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JD Rucker Show, December 13, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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The Real Problem With 'Leave the World Behind' Plus Jason Nelson

Title: The Real Problem With 'Leave the World Behind' Plus Jason Nelson


Today we cover just three stories. A Taiwanese pilot was arrested for trying to steal a U.S.-made Chinook helicopter to deliver to the Chinese military. Jason "Storm" Nelson came on to discuss his new show. Then, in the last hour I discuss the real reasons the powers-that-be have prompted outrage-inducing controversy about "Leave the World Behind," the new Netflix movie with executive producers Barack and Michelle Obama. 

Recorded: December 12, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

you're listening to the j.d. Rucker show up again
play I don't have a whole bunch of stories I know that sounds crazy since I usually try to squeeze in 6 10 12 15 stories of God's 3 well one of them is an interview. My good friend Jason Nelson test him out okay he he wants to show and I want to test him I want to see how well he's able to to handle the the pressure of of doing a show I buy B he'll do fine in the Middle East been in combat been in situations that I could only only hope I could respond as well as he has so I'm being a little facetious when I say that I'm I'm going to be testing in the reality is we want to see which direction is show is going to take and so I'm going to ask him questions and see how he responds those questions I have no idea what I'm going to ask him but we'll we'll just play it by ear so that's coming up and I have a the second hour I'll be talking about a movie that is causing a lot of ways and I
when I say I think I'm I'm 95% sure that all the buzz about Leave the World Behind the new Netflix movie that's produced by executive produced by Barack and Michelle Obama everybody's talking about the racism in it it's a go you don't hate all white people that's just the hook folks that's just the way to get you out Rachel that you watch the movie and have these these terrible terrible destruction messages planted in your brain it's a psyop another psyop utilizing Hollywood to the plant messages about to talk about it but before we talk about that it is extremely important to to not just I don't want to just do it for the sake of my sponsors I want to do for your sake I want to talk about gold and I want to talk about food when it comes to gold and silver Now's the Time folks if you thought about moving your wealth or retirement over to Gold physical precious metals in the past you've maybe you haven't pulled
maybe you talk to another company you didn't like that the way that they were treating you I strongly urge you to reach out to Genesis Gold River they they are a Christian company that can help you to move your wealth or retirement over to physical precious metals that will back your retirement account these medals did it when you're ready to take distribution just have the metal ship to your home I told the people all the time don't worry about you liquidating and I'm going to have a hard time it's not like selling stocks well your stocks if the stocks are worthless than you not going to be able to sell them anyway so I say Get Physical pressure medicine I'm not a financial advisor that's just my my personal recommendation go to JDR it's JDR as far as the food goes as many of you know we'd have launched a review on launch has been up and running for several months now so we we've done plenty of sales already but it's important that you get engaged with your
your survival and even if you already sell already got beans and rice I've got some some buckets you probably don't have high quality protein high quality beef like you get at Freedom First go to bring first beef., you'll be able to get ribeye New York strip tender one high-quality sous-vide freeze dried beef for the 25-year shelf life you'll have to refrigerate it 25-year shelf life on food that is as great as beef people say it's okay it's just beef so check it out Freedom First use promo code JDR we got Jason Nelson coming on here in a few minutes but I do want at least squeeze in one story just one this is a pretty big one is from The Daily Caller pilot allegedly offered fifteen million dollars by China to steal a helicopter during a major military drill
wow I mean just wow right why is this not making making a national and international news in this article by Harold Hutchinson Hutchinson sorry a Taiwanese pilot is under arrest after he allegedly planned to steal a u.s. made helicopter and fly it to a Chinese aircraft carrier the pilot was offered fifteen million dollars to fly the ch-47 Chinook helicopter into a people's Liberation Army Navy vessel during a planned exercises South China Morning Post reported the plan failed when Taiwanese authorities arrested the officer who only identified as a society in August as I allegedly rejected an initial offer of about $66,350 a month to steal the heavy-lift helicopter but acquiesced when the Chinese offered a one million-dollar down payment and 15 million dollars total
which also a while also green to evacuate this family's Tile & Decor in the morning post the Taiwanese army has eight CH for your 47st helicopters going to the 2 flight Global 2024 World Air Force directory China massed forces off the coast of Taiwan while offering a plan for integrated development in September ch-47d has a top speed of 177 miles per hour can carry up to 17 tonnes of cargo and had a rate has a range of 706 miles for the United States Army Center for military history the alleged attack helicopter not the only Chinese spy scandal from 2023 obviously United States Air Force Fighters shot down as suspected Chinese spy balloon on February 4th after Transit across the United States and flew near sensitive sites including Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana and Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri former base houses intercontinental ballistic missiles while the Air Force operates be too
Spirit stealth bombers from the latter now if you don't know by now you should know if you've been watching the show you know for certain that we are already at war with China it's not a hot War as they like to say it's not even really a cold war it's a it's a modern war that engage not just not just Financial terrorism not just intellectual property terrorism and not even just cyberterrorism this is a war where they are doing everything they can to
to weaken our nation at every level including the military and all the focus has been on Taiwan this isn't just about Taiwan Taiwan it's in many ways is just a diversion I'm not saying they don't want to invade Taiwan they will invade Taiwan at some point in the future could be tomorrow could be next year could be could be five or ten years from now but at some point in the future they are going to invade Taiwan it's a foregone conclusion
but that's not their primary goal what they really want to do is infiltrate and Destroy Western Society specifically the United States of America is the reason why we're seeing thousands tens of thousands of military age Chinese men infiltrating United States invading us already invading us under the guise of of migrants wanting to claim Asylum okay
call Ally their loyalties are still to the Chinese Communist party that I tried to escape China they're trying to work for China the trying to to get a sensory and we like to use the term sleeper cells that's not even really the way that they're just inventing themselves so that when the time comes when the numbers are are great enough when the technology or whatever Invasion that the China is planning whenever it starts to take place they already have people here on the ground ready to take control of American interest or potentially become terrorists has not known as a lot like radical Islamic terrorism China is has not been a terrorist country per se
but that doesn't mean that they won't engage in in the type of terrorism that we might not see the type of terrorism for example cyber terrorism or or industrial terrorism those types of terrorist maybe you don't have to be at Terra state is suicide bomber to be a terrorist you don't have to to do it with guns you can do it with other means and that's the part that concerns me the most is why I'm such an avid and I have to run with such a passionate injector to all this the illegal aliens the Border invasion is not just about the economy so I just because we can't handle the influx of people we can you take care of her own I want people just that it's not just a stolen sovereignty all that's that's an important part it's not just the crime it's the fact that something is being done
right under our noses something is being planned and prepared that will be destruction distracted for the America this could be are active if that if you had to ask me what is the most likely scenario and what what could destroy America is it the Yellowstone supervolcano is it aliens is a nuclear war is it I would say that it is the infiltration by Foreign entities
in the United States in preparations for some sort of attack some sort of planned plan destruction you know in a plosion is more probably the better way to put it they're not going to blow us up we're going to implode under the weight of whatever they have planned I don't think that's going to happen I'm saying that's the most likely scenario
and I will be sure when I get Jason Nelson on I'll be sure to ask him what his thoughts are on this particular matter because he is I mean as a veteran, disabled veteran has ever operated in the in the South China Sea but he has operated in the least he knows his stuff when it comes to all these types of psychological warfare crypto cyber warfare in and infrastructure War Force let's go to to Jason storm Nelson
is a lot of big news coming out across the world we face this every single day but sometimes it's good to just take a step back and talk to your friends talk to your family talk to the people around you that that make a difference in your life and that's why I'm very blessed please do not have my good buddy Jason storm Nelson joining us today Jason how are you doing sir I'm doing great it's never different for me I'm I'm not a holiday season guy you know we have family over for Thanksgiving and then it pretty much goes to normal from there into a little cave with your tiny dog and then complain about all the villagers below singing carols I get really upset with with all of the songs and everything like that it just bugs me to death at 7
well enough to know the Home Guard is four times too big and it's okay even though you know the office nor have I have covid-19 off I thought I did but but we did not so for those who don't know Jason is my one of my partners at so we're definitely going to be talking about beef at some point maybe we if we can remember to do it or Jason can spend the conversation around but I would have to talk about two important shows first and foremost so Jason is in the process of putting together a nice he's an old radio guys she's done it all being on these on interviews pretty much two or three times a day lately so he knows how to do radio I've been talking to him about doing the question is what do we want we want it to be about nothing we wanted to be about something that you want to do do comedy family I mean the thing is that the guy's a polymath
about pretty much everything he knows a lot about a lot of things and he's also funny and entertaining which is what I would actually have them on my show more often if he wasn't so funny because that's a challenge for me since I'm not funny but but hey you know it's it is what it is so I'm going to turn to reach out to me go to j.d. Rucker, talk JD talk and you tell me you have after obviously listen to Jason for a little while you tell me what you think Jason should do is show about and then whoever wins that the best the best person will get a free subscription to Jason show which will be free of course but will be special and Jason will call you I don't mind if you have the winning the winning the winning
you know one of the things that I thought I knew when he left box that he was going to try to take on some sort of like different I will call the paradigm shift I know that he has people that know the value in Herring and Tucker brand I knew someone was going to back him I didn't think he liked a lot of people who've left in the past and you see their audience sort of completely have I passed a Bill O'Reilly or something like that I don't think so I think Tucker carries with him he's kind of like
be kind of like Donald Trump in that he has his large core audience that's just going to stick with him and they did and so I think it's awesome I think the question is is whether or not the landscape is so muddy that people I mean I don't think people understand the supposed to support this you know what I mean shity like I look at people who don't have a blue check on Twitter and then they argue that Twitter should have free speech and that it's not doing enough for conservatives and I said well you have every conservative bought into Twitter at then you probably would listen to you because you are the consumer and so has a lot of us is consumer-driven and whether or not Tucker continue to get that support mother not to get some viewers will be a lot to dictate whether or not that network is successful and what drives it
