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JD Rucker Show, December 14, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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Punishing Woke Brands Isn't Enough — They Must Be Destroyed

Title: Punishing Woke Brands Isn't Enough — They Must Be Destroyed


During three different segments of today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, we came across full-blown wokeness that must be eliminated. Unfortunately, some believe that simply punishing them is enough to make them change. We will never end wokeness as long as the radical left inflicts more damage to a brand than the right. Stories covered today:……………

Recorded: December 14, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

you're listening to the J D wrecker show let's begin its work if there was a deal but it has not materialized in as of tonight they have given us the cold shoulder so they're ignoring with what I believe is the top I go to the American people it doesn't matter where I've been in the country over the last few weeks but whether I'm in New York or the southeast they all say the same thing you're deeply concerned about what's happening with 12,000 people can wear that border one day last week and Wednesday if you look at the statistics from October November and so far on December more people have crossed that border illegally since the entire year during the Obama Administration it is not a sustainable situation it is a Harman our country and ways that are hard to describe and we have to get on to that was because the house Mike Johnson for me the jury is still out on him I want to like my really do I want him to be great every time I think maybe this is the skies the right guy he seems kind of Swampy
and everytime I think maybe this guy's just say a swamp creature in Disguise he seems he seems kind of America first so it's kind of hit-or-miss and I know that's part of the job you don't realize how difficult it is to be speaker of the house to try to keep things moving forward while still maintaining your principles it is in many ways it's you're almost like a traffic cop very very powerful traffic, but a traffic cop trying to keep a traffic jam in Congress from occurring even though I personally would love to see many traffic jams that the less Congress does the better generally speaking
but it seems as if their strategy right now weather is coming from Johnson or from the entirety of GOP leadership this strategy is to try to force border security measures by tying it to Ukrainian a did Joe Biden really likes Ukrainian 8 so let's not give him any Ukrainian Aid and till he addresses the Border crisis and I think it's a milquetoast very a very weak strategy number one the Border crisis is that the vast majority of Americans back doing something about the Border crisis and while maybe they won't actively admit they like the Republican ideas especially if they're Democrat they would prefer those Jen are speaking whether they would admit it or not they would prefer those to buy in Harris Hiroshima in the Democrat party has been been doing to keep our borders as wide open as possible this is the issue that they need to address they being not just my Johnson in the in the house but also the Senate and House of the White House and I'm anyways also the Judiciary we do have certain lawsuits that are that are
pending that could make an impact in what happens and I need to be more lost as we haven't seen nearly enough nearly enough that I mean gosh is much like 10 packs and I think that he's he's got about 50 different lawsuits he could have and should have filed by now regarding border security but hey he's been he's been a busy man so so we'll give him the benefit of the doubt as well believe it it's a week strategy two types you crank everything that should be nothing that's even possibly put on the table until they address the Border crisis because this is a crisis this is an existential threat every single day that we have an open border policy we are destroying the United States of America
so there's no I will tell you can't have Ukraine aid until you to the address to border crisis how about you can't have anything we will not look at any legislation to do anything at all no budget shut the government down shut everything down
nothing was for until we dress the Border crisis adequately that's it that's the kind of hard ball the Republican party needs play that's the kind of job that I would expect from a speaker of the house which is America first and if my Johnson were to do that then he I would become a fan until he does that or something soon or something close to it I'm still still waiting to see something some spark of actual leadership so far I haven't seen it so far the best that he's done as being able to deny that you will be behind them in the initial vote and since then we haven't seen a whole lot less admitted to fix the Border crisis
it seems as if lately I've been tripping on Fox News more than CNN or MSNBC or any of those places of course I've not been a fan of Fox News since before the 2020 election 2020 election was the was the coup de gras that's when I officially stopped watching anything on Fox news ever okay I do not turn on Fox news ever I will I seen clips from it I watch Clips to get post on social media of this that or the other all the kids will even share Clips okay I'm in the I'm not against sharing the day too but I will not contribute to them by by becoming one of their of their viewers on their television channel Noir and I try to avoid their YouTube channel and I don't ever share share links from Fox News you will not find a link to Fox News at least in the primary body of the of the stories over at the Livery to turn or any of the other places where I am most content I just I'm not going to contribute I don't want to help them they're part of the unit party swamp propaganda
gaslighting machine they have no affection or would love for America that's not I'm not trying to lump the entirety of Fox News every employee every show host in the same mix but let's face it once they lost Tucker Carlson does about 90% of their patriotism the last ten per-cent there's a little bit here a little bit there you know but for the most part I don't know anywhere near the idea so one of the things I still don't watch and I actually never ever washed really was guess this is I forgot what show is Fox & Friends too early for me here's an article though that's highlights just one of the many reasons that I am not a fan of Fox News in the end will not watch them this comes from my good friends over at revolver. News Steve Doocy floats outrageous new plan to stop Trump and his co-hosts quickly shoot him down
according the article Odyssey what's happened to Steve Doocy it's like he's transformed into a mash-up of Chris Wallace and Shep Smith but on steroids remember when he used to Eagle Hijos Trump for weekly phone calls in The Fox and Friends show now he seems to developed one of the most severe cases of stage 5 TDS we've ever seen it's almost surreal as though someone for him in a dark alley and threatened turn against you or your kids career in this town is over it's the only way to make sense of his drastic change and yet here he is staunchly defending Joe Biden insisting Republicans lack any solid grounds for impeachment you can't make this stuff up really Steve's been hitting Hunters crack pipe coating 22 revolver news in this is the quote you don't actually have any facts that point you're gets you got some circumstantial evidence and the other thing is of all those names the one person who didn't profit is there's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything legally that is the part where if I
heavy heavy laugh or I would be laughing like a big old belly laugh into the mic right now I probably will be spinning in crime because that's ludicrous Joe Biden is unemployed usually clearly even his own people even Democrats think that he did something wrong and he definitely was engaged in illegal activity okay it's not the only people that don't think that are those who are spreading propaganda like Steve Doocy for those idiots that's it okay thanks it. You can't look at the evidence has already been been let out and we've only seen the tip of the iceberg as far as actual evidence of Joe Biden's bribery is Joe Biden corruption K it's clear it's your stupid if you don't see it and I don't think Steve Doocy stupid I think that he's just part of the Gang part of the part of the hate Trump crew which means that he's going to of course defend Joe Biden to his with his dying breath is necessary
bhakti article unfortunately the situation was Steve has deteriorated even further now he seems obsessed with concoct incredibly outlandish schemes to thwart President Trump and his latest idea is particularly bizarre in fact it was so far-fetched that his cohorts probably shut it down so what's this grand plan of Steve's he's proposing the Nikki Haley run as an independent candidate specifically to struck Trump Trump's bid for the White House in other words he no longer believes that Nikki Haley has a chance or Ron DeSantis or vague ramaswami or Chris Christie or even as an independent even Robert of Kennedy junior or anybody else
so he's saying hey let's get Nikki to run she can't win she can't win the Republican primary she can't win as an independent but maybe she can pull enough votes away from Trump's for the week and get four more years of the biden-harris regime or well we wouldn't actually get four years we'd only get about a year and a half of the binary or she because the nation would not survive the nation would not survive any more time I still stand by my I put it at about maybe an 80% chance that we even have an election things are getting bad 2024 looks awful I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer here okay all doom and gloom my gosh I mean this guy's an idiot then as a me over there at revolver news noted this is Steve Doocy is experiencing Stage 5 Trump derangement syndrome is just no other way to put it there's no there's no other possibility here you don't
you don't say stupid things like that and not not be completely unhinged from from reality but hey you know it is what it is Nikki Haley for her part is is doing her thing I've already covered this I'm not going to cover it again there was an article I'm not going to put up their wedding party over at over at PJ media put up an article about how Hillary Clinton is I'm sorry about Nikki Haley is Hillary Clinton 2.0 I'll leave a link of it in the description you can read it but here's the thing I've already said this in a pashos I just want to reiterate it real quickly the poles that are showing the Nikki Haley would beat Joe Biden by 17 points they are completely one-hundred-percent certain manufacturer there's no chance that she could possibly do that there's no chance of the poles are actually saying that this is a manufacturer pull the idea here is to try to encourage those who are maybe you know voting for Trump or maybe they're on the fence
Trump and they want to show a shock stat of 70% went over Joe Biden trying to get the people who are like hey you know what we need a republican Trump the best Republican for the job but maybe maybe not maybe Hillary Clinton or it's not it's a Freudian slip I'm not doing that intentional maybe Nikki Haley the one that could actually be better at defeating Joe Biden that's in there they want to press
and that's the narrative is absolutely positively false I said when I talk about this in the last year or two shows ago I said you know what I I'm at about 98% maybe ninety-nine percent certain that is false now I can't see say why I have I have Insider information that tells me that yes it is absolutely positively false but I do and I'm not going I can't reveal how I got that information but it doesn't matter because even at 98% that's certain enough now I just have confirmation because of that show I got received confirmation anyway I'm getting myself in trouble here bottom line is this Nikki Haley is not is not the right person for either job whether you would you want her to be the nominee you want her to be the president and then the third option you want her to be Steve doocy's Trump spoiler so we can we can just fully completely in plywood under another partial biden-harris regime term not going to happen must not be allowed to have I should say not with me at this stage if we've learned anything over the last three
years if that you can't say that it ain't going to happen because crazier things have happened so let's do our part and make sure that it does not happen
I think it's everyday I have at least one story that I'm talking about the world economic forum and there's a reason for this look again I hate to be the the Chicken Little doomsday guy right I really do for those who may be new to the show and thank you all for for being new to the show with been tending getting new viewers every show it seems as if they're all moving up nicely so I appreciate that but for those who don't know I was not always a conspiracy theorist I was not always the guy that was calling out the world economic Forum or the council for inclusive capitalism with the World Health Organization what are unibody Swamper the globals to leak the ball in general the powers and principalities the powers-that-be the liberal world order whatever you want to call them I wasn't that guy I was the guy that was sitting back and say hello you know what let's get more into Republican politics and stuff like that and I've since obviously learned over the years recent years to no longer trust anybody to question everything and not
