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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, September 28, 2021

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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A Memoir of Madness in the Family with Paolina Milana, and the Benefits of Bon et Bio Tea with Jeanne Aicha Ngang

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

A Memoir of Madness in the Family with Paolina Milana, and the Benefits of Bon et Bio Tea with Jeanne Aicha Ngang

From an early age, Paolina Milana took on the role of caregiver, and entering adulthood she learned how to do and overcome for herself. Paolina joins the show to share an inspiring message about how to stay sane and thrive in a family where mental illness is nagging at the roots. Plus, learn about the benefits and uses of traditional African herbal tea from business owner and tea maker Jeanne Aicha Ngang.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

it's time for a reset to another Judy Cochran for your future looks good on you and empowering a relaxing Retreat September 30th to October 3rd 2021 at Unity Village Missouri learn Judy cellphone know the technique to help you pause reset and happened to the good that awaits you and health wealth relationships and self-expression also enjoy walking meditation gentle yoga music Art & More make a reservation to date learn more at Unity Village. Org forward slash retreat<br> thanks for joining us<br> this is Unity online radio<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with dr. dravon James<br> hello and welcome to our show I'm Doctor Trevon James and this is everyday a piece I am super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of Peace everyday peace Define is wholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality my goodness can you even imagine and I hope that you can living a life of peace every day and every day includes today right now no matter what's going on I'm here to tell you that yes everyday peace is possible yes you deserve every day peace and yes you can have every day peace we work together on this show to bring you the topics and the guests to partner with you as you create your life of Peace everyday now if you missed last week's interviews<br> let me tell you you missed the fabulous Roslyn Khan she shared insights from her book a message for tomorrow's leaders this is a book that was written during the pandemic that offers a path of Enlightenment and strategy to provide hope and succeed<br> for the it for tomorrow and today in today's and tomorrow's leaders I want to stay that way today's and tomorrow's later so I encourage you to go back and listen to that interview also you missed Adora winquist the door is an aromatherapy and Energy Medicine expert she shared her knowledge of the healing powers of essential oils this show was packed with this awesome tips and so much encouragement and who couldn't use that during these times we definitely could use them and if not us somebody that we know so I encourage you to go back and listen to last week's show in fact you can access our entire library of shows by subscribing to dr. Dre Von James everyday piece podcast on Apple Spotify Google play Stitcher or you can listen to them right here of the unity online radio. Org website<br> another great place to find out all things every day peace is to visit the new and improved Dr.Dre Von website the website includes past shows words of wisdom and encouragement excerpts from my book interviews that I've done with other people shows you can get some of that was in there and contact information and you can get information you can get free downloads for courses that were offering absolutely free so I encourage you to visit the website doctor drayvon book Market visit often things are moving around and changing and being added every day so you don't want to miss that up last week I told you that we were to come on here and we were going to do some FAQ things that people ask me in email it yes it is absolutely okay to continue to email me to email address continues to be Trevon James at<br> got it myself for a minute there but I do get a lot of emails there and you won't believe this but I do like it the same questions and that's a okay wonderful comments too so I try to address those as well but if a q's leaders in high heels yes I did mention that on my previous show leaders and high heels is my new Facebook group for you guessed it women men don't worry I got something coming out for a men's group as well but leaders and high heels focuses on everything leadership and involving women so I encourage you to get on that website and that Facebook group start sharing we're doing some wonderful things in there we got a serious coming up in that ugly high heels group that deals with fear and when we talked about leadership I know sometimes we automatically think about the c-suite and Business and Entrepreneurship and<br> that is a part of leadership but did you know that the before you can lead anywhere we've got to decide to lead herself to be the leader of stuff that's so very important so if you're not already a member of the Facebook group leaders in high heels I encourage you to get involved there that was a question that came in last week and so we're getting closer to the end of the year and our listeners know that our anthem for 2021 is what are we waiting for now today is the day to take action on the life of your dreams why<br> because you're a leader absolutely and if it is going to be it is up to who in my life