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JD Rucker Show, December 1, 2023

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JD Rucker Show
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Economic Collapse, Council for Inclusive Capitalism, and Jonathan Rose

Title: Economic Collapse, Council for Inclusive Capitalism, and Jonathan Rose


On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, the conspiracies are getting deeper. Or, to me accurate, we're diving deeper into conspiracies, especially as they pertain to the economy.

We covered the Council for Inclusive Capitalism who are the "tip of the spear" for the Globalist Elite Cabal. WE noted a growing conspiracy surrounding government censorship... twice. Rice is rising. Immigration policies are failing. Then, we talked to Jonathan Rose, co-founder of Genesis Gold Group.

Stories Covered:…………

Recording: November 30, 2023

JD Rucker Show

JD Rucker Show
Show Host
JD Rucker

News and Opinions relevant to Americans today in the realms of politics, culture, and religion. Host JD Rucker from NOQ Report delivers truthful and intriguing commentary from a conservative perspective with co-host and wife Tammy.

We tackle issues that most won’t touch. Even conservative and many “alternative” media outlets refuse to talk about “taboo” topics for fear of losing money from Google, traffic from Facebook, or sponsors who are “woke.”

We don’t take on woke sponsors. We don’t get traffic from Facebook. We don’t take money from Google. We know we’ll get canceled by some, but the truth is the truth. We won’t hold back.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

hello my friends and welcome to another episode of the J D wrecker show on your host JD Rucker last time ever going to hear that unless you listen to my archived I've been struggling almost every show be able to get an old stories is a time is clearly up at a premium until they give me a 3-hour of 4 hour or five our block trying to squeeze everything in this to our show is going to be challenged so I'm just going to bypass the early introduction to mention my sponsor and then we'll get straight into the store's going forward that's the that's the plan because like I said time time is is super super valuable and we cannot we cannot waste it with me you talking about you know yesterday I went to go do this or whatever he were stories is about life and more stories that are actually pertinent to your life to the lies of of Americans and to the lies of of people across the country so
WestJet yeah but I do have to mention our sponsors because hey look we couldn't have the show without them later on today we're going to be hour later on in the show I'll be playing a an interview that I did yesterday with Jonathan Rose co-founder of Genesis Gold group happens to be one of my eye while my primary sponsor there that really the reason that shows even possible and so I encourage you to check them out at protect wealth. I've checked both now sorry cut such as later protect wealth are very different from other other gold companies won't hear them trying to sell you $5,000 or $10,000 and free silver in exchange for my mind still works but apparently it does not protect wealth let's go to dive into this first story
it was a wrong one there we go much better
so this comes from Brandon Smith one of the most I would say intellectually sound people after I don't agree with with nearly everything that he says I mean that you post some things that are just way out there as far as you know reality but but that's about what 3% maybe 5% of what he posts the other 95% or more is absolutely positively spot-on and it's a shame that his his website alt-market. Us doesn't get more traffic than the vast majority of these conservative Indian alternative media sites that don't do nearly as as much awesome content as he does his his his really really strong that they were talking about something that I've talked about quite a bit nobody else seems to talk about that's the part that gets to me is that is that I can't get any I mean I've even mentioned it to other show house and home you should really check out the council principles of capitalism we've all heard of a w e f the the
Freakonomics form we've all heard of the World Health Organization in the United Nations and all these various Global stats these open societies with George Soros and swab but it's strange that nobody talks about the council for clues of capitalism which to me is the tip of the spear for the globalist early cabal think of it at the world economic Forum of the sort of like the think-tank / recruiting arm for the globalists right they have their big conference in Davos they they get all the bad guys together as many people as you can to try to convert people in the bad guys they bring in semi Good Guys released malleable good guys and try to bring them over to the dark side they push climate change is a push AI they push trans trans humanism in transgenderism and everything else okay
that they are mr. big push for the most part they're I think tank okay for the most part they're their goal is to recruit and as Klaus Schwab has said to infiltrate government's you know they are pushing for control are the ones that actually get stuff done is the sad part is that they do it in the guise of being sort of like a a more of a think tank but they don't this is the action arm of the globe has leaked a bomb that's why it shocks me that's so few in our industry so few in alternative media conservative media friends media whatever you want to call it nobody's talking about it I've written many articles have been several shows about Brandon Smith has as well and his it's funny I actually end up posting these articles I'll post this article I'm sure over at the CERN
but outside of him and maybe a couple of others that I don't know nobody's talking about these guys and you need to and I'll start right off the bat that should catch your attention with the very first word in the article Rothschild Rothschild conspiracy theory tinfoil hat should already be getting put on right now. Olivia is Rothschild wants merger between corporations governments and AI to quote unquote save capitalism and of course they want to kill capitalism and replace it with with shareholder capitalism inclusive capitalism which is not capitalism's Marxism that's hidden under the guise of capitalism so pay attention to show today this is really good stuff good as in we need to know the information. Good isn't hey her a they're trying to kill us all alright from the article if you're not familiar with the with a little organization called The Counselor inclusive capitalism don't worry most people have never
the group was formed at the height of the covid pandemic which is technically not true they were really there starting 2017 but they Rose in prominence during covid so I got to get the point they're still buy government officials and the media propaganda propagated the news feed the majority of the public was rather distracted the cic is essentially everything that conspiracy theorists have been warning about 4 years packaged into a single orwellian entity complete with dramatic piano music and a mask of humanitarian philanthropy that is so true playlist part of this video was actually from the council for Okaloosa cab was a Ford play that is important note these guys where's the world economic Forum that come out of the shadows in recent years you know they were kind of sort of hidden but but really really since the Obama years they've they've injected themselves more to conversations they really try to establish a greater foothold and then just Opera
from the Shadows yeah they've come out in in flat out said you will eat zip bugs they've come out of flat out said you will not drive the car as we will kill the cows I mean they talked about their depopulation control agenda openly whereas and that should raise your alarm bells or as the council from clothes or capitalism has not they've gone so far as to have their Wikipedia Pages remove there is no mention of a castle from close of capitalism in Wikipedia despite the fact that the names behind them we should include I mean led by Rothschild of their help fund it by the Rockefeller Foundation they work directly with the Vatican this is not a little organization so let's go to play this video
Neha Samuel Jackson tn16 macaroni for juice to a few. Merely answering Pope Francis has challenged to create more inclusive economies it's spread the benefits of capitalism and allow individuals to realize their full potential
a majority of people around the world say that they think their families will be worse off in 5 years that's a scenario that we simply can't accept too much well as a creative 22 few people if you make money what's the point if you're not prepared to share it if the people who helped make that will spoil you can live with dignity we need to get to it we need to bring everyone is along and they will be adjustments that come with that we do need the private sector has Ingenuity capital and Technology people everything that passion to come to the party sustainable way when centers are lined across Generations not just across Waters and the main actors take a long-term perspective
Nicole's and the priorities of inclusive capitalism is both a business and sustainability imperative
I think why I said concrete commitment to increase of capitalism master I mean the first and not be underestimated other people in the second thing that I would say around concrete Public public they can help build trust leaders and the business Community can be a unifying force they can be a source of opportunity they can be a source of understanding so we as Business Leaders can step up and saw many of these economic problem I think business plays a very important role in resolving these challenges I think businesses have to become your part of the solution through leadership by example and through leadership by incentives
we are stewards of this Earth is our duty to keep it clean and keep it decent for future generations and wanting to embark on this journey to provide a person might be necessary in Attica law in all your social this group and I are thinking of such a noble task of making capitalism work for the good of humanity achieve his goal and land on target so this is a different religions need to come together on all matters is just the crying need of the times in our world faith cannot be used to pull us apart faith is meant to bring us together and the fact that I'm
steak and somebody else has a different religion to me doesn't matter of our work is indeed about social justice which is rooted in the gospel
the idea that every person deserves to live in a just Society
capitalism is at the heart of innovation that creates higher standard of living and we know that it's been working yet we also know we can do a lot better we need a new system focused on the well-being of people swimming challenge
but if it is done right
the benefits will be in men's
what I think capitalism has to stay in for him to be inclusive capless and how we help everybody have equal access the opportunity to have the economic Mobility the council is a terrific body in which we can assemble a critical mass of companies joined commit to concrete actions that not only affecting improve the communities in which we live but expect the world to me more than 1,000 organizations on board and only with this very purpose for Collective action we will see the systemic change across markets that will make apple isn't truly inclusive trips for inclusive capitalism I going to our website a green the principal and making your own commitment to include with capitalism
please don't.
