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Interviewing The Legends, December 18, 2018

Loretta Swit Major Hot Lips Houlihan of TV's M A S H
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Interviewing The Legends
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Loretta Swit Major Hot Lips Houlihan of TV's M A S H

Loretta Swit: Ms. Swit, known worldwide for her iconic starring role on TVs M*A*S*H, is an animal activist and artist who has combined her passions to create a beautiful new book that celebrates her artwork and her love of animals. Proceeds from this book will be donated to Ms. Swit's tireless campaign to end animal suffering and cruelty. Ms. Swit has devoted decades to animal-related causes and is a strong advocate for animals and animal rights.  In September, she was awarded the 2016 Global Wildlife Conservation Champion Award by the GES Africa Conservation Fund for her support of animal conservation efforts, kindness, compassion and generosity.  This December Ms. Swit will accept The Betty White Award from Actors and Others for Animals, their highest honor, “for all she has done to protect and care for animals.” What many fans may not know about the multi-talented thespian is that Ms. Swit has been an artist from age six. 'SwitHeart' ($49.95 / Hardcover / 2017) documents her animal portraits along with descriptive anecdotes about each and her extensive philanthropic work. Ms. Swit recently said, “I'm thrilled to see my passion for animals and my passion for art merge in a book that will help benefit and protect the animals on our planet.” For decades, Ms. Swit has supported the efforts of a wide variety of the best and most effective animal advocacy groups and programs with live appearances, promotional campaigns, endorsements, interviews, photo ‘ops’, documentary footage, cash donations, and steadfast encouragement (see attached list of nonprofit organizations). Ms. Swit has earned the respect of both the general public and the philanthropic world for her continuous humanitarian work, including such honors as: Woman of the Year by both the Animal Protection Institute and the International Fund For Animal Welfare (IFAW); The Advocate for Farm Animals Award, 2007 (The Farm Sanctuary); Compassion in Action Award (Ayla’s Acres); Westminster Animal Welfare & Leadership Award; International Red Cross Humanitarian Award, 2016; Global Wildlife Conservation Champion Award, 2016 (GES Africa Conservation Fund); and The Betty White Award, 2016 (Actors and Others for Animals). She received the Global Champion Award at Metropolitan Fashion Week (Along with Betty White and Ed Asner), The Compassion in Action Award (GES Africa Conservation Fund), 2 Career Achievement Awards (Film Festivals. Ft Lauderdale/ St. Augustine), Westminster Animal Welfare & Leadership Award, the Red Cross Humanitarian Award, Global Wildlife Conservation Award, and on Nov 12th, she was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Polish Film Festival.

SwitHeart Animal Alliance’s mission is to prevent cruelty and end animal suffering. This is realized through donations, the promotion of and cooperation with numerous non-profit organizations and programs that protect, rescue, train, and care for animals and preserve their habitat, while raising public awareness about issues that concern domestic, farm, exotic, wild, and native animals and their well-being.  

For more information about Loretta Swit visit …


Guest, Loretta Swit

Guest Name
Loretta Swit
Loretta Swit chats about 'MASH' and her ongoing mission to prevent cruelty and end animal suffering
Guest Occupation
Actress/Artist/Author/Humanitarian/A true champion of the animal kingdom
Guest Biography

L  O  R  E  T  T  A

S  W  I  T




Award-winning actress and activist and recipient of the 2017 BETTY WHITE Award from Actors & Others for Animals, Loretta Swit, has released “SWITHEART: The Watercolour Artistry & Animal Activism of Loretta Swit” in conjunction with the 45th anniversary year of M.A.S.H., and the role that brought her international acclaim as   Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan.

SwitHeart chronicles the artwork of TV Icon Loretta Swit, a true champion of the animal kingdom. Watercolorist, award-winning animal activist and actress, Ms. Swit is renowned for her starring role on TV's most honored series, M*A*S*H, for which she won two EMMY's and worldwide acclaim.  SwitHeart includes 65 full-color paintings and drawings.  Proceeds from the book will be donated to charities and programs that are as dedicated, as Ms. Swit and the SwitHeart Animal Alliance are to ending animal suffering and cruelty.

Loretta Swit: Ms. Swit, known worldwide for her iconic starring role on TVs M*A*S*H, is an animal activist and artist who has combined her passions to create a beautiful new book that celebrates her artwork and her love of animals. Proceeds from this book will be donated to Ms. Swit's tireless campaign to end animal suffering and cruelty. Ms. Swit has devoted decades to animal-related causes and is a strong advocate for animals and animal rights.  In September, she was awarded the 2016 Global Wildlife Conservation Champion Award by the GES Africa Conservation Fund for her support of animal conservation efforts, kindness, compassion and generosity.  

