see her and going to meet with her but the worst part is this she's taking meetings
she's going to Deb
she's saying guys whatever it takes for me to win I'll do it you guys tell me what you need me to do what you need me to say
and I'll do it
just help me to win
I don't have that has first-hand knowledge I don't even have that is a second or third-hand knowledge I just have an intuition for such things and that's why she's taking these meetings and that's why after these meetings are saying hey guys let's get behind Nikki Hill you really think they're going to back a Republican
why would they back a Republican
who supposedly is going to to work against their interests they wouldn't
it only back Republican that they believe that they can control
and they can control Nikki Haley spread the word make sure everybody knows that
so this next story is a b c to personal but there's a little bit of a personal personal aspect to it the Florida GOP chair Christian Ziegler was accused of rape voice go he was he's crawling under investigation the the floor GOP vote at 2 to basically strip involves power on a salary and then there soon they're about to go to see if they want to inject tonight he has gone to them and said hey look you know is until proven guilty and all the stuff there is a slight personal connection here I did work with mr. Ziegler on a project fairly extensively and it lasted a few months but I worked with him it's been over a decade I probably I don't know 09 maybe 20 tents more on there and and I got to know him very well I never got to meet Bridget his wife but but
I don't think I did but but I did work with him a lot and I think I got to know him pretty well I've been watching his career he's been great he's been great in this whole weird Shenanigans up until that point he's been one of the strongest Republican state chairs out there he's been one of the biggest reasons they have been able to do so well to gain so many Republican voters compared to to Democrat voters but now he is in big big trouble start of a comes from from Steven cat over at the epoch times Florida GOP suspends chairman demands resignation amid investigations rape allegations Florida GOP executive board have decided to take this pain there any action against German Christian Ziegler while police investigate rape allegations against him
according the article Florida GOP chairman Christians ignore has been suspended until he resigned during an emergency party meeting on Sunday amid an ongoing police investigations rape allegations against him Mister Ziegler has been accused of rape by woman with whom he and his wife Bridget Ziegler reportedly had a prior can sexual sexual consensual sexual relationship this is Ziggler has neither rape accusations said that anything that took place was consensual please have not laid any criminal charges going to document shared on social media platform acts friendly Twitter by Lee County GOP chairman Michael Thompson Florida Republican party put forward a motion to censure and suspend Mr Ziegler on the basis he has engaged in conduct that renders him on fit for office now the way The Story Goes apparently some woman we don't know who she is her name is not being released she she was she has made an accusation of rape and she said that she had engaged in
essentially a threesome between herself and Christian and Bridget Ziegler they had tried to establish try to set up another another sexual encounter and when when the son named Legend victim learned that Bridget was not going to be involved she said no and she she contends that Christian still came over and then proceeded to rape her the 911 call came in the following day where a friend of hers had had asked to ask police to do welfare check and she was fearful and she told them a little bit of the story about what her friend and told her about what happened the day before with with Christian Ziegler now going to say I thinking and rightly so there's this whole thing whatever his punishments involved with accusations it's always you know
innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. But in the court of public opinion that's private organizations and keep in mind the Republican GOP and then we like to think it's a government organizations not it's a private organization as a private organization they do once you maintain a certain level obviously have integrity and so on the one hand you've got these accusations that do seem to be to be there they're hanging over the party a lot a lot like mine if so
the Ziegler's have not denied that they know the woman they have not denied that they had sexual contact with the woman Christian is denying the rape accusation fine but there's still never pried you mean let's face it with her as a party of family values as they used to call us went back in the 90s and Republicans are supposed to maintain a a certain degree of decorum could say when it comes to sexual in my life and wouldn't stop it I don't I don't necessarily judge people for that but here's the thing as the chairman of the Republican party okay
going into an extraordinary important election year being the chair of arguably the most important state
during an election the most important state in the nation being Florida
I would also call on Christian to step down to resign to be bogus and and he's cleared completely then he can make a play planet again I'm a little it's one of those situations where I'm not sure if they've sent you them for the sake of trying to get him to sit out I don't know the circumstance I don't know if they went to him and said hey why don't you step down you know this is we don't need this hanging over us and he said no so then they sent you if that's the case then so be it but otherwise I think it is it's a foul mood to go down this road that should have sat with him said look if it were me I would have sat with him I would have said you know where we're going to get rid of you at least temporarily while you sort this South you get it sorted out fine you know you can you can make a move and try to try to get back in as the the state's share could even be a feel-good story about false accusations and yada yada yada who knows
but you know if you don't step down then we will remove you and will sensor you in this way this will ruin you. You can do the the right thing here and say look in light of these accusations I need to put my full attention towards clearing my name and I don't want to be a distraction for the party you know this this nation is more important this nation to stay two more important than my personal ambition so I'm going to to step down for now and I will hopefully Lord willing be back and after I clear my name I'll come back and we'll do it all again and will be stronger as a result instead we're going down this road punishment of begging her to Rumours that he had actually gone to the meeting and spoke at the meeting the emergency Republican meeting down there and said hey guys basically made me kind of like a mafia offer any guys I got some I got a whole lot of donors. Donors are saying that if I can get my name cleared here you know