Wow if you hadn't seen that before and I've seen it three or four times over the last three years if you hadn't seen that before hopefully that will wake you up if you are if you are averse to educated at all in the language utilized by the global Sleek ball then then again that this should be absolutely positively eye-opening k
you notice obviously they start with with what is the Rothschild lady ever got her first name something Lynn I was her first name is anybody was forming I just don't have the memory to be able to remember for four names on it first but anyway starts off with her and the pope you know the pope and people I know you were a lot of you anti-catholic at all I don't think the Pope Francis represents the Catholic Church properly at least leave the maybe represents the church but it doesn't represent Catholics and his his woke ideology is definitely not what you would expect from from the leader of the Catholic church and they brought in other members of other religions always talk about how religion shouldn't get in the way of this you know inclusiveness it's all about it hopefully you noticed they were some of the other standard Financial economic bad guys in there the CEO State Street
this type of language is type of manipulation talking about the environment talking about exclusivity talking about stakeholder capitalism without actually mentioning the word stakeholder capitalism this is them k
if you don't like the world economic Forum great these guys are the bigger threat let's go back to the article the base root basic root function of the council is to centralize most or all major corporations
corporations with global influence and join them with governments into a network that place has ideology over profit motive some people might argue that corporations need to adopt a shared value system instead of Simply running around like sharks devouring whatever they can sink their teeth into but who gets to choose the set of values that corporate behemoths follow
as I talked about many times this is their push is to establish ubiquitous public-private Partnerships I want every industry and every government and that the leaders in both to be Consolidated and focusing on problem just as an example when we're talking about energy energy is going to be operated by the oil companies might say that how could that possibly be you know the oil companies there they're the enemy you know you got the the weirdos gluing themselves to two streets from stop oil so why would it while the oil companies have already been pegged by the global so we can ball to be the ones that usher in the the next chapter usher in the green agenda the climate change hoax agenda
of course they're going to be included of course they're going to be tied in with government through public-private Partnerships and they will be the ones making the decisions about inclusivity when it comes to energy about saying hey yeah we you know we might be leave the Big Oil company but even we're willing to say that we can't have any more gas cars on the road after 2030 or 2035 or 2040 or whatever it is you know what whatever they said there goes to they're going to be the leaders in this is this is it it kind of tickles h h a did the contradiction aspecting ever contradicted recognition in her brain to think that that big oil is going to leave the charge against boil but that's exactly what's happening it's not going to happen it's in the process of happening right now and I cover that a couple days ago was back the article cic is a physical body representing the action arm of the ESG concept is she of course coming from everybody from Black Rock and vanguards of the world economic
and again all the globalist Lee cabal environment social governance is all this those three are the keys to their control in this control and depopulation agenda to the globalist Ali cabal is engaged in that's the key to it in the cic as Brandon Smith notes is the physical body representing the action arm if you've got the world economic Forum as the think-tank in recruitment arm if you've got BlackRock Vanguard State Street and central banks as the economic arm the funding the control of Corporations do you have the Biden Harris regime the United Nations and and all the various radical leftists controlling countries across the world handling the government's on all this comes together through DS G and that's this is how we get to the all the bad things that we've been talking about for years and decades is how before 20-30 their hope is to have a one world government of one world to come
they noted I mean without specifically saying one world religion they made the pitch in that video for a one world religion
back the article
I was Jessie's action on it is meant to create incentives and punishments for the business world based on their compliance with the values of globalism and woke socialism as well as their submission to The Climate agenda I have written about this issue extensively but my article what is the counts of inclusive capitalism is the New World Order and I'll put a link to that in the show notes is probably the best overview of the group and their intention who is great and I did reply was head over on my side as well with permission of course with far less political or has done in public exposure to indoctrinate the masses which is already in process we've seen this strategy and action of the past several years agreed with many companies producing a steady stream of products media content and marketing right with diversity equity and inclusion propaganda not to mention anti-western anti-conservative propaganda these corporations have been so ingrained into the deines G4
the many of them are willing to alienate the majority of their customers and lose vast profits Bud Light Target seen it over and over again and it continues they don't back off at Double Down in many cases, but like they got hit so hard and it's it's a little bit ridiculous I get it yeah they became the the the symbolic representation of patriotic Americans pushing back against the wall, and so they got hit maybe ten times as hard as they they maybe should have enough in the day that they deserve to not be hit I'm saying that we put so much effort into boycotting Bud Light lid with others maybe we're doing worse things worse things than just putting a a transgender dude on on their can these other companies sort of got a little bit of a pass and hopefully we can change that by exposing them and by getting more people such as you
Starboy type don't go to Target when it's that simple Target is is promoting their their their matches promoting they are they are kind of force-feeding lgbtqia plus Supremacy agenda on to everybody especially youth don't go there
Bubba Bubba Bob choose to join with such an organization if they are going to be costly micromanage in their operations it may not be presented to them as the choice or rather an inevitable requirement he says it in in May and he's actually said it my but I meant it may it definitely is okay these guys are strong arm that's all there is to it
this is why Elon Musk is such a threat to them possibly I've said many times before I do not trust Elon Musk Elon Musk okay I really do but I don't trust not fully I think that he might be the plant he might be the globalist she'll their their their last you know there
they're the ringer there we go he's the ringer he's the one that that after you know he's not fight fight fight and then he's going to turn around and try to hurt conservatives into the globalist mentality without many many even noticing if that's possible okay every day it gets a little I get a little bit more comfortable with him you know of course this week you've been offered and told a bunch of CEOs including including a Disney and bass acid go after yourself to all of them if they want to try to bully him if they want to try to blackmail him with advertising dollars blackmail him with money go if he flat out told him go after yourself and it was shocking to to the the people there but it's it's endearing to people I got so I'm going to have to advertise on Twitter advertising squitter bringing my company since like 2012 or something like that it's been a long time
yesterday after seeing that so so we know you got to go out and support the look I appreciated him and so there we go. That's why he is so they don't like him either they love him and he's a shill or they're terrified by him because he can't be controlled he is ungovernable by the ones that want to govern us and he's hopefully going to help other people become ungovernable as well and they don't want that so I have to say it if anything happened to Elon Musk it was it whatever they say the official story is that's not the case I don't care what suicide plane crashed out rhinoceros getting loose on his grounds I don't know none of it's real he's not anyway we'll will God forbid I wish I hadn't even put that out there as as words
how to get in on the ground floor get the best seats at the cabal's table those who join late might be crushed under the weight of an oppressive socialist bureaucracy then again the choice could be also be voluntary and I with the promise that corporate leaders will be given extensive governance rules after the great reset of capitalism which the world economic Forum discuss it so often keep in mind that the only way such companies will be able to survive after being shunned by the majority of the public is if they join of governments are hand of the state-sponsored Monopoly and are supported by Perpetual subsidies they might even be opening operating under the assumption that as long as they continue to serve the woke religion they will eventually rewarded with the two up to fail status
Mussolini what's a Define the meaning of corporate power with government power as the original design for fascism the council purpose of capitalism is the living breathing expression of that authoritarian see this article goes on it's it's not too long ago. Us and you can search for their I'll have it on my site you can just go to I discern. TV / see I see if you want to. Are as well as catch the the replay of this video I'll put that on there as well crazy stuff pay attention to them Rothschild BlackRock central banks what governments they're all in on it
they're all part of this
so don't just put all your your anger towards the world economic Forum or the World Health Organization these guys are the ones that don't want you to know about
this is why again they had their Wikipedia page taken down they don't want to be known you might sell but at the end you know she said go to our website and check out our values and sign up and yada yada yada. Don't be public they just don't want to be resource they want to stay in the shadows and the world economic Forum has been around since the seventies when did you first hear about them
they decided to come out of the Shadows before public about their stuff way back in you know if you weren't watching Alex Jones you there's I would say the chances are people I say Alex Jones is a general term for a conspiracy theorist starting back around the year 2011 earlier than that it but if you want to listen to Alex Jones or people like him before chances are you hadn't heard of the world economic Forum or at least understood who they were until recent Years be honest they they have hit hit the public sphere extensively just in recent years counts for inclusive capitalism is the exact opposite right now they are staying behind the scenes but they still control a vast amount of property they still control a vast amount of bored
influence influence so much and to ignore them would be a humongous mistake
your censorship has really taken a hit on us we have been very challenged by companies like YouTube places where we are not allowed to talk about the things we talked about I strongly encourage you if you are watching this video right now I would say the best place to be able to follow through on brighty on it shoots for some reason we're still an apple podcast waiting for that ban Hammer to come down but the best way to follow follow the show to make sure that you get all of the updates all of the new videos of the pop up all the live shows that we do is to go to JD Rumble J D wrecker, but I will take you to my exclusive Rubble Channel only it's just the stuff that I put up so it's not mixing with any any other place you can find my videos over discern. TV and places like that but now at least until noon God forbid they go to the dark side at least for now rumbles doing very
good job of keeping us informed and in keeping us on the are so JD Rucker. Calm Rumble and I'll take you to my Rumble Channel you can subscribe and get to hear more of the stuff so God bless you
well this next story is awful I guess it's kind of good cuz we're we're getting exposure we're getting to see what's happening on the other side of the veil not the spiritual and maybe it's actual Vale but definitely on the on the the privacy and and censorship and psyop Vale that's been in company encompassing us for much longer than most of us had any idea was happening in this article by Cindy Harper over at reclaim the net exposed when a story starts with that were cyber threat intelligence leagues censorship Empire a whistleblower's revelation of covert operations and Free Speech suppression from the article was out with information pertaining to a group known as the Cyber threat intelligence League the City IL
Barbie comic book villains don't they or Bond villains or whatever it's just Dylan is made up of a number of government officials including at least a dozen from the FBI and the cybersecurity and infrastructure Security Agency alright Alex and Matt Taibbi access to documents corroborate his claims and the three presented it to the public in a detailed report the significance of c t i l is that some observers believe it turned out to be the censorship Ground Zero that grew to unprecedented size in both on both sides of the Atlantic spawning an entire industry dealing with suppressing free speech on anything from brexit to covid and the 2020 election was essentially problem into existence with Donald Trump 2016 election as president and involved representatives of both us and UK authorities and private
