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Galactic Connection, June 27, 2017

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Galactic Connection: 1. Prime Creator 2. GC's 2 New Lines
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with Alexandra Meadors



Here is some of the information for a part of the last phase of ascension we are now experiencing. The time has come for those of you who are ascending with the physical shell to consciously make a new choice. This choice is not for all, nor did all make this choice. All must understand that all will ascend and go where they are supposed to be.

This message is specifically presented to those ascending with a physical shell. I suggest you state these out loud. Remember, you must consciously choose the following:

  1. I AM accepting and receiving all the planetary work done on my behalf, for all of my aspects, for all of my lineage, and all of my creations before quantum entanglement.

  2. I AM surrendering to this process. I AM done rejecting it. I AM done sabotaging it. I AM done allowing others to block or stop me from this process wherever I exist.

  3. I AM choosing my highest reality with this experience, with the highest outcome for me and all of my aspects, all of my lineage, and all of my creations before quantum entanglement, wherever we exist.

  4. I AM awakening and activating all of my star gate systems for me , all the aspects of my being, all of my lineage, and all of my creations before quantum entanglement, wherever we exist.

  5. I AM done with all of my stories and false Identities of who I think I am/was, who all of my aspects are/were, all of my lineage is/was, and all of my creations are/were before quantum entanglement, wherever we exist.

  6. I AM allowing all old paths and time lines to collapse now for me, all of my aspects, all of my lineage, and all of my creations before quantum entanglement, wherever we exist.

By saying these statements, you are allowing yourself to come into unity with all parts of yourself. You are allowing yourself to be healed, initiating and catalyzing the release from all lower dimensional people, places, and things where you are/were stuck. It not only allows you and your aspects to be unified, but brings all of you into unity with the new physical crystalline structure that you are transitioning into.

You will see parts of yourself fold into you, viewing multiple faces and bodies of yourself flash by. It can appear much like a rolodex, or you may see parts of yourself standing and another part of you flattening out, lifting up and back into the body, or it can show itself in many ways.

You may experience dizziness during this process so please drink plenty of water and get extra rest if you need it. It could take you several days to process this.

Once this release is complete state the following:

I AM choosing and accepting my new path, and my new experiences.

I AM now ready to receive all the things I have chosen to learn and experience on this new path for me, all the aspects of my being, all of my lineage, and all of my creations before quantum entanglement, wherever we exist.

I AM understanding this is a bridging process to move me through this experience from where I reside now to another transition.

This is a time of great joy and relief! Just be open to receive all that has been done for you.

Love #5

Prime Creator

Of Sector of Creation



In this recording, Alexandra speaks at length about her two new lines of sacred oils and essences.

A brief description of each :


ACCESSING YOUR INNER AUTHORITY #1 – This remedy moves you through alienation, giving you impetus to take action, increase enthusiasm, and ultimately augment vitality that was depleted from birth trauma.

LOVING YOURSELF FULLY #2 – Aligns your body with the love pulse of nature itself. Washes away patterns of self-punishment, guilt, and shame while removing soul memories of abuse. Restores soul force and integration with the entire body construct, realigning distorted incarnations.

RECOGNIZING YOUR POWER WITHIN #3 – This remedy coaxes you through opening yourself up to more social contact and intimacy with friends and loved ones.

FINDING YOUR TRUTH FOUNDATION #4 – The essence helps you with the tendency to avoid daily life and remain ungrounded and unpresent. Heals uneasiness regarding fears of the future

REDEFINING SECURITY #5 – This remedy reconnects you to your spiritual destiny and life purpose. Strengthens your soul force, transforming crisis’ into opportunities.

BEING OPEN TO CHANGE #6 – Clears negativity absorbed by those around you. Cleanses the heart of impure intentions. Decreases overwhelm, hardened heart forces, and creative blocks.

BEING OPEN TO RECEIVE #7 – This coaxes you to surrender the need to be dependent on others. Promotes finding the silver lining in the most difficult situation. Unfreezes judgment, anger, resentment and self-sabotage. Increases fine-tuning of discernment skills.

LETTING GO OF PROGRAMMING  #8 – Helps you interlock with tenderness and love while breathing in cosmic light. Sparks the ability to feel good about giving without the need to receive, opens you to share and serve others.


Including Alexandra’s Galactic Violet Ray Essences

DEPROGRAMMING THE BODY ALCHEMICAL EGYTPIAN OILS Programming of the body is the most significant issue to remove in order to free us for ascension. This assists the easing away from matrix patterns.

ASSIMILATION OF CODES ALCHEMICAL EGYPTIAN OILS – This aids our bodies to accept and receive the planetary work that is being done for us every day freely by Creator.

BOOST YOUR ENERGY ALCHEMICAL EGYPTIAN OILS – Supports our bodies in the overwhelming bombardment of new light codes and universal frequencies.

DISCONNECT FROM WORLD PAIN ALCHEMICAL EGYPTIAN OILS  – This was created to ease the struggle with the world distortions and our genuine desire to assist the ailing world and all who suffer with boundaries and healthy independence.

RELAXING SLEEP ALCHEMICAL EGYPTIAN OILS –Becoming unplugged from this matrix and an increase in mind control programs may cause erratic sleep patterns. This assists in relaxation and aids you in releasing density

REMOVING STRESS ALCHEMICAL EGYPTIAN OILS –This formula relieves stress and supports integration of new realizations, thoughts, ideas, and more.

FOCUS ON YOUR HOMECOMING ALCHEMICAL EGYPTIAN OILS –This formula helps you focus your field on what is waiting for you on the other side and not get distracted with the plethora of information.

PEACE AND TRANQUILITY ALCHEMICAL EGYPTIAN OILS – This brings forth stillness and peace. Great for meditation and ceremony work as well.

GROUNDING AND FOCUS ALCHEMICAL EGYPTIAN OILS – This formula supports better connection with Creator as well as your Guides and Teachers. Assists you in remaining in the here and now.

HARMONIZER ALCHEMICAL EGYPTIAN OILS – This uplifts and brings in joy and buoyancy. It helps us to remain steadfast and hold moments of bliss and the vibration you desire to ascend towards.

Galactic Connection

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors
Show Host
Alexandra Meadors

Galactic Connection... connecting minds and hearts everywhere to step out of the 3D matrix unilaterally. Even those of us who have done an immense amount of work are still learning how much the 3D set of rules and limitations has pervaded our recent outcomes.

What you will learn as you listen is news, education, research, healing information, and out-of-this-world perspectives in regards to people, government, country, world, planet, aliens, UFO’s, Galactic Brotherhood, Ascended Masters, solar systems, ancient civilizations and beyond.

This show is designed to get you to start seeing yourself and the planet you live on, in a more expansive view, recognizing that becoming spiritual is synonymous with becoming galactic. Higher dimensional beings will be visiting us, sharing knowledge, wisdom, and vibration that will trigger us beyond our comprehension.

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