what is going to drive it I mean you mentioned this base that's that's obvious there but I think people think I saw a lot of tweets or X's I know it will they're called anymore I'm still going to stick with Twitter post is that what it's called today about hey you know this is the end for Fox News it's over and I'm thinking myself for talking about an absolute juggernaut with with multiple Studios and and locations satellite locations and Affiliates across the globe you know with with literally tens of thousands of employees and Tuckers got he's got his production crew he's probably got some money behind a bit unless somebody's going to going to pop down and say say I don't know 40 or 50 billion dollars he's not going to be a true competitor other than that he will get viewership that's that's far beyond the money that he spends we know that but is he really is it is he at Fox News killer
you don't see Fox News when you look at obviously you know a lot more about media infrastructure than most people do in and we don't want to get all down in the Weeds about it but everything from there if you see you know if they have are ways that they owned their Affiliates things like that and and there's a lot that they had there's a lot of Americans that don't have regular high-speed internet access to the idea of watching something on the Internet isn't supplanted yet a TV is still a thing you know what I mean so with Fox News going into a lot of those rural areas and things like that I think that it's hard to create a a complete compare when the infrastructure for internet and other things like that just aren't the VR for the consumer people who would gladly switch to a Tucker Carlson things so that's where Fox News maintain sort of Supremacy but you're we look at the market share for that in the 1840 World demographic right where everybody's trying to hurry to 30 year old I don't know and
the fact that matters dealership is down something like 80% for all networks across over the last decade I don't know how much longer it's sustainable if it wasn't for legacy infrastructure I don't even know if they'd be able to continue but then you ask yourself who's going to advertise on Tucker's Network right so we already know that you will write but what I'm saying is who drives the money right now towards the larger networks and predominantly it's it's big Pharma right and it's not there takes money from Big Pharma well that's going to be obviously against this Mission then we talk about other big Tech their Big Spenders how much big Tech is going to spend how much money can Elon Musk sending his direction to continue to blow himself up there so many questions that come into that and then again it's getting down in the weeds in a lot of it is but I mean as far as you are you going to watch cuz I buy wood watch
so I don't watch much of anything I'm I'm a very bad watch I didn't watch Tucker Carlson when he was on Fox News I haven't seen any of his full episodes yet I'm sure that I just lost about about half of my viewership oh my gosh you don't want to talk it's nothing against Tucker I think Hector is great I don't watch anybody okay I mean you seen a segment I've seen is Aunt Rose I mean I agree I don't I don't I've never sat down and watched a single show on Fox news from start to finish but then again I've never watched any news yet I die
I don't have a desire to commercial except for the JD Rucker show of course I want to come on I got you okay, I can drive around car person in this is no no but that's true actually it's been going out to hear and to all of our different facilities and things like that I spend a lot of time on the road here in Temple Texas and so for me listening and again that we talked about what could talk or do making and easily translatable format that goes across multiple mediums is something that could work you know it works for Joe Rogan you can people sit and watch his interviews but they also listen to his podcast in the same thing essentially so can you be successful across multiple mediums in the same programming that's a question that I think you could capture an audience that way
I guess it Colin
I got his number do you know that this is why you got his producers never yet call us the producer go with him or were you talking to the Fox News producer I hate yes or maybe we should we should tell the we should tell that story real quick so so I'll go ahead and tell it so they were right around the time when all these crazy things are happening with eggs and chickens and cows and all the stuff and they contacted Jason Tucker Carlson show contact Jason haven't come home to show talk about it and there was a little bit of a snafu we end up getting bombed in there like okay so we'll we'll we'll get you on on here in the near future and then like 2 weeks later Tucker was fired from Fox News so we never actually got to be on the show which I know just for case people don't realize is Tucker does watch the show of course who doesn't but but Tucker you know contact me JD talk I'll get you in contact with j
we'll get him on on your new shop but I thought that was funny so anyway let's let's switch gears to something a little bit less controversial let's talk about groomers you have for those who don't know Jason is about to throw those who know Jason is a groomer but I won't say that cuz that's wrong with exact opposite of a groomer he's a he's a a groomer Hunter pretty much Jason is a family man he's he's got like like 17 kids or something like that and you can see all of them on his very very popular Twitter account which you can follow at slash real Jason Nelson and he has his family right there and this is why people follow and spending they follow me because I say dumb things about the world economic forum and that's why I've been on Twitter since like literally the beginning I think I'll just use your number like 11:00 or something like that Jason started on Twitter like like a little just not very long ago and all the sudden he's like much bigger better than me and his secret to his success
he shares his beautiful wonderful family so back to the topic of groomers posted a tweet to post sex post whatever you want to call it you posted one earlier about grooming this is this is obviously a a challenge here in the United States and it's a growing challenge my question for you is why why is this just coming out now is that the internet is a Disney is it is it the Satanist is of the globalist what's going on Jason
you know I think what happened was a lot covid had one positive side effect the lockdowns is literally one positive side effect and that was so many parents were suddenly made aware of the curriculum that their children were presented in school they were made aware because they were home with them of what they were searching on the internet what they were watching the fattest a lot of parents get involved in and I will mock those parents relentlessly for doing Tik Tok some dance videos but none the less I think that you saw a lot of parents who may not have normally been aware of what media or a curriculum that their children were consuming it suddenly or made aware of it and and it coincided for a reason you saw a lot of anger at at traditional
institutions if you will end in the backlash of course was going to venture Ali, when you start sitting here and everyone started forcing boys and the girls Sports and in the girls locker rooms and things like that can you couple that with the covid policy some parents being able to actually do everything on their kids were consuming the perfect recipe for the back and then be aware of it so it's always been there now the problem is is that once it's become more prevalent now you have the evil that's out there that says okay well I'm going to go ahead and go and now I know more evil and I'm going to perpetuate it and that's the sad fact is that there are people to Rally behind the banner of this multicolored preschool flag that they've created where they want to groom children and they somehow we'll have just lost all perspective whatsoever on whether actual world is for those who couldn't tell this is I didn't tell Jason this so he's getting together for the first time as well as we
develop his show as we decide what's what to do with an I encourage everybody to listen and then to reach out at JD record cam talk to let us know what you think Jason should be about a but I didn't tell him that I'm going to throw just the odds questions from a wide variety of topics at him and see how he handles it because this will give us an idea of which topic see Hannah's best unfortunately if you can't handle them all very welcome we're stuck with the whole okay well I guess I guess I was just be about everything so with that said I'm going to dive into your history but as a as a combat disabled veteran of the US Army also a former US Marine so you've you've seen both sides of of the the ground ground attack so to speak we are as a nation currently looking at obviously it seems as if Ukraine is on the verge of losing so maybe we will avoid war with Russia it's obvious we've got is real
and the potential there if Iran and other nations get involved than we could be drawn into another Middle East War we've got China looking to invade Taiwan pretty much at any moment mean they could be could be today could be tomorrow could be next year could be five years from now but we can assume safely assume that at some point china is going to invade Taiwan and then you've got you got Venezuela talking about invading it a nation yeah I don't even know how to pronounce of Gianna or some like that now we've got our military down there doing training exercises we tend to do so there's four four different Wars on four different continents all of any of which we could be drawn into my question for you is number one could we come if we're drawn in are we in a position to be able to handle it and number two is there any reason at all that we should get involved in anybody else's War
the end of the United States for so long was
I remember if you ever seen the movie The Wanderers no old old movie from the early 80s but it's about the 1950s in about gangs and things like that great movie but the point is is that there's this guy that's just so big and nobody wants to fight him right and then there's this other guys kind of a weasel and he can fight but he has to do one of those things where you stick in his chin I'm going to hit me first you can hit me first of all that kind of thing the guy who has to know what he's facing before he punches Back the Night States used to be that first guy who used to be the former we used to be that no one would even think about it the whole idea of holding a training exercise somewhere was not even a saying it was us showing first of all of the ability to project power in the second was saying up and you guys go ahead and mess around and find out see what happens if you accidentally Alicia missile on an American thing of it we've got troops in the ground see what happens if one American soldier gets hit other bullies walking around
Russia was a great example of that in the past right now we change though we're now when we're talking about we're just waiting on China we're waiting on China to invade Taiwan that is a fact China has made no mixed messages about it they they definitely intend on reunifying and their words the nation they feel that those are Chinese citizens have been grossly captured by democracy and capitalism and they intend on liberating them from it they've made no not hitting that at all for the last sixty years so with that being the case the question is when will they say and it's when they see the opportunity when they know where that were no longer it's not that we will fight back or that we will fight for Taiwan it's that they just they aren't scared of us we we no longer project power in a way that makes countries like China fear us they've they've entered the woven mashup of international trade so much so that the United States
minerals we would need to run our new electric vehicles that are we could get energy sources that we need a people who understand how we drill for oil what types of quality oil that we need so there's so much that were depending on and China knows this and Russia knows this Russia will get what they want out of the Ukraine war it will not make the United States weaker what made the United States weaker was getting involved in the first place and failing and just like we have done in the past the Biden regime seems to just think that that is a normal policy is to continue to make ourselves look weak and that we will look strong somehow by admitting our failures when in reality we just look we could have two billion dollars of equipment in Afghanistan we just a mess right now so do I see is getting involved in a war that's a question whether or not we're willing to punch back do I see us able to win a multi-front war right now absolutely not first-rate capabilities and and the desire to use them what we will only use
limited amount and that makes us vulnerable if you're not willing to punch somebody right in the mouth and knock them out because their country or not willing to sit here until someone you were all dead the minute you attack us then you're just waiting for an attack
no I'm not going to stick my chin after that one you homeschool why and how has your taking a drink I go to Mike 17-minute questions okay so so partes Section 3 of my questions this then I hit you with you homeschool why how for I asked two questions until words right so why why we homeschool because we no longer trust the institutions. We are college-educated a parents or more than capable of educating our children more importantly we believed our children would not be treated in a public school environment with the same values will not have the same values instilled in them I even though this is Texas I you can't depend on a stranger to raise your children in the same way you would want to raise them and when we put our daughter into kindergarten weary