I'm still working now that we're going to donate a lot of money with a g o p
I've got it was a terrible accident and now he knows you're working down in Florida I don't know it's been a long time since I watch Goodfellas but you get the idea I'm not crazy about it because like I said I mean I don't consider my friend I've spoken to in probably 12 14 years but I was a friend that was an acquaintance we have been really kept in touch it's so sad but I do like the guy or at least I did so it's hard for me to say yeah he should have stepped down in the basement I need to listen if somebody if there's just some blind rape accusation and it's like how I don't even know this woman they'll give benefit of the doubt in this case he knows the woman he was involved with his own wife in a in a whatever you want to call it a risk a sexual relationship with another woman I'm okay with which is just letting them legs letting him go and again with the understanding that if he clears his name come on back and take a shot at it won't guarantee you that
and I'm not going to say the spot for you but you've done a good job here for the last few years why is Hulu's happens if you want to call founders of miles for a liberty a great organization you know we don't want to tarnish her why don't you guys go step down take some time get this squared away and then all things work out come on back that's what I would have done that's what I hope would have happened but instead we're going down this ugly ugly Road
I made a prediction almost immediately after the October 7th attacks by Hamas against Israel it was actually serious predictions I'm not sure was the day of might have been probably the day after because I was reacting what I said she was going to happen first is going to be this outpouring of support for Israel people going to come out because the terrorist attacks were so hideous so heinous that the vast majority of Americans would be a pro-israel least for a little while and then over time I said what time your only see the sentiment change especially leftism Democrats I was always going to be those on the the right right this have quite a few people who are a scientist and these people are adamantly opposed to the existence of Israel they want either once they said they wanted to say solution is the general General
approved approved no show me there's also the idea of a one-state solution otherwise there is no more no longer in Israel there's a Palestine and yeah she was going to live there but actually debated the gentleman about that that very notion that the concept of from from The River To The Sea didn't didn't mean you no getting rid of Israel of the Jews in and then they wanted freedom from the river to the sea with the one-state solution that had you know Jews Christians and Muslims everybody just living in harmony into this this this theoretical hypothetical impossible scenario that they had that big for whatever I need to see if they ever actually are did I have whatever reason I have a tendency of doing the interviews are debates on other people shows in the never ending. It is I guess I'm just a I'm a creepy dude I guess I don't know go figure but the point being number one
is where I was wrong was in the speed of the amount of anti Zionism that was going to to spread and I realized it was an opportunity to seize on the narrative in and the the globalist the anti-zionist they they have to pretty darn quick even media first was was very you know very sorrowful sorrowful for the for the Israeli but then eventually start shifting specially wants the Dire Straits can the bombings came once you started seeing bombs hidden guys are all of a sudden it's like okay we did our obligatory I bet we're we're talking about a little bit but now we got to shift the narrative again like I said it's mostly affects the the left but it's also definitely has a a place amongst many many on for far too many on the right so now fast forward and what has this done
a lot of times we we look at that the Youth of the world am I just talking about kids and talking about even young adults the Jen was a Zoomer Zoomer some of these folks are extraordinary impressionable they will change their perspectives on a dime if if necessary and a lot of times as soon as they're introduced to an ocean for example the israel-palestine conflict a lot of them they just weren't even really aware of what it was and what was going on until the terrorist attack unless it happened now all the sudden everybody's getting getting that influenced by the people that employs them with a stick stalkers or their friends or their teachers are the professors or whoever and there was this has been the spread of full-blown anti-zionism it's been been hitting the youth and that is starting to bear fruit least not bear fruit for anything good the fruit being being Baird is 4 warm for the fruit is coming
Cummings for the the anti-zionist cause in the fruit is being the one by the globalist which are generally one of the saint that article came out last Saturday over at the New York Post Jordy of Americans own a majority of Americans 18 224 think Israel should quotes be ended and given to Hamas let me let me see it's more slowly so you catch every important word in that very short headline majority is it over 50% of Americans aged 18 to 24 and we can we can extrapolate that down work so it's 17 year olds with an opinion 16 year olds with an opinion 14 year olds with an opinion they're going to fall into the same basic basic range as these eighteen to twenty-four majority of 80 Americans aged 18 to 24th and Israel should be in the quote be ended
and give it to Hamas
cancel that is the the most radical version of the anti-zionist concept is no two-state solution no more Israel Israel has ended as they say and as a result they give it to him specifically that we can say oh you know these writing the twenty-four-year-old they're ignorant that's true but they're not stupid generally speaking they might be ignorant of things but they have they have been exposed to this information information about what's happening in in the Middle East today Presley been exposed some of the history but whoever's doing the exposed Tik-Tok or their professors or whoever they're obviously planting an anti-zionist seed into their brain