military contractors in 2016 was the Catalyst for the election 2016 there was a I should I say a secret meeting there were multiple secret meetings in this comes from very reliable sources multiple secret meetings between the various CEOs of big tech companies Twitter at the time not with Elon Musk Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg Google even Apple was allegedly involved I cannot confirm that part but I know the Google for sure Facebook for sure Twitter for sure and they had representatives from the unit party Swap and it wasn't just that the Republicans that were involved in these quotes secret meetings in these meetings and they basically declared the old the old worn-out phrase never again they were blindsided they they had no idea they really didn't realize how little power they actually had because they they could not prevent the election of Donald Trump so they
almost immediately after that election once it was clear that they weren't going to have some some magic Pete a pauper or whatever then once they determine to add Hillary Clinton's probably not going to going to have wax I'll be a little bit suspicious they decided that hey let's get some let's let's make sure this never happens again in this where the c t i l was born so I just and of course I shouldn't say that to where I was born that was one of the Catalyst for others to take action it wasn't like this isn't Mark Zuckerberg didn't call his his military contractor buddies and say Hey you know we need we need some surveillance here no they just said hey you guys figure something out and we're wide open you tell us what we need to do and then we'll tell you what we can do and we'll meet in the middle and prevent Donald Trump winning re-election and we'll use this time in between to smear him to go after and what will impeach him at least two or three times you know we're going to tear him down or going to destroy this whole Maga movement
what's the plan starting in the end of 2016 bhakti article mean while the overall ambition was to incorporate c t i l into the federal government does formalizing and cementing its role is why sons who have documented evidence of the early days of the now notorious online censorship era principally in the US but also in Europe as even more important than the Twitter or Facebook files is City IL was the original disease than those files can be seen as the symptoms of the key and most scandalous point is at the same time not surprise me at all to anyone who's been keeping a close eye on how the censorship is being carried out although the government military and intelligence agencies worthy co-founders of c t i l they quickly realized private entities would have to be brought in
as one document reads spies and soldiers can act against foreigners abroad unchecked aunt but when it comes to the suppression of Rights of Americans called the government doesn't have the legal authority meaning for example to directly trampled on the 1st amendment's so the tech and Legacy Media Industries got involved this is the key so they can do pretty much whatever they want if there's a foreign foreign interference as they would like to call it that's not going to that won't fly but and this is a big but when it comes to Americans they need help they still can and have been and continue to do suppression and censorship and basically informational tyranny I guess American citizens they just do it through through third parties to do it through Facebook Twitter you know you to Google on all those those bad guys in big Tech now with Elon Musk coming on board it seems as if at least from Twitter's perspective that era is ending in press more importantly the other bad guys in
call Darby expose but nothing's happening with this because Legacy Media is also involved we can say sit here and you're watching the show right now you're not watching this on on ABC News or Fox News or anything like that you're watching this online cuz they can't and won't say anything about your Legacy Media and unfortunately if you're watching this you are in the in the small minority we still live in societies as what is a Symbicort unwired 2D wire to cut the wire whatever has as much as we've gone to a a purely digital people Society they're still far more people who are still hooked in through corporate media even if they're allegedly unplug they're still going to watch CNN or Fox News they're still going online to read the New York Times they might not be having the New York Times delivered to them but they're still getting a lot of the news from The New York Times from The Washington Post from Legacy meteors I like to call the corporate media
these people that are have absolute possibly no interest in exposing any of this stuff so while we might say I'll great reclaim the and the J D wrecker show exposing this point we're going to reach when when ten thousand of the population if we're lucky if we're able to even go viral so spread the word let people know that this is happening but it continues to happen and that the only way that we could ever ever be able to to make it stop is if we can reach a Tipping Point of awareness
in these times it's City they always say you don't talk about politics or religion during family gatherings during the holidays and get if you've been to any large enough a family gathering you know that invariably it's been popping up in time maybe ten years ago when it was truly forbidden and people really didn't talk about it at family gatherings but today even if it's not necessarily it just between a few people at a family gathering the topics to come up people are interested you want to know about the stuff on the other side that has a positive I don't want to know about the stuff they they cover their ears stick their head in the sand and pretend like none of it's happening we need to wake as many people as possible we need to get people to be reading this article I'll put this over over at I discern. TV / c t i l or you can find it over at the source reclaim the and I you can read the rest of the article it is it's fascinating but the main key here is that that this the secretive organization
is getting exposed and it's up to me and it's up to you and it's up to to any any freedom-loving Patriot to get the word out about this because you're not going to see this talked about on on Sean Hannity York or wherever so that it's it's taboo taboo they don't expose themselves
sometimes I gets what I consider to be unfair complaints I talked about the food crisis I talked about the economic crisis and talk about these things that are happening in America having in the world that are very bad people will come up there and say oh you're just trying to sell beef or you're just trying to sell gold it's the other way around okay it is absolutely the other way around I would have if I didn't have any spots if I had 10 million dollars 10 billion dollars or whatever and I don't have to make any money I would still be talking about this exact same stories Okay the reason that I have started a freeze dried beef company in and I'm working with a Christian precious metals companies because these are the stories that I'm talking about and I want to offer Solutions I didn't go through and just pick out the the most lucrative gold company a matter fact if they're far from it okay I can make a heck of a lot more money like all these other show host by pushing I'm not going to say which gold companies out there but these other Gould Cummings they offer
a ton of money is a reason why you only see people like me out there promoting Genesis go through this is only a handful of what I consider to be honorable hosts and whenever who are willing to take less money for the sake of of working with companies that I'm going to rip you off such as Genesis Gold group okay I mean again I'm not this is business for the vast majority of the unless they're in the family wealthy the vast majority of these show host these these websites these blogs they're struggling to make money I don't hold it against them if they go with some of the other guys that are offering you know $5,000 in free silver General wander by the way how they're able to offer $5,000 and free silver on like let's say you're you're hundred-thousand-dollar retirement account and they're still able to pay big bucks to their sponsors and they're still able to pay their sales people and allegedly they're only making $299 in the service fee you know that's all they're making everything else now you're paying for it okay you're paying for it I work with Genesis cold brew because they don't
they don't use those Shenanigans they don't try to rip people off and as far as the the beef it's a no-brainer people need food I don't care if you buy it from me by from somebody get long-term storage food stock up most Americans only have about 2 weeks supply of food if if the grid goes down if they lose power water everything if they don't have water supply nearby than they're already in trouble that's not it then I can last 2 weeks at best if they don't have the if the faucets get turned off I shouldn't I don't care where you go I want you to go to my people but more importantly I want you to do whatever it is to make yourself self-sufficient self-reliant do not be dependent on government for anything away as quickly as possible get out of the city's I don't own a real estate company got to keep telling people get out of the Cities
get out of suburbs if you can take move away from from the places where there's going to be the most Shenanigans will call it when the crap does hit the fan is going to okay the crap is going to hit the fan. I don't know if it's going to be this this year next year or ten years from now maybe a hundred years from now but eventually that long 10 years but at some point in the near future I do believe that we are going to see crises that will make covid and and Ukraine and all these other things seem like they were just walks in the park so no I'm not I didn't I don't pick up my stories because of my sponsors I picked my sponsors because of the stories that I want to talk to you all about anyway that's my little mini mini ramps that are sorry if I offended you I know most you do understand this most of you know that I have passed on some extraordinary
who are the sponsors that are pushing items that are meaningless I've got a lot of people like Ben Shapiro and Tim pool and buy some people that I actually like and respect somebody don't like and respect respect we like the idea of how you go by 1 foot by 1 foot plot of land in Scotland and now you're a lord or lady or layered or whatever it is it is it's like and that the money that they were going to throw at me it's like wow that would be nice but no because that's pointless run into trying to promote novelty here no matter how lucrative it is I don't get it off me a million bucks to do one spot I wouldn't do it I just wouldn't like I can't not going to tell you guys are not going to recommend something that I wouldn't do myself I I buy survival food okay
buy gold and silver mostly silver I can't afford gold much he has a supply I go for precious metals that's what I do it's what I think you should do you know people say what you use for my pillow and why didn't you don't need a pillow no but we do need Mike Lindell MyPillow is a company's represents a whole lot more than just pillows and I'm not just talking about their other products I'm saying they represent America from corporate perspective of the very very very few companies out there that actually does opposed to ESG requirements
okay they're being attacked across the board so yes I support them not because I think that you need pillows but I think that we as a nation need my pillow is a company in Mike lindell's man I'm assuming you'll see Michael and does that look Mike lindell's heart is for God and America that's all I need to know that's all I need to know in order to support him do I agree with everything he says or does no no I do not something some things he says some things he does it's like me and Mike what are you doing don't do that. But generally speaking I do support him and I definitely support his company and you can always use a promo code Jay Dr. Check out if you go to my pillow and stock up on the My Pillow to work or robes I've got the slippers I got the dog beds I got I got more dog beds and dogs because they like to sleep in different parts of the house anyway
don't answer that's all that the practice for this next next story which I I consider to be again is it self-serving because I own a freeze-dried food company to talk about the crisis maybe but I'm not going to mention them I'm going to talk about the crisis itself because one of the biggest Staples when it comes to survival is rice and the Koreans Tyler Durden over Zero Hedge
it's getting worse and worse and worse are the title rice nearest 15-year high as Global food crisis quote much worse than 2008 in the you I've been saying that for a long time I've been saying since 2021 I'm saying folks it's going to get bad it's going to get worse than that you know we had a hard time 2008-2009 in the 2010 in the hills for the Obamacare the economy look like is going to struggle forever it looks for maybe maybe they thought it was going to to never get back to where it was and then of course we had four years of Donald Trump and it got back to where it was and didn't take for years it's got back to where was involved in less than three years crazy stuff you have good economic policy and fiscal responsibility and don't worry about that because I know I understand I realize and I greatly appreciate that Donald Trump some of his fiscal policy some of the things that were put into place during his his time his time with his first term
a lot of them weren't very good okay they weren't but I'll call it how it is I'm not a not a secret and I'm not going to die down to say that everything Donald Trump does is perfect it's not he'd made some some economic mistakes for sure because his sentiment was so strong for business and because he was able to negotiate such such strong trade deals we did see tremendous Prosperity during his time once covid hit things started changing what's the lockdown started things started really changed I do blame him for that.
