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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, October 5, 2021

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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Connecting to Your Spiritual Team with Christi Hoffman, and Self-Care and Compassion with Rachel Allyn, Ph.D.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Connecting to Your Spiritual Team with Christi Hoffman, and Self-Care and Compassion with Rachel Allyn, Ph.D.

Intuitive healer, channel, teacher, and consultant Christi Hoffman brings a plethora of spiritual knowledge and expertise as she guides us in the importance of connecting with our spiritual team. Plus, author, holistic psychologist, yoga instructor, and relationship/sex therapist Rachel Allyn, Ph.D., discusses her book The Pleasure Is All Yours, which helps readers release barriers to receiving life’s pleasures and deeper connections with others.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

no one wants to talk about death and dying but it's a universal experience that we all face get help navigating through this life Journey at the beautiful dying Expo November 12th to 14th this three-day birds that will answer many of your questions about preparing for this life transition talk with experts in Hospice Care handling grease living wills and more join a global Community dedicated to the process of death and dying register for free now at beautiful dying<br> all are welcome<br> weird<br> Unity online radio<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with dr. dravon James<br> hello and welcome to our show I'm Dr.Dre Bond James and this is everyday piece I am super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of Peace everyday peace to find is wholeness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality I want you if you can just close your eyes and if you can't just follow along but keep your eyes open take a deep breath hold it for just a second or two and exhale completely exhaling we should pushing that belly button all the back to the spine<br> and then stand in the awareness that yes everyday peace is possible yes you deserve every day peace yes you can have every day peace we work together on this show to bring you the topics and the guests to partner with you as you create your life of Peace everyday and if you missed last week's show while you missed a great show but you can go back and you can catch that show and listen to the very place we had speaker author Paulina Molina she joined us and she gave us some tips for dealing with mental illness in your family we know that is something that every family has touched with and how how to not only survive but to thrive and prosper in environment and take care of your own mental health while helping those that you care for we also had Jenny I shape<br> game who's here with us today to just last week excuse me and she shared with us her fabulous company so if you are a person who is new to the world of tease you want to check out the show and find out about that and also she was a publicist so she really had work to wonderful hats that you talked to us about her journey and about taking matters into your own and we can't find someone else to help you to get dance your dream so it was a fabulous show last week and I encourage you to go back and listen to those shows you can access last week shows and our entire library of shows by subscribing to the doctor Trevon James everyday piece podcast on Apple Spotify Google play in Stitcher or you can listen on the unity online radio. Org website another great place to find out great. Great cartoon on our show is by visiting my website the new and improved Dr.Dre Bond James.<br> website the site includes past shows words of wisdom and courage meant excerpts from my book Freedom is your Birthright we have two fabulous free courses up there I encourage you to go visit you'll be amazed at what you'll find there and if you haven't been to the website please visit if you have been please visit again and book Market as things change frequently so we're getting closer to the end of the year in those of you who've been with us for some time know that as everyday peacemakers our anthem for 2021 has been what are we waiting for and right now I can hear you screaming from the mountaintops you're saying we're not waiting for anything we're getting started we know it was going to be is up to me and so we are ready to take our next step forward in our journey so as before we get to our first guests today I want to spend just a moment on our everyday peace moment and let you know that now is the day<br> now is the moment this is the year for you to blossom into the person you've been dreaming about being it become that person who you'd like to meet who you like to hold your hand and guide you to your next level of Fitness this is the time for you to blossom into that person and what do you need to do in order to dance<br> into that space that belongs to you well one of the things we need to do is to let go of the past yes the past can be a benefit to us when used properly but too often we're using the past to keep us stuck in either the good old days and be can't be you can't be produced the Good Ol days or so we're stuck there or you're traumatized by something that happened in the past and we can't get over that so we know that letting go of the past is necessary to move into our next moment of greatness and how do we do this we've been talking about this for a number of weeks and the tip bro. Talk about today is to decide to take action do you know that nothing in your life happens purposefully into you make the decision to take action you will be amazed at how phenomenal you are but I understand that taking that first step sometimes it's scary we don't know how to do<br> but the first step oftentimes is to become grateful for our past become grateful for it no matter what's back there because I'm grateful that we've learned something from it and that we're here today so decide to take action is a great way to move towards your next level of greatness and I have a great way to support you on taking action and I want to offer you to book Ada's Discovery session with me booking a discovery session with me it's fun it's free and it's fantastic it is a great opportunity to a line on your most important goal and what you are going to achieve I encourage you visit the website at today and hit the contact button and book a free Discovery session it's absolutely free is 30 minutes that you invest in your time to help you achieve your next level<br> weightless so if you're sitting here you think I don't know I don't know what the next step is I just gave it to you but that Discovery session let's get started you your dreams are waiting for you in fact the whole world is waiting for you because you know when you move to your next level of greatness you not only benefit your life your family and your friend you benefit somebody that you've never met one who's waiting for you to step out on faith and do what it is you want to do so that being said that's hot man into our first guests for today we have dr. Rachel Allen with us today dr. Rachel Allen is an author holistic psychologist yoga instruction instructor and relationship and sex therapist we are focusing on self-care today and compassion that she has a wonderful book that I got to be referring to today called the pleasure is all yours the book is designed to help readers release.