and it's working unfortunately with clear that out let's let's look at this from a let's read this article part of it by John Levine Jordy of Young Americans said they believe Israel should could be ended and given to a mosque or into a shocking poll survey conducted this week by Harvard hairs polling found 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 so they believe the long-term answer to the israel-palestinian conflict was for Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians only 32% so they believed in a two-state solution and just 17% said the Arab states should be asked to absorb Palestinian populations
17% so before I know I'm not going to I'm not going to keep going but I want to be clear about 11 quick fact for any of you happen to be 18 to 24 hour even younger than that there are currently 50 50
50 muslim-majority nations in the world there is one Jewish majority nation in the world
that one Jewish majority nation in the world is the size of New Jersey
Palestinians want that number to go from 1 to 0
they want the other number to go from 50 to 51
and yet they have all these nations all around them it's not like it's far all these nations all around them that could and probably should absorb the Palestinian people
but that option is not an option apparently not only for the Palestinian people not only for for those other 50 Muslim nations but also for 18 to 24 years why is that it's it makes logical sense makes you mad at Aryan sense okay I mean one would think that that this should be a no-brainer except there's two important piece of history that we have to understand in order to know why that's not the case number one the Palestinian people have throughout their entire displacement from the land of the technology was never theirs let's be clear it's been been a fan of it that was was there to buy by conquering not buy that wasn't so funny where they all have been there since since forever and help keep in mind that the Jews were living in this land before Islam was even invented okay
long before Israel was even invented and we can go back to King David around a thousand BC so we're talking nearly 22 Millennia before
the invention of Islam but hey that's just numbers right let's get back to the yard there was one of the Palestinian State. They were in each they were in Jordan they weren't all these various places Lebanon old was always trouble they always fight against the government's of those places they they were removed from those places because they were protesting because they were engaged in terrorism Israel is not the only nation that's been been terrorized by the Palestinian people and by by groups like they're just the latest this is followed this group of people
for the entirety of their existence this is bigotry of mean why would you just closed the borders I mean they've got a border with Gaza they can accept these people thinking they can put it face and put an end to a street border security you don't let him know the women letting the children letting you know anybody who who is definitely clearly not let them and let them must have Gaza and then make it easier on his phone the rest of the world that we make it easy on the Palestinian people that don't want to be involved however many there are those people just refuse to do it 11 is not doing you're not doing it a rock turkey nobody's making sure nobody's in fact they're saying no actually not for don't even ask
why is that
could it be just thinking thinking here out loud thinking out loud but could it be because the the the general I'm not talking about the the Islamic people the civilians the citizens I'm talking about the leaders of these Islamic Nations as well as you can say many of them most of the leaders of the United Nations say
we always want to get rid of Israel easiest way to do that is to make them the bad guys easiest way to do that is to make Palestinians the victim so let's keep them right there where Israel has to make a choice either allow their own people to be slaughtered or go through and try to surgically pick out a Hamas leaders spiders while they are people 75% of which support them support them us let's not forget that then 3/4 of of the quote unquote innocent Palestinian civilians do support him as they do support the terrorist activities of from Austin to go to the men they kept him there for what I'm 19 years in fact throughout the years who may not be aware and maybe even if you're not a gen Z or maybe you're an older person maybe you're you're starting to lean a little you start to get with corporate media maybe some of these things right right
people that you liked and respected hey there right on the portion the right on this and there seems the Palestinians that the Jews fault so maybe look
check the history look at what's happening I'm going to play video here in a bit that should hopefully open your eyes even further my intention might my I pray that some are you will listen and understand the real to hear that let's be clear about one other thing before I move on by no means do I think that the Israeli government is is innocent whether they've done everything right they do a lot right they also do a heck of a lot wrong Israel also has a deep state that the state is very similar to the American deep State and maybe one of the same for all I know that they say I do believe my conspiracy theory is there's no way that that always her my spiders and Palestinians were able to cross the border and exact same time the most heavily guarded the most secure border on the planet
did everything that they did they just left the board of wide-open what's on the 50th anniversary of the last time there was such an attack like this and that all of their their technology is technology is able to to detective like a squirrel's running across near the fence okay they can see if there was famous instances in the past were like small children got too close to the fence and the and they're just picking flowers and you know and of course they had they had Commandos Israeli Commandos ready to take them out at least check to see if they were suicide bombers or something I mean it's just to me I think the Deep State the Israeli deep State impression in conjunction with the American deep State set all this up so that they could force a two-state solution to come up on the route to be basically even accepted by the Israeli people most of whom you do not know who is prime minister with with the the conservative Bloc and control the knesset that's it seems like the only way that they could possibly get it.