but at least we did get to see a recovery now we're in the midst of a of a scenario financial situation with the by a regime that is untenable we cannot survive another time this week we we cannot be speaking I would argue that there is at least a week all the 20% chance that we will have an economic class prior to the 2024 election I'll see about one-in-five chance
maybe one in four high as Global food crisis much worse than two thousand eight rice prices are on the verge of hitting a new 15-year highs as the damage effects of El Nino weather phenomenon across Asia have damaged farm lands leading to Wendling supplies Thai white rice 5% broken 5% broken it's $640 per tonne this week these prices are back to levels not seen since 2008 prices are up over 50% since the start of 2022 with a chuki at office Swansea
I think I got that one I think I said that right and honorable president of the Thai rice exporters Association Who provided new details about the deteriorating conditions for Global markets off of Swansea said the demand for Thai rice from Brazil and the Philippines continues to rise he's at prices are being pushed up as top producer countries run low on supplies and demand increases elsewhere in this is a quote from Shakira. It says we're I think it's a he might be a she who knows we're selling so it's supposed to know that I don't we're selling well now because Vietnam is low on stock goes into little bit more technical detail but the point is this everyone yes there is due to Drought due to conditions that made rice get more premium yes we are experiencing challenges there but I think it's worse than that I think there is at least a lot
a good amount of deliberate intentional degradation of the food supply chain here in the United States and abroad they are trying to manufacture a crisis they are in the process of manufacturing prices and some would argue they already have manufactured a crisis with food don't forget with maybe you didn't know this was food things that make it Dyer and and really just just dangerous today oftentimes depending on the product spending on the crop or the meat of the or the food product itself we might not actually feel the effects for months even over a year by the food we eat has been show consumption for a long long time does when the reason why we went with with beef and freeze drying and where we're going to be soon eventually adding bison or looking all sorts of other products with expansion is going great if you were curious but the reason we went with freeze-dried babies because if you take freeze dried beef you cook it we cook it sous vide you put
you freeze dry to put in the mylar bag with oxygen absorbers can you seal it up
and it's good for at least 10 years USDA says 25 years
so that's what we're looking for we're not just looking for a you know stock up on your canned soup which can last 35 sometimes 7 years were looking for for further than that it's imperative that people start taking control of their future food meat there's going to come a time in the near future in my humble opinion I believe there's going to come a time when we will not just be able to hop on instacart or go run down to Whole Foods and pick up a whole bunch of food and here's the thing folks when the Panic starts it's going to be sudden and it's going to be dangerous you're not going to want to go to Whole Foods or any other grocery store or convenience store or drugstore and I kind of want to go there to try to get food because they will turn into
bloodbaths not I hate to even I don't like discussing violence especially violence that may come in the future
that's the most likely scenario in my humble opinion that is what's what's going to happen once once there is even the hint of a crash people start getting antsy and then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy people see everything we've seen with banks was singing with grocery stores during the whole covid thing people buy 2-years supplies of toilet paper thinking that oh my gosh what am I going to do without toilet paper if I've got to wear a mask or what I don't know I don't know what the mentality that was what we seen we seen Mi panics already and that's before any major disasters when if there are disasters what if
what if it goes really South if and when that does even the hint of that happening will prompt runs to the grocery store shelves being emptied violence can start you're not going to want to do that you're going to want to hunker down be ready to bug in and that means having enough food and water preferably enough energy as well
hygiene materials all the things that you'll need
now more than ever people need to focus on preparedness and it doesn't mean that you have to go in to become a doomsday prepper with with your bunker in the hills of Montana though that would be nice. All of us have the ability to do that I don't I can't do that right now
but you need to at least have some level of parrot preparedness and use the answer this before I'll say it again I'm sure this isn't I'm not telling you guys this because I want you to you know I'm just being being nice this is very self-serving and not because of trying to get you to buy beef this is self-serving because we all of us need as many Americans as possible to be self-sufficient because once I don't care how patriotic somebody is once they have to decide between bowing down the government and hopping in the breadline or watching their families starve to death if they're going to hop in the Bremen I don't care they could be the most patriotic freedom-loving constitutional conservative in America but they're not going to let their family die if the if the solution is the only solution that they've allowed themselves to have is to hop in the line and then get on the government Dole
it's going to happen I firmly believe that I'm no Prophet by trying to predict the future here you know with with no definitively but the trajectory that we were on the machinations of the global tweakball all of this combines to a very very ugly future scenario so get prepared and get prepared now I mean wait
yes bad enough that we have rampant illegal alien crossings that that we have essentially open borders that are destroying the nation but it's actually worse than that if you could possibly imagine it was a story that we broke over at the Liberty daily that, it's been a couple weeks now I really started getting more conservative and even some mainstream sites in over the last couple of weeks about a Brazilian fugitive who was found in Martha's Vineyard of all places and or near Martha's Vineyard I should say they were searching in Martha's Vineyard and actually and the nabbing him somewhere else but we had reported in that was have been reported the time that this is an illegal alien turns out it's not this Brazilian national came here legally technically legally it's not like you went and traveled it what thousands of miles and and through treacherous terrain and in the across the border and and then made his way
hitchhiked over to the Martha's Vineyard now this guy was kind of ply for a tourist visa after being convicted for raping a five-year-old child
you got a man
women just flew right in to New York City didn't go through through any of the illegal alien whatever you think all of the Caravans or or walking no no no he just he just applied for a Visa tourist visas and hey you know I just want to check out the Statue of Liberty hang out there and see if there's any five-year-olds there that are being left alone and end and they they they let him in the story update of the story comes from Jenny tear over at Daily Caller Brazilian wanted for rape of a minor enter the US on a tourist visa
is that doesn't check your khakis I don't know what does a Brazilian man wanted and convicted for the rape of a child was able to obtain a tourist visa to enter the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Thursday I snapped a sixty-two-year-old fugitive in Tewksbury Massachusetts on November 28th at the agency said The Fugitive fled Brazil after his conviction to before his sentencing and entered the US via New York in April of raping a child and he applied for a tourist visa and it was granted to him
is a quote from Todd Lyons enforcement and removal operations Boston field office director there's no more repulsive and disturbing crime than the sexual assault of a child we're proud to have apprehended this convicted rapist and will seek to remove him from the United States so that he cannot pray on the members of our community the Brazilian national remained in ice custody pending his removal proceedings the agency said the US government typically requires that the u.s. government typically requires that applicants seeking visas partake in an interview with an embassy or consulate official record in the state department criminal activity tied to an applicant May disqualify them from obtaining a Visa May disqualify what
I'm I'm blunt like I'm seriously blown away as much as I study them in try to to become a subject matter expert on illegal immigration legal aliens the Border crisis the various laws that are being subverted mean people say oh you know there's there just migrants no no no until they enter the United States of the United States illegally they are illegal aliens they have broken the walk this guy was handed our sovereignty this guy went through proper channels
apply for a tourist visa and was given one despite the fact that he'd already been convicted in Brazil for raping a five-year-old child
Lions continue convicted for and fugitives are not welcome here Euro Boston will not relent in our efforts to locate every hand and remove them from our country why was he in in the first place I get a mistakes happen but this seems like a pretty huge mistake this isn't somebody who had parking tickets in Venezuela okay this isn't somebody who have been accused of stealing bananas in in Argentina okay Kyle drapeis to apply for a tourist visa and was granted it by the United States government and allowed to enter to fly into New York City
and to make his way through apparently Martha's Vineyard and finally apprehended in Tewksbury Massachusetts
but we have a huge problem you know that
but it is bigger than you think it's not just our lack of a border wall
it's not just our open borders policies is not just because May orcas and vitamin and in the former borders are Kamala Harris have put out that policies the system is broken across the board and this is coming from a man I am a legal immigrant I was not born in the United States I came here illegally as a child my mother came here legally as an adult
my father was was an American in the military so technically speaking I'm not I'm still you know a natural born citizen by the law but again I wasn't born here
my mother was was legally came in and just don't understand how this can possibly happen
I'm never at a loss for words
I would I guess I would even feel a little better if he wasn't illegal alien least I could focus on that one problem the clearly we have problems both illegal and legal immigration
and that should terrify us all
should I go to a station identification and break and I'll be back
a sharp eye view of the show I know I was in most probably most of the audience listens 3 wwcr shortwave radio early in the morning when we're doing the show but the but a sharp eye viewer had noticed that a suit that I was wearing for the Jason Nelson interview happened to be the same suit I wore during the show the day before and that's because we do pre-record the interviews I know that the illusion of of everything's done live at I don't want to shout it at 4 for anybody but because we do the radio show at 5 a.m. in the morning versus 5 a.m. in the evening which is in the thing because we do the show so early it is it's a lot easier to get people to come on as guest
when you're not asking them to wake up before the sun comes up so we pre recorded it and yes I like 2 days I'm going to be doing an interview later today I will be wearing this suit but the interview will Air during this show today's interview with Jonathan Rose from Genesis School group will be with yesterday's suit so thank you sharp I'd viewer from Brady out of her call where that your hand caught in yes I do I told keep swapping back between suits I I just happened to be doing these these interviews pre-recorded the day before so let's go to Jonathan and his enthralling talking about the the the guy from bricks was it known that was from anyway the story about fed now and that that part was truly enthralling so it's get to Jonathan Rose now