anyone who is who is in power because chances are if they are in power than they are somehow somehow complicit either they're turning their back on stuff over there there's a handful I guess there's a few good guys in government but so few so few most of them are just awful and if they aren't awful in there removed from government I would say that Madison cawthorn is a perfect example somebody who who they just couldn't drop so they got rid of him Mitch McConnell has his team side of the day since we since we can't get this guy you know get dirt on this guy let's just get rid of them and that's exactly what they did they primary him out of office and I don't know he wasn't a good guy for all I know I don't know I didn't follow Madison cawthorn enough to know he wasn't in Congress for long enough for me to know whether or not he was a good guy or not but but I know they did remove him so that at least tells me chances are he probably was probably was a good guy who knows
how far is an evil organization and have been for the last fifty years and they're just getting worse and worse and worse and they're becoming more powerful more more in the public lighting of course their primary primary I don't even see their goal because not really their goal their primary now weapon weapon of choice is climate change is what they use for pretty much everything they want to do is they want to depopulate the planet why because they want to to force everybody to own nothing and and pretend like they're happy why because of climate change tourism in the city of climate change everything else is climate change and so it's no no shocker when we see this story like this one in which the world economic Forum demanding 3.5 trillion dollars per year to decarbonise the planet and reach NetZero and restore nature these are anti humans these anti humans are added again according to Jordan check tell who I'm actually supposed to be contacting this week hopefully we'll be able to get them on the show cuz I would lie I never spoken to him directly
we just chatted on the on Twitter and other places I've known for years without actually ever talking to his hopefully we'll get them on the show here soon but his and his wonderful sub stacks of the best out there. Yeah. Today you should check it out and become a subscriber with that said this article is it's a doozy it's going to get into it the creepy anti-human to run the world economic Forum have decided that we must do more to save Gaia outfit in partnership with McKinsey & Company it's time to print more money to further devalue the wealth of the Common Man in order to pursue the apparent Noble goal of decarbonization let me repeat that because I love the way that he just worded this
according to these these bad guys it's time to print more money to further the value the wealth of the Common Man in order to pursue the apparent Noble goal of the carbonization and here's a a quote from the report the world needs up to 3.5 trillion dollars of additional investment each year each year
3290 and restore restore nature the report highlights State adding that an organization spun up by the wef called giving to amplify Earth action which it sits close to Gaia is I'm sure they probably print out the Gaia gaea
giving to amplifier that action is determined to shake down the relevant parties for the money record in the white paper which is creepily titled the role of public-private philanthropy philanthropic Partnerships in driving climate in that nature transitions I've talked often about public-private Partnerships I have this is a new one for me adding that philanthropic aspect to it it's like now must be altruistic and and pure and genuine an awesome then which makes me believe that of course it is coming from the wef that it is even more evil than your standard public-private Partnerships the role of public private philanthropic Partnerships in driving climate and nature transitions wow that is that just that just smells of of doublespeak evil
any private organizations should surrender come to this private organization should surrender their autonomy to governments in exchange for an endless amount of credit and a backstop and protections should their business fall in jail in the open market in other words this goes back to his whole concept concept of a stakeholder capitalism versus shareholder capitalism is just another variation of Marxism I was not even a variation really is a a direct direct implementation of Marxism under a fancy name to make people think I owe this is capitalism you know I was having a discussion with one of my employees about the difference between capitalism and crony capitalism in many ways are not similar in any way they're very action exact opposite of each other I would argue I could make a very valid argument that crony capitalism is a weaponization of capitals of principles that would make it even more opposite than capitalism is socialism but that's it
fashion for another day and probably not even on this this channel that's more some in the right out rather than talk about because that could be really really boring talk but anyway they're saying is that hey we're going to we're going to take over businesses we're going to bully them but we're also going to empower them with the Limitless credit so that if they fail they won't fail in otherwise they're going to try to turn into the same inefficient Globs of a bureaucracy the government has become and we're basically anything goes as long as it it's achieved the the greater good at least the greater good is as the side of the pond by the globalist to leak bad for the rest of us the vast majority of human beings on the planet that's the article I can't help the point out that this is essentially the exact governmental structure of the Chinese Communist party which wef found her class Schwab has hailed as a model for governments
let's just be a coincidence according to to Jordan and if you know anything about the about International public-private efforts it seems that you as taxpayers are first to get shaken down in the process two weeks ago the w we have to Claritin another report that 13.5 trillion dollars would be needed as soon as humanly possible to avoid a climate catastrophe go to the report which is written with the help of of Accenture another pay-to-play Consulting outfit the date for which the Earth will melt has been rolled back from 45 years ago to 2050
and what are you saying is for those who don't recall
Leah the talking point of yeah we're we're 10 years away from from global warming melting the the planet at least called global warming before they realize that all weight The World Isn't just warming sometimes it's cooling there before we have to call the climate change because you can't have you can't have such and such a cold Winter's unless there's if there's global warming right so so they they change the language to focus on climate change the climate catastrophe the climate disaster versus they're old and we're all going to melt at all started five years ago is actually technically it was longer ago than that but we'll go with the understanding that approximately 35 years ago these years and I would mean that we were supposed to be dead 25 years ago already cuz we didn't do anything we we haven't we haven't done anything bad that none of the the major massive changes they have
code for have happened none of them
mean we're out were cycling more that's like that the incremental changes that we've made have accounted for less than 1% of the change that they've demanded the changes that they say were absolutely positively 100% back by 97% Sciences as required immediately or else we're all going to die 25 years ago but I'm asking push towards 2050 I guess that makes it makes it easier for them to to she gives them less intervals through which they have to reset their clock cuz I don't know none of this time it's okay by the year 1984 we're all going to die is what they were saying but of course I didn't happen cuz we're still here even though 1984 does seem to be much more prevalent in today's world for for different reasons but I digress back the article as you can see below in a screenshot of their poor The depopulation Advocate stress the need for fast-tracking decarbonization word that is used 91 times in the published memo
1 times next month wfwf will host its annual meeting in Davos Switzerland the theme of the meeting this time is rebuilding trust the others pretty funny actually I did not know that this first I'm hearing about that rebuilding trust there is no trust okay do you trust the world economic Forum do you trust the globalist do trust King Charles you collect trust George Soros Bill Gates you trust Barack Obama
they are losing in many ways this is the best news we've had in awhile I would have I would have argued that it was all that were getting conned and just even a month or two ago I would say none of their plans are moving for just fine you know we're we're not winning we are we are not winning one of them winning the war we are winning battles here and their battles and they did not expect to lose we can tell this because they're so that they didn't want to accelerate I don't think it was as much as they were able to accomplish through the through pandemic Panic theater I don't think they accomplished this much they thought they would I really am after in retrospect I now think hey they really thought they were going to get ninety-seven 98% of us okay they didn't praise God for that praise God for the ability for for us to get information out to people to to stoke the skepticism the necessary skepticism knows need to keep people from making permanent changes to their body which is what what hundreds of millions of other Americans did and when
you know billions of people worldwide have now made permanent changes to their bodies we don't know where the end results are going to be so but thankfully there's a healthy skepticism now that's preventing people from doing any further damage we're talking about a very tiny percentages on this latest go round compared to go rounds in the in the in the previous iterations so I think that was a little bit unexpected I thought they were I think they think that they were going to get more than that I think that they think they were going to to have a be able to win some of these elections that they have been losing lately worldwide and I think they're scared I think they realize that maybe if this trend continues that's somebody like a Donald Trump is going to be back in office if this trend continues then their control over the unit price is going to to resolve you know I don't know as I said earlier in in that previous segment I don't know you know the jury is still out on my Johnson but I can tell you this this was their plan okay they didn't they were intending for
for Kevin McCarthy before sound
that was a surprise them I truly believe that you know sometimes I think I think that the vast majority of people including many of my my viewers don't give them enough credit for how much control they have but I think sometimes I might give them too much credit I might be looking looking for for some some hidden agenda that something some some you know Ford Ford each chess play they're actually getting us through this when they're when they're really were expecting that or they're they're planning this whatever you get the idea maybe I give them too much credit maybe we can defeat them as I've said a billion times I believe that the best and most important thing we can do is to secure ourselves and through prayer Sakura Souls this is the most important thing can't believe in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior if you do nothing else ever that's it just do that if you do that then whatever else happens in this world don't it's it's
it's it's fleeting
I don't care if we're going to be here for another Ten Years or or hundred years or a thousand years I don't care if you are 12 years old or 115 years old it's all fleeting K compared to Eternity is it is fleeting so keep that in mind but also above and beyond that what you got that established it's important to to salvage your your preparations in other ways out set up say probably 15 times during the show get out of the city's stock up on food water ammunition meds Bibles
and make sure you do this in any way in an energy I've always forget to mention energy to figure out energy sources and the last one I always mentioned is the the the the financial aspect of physical gold and silver for physical gold and silver is why my wonderful sponsors over at Genesis gold proof this is a Christian company is a reason that I work with them because they're Christian company there are a few Christian Gold comes out there but this is the one that doesn't doesn't play games as it tried to offer you $10,000 in free silver which of course is not free of course is offering but still many people fall for that
I work with Genesis Gold group because they are an honest Merica first Christian company and I would recommend if you have wealth retirement that you want to protect go to JDR that's Jamie fill out a form and get the information that you neither they'll help you out they will take care of you even during the during the Christmas holiday there they're going to take care of you. I'll figure out a way so so hop on that JDR I was going to go on a break but I guess I don't need to anymore because I I just did my Marshfield so let's move on to the next story