closet for 9 hours a day 10 hours a day on Sundays we weren't seeing her I don't want my child away from me for 40% of the day that just doesn't make any sense it's not that it's not the most impressionable age there is so we took a look at different curriculum not curricula and that were available my wife went through a couple of iterations just to see what stock and which one's the kids for the gravitated towards and now she handles that so I'm not going to pretend to know I know that I'm giving a history book and told I need to memorize it and teach the kids lessons which is awesome this year because we're teaching American history and gets talked about New England in the founding of America so that's wonderful and I think that's one of the things that's been hardest about homeschooling is finding a way to separate the schooling from other time because you get a lot more time with your children so you can use it some and some days they're in the mood to learn more and some days they just aren't in the mood so where the heart is
designate a space and now that we've done that in your classroom we're seeing even more reward so why'd you do it so we could spend more time with their children that's really what it comes down to and and how it's best we can with as much help as we can visiting homeschool conventions and and just applying quite frankly basic common sense when teaching our children the fundamentals nice nice last time you were on our show we discussed an incident that you were involved with a very very dangerous and violent incident and I don't want to go over the entire thing but I think since we are talking about Jason Nelson and trying to determine what's what sort of show you should have I think it's important for people to understand as much as they can about the type of person you are so if you would would you briefly retell the story to the audience just in case they didn't hear it about what happened during a faith
faithful date night all those all those weeks ago
yes I know what JD you're getting it and so I think that your audience is probably going to wonder if this is that you know a lot of people when they're trying to create a program of the questions why are they why do they want a program now they want to be popular and they trying to make money do they have something to say to people what's the impetus to listen to that person at one of the things that I've been very this is going to sound like a weird word to say but blessed with in my life is it is it is a various experiences that have tested my abilities as a man and my limits as a person I say that it's a blessing because I think that many people aren't tested in life and therefore when you weren't tested it it generally means that you aren't reaching the higher limits and the stratosphere of what he makes humans humans where somebody looks back and says the difference between a history and Legacy
kill a couple of weeks ago a couple of months ago my wife and I took a date night then we bring this up because I'm a big advocate of one second amendment number to massive advocate of of Defense of Women and Children against sexual crimes against human trafficking you know when there's a lot of people on the Internet or whatever you want to call it shoots it was sort of make that their platform that is it it I've seen it I I know about it I can visit the Border only so many times but you know we had this incident where my wife and I took a date night and we took you do but not in a way which you have a bunch of kids like we do in and you know what that's like it's it's the night away sounds so fancy but what it really is is find the nicest place you can where you can go and get your wife to take a bath and feel relaxed without kids crawling all over her that's the whole point and we did just that we went down and stay at the Hotel Indigo here in Waco and we had a great dinner
I am when I open and retire for the evening and unfortunately that we didn't that wasn't retiring so that you think we had dinner and then our world changed
yes getting that opportunity to break into a date I don't break him anyway so I'm you to myself drink more coffee today tell us tell us more tell us tell us further about it I know I said be briefed be a little less brief get to get more into details about that's my drinking then I'm going to be in the dogs I've got Studio dogs I don't know you have some people have Studio alarms I don't trust them because generally they're they're wifi-based I like having Studio dogs I've got like a poodle ferocious little thing and they didn't know some sort of short and mot and they are very good to torrents does the short mud sounds a lot bigger than she really is unfortunate during shows that means I have to mute so I'm going to mute again and carry on with the story I will tell you I can't wait till you come out here and bring the dog so that my dog will have a snack to eat
yes cuz that's how big my dog so those crazy so you opened it so we're it's 3 in the morning and we hear piercing screams coming from down the hall on my way and I both woke up we thought it was a child or woman but it was it was just one of those things that you just immediately like I said not everybody I guess me I reacted I saved it would be nothing that anybody would get out of bed and go say hey what's going on but apparently since I was the only one that responded to it not a normal reaction but but that's what we did to throw on some pants went outside thinking I'm going to a medical emergency and instead of walked out the chaos in the hallway with broken glass everywhere and a woman screaming into a phone that a man was in the Next Room trying to kill these women and I did what I thought was the most sensible action at that time I told my wife to get in the bathtub and call the police and I retrieve my firearm and then went and after realizing that there was no hotel security at all
and that the police were not there on the scene chose to intervene and try and pull them in out of the room get him to away from the women so that they would be safe and in the end that's what happened I went through a series of engagements at the door trying to get the man to come out and when he finally did thinking you know we had the escalated this to the point where they're those women who were already beat up at least they would be safe from then on and this man might walk out to police custody at the last second he made the decision to instead attacked me pick me up on my neck and throw me into a wall as a massive man 375 lb 6 ft 5 and I went for my firearm and I had no choice but to engage and discharged around and then proceeded to get to wrestle with this man's Us carry some of my wife's life you know that when she hears the gunshot and then has no idea for husband is alive or dead and then danced with this man who was obviously under the in
something because he didn't react I thought I'd missed him and thought I was about to have this weapon taken away from me and used on me when he went down after about a minute of wrestling I and I turned out that I had shot him and after the police had arrived and put my wife and I and cuffs you know guns in our faces that's where the thing and they attempted attempted to render Aid at first but then obviously the paramedics came in and he died but you know we find out later on that that it wasn't all it was it was thought it was you know it wasn't just a random man attacking it was much deeper than that have to start Ernie's or finding out that this hotel has a history of of repeated arrest for traffic well for prostitution which is human trafficking and and other violent assaults and not something he read on Yelp but it was a life-changing experience for us in multiple ways
you being a very different light you know it's not something that I don't take my work home with me so and then on top of that obviously the trauma of the event but most importantly I think or take away is the realization you know that country song not in a small town that was very popular for a brief moment I think that people are not aware or maybe they are choosing to be blind to the fact that human trafficking is in the small town is in this small town so it's in your small town and I don't think many people are aware of the signs and and the symptoms and I think if they were that they might be a little bit more aware and willing to step up and it doesn't mean you have to engage with people or end in a shootout with anyone what it means is that you just have to be involved and be willing to if you see something say something and do something because women and children are being trafficked right now at this moment as we speak in in for every moment after and if we don't do something about it
I'm just going to continue to happen and that was our take away and that's what we're going to March forward with and as we move forward in her life my wife's number one concern has been for the women that we hadn't safety of them in an essay dealt with the Fallout from the shooting as well but what kind of reprisal they might face and and we as a couple have made it a mission doing fourth rather than running for congress again this year that's ever going to focus on on building a foundation that can continue to educate the public and hopefully provide some resources for people who are escaping sexual slavery
I take pride in my ability to god-given ability to keep conversations going into playoff then I usually go into interviews without without a question or maybe with one opening question and then see where the conversation leads you literally gave me about 14 opportunities from to Branch out from there and go to to nice transition question but today is different again I'm trying to throw you curveballs I want to throw you questions that that keep your mind racing in multiple different directions rather than the maintaining a constant stream of thought because I want to ask you my my natural tendency is ask you questions about what you just told me but I won't because again we're trying to figure out what the Jason Nelson Jason Nelson Saves the World correct that's what we're going with I like that idea I just give me any problem jdl saw that you had a movie that you didn't like the ending of odd very extraordinary odd
what I want to know because you now you know which curve balls coming because I was going to start asking you about movies that's that's just something I threw a curveball you grabbed it and you through the car but back and me so now I'm an on-the-spot I got to come up with a different question lets speaking of which though with with movies I am thinking about I don't go to movies anymore which is funny cuz I used to go to movies all the time I am against Hollywood big time it sucks but I'm strongly considering going to see the Wonka movie this week have you seen the trailer are you considering it as a parent do you think that this is a movie that then we should take your kids to oh my gosh you are now showing what stage of parenting I meant I don't even know what we were talking about I literally don't know what I will say that I'm Fair why don't we go see movies anymore cuz I'm the same as you I used to love going to the theater it was an actual experience I can remember I just very specific films that I look forward to that I went to see
format and I I've been thinking about it and I've come to the conclusion it isn't just about what Hollywood is producing right because if it was just about what Nollywood they're still films I watch and they're still after that I like and I know the hidden cancer but it's but still it's not just about that and I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be somebody gets turned off all of Hollywood there are still things I watch butt and I watched it and I and I do you know I think the theater experience has not lived up to because movies of always been hit-or-miss right but you've always sort of sat here and said but there was an experience that even as a kid I can remember just going into whether it was just the the popcorn and whatever but we have any ball that experience you know I became so popular Cinema was initially in the 1930s because the air conditioning you know you can go in and get out of the Heat and it was really cheap to go and do cheap to produce cheap to to sell these things so
my question is for you what would you what what experience would change set forget the value proposition right but what experience specifically would change forget the movies but about the experience that would change to you that would make it hey I would go more to the theater if this was an experience I live in Southern California and right now every time we go to the theater whenever we leave the theater when we get there you know my head's heads on a swivel I love you and I always look for threats as soon as I soon as I park I'm looking for threats as soon as I enter the parking lot I'm looking for rats as soon as I'm exiting the car before I exit the car or anybody in my family since the car I'm looking for threats I'm locking the door I'm looking looking everywhere I'm walking towards the theater looking for 3K we go we we get our popcorn at this point I'm no longer looking for threats because you don't hear about too many popcorn popcorn line muggings but but we go to the movie still looking for threats still keeping you