Americans today are so concerned about the future they're concerned about the economy about the food about government by War about so many different things today the economy being arguably the most imperative one right now because people are struggling struggling with you to make ends meet there struggling to retain their value in their retirement today I have a guest who is not an expert in in such topics as gold and silver but who has a a astounding grasp of the economy in general we are very blessed pleased and honored to have Jonathan Rose co-founder of Genesis gold joining us today Jonathan how are you doing my friend
I'm doing fantastic. Thank you once again for having me back in your show it's good to have you for complete transparency let's just get give the disclaimer out there this show that you're listening to that you're watching right now would not be possible without Genesis go to Genesis is our primary sponsor they have they have put put tens of thousands of billions of dollars into this show is you can tell by my amazing background and so so we are truly legitimately blessed to have them with us because they do believe in the message they are in America first company and as the name implies they are Faith driven company this is Genesis as in Genesis from the Bible a Jonathan was a disclaimer out of the way we look around and we see the gold prices at least this week silver prices have been skyrocketing and I know a lot of people say oh you know that that's a bad thing that means that's that you they make
reasons to be especially if they're itsjerian to the stock market or whatever they they all know that's that's bad it's not bad okay if you own gold and silver right now things are looking good but I need to know from you is why is this happening what what it prompted this rise in prices that were seen recently
what the general consensus in a in a ratty that would be witnessing right now is really being focused around interest rates where the very whole catch the interest rates could come down next year so how does that have a reflection of what the relationship there with gold will generally speaking are historically when interest rates have been high people have shied away from goal because do doesn't pay a dividend and people tend to shift Moines a treasure is off some type of former treasury bills so you know when you look at the price of gold and people here that the interest rates could be cut back if that's actually a bullish sentiment for the price of gold has been a short time ready here however the old textbook analogy of interest rates being higher and gold prices going down I think somebody really needs to rewrite this textbook because so many I don't think that's the case anymore I mean we had a phenomenal run for go this year itself over the footings 15 +
5 year old is out also over 60% so those numbers or the old analogies of inverse relationship so I think they're out the window I think the reason why we've also seen a red and gold and expect this ready to continue into the next year is just for the simple reasons why people waking up to the fact that the US dollar is losing value you are the year in fact a staggering figure I tell people that stole my shocking is since 1933 the US dollar has lost 92% of its purchasing power which is pretty scary yet go to retain that value of a city where you know coupling in what's happening internationally with Israel a Russia Ukraine to International conflicts higher interest rates as mention trying to curb High inflation and inflation very Insidious we don't see it it's like a little caterpillar on the leaf taking a small bite out of our purchasing power now they see came out the other day
just saying that inflation is Lori well again you read these headlines but it doesn't hit Main Street for quite some time because he invested and people we speak to that still struggling sometimes people walking through job so that there would he choose on going up but the cost of living is Foods becoming more expensive gas prices on coming down so a lot of these facts is that I'm talking about even things like JD Central Bank digital currencies which CBD sees what you do and very vocal about his many issues that we have all of these issues that I'm spitting out here and morph this is Cody everything bubble and salt economies are referring to everything come all that can possibly go wrong so again this is kind of like spurring the yellow metal to the continuing this rally I don't think it's going to slow down anytime soon I'll just see what comes up comes down the same with Equity is okay so nothing goes out forever they will be smooth corrections but I think the sense of it here but she going
2024 is still very bullish we don't have a crystal ball but I believe we have a very strong roadmap and this roadmap that I'm more than happy to you always share my disgust with people is something people should be your phone off because of new phone to investors at Benjamin vasta and once people do get a stronger grasp and education on what's happening in the economy what's about to happen with precious metals they can get a better understanding of how to reheat diversify their portfolio and move the positive that into physical assets such as gold and silver brilliant brilliant that does make a lot of sense especially with what what I'm hearing you know for my people is that you got a lot of lot of concern right now you touched on so many of them CD season 1 of the biggest people are still concerned about ESG we seen at a shift away from USG to some extent but it's not really it doesn't seem to be a permanent shift and we're still seeing
Investments dominating people's retirement accounts questions you've talked about the the value of the dollar and the when they say that inflation is coming down with a really saying is that it's not inflation isn't going up as much as it was before which is still inflation but we can talk about that some of the time that intrigues me the most just now as you mention that you a roadmap and you mentioned 2024 and whatever I talked to financial people whenever I say you know what what's going to happen next year they always say oh you know there's no way to tell nobody knows and I appreciate that because the people that say I'll for sure it's going to happen and then go to is going to be worth $7,500 buy by January next year that's when I usually hang up the phone where do you stand you have the roadmap you you obviously keep your finger on the pulse of what's happening to the economy what does your road map tell you about what's coming in 2024
well that's a little saying in the market that this was very true and that's the trend is your friend unfortunately the train this time seems to be a plethora of bad news that we don't want to become the trend but this is just facts that we have to deal with it and in today's environment so something that I think it's on the Forefront to something people should really pay attention to me thank you so what happened earlier in the year was Silicon Valley Bank First Republic will now commercial loans are defaulting at such an alarming rate now this is a major issue simply because banks have a lot of bad loans on their books and affect mood is who's the credit bureau already comes out and says how safe is bank so I have reliable day off liquidity wise they just downgraded 7 major US retail bank so I think we're going to see some old bank failures and when things go on that creates a little fear
tell us would essentially be in the equities market now obviously there's got to be a button where they kind of freeze the markets when that happens if people can kind of like that senses and and and carry on trading but I think thankfully it is it something that people sleep under the rug and I think we both have been conditioned we hit he's bad news more bad news more bad news we almost always all for ignore and avoid becomes the norm and there's nothing normal about bad news of some bad news and not expect further repercussions because let's face it in the 08 crisis missed by many people a lot of people lost in a 60 70 80 90 per-cent of that wealth especially people who have retirement accounts so in terms of having a crystal ball and seeing into the future all the states not an exact science but we definitely have the economics and fundamentals to kind of be ringing the alarm Bells waving a red flag and realizing that we need to move to higher
to protect ourselves from a tsunami wave of Destruction you know I always tell people you have health insurance yourself insurance for your car if you are invested in equities you want to have insurance for the acquisition and in my opinion the safest way to do that is to have an acid of gold and silver anime accident Shady because I was speaking to CBS MarketWatch I did today and I will ask me why how do you get exposure to assets like gold and silver is gold ETFs electronic traded funds they are gold mining stocks initial visit and they were asking me know which do I prefer I am a big believer in owning physical metal something tangible something you can hold if you drop it it hit your foot to go out okay so that's the tangible aspects of having gold and silver you have it in your hand it's never going to disappear call me master juice when you have ETS electronically traded funds yes is giving you a exposure
to the market but you actually don't own the ghosts and people want to say while you can by Futures contracts and gold unless you're a traitor and if you'd want to stay away from that you don't want to become a try to become an expert trade if you've never understood before very risky and then when you look at gold mining stocks are not to say that they're bad per se but you're reading investing in the management company who's on the board of directors who's the CEO of all their guns to my nanny goat a sow the ground what they find a new mining Souls it take 7 years to excavate the gold and refine it to make it profitable as many variables involved in gold mining stocks and ETFs if you want exposure to gold and silver the safest way to end the easiest way is to Simply hold on swing by the tangible stuff you know whether it's coins with his balls which kind of leads me into you know how to invest in tangible assets whether you're holding on to it yourself or do you have
a retirement account a pension accounts such as an IRA or 401K the IRS let you roll with that over text free and you can put precious metals in an IRA it's still an IRA exactly like you have now except you have actual physical metals that you own in your name and to me that's the ultimate Safety and Security in the ultimate hedge you can really provide for yourself right now in this in this economic climate
what's funny that you mention the physical nature of and I have looked in the 80s for those who are may be new to the show or aren't familiar with the story that you know I was I was never a fan of gold or silver okay until right around 20210 early early January and January of 2021 when I started realizing wow this is about to go south I used to be a big fan and they just keep your money in stock market it's never going to crash keep your money here there because the economy is going to be just fine don't worry Trump's got this well once Trump was was gone and he started seeing some of the policies that were being put forth by the binary fusion that's where I switch my tune and started looking into gold and silver and I had that it out 31 separate companies over the course of about a year-and-a-half 30 companies that I looked at and started getting the practices for and I promise you that this is there's a point to this story so so so bear with me
you mention the physical aspect of it everyone and their dog says oh yeah you know you got physical precious metals physical precious metals but when I would talk to them and I'm not going to Alden e any other gold, I'm just going to say that when I talked to some of them talking about the physical nature of the gold you know where is the gold going to be can I actually go and in touch it isn't really mine are they going to do you know if at the end of the day when I'm ready to cash out my retirement account am I going to get a little certificates is hate and graduations you know here's your gold when I was talking to you the first time that was a great day by the way because that's why the show is even here when I was talking to you the first time you walked me through that the physical nature of gold through Genesis Gold group you walk me through how people could actually see their gold even touch their golden you explain to me how you make sure that they're go their physical gold when it's time to take a distribution when it's