what are the best things about having open DMS on Twitter is that I do get to receive some of the greatest fan mail of all times sometimes the family is just so so awesome that I have to share such as this one which was a response to my analysis of Leave the World Behind the movie by executive producers Barack and Michelle Obama this is according to to Colin Colin says you're a pig to course, spells you are with your you're a pig you know you're only angry about that movie because the Obamas made it its entertainment not politics they did their thing and now that now they're making movies that's one sentence by the way your truck made a movie like that you would say it's an Oscar winner you're a pig and the Liberty is racist trash love it here is my my reply to Colin thank you for your comment, if Donald Trump made a movie after leaving office about the United States falling under Cyber attack before imploding a movie that lays out in specific detail
the process through which our nation could be destroyed you would not be complaining about my assessment you would it say the Trump is a traitor in that maggot Patriots are likely going to carry out the plan I on the other hand would still be assessing moving the same way because I'm like you my concern is the messaging not siding with my tribe on all issues thank you for reading the liberty and be sure to check out the CERN for similar content we're making fans with the Liberty daily, changing lives changing Minds on a daily basis
all right I'm going to play for you a clip a clip of absolute utter insanity this is Democrats corporate media puppets out there and then been members of the anti Trump never Trumper squads going out there and saying the most insane theories about what would happen if Donald Trump is elected president once again
now course you're going to laugh through it I will probably laugh so if you hear me laughing then 10 that I apologize for that but yeah it's it's that insane if you'd asked me a couple months ago will will the Democrats pull out the most unhinged ideas in conspiracy theories about what a Donald Trump second presidency would be like I was at Ashley it's a foregone conclusion they're going to do that but if you text me when I was sad you know what the probably do it right after it's it's certain that he's going to be the nominee after that there's just no chance of of anyone else ever being which I think we're already there by the way but once they acknowledge that that's when they'll do whip it out but I was wrong they've been whipping it out since November Someone Save since before then they've been saying that he is going to literally destroy the United States of America if you were to be elected president tells you something that tells you that they aren't they're not scared or they're not just scared of him winning the general election they think that they can do this still hope they can prevent him from Evil winning the GOP nominee
that's why they're busting out of all these tears today that's why they're calling me see they saw me play the clip and again don't drink anything while you're while you're watching this cuz you're probably spit it out in laughter
what would a second Donald Trump term look like he cannot be the next president it it because if he is Mexico Canada we can't go to Canada because eventually Canada will become the next to America and shoot visitors to the White House yeah that means you can shoot the first lady Violet the likes of which we didn't even see an on January 6th
make it illegal to run against him to throw his opponents in jail to shut down the media he will make himself into the fewer and he will make everybody raise their hand and slew him using martial law against the Americans terminate the Constitution rewrite the Constitution create Mass internment camps throw everyone into gitmo especially minority groups in society any number things happen to you and your family every one of us our freedom or Liberty against an enemy assassinate General ordering troops to attack American citizens will try to kill people burn the house down he will unravel the institutions of our democracy similarities between Mussolini and Hitler
take away your votes at the house or immediately going to be paralyzed people in their minds to Spencer themselves they might say well maybe I shouldn't stay at the end of our democracy but democracy is dead if Trump is real acted entirely transformed I really concerned about the person who is associated with the attempted coup elevated arrest political opponents to persecute. Prosecutor persecute his enemies May mean the last election that you ever get to vote in the independent and free parts of American Civic life they would tear.
fire department effort to weaponize the powers of the government has the military to quash protest or reading the government of all Democratic safeguards junking American democracy as we have always known it that he would try to stay in office Beyond a second term that he would never leave office there's no question he won't leave will never leave off as well and thoroughly what that means is that everybody who wants us to remain a republic
have to put every other thing aside and work together or gently right now to stop that
was I right that Grant I didn't think thank God restream does mute my microphone while it's Wild Wings video so or else you're probably would have made me laugh so that's it that's a good thing great features I never know I'm always quiet at least you know it's my mic I did not know that that's good anyway but yeah that's crazy I mean they are not listening to keep in mind you might have chuckled you probably did you might have thought wow how stupid do they think we are that's what I thought at first and then I remembered a lot of Americans really are that stupid a lot of Americans are going to hear those words hear them repeated over and over again hear them you're different variations said by multiple hosts on CNN MSNBC wherever even Fox News I'm sure we'll bust out with some of the some of the unhinged rants at some point whether through gas or through Bret Baier whoever but bottom line is is that the
this is going to be repeated this is the thing they're already announcing it they've already declared it this way they're going to say if Trump is elected presidents literally the end of America if Trump is like the present we are all going to be shot and killed if Trump is elected president than that this great democracy will be no more all the dramatic speech way works folks you can't forget that don't forget just give me look at the people you work with look at your neighbor's look at your friends look at some of your relatives okay they're going is to soak this in even up regurgitated or at the very least have that sea plant in their brain they must stop Trump doll cost that's what they're calling for that's what these these allegedly unbiased idiots in corporate media is useful idiots that the globalist Ali Cavallo use to to Gaslight to propagandize 22in manipulate indoctrinate brainwash the people unfortunately there are very many of us may be that you and me but at least other Americans who are very easily
in Washington who will watch that will hear these these words reiterated over and over again and think that it's actually true
I do want to take a quick moment to remind people if you didn't hear the beginning and I actually don't know if I said at the beginning so maybe it was the first time you're hearing it but we have launched a secondary Rumble Channel we did this was because number one I wanted a place where I can take these short clips from these these episodes I do to our episodes daily but sometimes people just want to see two 35-minute clips that's great I want to put those somewhere perhaps more importantly, I'm doing it because is it for whatever reason my Rumble Channel my primary Rumble Channel I guess it's banned from the front page of Rumble don't know what I did I don't know of anybody else who does that but you know we'll we'll have hundreds of live viewers on the live show and then and we'll look and we'll see if it's that in their podcast section they've got the highlighted you know shows that have three or four viewers of the time now go into the actual podcast section I'll see we're not at all so
but the funny part is I take it and on my secondary Rubble Channel what you can find out what J D wrecker / Rumble won the number one J D wrecker / Rumble one that's the concern TV channel whenever I post there I can have 88 live viewers cuz it's again we're just getting a built-up I can have eight live viewers will make the front page some however humble I don't know how old is Adam play the algorithm game I just put out time to know people see it but if you would please wherever you're watching me today right now whether you're watching me through the Liberty dailies trouble Channel Freedom First Network that the Janie Rucker show Rebel Channel please follow the other one the what's going to eventually be my primary one at and it's the discern TV Rumble Channel you can find it at JD Rumble won Wimbledon over one thank you
for some reason Bud Light is their family getting a reprieve from certain people now should I say that the reason is pretty darn obvious the reason his money you got people celebrities like Kid Rock Dana White we know the Dana White's getting paid a lot of money we can suspect that kid rock when on Tucker Carlson said hey you know what would punch him in the nose and and now it's all good you know that they received their punishment they learned their lesson let's make sure that we let's go ahead and start drinking them again to Tucker Carlson saying of the day when you step back and look at it like yeah they deserve the black guy and they got one they made a mistake and then he's asking us to essentially for lack of better words for give them it's time to time to move on and and maybe folks are $10 and that part is to some extent look real but I'll get into why here in a second. The movie on Part B folks another and you got Dana White then wipe their company received a lot of money the wo you listen to me
UFC received a lot of money going to Alex nitzberg over at the blaze UFC Co Dana White told Tucker Carlson that people who view themselves as Patriots should be drinking gallons of Bud Light White Plains that such individuals are way more aligned with Anheuser-Busch then out of it with other beer companies this is of course I mean I don't know that's not true just flat-out not true at all in my humble opinion I want to be clear about something with Bud Light I have been against not that easy for me to say cuz I drink beer maybe two or three times a year at most the name in a very very lushful rush for year not much of a drinker but I did used to drink a lot there was a time when I drink every day and night was amongst them if I were still drinking I would never ever ever drink Bud Light nor would I ever ever ever shop at Disney watch Disney movies shop at Target
they might complain about Bud Light isn't that they didn't get what they deserve I think they did and they they should get more my diploma but life is that why did they get singled out so much when others deserve far worse punishment Target as I mentioned Target spokesperson put him on the cans Target is actually attempting to indoctrinate children into in lgbtqia plus Supremacy mindset lifestyle there's no scent is far worse than that they don't get nearly the attention that Bud Light has received so no I don't agree with Dana White or or Kid Rock and their opinions and we should forgive but like I said we should be boycotting a whole lot more than that and I don't think I'm alone going to to Matt Walsh from the daily wire one of the ultimate in cultural marxists adversaries he's the one that is really really hit them hits in the hardest special over there at the daily wire he hits harder than anybody at the daily wire in my humble opinion on the 12th
most of the time in modern history when conservatives have stage and effective boycott against the major corporate brand if we back away from this Victory now it will show that we've learned nothing and don't want to win not going to happen boy. Continue that shouldn't be a conversation but light is a brand owned by a foreign conglomerate the tried to push trans ideology is now paying the price there's absolutely no legitimate reason to back away or let off the gas they deserve everything that's happened to them and I would argue that they deserve even more and what's happened to them they should be their business should be obliterated set an example we do need more example and as Matt Walsh point out this is the only real one I mean Target check the target is still able to do business and they're still pushing their cultural marxists agenda through the the items do they sell this is something that should should be a wake-up call in about a half hour Walmart
