The Impossible Truth, July 14, 2014
The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis
Buck Revel former ranking member of the FBI a war hero John Villa Nouva Former intelligent officerGuest, Oliver Revell

Oliver "Buck" Revell, FBI (Ret.)
Mr. Revell is President of Revell Group International, Inc., Rowlett, Dallas County, Texas; he serves as the Executive Vice President of Rogue DNA, Inc of Vancouver, Canada, as a Trustee of the Center for American & International Law, Plano, Texas; a director of Vance Security USA, Inc., Oakton Virginia; the Chairman, Board of Directors, Middle East Media Research Institute, (MEMRI) Washington, DC; and Senior Advisor to Synfuels International, Inc. of Dallas, Texas.
He served for five years as an Officer and Aviator in the U.S. Marine Corps, leaving active duty in 1964 as a Captain. He then served 30 years as a Special Agent and Senior Executive of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (1964-1994). From 1980 until 1991 he served in FBI Headquarters first as Assistant Director in charge of Criminal Investigations (including terrorism); then as Associate Deputy Director he was in charge of the Investigative, Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism, Training, Laboratory and International programs of the Bureau (1985-91). He served as a member of the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency (1980-91), the National Foreign Intelligence Board (1987-91), and the Senior Review Group, Vice President’s Task Force on Terrorism (1985-1986). Mr. Revell also served as Vice Chairman of the Interagency Group for Counter-Intelligence (1985-91), and on the Terrorist Crisis Management Committee of the National Security Council. In September 1987, Mr. Revell was placed in charge of a joint FBI/CIA/U.S. military operation (Operation Goldenrod) which led to the first apprehension overseas of an international terrorist. President Reagan commended him for his leadership of this endeavor. On May 1, 1992 the Attorney General ordered Mr. Revell to Los Angeles placing him in command of joint Federal law enforcement efforts to suppress the riots and civil disorder; he also coordinated the law enforcement activities of the assigned Military Forces. He received the Attorney General’s Special Commendation Award for this endeavor. He was Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Dallas Division of the FBI at the time of his retirement in September 1994. He retired with the rank of Associate Deputy Director.
In 1989, President George H. W. Bush awarded Mr. Revell the Presidential Distinguished Senior Executive Award and in 1990 the Presidential Meritorious Senior Executive Award. In 1991 he was awarded The FBI Medal for Meritorious Achievement and the National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal; he also received a Commendation from the Secretary of Defense for his efforts to protect the Homeland during the Desert Storm Operation. In October 1994 Mr. Revell was awarded the Albert J. Wood Public Affairs Award by the Middle East Forum for his “efforts in the fight against International Terrorism”. On November 24, 2010 Mr. Revell received the GUSI International Peace Prize in Manila, the Philippines for his Outstanding Achievements in International Law Enforcement & Peace Keeping.
Mr. Revell attended the University of Georgia, is a graduate of East Tennessee State University and holds a Masters Degree in Government & Public Administration from Temple University; he is graduate of Senior Executive Programs in National and International Security and Senior Executives in Government of the Kennedy School, Harvard University.
Mr. Revell was President of the Law Enforcement Television Network (LETN) 1999-2003; is past Chairman of the Greater Dallas Crime Commission; a member of the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), U.S. State Department; the International Policy Roundtable, and the Steering Committee, Trans-National Threat Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington, DC; Chairman Emeritus of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration; a member of the Dallas –Fort Worth Council on World Affairs and the Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations. He is a Life member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police; he served on its Board of Directors, and is a member and was the founding Chairman of the IACP’s Committee on Terrorism. He is a member of the Board of Advisors of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies; the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, the FBI National Executive Institute Associates, and the FBI InfraGard Program as well as the American Society for Industrial Security-International, the Marine Corps Association, the Army-Navy Club of Washington, D.C., and a Life member of FBI Post 56 of the American Legion. He is a member and past President of the Rotary Club of Dallas, a Life member of the National Eagle Scout Association and the Board of Directors of the North Texas Circle Ten Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He has also served on the Advisory Board of the Salvation Army in Dallas. He currently holds a Top Secret/SCI clearance from the Defense Security Service.