is up to me and your life is up to you there's no time like the present to get started on our dreams and we bring on these gas and who talked to us about Fabolous purple things that they've done services are provided and they are a conduit if you will to us connecting to that part of her and today is no exception we got to marvelous cuts for you today we have paolina Milana is here to share tips and her journey on how to stay sane and thrive in a family where mental illness is nagging at the roots we have Jean Archie and gang she's here to discuss her wonderful amazing tea company as well as her publicist business so we're going to learn about a lot of things today but before we get to that we're going to talk I was just a moment about our everyday peace moment I want to tell<br> that I am so honored every week to have the opportunity to gather as a group here's everyday peacemakers it is a blessing to have so many of you following me the wonderful gifts that we have absolutely entertaining and just warm stories that people share with me when they when they email me please know that you can connect with me on on the website as well but one of the things that are our primary purpose is is to have has really embraced our life is our own into decide that right now in this moment we are our most powerful self and in order to live completely In This Moment we've got to make a decision that the past is in the past we've got to let go learn what we need to learn use that knowledge to embrace the now so that we can create a beautiful tomorrow<br> and to that end we have been discussing some essential steps for letting go of the past and I'm just going to recap really quickly. We talked about this new stuff we're going to do today but we know that we have decided to take nothing personal like right everyone is on their own Journey stay tuned into this moment so we don't miss the magic that's available to do this to us in this moment so being present in this moment is necessary also we have to let go of the belief that we are not enough and embraced the fact that right now in this moment we are enough whatever it is that we are<br> trying to create In This Moment let go of making decisions based on the opinions of others yes we've got to get rid of that decide to embrace our true self show up as your authentic self everyday without fear of someone not being able to accept you you except you those who are meant to be in your tribe will follow and number 6 let go of the need for Perfection you know how that blocks us if it's the stars in the moon and not exactly a line some of us can't move but I'm here to tell you that your journey in life is about progress not Perfection so we're looking for Progress that's how we know we're doing it right even when we have those moments in our day and we all have them feel like you're taking three steps backwards<br> knowing that we're conscious of that knowing that we're conscious of that is progress in and of itself so learn to love our self and don't be so hard on yourself we are not looking for Perfection will looking for Progress that is our everyday peace moment and with that we're going to go to our first Fabolous yesterday Paulina Molina welcome to the show<br> thank you so much at James for having me on I'm excited to have you here I didn't say this but you were an author you're a speaker you're a podcaster a founder of Madness to Magic was coaching program helping others to find their passion and Triumph from adversity you doing it all and I'm so excited to have you here with us today<br> thank you thank you it's a pleasure than honored to be here and we had this fabulous book and that you've written which is going to be pretty much be the focus of our discussion today at committed A Memoir of Madness in the family but I love the title is got my attention tell us a little bit about that book and what inspired you to write it so committed A Memoir of Madness in the family is the sequel to the first book that came out in 2015 called the s word A Memoir of Secrets my journey in this life has been that of a caregiver and a caregiver to crazy that's what I like to call it I my mother was a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic from about the time I was ten I became La Piccola Mama the little mother of the house we were immigrants my parents came from<br> English not first language so my mom couldn't do a lot of things because of her mental illness that for a long time went undiagnosed in those days and so I kind of picked up the slack so the speaker then in my twenties my father unexpectedly died and I became my mother's primary caregiver and then on top of that when I was 26 my little sister also became diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic so I was sandwiched between the two of them caring for both of them and doing it all in secret it nearly did me in this book committed is the continuation of the story it picks up when I have one year away at College I had scraped enough money by to go to Iowa State University I have one year away and all<br> I wanted to be is normal I wanted to forget all the madness that was going on at home so the first part of the book is the full year and what happens as I try to pretend that I'm just as normal as everybody else and yet letters continue to come from home trying to pull me back into the madness on top of that I'm dealing with my own kind of voices in my head and I'm no longer sure what's normal what's not so there's a lot of a lot of freedom a lot of experimentation a lot of emotion that goes into the