taking note of where any entries are wearing access are there any single single males might be sitting and keeping as I'm watching the movie of got my the the corner of my eye on that dude that's sitting there I'll be enough alone watching a movie and then as I leave? I sitting here that's cuz they got to go to with my kids to watch a movie and you just and I don't know why are you here alone like you're alone right exactly as I'm leaving especially if it's a late night when I mean I've got I got my keys ready I got mad at my cell phone ready and head on a swivel looking around because he's seen too many videos of people getting just just blindsided sometimes but often to get mugged remember the movie Annie the one in the 1980s that that had that okay so remember when they did the whole scene and they went and rented out the movie theater
and they were all the people that were dancing in the ushers and things like that
so you just tell him it's been 40 years and that so I don't remember that but it was a show before the show and there's like 50 people there they're singing the how great movies are you don't have anymore in a theater and I've gone to those theaters where they bring food to you first of all done horribly wrong in the end they do it orally but the point is is that there's nobody standing there waiting to help you or what so you write safety I I don't see anyone there keeping an eye on and he wants to know it's my job so that's a great point maybe I mean they could fix it maybe hire more people
well I'm here in California that would be like 20 or 25 bucks an hour for somebody to stand there and I just just can't see it there is the financial aspect of it I remember we just have Dollar Theaters when I lived in Oklahoma and they would be that they always be the you know that the late runs okay so yeah I remember those in Newburgh New York I remember it yeah but I remember the deal became the dollar fifty theater something and oh my gosh this is it it's the end it's up to a buck-fifty you know when when my wife and I were well kids we would on that literally kids when we were young young adults we would go and that would be our unit we have a lot of money so that would be our our diversion we could go in and have a quote-unquote date afternoon cuz it at night so we would have it a date afternoon for like like $18 and that included everything else like dinner and a movie right now
you can't get a ticket for 18 bucks but now you're talkin about the value proposition again which is really interesting cuz I did the same thing I remember I was a dollar theater and I would get and I would that fit 10 bucks or 15 bucks you know when your friends would get together in a chip in and get a bottomless popcorn in a bottomless soda and and you would just go from theater theater the seats weren't even that comfortable but it was worth it but now I'm paying $25 a seat to go and sit there and be worried about safety need to eat subpar food that they charge an arm and a leg for and and quite frankly it was early people yelling at me to you know and then you going to worry about whether it's somebody's going to hit you in the theater cuz you asked him to be quiet or you no shoot you or whatever because it's just cuz you know people are stupid nowadays you know some people are stupid but I think everybody's stupid but that's just me I'm sending out a little bit but it's getting a lot of Buzz
Piper rockelle Michelle Obama it's like the end of the world something or another I don't remember what it was satin you think you know where the where the question is going but you don't I'm I've got my curveball my post curveball turn into a slider that I'm throwing okay got it so you know yes is it turns out it's a it's turned out to be an anti-white movie because you can be anti-white and movies nowadays just can't be anti anything else which is a hold of the discussion my question for you is is Barack Obama actually controlling the United States government I would argue that the people that put Barack Obama in there are controlling the United States government the same people people forget that
the people who were sub assistant directors and appointed positions during the Clinton years left and went to the private sector where whether it be Pharma or attack or whatever they use their government contacts to go into the private sector make a bunch of money and then they got called back to duty under President Obama where they turned around and had to do the same thing you know they ain't they were down to rector's though and then they left again made some more money in the private sector while President Trump was in office and then when President Biden gets in there they all come back and now they're in charge it's the same people they're just now he's the and pick one's all the way through the top and some deputies and things like that point being that does it really matter who the president is when the administrative state is really the one that's in charge we have so many executive office is now at this point that at the control essentially what Congress is supposed to do which is writing legislation but they are the ones to implement legislation and they do it to their own lands in prison and then they turn around and change
thanks to mirror the the the whatever the pit is that the people who are deeply in charge because we all know if you could say Valerie Jarrett you could say anybody you could take your appointment what is a core group of people in the weather at the podesta or a gerund or whoever you have a core group of people have been in charge of the whole time they know how the system works and they're the ones that are guiding the ship as it sinks but still there guiding the ship so when I say Obama is in charge I would say yes if you want to use Obama as a representation of the largesse of went and went right by that group to talk probably talk to you about it for group maybe 20 people
is it wrong that every time you've now use the word Duty twice during this this interview and both times I've gone Beavis and Butthead and Judy anyway I had to create a verbal tic for when you say where you mean when somebody says I'm going to go do do something you know what I mean I have to remind myself that when you say you do and then pause and don't say anything yet so if you're cuz you're a mature I am I am I am very immature with our company that we owned hotels you know a few months ago and this is this is breaking news even though it happened a few months ago we didn't talk about it back that but obviously after after the fact that the fires him now he not the the fowls and Marv the fires and Maui Jason contacts my contacts are Partners in to say we should send send some some food their way they're going to need some food and we didn't you sent like I don't have $10,000 per square foot for a small company that was
that was a big deal but like $15,000 worth of clothes 15010 talked about it yet I told you I didn't want to like the advertisement I am going to take the tax write-off so it's not just when I just trying to feed people which we are when I just trying to build a business all American Business which we are and people can always take advantage of 15% off at Hope House. Cam by using promo code JDR don't use his promo code is jtr that way I can feel feel Superior in some way but are you can give me storm promo code storm 15% off if you had thrown the free shipping didn't she yes promo code storm fine we'll test test that out but in here we are so
and we as a company set up at you it was your prompting what made you decide you know what we need to that they have these fires are people that are just places people that are hungry we need to send them bags of freeze dried long-term storage beef so you know these people eat Spam JD on your right eye first of all you know I've got to say that but I'm actually genuinely proud of our products I don't want to make fun of it but the I think it's a lot of a first one that giving side of it it's easy enough for everything we've come to you about as partners weather be for food kitchens or anything that we wanted to do if you've always said yes and I don't think and we don't advertise it but I think it's important as a company to stay alert and gift for you can I not because you you have 20 but because you should and you know if I can sit here and do something good for the world you want to live specifically do we respond to that one
I think that knowing their I know what it's like they're on an island man they it did stuff comes in on a boat so if they can't get the supplies they need are they just go without and I can't imagine what that's like a genuine and I've been deployed and so I know what it's actually do know what that's like but I mean I I can't imagine being a civilian and looking at your children and saying I don't know if I'm going to be able to feed you healthy food tomorrow I don't know if I'm going to be able to give you food that we know isn't pumped full of chemicals or is got an mRNA vaccine secretly hidden in it because right now I'm dependent on the government to give me food after after mismanagement by the government that led to a fire and buy a horrible disaster response that led to buy the government that led to many people dying who shouldn't have died so
does the people you're going to depend on to feed you I think that's pathetic that we wanted to do better than that and that's the whole mission of our company so I think that it was an easy thing to sit here and project are giving to match the purpose of our company which is to allow people to be able to have defendable Dependable long-term food that that is real and that's the thing about our be right with the ingredients be so I am proud of that that we were able to do that but at the same time I think that in the future as we continue to look at
people that we can give to a community that we can order I hope that we are able to expand that mission because it is it is really important and yet you know we love selling our beef but again it's the whole purpose of these companies to help Americans and if we really believe that is a core Mission so a couple years ago and then it it turned to to prepare this and survival and crazy things happening in the world and all of a sudden we own a beef company and not even a beef company is called a a protein preparedness company I don't know how would brand it but that that's wonderful stuff I'm going to give you the final work I'm going to 2 I guess I know I know I know this week I'm I'm moving you I don't take presents so you might like I will say that it's is it a big dog
let me think we're all give me in a home that's the answer I'm going to give you I'll give you your home oh my gosh so you don't have enough room for you guys stay in Texas you got to run like that bed up JD you get to test a new product this week that will be a one-of-a-kind never been done in the world before are you are you are you there's a there's a scene from I forgot the name of the movies with Mark Wahlberg when he was a football player and but the guy and the guy but he pretends like his car this is Invincible thank you give me does like his car is broken down his buddy shows up and he will say things like you know I was his wounds last time you went a week without needing to jump and he's like testing the car and he and he
he's he's I got your batteries find the kids look good and he looks over there is Mark Wahlberg kind of leaning back and smiling and he looks to me like it's like
are you serious are you serious right now are you messing with me that's what that's my reaction to Jason are you serious are you really going to be sending me freeze-dried long-term storage bison which people will be able to get themselves here in the near future at are you serious I am serious I'm super excited about it and I just think it's funny but I and all my my kids were all unplanned. Well if you can sell her mind I don't think I have planned for a single one of them none of them were accidents that all were unplanned the I finally get to walk around with a cane said a hip replacement so you know I've been I'm going over to the facility tomorrow actually to get it for you mail it out to you I'm super excited but I am nobody in the world to do this I'll give you first company well I mean we were the first come into the cell
only have promo code JD I'm sorry storm promo code storm fine you get credit for it either way it's it's good to have you on the show and like I tell people we are this was supposed to be essentially a dress rehearsal we want to have Jason on every week why because he knows his stuff he's like I said I a polymath of sorts and and he's interesting and he's funny and it brings out the best in me and you know that's all that matters is that you bring out the best in other people which he does hopefully for you as well if you have some ideas of what direction Jason's upcoming new show should be reach out at JD Rucker. Com
slashtaq that will send it directly to me I'll tell Jason I'll probably lie about it and say Jason the votes are in okay they want you to do a striptease every week and he's juggling yes they they just want you to know I would believe it if I saw that talk and tell me what you think of Jason Nelson what his topic what his show should be about and and then we'll contact you if if and when you I'm not if it's going to happen but when when Jason's live with the show we will we will reach out to everybody and say hey Jason fly with the show come check it out in the meantime I want to have you on every week if you can. Monday's though let's shoot for Tuesday's Monday start for me