go to to receive the retirement that you can actually have the gold physically sent from their depository to their home is that all still accurate or did I just ask you for her from doing some evil absolutely the most important thing is that you're in control when you have a self-directed IRA people may choose to go to school to self-directed Ira be killed his self being in control so the metals are held in the last of the puzzle Tori this back by the major exchanges and shield buy the weights of London will be in Dollar City Metals are safe anytime someone wants to take a distribution throughout an IRA or 401K they're able to liquidate it gold is very liquid just as liquid does she have cash gold as a currency so people can liquidate its head me back into Fiat money but what a lot of times people do J D is that they want to take possession of the Mets will at that time so we actually have the Mets won
it to them as well so it one of the things that I really like and I think so huge Advantage for the precious metals Ira is is liquidations and distribution because with a mutual fund be liquidated you take the cash value that's what you can do with gold it gives you options and I like options or he's like options so that way you can liquidated you've got the cash or you can take possession of the mess so it's so nice nice nice anybody who wants to contact Jonathan and and learn more about what they're doing talk to them so maybe you can help to educate them who can answer their questions honestly they can go to protect wealth is protect wealth and they'll be able to to see what Genesis go group can do I have one more question for you sir and I don't know
I don't know the answer to this you you and I are friends but we never actually talked about this so I'm going to be learning just as the audiences learning this very important thing with your finger to the pulse of the economy plus with your I know that you're you're constantly watching the news seeing what's going on looking for economic indicators following the trends as you say what do you foresee as an in you can do it in any way you want you can give me a stack list of of your most risky the least risky but just tell me some of the things that you're hearing from people that you're talking to and things that you're seeing out there in the financial world thinks that we as American citizens should be most concerned about as it pertains to the economy you mentioned cbc's that's a perfect example what else is there that we should be greatly concerned about going forward
what I was going to be people waste tried sitting and now we down on that so I never like to give price predictions but I am pretty sure on the price of metals but I think reading that the the kind of the fit index is super high right now that the index is a real index tough cut of measures people sentiments and in times of sentiment I have one client that works for Brinks operations is very biopsy he was one of the Architects behind the FED now claim which is older because of the BBC nonsense Central Bank digital currency is ice not even a digital currency to me it's a software without going too far down the rabbit hole with you I think this is going to be absolutely disastrous Fiat money based on the zeros and ones heading towards a cashless Society this is something people are concerned about they read the stories it freaks them out they should be absolutely horrified so I could go on and on about that but that's definitely a hot pots in the same people are wed with printing money
cancel the interest we are paying Every Day's in the tens of millions of dollars you know I always say that doesn't mess up at some point in time if you had a credit card and you didn't pay your bill they cut you off this is what's going to happen with the US economy especially with the Congress sheets from the headlines sometimes government shutdowns did they come up with another number it's only going to be no you cannot kick the can down the road with the so long before you stop your toes so you know there's going to be a major ramifications in our people and even to think about this but I'll let the cats out of the bag at least people need to stop thinking about you know Social Security money running out or Social Security website when you going to come for Medicare and Medicaid programs that we have to pay for people are kind of beginning sauce those types of questions oversleep government overreach people don't like government overreach that old they want the Privacy having something tangible that you hold keeping it in the gun safe somewhere
in the wrong profession people like this I don't see people are also very concerned about the unknown now I will see you know we don't have a time machine to go forwards or backwards but people do remember I still have long memories about the 08 crash that don't come with crash know what history has done well to see the younger crowd and I always say they planned for Saturday night not the future but people that have remembrance of what happened during in a damn Marcus Market collapses of those people are more concerned because they're not retiring on that retired and if in the market crash comes along before you know they had the the full to choose the kind of hold on to what they have with the mentality that it will come back and that's what financial advisors the way since you people come back and have to agree with them yes it will it will indeed come back but how long until it comes back right so when people say to me when I don't have 7 years old
do my poop tell your buddy to come back they're realizing that there on this busy freeway this congestion ahead Now's the Time to get off on to a clear path and and and a safe part and and that's what people want for their retirement. If they want a safe pause they want to be away from the threat of the US dollar losing more than you or collapsing they want to be away from me an economy that is just fueling inflation coupled by high interest rates we haven't really talked much about the real estate market but I think people out that generally know that his teeth to talk to ring is not that very healthy right now so it like I mentioned we have many problems that we're dealing with from banking to economic uncertainty or definitely kind of driving points that people already picking up the phone and pulling us to say you know I have this is a I have his old one Kaif what am I in this does this plan tsp does this qualify so I think really
the main sentiment the weekend people are in what I call the discovery mode and at discovery mode is you know you know how can I plan for the future you know when I wake make this analogy that you don't wait to buy go to buy gold to wait but it's never been so true because when we see all these issues hustling to wolves us it's time to kind of stands whole not bury our heads in the sand and pretend everything's okay but be proactive not reactive but I think as long as your prayer axle for 2024 and you understand what your options are and there are options though so don't think like you know everything collapses we lose everything the safety measures that we can do safeguards that we can take place right now to make sure that the dollars you have invested in different markets have a head and that hedge is very simple gold and silver either physically hold onto it or diversify your retirement accounts and put precious metals in there such as gold coins and even silver coin
Bob diamond and dust you know that I'm very strong Advocate and advocate for that then. And that will never change dating
that is some wonderful information Jonathan Rose from Genesis Gold group will have you on the show on March 24th 2024 so that we can see we can finally cuz you're not allowed to ask a question today but on that day will be able to ask Jonathan what is the price of gold on March 24th 2024 and you look at the information and you'll say it's high so thank you so much for being on the show today sir
thank you very much for helping me always a pleasure always always a pleasure you know I've been a big fan of gold and silver since the binders Eunice taking over and the research that I've done has told me who I can trust and who I can't trust in Genesis Gold group is the company that I trust you can check them out at protect wealth in the reason I want you to do that is because because as a Christian companies of Faith moving company they will do everything they can everything in their power to make sure that your wealth your retirement your life's savings is protected in this most times it's very easy to to do you know it's all done it's all over game over man as has they said in in Aliens well it's not not for everybody some people are going to be very well protected and they can do that but going to protect wealth
you know I can probably talk to Jonathan Rose every single day the guy is just a wealth of information and just it's just a certain level of class to the show I don't know about this next door he's very related to what he was saying I separate this is funny because he didn't mention death and yet here we are you know I will note that often times people including Michael this this article discussed sometimes we get a little bit hyperbolic with our proclamations of Doom and Gloom that the disasters that are happening at the answers aren't going to happen it just it always seems like every day for I don't know the last two decades people said all this is it this is the big one you know the economy is about to collapse the economy is about to collapse with a lot of Chicken Little and Michael Snyder is brilliant as he is he has been among those who said we're on the verge of Destruction that special if you watched YouTube channels there's a lot of YouTube channels out there will literally every single title for every single
videos about how the end is is now it's like it's over your pack it up game over man game over except that once you and I'll read it all reports are but you'll hear it said this time it may be the case and we really may be on the verge of something really really bad and the indicators are perhaps more clear today than they've ever been and I'll explain why because this reference is the article references of lot with the with boom as well as the 2008 financial crisis but there's a reason why this one's actually in my humble opinion the current situation is actually much worse what started the title is the government debt crisis that we have been warned about four decades is happening right now we have been talking about this for a very long time and yet now is when it's supposed to be happening and I think that it really is from the article four decades
we were warned that someday our politicians would push things too far we were one that someday a national debt with spiral out of control servicing that death would become extremely impressive I do too strong interest rates existing funds would crash thanks to the shift in interest rates and foreign sources would start stepping back from buying any new debts that we would be issuing unfortunately that time has arrived the government debt crisis that we have been worried about is here and is going to be incredibly painful At This Moment In This Moment was just a day or two ago at this moment our national debt is sitting at 33 trillion 836693993800 $60.35 cannot forget the $0.35 it is probably going to hit 34 trillion by the end of the year so Michael Snyder has been suspended will have won an extra at least 164 billion dollars in debt added I think that
is math checks out as Matt availability probably quite a bit higher than that it is probably going to hit 34 trillion for the end of the year in December so not much time left to put this into perspective when Barack Obama first entered the White House we were at we're about 10 trillion dollars in debt 10 trillion when Barack Obama enter go figure we're literally committing my National Suicide before a long time most Americans didn't really care because we were not experiencing any serious consequences but now that party is ending thanks to rapidly Rising interest rates US Treasury bonds are in a ver Market worse than bust and almost as bad as 2008 and before I read the eclipse or the the two paragraphs she has here from 7 I would explain why this is much more concerned than even bust which which was relatively short lives in didn't have a huge impact on