first part of the book and then the second part of the book is when I come home and I'm right back in the middle of Madness with my mother and then my dad dies and my little sister<br> get diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and I end up nearly losing my own life as well as taking them with me and had it not been for divine intervention I would have lost that little battle so that's kind of what I committed is about<br> you know you've got my full attention as I'm sure you do so many of our listeners because mental illness is one of those things that is around us everywhere but so seldomly talked about but there are families just like yours and and people who are suffering in silence because of Shame and stigma so I applaud you for for Having the courage to write this book and and I know it had to be extremely hard test to relive some of the painful moments what was it you had actually asked me to start what it was like to write it or why I chose to write it and it's interesting because it it was super painful the first book took me ten years this one took quite a bit shorter in terms of time and it wasn't a question of<br> the decision to write it it was I was compelled to there was no other choice it was almost as if it became clear that all of this sudden happened to me and was happening to me was for a greater purpose and I owed it I owed it to myself I owed it to my mother and my sister I owed it to everybody out there who is in a similar position of either you know having someone that they love who has a mental illness or they themselves have a mental illness or even being a caregiver position of an elderly parent let's say I owed it to everyone there was a purpose that this was given to me and so the books are really an omage to others to let them know they are not alone and this book part in particular committed it is done it's an epistolary<br> Memoir so it is done actually featuring the actual handwritten letters from my mother from my sister from other people in my life at that time and it's so powerful because they themselves have a voice to tell their story so many times I mean I am a writing coach I helped people turn the stories of their lives into meaningful books that help them heal and help your purpose to whatever has happened and so many times people have incredible stories and they never get told and they died within them and that to me is missing out on the very reason that we have these experiences<br> yeah that's one thing I was going to ask you about what's the the actual letters what was that like for you what did you have to go through in order to publish those letters it's interesting because it's a real struggle when you're dealing with the past and writing about it why because you are where you are right now today and a lot of the things that happen obviously are yesterday before and you tend to judge from where you sit now whatever your choice was back then and and that is kind of what I felt when I was dealing with these letters I would read letters from my mother and at the time that she wrote the<br> matters to me I being a teenager I just I read what I wanted to read and I couldn't understand why in the world I couldn't have a quote-unquote normal mom and all of these teenage angst kind of feelings that were totally justified but now reading those letters and reading my mother's words about how depressed she was and how she was saying her goodbyes to us because she loved us so much that she wanted to just kill herself and and give us freedom reading those letters from where I sit now it's it's a challenge and one of the things that I really recommend to anyone who's thinking of doing something like this and kind of digging into the past is no don't don't do it alone because it it it is pretty traumatic and also don't judge yourself don't at all just<br> how's the story from from what happened back then I promise you that once you do something like that not only do you vomit out all that stuff that you've been keeping inside of you but you just hit a power to actually heal you and everyone else is reading it listening to it because I can guarantee you so many more people out there are keeping silent and they think it's only them you have you have an opportunity to actually turn your story into something that has so much meaning<br> again I hear so much servicing in your voice and in your work so you've often said that it is the strongest people among us who need the most help what do you mean by that yeah well that's a really really good one so you know when we think about mental illness or you know or when we even think about caregivers are you know what you did in the workplace there are people that you know if you want something done you give it to the busiest person right because you look at them and they're like oh they can handle it all they can do. Look at that person while they get going and that's great but we missed the signs because those of us who think that we are strong and we can do it and we're powerful I mean A match great those are great race to have but too often we take it to the extreme and suddenly we are<br> caregiver to everybody except ourselves and slowly we are eroding slowly we are not only losing our joy but we are losing our perspective and our objectivity and we no longer are in a position to care for ourselves let alone anyone else then that's when it gets dangerous so I like to say it's even the strongest Among Us your friend your family members who ever you know ask ask what's really going on get get people talking because