but I'm not going to strip because right now I look like I have a really like I a blind shark when it my hip well so maybe that's maybe that's enticing maybe maybe there's people that would like to see that I can just go to your Twitter account at real Jason Nelson they can see the the fake shark bite on your butt Jason pleasure having you are always I can't return the compliment not because I don't have them but because you always get the last word I thought you're going to say cuz you lost the receipt sorry brother talk to you soon thank you
those movie that came out over the weekend it's causing all sorts of controversy right-wing conservative media and alternative media are all over it because if it's racist it's anti white racist at the the storyline that's being promoted I seen headlines across the board that the save the movie Leave the World Behind available on Netflix is just a pure cultural marxists attack on roof spoiler alert it wasn't absolutely there's implied White against black racism not explicitly stated but it's obvious there is that the intention was to to demonstrate that between these two couples and and I see couples that the white couple is their husband and wife and the black coat of a couple it's actually a father in his adult daughter
but these these despair will say these two pairs are are racist towards each other it's not that the husband's one husband and the father it's that the men aren't aren't racist it's that's right clear it's the women that Julia Roberts who's who's skeptical right right from the beginning that that end and I'll go ahead and listen if you're going to watch the movie that's up to you but there's going to be lots of spoilers and number one I would say you probably don't have to watch the movie that's a matter fact it was it was a good movie from a from a I guess a technical basis it's an interesting movie but it's just so flawed and then floods it in the wrong word it's so intentional and it's supposed to be for portray three very destructive messages to slightly distracted messages is the better way to put in the one extremely destructive mess
and that's why there's controversy that's why they are trying to stir up as much right wing hatred as possible when we know this we know this very clearly based around the fact that it's getting just answer destroyed by audiences delivering reviews they're hating on the last time I checked Rotten Tomatoes have the audience score of 39% you don't see I mean for a cortical good movie and get it is structurally and and artistically and in the acting in this is really good at directing is is sometimes great sometimes not happen but yeah I mean it's one of those movies it okay if people don't like it they'll give it a 55 or 60 for it to get a 39 and with with this star-studded cast and and everything like that it means that this wasn't an they knew that conservatives we're going to watch the movie and get upset they knew pressure more importantly that right-wing websites news outlets block
commentators we were going to come out there and see this is cultural Marxism this is you know anti-white anti-whites narrative and they're they're just reading it in the reason they knew this is because the executive producers on this particular project our course Barack and Michelle Obama
I got I got a tingle in the back of my head whenever I started looking into the movie and I started thinking how I wonder I wonder perhaps this might be a trap maybe they're trying to stir up all this controversy not because they'll get great ratings obviously they're not getting good reviews in in Rotten Tomatoes but not just beaten up so they get all my gosh look look how popular the show was we were able to to to get the right-wingers watch it for the sake of outrage and it's true but it wasn't just for the sake of I'm getting more viewership I mean it was but not for the reason that you might think it would try to make a popular movie they weren't trying to make a list of oscar-winning movie though it'll probably get some considerations just because if the the subject matter because conservatives are are hating on now they wanted to deliver the messages in the messages are seeds and there's three very distinct message is very clear messages that are being delivered
two of them are making sure you take kind of bad pretty bad in a bit but every anything that comes out of Hollywood is going to have an underlying message that's that's intended to to plant the seed and B- I'm not going to get into predictive programming or anything like that but but they're there's their components of that as well the third message on the other hand is the one that's that's absolutely disgusting And discussing in a way that that's not like oh my gosh that's that's terrible it's more along the lines of I wonder if that's possible
and those are the worst types of messages because anything that seed of Doubt planting that that New Concept in the brains of a people whether right-leaning left-leaning doesn't matter getting that message out there and for it to to percolate subliminally for it to to work in our subconscious or even be discussed consciously that's the real destruction here that's the real thrilled I guess you could say
that's the Crux I there's the Crux yeah it's bad and I'll get to it before I do a massive spoiler alerts I'm going to reveal pretty much the whole play made in this isn't the movie review it's funny because that's actually how for any out there that's that's how I got started in journalism the first place all those decades and decades ago I was working for the Edmond Evening Sun in Edmond Oklahoma and I was still in still in school at the time it's like you know how do you like movies none of our people like movies and psyche yeah I do that was that was a prerequisite so so it's like yeah so I get to go see movies that wrote the first reviews I think the Phantom with Alec Baldwin if I work all
it might have been Star Trek generations that'll that'll put a put a date date stamp on me Star Trek generations I did interview and did interviews about of those those funny that's actually how I got started in journals and I was on my first young journalist assignments was to do movie reviews I I did quite a bit over the course of the last few years but this isn't going to be a review by any means this is going to be an expose on the messages that they're actually delivering so to reiterate I got to be crystal clear about this the whole racism thing is that they're absolutely okay is it major know I've been through a lot worse movies out there a lot I mean every year it's not just that there's a lot out there every year we get spoon-fed five ten different movies that are that are promoting the an anti-white concept or whether we're all you know the white people are bad guys because they're white I'm not talking about all there's a white person was a bad guy or a black person is bad guy or a Spanish person as a bad guy
no it's that it's the message that the white people are inherently evil that all white people are bad and it would the message will be just as disgusting with all black people or bat or whatever all Asians are bad the stereotyping to sort of a pervasive hatred against the races that's that's always a part of many movies every year and 7 part of this movie is so so let me pull up the pull up the the write-up that I did on this you could find this right up over at JD Rucker. Sub if you want to to reference at yourself but
I mean it's two couples without once technically not a couple when is the is a black father and his black adult daughter and then a white couple played by Julie Roberts is the she's kind of the star of the whole show the racism was going to talk about that because the racism is it between the men the men are not racist okay it's between the black daughter and the white wife they are there racist towards each other the racist and it's always a little bit of you know and there's a scene where where the the daughter is talking to to her dad and she saying you know don't you can't trust anybody especially white people or something like that I don't know the exact quote and that's got all the cancer to block all the concern of sites have been up in arms I saw headlines about how do you know this is the name this hate all white people instead of Leave the World Behind leave all white people behind it I mean yeah
it's trap okay it's a trap they they they pulled in the Barack and Michelle Obama specifically
to trap us to make it to where whether we're going to do so out of hatred or or skepticism or whatever they wanted us to watch the movie
and we did we fell for it I mean I did it as it's running again not trying to sound prescient prescient or anything but but my my tingles were going off I was thinking something's weird about this why is everybody talking about a why would they go down that road you know of anything you would think so big major movie on Netflix that's going to be directed by Sam S mail and however you pronounce his name and that's produced executive producers of Barack and Michelle Obama you would almost assume that they definitely wouldn't go down the road of throwing in racism within a movie that's really not about racism I can understand if it's a movie that's about enough it would say it's a Black History Month Style Style movie okay well then the racism is a central role in it this one is different because it wasn't necessary plot point at all I mean that you could have done the entire movie exactly the same and has zero racism whatsoever between between the two women
in the movie that wouldn't have have changed it whatsoever but they did throw it in
and that's the part that that was the the alarm Bell for me so I can you got Barack and Michelle Obama executive producer you have racism in started for no apparent reason other than to have a present and then it's like okay so for some reason they want conservatives they want everybody to watch this and not for the sake of ratings because like I said they're getting demolished demolished in the reviews in a way that I I've never seen outside of truly bad Moves In This is not truly bad is it it's a well-made movie will say I wouldn't say it's up there like that, my gosh you got to see is just for the visuals are just really be incredible acting that a lot of people are touting the acting is being perfect I would say it was very good k d Roberts it's she has an actually a very uncanny ability to play a total dorky Karen dominating style woman it was all me
it came naturally to her maybe it does Ethan Hawke with did an excellent job of portraying an extremely weak and just obedient
dude 5 father and husband K not so we could eat he has no opinion the weak enough to where he's just not going to to express he's going to try to take the the safe approach he's going to try to try to weasel his way out of out of things yeah it was it was and then and then on the other side of the performances were very good I would say I'm great the kids the kids were okay there's two kids in the movie they they did an okay job but I was forgetting that I don't know how to pronounce mahershala Ali the very talented black actor who plays these the I guess you say the second protagonist Co protagonist the co-star with with a Julia Roberts and super talented so it's not like it was hard for him to the play a and intelligence you know I don't want to
I guess he's not a banker is some sort of financial advisor I don't know I'm out of my going to read it all to you I want to get to the points the police or the important part conservative an alternative media Outlets have been flushed with attacks against Leave the World Behind the new Netflix movie that depicts in the apocalyptic scenario the biggest reason for this was not because it was Rife with black versus white messaging there are far more direct race-baiting messages in multiple movies every year the reason it was so highly are so highlighted by conservative and alternative media is because Barack and Michelle Obama are executive producers for the project this is a trap I suspected it was a trap when I decided to watch it and it not to sound too precious and that's why I have you actually use the word pressure like two or three times in the same same show butts
spooky but I was I was far more correct than I would have thought the mild race-baiting messages were inserted specifically to get right-leaning media to generate buzz and it's working but it's trap was it for the sake of ratings this is all about delivering a very destructive messages that have nothing to do with cultural Marxism or the racehorse they lured in as many people as possible to watch it with the desire to be outraged then they dropped their real messages to plant the seeds that can grow in Americans Minds both consciously and unconsciously
the Obamas were selected to had far more juice to the outrage machine and once again that work just as well as the mild race-baiting people are watching and they're hating on it with that 39% audience score but by watching it and hating in the messages are still delivered I don't care if you watching you hate it great you wash your hair and you wrote a nasty review you put a blog post you did a video of this movie so so racist and yada yada yada and Barack Obama and Michelle Obama yada yada yada okay but you still watch it and you still have the message delivered and I'm not sure if you want to watch it knowing that there are these messages in there because that's