what about any of these Brands K their sins are far far far worse than Bud Light and yet we can barely get anyone to boycott them don't even get me started on the NFL I watch the Superbowl on my excuse and it's a feeble excuse my excuse was hey you know what there was a Christian angle to they were talking about they're going to be Christian ads about it some other day but that the many of the main players including the two starting quarterbacks were were active active and an unabashed Christians that was interesting to me I went ahead and watch this the only NFL game of watching psych 2017 a long before most people were talking about NFL boycott I've been boycotting the man I used to watch football every Thursday Saturday Sunday Monday Whenever there was trouble on I watched I was a huge fan of the NFL and now I'm not I won't be again until they change their ways we need to be more like that not trying to say how old are The Virtuous when you guys
Terrible's you watch the NFL I'll pick our battles that one is one of my back and watch an NFL game actually regret it even though it's breaking
with that said no there is no reprieve for Bud Light That should be no reprieve for anybody who goes down that road the whole region of the left is able to win and so many of these battles and because they do not take prisoners there is no forgiveness they don't back down once they will double and triple down I don't care if they get exactly everything they want or demand it's never going to be enough now is that the right way to do things no it's not we don't live in a world where the right things work anymore we live in a world where we have to fight fire with fire in my humble opinion we have to fight anyone who engages any company in the individual we have to fight those who engage in cultural Marxism spreading spreading false ideologies reading destructive ideologies they need to be dealt with with the full force of boycotts let's use our money you use our pocketbook use our buying power and especially are not buying power you said against those who want to destroy America
Patriots Across the Nation get their news on a daily basis at the Liberty I am the editor over there I take great pride in that fact and we do what I consider to be a fantastic job of keeping Americans truly informed getting around the the BS of corporate media and exposing the actual truth to the people go to the Liberty today
well we are about to play a trailer for movie I'm not endorsing this this is not an advertisement for this movie you'll understand why once you see it it's called Civil War and it comes out in 2024 so let's watch that will be dealt with swiftly and seems like it's for the best
citizens of America these so-called Western forces of Texas and California
have suffered a very great defeat at the hands of the United States military
mr. president do you regret that used to Paris strikes against American citizens
the moving to DC today
every time I survived Warsaw I thought I was sending a warning home don't do this
here we are there some kind of misunderstanding here we are American okay
okay what kind of American are you
the Westin boys will reach the what comes on July 4th
they're going to hang by but I'm not hanging back for Missions under God indivisible with liberty
and justice for all
God Bless America
well what do you think is this a clear-cut example of predictive programing I would say it is it's either fear-mongering to send this in the wrong direction or its predictive programing saying hey folks, with the election, 2024 whether whether is because Trump wins or because Trump losses either way I mean it's goes 50/50 what could ever spark ate a civil or a revolutionary war here in the United States of America would be based around the 2024 election most likely and I would see see him you can make Eagle arguments Trump wins oh no Civil War Trump loses oh no Civil War I don't know all I know is that they are trying to prepare something they're trying to normalize it in our brains I talked a little bit about predictive programing when I discussed the other day when I discussed Leave the World Behind I think that the predictive programing nature that was cyber cyber attacks being the the I guess the weather trying to prep has fall
I think if that was a little bit less than what this the Civil War movie seems to to be depicting but we will see stay frosty folks all I can say above all else you know number one phrase get right with God that's the most important thing if you only do that and that's enough if you want to do more get out of the Cities get out of the suburbs get food water ammunition meds Bibles and and something to barter with precious metals are or something because I would not want to be in a major city or even near major city when the crap hits the fan
I have a big fan of offering Solutions not just throwing out the problems but offering solutions to those problems but there's some times when there really is no direct solution in the best we can do is pray and and try to escape and I think it's next door is an example of one of those there was a time not too long ago some of you may even be able to notes remember a day you know it's small-town America where you could go and basically exist without a driver's license or a state issued ID you could do pretty much anything that you want to do because everybody knew each other the identification was the people that they knew okay they could take him if there was a need for some form of identification will be your birth certificate and I will be at the county clerk's office and so you have to go go there then if you needed further identification like for example for a bank account you had to know your name your full name and you needed to know your bank account number and that's it pretty much a social security number or whatever but you had to you didn't have to present photo IDs because they didn't happen and even as they start to get rolled out a lot of small towns pushed it back in
what's a word for a long time today the only thing that you could possibly do without having an ID in the real world is to vote in certain cities but I digress that's a discussion for another day even worse something harsher something that can be more of an existential threat that biometric digital IDs now this is generally lower on the totem pole as far as the the things that those of us in an alternative or Fringe media whatever you want to call us things we talked about sure we talked about Central Bank digital currencies have nausea and we talked about artificial intelligence and how it's going to eventually destroys we don't stop and now we talked about Quantum Computing we talked about you know and non Anonymous internet we talked about all these various threats and we do talk about did you like these but the biometric aspect of it is something that doesn't get discuss any of his much we're seeing it everywhere I mean if it's popping up you might have a grocery store near you or you can just pay for it with your palm print your palm print has everything that you need is got it all your credit card information and everything eventually biometric did you ladies are going to be ubiquitous they are going to be
he accepted pretty much everywhere and they're going to have everything okay they're going to have everything they can have your medical records you or your banking information you all your your credit cards you want me to carry anything around no wallet know everything's going to be tied to your face or your palm print or combination thereof and that's that's very concerning for those of us who who are skeptical of of such things but here's the thing that's majority of Americans are going to embrace this they're going to look at this is a positive thing that's why I say there's no way that would he knows normally when they're sending a bad really bad out there all we've got to do is get the information and do the best we can to alert people and try to get to keep her friends relatives everybody else that we know and love keep them at least informed enough to to not fall for whatever this the scheme is whether it's a jab or whatever
but in this case you're not going to believe us they're not going to either your average norm he's not going to sit here and say oh my gosh this is a horrible thing they know they're going to say wow that's convenient wow that's amazing technology wow this will make things easier wow wow wow they're going to fall for this and love it I got to love it and it's is spreading across across the world her Greg lease cross America right now article I posted over at the turn. TV title Global sales pitch biometric did you like these make flying easier and I always put the word easier in quotes put except that this really does make things easier and it's not a lie the convenience factor is not a lie
it's not that big stream Lee much easier but let's face it it's you can't deny that it does save a little bit of time not much but a little bit and overtime you know as a as they try to push this morn warm or it will eventually save a lot of time it will eventually be be like trying to trying to adjust to check into an airline you're the normal way it'll be like trying to walk up to a convenience store and pay with a check and you know you people in lines like what the heck is that thing at checkbook what I'm doing is writing a check for $4.86 what the heck's wrong with this person why does this establishment even accept checks this is terrible and I'll pull out your cell phone go Karen on the guy
yeah that's going to happen eventually everybody's going to want to be pushing for this so the solution is to do you really want to avoid that you're going to have to get off here there's no way around there really is no way around when the article there are three stages in every plan to force people into using various identification Technologies this has been the case since the invention of the driver's license stage 1 convenience stage 2 security access stage 3 mandate and I do believe that at some point in our future unless there's a cataclysmic change at some point in our future did you like these will be specifically biometric did you like these will be required that second stage the security aspect of all it'll take is this another terrorist attack or you know a rash of of identity theft causing great harm to the masses or whatever they're going to make it to where hey look if you really want to operate in the United States of America in 2026 and you're going to have to get with the program and get your
biometric digital ID and start attaching everything to it because we're not going to we're not going to accept your cash when I go to accept you or whatever
Get Off the Grid get out of City so I can fax the audit let's just cut to the the news aspect of this from biometric update Delta has announced that its digital ID program is now expanding the three major airports LAX LaGuardia and JFK the latter of which launched on December 14th program uses biometric face matching to eliminate the need for manual ID checks at checkpoints like backdrops and security program is eligible for customers who have a TSA PreCheck membership free SkyMiles membership and the Fly Delta app they must also have the passport information and he known traveler number stored in the Delta profile just Logistics their customers get an automatic notification the app when traveling from an airport would the digital ID program at once they opted in the digital Delta Dental ID becomes part of their SkyMiles profile that's going to be tied into SkyMiles not just your your Central Bank digital currency of your bank account or whatever it's not just your your medical records literally everything everything they're going to like this is going to is going to be mad rush to integrate with the biometric
like okay so so if you're not complying of you if you don't have your biometric did you like the even then you can't do this you can't do that you know these other all Technologies in that you want to login to Facebook just looking at the camera on your on your computer or your phone and that's the only way that you can actually log into Facebook passwords those are so insecure you know this is the only way to get secure in the world again they're going to pitch this and vast majority of Americans are going to to buy into a Hook Line & Sinker this is there's no way to to inform the people and then make them say no people going to want this this is this is ideal for America in 2020 whatever I don't think it'll be 20 30 anyting I think that we are going to see this in the next few years maybe sooner than that but I digress customers can opt out at any time and the Delta that so it's always an option until it's not right it's not store your biometric data they they claim which is of course we all know that's a variant
we that that that's the case somebody story maybe they're not selling it directly but somebody saw it and then letting the NSA and CIA definitely are storing it FBI you betcha once their information is verified customers can use digital a Delta digital ID check bags and move through security without needing to show their physical ID individuals go to the line designated for digital IDs with a green Delta digital ID icon and look at the camera to check when you use a digital ID you still in place of physical at these the amount of time saved at security lines very spending on Airport volume but Travellers with Delta did you like these and they will spend the night average of thirty seconds at bag drop compared to a standard backdrop time of 2 minutes and we can take this expand out to every facet of Life anybody who's seen minority reports didn't mean this is this is the directions going I mean it really is Minority Report I don't I think it was an okay movie okay I never read the the novela or whatever that was based upon that I probably should but it was a pretty good movie
