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Hypnotic Comic LIVE, April 8, 2019

Ambika Talwar
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Hypnotic Comic LIVE
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Ambika Talwar - “In the Language of Healing, A Professor's Journey”

Hypnotic Comic LIVE with Jenna Grayson

Ambika Talwar - “In the Language of Healing, A Professor's Journey”

Do you wish to be free of pain, sorrow, trauma, and physical discomfort? Do you desire to feel well, whole and happy?

If you are in the midst of upheaval in your life and suffer from anxiety and physical problems, I can help you find balance and equanimity.  If you are sorrowing loss of dear ones and feel hopeless and unstable, I can facilitate your return to grace.  If your work or business is at low ebb, call me for solutions; when we correct the inner dynamic, the outer changes.

Suffering from trauma (mental/emotional, physical), illnesses, the pain of isolation is endemic these days. The time is ripe to reach out for assistance to transform old way into path of fulfillment. I am here.

“Thank you again for the session the other night. You knew exactly what the issues were and what to do about it. Your help is an important part of the recovery of our planet, and by helping me to get healthy again, you are enabling me to gift even more orgonite and get my book finished!” ~

Work with me to discover and create your future self who is simply waiting to show up. Give her or him this chance. Don’t wait. Time has been speeding up. And we are in process of re-constitution. Our relationships are changing. Do you want to be happy in your relationships? Imagine!

Imagine the life you can accomplish, wisdom of healthfulness, joys of creation, and community of like-hearted people. Imagine being physically able and free of limiting disease and mental objections. Imagine feeling whole and sovereign. Imagine simplicity and flow in your natural ways.  Imagine fulfilling your career ambitions. Imagine Love!

We are born to experience life in its diverse nuances. It takes time to recognize it. Be comforted to know that what we do or have done has brought us to this point of recognition. You are not lacking purpose or wisdom. It is simply that meaning of your life is unfolding in a new way. I will tune in to your concerns and clear your perception so you can see your path clearly.

And, importantly, you will enjoy shots of humor in the process of clearing your way. Life is not all that serious when we clear our eyes of filters of time and false beliefs. Fall in love with yourself again.

Being born and raised in India, I have lived in Los Angeles for a long time. And with my love for global travel, I claim to be a unique hybrid, desiring to express creative visions of the heart, for they are ecstatic.

How did I get here?

Somehow I was meant to be a teacher. So I have been an English professor at Cypress College. And, my visionary self inspired me to develop my interest in art, poetry, film, and wellness, into a mandala where merge science, spirituality, and an ecstatic mysticism.  Additionally, as a published poet/author, I read where I am invited and share my art when I can.

These forms of creative play and my interest in healing modalities inspired me to form my own wellness process, IE:Intuition-Energetics. This creation did not happen without myself suffering tremendous injuries.

Needless to say the more I delved into paradigms of wellness, the more chaos I encountered. As you know, paths to self-knowing are treacherous! Beliefs resurface to tear you apart. We break until we dissolve false limiting perceptions of the world and our self.  Indeed, deep surrender to divine dispensation does this as well. Many of you know this.

Truly, we are the center of our universe. When the center is strong, we see the world differently and allow for good to be manifest, so we may live the way we have imagined. A synergistic-holistic view of life reveals that life is whole, local, global & kosmic, life is uniquely singular and communal and ours to create.

It is my wish that we gather our gifts, make miracles happen, make worlds come into being in integrity, which is beauty and so serve one another. To achieve this purpose on a daily basis, read a good poem everyday & call me for consultation.

This work requires no frills.  We go to places unknown to resolve what ails you.

“The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.” ~ Khalil Gibran

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Hypnotic Comic LIVE

Hypnotic Comic LIVE with Jenna Grayson
Show Host
Jenna Grayson

Live A Life Liberated From Anxiety - and laugh until it hurts!

Are you struggling with anxiety? I help people to reduce anxiety and its many expressions so that they can live with greater joy, success, and empowerment.  I utilize tools of hypnotherapy and energy medicine to help you get to where you want to be.  Now is your time. What would your life be like if you could live free of anxiety, in your authentic liberated empowerment...

Overcome Anxiety Related Conditions:

  • -performance anxiety
  • -insomnia
  • -medical procedures
  • -smoking 
  • -nail biting
  • -over-eating
  • -fear of flying
  • -public speaking
  • -relationship blocks
  • -creative/personal expression
  • -preparing for surgery
  • -medical conditions
  • -fear of failure / success

When you recognize that you're ready to live a more fulfilling life but fear is stopping you, using these proven methods will get you there quickly.  Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool. Combined with a specialized energy healing modality that can move you forward quickly with cumulative benefit is what is available. It's my joy to assist you in releasing the blocks so you can live your own personal fulfillment. 


"Jenna is an absolute gem and a most wonderful guiding resource in my life. Before meeting Jenna I was extremely apprehensive to begin such work and did not know if it was going to benefit me. Throughout physical and emotional struggles, Jenna has guided me to heal myself and discover my truth with her grace, wisdom and care. Jenna creates a safe space in which one can truly explore themselves and their limitations and transform them. Each session has provided me with valuable discoveries as well as newly created realities. I would recommend Jenna to anyone looking for guidance in navigating through life and its challenges."

 -Alexandra T., Los Angeles

"Jenna is a wonderful, compassionate soul that is so accepting and non-judgmental. She really creates a completely safe environment in which to be healed. I leave there not only feeling physically and mentally better, but also more focused. Her skill combination is truly unique and she is so easy, open and friendly to talk with. I really can't recommend her enough."

-Simone L., Santa Monica

"I was surprised by how comfortable the experience was, and interesting too. I always had a clear idea of where the session was going and what to expect. I left Jenna's office GLOWING.  She has had a major impact on helping me to get past my own mental walls and to a place now where I feel I am able to reflect on myself more honestly and respect my process of change more fluidly."

  -Kelly J., Los Angeles

"Jenna has an aura of love and kindness, acceptance and honesty.  She first helped me relax and move through a surgery with the use of hypnotherapy.  After that experience I went back and back to see her for regular therapy sessions.  She has a diverse and complete tool box of healing techniques and always leaves me feeling whole and loved.  I highly recommend Jenna."

  -Cara L., Venice, CA

"Jenna is a highly skilled, sensitive and compassionate healer.  As an Acupuncturist I have referred patients to her and they have all come back to say how pleased they were with her as a caring and sincere person and how effective her work is.  She is my 'go-to' Hypnotherapist!"

  -Jordan Hoffman, LAc, Los Angeles

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