shift get a push to for Tuesday solution is if there was some kind of event that something that the change the face of the world just as this terrorist attack is done back to the article is a quote from Senator Rodger Marshall from Kansas is Republican these individuals siding with evil over democracy should be a wake-up call I do you watch go rot among Americans driven by what values and victim culture has gotten so bad they convince themselves to sympathize with actual terrorists to hate America and that is that is so totally true
so post motors for a two-state solution of course at that is been the the big push I'm just going to read a little bit from this from this this poll can again this is 18 to 24 year olds the one that stands out obviously is is this conflict to you in this conflict you support more Israel or Hamas okay
should be a pretty straightforward question when you look at those people 65 years old and over 96% support Israel 4% support the terrorists were you looking at 5564 90% support Israel 10% support the terrorists and it goes on and on or downward as far as support for Israel people 45 to 54 85% that's probably what's it's fair number 3540 for 76% of people over the age of 35 from 35 to 44 day support Israel not the terrorists we start getting of the generations Generations confused still seven out of ten about 7 out of 10 Millennials believe that Israel is they side with his real over the terrorist it is until you get to the Easley indoctrinated easily brainwashed
easily manipulated group of the of the Gen Z years the Zoomers whatever now are 50 50 50 50
of this this young group they are in favor of the terrorists that entered Israel so that they could beat kidnap rape and murder
innocent people
they support this they think of their on the ideological Winning Side they think they are the ones that have the higher ground
if this is not just a wake-up call about Israel this is not just a wake-up call about Hamas this should tell you just how deeply embedded the radical what if you want to call that the walk mine virus isn't that what what Elon Musk somebody calls it the woke mine virus the colonizers and there might have been told this by their professors and their peers and Tick Tock but Israel's colonizers doesn't matter what they were on this land back around what three thousand years ago
doesn't matter
yeah they're colonizers there, just because because that's what Tik-Tok says because my professor my professor he went around the Palestinian flag and he screams free free Palestine so and I like my professor so so I guess I'm siding with with the with the mass rapist the mass murderers the people that take their own own civilians own Palestinian civilians women and children and use them as human Shields at least for the people a good idea let's put weapons in schools that way
Israel will look like a bad guys are trying to stop the weapons that are killing their people how they're going to be there could be blowing up the school we going to be at the hospital but oh my gosh evil evil is real
good good good hummus that's 50% folks this black and white cut-and-dry scenario here they say they can still be indoctrinated in the wrong direction what do you I mean they have no idea what a woman is it's no wonder why why like a half of them are more I have some sort of lgbtq A+ letter next to their identity some Wonder
have a foot Democrat I hate to say it but it's that's the truth there
hopefully Lord willing Lord willing they will grow out of it they will
because we all go through a stupid times I didn't mean I was an officer in in young conservatives in high school but the only time I ever ever voted for Democrat was when I was in kindergarten and it was one of those kindergarten things are they at the kindergarteners who they're going to vote for and you know vote for the Democratic Republican candidate the time will I have heard of this guy that then I'm not telling you which one it is because we all go through stupid times but this generation just seems more stupid than than others
tell me who plays video for you from a gentleman named Annie Bullard now keep in mind any Bowlers not some some right-wing ultra-orthodox Jew this is a business really but he is a liberal he is a he is an atheist he's a teacher he's not your standard you know Rob we got to be he's not he's not all right this is just not who this guy is but he's make some travel points this was a bad weekend for his real man they killed three of their own on people three hostages have been been held and tortured by Hamas for two months they were able to escape and they get killed by the IDF that's horrible okay and it's just absolutely horrible
Golf Course Cornelius jumping on and using this is another reason to call for a ceasefire nobody's calling her or any of these anti-israel to stop to call a ceasefire and then let him ice keep their house with their sex lives since they are so anyway anymore after this horrible weekend with lots of bad things having some good things for it for his real but some mostly bad things he made a very clear distinction between how Israel handle the truth and how Hamas never deals in the truth so let's play that
what a horrible weekend for Israelis the darkest weekend since it's a 73 Israeli hostages were shot by the IVF after 70 Days Inn, Captiva tea similar event in a couple of weeks ago when the soldiers shot a civilian mistaking you for a terrorist these mistakes as evidence of how bad the IDF is don't show how bad the IDF is the show how good it is you know why because first of all nobody tried to hide anything 30 minutes after this horrible incident and took full responsibility only soldiers are under investigation and will face charges for acting against the idea
we sent our own Soldier to prison after shooting a terrorist who just stabbed one of his friends because the terrorist was tied up on the ground and it's strictly forbidden in the IDF soldiers because they sing George song inside a mosque what I'm trying to say is this I keep telling you this is a war between good and evil I know this sounds oversimplified but you can watch my previous deals for more details the IDF has the moral superiority not because I mean we just witnessed some bad ones because of how he deals with those bad ones when we make a mistake we don't hide it we acknowledge it we take responsibility and we take immediate action against those who acted against our code of conduct that's how we get better can you say the same thing about, have you ever seen admitting a mistake did you ever hear, saying sorry we can do civilians have no because it's not a mistake it's a policy is very much intended
um, switching Islamic song inside a synagogue you will not be punished he would be praised you would be remembered as a hero who disrespected the Jewish incidents to conclude in these terrible times want to hear another hostage killed in, almost every day we are reminded that the idea of also makes mistakes and they can be extremely costly but we work as hard as possible to ensure these mistakes will never happen again even if it means arresting their own people we understand that by doing so we might help our enemies but we are not like them and we will never be life despite what the everything in our power to minimize civilian death and we will always do so
