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Inspire Possibility Show, June 10, 2018

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Inspire Possibility Show
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Guests, Kasey and Brad Wallis - ​EXPAND WITH JULIUS

Inspire Possibility Show with Mark Susnow

Guests, Kasey and Brad Wallis - ​EXPAND WITH JULIUS

Kasey and Brad Wallis are renowned speakers, global workshop leaders, and facilitators of consciousness and why we are here. For over 10 years now, the Wallis’ have been inviting people worldwide to embrace their true limitlessness. Now they have a completely different approach to teaching by facilitating people to heal all limitations and fear and instead release their creative flow. For over a decade they have been transforming thousands of lives. Let Julius support you in having little or better yet no more doubt about who and what you are.  Have Everything understood, finally Your Empowerment explains everything!

Over time Kasey and Brad (and the energy known as Julius that comes through to teach and guide) recognized they had the ability to assist people to heal themselves through raising frequency, healing activations, understanding manifestation, channeling, mediumship, communicating with other souls, enlightened beings, apparitions and spirit guides, accessing the Source within, and showing people how to understand their Matrix through R-Factoring. They are experts in channeling, spiritual growth, empowerment, and enlightenment.Students of Julius have called this a most powerful teaching on self-empowerment.

Julius lifts the veils of resistance and fear that hold you back from knowing how powerful you are. As you gain clarity and understanding, you are enabled to resolve every single issue in your life and live life seamlessly. That is the promise of this amazing teaching.

Guest, Julius by Kasey and Brad Wallis

Guest Name
Julius by Kasey and Brad Wallis
Kasey & Brad Wallis
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Guest Biography

Theirs is a love story, an ethereal love story; a story of love, upon love, upon love.

Though people who know Kasey and Brad Wallis will tell you that they really are just regular folks, they certainly are having an extraordinary life experience together. Prior to the events that will unfold before you, it is curious to note that Brad and Kasey were only acquainted casually, through one of Kasey’s family members, who worked very closely with Brad at his construction company. Over time, they developed a friendship and as it was spiritually destined, love blossomed in their hearts.

Their journey began to unfold through the unfortunate and traumatic events that ensued, when Brad was undergoing treatment for a brain injury; a direct result of a car accident. While recovering in hospital, Brad endured deadly complications, from a reaction to this medical treatment, and fell into a coma. While medical professionals were certain that “death” was imminent, Brad was in the midst of a near-death experience. 

During the hours that he was absent from this realm, Brad was tenderly and lovingly embraced, and taught by a most benevolent, high light-energy group. Through those astounding, life altering teachings, Brad and the group agreed for him to return to this earthly realm. They would aid in his recovery and together, with the collaboration of “another,” would teach human beings, not only what Brad learned, but much, much more, with their generous assistance. The unparalleled loyalty that grew over a great many lives between Brad and one of the high light-group’s members was so steadfast, that when it came time for Kasey and Brad to entitle this group, it was only natural that Brad would adopt this light being’s name, from a significant shared past life experience, and JULIUS was borne.

Courage, strength, persistence, compassion, understanding and love, yes, immense, boundless love, between Kasey and Brad and JULIUS, has advanced Brad’s miraculous recovery beyond anything the medical community could have ever anticipated. Today, though he is not physically ready to convey JULIUS’ full transmissions to the public, he plays a most integral role that sustains this magnificent team. 

Through their perseverance and tireless work in this global arena, and enduring devotion to each other, Kasey, Brad and JULIUS can claim in unison, that all is falling into its glorious and rightful place.

As Kasey feels JULIUS' energy within her consciousness, she transfigures into an exquisite expression of divine art in motion and begins to transchannel JULIUS' message. As we are enveloped into their safe haven, JULIUS elegantly permeates and dissolves those aged, limiting perceptions that can bind us and replaces them with empowering, leading edge, yet practical information from their endless menu of transformative teachings. Brad, listening attentively, probes JULIUS with his extensive intellect and takes conversations to heights that leaves audiences feeling full but wanting more.

Through their telesummits, private sessions, published books, and their membership club (the IAM Academy), Kasey and Brad Wallis and the ever passionate high light-energy group from the other side named JULIUS, are captivating and empowering, growing audiences, from every walk of life and from all over the world. Together, this extraordinary trio is gently awakening us from our earthly slumber and widening our awareness of how and why the illusion of this realm purposely shadows the knowing of our authentic essence as SOURCE, and the full understanding of ourselves as Masters.

We have been thirsty for the truth of our origin, and through Kasey and Brad, JULIUS has come to quench and assist us in nourishing the deepest part of who we are, while we are here on this earthly realm, and fully discover how limitless we can truly be.

Inspire Possibility Show

Inspire Possibility Show with Mark Susnow
Show Host
Mark Susnow


I am naturally curious—curious about how i can make my experience of life more fulfilling and more interesting which has led me down many roads. New destinations, new realities, some amazing people—masters of their game—all preparing me for this moment.

We’ve heard the adage that we teach what we want to learn. I wondered if there were possibilities in my life that I wasn’t yet exploring. With that in mind at the turn of the new millennium I made a leap of faith…from successful trial lawyer to life coach and strategist and was created. That was 19 years ago.

The Inspire Possibility Show was the next step. Each week I have conversations with various cutting-edge thought leaders who inspire, enlighten and entertain us. They inspire us to get out of our comfort zones and to explore possibilities that are out there waiting for us. I invite you to join in.

A Few More Things More About Me.

Being a musician has been and still is a lifelong exploration. Being the author of Dancing on the River: Navigating Life’s Changes and the Soul of Uncertainty, A Fable for our Times, has inspired me to look deeper. Playing sports, since I’ve been a kid has been a mainstay of my life. Through it all being a dad has been most fulfilling.

"Mark's coaching, presence and spirit, helps him give others a gentle nudge (and sometimes hard push) toward whatever their future path may hold. As a friend, mentor and spiritual guide, Mark has helped me, quite simply, start to do something that resonates with my soul and spirit."

Warren J. Strudwick, Jr. M.D., - Team Physician, Oakland Raiders

"Intuitive and insightful, Mark worked with me to discover sustainable strategies in overcoming self-limiting behaviors that had become a norm in both my business and personal life."

Danika Davis, PHR, - CEO - Northern California HR Association

"Success doesn't have to be a struggle. Mark knows how to bring out superior performance in his clients. He is masterful."

Raz Ingrasci, - President of the Hoffman Institute

"Mark's recent presentation to the Commonwealth Club inspired our members to see the changes in their lives as opportunities and possibilities rather than as something to avoid."

George Hammond, Chair — Humanities Forum, Commonwealth Club of California

"Mark's recent communication program to our Peernet Organization of all CEO’s taught us the power of communication and how it can positively transform the dynamics of our organizations."

Jay Nathanson, Chairman, Peernet Group

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