it's one of those things where whether you've watched it or not read this article listen to the show and get in there standing of what you really just were were hit with you know I'm a big fan of just don't get hit with the with the message don't let them plan to seize but in this case it's almost like as long as you know what the seeds are whether you watched it already or you going to watch in the future then you can you could realize that those seeds of skepticism those seeds of of Doubt those those anti truth messages are what they are
before getting into the three key points that they wanted to plan their brains it's important to note that the creative aspect of the movie which make it otherwise lost Sam is mail delivered it was really an M Night Shyamalan Motif and I'm talking about the good sides of and Night Shyamalan not there the horrible director size that he does have certain things that his career but after the obviously after the sixth sense into her to just all started going down down down from didn't get just for my house doing a movie review I would note that wow they really did pick the worst possible sound effects like the sound editing on this movie was horrible
yeah he was strong across the board the storyline was actually quite weak even muted when we consider the events being depicted it's labeled as a sci-fi thriller but it's really a drama with a few someone throwing moments I point all of this out because they needed a structurally sound movie that that's official carry the story so they could deliver the real payload of destructive messaging with that said let's get into those three messages and yeah
the first it is all good until your front these messages that they're delivering go in reverse order from least important to most important
every movie delivers messages every movie has an intention whether that intentions being delivered by the writers and or director whether it's being delivered by the producer occasion when it's being delivered by the actors you generally speaking the actors do their messaging when they're off the screen you know they can you got it what is her name Jessica Chastain you know she can do all these movies about guns in about warned about this that but then when she's out and about in the real world she's like oh my gosh we should ban all firearms you know so they generally do their messaging when they're out outside virtue signalling to the world but directors writers that's their messaging is is through the art form itself through the the movie the television show The the painting The whatever okay that's how they deliver their messages and oftentimes these messages are over such as the race the the cultural Marxism that's inherent or that's a parent in this movie
but other times it's the subliminal this is the unconscious or subconscious messages but they deliver the most damage
so I can start the first one is a a Biblical understanding ridiculed before I get into that let me listen to just give no desire to watch the movie I'll go ahead and break it down for you in again even if you've already watch what do you watch you're not that spoiler alerts I'm going to break down the entire movie briefly I'm not going to go over the scene by scene analysis not going to be playing any of it for you but I do want you to know this is what the movie is about so spoiler alert now for the next probably 10 minutes I'm going to go very into detail in the movie so starts off with with this company in the way of the establish right up front just like this what's a mess mail does very well he just cut to the chase on on character development you've got this couple living in New York City with their two children to teach children 116 13th I believe and they decide the wife whose very dominant she's she's the alpha female
Smokey she's the one that's that's a controls the family she's declared hey we're going out to two across the river we're going to get this nice house and it's like basically a vacation Spa vacation she just decided we're going to do that today and she's an ad executive her husband's ate a professor at a community college and so he's like okay whatever I guess he's a follower she's leader so we get there and you can already see right from the beginning that it is odd things happened you can't really tell what's going on nobody can but then they get there they decide to go to go to the beach and while they're at the beach they look up AC this huge oil tanker heading towards them slowly creeping towards the beach I mean it's they did a good job of expressing how they serve breakfast I can still see it it's just creeping along and then all of a sudden getting closer and closer and closer they realize that it's going to it's going to beach it self and so they get up and leave around they're scared and and yada yada yada
how why would an oil tanker just drive up on Flow sale up onto the beach to go back home internet's down phones are down television at this point you know they have burgers and then they go to sleep in there they're about to go to sleep in the get knocking at the door and the owner of the house because his lipase in Airbnb the owner of the house the black man and his daughter he's goes by GH that's right GH George GH he's he's the owner of the house and that's where the racism starts to creep in and out of Julia Roberts like out so you on this beautiful house you know I was insinuating and how could that be just be because he's black right so they're saying that there's a blackout in New York City and he doesn't want to drive all the way back and they want to just stay there for the night at his house anyway Julia Roberts is one of them too because he's racist and Ethan Hawke's even Hawks character is like
do you know who am I supposed to their house and and she's a for-sure weekly and it was stupid because he's got a key to the locks liquor cabinet so why course it's his house but whatever racism Trump's all right so I'm taking too long and it's a Cyber attack and powers out and there's the hackers are are taking down everything so they start trying to figure out what to do there's no other buddy around nobody else is around they can they're just on the outskirts of the city and you can see the city for one of their backyards ride across the river or anybody was familiar with New York city so it's not that far across the bridge is probably you know it without traffic if your if you were driving without traffic is probably a 20-30 minute drive once you cross the bridge but but they don't talk about that well I'll talk about that here in a second anyway
ask him what I said I didn't believe you swear with me then I haven't done the movie synopsis together so at least I'm not on are so so so bear with me so set phone to try those they're not work and that's bad because it's a phone for those who don't know this is probably the only accurate thing they said as far as the end of the world goes he said you look at phone what's my neighbor's house got the shaft phone as long as you have line of sight with the sky then you have access like it's not the the the way that's a pose work if you have the sad phone in the sky they work perfectly if you're indoors they won't work your underground they won't work you have to have line of sight that's how sad phones work fact that it didn't work so I can okay so that's not good
and they start acquiring and they start asking me is it start getting into more details though they're being forced to trust each other they said it would start asking g h when he was really there Julie Roberts stuff and she knew Basics planes that look I had this guy that was a client of mine he's rich and not going to say who you would know his name is in the works of Defense contractors very rich and like he's he says something and this is the part where where I'll get two and it's the important message one of the important messages of this movie that was delivered was done during this point of course the character they don't say who who it is it's sort of imply that mean you could pick out a funeral I took it as they were talking about Dick Cheney okay but we'll get to that so they go through and first they're going to try that to escape to go that the white family is going to try to escape and go to the sister's house in New Jersey and they can't because of a very comical scene where a bunch of self-driving Tesla store crashing into each other
you can't in today's world you can't have a movie that doesn't take a stab I left a stab at Elon Musk right so all these white Tesla's crashing into each other almost killing everybody and he is as great as the most entertaining part of the movie so they end up getting stuck back together again
is weather part of this where it starts to get really weird start hearing noises noise noises it's implied later these are microwave attacks recently to the alleged I'm very skeptical of this but the Havana tax no microwave or texted that but done it at an intensity that is they have to cover their ears there's like two or three of these throughout the movie that's coming their ears and at one point the sun doesn't cover his ears fast enough even makes a note I probably should cover my horse pasture now I don't feel weird and then later on his teeth start falling out
I laughed but but it gets its it was a it was a shocking throw in this is supposed to be a thriller like I said it's really more of a drama with with a few sort of throwing Parts like airplane crash stuff like that turns out nothing's working this is been a cyber-attack and you don't even ever declare who it is and that's part of the that's part of the the whole stick of this movie is that is it is an Islam is a China these reports from different areas where were you don't know who the bad guys are and you never know who the bad guys are the only thing that we do know I'm glad they didn't go down the road of oh it's aliens can't lose no implication know even attempted to pretend like he's there aliens that are causing all this it seems to be very clearly and attack some would argue that the attack was internal then another one this is the American deep State taking the out America that's I'm very skeptical of that notion here but it's possible the most likely scenario is that it is
anti-American nations are not Nation organizations that are the first take out the infrastructure of the communications rations to take out the power take out the internet take out phone Communications and start dropping propaganda pamphlet everywhere right. That was that's actually literally part of the movie
so fast forward and the others nuclear tax or they don't they don't explicitly say nuclear but there's attacks that appear to be nuclear on New York City the deer are acting all sorts of crazy weird I'll get in that here in a minute and the movie answer you don't know what happens you don't know that there's a little bit of an interaction with a with a doomsday prepper play by Kevin Bacon but otherwise you know it's just one of those? Movies did they make it to the not make it
and that's it
so let's get into the messages now that you have another standing a very we don't have an understanding because I didn't do a very good job of explaining the movie somewhat of an understanding that it supposed to or I should say an apocalyptic the apocalypse as it's happening according to to to this book this movie and the Obamas so let's get into what I believe to be the the true messages with any of the reasons they stirred up so much controversy and again these first two these are throw it they're not they're not the the main message they are there message that they put in there for the sake of
doing what they do say pushing evil the way that they love to push evil first one is bubble biblical biblical
of all the floors with this movie is the least important some would say, hey leaving out of biblical understanding of the end times a big deal and I would tell those people that if you are if you're getting me or your biblical guidance from Hollywood then you're doing it wrong we expect Hollywood during his watch a Hollywood movie if it's not definitely clearly on Ambiguously a Christian movie then you're not going to you're not going to get any message they Hollywood hates the faith they hate God I think in many ways I want to say that I don't want to lump everybody in Hollywood together I know there's there are those who are Christians those who do believe
few and far between and they're not they're not what's word for it
they're not
open with it
is the best way to put it
but yeah so don't get your don't get your biblical understanding from Hollywood are they took a couple of steps towards Rachel in the Bible these jobs were subtle and we're more for driving the plot than directly attack in the biblical principles is far more telling that the movie doesn't allow the the audience to entertain the idea of God's influence in the end times that is the big is a minor point but this is a big part of that minor point is that here it's clear that there in the midst of the apocalypse and at no point do any of the characters even questioned or think about is this is this the Book of Revelation this is amazing back to to what I learned about the Book of Daniel or is he Keel or anything like that or is this a message from God not mean there's no prayer there's no like it's like we we we don't talk about that here there is one mention about a story by the daughter the white daughter she does she doesn't mention a an allegory