there were some holes in it for sure but the technology is okay that technology that that be walking through they scan your eyeballs wasn't the face was the eyeballs they scan your eyes and they can do it from a distance they can do it anywhere and they scanned and then they're presenting ads to you there for sending everything to you everything is right there Virtual Technology virtual reality technology popping up in front of you it's it's insane except it's probably pretty darn close to reality
I like to offer Solutions, Solutions guy I don't have a solution to this one sucks I really don't pray you know and some of your posts in their well it's not that big of a deal that's the whole idea they don't want anybody to think it's that big of a deal to be walking around everywhere tracked everywhere we go every action we take every every purchase we make every person that we're near not even just talking to every person where near this is the pathway to a a social credit score maybe that's enough to wake people up maybe that's something where you might start taking this seriously once this whole biometric digital ID thing becomes more prevalent in the United States it will be tied to his social credit score or variation thereof and that's where you need to be really concerned so my only solution of them pray pray pray
is to get out of the city gets self-sufficient you know I say it all the time I'll keep saying it there is no way to exist in normal American life in the very near future without getting on board of these programs because they will be mandated you can Bank on that
so I've got a special announcement for just you my my wonderful show listeners and viewers we are in the process for those who don't know how can we back up a bit those who don't know I am the part owner of a freeze dried beef company and we have our first brand new products coming up very very very soon it's it's actually pretty exciting because as far as we know we are going to be the only the only ones in the United States of America and probably why but definitely in the United States of America that is offering this product and if you can see on the screen you'll have an idea of what the product is yes we are going to be offering bison freeze-dried long-term storage shelf stable prepper food bison and it will be sous-vide at will be cut up into into cubes and you can take it and and survive off of it now for those who aren't
your bison is extraordinarily healthy it is similar to be foot it is far less fat content so it is as pure as as from a protein perspective it's as pure of a protein that you can pretty much get and we are super excited to be bringing that sometime next year maybe January probably February I'm not sure when but the announcement is not sure about the Bison this announcement is about a special that we are now running from now until Christmas for those who will sometimes do 5% 10 % 15% I think one time for one day we ran a 20% discount back in July of 2023
but this will be the first time in our company history that we were on a 25% discount just now until Christmas day you can get 25% off we need to clear a space K I just got into her at third building which were using his Warehouse we are we have we have tons of beef available obviously but we need to know clearly that out and so they have instructed me ask me begged me to to help them help them to to clear out space because we are going to need plenty of it for the Bison you can use promo code go to w h o l e c o w s whole cows, and use promo code one time 25 that's one word so one time to 5 and you'll get a 25% off
and again I know a lot of these lot of coming so we use biggest sale of ever being silly this really is truly legitimately our biggest sale ever and it is for a very short time we've got ten eleven days left until Christmas after Christmas the sale sales done with lyrics planning on selling whole bunch of the stuff between now and then now for those who swear gets really crazy for those of you out there who can that by $1,000 or more worth of worth of freeze dried long-term storage beef you can use promo code 1 x 30 x 1 x 30 for 30 per cent discount that one thing I will note we did get quite a few people that will try to buy over $5,000 worth of worth of beef we were we were ill-prepared for that and so we did not with her with our payment processor we we did not have it set up to where we could do that so
he's done his we ask people you have to buy it in batches if you know 4500 bucks here come back the next day and do thirty-five hundred bucks I know it's a pain I know it's a pain we had one gentleman who did this with over $40,000 worth of worth of a freeze dried beef at he bought we greatly appreciate him of course but the have to do it over a weeks. In order to get get it all all paid over a week and that and Get It All Ships when we were able to get it to him obviously very quickly so four orders of $1,000 or more user promo code one time 30 and even if you're just you're not buying $30 or $1,000 as more use promo code one-time 25 and that is again this is the best discount we've ever offered is probably the best discount will ever offer and we are only offering it for a very short time that's it I mean here's the thing 10 50% discount is so great okay every sell price it's so great this is the kind of stuff yeah I freeze dried beef is the highest quality that you can get it really legitimately is I'm not just saying that I mean it truly is the highest quality
you can get on the market today if you already go to your standard prepper food store in a prepper food retailer and they will sell you normally they call it beef crumbles some of the most high ground beef in and they'll also order something like the office in like beef chunks these are the truth this is the lowest quality beef when did they look at it I understand the concept that the weather they look at it hey this is for survival like nobody's going to care how awful it tastes if they're you know trying to survive I disagree I think that's if you if you have the means and you don't want to be eating beef crumbles or let's say you've got a whole bunch of rice and beans and you got like I like stroganoff freeze-dried stroganoff and lasagna or whatever then get this high-quality for premium freeze-dried beef and use it to supplement you can throw it in Chile do there's so many things you can
with a lot of customers who will come back often and they will continue to buy as much as I can as often as they can then use it and I'm just using it for freeze-dried for a long-term storage for survival they're actually using it on a regular basis and they're buying it every couple weeks I want one very nice lady in particular I've talked to her on the phone because she kept buying like like three or four bags of every couple weeks and so after 2 months of the sound like a you know are you storing looks like a few minutes and you can throw the names and she doesn't mean she'll throw it in with her stew she'll throw it in with a chili she'll throw it in with a casserole just even still freeze dry and she'll be rehydrated through through that process by cooking it with with her food like that and it just works I mean I've done it myself where I rehydrated with beef broth is little packets of beef broth you take it in you mix with hot
water to become like a beef broth I use that and I myself have also course part taken in and just eating it's not for survival purpose would be because it's good this is all one hundred percent All American beef there's no other ingredient we don't even that salt no preservatives of course we use mylar bags and oxygen absorbers to make it to where it is shelf-stable from 25 years
to check it out go to fortunately these promo codes are they are only available at we we we have plenty of Partners and Affiliates that sell these, cuz when I unfortunately this is a one-time deal and I trying to screw anybody over we just can't afford to the pay affiliate fees and also give these kind of discount so you can link it is it whole cow' promo code 1 * 25 and 1 * 30 and help us to to make room so that we can start selling freeze-dried freeze-dried bison only only goes on until Christmas day so so check it out and if you want all the details you can always go to discern. TV in your mules go down a little bit and you'll see you'll see a picture or a beautiful bison that's not one of ours by the way but against the backdrop of a mountain and 4 and and woods and Anna
lake. So beautiful that that majestic beast this is how how Native Americans essentially survive for four centuries was off the the the Bison that's used to roam freely and to the tune of 100 million or more of them way back when we screwed all that up but now you can still get the Bison today we're not offering yeah but we will be offering soon help us clear up space promo code 1 * 25 or if used by over $1,000 worth one time 30 it's a good stuff there we have
other needs and they're the worst were facing challenges across the global I think everybody understands that was particularly here in the United States we are seeing spikes in prices of pretty much everything and there is one item in particular that I do list of my my must haves in your your survival tool kit that is also going up in price this article comes from from the Gateway pundit Anthony Scott over their reporting ammo prices are set to spike do the worldwide shortage of gunpowder for all the things to start running out of gunpowder really yeah I guess so when the article list outdoor the parent company to several ammunition maker such as Federal CCI in Remington has warned prices for ammunition are expected to rise in 2024 due to a worldwide shortage of gunpowder I wonder why in a letter sent to customers vistaoutdoor warned that they would begin to increase prices on all of their ammunition
what's due to an anticipated Global shortage of gunpowder Vice President of Sales Brett Nelson stated do to world events our suppliers have notified us of unprecedented demand for and an anticipated Global shortage of gun powder and dust has increased out prices substantially nothing did not refer to what world events are causing the gunpowder shortage but it's quite for the war in Ukraine and got in the wars in Ukraine and Gaza has resulted in increased need for ammo and then Twitter user Roosevelt Terrier says ammo prices rise when you told Newsweek article that article says this outdoor pair coming too many manufacturing businesses told Newsweek that it will substantially increases ammunition prices due to an anticipated Global shortage of gunpowder the minnesota-based company confirmed the authenticity of a December one letter sent to a customer that it would go ahead and with an across-the-board increase of ammunition and gunpowder prices on January 1st
it's about 3 weeks due to what events are spies notify the CID idea Remington CCI Speer and federal ammunition donated 1 million rounds of ammo to the Ukraine armed forces in December 2020 to now that's that's going to come back and bite us almost literally yeah so so so I mean they're saying these prices are going to be going up here in at the beginning of the year so if you have a preferred gun ammunition supplier reach out to them to see if they're going to be raising prices and if they are it might be a good time natural course you by your your freeze dried beef might be a good time to to start stocking up on more ammunition you can almost never run out of ammunition and there's a lot of people told me like whenever it's what you want from a gold they say you know what my my currency is going to be ammunition I've got plenty of ammunition I'll be able to borrow that for for whatever I need number one
it's true that's not horrible if you've got a nice nice large group of people living in a communist something but never to you don't want to ever get rid of ammunition and number three bartering transaction involves ammunition might not go as well as you think it's going to go so I'm not a big fan of using ammo for anything other than to defend myself from from crying from tyranny from anything where I would need to use my ammunition I don't want to barter with it stock up now is is the the message here because you know how you could run out of food you can run out of water you going to run out of the lot of things but if you got any munition you probably didn't truly run out of food watch I'm not saying that out loud I'm not saying I owe you no go go steal from your neighbors or whatever I'm just saying saying you don't want to become victim to those who might be thinking along those lines actually had a friend one time
long ago but but I'd say probably still haven't talked in Forever dictate decade-old George and a Gorge made used to make jokes about that when he is you know I got my guns and ammunition I got I got fourteen thousand rounds and and so I'm loaded with food water anything that I could possibly need and of course his implication that was at she would just go if the crap hits the fan then he would just go take it from other people I am not a proponent of that whatsoever I am however that being able to defend from against people like George you know so much again once again ammunition so best practice stock up now