if we don't reach out to others especially those that we think have it all going on we are missing an opportunity to kind of let them know hey you don't have to do it all hey I'm here you know it you know one of the things that I like to say is that<br> you know if you need an ear to bend I've got to end and that's one line and I can't tell you how many people have taken me up on that people who to the public in to have it all going on but inside they're falling apart and everybody gets to that point so that's where that comes from I I had to learn and I'm still learning that I cannot I cannot handle everything myself no one was meant to I am learning that I can't fix others I can't rescue others I am learning to put myself first if it's a it's a never-ending lesson to be honest<br> yeah and what I hear it near to is that if that old adage of the people need people and oftentimes strong people you're right they'll take on more and they'll take it on those suffer in silence and before you know it baby, my work at healthcare for over 30 years I say the biggest way to keep the healthcare industry working is to keep wearing out the work healthcare workers right they are so strong and don't ask for help they don't take days off and then before you know it they trade places with it with the patient so I agree with that 100% make sure that you asked me out for help now when you were going through this period in your life as a child young adult what kind of support if any did you have<br> I hate to say it like that when I was growing up you know it's my mother so I had two different scenarios going on with my mom it was what like the late seventies early eighties with my mom everything like nobody even wanted to whisper the word mentally ill and the only thing that you saw really about mental illness was what you know TV shows like I don't know if you remember I'm there's a TV show called Sybil based on true story and so those are the kinds of things you remember that movie yeah that's pretty much all that people knew about mental illness so nobody wanted to say anything was going on and then like to even find the help I mean my mom had actual exploratory brain surgeries a couple of them because even the doctors in<br> say hey this may not be physical they actually thought something physical was wrong only after all of that did they say you know I'm sorry but this isn't a mental issue well yours has gone by so there really were there really just wasn't any help in part because you know we were Sicilian so we lived in this kind of Sicilian code of what happens in the family stays in the family levels in Australia is basically what it's called and so we didn't tell anybody but even when we start out how it just wasn't there then my little sister she went when she was going through all of this like in the early 90s yeah you would think that stuff had really changed but it really did the same kind of medications were use the same kind of trial and error cocktails of different drugs were used the therapy is just<br> we just weren't there and and nobody again wanted to really be associated with someone who had that kind of a severe mental illness take it to sit and in today's world you've got people who are trying right you've got you know what Oprah Winfrey Prince Harry you've got a lot in Oakland close has an organization for mental illness or trying to end the stigma and I I think it's absolutely wonderful I think you and I both have our roots in Chicago and there's a an awesome coffee shop probably sip of Hope and and they are all about mental health mental illness a lot of people are trying to do things but when mental illness<br> sneaks up on you<br> there's a panic there's a panic because it's great when you've got like a tagline or a little Mantra or you know it's okay not to be okay but when men's Wellness really strikes and you have to struggle and figure out who do I go to for help do I put my loved one in some place for a 42 hour hold a 72-hour hold what am I doing does that put them down on a path of you know always being stigmatized always being labeled weight does Insurance even cover this there's so much fear still surrounding kind of like the the houses of it that still is not there there's an organization named Nami National Alliance on Mental Illness I'm going to actually be doing a presentation for them this coming October 8th or 9th I believe it is and Nami is an awesome organization they have so many sources<br> they are really great but again when it happens to you and you have to figure out what the steps are it's really frightening it's just right before we in or do you have so much. Please tell our listeners where they can get the book committed A Memoir of Madness in the family for support where can you find this book where that books are sold it sold on Amazon a Barnes & Noble you can also pop on to my website Madness to books you'll see all of them there and you know drop me a line do you have anything on your mind I welcome people reaching out<br> you have been a wealth of knowledge for us and support because I know this is a big issue just point out a few of our even our stars and spaghetti it's getting mainstream attention now but you were well before your time with stepping out and encouraging we thank you for being our special guest today<br> experienced the difference Unity online radio<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back everyday piece I'm dr. Dre Bond James and we have a fabulous gift set for this segment of the show Jenine gang is the co-owner of bone unless