I guess you could say some biblical but it does mention God there's a couple of other mentions of God or prayer in the movie but the both all three of them are essentially throwaways they're dismissed and that's the point that's the messages that hey if and when the crap hits the fan
because David Phan folks when it does happen don't pray don't think about God you know think about think about the real world as they like to think about what's really happening that's where you need to put your focus don't don't don't wonder about prophecy don't wonder about about salvation don't wonder about God's judgment just assumed that it's the Russians the Chinese the North Koreans the Irani and whoever
think it's aliens
they said the Deep state
just don't don't think about God again like I said this is something where this wasn't an intentional it's all I got my gosh we got to do a movie so we can stick this point in you can do any moving to get any movie but they do a very clever job there are no attacks against the faith that's important that's important in these movies because once they actually go and tie Faith that's where they they lose the messaging gets lost this is this is a case study in subtlety with in a movie that the talk about huge topics again subliminal subliminal messaging like it's it's subliminal I guess you say seed planting unconscious is the better word for it they're planting the seeds unconsciously
number to false depictions of the crap hits the fan scenario okay as I'm sure most of you know I am a prep rally prepper so to speak I started cramping and then but only in the last few years reason being is that I used to think I was crazy okay when Y2K was popping up and everybody's heading for the hills of my guys is not going to be that big of a deal but when the when he cannot make a downturn of 2008 and 2009 happens like this is bad but no don't go start pulling out all your money out of the bank and putting it in in the bags under the under the bed and don't worry don't go by Cold what it is doing the stock market's going to bounce back anyting Now's the Time to buy bye-bye to get it take this downturn and then and then write it all the way it'll take a few years we'll get there
Obamacare came out I think it a little like a little taste of prepping a couple of buckets maybe a couple of gas mask bug out bags and we'll call it a day you know spend a little bit of money and I've got a little prepared it's funny cuz now looking back I realized how completely unprepared we were but we were thought oh my God we've got our bug out bags you know so that we can take her family and go hiking in the woods I guess in the middle of Orange County California is like it was so weird but not so I didn't jump to any conclusions there I didn't even jump the hours of the guy that during each one in 2020 I was saying what you guys doing why is why do I have to wait in line to get one roll of toilet paper this is ridiculous you guys are blowing this out of proportion okay stop taking all the toilet paper why do you need a two-year supply of toilet paper fast forward to hear the end
2023 beginning of 2024 and I have a three or four years supply of toilet paper and cuz things have changed anyway point is is that is that as a prepper I do I've come to the conclusion that there's a whole lot of bad prepper information out and I'm not just talking about the ghost shows which I never got to watch it in the middle shows about you know how do you say preppers are crazy there's a couple of television shows trying to try and consult Doomsday Preppers that I'm saying that there's there's action this information more to learn one that I realized I don't think most of it I think it's just bad advice I was reading on Wednesday which one hour or even highlight any of the any of the negatives in it cuz I don't want you getting any bad ideas but there was a list that I sent was a list of Base to the top the most important items the hierarchy of needs so to speak in a proper situation in this specifically for a bug-out bag you know this is what you should never have in your bug out back and I would say at least 30% of it was wrong it was actually incorrect
I know but it's your opinion that there are accepted I've read enough of these articles in and seen enough videos to realize that there are certain things that you definitely obviously need things that are just would be nice to have been there certain things worse like no don't do that that's just going to take up you useless or that's going to take an important space in an an ad ad important wait to your bags are actually deliver much positive so yeah I didn't post that article for obvious reasons it's incorrect
when I'm trying to get out of this is that there are those who give bad advice that's fine there's misinformation outings a whole lot of disinformation out there but there's definitely misinformation will this movie this movie delivered on this information they actually went so far as to to not just really cool but 22 to paint an inappropriate seed of what these scenarios look like
whenever there's a whole lot more into what I wrote and then I'll explain. Pictures of the the crap its pants an area where it began as usual they depict Doomsday Preppers is either American flag waving shotgun holding crazy people like Kevin Bacon's character or self-indulgent rich people who will spend the end times in a literal V with canned foods and a huge library of DVDs
true that part I think a lot of people like that then there's the fact that being so close to the city in this case New York City they did did not result in seeing masses of people leaving in fact nobody apparently watch cross the bridge to find safety in the nearby suburbs is reason why I tell people pretty much every show leave the city get out of the city if you can okay to use the means and you leave the city get out I don't care if it's New York City or Akron take it out of major metros there are those of you cannot I happen to be one of them it's so funny and not be hypocritical I do appreciate that there are many of us who either do not have the means
or who have certain attachments that keep us from leaving the city and our case it's a medical attachment Kay we can't be far away from a major Hospital in specifically certain certain very specific hospitals we have to be close to certain doctors because of a metal medical scenario within our family otherwise there's no way I would still be in commiefornia I assure you that and I definitely won't be in Metro commiefornia but I appreciate that there are those who can't leave and maybe you just don't want to you know I know there's a lot of it and made it a lot but there are at least a few of you out there that like you know what I'm fine I know that it's going to get bad but I need my friends I need my relatives I need to do my job I need to be here that's a choice if it is a choice that you make Shelby it okay we we make choices in our lives based upon circumstances I can urge you all until I might I'm blue in the face
to leave the city but if you just don't want to just don't want to get that back to the movie I also often say leave the Summers because what's going to happen when craps are going really bad a lot of people going to try to get out there is where people will be forced to stay martial law of assurance knows where they will be forced to stay there certain scenarios where they won't want to leave you know if they start the point 15 minutes it is the only way that you can get get food is to be in the cities there's going to be there will be reasons to either leave the city or not leave the city depending upon the scenario in those scenarios where people are suddenly wanting to leave the city they're going to invade the suburbs especially if it's a situation where there is it's not easy to get around via Vehicles EMP for example of some scenario where you can't just drive out of the city while people are other going to pack up their stuff and a lot of more going to try to walk away from this situation and in this case
New York City I'm in there within walking distance that maybe it might take a day or two to do it but people will leave if they do they they can't get out of your car you're not going to stick around things are going south in a hurry they're going to leave there going to walk to the suburbs so there should have been people very present in this this for the course you like three or four days they should leave would have seen people they didn't and that's sad that's not a big deal I'm just leaving again cuz you're going to do a movie about a an apocalyptic situation you have to try to get people to write the write impression of what that's going to look like in this case they give an extremely wrong impression it's not just about not seeing anybody walking across and get back to the article that there they were never in any real danger That Power and Water despite a massive cyberattack that crashed planes oil tankers in the small army of self-driving Tesla how ludicrous would it be for hackers to take down everything but leave electricity and water and running water on in an area
the River from New York City that just wouldn't happen I start on self-sustaining sustainability and preparedness this movie makes it all seem not so bad the reality is in the scenario like the the one from the movie chaos would leave the city and find its way to the suburbs within a day two of the most utilities would stop working immediately especially considering that the cyberattack that was the Catalyst for the storyline specifically targeted the grid
yeah that's it was one of those things where they had the intention that I know this for the sake of the movie they didn't want that to be the concern they didn't want them wandering in the no point in the mood your thing where we going to get to know the movie they always say you know we got to get food and water and shelter in this case they weren't they were eating they were drinking late and had no concern about shelter electricity or anyting me it's kind of like like they were just living living normalizes big fancy house and just the only difference is Nobody's around there somewhere it sounds every now and then and the deer trying to to attack them or something that was it otherwise running water working electricity plenty of food plenty of booze that they drink a whole lot of booze in the movie lots of wine lots of champagne lots of lots of whatever
bottom line is that this
this apocalyptic movie
the pics of the Apocalypse is not so bad
they didn't give any indication of the turmoil that's going to ensue regardless of what the scenario is there will be turmoil of some sort of well that's her MO is will depend upon what the scenario
in this case there was not mean the worst thing that can happen to him as of the deal we're going to break through the glass or maybe a plane would crash on them cuz they show couple plane crashes or maybe they'll get Newt those aren't necessarily things that most Americans would have to concern themselves with I know it's subtle like I said we're building up to the big one here you might say that's not a big deal because it's really not a prepper movie but it again plants the seed to see here they're planting is one of don't let the others know need to be prepared it's not going to be that bad
not the primary one but let's get to the primary one
and this here is the one where when I heard this I realized that's it that's why Barack Michelle Obama are involved that's why they're they're trying to push this This Racist narrative that's why they're trying to build a controversy this is why they don't care know that they're going to get destroyed by the audience scores at which I mean for many of sight that's the only thing I look at it I don't care of the movies got a man 85 most critics if it's got a 50 amongst the audience I'm not going to watch it except in this case where I was watching for the sake of research I don't watch very many movies at all anymore I used to I came up to California with the intention of getting into the movies I know that sounds crazy but I took a job in California all those decades ago before Hollywood became so woke when when it wasn't it wasn't just assumed that I wrongly assumed that even at the time that I Conservative Christian
still operating Hollywood you know you saw a few of them people would talk about him and back then even Tom Hanks with praise God when he was accepting his Awards right
obviously things have changed it back. I just come out here for the sake of I'll be getting in till 4 of writing writing its cream place that's what I wanted to do and no laugh but that's the truth
I don't watch them anymore I had to watch this one for the sake of of Doing Today Show
but now we get into the messaging itself this the part where where this is why they made the movie and why they generated the bus did they do
nobody's pulling the strings that's the message
and the scene was delivered very conspicuously in the middle very conspicuously set in the town where it's like alright you got to lean in and pay attention it's it's describe slowly it's very traumatic
lots of eye contact and it was it was a very powerful message so message that I hadn't heard before at least out of movies
Ms has now been delivered to millions of people will continue to be delivered
and it's a message that whether it registered subconsciously or whether people are are openly talking about it
it's the bad message
nobody is pulling the strings according to this movie The primary message delivered by the movie is that all of us crazy conspiracy theorists have everything wrong they even said our notion that the powers-that-be are pulling the strings is lazy they use the word lazy poet Seuss lazy that you have to think that there's is powerful cabal you're pulling all the strings that's a lazy nobody's pulling the strings quartet this movie