well it's not only Christmas season it's also end-of-the-year time which means that we're going to be hit with top 5 top 10 top 1834 list of whatever you know top 34 list of the best best cream cake cheesecake recipes West it's just these end-of-the-year / beginning of the year lists are oftentimes ludicrousness sometimes they just make me upset I guess one was that I do like I do like reading Steve Davis has lists of things that he anticipates because he'll tell them at least be brave enough to do a follow-up a year later and say what he got right and wrong so that's that's interesting that's that to me in Spanish over a year's time versus these lists are generally just lazy there was one list though my tension on that Wednesday was once
no no just came out Thursday morning this is this is today from the Federalist Jordan Boyd and Sean Fleetwood they put together a list of 10 naughty bureaucrats Brands and buffoons who deserved coal in their stocking this year and it wasn't so much that Alyssa was was was clever or creative or whatever it was buying I put it just the fact that I went up and down the listings like yeah yeah I mean I agree with all ten so according to the Federalist Jordan Boyd and Sean Fleetwood Christmas is supposed to be season for love Comfort enjoyed with the arrival of the holidays means the Grinch's Scrooge's and corrupt politicians of the world are lurking this year and fortunately yielded an abundance of bureaucrats Brands and buffoons who blew their shot to make the the nice list when they sacrificed common sense and dignity for partisanship and radicalism Merry Christmas to everyone except these naughty no good hours and number one they have a jack
do the special counsel the the arguably it may be the most militant weapon that they use against Trump is a guy that's been been working against Trump and working you've been against America in my humble opinion for a very long time and so it's perfect that he would be number one on this list the first 10 special counsel Jackson association with the Department of Justice alone was enough to land him in Santa's bag races Smith further further solidified his place on the naughty list when he brought to legally flawed and politically Shady cases against former President Donald Trump classified documents in the capital Riot on January 6th 2021 Smith also demanded that the court gag Trump from criticizing him President Joe Biden another deep State bureaucrats for their hyper-partisan prosecution of his First Amendment right to claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen which DC District Judge Tanya check
eagerly agreed to do
there's another one who needs to be on this list we'll see we'll see if she makes it but let's be clear it's it is this isn't just about going after Trump this is also about putting to rest these theft of the 2020 election now I've been extraordinary disappointed with my conservative friends in in media weather there an alternate Media or French media far too many of them have abandoned the notion of the 2020 elections was stolen that they do this listen nobody's been proven all while I used to think of the 2020 election was stolen and 20 of them have done that anybody who was claiming that the 2020 elections stolen anytime in the recent past the only reason they've stopped thinking that early stop publicly talking about it is out of fear is out of cowardice they don't want to be labeled a scene they stuck their their finger in the air they saw the tide was turning that
despite the fact that at one point as many as 70% of Republicans thought that the 2020 elections Stone they've been gaslighted and propagandize and brainwashed and indoctrinated into thinking they're The Crazy Ones and so is a result of that shift many of these media people who have the power to maintain the truth of reality that the 2020 election was stolen and said they've gone against that they're going against our principles they harm the country as a result is what we saw in 2022 without election which would they were many stolen elections during that that election period as well when we found is is that part of your voice is maybe you know out of the people that were talking about voter fraud in 2020, 2022 when there was supposed to be red tsunami but there wasn't so many of them jumped on the bandwagon of thing I know it was the Roe v Wade it was the abortion issue that's that made it to where the red tsunami didn't materialize. That's that's I know a lot of you going to get the emails I'm going to get the comments
set me up a JD talk that will come directly to me I know I'm going to get comments from people saying all but but no it really was the abortion issue we've seen that let me let me explain something to you and then I'll get back to the store cuz now I've got it I got to rent real quick let me just say this for the record problem for the fifth time but needs to be said over and over again until people really get through their head okay
they're the abortion issue had absolutely positively Zero Effect on the 2022 election as far as stopping the road red wait I'm not saying the one individual voters that voted vote based upon Roe v Wade both based upon the notion that everybody's going to lose their abortion rights if they vote for enough Republicans right that was the that was the claim here's how we know this is reality because every single pole including corporate media poles that were trying desperately to make Democrats win even those poles were saying is going to be read tsunami they were bracing for impact they were ready for it they knew it was coming it was a foregone conclusion that Republicans are going to win big in the 2022 election
and because we see these polls including pulls up to the day of the election all pointed in One Direction or the reality didn't happen that can't be attributed to abortion and here's why because nobody came to the conclusion nobody was sitting there thinking oh my gosh okay so so up until this point I've told all the posters or any poles I've been involved with or that I have taken I said I'm going to vote for the Republican I'm going to go for the Republicans but by golly I wake up on Election Day 2022 and did you guys hear about Roe v Wade the Roe v Wade had been overturned a few months ago and now if we vote for those Republicans like we said we were going to do a couple of days ago but now we have to change your mind and vote for the Democrat because otherwise you know somebody else is going to lose their abortion rights and that only does that at that idiotic scenario have to take place
hey I am one individual that idiotic scenario which is impossible of course that idiotic scenario has to have played out like that in millions of American voters
it's not possible
it's an A flat out lie whenever a conservative show host or or block or whatever tries to tell you that it was because of abortion because if that were the case it was the abortion issue that would reflect in the polls leading up to the election it was not the abortion issue nobody change their mind afterwards and if you say what poles are flawed Rucker you always say pulls her fault they are there was flawed in the other direction okay baby the Democrats there's never been a pole in modern history that was wrong in that direction in other words like when they're wrong the wrong because you can usually they say the Republicans within three or four points scored in the polls they got about a 50-50 chance of winning if they're down in the polls by one point okay they're going to win if they're up in the polls by three points is probably going to be a landslide because apples are designed to favor Democrats
this was the first time in modern history of the poll said the Republicans will would win and they didn't and no you cannot blame abortion because that issue was known for the election so the poem If it was abortion then that would have been reflected in the polls
I can't really read this enough because we're now seeing once again oh well well you know you see what happened in Virginia that was also because of abortions because you see that all those people voted voted for for the the amendment the Constitutional Amendment now I'm going to go start of the 2023 Virginia election was also very clear I seen the evidence from 2020 even more clear between the two those were definitely stolen okay now as far as Virginia
it could have been a messaging issue that might have been about abortion the polls demonstrated that leading up to the election the poll showed the chances are Republicans were going to lose and that the abortion amendment was going to pass
the Bulls were right they were closed at least they were there relatively accurate that makes sense it doesn't make sense to say the 2022 wasn't stolen that it was actually just the abortion issue because again the poll said otherwise not one who believes in the polls but I don't believe in them in the opposite direction OK Google Public ends are going to win Republicans are going to win
we saw what happened in Arizona we saw it happen in Pennsylvania we saw what happened in Georgia we saw what happened to these places that conspicuously also happen to be places where there were were accusations and and evidence of massive widespread voter fraud during the 2020 election is that a coincidence know this is why I get so upset by people who say the 2020 election is wasn't stolen even though they were saying that it was stolen just a year or two ago
these are people that are saying move on let's just fix it instead of dwelling on that they're being cowards they don't want to be labeled as election tonight they don't want to lose their spot on on CNN or Fox News as far as getting getting interviews they don't want to to be hit up by Facebook or Google Ok Google is going to start sending the money Facebook's going to stop sending them traffic if they say that the elections were stolen I know they do this because I mean I I had I had one of my my my on Spotify I haven't been Spotify since January 2021 why because I said the elections were stolen and I presented evidence of the elections were stolen and they silenced me as a result
I get it I understand that you have to you have to do what you have to do to protect yourself or texture of your show protect your business protect your blog whatever price Just Disagree gave the truth is the truth I'm going to speak it if it gets me in trouble so be it
so anyway that's my little Ray Lewis convicted of the supposed to be a happy story I don't know why it when the first one I already start number to one of our favorites also associated with Trump number to Letitia James James is on the naughty list for following through on her campaign promise campaign promise to his children in the Trump Organization for allegedly grossly inflating their assets in financial statements by billions of dollars despite being bring a case with no merit ends no evidence James continues to work with Arthur anger on his name creeps me out of space Chris me out everything about him creeps me out and I didn't even look at the whole Tik Tok groups or whatever Instagram groups or Facebook groups or whatever he was on where he's like flexing his muscles and and don't even think about the Supreme Court First Judicial District in New York to silence Trump and keep him from conducting business in the state of New York this one is near with Jack Smith I think
there was a there's a lot of multiple layers there's not just about going after Trump feel so bad about ending once for once and for all the 2020 election questions they supposed to be shutting the door on that and being that that final nail in the coffin that final threat that hey if you go against the results of 2020 election and you're going to you might even get jail time well that's that message with Letitia James it's just because she hates Trump and she is as they put it in the article she is trying to fulfill her campaign promise I don't see this as being like super multi-layered I think she's just just a bad person with a lot of power and she's used to be abusing that power greatly as is Judge Arthur anger on mister mister topless topless ticktocker what if you want or whatever he is David Weiss a really a b in a fight
embraced deep State Shale everytime a bell rings a corrupt the Department of Justice official like Delaware us attorney David Weiss gets named special counsel why isn't the doj they deliberately chose the IRS tax crime investigation and charging recommendations for Hunter Biden because they didn't want to damage the Elder Biden's presidential chances after a federal judge denied Hunters initial sweetheart plea deal the buying some was eventually charged with several tax-related felonies and misdemeanors but why spell to indict him for any I don't know foreign influence peddling or registered for an aging population states that could maybe look back more clearly in Easley to Joe Biden this way everybody was so excited oh my God and died a hundred you know Federal indictment this is it nice finally going to go to jail
I'll go ahead and say it I don't care about Hunter Biden I don't care about Hunter Biden's crimes I really don't care he's a crackhead he's he's probably been engaged in some sort of human trafficking I don't think that he was like a like a rapist or anything but I think that he and I bought prostitute she bought crack he he's he's obviously just a scummy guy okay you can women pregnant having baby who knows how how many children is it weird they're the ones we know about it that may or may not get a a Christmas stocking on the bidens Biden's fireplace