they is wrong by o c and I am a fan I love TI was telling her that you know we have roots in the Caribbean teeze a big part of my life in addition to that you let them know I don't know triple threat is Janine gang is also the owner of dope publicity so she's a publicist in Miami Beach where I talk about all of that and just your journey and wow you doing a lot so welcome to the show<br> thank you so much I'm so excited being killed thank you for inviting me, I'm fascinated by people who get to follow their passion I say get to follow their passion what I will have the courage to follow their passion because so often a people get pigeonholed and whatever it was that they studied in school and are you know where we are for their family today should go and be in they get stuck in a rut and so what I had an opportunity to talk to someone like you who is passionate about more than one thing in pursuing more than one thing and doing it very very well very very successful I am excited to do that to have the opportunity to bring that type of energy on to the show so please tell us about who you are and what you're doing and how you're doing it<br> I said I'm the corner of Bonnie by your company and I'm also a public relations and I didn't want to stop by because I'm very passionate about see I lost you I was a teenager and I was having a hard time finding the perfect mixture just something that's what me and because I haven't digestion problems and my grandmother have a solution for absolutely no medicine she wants to have a whole plan mixed and everything like you to have a headache she going to give you a French cut off if you have life. Just tell them you stole my food or any type of problem you can have anybody she believed plants can shoot up and I actually agree with her so I found my home see and people love it I did some research after having a lot<br> just sound like the perfect plan to actually needs to get up for any cute. You know I had like a problem with and passion to stop another one so I don't feel like I want to be if I was because a student and the big problem was like I could actually find a Publix on my chickens I need to put my feet out back so I was like why should I actually look for one when I send me someone myself I just tried reaching out to you and do some research and put everything together and it was like it just cash because all the small company like me who is having the same problem with it how did you do that can you do it for me<br> so will someday you actually went by yourself and bring both oh I love that you saw a need and you were courageous enough to go and fill that need without me when you had a background in PR still there is that but I just really love the fact that you had the courage to go out there and do it for yourself and then turn around and offer those services for somebody else so we got a lot to talk about in our time here today and I want to go back to the T for just a moment because my mom was the same way it's snowing up she wasn't love tea and understanding that the medicinal values of tea and I read somewhere that your grandmother was that way really understood the medicinal values of tea and you just said that as well so right now we think about<br> in the night when I drink tea I had to tell you that I do drink tea from Modesto that has whether it is to know to sleep or as you mentioned your stomach or for digestion after a heavy meal things of that nature what are some different remedies are ailments that your t's address<br> like to remedy right do you have teased for certain elements do you know what like I'm thinking of certainty brands that make they Market to be like oh this tea is for digestion this tea is for weight loss the seat okay so yeah actually I will brand focus on actual problem so every or out of our Bland you so recently we just like finish telling a lie just do that because when spring comes a lot of people are allergic to go in right so instead of just like a better thing we have planned some plants to actually have to relieve those allergy symptoms so you got some especially for digestion that's one of my biggest all the time after I ate a little bit.<br> right now it's blood work the best for that because believe it or not because you won't drink a lot of water that you can help you so you can definitely find some mixture for anything and everything you always say that you just have to find the right one from your problems first and then trying to pick the right to for you you have to go with the flavor too because drinking teas to still be a pleasure to have to enjoy it right you know with a little me some milk when I will actually be a little bit of gas but it still has to be a pleasure not just a remedy that where you can actually really enjoy you Beverly and still cubed<br> do you need to chill and I love that you noticed eBay and I want to say it properly for all of our listen cuz I want you to go on the website the website is beautiful it lays out the different tees in the element and I'm bone at biote I said it properly write phone so please visit that website you're going to see some morosely package Steve and I think for the novice tea drinkers although a lot of my neighbors now use loose teas but for some people loose teas are a little bit intimidating because we're accustomed to having the tea and the tea bag but yeah I think I'm having a cup of tea is almost self care if you will take in the moment to care for one's self with a tease with you say that people have to be<br> careful about how I suppose they were drinking