so I'm not going to add any commentary it's just what he said is true okay as I've said before I'm not not one who thinks that is real is above reproach that they do everything perfectly they do a lot of things wrong just as the US government does a lot of things wrong but compared to Hamas it's not even close okay if I were to do anything bad and they do that they lie about it they pretend like they don't if they put weapons in fire weapons into Israel from a school yard in Gaza they will lie about it doesn't matter if a US drone catch them in the ACT they'll still lie about it they continuously lie their supporters the anti-zionist in the streets or on the blogs are on social media that people sell on the right most rapid but there are some some misguided people in the right you know these people who are who are supporting
these false ideas they're either lying just like a moss or they're stupid or ignorant will say there are some that are not stupid some people that I consider to be friends not stupid but still very much wrong on this particular issue so we'll say that they're ignorant of the realities of what Hamas truly represents versus what what is real stripes represent nothing perfect nothing even really good about Israel as matter fact I would say that that the Israeli government in particular and then definitely the Deep state in Israel and do many many many many bad things just like our government may be even worse
but again for talking relativism relative to Hamas mean they're practically Angels so just keep that in mind when you're when you're trying to decide who's got the moral High Ground don't be one of these 18 to 24 year old to who just don't get it
all right I've got one more video on this topic to play for you I make a decision now to do I wasn't going to because there's one thing is come from Washington Free Beacon I couldn't identify the one I couldn't find the article I found the video of I couldn't find the art of it is kind of weird but this is a a woman who lost part of her family lost her dad lost her dog has to deal with her kids thankfully she had a safe room so she was living in one of the kibitz scene and she survived but she was watching watching through the cameras I'll let her tell the story but I haven't played because there is a there's a distinction here there's through all of this there is no woman says that she lost her faith in humanity we shouldn't have faith in humanity I know it's probably that runs counter to what a lot of people lot of my viewers listeners and readers and yeah believe but but no we shouldn't have faith in humanity at all
humans are bad we're bad people all of us there's no one no single person on this planet who is good does that mean that we can't trust people sure we can definitely trust people I trust a lot of people as many as most butts Alexander's there are certain people that I do trust you know if things go south I know who I can call on if if if I'm in need I know that that's I can call in certain people and I hope that I'm a blessing to see if other people are in need that they can call on me okay this is this is the the trust I have but I don't have faith in people you can't have faith in people or institutions or anything you can have faith in God that's it
that's that's all that you need thankfully have faith in God believe in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior one of the things that I like always turn to there's there's many verses out of that I'd prefer to look at zico 3601 portion of it as far as house describing the return of the land to the people to the Israelis to God's people the return of them is not for their sakes not because of anything they did okay it's because it's for his sake as for His holy name that they were returned and he also declares that their hearts shall be opened we're still waiting for that day still waiting for the day when Lord willing if this this is what is was prophesied what what God has planned that he will openly the hearts and minds of the Jewish people to realize that Jesus Christ is the Messiah is their lord and savior and they will accept that I do believe that's the interpretation that's of Ezekiel 36 and other verses by the other passages of the Bible
give this is what's going to happen at or near the end times so that's to me that's a that's one of the big signs I'm still still waiting on still waiting for that one to come come about I know there's a lot of lot of Jewish people converted over to Christianity in a Messianic Jews but we're talking about wholesale were talking about your the land of Israel that use that are in his real vast majority is not all of them who are still around will be be given the truth of their eyes will open their hearts will open and they will believe so reason again that I didn't wasn't going to play this but I decided to go anyway. So she was living in one of the kibitz scene she was she was attacked she was before that she was a very pro-palestinian okay she she she truly believes in the in the in Hannah a trust in the Palestinian people that she lost that as result of this let's let's play that
I've lived in my whole life and I felt completely safe my door was not locked
it was my block
the Bloodshed in the war with Hamas begin with a series of attacks in Israel including on the kibbutz near I was a place of peace and light a tiny kibbutz Community all but wiped out now after a bloodbath of hate that started a war room wasn't ready for anything like that so we made a plan that if you can close the door is if they're coming in huge numbers and he can't if they should the door he will take the weapon and shoot us and I know it's it's very house but I would have preferred that or feeling in gas right now
at that time I realized that my dad died they killed him he was in the safe room with my mom and he's a strong man he was fighting with them like he held the door and they try to open the door and they opened the door and shot him and just stopped in and shot him like early in the chest like he died instantly it's funny that the first question I asked my mom like was it quick and do they take the body because we know they took God is he would have want that I was very relieved that she died quickly and
they left him there like we could bury him with we could respect him then we do it when we know they took bodies just a few million don't have anything to do with the bodies of the residents of this item massacred or taken hostage by Hamas militant
do we have people in the keyboard to a very involved with the Palestinian people who drove a one-person he's in got the right now it's getting drove sick kids from Gaza to the hospitals in Israel
with a very peace-loving Community thing we don't feel the same anymore and just like you and just want to go to school and just want to leave and just want to be happy and be free and that's what I thought before it's very hard for me as a mother to think about a woman who came to my home and saw the pictures of my kids and still came to to terrify my kids and the first thing she did is to open my electricity in the safe room
so she said and watch TV in my case we had no water and no food no air conditioning is committed to so hot like she saw my kids pictures on the wall she has a family inside and terrified kids I think she's a mother as well because she took my kids clothes and she took my clothes and she took she took my credit card and then she went back to Gaza and she said she went to the supermarket and she bought I got a list of the things you bought