what rich but it's also far worse than what happen 2008 in both of those events both those situations where there was a bear market for u.s. debt they were triggering event obviously bust that those up a bursting bubble where it was just something pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin love some people realize holy cow you mean wait a second you mean you can either it was it was it was traumatic I remember those times I wasn't thankfully I was in pain and participating in it but I remember seeing a lot of companies with a whole lot of money being pumped into them that didn't do anything very similar by the way to the to the green agenda bus that's we're in the process of seeing as is these companies are being propped up by Joe Biden's in front of that by Barack Obama's Government funding and yet they still aren't able to to to be successful with their their Green Endeavors that's kind of olives
that's it, but when it comes to the 2008 crash that was obviously created as a result of the housing market crash and both times that we experience is bear Market we had clear definitive delineate events that prompted the concerns we don't have that today he could say covid but we should be well into recovery with it cuz it was was the lockdowns really mostly affected 2020 in a little bit of the 2021 we should have already been into full-blown recovery by mid 2021 starting Countryman full-blown recovery through 2022 and 2023 but it has not happened at the things I've gotten worse and worse base closing
is composite deck booming and yet fiscal policy remains radical no wonder nobody wants to do it and here's the thing this is why it's so much working since there has been no no major hit no individual event that's caused this bear Market that tells us that if and when we do have a major hit whether it's rapid the dollars a session it could be wore it could be a natural disaster major natural disasters they can have a similar impact especially if they are impacting Industries such as energy or food supply and there are so many things that could happen
the push for Central Bank digital currencies is driving this but I'm not going to get into that discussion today Jonathan had already mentioned a bit about that anyway
the point is is that we went in strong we were hit by something big during both boom and the 2008 collapse we were hit with something big Facebook at the time we were hit the economy was soaring ever he was doing was doing very well today the economy is not soaring
and we're already in a bear Market countries that have reliably purchase their debt are not doing it
which tells us that we're soft right now you can honestly we are soft we aren't we are sick it's very similar to if we are about to go into battle you know before you go on the back in 2008 or bust yeah we go to financial battle and where we going to thankfully we are strong and ready to go we were able to fight our way through it and it took some time to recover but we were able to recover now we're going to be injured or already limping we are already we got the flu and we got a broken arm and we got a cast on her leg we're not ready for battle and the battle hasn't even started we're already economically injured that's what's terrifying that's why you know I'll take Michael Snyder semi fear-mongering and say it's probably real this is not those things that you just take for granted
we can't sell her that we can't we can't properly shows up and it's probably a good thing by the way long-term unfortunately that long-term might not even exist in this Mike it it's one of those things where you know if whatever whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger with us if this doesn't kill us it'll probably make us stronger if we collapsed but it might kill us this could end the United States of America 3 the notes from semaphore. Calm down forces too much supply and demand have collided to create the worst stretch for US government bonds since the Civil War
the government keeps borrowing to cover its budget deficit while once reliable buyers of that dead both at home and abroad have pulled back the results investors are demanding the Steve has healed since 2007 auctions of response that were once routine are now going to terribly and bond portfolios are getting absolutely hammered the longest day of the treasury bonds are in the bear Market worse than bust and almost as bad as 2008 and in 2020 the triggering factor there's a reason for this there's no reason we should be in economic recovery
we shouldn't have to be single inflation is going down which is technically to say that inflation that that their prices are going up as fast as they were a little while ago it's not a good sign.
Backyard is a stock market crash that is exactly what happened 2008 and appears to be that same pattern that we are as being reproduced now so if you have a lot of money in stock market you may want to brace yourself for what is ahead in the past we could always rely on China Japan and other foreign buyers to keep the party going but now they are not interested in our bonds and this also from symbol for China and Japan what's the Bible buyers of Treasury bonds have been selling them to prop up their weakening currencies a decade ago they held more than 22% of US government bonds and today it's 7% Ukraine war has dampened demand among Eastern European buyers since the roots you do the chief us Economist at the Mizzou ho increasing us oil production means fewer petrodollars in the Middle East to be reinvested through the treasury market u.s. Banks to are stepping back and you know what sliders
the stock market has Jonathan Rosen there I don't want to believe her the point it sucks it's your retirement is stuck in an IRA or 401k or or whatever government retirement account and it's it's relying on the stock market to keep it growing or not maybe it is really time to consider visiting Janie are gold, and seeing what Genesis group can do to get your retirement backed by physical precious metals instead of instead of paper paper stocks
back the article I can't I certainly can't blame our banks for stepping back from buying war bonds thanks for the dramatic shift in interest rates that we have witnessed they are sitting on a hundreds of billions of dollars in unrealized losses that too is a ticking time-bomb so who's going to buy our debt in 2024 and Beyond question that we've already accumulated is becoming a major problem during the last year federal government had to spend 1/5 of all the money collected just on debt interest when it's fist
discordance is Zero Hedge
US federal government has borrowed so much money that over the past year and it's had to spend 1/5 of all the money you collected Justin on debt interest which came to almost 180 billion Americans paid some 450 billion Less in income taxes for the year traveling the government in the pincers of a financial or a physical crunch
the country Teeters on the brink of a death spiral that could evolve into a fiscal crisis or hyperinflation several Economist have told the epoch times the problem is serious because in this is a quote from from Steve hanke professor of Applied economics at John Hopkins John Hopkins University the problem is serious because anyway you kind of taxpayers are paying interest on the mountain of debt that has been accumulated in short there paying something for nothing shocking in 2024 the US government will spend well over a trillion dollars just in interest on the national debt that wasn't supposed to happen till 2030 it's accelerating again I cannot stress enough things have gotten worse instead of better and by Design throwing your tinfoil hat if you need I don't think people this isn't a thing where do the Biden Harris regime is failing no they're not
no they're not
their composition the goals that they set for two complex they wanted open borders in the flood of illegal aliens into our nation going just as planned they wanted Wars and wars and wars and Wars yep going just as planned
they wanted division they claim Unity but they do everything they possibly can to divide us they do everything within their power to make people hate you to make people hate me in to make us hate them
mission accomplished
so don't tell me that the Biden Harris regime is failing they've been extremely extraordinary Li successful at achieving their goals in one of those goals is to tank the US economy there in process now they're being very successful at that this is about the destruction of the United States of America you can't fail as hard as they failed without doing it intentionally okay if you take multiple multiple choice test with 100 answers on there okay you got I'm sorry a hundred questions you got four choices
if you were to just go randomly just randomly gone go pick BC BC BC BC you'll get probably 20% 25% I don't know what the numbers are but you'll get a service right
that's out of with not knowing what you're doing
to be able to fail at literally all 100 that means that you have to know the answers and you want to intentionally pick the wrong ones
stupidity cannot allow you to get a hundred out of 100 questions wrong only somebody who is extremely knowledgeable and it has a plan in place to fail to get a zero score they have to know what the correct answers are and they have to do the opposite and that's when the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris regime are doing it's not by their by their will necessarily they're just puppets their puppets of the global silica ball as is the unit party swamp as is the Deep state
keep hammering this point every show I'm like a broken record well maybe it's time that we we break some more records maybe it's time that we continue to reiterate over and over and over and over again
the truth the facts the reality of this world and the reality that we're facing right now with the Biden Harris regime is that they are trying to destroy us okay was did the Obama regime do the same thing yes yes they did he said yes we can and yes they did they plan to the seats OK Google reverse if Joe Biden was president in 2008 and Barack Obama was was ushered into office in 2020 20
then Joe Biden would have planted the seeds and Barack Obama would have gone for the kill it what happened with Hillary Clinton 2016 had Trump not shocked everybody including the globalist elite cabal
they've had this planned for a long time he needed somebody to go in there to start spreading cultural Marxism to start planting the seeds for division planting the seeds such as Obamacare for economic collapse
start making American exceptionalism something to be shunned rather than embraced start saying that Unity is a bad thing to start saying that that equality is bad but Equity is good the diversity forced diversity is the only possible solution in that diversity has to favor anybody other than than straight white males these are all seeds planted by the Obama regime and now, dating and lower seeing with the biden-harris regime which is basically, let's face it this is Obama's third term this is Obama's third term
this is when he gets to strike the the the Fatal blow to the United States of America if we don't stop him and at this stage I would almost say it's going to take God I would normally say I will say it we can't stop this on our room too much damage has been done if God deems that America is allowed to continue then we will
nothing we could do to get to bregenz nothing Obama can do or Joe Biden or anybody else could do to break that if that is what God's will demands
if things are left the way that they're heading to trajectory that we're on we can't fix this by ourselves
not Eliza short of not saying that that it's over you know game over give up and keep fighting the good fight you don't know if we'll be used to correct this and if we can't correct it then we'll have to just head on the same direction rebuilt the way that I look at it this way when people ask me you know are we in the end times or not they're going to be no Rapture mid brass whatever your prewrath mid-trib whatever and always I don't care I have my prospectus but nothing changes as far as what I am supposed to do
as far as what I believe you are supposed to do
we spread the gospel we fight the good fight everything else is above our pay grade and we we we react as it's as it's happening but that doesn't mean that all if we are in the end times then that means we got to we got to give up you know or whatever I don't tell anybody will sell all your all your stuff and go go live in a cave don't drink the Kool-Aid she keep fighting keep fighting so we're supposed to do anyway I didn't mean to turn this economy collapsed discussion into a times biblical Obama conspiracy but hey you know you just go with the flow and see where it takes you right before the entire system's comes crashing down like a house of cards this isn't going to be just another financial crisis as James Rickards has a clean noted that we will soon what we will soon experience will be qualitatively different from anything that we have ever