here I'm looking on the site here it'll maybe the green tea detox right is there a<br> a limit as to how many cups of tea you can have per day or is it because this is a t d Defiance your water base do you find it this that's not necessary<br> I mean t is a healthy beverage but just like everything you don't have to have use of it right especially when I will say you know don't drink it too much when it comes to evening or night time because well you got caffeine so you probably not going to sleep well you think it's something very healthy is sunbathing you can just like you know I didn't even knock use multi that's a lot of things that you can do with me you don't have to drink it just like the regular tea on a cup you can definitely do a lot of things with that oh that's a very good point see you saying that you know someone who's making a smoothie in the morning could take a little I guess it's a couple tablespoons of this it add to their smoothie<br> I will say blender see you know just in case use it and then you 15 shoes it you added to your smoothie instead of having like a water or juice that is actually makes like yes it's delicious and it's helping so it's very delicious that's why I actually do sometime<br> that is wonderful so you're giving us another way I encourage people if you haven't righties for dividend has but especially I think for sleep by you know I've worked as a pharmacist for so many years I used to get that question a lot and and as you mentioned people have in their last dose a cup of coffee at 6 or after 6 contributes to a lot of sleep issues and nervousness think about making a transition to some teas and seeing if that kid Navy improve yourself care regimen I do think tea is a wonderful way to get to cheer practice self-care so I want to change gears just a little bit and you mentioned that you know you started out with your Tea Company you couldn't find anyone to help you to Publix to Market your t's well and you are you looking for a publicity you step out and utilize your degree and you open up your own publicity firm how has that experience been for you<br> honestly it was a little bit stuff because it's a lot of competition out there and something is actually in Yuma cat and it's difficult especially when you knew no one knows you you definitely have no medical coverage and you just like you want to show up right so I would say you have to have a lot of courage and me and someone I really don't know technical answer. I always tell the story about how I get my kids to be featuring both like a little of them they will say no all the time I didn't even answer and then when I got to know I was like well I got an answer and I can email them every day I was in general about me about my story I was like I want to be there I just have to be that way I want to be okay<br> can you add some pictures for the story I didn't even know what story she was talking about but I was so happy just to have liked sending some pictures I send it so it was you just saw me, I'll try to hide from Peter some policies and the price was ridiculously high and I have no gas to have dessert that's what they are actually telling me like yeah we going to actually spend some sometime she needs to do we going to try to press release because I'm trying to reach out to you or blogs on Castle what's up but we do not guarantee that your story or you caught up with the picture I'm not ask me to pay this month lease and not even guarantee me some results so I want to change that to all this month because for them sometime having a marketing myopia budget it's a lot I need to have a guarantee that if I hire you I'm actually going<br> oh I wanted to do that for me and for all the small businesses and I think that's a very good point for all of our entrepreneurs or the listing today in those people who love entrepreneurs who are not listening and would love to share this information with them is that what you just said there when you're putting that you're investing that type of money into your to your business you do want to have some Garrett. He's a we know that they know life is dynamic is forever changing but we do I love that your company offers a time we're going to go to the phone line so they do have a caller on the line here<br> hello you on the air thank you for calling me everyday piece show and our fabulous guess today Jean game<br> hello hello have a guess holding so<br> hello<br> I think we should I thank you for calling and I think we just lost our guest for just a moment you'll be right back on but thank you for calling the doctor Dave and James and every day peace show did you have a question or comment yes I had a question I just wanted to know what to look for if you have stomach issues like bloating constipation that sort of stuff I wanted to know and I know she's going to have an answer for that because she mentioned that she herself had a bloating issues in that pouch to her grandmother had remedies for that I apologize some kind of way I've had some technical difficulties here I want you to say hang out with us don't hang out with be able to get her right back on the air and<br> we'll be able to answer that question for you while we while we do have some time we're waiting for our Fabolous guess Janine gang to rejoin us I want to say that she was talking about a couple things today and I hope that our listeners are really sinking this in the first thing that occurred to me when I start doing my research for her was that the sense of adventure being awake and alive to your true self she mentioned