This December Ms. Swit will accept The Betty White Award from Actors and Others for Animals, their highest honor, “for all she has done to protect and care for animals.” What many fans may not know about the multi-talented thespian is that Ms. Swit has been an artist from age six. 'SwitHeart' ($49.95 / Hardcover / 2017) documents her animal portraits along with descriptive anecdotes about each and her extensive philanthropic work. Ms. Swit recently said, “I'm thrilled to see my passion for animals and my passion for art merge in a book that will help benefit and protect the animals on our planet.” For decades, Ms. Swit has supported the efforts of a wide variety of the best and most effective animal advocacy groups and programs with live appearances, promotional campaigns, endorsements, interviews, photo ‘ops’, documentary footage, cash donations, and steadfast encouragement.

 Ms. Swit has earned the respect of both the general public and the philanthropic world for her continuous humanitarian work.

SwitHeart Animal Alliance’s mission is to prevent cruelty and end animal suffering. This is realized through donations, the promotion of and cooperation with numerous non-profit organizations and programs that protect, rescue, train, and care for animals and preserve their habitat, while raising public awareness about issues that concern domestic, farm, exotic, wild, and native animals and their well-being.  

“How wonderful that Loretta can use her talent to do so much good.”

- Angela Lansbury

“Her pictures are created as much with her compassion and dedication as they are with her talent and artful vision.”

- Alan Alda

“Loretta's paintings touch us... the joy of the intimacy, the touch of fur, feather, warm breath, the awe she must feel at creating something so simple yet so unimaginably, breathtakingly complex.”

- Mike Farrell

“It's clear she has given her passion to the animals and to the arts. She makes me proud. But I still covet this woman... must be her animal magnetism.”

- Ed Asner


The Watercolour Artistry & Animal Activism of Loretta Swit

By Loretta Swit

Published by Ultimate Symbol / Publication Date: June, 2018

Hardcover Price: $49.95 / Pages: 128 / 65 Color images

available at

SwitHeart chronicles the artwork of TV icon Loretta Swit, a true champion of the animal kingdom. Watercolorist, award-winning animal activist and actress, Ms. Swit is renowned for her starring role on TV s most honored series, M*A*S*H, for which she won two EMMYs and worldwide acclaim.

What many fans may not know about the multi-talented thespian is that Ms. Swit has been an artist from age six. SwitHeart documents her animal portraits along with descriptive anecdotes about each and her extensive philanthropic work. Ms. Swit said, "I am thrilled to see my passion for animals and my passion for art merge in a book that will help benefit and protect the animals on our planet."

SwitHeart includes 65 full-color paintings and drawings, as well as 22 photographs. Proceeds from the book will be donated to charities and programs that are as dedicated, as Ms. Swit is, to ending animal suffering and cruelty.

You can also purchase A Needlepoint Scrapbook Paperback – Released October 21, 1986 also available at

Interviewing The Legends

Interviewing The Legends with Ray Shasho
Show Host
Ray Shasho

Interviewing The Legends is devoted to promoting authors and musicians worldwide. Ray spotlights exclusive interviews with both legendary and up and coming artists. Ray also features the movers and shakers of the music and publishing industries and suggests important methods for getting the most out of your public relations and marketing methods.

Important links: Publicity Works Agency The Classic Rock Music Reporter Classic Rock Here and Now Music Tried and True

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

This a very special episode today. It’s our very first show since Doug and Don Newsom, the owners of BBS radio endured the horrific event that destroyed their radio station, their home, and all their belongings. The entire town of Paradise California was basically wiped off the map by deadly wildfires.  At least 88 people were killed 15,573 structures destroyed (11,713 residences, 472 commercial and 3,388 other buildings).

Doug and Don have maxed out credit cards to order the necessary equipment to get BBS radio running again. Miraculously the station is up and running again at a remote location. Unfortunately, I lost 5 interviews because they were not yet aired. The last interview I did was with M*A*S*H icon Loretta Swit. Loretta was so very gracious to redo the interview that was lost because of the fire.

And so today I would like to welcome again to Interviewing the Legends on BBS Radio … A true champion of the animal kingdom, and award-winning actress, known for her iconic starring role on TV's most honored series, M*A*S*H, and her portrayal of Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan  for which she won two EMMY’s and worldwide acclaim.  The beautiful, talented and compassionate … LORETTA SWIT

Very special thanks to B. Harlan Boll PUBLIC RELATIONS- CLASSIC HOLLYWOOD’S PUBLICIST for arranging this interview with LORETTA SWIT and of course the dynamic duo of Doug & Don Newsom of BBS Radio for making the magic happen for each and every broadcast of Interviewing the Legends. If you have comments or suggestions for the show contact me at and please subscribe to my You Tube channel interviewing the legends with Ray Shasho for the very latest interviews … It’s REAL news people!

Also don’t forget to purchase a copy of my book entitled Check the Gs -the true story of an eclectic American family and their Wacky family business ... available now at You’ll live it!!!

Have a great week everybody!

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