what about those we don't know about what about the things that he's done in his life he's just a horrible horrible person came I feel I pity him more than anything else Joe Biden is one of them that I want Joe Biden is the one whose corruption has done tremendous damage not to individuals not to not to himself his crimes have done harm to the United States of America his are the crimes that they're covering up using Hunter Biden has escaped my nose it Hunter Biden doesn't he I mean he feels probably he's probably been brainwashed by his by his weird and potentially abusive father into doing whatever child it's like he's there he doesn't know why it's so messed up he does know why he's got to get prostitutes and crack all the time he doesn't know why he always feels obligated to defend himself naked doing drugs he's just doesn't he doesn't know what what the mental illnesses from it's probably from of yous but that's why I don't have evidence of that at least not with him we have evidence of abuse with Ashley
sister and an old Papa Joe but we don't have anything with Hunter I still think it was there but either way I think that hundred knows what his role is his role as it is to be a smokescreen his role as to to take some hits from you know maybe maybe even possibly serve a little time but maybe get pardoned who knows who knows what his role is or what he thinks his role is in all this we do know that he is a smokescreen we do know for sure that these charges of tax evasion charges these are men we were talking about foreign influence peddling using his father's power the current install president of the United States his power before when he was vice president being peddled in exchange for financial considerations including money that went back to jail himself where did James or whoever
that's the that's what would he needs to be bus so I'm going to be they won't go after David whites won't go after him because David wisest in Joe Biden's pocket
this us attorney from Delaware is only a US attorney from Delaware because of his Allegiance and loyalty to Joe Biden and the entire Biden crime family so yes he either either great Pick 4 for number 3 on this list let's keep going before I start spitting
number for the man himself Joe Biden I shouldn't even read this but I will not technically have a stocking since his family has publicly was publicly shamed into ditching its tradition after leaving their seventh grandchild out of last year's this way but he's for sure getting coal for Christmas for the second year in a row for repeatedly denying his role in the Bible family influence peddling scheme he was the product he's the Superstar he's a spokesman he's the guy that used Hunter and James might have been behind the scenes other members of the buying family may have been even deeper behind the scenes but they were all part of it nothing literally every single by now I'm sure there's got to be some of their like oh no that persons that person's to two nicer to smart or whatever can't use them
now don't want to bring that in law into the mix but there's I would say most of them are and we seen evidence coming out of James comers Pockets showing how many of the members of the Biden crime family were directly or indirectly involved in the influence peddling scheme and its tremendous and Joe Biden was obviously involved not just as the product but also as the recipient he is the big guy he got his 10% of pretty much everything
so just bugs me
I mean I have all the people in the world that I want to see Justice served he would be in the my top five for sure let's keep going. There's plenty of evidence of Joe Biden family brand financially benefited from Arrangements his brother and son made with Thorn oligarchs emails text voicemails from Joe from biting business associates to jest businessman businessman with ties to some of the nation's top adversaries Eagle E Line the bidens family part of buying family Pockets with cash diamonds and coveted board positions in exchange for proximity to the event vice-president nuff said their number 65 play this far as your craft and and bad guys that are involved in corruption if you didn't include at least some of the Republic and some of the members of the unit party swamp
only the Senate Republicans I can count on not going to name them but there are literally three Republicans in the Senate that I sort of trust that's it three
I mean what sort of sad Testament to our government is there when 9797 Sanders all the Democrats and nearly all the Republicans cannot be trusted
Coney article Center Republicans surely don't deserve presents this year they may not ever deserve your votes 40 and slip and they may not even deserve your votes I said ever and then maybe troops there gravis 2023 Mistake by far was working to take down one of their own is Senator Tommy tuberville for daring to hold the Department of Defense accountable for its Embrace of Biden's radical abortion agenda
Senate Majority Leader that's not true I don't know that is true that Majority Leader Chuck Schumer later thanked the GOP Senators for curbing top of Hills protest of the pentagon's baby killing activities think about that supposed to be Republicans are siding with the Democrats to allow the Department of Defense to kill as many babies as possible
what sort of bizarre world do we live in
the upper chamber GOP didn't stop there they were also independently silent on Biden crime-fighting family corruption and impeachment ignore their constituents feelings about taxpayer-funded abortion and spent the majority of the years simping for Ukraine is only when it was no longer politically beneficial to put a foreign country over their own a move many Americans have long opposed that they started to Pivot Senate Republicans are generally worthless
when I say there's three that I like that I I sort of trust that's unacceptable and there's one of them right there Tommy tuberville happens to be one of them
I'm not going to name the other two because not because I'm scared of my opinions or anything like that it's because I know that I will get flooded with with emails saying what what about this guy you should trust this guy this guy is trustworthy here's 15 examples of what and I love hearing from you guys but that's just unnecessary people trying to convince me of their their Senate Republican is is good okay I read the stuff I listen to stuff I watched them I see their actions I see what they do I see something maybe many of you don't see that they don't necessarily do in the Forefront
so I don't I respect your opinions but I don't want 45 emails about why this Senator that Senator deserves to be on my list of good guys there aren't many of them and I'm not going to listen to one of them will go to say Tommy tuberville I like him I like they're still there still Lots in to know about him but he's sure just bravado means his cojones that he displayed by going against so many including people in his own party to fight for something that he truly believed in that is admirable we can look at the other things may be some hit or hit or miss has there been on this regard he was a rock star it's unfortunate he was the only Rockstar as far as far as that committee is concerned number 6 Elite universities
presidents from three of the nation's top universities refuse to admit that Susan student calls for Jewish genocide following her mosses October 7th attack on his real violate their schools codes of conduct backlash and sewage pumping both University of Pennsylvania president M Elizabeth Magill who face a forced resignation and Harvard president Claudine gay tissue apologies days after the hearing in the interview with the student newspaper the Crimson gay blames her hurdle a condemnation of anti-Semitism on a failure to return to my guiding truth
as one at clever excuse or noted Harvard slogan is Veritas not Veritas my my truth my guiding truth these people these people are supposed to be like a guy as long as they're supposed to be teaching your children my children how to interact in this world
how to how to interact with their careers they're not supposed to be teaching the children and these young adults what to think regarding politics culture faith and yet they do matter fact that's their primary focus I saw this video I don't have it handy or else I will play for you but it was interesting because it took the took stefanec's condemnation her attacks against the not hurt answer questions with questions of McGill asking her to to denounce calls for genocide against Jews they replace the word Jews with other other not just races also other what's worth worth
oh I always forget protected classes because of the word I'm looking for an in-call for Tuesday I to have her say you know would it be wrong to say call for the the genocide of lgbtq people would it be wrong to know what Would You Do you think that it is harassment to call for the deaths of all black and brown people you know it in this was obviously I generated but when you start looking at a ticket take out the word shoes you started sending these other other groups and all of a sudden it's like wow
that is this should have been a no-brainer and and and she said that should have been the easiest yes answer. It wasn't
these are the people that are supposed to be be teaching your sons and daughters how to think speaking of which they don't even know what a woman is they can't Define a woman
I don't get it
I don't get it my youngest I don't know if I want if if things don't change I don't want my youngest to go to college really don't you know that's a sad Testament when you please lower don't don't don't give me the desire to have to go to college let him let him just just make it through home schooling in private school and whatever we can do and then just have him go out in the real world and do whatever don't don't make me want to go to college what sort of world do we live in number seven this is an interesting one that I didn't expect even though after reading it it's like well of course yeah they qualify number seven the Los Angeles Dodgers
who cares who cares who doesn't love a good baseball game there are Rowdy fans Cracker Jacks and drag queens yeah well at least at Los Angeles Dodgers focusing solely on the sport which is what any real sports fan cares about the Dodgers decided to honor and anti-christian drag group during this year's Pride night game known as the sisters of Perpetual Indulgence the group's Members Mark Christians by dressing up as so-called queer and trans nuns in performing highly offensive acts on biblical symbols including the cross while initially disinviting the group after public backlash Dodgers cave to the left us mob by apologizing to the sisters and begging them to attend the private event if that's not worthy of a Cole this Christmas I don't know what is an example if you're still going the Dodgers games then you might as well be boring your Bud Light while you're there
there's we have to take stands we have to and scenarios like this we have to the reason that the leftist mob is able to do what they do is because they don't back down they double down every time and you might say well but do we really want to be that vindictive do we really want to be that it logical that we really want to not forgive do we really want to employ he left his tactics and unfortunately that's right now is yes when it comes to try to if we really want to eliminate all is well gluta-c the only way the only way that we have the power to do that is by saying anyone who does that is forever forever
never going to get our dollars
I mean unless absolutely positively necessary
we can't continue to say okay we're mad at you
hopefully you learned your lesson because of our anger great now let's go play ball and doesn't work overtime a big baseball fan I don't care okay I'm sorry sorry if I offended you by saying I don't care how much you love baseball I remember God I'm not going to say who I got into a debate and argument was about football the time but I got into an argument with a a prominent journalist who was talking about how he know he loves to go to football games and do this and like you know he's like I really wish they wouldn't do this at football games I really wish they wouldn't do that like that dude why are you go why do you why do you encourage that
why did you you you have his need for entertainment that's so bad that you have to take your money
and you have to use you have to you have to give it to these people who are going to use that money against everything that you believe in
is that was that wrong or you do not understand how that works I was pretty aggressive about it but but he shot back with well I mean that he gave me
hopefully hopefully you guys can figure out who it is because I don't want to have this person because there is a good guy but but it gave me the sob story about how his dad was alive that that football was the thing that unified them and if you know his every game that he watches is is if he's spending more time with his dad and I mean that people will do whatever they want to do gay people will do whatever they feel is necessary to to establish the connections than they want not going to say all that's BS give me a break
oh yes I mean all I will say is I just don't I don't see that watch the football game every Sunday is what creates an emotional connection with a your father than that it's no longer it doesn't matter I don't care how bad it gets I don't care how much my money my support for the NFL is going to be used to destroy the United States of America at least this way I get to remember my Pops I don't buy it I am calling PS I can already hear the hate mail being typed up against me but but I don't like that I'm not I'm not I'm not buying it I'm not digging into that
