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The Holistic Health Show, March 16, 2013

Dr Robert Eslinger
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The Holistic Health Show
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with Dr. Carl O. Helvie, R.N., M.S., M.P.H. DR.P.H.

My apologies for the changes over the past week. I now have my computer back and hopefully, postings will continue as before. Dr Elsinger will be my next guest.

Doctor Robert Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.  or Dr. Bob, as he is  fondly called, finished his formal medical training in 1978. He has been in clinical practice for over 30 years. He is certified in Family Practice, Osteopathic Manipulation and Homeopathy.

For 13 years before coming to Reno he was the Medical Director of the Medical Center in Cascade, Idaho. Before concentrating in the area of Alternative/Integrative Medicine, Dr. Eslinger developed a broad background in traditional medical disciplines. Everything from being stationed on a remote Indian reservation in the Public Health Service to private practice and years of working in clinics and ER’s has set him on a lifelong quest to find what works for his patients.

He presently focuses on a specialty in the field known as Biological Medicine, which combines classical treatments with modern technology.

Dr. Bob was appointed by the Governor in November of 2008 to sit on the Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners for the State of Nevada.

Dr. Bob is a compassionate physician who takes time to listen to his patient’s needs and offers an abundance of life experience to his practice.

The Holistic Health Show

The Holistic Health Show with Dr Carl O Helvie
Show Host
Dr. Carl O. Helvie, R.N., M.S., M.P.H., Dr.P.H.

Beat the Odds. Avoid Chronic Illnesses and Prescribed Medications. The Holistic Health Show teaches you how using Mind, Body, Spirit, Relationship, Environment, and Political Interventions.

This show could save your life by providing you with comprehensive holistic interventions for staying well and overcoming illnesses. Staying healthy and overcoming illnesses involve a combination of body-mind-spirit-environment-relationship-political interventions. I believe these should be the most effective ones available and also the least caustic and invasive.

The host uses and recommends a combination of holistic interventions for maximum effectiveness in maintaining health but many guests will present an in depth discussion on one aspect of the whole. Interventions in the six areas identified above should be used together, however, for maximum effectiveness.

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