that she began a Tea Company because she was passionate about tea and I encourage our listeners today to discover what is that you are passionate about spend some time getting to know yourself and one way I encourage my coaching clients to discover that because I got to tell you when I say that the people they often say I'm not sure right and that's okay there's not there's nothing wrong with not being sure the one of the things I encourage my coaching clients to do is for a whole week carry a little journal with you that I called a smile Journal<br> that's right smile journal and then when you when you catch yourself smiling jot down why why am I smiling that what kind of shoes us into what we are passionate about and I'm sorry I was saying I'm trying to see if we're trying to get our call her back on the air but trying to talk you into what we are passionate about so that we can get to know ourselves better and live a full Journey the second thing that caught me about joining a gang is that she couldn't find what she needed to advance her passion how many times is that happened in our life we need something we want to do we have a dream we have a desire but we can't find someone who believes in that dream and desire the way we do and it will help push it forward in the world that was her story no one really<br> company there some major tea companies out there and they just will not giving her the airtime in the marketing that she felt she needed and so she could have spent the rest of her life thinking well I'm not going to go forth because I can't find the support know she did something that she ain't she herself says was quite difficult she stepped out and she decided that I'm going to learn how to do this for myself and I love this I hope you all got this house she started was just by sitting correspondence two different companies asking them to interview her about her TT is not amazing and then getting know after know after now and then going back and sent you know a lot but it's just keep trying eventually someone's going to say yes and one day someone says yes and it's okay with Senator information so my the tank away for that for me is that it's always too soon to quit<br> and it's never too late to start I want to say that again for our listeners it's always too soon to quit<br> and for those of us who are you know approaching certain seasons in our life and I think it well let me just throw in the towel and just sit here and walk the rest of the rest of my days away no ma'am no sir it's never too late to start you are someone's someone's I'm<br> model someone is modeling their life after what they see you do you were someone's inspiration that's the word I was looking for you or someone's inspiration right and so if you can't get started for you get started because someone that you probably don't even know that's watching you is watching it is encouraged by you they draw strength from watching you pursue your passion in your dreams so that's very very important for some reason we had a technical glitch and we seemed to have lost our balance guest for today so I don't know if I'm going to be able to get you that answer on the air but I promise you that I will reach out to Janine and I will get that answer for you for your welcome because that's it that's a major issue<br> just I don't know if it's in other cultures bad news about the United States I get that a lot too and that people are suffering from stomach issues so and is if there is a team that is in her life and courage to visit her website though it's about what you can do in the website is it you can ask you to search by but discomfort whatever just come for having so if you're having bloating you can actually search for Atty like that and that website name it name again is I want I want to get it right is bone at biote is b o t b o n b o n e t b i o t s b like boy in like November E.T like Tuesday B like boy i o t visit that website you'll find it's a beautiful website very very simple to to maneuver look around I love I love a clean website so I thought that was fast<br> and because it's a t you kind of get that nice organic type of feel when you visit the website though I'm sure that you'll be able to find the TV on my apologies Technic technology is beautiful when it works but I'm glad I didn't lose you as a caller I got you on here we got to have your your your your question at least ask from the ear if not answered on the air I want to thank you for being an everyday Peacemaker and burning in the conversation like you for another wonderful show so far up front for our listening audience I do want to say I want to go through some different teas that I am accustomed to I'm coming from my background and my mom and one of the teas that really sticks out in my mind is as Janine was talking was the valerian root tea and which many of you may have heard for sleep<br> and I think that tea is very very good for it's a bit stronger than the chamomile tea and I encourage people if there are going to use a valerian root tea to please talk to your doctor because it really does work for gets get you a good night sleep but it's not something that you can use on a regular basis as a pharmacist I will tell you that herbs or medicinal herbs have a medicinal value right and anything that has Modesto value also has a side effect profile which means that it could cause some unpleasant side effects if not used properly or it's mixed with some of your medication so I encourage you if you really going to delve into the to the world of medicinal teas and