anyway the wrong list this is the wrong list to do today we're going to go to the LA Dodgers game you might as well drink Bud Light right real is Bud Light course I have to make list what better way to make the Yuletide gay men by shutting down at cold can of Bud Light after partnering with women pretending to be with a woman bartender in Tik-Tok influencer Dylan Mulvaney this year bushes brand sales tank with drinkers are abandoning the beer quicker than Hunter Biden left town when he found out the stripper had sex with the stripper you had sex with was pregnant sales got so bad the retailers could hardly even give Bud Light away for free but that didn't stop the beer giant from doubling down on its LGBT Obsession by sponsoring various Pride events throughout the country is why I'm so annoyed with you know I know it's probably the wrong word I am very disappointed with Dana White and Chris Rock
Chrissa Kid Rock kidrock Dana White in any of the others who were out there now sing hey you know they got there they got their black guy there that you know we bloody their noses now it's time to forgive them you're forgiving forget if it doesn't happen with the left and again I'm not saying all the left we have to adopt all of their their Styles all their strategies this particular one works they fear they being pretty much every corporation out there they fear repercussions from the world left they don't fear repercussions from the conservative right maybe they will if Bud Light can mean if if Anheuser-Busch going to Century tank at the Bud Light brand to be essentially eliminated altogether from the United States only then would be like holy cow
if we if we go full woke we might they might actually take it that far gosh let's rethink this campaign gosh let's rethink about indoctrinating and grooming children gosh let's rethink all the stuff they're not going to say gosh let's rethink anyting if we then after a few months of pain it's okay okay you guys are back everybody drink Bud Light now it's good it's okay we do the bloody nose they were in their lesson by County it's in the message isn't to Bud Light but Lance example Bud Light is a demonstration of what we can do so don't tell me oh well that was for good Bud Light that's ridiculous
it is as I said in my earlier saying the last hour for those who missed it I thought the Bud Light was wrong target I think there needs to Target but I mean let's face it putting a transgender dude on a can is far less egregious than directly trying to indoctrinate and brainwashed children which a lot of other companies do okay we should be destroying Disney and I know a lot of people are okay but clearly there are much bigger organization and it's going to take a much more concerted effort
we have to we have to do it these companies it's not about let's hit him a little bit and then and then go back to business as usual that's not going to get us anywhere because when they weigh when they waived the decision tree when it's like okay so if we go up against the conservative values will call it then there's a chance that we might actually suffer some some financial problems but they'll come back around eventually you know we'll put we'll we'll get some some conservative Heroes and celebrities go out there and say hey guys were bloodied her nose and let's top back on board and I will pay for that we we we see what Bud Light did Will Follow That Playbook we'll just do it faster so we don't have experiment experience much pain and they look at the other side and see but if instead we if we make the woke mom up set then it's permanent and it's devastating and we won't be able to survive
so which one do you think they're going to go for we're not going to end Wilkins until we destroy something that again I'm going to call for a while to talk about destroy something financially speaking
K there are people out there be a Chick-fil-A hasn't been a a direct Target for years they have made the news for years with with their stuff's if anything they have pissed off some Republicans with a little or some conservatives with the news they've they participated in boy that said there are those who were boycotting here because Chick-fil-A was to Christian to conservative those who are boycotting a decade ago are still boycotting them today and no point in the last 10 years did anybody say okay guys we really hit them in the nose now let's let's all go go get us some more Chick-fil-A know it was over they were done
thankfully we reacted on that side but with with positivity B by bringing them more business it's funny cuz I haven't had people in a long time for other reasons whatever point is that we can't back down ever
they make a mistake
and then it's over we can't with Derek they're gone
might say what is there any room for forgiveness I would say yes I would say that that room for forgiveness would come with some action that warranted a symbolic action in many cases in leather case is a very much more direct action in other words like in the case of Bud Light it's like okay. Pieology tour was like you know what we've come to the conclusion we were really screwed up not just because of of hiring Dylan Mulvaney but because we abandoned that this nation that we firmly believe in this nation is it that's has adopted because it has your bush is not an American company this nation that is adopted us you know we should have known better and so as a result we've got rid of the board that we got rid of the CEO Market we got the holy revamp and we are going with an America First mentality into that scenario would be like okay fine let's consider let's let's let's get lit
reward Bud Light for coming to their senses and reversing themselves it was just a matter of hey you know they did wrong and so now we're going to try to do right by them because they've they've had enough damage not good enough when will I start watching the NFL on a regular basis again when they apologize
which they never will do when they apologized for desecrating the national anthem by giving it equal playtime with the so-called black national anthem
that they're racist and it's racism they didn't play White national anthem in the play Hispanic national anthem they shouldn't play the Black national anthem if they weren't going to to do it across the board and it should not have done in even if they work I was still be upset with them cuz we talked about the national anthem the regular American national anthem that is that's that takes priority over everything else okay they want to do a you know play the Black national anthem later or separately and they want to play with all the other I didn't know that I'm pretty sure there's probably not a white national anthem Mariah Spanish national anthem Asian American national anthem don't like that why does that get
the problem is they don't understand that they're racist
okay just like that mayor in Boston right pieces out this thing she wasn't upset that she was having a a Christmas party for only people persons of color she was upset and she was sad she was apologetic semi apologetic because the email went out to include white people
wasn't because of the event is because she made the mistake of letting a white people know about the racist event and that is racist
. okay just whenever you have any doubts any questions is it racist to have a a a Christmas party where only persons of color are allowed to attend just reverse and see if it sounds racist would it be racist if we had a Christmas party but only white people could attend
of course it would
just as it's racist if you have a Christmas party that only persons of color allowed to attend
we were so close that we are so close racism was in the process of being eliminated
before Barack Obama got him by eliminating you never going to be able to completely eliminate it but you could eliminate dining 94-95 98% of it you can make it to where racism is frowned upon across the board today racism is embraced I would say by almost a majority of Americans
racism we become more races than we've been in decades
this racism is reverse what it was you know before it was white anti African-American or anti-hispanic Grant I whatever and anti-minority will say racism now it's reversed anti-white racism in some cases they they throw in you know Asian Americans as white cuz I guess whatever reason we we are right now when you sleep in the ER and of course they throw them Jews Jews are are also it's acceptable to be anti-semitic you just can't be Islamic phobic it's acceptable to be anti why you just can't be anti-black it's acceptable to include Asian Americans in that anti-white sentiment whenever it's convenient and to consider the minorities want to talk to me that we are divided
we are more racist as a nation than we have been in decades
think about that and I do blame Barack Obama and I do blame BLM I do blame antifa I do blame Joe Biden for perpetuating this and think about how it was just imagining us again same scenario I'm at you know he said he's going to to have a vice president and then a Supreme Court Justice to the most powerful people in the nation and he's going to eliminate 84% of the possible candidates and he's not going to select these people based strictly on who is most deserving who is most qualified to handle the position is extremely important position no no no we're going to not necessarily pick out the best candidate we're going to pick out the hand of the fits our racist ideas the cannon has to be go to the Supreme Court Justice is and whoever they vice president is they have to be a black woman
okay that was the criteria
that's racism
plain and simple
and if Jobe I know Donald Trump or anybody else that said you know we're going to get the best white male and that person is going to be the next Supreme Court Justice that would have been racism as well
and it would be called out as racist but because
these are black females involved in Bud Light for way too long that one day she forgot that was my favorite Target unintended and this is the one where I do believe just to be clear but Bud Light got Target should have gotten a lot worse Target was going after people Parker was going after children park it still is going after children
but indoctrination brainwashing grooming that's wrong strong folks K20 article Target and have the naughty list go way back for the company's partnership with a Satan supporter who called for the eradication of critics of transgenderism and is pride month displays features like binding effect stops and Tuck friendly bottoms
that is angered millions of Americans currently not enough a boycott prompted by targets alphabet endorsement sent the one spool of companies sale spiraling Not Enough by the clear connection between its Embrace of radical gender ideology and failing flailing financials Target end of the year promoting its line of lgbt-themed Christmas products including gay and trans nutcrackers it's running they didn't notice in here but targets leadership considers you and me to be very dangerous
they consider us to be extremely dangerous. To their bottom line my shoe
they consider us to be dangerous people
and I'm worried about drag queens exposing small children to sexual depravity that's not dangerous to them that's normal I would hate to just going to go to say it these people that are 41 in stuff my gosh ones I feel worse for their children and their children whether they're adopted or or you are biological children do they have these poor kids and they're going to grow up confused many of them are going to grow up abused and they're not going to be open pair for for the world I wait for our future dramatically here really is bad based on you know these people such as the leaders at Target who consider you to be dangerous because you're sitting at home and you have an objection to lgbtq A+ indoctrination at a retail store
they're saying that we we really send their shells spiral we didn't how do I know this is there they still exist
Target sends means that that the boycotts should still be going on they should be permanent and again with the exception of if they ever you know if if they still for whatever reason they sell out to an All-American brand and then they make dramatic changes to everything that's what it would take for me to ever forgive them for me to ever step foot in a Target ever again I remember the last time I shopped at Target it was
20 is for the is for Trump as president so that gives you an idea of 2015 and 2016 the last time I stepped foot inside of a Target
flashlight lyrics Taylor Swift I'm not going to get into this one I don't get to see one person of the year I just don't care enough about it for whatever reason she's like the topic of every other Fox news story every other mainstream media story I don't get it she's a pop star
I don't I couldn't tell you a single Taylor Swift song that's I'm not saying that out of Pride I'm saying that out of ignorance which is for somebody who is apparently so powerful so important I know absolutely nothing about her other than that her boyfriend is tight end for the for the Kansas City Chiefs that they might in the extent of my knowledge all right let's move on and God bless

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