but what was the leaves are just as lost as the rest of us go to the movie they're having the only thing they get is they they get a heads-up so they can get out of Dodge before anyone else this is a bald-faced lie but it's a compelling thought that will stick with viewers for a long time maybe indefinitely it's one of the most memorable most memorable scenes as mahershala Ali is GH character explains his interactions with an unnamed client who sounds like the Chaney according to g h the people we think of as the bad guys are just getting a head start to reach their bunkers that's it they don't they're not really pulling the strings are not causing any of the bad stuff they are just as scared as we are maybe a little bit less scared because they've got their their billion-dollar bunkers they can go to and write it out so clean this mud plough Schwab George Soros Bill Gates in the bushes aren't really bad guys in this scenario they're just lucky and Rich enough to escape if this movie's primary messages to believe
fall in this category as well conveniently Leave the World Behind is getting a ton of watches from both the right and the left one Q conservative an alternative media took the bait and cranked up the outrage Machine by invoking anti-white hatred that was by Design now viewers will have the destructive seeds planted without even noticing them as the they focused on the race baiting opponent but as we should have learned by now when a negative message is so blatant it wasn't really the message that they wanted delivered
this wasn't about trying to to get black people hate white people this wasn't about getting white people hate black people this wasn't about sparking more of the race that's again it was a trap and it's an obvious trap cuz in both cases whether it's the black daughter and not trusting any white people at all one of her dad's and never trust white people whether it's the white wife whose whose like this wasn't like one of those oats and implied you know subtle racism nut she she made she blatantly didn't in the beginning you know she was just like yeah like do you really trust these people because they had to come here at late at night I mean the guy had the key to it was obvious that this was him that this was his house
obvious from within three minutes of talking that you couldn't didn't smell a copy of the key toes to his own liquor cabinet he knew the inside and out where things were he knew about the the room in the basement okay they're her excuse for being skeptical was what if he's the the contractor and she's the maid okay
it was but the thing is that they both both leave the races daughter in the racist wife they're portrayed as being negative, it's not trying to sell the racism is it supposed to to pay down there racism and by the end the two of you are in agreement mean they literally one point hug it out sorry I don't know how to get out they hug out the fact that they didn't get eaten by the herd of deer
I'm not kidding and I had to scream at them and then the deer finally left and it was crazy horrible CGI by the way I'm very disappointed in that house it's like really we stopped to get I mean that the lead Buck ended up the the alpha Buck was like the worst CGI I'd seen in in five or ten years was horrible yeah the racism was just a hook it was just to get right conservatives buzzing about it and get you to watch it that's it
don't I'm
don't get too caught up in that the messaging just wanted we have counter number one if and when things go south which way if we are in the end times that looks like that's going to happen and even if we're not in the end times it looks like that's going to happen things are on the on the verge of going south so be ready look up be prepared read your Bible whether this is the end times are not pray pray pray
don't don't ever let matter what don't ever let anybody make you dismiss your your love and believe in God and Jesus. The movie does the pick that they they do worse than hating on it they blow it off
they ridiculed mildly the most importantly it's not even a consideration and if you got plans falling out of the sky you've got what was Cleo deer running around in huge herds keep coming in your backyard and surrounding you and cornering you got all these strange things happening apocalyptic things then your first so I should be what is what's God telling us that was not even the first second third or Fifth Fifth thought in this movie
number to prepping
3 in X takes good research and their message is that it's a piece of cake okay when the Cyber attack comes and planes are falling out of sky and oil tankers are crashing on the beach and there's pandemonium at least in the city don't worry nobody's going to come out in the suburbs don't worry you'll have plenty of food water don't worry the grid will will stay out you'll still have running water and you'll solve electricity and you'll still have plenty of wine
so I got to be like that you have to actually get truly prepared and it's funny because of the very end you get to see the bunker I'll admit that was the best part of the movie I was jealous I was jealous there was a doomsday bunker this Rich couple Rich families had made a had built and it was unlike most wanted to pause and start taking notes to call that's a good idea who that looks nice that's wasted space what do they think of that all look at that I hadn't thought of that one before that literally bit but it was me that's don't dismiss God don't dismiss being properly prepared and then of course this last message regarding the nobodies pulling the strings they are pulling strings
it's conspicuous that Barack and Michelle Obama are executive producers on the movie was trying to say don't worry the global sleca ball they're not really in control okay that's just like you know we picture of these this suck a ball of of bad guys you know pulling all the strings and then reality know he's pulling the strings
that's the coming from one of the sprinklers in this case it was there they're saying it was Dick Sheridan and say it but it was a dick Dick Cheney like character super rich guy with with connections to you recognize his name and connections to the the defense industry that's all we know about him we know all in the end he laughs every joke we didn't laugh at the last joke last joke wasn't as he's moving all this money out the day before the events started taking place he moved most of his money to somewhere else and he was taking a trip leaving and that he'd be gone for a while then when I when I G H ask them you know I thought you only met during the winter solstice with your buddies and the when the when Dick Cheney didn't laugh at that joke like oh crap something really bad is happening now is to decide to go head towards his his home and then have to deal with Julia Roberts
you get the idea it's over all watch it or don't but if you do watch it keep all these things in mind make sure that you don't let that any of the false messages get planted in your brain people say all you have to totally avoid all forms of negative messaging and I disagree you have to be aware of what they are you have to not allow them to affect you but then it's we have to we have to be able to explain to people for example friends and family you know they they go they watch this movie maybe they start talking about hey you know I know you're a prepper and I was just so just watch this movie the other day about the end of the world and Scott Julie Roberts in it and I wanted to talk to you about prepping your response should be something like all good I didn't watch the movie but I did hear about it and I heard how he gave a really unrealistic view of what what things will be like me like really what do you mean like why are they not like running water and electricity
oh yeah they did so so they're suggesting that a suburb just outside of New York City with all of running water and electricity after cyberattack took out took out the the grid and crash planes and oil tankers
well I didn't think of it like that you're right you're right I sound like you're from from the usual suspect I can't do Impressions I really can't but you get the idea you know maybe this is an opportunity for you to talk to these people about that maybe it's okay you know what movie it was his concept that that I never thought of before where where maybe you know I know you always say that the bad guys maybe the one you mentioned a movie what you can expect this especially if you have one of those those people that think that you're a conspiracy theorist and and their Skeptics and it's like hey you know what I was thinking how do you think there's this whole Kabbalah people that are pulled all the strength let me ask you this what if there's just as scared what if what if nobody's actually pull the strings and that's when you say so you can you watch that Leave the World Behind like yeah yeah the one by by with executive producer Barack and Michelle Obama who are part of the school
League of all you don't think that it's conspicuous that they would make a movie that that basically says that the cabal they're part of his not act upon the strings yeah I mean I mean I guess I guess you got a point there and did you think it was kind of weird that that during the apocalypse twin twin cyber-attack takes everything down they still have running water and electricity and plenty of wine and then in the deer okay okay so maybe an appointment. So maybe I don't know I didn't know who I'm in person either you get the idea we are
all of us we are in crazy times and it's going to be messaging the tries to take us away from the truth to send the beginning of the segment I'm not going to talk about predictive programming because there's there's a lot of bad information was a misinformation I think it's a lot of bad information I think there's just there's just people have the right ideas but they're either improperly or they're presenting an improperly there are some good ones though out there and I unfortunately not one that can deliver a good message about predictive programming
so that's why I'm not I didn't talk about it during this but I would encourage people to learn about them especially if you are going to watch this movie learn more about predictive programming before you watch the movie or at least very very shortly afterwards secondly we are
we are in a time where it's either the end times or an echo of it in other words we can should expect events to get crazy from here and how we respond to that craziness
that will determine a lot about whether or not we survive I always take it out of cities I always say get your food water ammunition meds Bibles and and precious metals I say these things because you need to and if you can't I understand at least start at least have the Bible's
do what you can
do what you can to
to a house work for it do what you can
to prepare spiritually above all else but also to make sure that
you have an accent
if you can't prepare if you can't if you don't have a bunch of bug out bags or food or ammunition or water store at your home or maybe you can't at the very least figure out how to get out of whatever situation you're in and if that's beyond means so be it
then make sure you've got your Bibles I don't want people to be scared
is this isn't a scary time it's concerning time for many people we are going to go through hard times whether it's the end times or not
but I don't want you to go through scared I want you to be number one was it it's funny I told my wife is the other day I can't wait to show one of the reasons that I tell people to get prepared in a spiritually first but then also physically is it's not because I want you to be able to survive for two decades you know I mean that would be nice but that's not the main goal main goals that you go into whatever the end times looks like that you go into it at least feeling less fear
it's important if we get too fearful that's when we can we're more vulnerable to losing our faith so we're more vulnerable to doing the wrong things when we have more
I guess you could say confidence in our situation is it real probably not I mean if you're if you're in the area to get snoot just as an example it doesn't matter how many bug out bags you got right at least you can go forward with less fear than if you weren't prepared that's more important than just the ability to sustain yourself for an extended. Of time at least in my humble opinion
watch the movie if you want I would say that it's a decent movie I would say that if you're prepared to watch it if you were paired with understanding with the underlying messages are so they don't sleep until you plant seeds in your in your subconscious or anything like that then yeah it's long it's like 2 hours 20 minutes longer movie and it's slow as when it goes real slow
so maybe it would be worth maybe you'll see things that I didn't see if he'll catch even more subliminals are unconscious messages that I shouldn't even notice
Lord willing I will be back very soon with another episode in the meantime you'll stay strong stay safe
I haven't been giving enough attention to my sponsor Genesis Gold group go to Jay Dr know how they can help you please do something
because we haven't we don't know what the future holds for me I will be back very soon with another episode of the meantime you'll stay strong stay safe and God bless

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