is broke my face with people are good
I never started a woman when do it that makes many a soldier is always yes I know they were very cruel and very driven but I never thought the common people kids and women would participate in things like that
and it's broke nice in my faith in the goodness of people
especially people from God because I really I really believed that the women and children will just kidnapped by some estela way I really been kidnapped and then I don't anymore to come in or they've invited people that trust and they told him you can take whatever you want you can take you can fly and are you can steal and then we'll keep you safe
and I told him so
why not
like I'm a woman I'm a mother I'm a teacher I worked with kids I believe all kids are good all kids are good no one is boring that no one is born a terrorist
and I feel very guilty that I raised my kids in a place that's going safe I believe that I'm safe I believe my kids are safe I really believe we have the sense of we want revenge against which is a horrible horrible feeling
but I find myself showing my son's video of a of houses being bombed in InDesign cuz I want to show him that is really still strong I want to show him that the Army strong as someone is protecting us because he doesn't feel it anymore and something in this face was broken it is broken we don't believe in anyone anymore we don't believe in the country and leaving our self we don't believe in God and believe in the world
any say in that moment I don't want her master this anymore I want the normal that the good people in Gaza to rule I want someone who might hunt Rican talk to you
and right now it's it sounds like it will never happen but now it just requested training or no
grieving and dealing with the kids by kids that have nightmares that they don't eat them and then they lost a lot of my dog and and they lost a lot of friends and I lost a lot of friends in other people's lot of my people's died or they lost their parents and
I try to
concentrate on not falling to the Revenge we feel like we want revenge and try not to focus on that
cuz that's how I say it's not going to help my kids know what is facing the world is red is the safest place for Jews that's what I believe and it's really hard
I decided even in the safe room I told him everything is going on I told him that are bad people in the keyboards but their daddy is looking out for you and Mom is looking after you and we're strong and it together I told him about all the friends that died and I told him about the dog that was very sad about the dog and and then my father we have since we came here we have a certain one of every evening at 8 we tell a funny story about my dad just do to keep you in my life just to tell them if you thinking about them and they see stars in the sky and it's hella that's grandfather saying hello and I saw a dolphin is a grandpa sound does the dolphin and like they're young enough to still believe that he's here with them my buddy asked me to call his friends from school and I called and
it was when they asked and answered I said okay your life and then I called one of his best friends and his mother and sister listen he died I had to tell him I can't they need to know they can't even it was
I don't want him to tell himself though is I want him to know the truth and I want him to have hope like I keep telling him we are strong and will say he doesn't think he's faced here in a lot like we went to they took him to watch to watch Starz with telescope and he kept looking looking looking for what are you looking for and I can say I'm Not Afraid is what I see and for my hotel and will I see an amazing view of the ocean and Jordan and I think to myself can they come I always stay here and my husband so yes you said that as well we don't feel one hundred percent safe because
what happened
back my faith in the goodness of people is gone but my kids are still young enough to know better than to believe in in to have hope to have hope I don't have hope for peace and in my life in my lifetime anymore and but I want my kids to have his help
yeah so clearly very heartbreaking but also I go back to what I said yeah there are those who believe that there's split Covenant that's you know that the Jews biggest salvation they don't have to believe and that's just that's just wrong that's not what the Bible says okay sweets care about that
these people all people need to be shown the truth of the Bible need to be be given the understanding that Jesus Christ is their lord and savior and believe repenting and acknowledging the truth of both the Old and the New Testament or the Old Testament or the New Testament or the entirety of the Bible believing that that is that's our pathway that is the the narrow gate that is the way that we're supposed to go and it will be through that Faith that's that we are given The Ultimate Gift the only gift that really matters the gift of Salvation the gift of Eternity
and so I do hope that this lady she's she's very touching her story is very touching she seems to be very brave despite all the adversity that she's gone through and she continues go through as result of the October 7th terrorist attacks I spray that she and others who have their eyes open and do realize
who it is that they need to truly have faith in
a story cross my desk over the weekend that's it really you know it at first I saw the headline I thought I oh my gosh what is this garbage and then I read it and he's like okay it's not garbage you actually kind of make sense especially as it pertains to to what we're facing now as a nation with the economy and with risks people know that obviously one of my my primary sponsor is Genesis Gold group you can find them at JDR JDR and see what they can do to help you gets physical precious metals but when I saw it I can't even read this I went ahead and read it and I am not an economist by any means but I do dabble I do I mean I have I would say that I'm more knowledgeable about the economy than most will just say that so this article comes from Nashville news Bell car
over there how gold price could hit $15,000 an ounce in three to five years at is it as it enters new bull market according to records and that's what the last part records that's the part that the caught my attention Okay, attention because that's like okay so so here's somebody that we can actually trust let's see what Jim Rickards has to say about that and start read the articles like okay or throw it in the show coming from a long Beer Market Summit analysts predict the value of gold to get up to $15,000 per ounce in the next five years so they advised gold bullion or mining shares investors to stay calm when gold rallies or when the dollar price Retreats because they can assure that goal is still the best form of money and prove valuable to investors over time regardless of inflation or deflation and investment banker James G Rickards Jim Rickards
who is that a bit of elementary math helps understand how the price of price of gold can move up in the in the shed. And there's a quote from records will Suma Baseline price of $2,000 per ounce of energy where gold is today he said explain that a move from that amount to $3,000 per ounce is a heavy lift because that is already a 50% increase and could easily take a year or more but beyond that a further increase from 3000 to 4000 per ounce as a percent increase another large rally a further game from 4,000 5,000 per ounce as a further gain of 25% is playing the math game that I don't think a lot of people understand that regarding precious metals in general to Golden particular silver has a different because it was utility was silver gold has always been I mean throughout the entirety of human history is mentioned in the Book of Genesis Genesis gold Brut has mention the Book of Genesis all the way through the to the book of