He has been married to Sharon Ponder-Revell of Mars Hill, North Carolina for fifty two years; they have three sons, a daughter, four grandsons and two granddaughters. Mr Revell was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Mr. Revell frequently serves as a commentator for the news media and National & International Television on Terrorism, National Security& Criminal Justice Issues. He wrote a book entitled, A G-Man's Journal: A Legendary Career in the FBI - From the Kennedy Assassination to the Oklahoma City Bombing, published by Pocket Books, Inc., New York in 1998. He has also been a contributing author in several additional books, and has written numerous articles and Op-ed pieces for Journals and major newspapers on Criminal Justice issues, National & Homeland Security, Terrorism and Counter-Intelligence.
The Impossible Truth

Please let me introduce Orly Benny Davis's Show
The Impossible Truth on BBS Radio.
Orly's Show is on BBS Radio that is made from a large network of people in all leadership positions and capabilities. People who come out in real time to assist the hard working man and women of the world and fight hard to make it better.
The network is across continents and the outreach of the people is essential when in there is a challenge. BBS Radio Is one of most incredible Radio Station on. April 2017 we have over 121,000,000 requests for information on BBS Radio server.
And it only does BBS Radio.
Today you have the opportunity to be a sponsor of a show that makes news her issue and understanding her power. On Orly's show, you can be a part of her incredible network. She is Working hard to honor God of Israel as the creation.
WE trust that you will find People that talk and trust in Orly Benny Davis and endorse her and the hard work she did as a Humanitarian and a believer that worked hard to make things happen for us all.
Her show is second to none. The intense information and the ability to make a real picture of events and create a platform for discussion makes her show a game changer in the international arena.
The Impossible Truth is an important item that helps her speak about issues that we all care for.
Her understanding of life challenges and her power to tackle an issue in real time give her a good and seasoned handling to the important issues in the world today.
Orly is a Radio Talk host and a longtime activist in the USA and Israel and Italy too.
Her stand is clear and strong on the truth.
Her fight for the right of Israel to defend herself and for freedom of religion on Temple Mount with Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel is instrumental.
From the Temple Mount condition to the moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem to the need of Education and Economics of Worldwide Commercial Center.
Her issue on is information and knowledge is a long life task.
Her ability to bring to life issues and understanding of the human condition and her constant call to help the needy and the people that are ignored by the policy makers make her voice a friendly voice and a loved one to talk too.
Her BBS Radio Show The Impossible Truth started 7-7-14 the eve of "Operation Protective Edge".
While the Sirenes where live on she kept on talking live on air, and praying and keeping her constant voice.
Her ability to transcend human challenge of fear upset and constant international challenges was instrumental to her ability performed a great show and to be there for the people. Her show is made from a frank candid and courageous voice of peace and tenacious stand against the forces that try to destroy our way of living making her an outstanding individual of life and a friend in this international turmoil.
Her common understanding and her ability to see the situation and call for action are second to none. Orly Benny Davis was born in Israel to grow up in Italy and lived in the USA is back to Israel now and live to understand the real story in the news and with her special perspective tells the story as it is making her voice the real voice of the news.
International Affairs, Anti-Terror Efforts, Personal Empowerment, God and believe, Freedom Israel, Jerusalem as The Capital Of Israel issue, Temple Mount and Freedom of worship, Middle East Peace Accords, Situation in Syria, Israeli politics, News, England Politics and The Royal House, US Elections, Agriculture, United Nations, Creation of Business opportunity in the new age, US Issues and News, Russia and the change in world politics, Helping the Children and Education
Some of the featured guests:
Congressman Joe Wilson R-South Carolina, Retired Judge and General Frank Simon, French Member of Parliament Meir Habib, Member of Knesset Yehuda Glick-Likud, Consulate Offer Aviram Israel, Hanke Scheinkop-D Advisor to President Clinton, Ph.D. Bob Sulek Education and Head Basketball Couch HH Prep, Rabbi Doron Heisman Chabad SC, Dr. David Gerbi advisor to the Italian Libia affairs, March BenHuri Iranian Dentist to the Old regime, Richard Hellman President of CIPAC, Head JNF Russel Robinson, Radio Host Kevin Cohen, Tv host Ed Mucha, Oliver Buck Revell Former FBI and special advisor, Special Forces Itay Gil, Special agent Amanda Rose, John VillaNouva special advisor, Gerard O'Donald empowerment schooling, Tomas Shields special advisor.