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The Getting Real With Hilary Show, September 17, 2024

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The Getting Real With Hilary Show
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Looking and Finding Legends In Amazing Places with Thomas Tarantino - S2ep47

The Getting Real With Hilary Show with Hilary Arnow Burns

Title: S2 EP47 | Looking and Finding Legends In Amazing Places with Thomas Tarantino

Not only does Thomas Tarantino find the best partners, but Barbara Scott and Tom find legends all over the world.

Their book, Looking for Legends, will take you all over the world in the most incredible way. Tom and Barbara met at Princeton in the 1960's and then reunited 13 years later. The story is inspiring.

They started travelling by sponsoring, of all things, squash exhibitions across the world. (I was the captain of the varsity squash team at Penn where the adventure started so it was especially meaningful to me).

They then decided to travel because, why not, they could. Their adventures resulted in finding legends who can only be described as crazy/courageous/curious/unstoppable.

Their stories will entertain and delight you. Thank you, the Tarantino part of Scott and Tarantino. You are an amazing person and we are inspired by you, your wife, and your life together.

#ThomasTarantino #hilaryburns #gettingrealwithhilary #realtalk #getreal #getfree #inspiration 

The Getting Real With Hilary Show

The Getting Real with Hilary Show with Hilary Burns
Show Host
Hilary Burns

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The Getting Real with Hilary Show is a weekly show where ordinary heroes tell their extraordinary stories of how they have triumphed over unexpected challenges. The show is fun, entertaining, and inspires audiences to get real, get connected, and create a life they love.

Our mission is to inspire greatness in our audience, so they can free themselves from the mundane and live the life they are meant to live.

How We Do This:

We bring together powerful guests who have overcome unexpected challenges and triumphed over them. Guests share their powerful stories of transformation and empower our audience to do the same.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
12:00 pm CT
12:55 pm CT
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