patient it has always retained some degree of value in that value is based obviously but at least partial and scarcely but also invest more on the perceived value of other forms of currency gold is currently there are out there are city-states that are already working too I guess promote the idea of being able to use physical precious metals as a direct currency with interstates porch where I don't think that we could ever get back to the gold standard but he could always hope you could always help because the starting point is higher while the $1,000 gain is constant each $1,000 jump represents a smaller percentage gain than the one before moving from 9000 rounds to 10,000 per ounce is only in the living person gain and from $14,000 per ounce of fifty thousand per ounce is only a 7% of 1% and the single Training Day sometimes 2% or more correctly
more in recent recent weeks even read recent last couple weeks we seen some tremendous gains of over 1% / 2% at times so what you saying is that you there is no there's an inherent value but there's no set value you know too. It's it's all completely as all things should be so Ray's Market driven by the manipulated by by the powers-that-be I get it and I agree but here's the thing is the part that gets me if someone excited about the prospects is that be central banks that are often that charged with all the other ones are manipulating their buying gold they're buying silver they're buying lots of record amounts so if you're saying little one by cool because it can be manipulated by the central bank's okay well since they're buying it in record numbers should and you think they can manipulate it
much by should be a no-brainer
should be no brainer then we can actually cut past some of the stuff cuz it's it's a dry read for sure let's get to the important stuff is the Fed starts easy interest rates gold will go even higher and they are talking about obviously easing interest rates 3 or 4 times in 2020 for loan for Bruce legal a former macro fund manager and author of global macro Play Books Central Bank tightening has been a negative as well as all of them are pulling money out of the system that is a negative goal so in the short-term maybe the balance of 2023 I think they'll probably Trey's lower but once the FED stops time they start using rates gold can go higher later next year and into 2025 he added that the future path of gold is going to be determined by the degree of the land and depending upon if it's a soft Landing or if it's hardly any in the recession and to be clear when they were raising rates raising rates raising rates a lot of the gold bears were just like out of this is where they're going to think we were going to be at $1,200 an hour
here any time now and then it just never happened golden silver both demonstrated resiliency through the the rate increase and we haven't seen it is usually a very direct correlation between higher interest rates and lower gold and silver prices we didn't see that we saw a little little dips and valleys here but then they would spikebackup okay you go back all the way that I think it's February we saw it had to pretty much a bottom flat bottom wasn't like it was it like 1,200 bucks and then started scratching him because of the the banking collapse is peoples are pulling the moneys are the bank back in March and on until April and May and that really helps it to prop up go through the interest rate Hikes Point is that it survived the prices stayed High relatively High through the price of the rate increases now we're expecting the rates to drop that should be in another another no-brainer as far as wanting to invest in physical precious metals
Patrick quotes from a hard Landing it'll go up a lot more because it means that the central bank will ease more and they have to print again a soft Landing means that maybe they don't have to use quite as much a swing on the other hand if a hard Landing happens it says the case for an even stronger inflationary interest rate environment later on because it puts more fuel on the fire down the road again Economist expressed concern that if central banks do go into a huge easy mode it sets up the next phase of higher rates and higher inflation nevertheless legal gold is indeed an investment in usually for safe-haven keeping to Safe Haven keeping to maintain one's purchasing
sorry about that there we go all right that's not it either gosh push the right button I need a producer so badly you guys can help out by purchasing more gold catch a Dr unintentional pitch thrown in there was a fan of holding onto to some gold and silver special silver for the sake of barter for the sake of no having having access to two easily transportable funds yes I am especially because I do believe the crap is going to hit the fan sometime in the next year or two years five years however long and physical precious metals by the Waco keep them in your safe keeping them ready to go even keeping I saw one guy he says he keeps a little baggie full of silver coins and it even a couple of gold coins a little baggie I keep losing his bug out bag right kind of make sense maybe it's a little heavy in my humble opinion if you're in a bug-out situation I don't know if gold and silver is the best thing to carry around but hey
again who am I right but as far as retention of wealth in in protecting your life savings is why I work with Jenna School group because taking your your retirement when there's an old 401k your current Ira your government accounts whatever types of retirement to have given them moved out of the riskier markets and during a time of economic Strife such as wearing today and moving them into physical precious metal precious metals that you know when you if and when you ever take a distribution Lord willing you'll be able to take distributions you can get really bad but but when you do take distributions you take those in the form of those physical precious metals being shipped to your your home
can I take your distributions getting in the gold and silver that these are actual physical coins or bars or whatever sitting here and then your depository
bright there physically there just haven't sent this with you
get them out of the couch not a financial advisor that I do like and appreciate my sponsors at Genesis Gold group they are Christian company I've seen a lot of gold comes out there I worked with several of them I won't work with him again because they don't treat people the right way they're not Christian companies they're not you know they're they're working with a CCP there be a support Democrats there's many reasons why I don't support the vast majority of gold comes out there the reason I do like like Jenna circle group so much is because they check on the boxes then they do it the right way they do business the right way they're not trying to con you with $10,000 in free silver or anything like that you're actually trying to just do business the right way so give him a call or or I can call him at 800-200-8800 200 gold or go to JDR that brings up are we are we are we are at the last story so I can pull that one up