encourage you to because they're fabulous get some coaching us some guidance you know a lot of times I know the doctors don't necessarily know about a lot of herbs but that is changing you know more and more will Vining<br> functional medicine doctors who know a lot about herbs and traditional medicines so but valerian root is a great tea for Sleep chamomile is a mile dirty for sleep it doesn't cause I'm relaxation for sleep and I know that you need mentioned a little bit about sweeteners and one of the top is ever going to get to I was talking about sugar and processed sugar so we all know is she has something on her site that I read that said sugar is the new nicotine and I thought that was a clever way of looking at it because we all know that with sugar it is highly addictive so if you're just getting introduced to the world of teas I encourage you to try a natural sugar oh honey you are so many different varieties of honey as a sweetener I'm not a fan of a lot of artificial sweeteners but<br> I'm just because my my personal preference is to do a natural natural sweetener like a honey but there are plant-based sweetener such as Stevia and things of that nature but trying Summit Supply something more natural Bates weather before you just grab for the sugar really working to reduce our sugar intake as we improve our health and definitely as I mentioned earlier I do Beauty time is self-care and I would love to hear from some of you and I know you guys email me so that's half start this conversation what are some things that you're doing for self-care and are any of those things connected with what you put into your body and its Mondays so I've heard people do is meatless Mondays a big vegetarian push I don't know if you have anybody here are listening all this is participating in that but another great wave note obviously for the environment and also for our<br> bodies to have that time. Where were you fall on the spectrum of that to eat meat or not to eat meat but just to give your body to get your digestive system just that one day or meatless is seems to be a great way for self-care in my opinion other things for self-care is definitely decreasing this caffeine right we all know that having does have some benefits to it we have heard about that helping with a migraine headaches and things of that nature. But too much caffeine and if you got to admit we live in a caffeine heavy environment we are really overdoing it with the caffeine first thing in the morning and as I mentioned I'm talking to people who are indulging in caffeine late into the evening as well so<br> kind of decrease of caffeine is another way to of self-care and then there are other things we didn't delve into this but some type of healing bath when I was growing up as part of our culture as well was to use certain herbs in a bath to calm, skin ailments and things that need you a bath helps to soothe and cuz it's time to go to meditate play meditate whatever you mean whatever you like but that is also another way for self-care<br> T my number one way I love a good cup of tea I love a a good book and a good cup of tea but just tea and quiet time right T sorter when you were greased tea source that signs up for quiet time in quiet by quiet time I mean quieting the mind<br> self-care is about letting the Mind rest in the body follow<br> tea time is it time for so if you're not a tea drinker and you listen today I hope that you will try T if you have a passion if there's something that you need to kick-start your passion I hope that you will be encouraged enough<br> bye-bye you and your desire know that you deserve to pursue that passion to do some research and see what you can do to go to the next level of greatness with that passion we don't want to let some<br> being or some circumstance prevent us from pursuing our dreams and that was one of the major things that I got from our guest today before we get disconnected is that there should be no block between you and your passion pursuing your passion especially when you know and I hope that you do know this that your passion will be of service to some one else is not it is about you but you are here for a bigger purpose to serve someone else and that's even in developing and going after your goals I'm not the Grapevine James I think you could bring it everyday Peacemaker I look forward to talking with you again<br> you've been listening to Everyday cakes with Dr Trevon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that leave you to your next level of greatness and I would love to walk with you on your journey here's the ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me again so let dr. Dre Bond James. Calm enrolling my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International enroll in the brilliant life nine weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at Doctor Trevon James. Calm purchase my book feed him is your first break from Amazon thank you for being and every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thank you for listening to Unity online radio<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> micro reset to another Judy Cochran for your future looks good on you and empowering and relaxing Retreat September 30th to October 3rd 2021 at Unity Village Missouri learn to be selfish know this technique to help you pause reset and happen to the good that awaits you and health wealth relationships and self-expression also enjoy walking meditation gentle yoga music art and Mark make a reservation today at Unity Village. Org forward slash retreat<br>