Rings before a quote from from Rickards the next financial crisis will not be merely a bigger version 1998 and 2008 crises it will be qualitatively different it will Encompass multiple asset classes on a global scale it will exhibit in exhibit inflation not seen since the 1970s insolvency not seen since the 1930s and exchange shutdown not seen since 1914 state power will be summoned to contain panic over and over again his wife get your food get you water get your ammunition get your gold and silver get out of the city get out of suburbs Get Off the Grid do everything you can and we can all do something
can't some of us are stuck I am stuck I can't I can't be away from certain medical facilities because of something that has to do with my family so I can't I would love to be in a in a homestead bunker in Montana right now but I can't I got a friend over and do what I can to prepare otherwise and maybe you can if you can't leave family maybe you can't leave friends when you don't have to have the money maybe you don't have whatever okay I say I ask you this do you have Netflix they will cancel it
you don't need it
cancel everything that you don't need
get solidified now right now don't wait until next week
get ready because things are looking at in your something if things don't go south praise God don't be like always you know I got I got prepared I moved out and and nothing happened and now I'm at a trucker but I thought you should know one thing that I dislike about certain Peppermint Patties it's when I know okay so I'll be Lobby lives in a homestead in Montana not getting it from him and just so happens if he does his attitude is because I wanted to have on the show talk with anybody I don't want anybody there I hope that that you all basically suffer for not being smart like me I put in the effort why should I help anybody else and that really pisses me off I don't talk to me anymore is that attitude the attitude of hay once I got my Social Security and I'm off the grid and this that and the other that I don't need anybody else that's wrong wrong
weather's to stop to prevent things from going bad or the rebuild actually do go bad we're going to need allies that's why I go against the standard prepper mentality of don't tell anybody about that. Your prep I don't go into specifics but I do make sure that everybody knows cuz I'm trying to encourage them to do the same thing I want them to know that I believe things are going to go south at some point in the near future I want them to know that I believe they need to get out of the city if they can I want them to know they need food water ammunition medicines gold silver everything they can eat and he's trying to get it as quickly as possible I don't know things are going to go south to tomorrow or the month after the year after the decade after I don't know maybe they never will go south it certainly seems like they will
it certainly seems like without God intervening there's nothing we can do we can vote Trump in the office the Republicans full control over the House and Senate will it be like 2017 and 2018 all over again. Not God forbid but we'll see or maybe we won't see me the elections will be stolen don't wait for future events to to save one thing that can save us is God
so don't look at at politics and that's not to say oh well in that case I'll just go for buying them not saying that either don't take me out of context gosh I'm renting too much
okay let's get back to the yard if I was going to this up it's funny cuz I actually have two or more stories and I'm probably not going to get so what records is describing is a full-blown economic collapse so what will I look like once such a scenario unfolds already you can, conditions have deteriorated so dramatically that the man on local food banks has written to risen to unprecedented levels in some cities is according to Breitbart the demand for local food banks is on the rise as soaring prices impact average Americans under President Joe Biden increasing demand for food banks demonstrates a soaring inflation driven by by the nomics negatively impacts lower-income families we are seeing I'm pressing the man is going to Jackie DiCarlo chief executive of Manna Food Center I told the Washington Post on Monday
if things in this back to Michael Snyder things were this bad now what will we be facing a year or two from now at this point There Is No Escape all our politicians can do is to keep the party going for as long as possible as long as he possibly can they knew that they were destroying their financial Futures and they also knew they couldn't keep borrowing and spending insane amount of money forever or nobody can say they weren't that we weren't warned you like me let me know Michael Schneider I've been relentlessly warning about our financial conditions for years and now I am warning about what is coming in the aftermath of the approaching Financial meltdown our leaders try to outrun the basic laws of Economics for a long time and for a while they were flying high but now reality has caught up with them and we are all going to pay a very bitter price
for their crimes
scary scary stuff after saying that everything is going bad I have to reiterate one thing and be the last me all the time you know that I get involved all the stuff and now that I read headlines I read stories I watch videos I immerse myself in this for a pretty much every waking moment
oval everyday
and I have as a result built up a tolerance so to speak to the 15 but it's not because of anything that I've done is because of my belief in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and my knowledge a prophecy that tells me I know I know how the book ends I know how the story ends I know that we're going to go through very very hard times I'm not looking forward to it I'm not one of those people that's like old man I can't wait till till always trials and tribulations or are making people suffer that's going to be great I'm not one of those guys I wish I was you know if I could pray like Daniel and pray for pray for a reprieve I would do that
maybe I could maybe you could maybe we should
maybe just maybe
we can somehow recover from this through God's will through the Holy Spirit
but even if we can't we still have to push forward and we do so with the understanding the love in our hearts of knowing that this is God's plan is there going to be suffering you betcha
can we make it through yes I think we can I'm going to go with that is the premise and if we can't if it's just too much then so be it again at the end is your bible-believing Christian if you believe in in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior you repent then all of this will just be the secondary all your tears will be dried up all your sadness will be removed
but in the meantime we still got to fight so get off your butts
I did the story earlier
and it's funny because I need it I was that I had a video that I was going to play with the story and I didn't do it I didn't play the video so I'm going to go ahead and play the video now we're returning back to the Whistleblower story Michael shellenberger and everybody talking about about the this this weird League of of ultra evil gentleman I think it's what it's called not really but it might as well be and he's a bond villain super villains that are out there trying to to censor us
former US military former UK intelligence Israeli military intelligence it's a crazy story well Thomas Massie he was able to Corner one of the bad guys and question her about it and it's it's epic so watch this
are you back from Kentucky for 5 minutes thank the chairman Miss Troy you said stated in your opening statement that this committee was indulging in fantasy detached from reality that members of this committee and their Witnesses make Grande and Big accusations about government censorship and that we are spreading conspiracy theories about government censorship would one of those conspiracy theories be that government-funded agencies were flagging and trying to censor official Congressional accounts on social media
are you denying that that occurred I would have no knowledge of that I'm not aware of that we're going to make you aware of that right now
mr. shollenberger. I saw that you flag this in one of your recent articles on sub stack can you tell us why this tweet brought attention in your article because that was one of the tweets that that the variety project at at Stanford and Sue I don't know if it's over three had flagged to Twitter as misinformation and that I believed it was labeled or sensor and some other way Stanfordville reality project funded by the government did not as it is and so their purpose ostensibly is to stop misinformation Mount information and two flag things they say that might be against the terms of service of the social media companies that cracked yeah that's right
destroy its is there any reason you think that this should have been flagged
whether it's spreading inaccurate information references a study from Israel to publish study from Israel in the in the Tweet just restates the title of the study
does it trouble you that companies are you going are you going to sit here and maintain that it's a conspiracy theory that this occurred we have the documents to Schoenberger has a documents that showed that this occurred for a reason what's the reason is there ever a good reason to censor a member of Congress this is my official account this is not a personal account this is not a campaign account this is my communication with my constituents by the way I bring this up not to not to claim that members of Congress have more right to free speech than the general public in fact I don't even think the press or the media should has more rights to the First Amendment than the general public the general public has the same rights that we have and I bring this up to show number one that your testimony is false
the number to if they can do this to a member of Congress is official account they can do it to anybody not want to move on to the origins of these programs mr. shollenberger can you tell us about the Cyber threat intelligence League was just a group of Vigilantes concerned citizens or was it in any way connected to the government and what did they what did they Endeavor to do if this was so forceful it's a it's a pretty ludicrous founding which was that this is a group of it was Israeli so-called former Israeli intelligence former British intelligence also working at Microsoft and others who who basically said we're going to volunteer our services these are some of the world's greatest cyber Security Professionals volunteering your services to multibillion-dollar hospital and Healthcare organizations whose Own It organization spend millions of dollars a year on cybersecurity supposedly volunteering
what is the premise of the whole thing that created this third part that I mentioned they had physical security cybersecurity added cognitive security and the people that did that we're to UK and US military contractors this is this was on the most sophisticated missing you know this information operations that I've ever seen I've been involved in Progressive causes for over 30 years I've never seen anything so organized and eating it was so so focused on a particular goal and have so many people that came from military intelligence organizations it gave me the creeps is it true that they use their agency seals FBI when they were communicating with each other or provided I screenshots of slack conversations that included officials from DHS Facebook and the ctia league
weren't agents of the government are acting in coordination with the government of using things that they learned it there where they still employed by the US government when they were Brewer was working for the US Navy at the time and the others were Clint many of the others were claiming to be volunteering their time even while working their day jobs for the government I thank you mr. chairman I am back tell me his back.
There's one thing you can say about Thomas Massie is that when he was right he is very very right. Right all the time he gets a lot of stuff wrong but I still think he is his heart and is his ideology are both in the right place sometimes maybe they sit a bit weird but for the most part I agree with him probably at least 80% of that one of my favorite up there in when it comes to exposing the bad guys through through Congress today be sure to subscribe on the Run has any Rumble that'll get you subscribe the silver place to know for sure that I'll be able to to be there at least for sure now we're willing willing I will be back tomorrow with another episode of the meantime you'll stay strong stay safe and God bless

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