what is last story I swear when I first saw the headline I thought this has to be the Babylon bee this couldn't be real this couldn't be real life that I thought it's not the Babylon be so this must be an exaggeration couldn't be real I mean certainly certainly
United States of America doesn't have a regime in charge that is even weaker than most of us believe but apparently we do with you apparently the biden-harris regime is so weak that we can't even put forth a proper nuclear deterrent following the launch of a ballistic missile from a country that has vowed at certain times in recent years to to destroy us you might think that that's important enough to to put a natural deterrent but notice this regime does not think so sorry who comes from Daniel Greenfield over at front page mag Style by towards North Korea that new thing America is quote quote unacceptable
okay let's let's see if it really says that if there's an exaggeration here in the article deterrence isn't that complicated requires establishing the credible threat of force what's our deterrence level well it is this bad and I'm going to read this a quote from the hill the White House warned that any quote nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its allies is unacceptable and will result in the end of the Kim regime
unacceptable for North Korea to attack the United States of America with nuclear weapons unacceptable that's literally the verbage
more from the statement the United States reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to provide extended deterrence to the ROC r r okay sorry Republican North Korea Republic of Korea whatever the north the guy's back by the full range of us capabilities including nuclear in other words
you may not know this I know that you guys are are striving to build nuclear weapons or straight you probably already have nuclear weapon capabilities now you just have to test in a firm that you have the ability to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles to be able to go across the Pacific and hits California where I am
we know that you guys are doing this but just in case you didn't know if you knew Gus will consider that unacceptable and we're going to end the Kim regime
we might even knew Q back
now the only reason there hasn't been a nuclear exchange since World War II since the first basically we have one they saw the devastation and nobody wanted a piece that the reason is because it was called mutually assured destruction that's an it's it's easy to understand we've got enough noobs to destroy you you got enough noobs to destroy us okay so that's why Rush order at that time the Soviet Union during the Cold War so I didn't attack us within the tag them that's why I try that doesn't attack us when we don't attack them there's a desire that I'm sure there are some warmongers were trying to figure out how to hack the system and make sure that we could just nuke them and then be a preemptive strike there's got to be some Nikki Haley's are there chain is out there trying to push for that but for the most part you know four for the last seventy eighty years it's been it's been a state of of let's just not nuke each other okay that's between super powerful talk about North Korea here so North Korea
the hey if you guys have like three or four nukes you might be able to take out a few of our City's if we can't stop him but we're definitely going to the store you mean obliterate you it's not the end of the Kim regime it's the end of North Korea okay that's that's the message that you sent if that's their testing ballistic missiles again their quote was that a nuclear attack a nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its allies is unacceptable and will result in the end of the Kim regime
that's weak let's just call it what it is that's as weak as it gets
back to Greenfield he says I am glad that Biden has staked out the Bold position and nuking America is unacceptable the correct formulation here's that it will result in North Korea turning into a sea of glass now that it will result in the end of the Kim regime as I stated which suggests that will begin imposing some more sanctions and maybe get around to possibly invading and then spend twenty years trying to win the hearts and minds of the extended Kim family statement is a long-winded way of saying that in the event of an of an orc North Korean nuclear strike in South Korea will possibly possibly maybe we're not taking that off the table if you guys need South Korea who are allies then you know we might we might we might knock you back
this is for this is really is real world in 2023 I think it's going to get worse in 2024 but let me let's end this or let's end this story after a whole lot of Decades of worthless negotiation with the North Koreans we have limited terms because we blew our credibility a long time ago when we actually get into a nuclear exchange with the North Koreans to defend South Korea probably not much like a defense of Taiwan deterrence lacks credibility it doesn't help that we keep negotiating with whatever Kim won the genetic had genetic and firing squad Lottery and getting taken for a ride we've been in the go she ate him so well and we're now telling the North Koreans that if a nuke us they'll be in big trouble that is not a position of strength that is a position of weakness and it's not just you it's not just North Korea it's not just China it's not I mean so many things have moved this is the part that I don't think
enough enough Americans understand I'm not going to say it's just lettuce in or eat cuz there's independent don't get it to see many Republicans that don't get it there's a reason why there were no new Wars started when Trump was in office it's because everybody looked at them they saw his actually saw his demeanor they saw as what they heard his words and I thought
heal his back
let's just not hit okay sounds of Wars under under Barack Obama tons of Wars under George W bush War under Bill Clinton Now new Wars seemingly popping up every every couple of months under Joe Biden whatever reason during the four years with Trump in the White House there were zero new Wars
but I'm not a big fan of being antagonistic there's a difference between being antagonistic in foreign affairs and being just boldly confident and declaring hey we will destroy you South Korea is there a a like we will destroy you if you attack them we have interests there a South Korea's very different of South Korea's very different from from Iraq or Afghanistan K in Iraq and Afghanistan where they truly work I mean we could have went after the terrorists in Afghanistan we didn't for whatever reason over a 20-year. Whatever but when he comes after you actually do have a a true Allied there and be able to say hey yes we will back them if you if you knew them that should be a no-brainer even for the biotin hair Sheen but apparently it's not
apparently it's not when you get strike back when you get Christ back
Patriots Across the Nation get their news on a daily basis at the Liberty I am the editor over there I take great pride in that fact and we do what I consider to be a fantastic job of keeping Americans truly informed getting around the the BS of corporate media and the exposing the actual truth to the people go to the Liberty

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