<br> to be seating lights pleasures and deeper connection with others welcome to the show Rachel<br> thank you so much for having me it is a pleasure to get to talk with you I am excited to have you here and as we were saying during the break this happens to be one of my favorite topics the topic of moving out of the head and into the body and I called that given the brain a little break a little rest and so on to talk about relationships because we're getting ready to enter into the holiday season so let's start with talking about the book the pleasure is all yours what was the motivation to write the book and what are are we just going to find beer<br> what well as a psychologist in private practice I see how many people really feel disconnected from joy and happiness and joy and pleasure is moments of pleasure that really and tail and lead to longer-lasting stage of joy and happiness but of course we do we have we basically have a history that has said that pleasure is lavish or guilty or reduced to just the facts and so we haven't really had as America culture hasn't really had a very healthy relationship with the concept of pleasure or relief in a way that we can receive an all different aspects of life and I also talk in the book about how we really start and receiving life's Pleasures is through embodiments and what I called body. It's really taking mindfulness to that next level that means we listen to our body we learn from it we Express in and release the stress that we can be regulated and we give her a<br> commissions also feel good and her body with different types of Pleasures in life<br> I love that the idea of listening to our body and what it means and desires so I would conversation with some friends this weekend around this very topic and I love the term I hadn't actually heard the term body body full Miss until I read your so I think that is so we hear a lot about mindfulness and and what I heard the term body from this it sort of got me to thinking it if I'm still in my mind and I'm still there then it's still it's still very very active and I haven't gone to into the body to allow my my intuition my instinct it almost sounds primitive but not in a bad way to me it sounds like almost ground but there's something to that isn't that but of being in the space of listening to the body weird weird what does it open up for us<br> well I think that even though our minds are really quite brilliant they can take us down these Pathways of storylines are limiting beliefs or like you were saying earlier we can really be stuck in the past or worrying about the future whereas our body is really a truth-teller and it's connected to our present moment reality but not only is it giving us a lot of information about when we're out of balance of what we need in the moment but it is we can go directly to the source of soothing our body in that moment whether if you sue brester movements through stretches walking maybe regulation of our nervous system from others like you a hug you know sometimes taking a bath all these different things that are really help our body in our nervous system come back into to balance show centered and grounded and then from that place is where we can really lean into things like creativity eroticism spirituality and emotional and physical intimacy with others altruism a lot of those<br> things are hard to accept if we're just in more survival mode or really sucked in our head I love that we're taking the conversation there because in order to have in your book talks about this in order to have these more deeper more meaningful relationships it does require that we are in tune with the present moment and there's no better way to do that than to use the five senses in the body of it that's what I think any way that brings you to the catapults you write to this moment when you're so entrenched into what the body is experiencing in this moment what ways that I don't want to jump the gun in using the body and I think I'm going to reserve that question because you said something else I'm going to come back to that question we talked and I just touch on<br> I feel that the Mind often time cause it torments us a lot of times where is the body is sending a signal in the mind is you supplying what it believes is logic and rational judgment which it may be but it keeps his in painful to painful positions beyond what the body can beer<br> yeah yeah we override our limit we we might listen to our bodies messages that were tired for example but then mentally will override that with no coffee and pushing ourselves and then we're mad when our body breaks down later and a lot of what I explained in the book is that part of why we override the body is based on just different cultural messages and systemic issues capitalism for example telling us that are worth lies and productivity and an action and we don't really value things that are part of a mind body rest and and balance so I also try to explain that to people to not be so hard on themselves that they might not be connected to their bodies but that it is assembly part of what we've been we've been raised with two we've been told that the body is really Savage wants her you know these desires that take us off course<br> and so I'm trying to help people recognize actually our body is always rooting for our survival and thriving and and it's everything about it is to really help us be our best selves but we just don't know it's laying with so so we have to start as a for taking Spanish class or something by learning this new language as far as Nomar digestion or temperature what are muscles are saying you know my breasts that sort of thing that's the first stop I think that is so true and I love how you said you know<br> living in the space where we are I guess you could call it capitalism we all want to be seen as productive we all do that time relaxation is being productive you know what I wrote the article many many years ago about the evils of multitasking at least in my world it was becoming a big buzz words to multitask in my body and was was rejecting that multitask when I was watching them to live and you don't so frazzled and you know it all still in his firing at one time and I think now is as up as a people were starting to to back down on that Concept in realizing the body is not designed we're not designed it to be so fragmented going to be more fun<br> which is up we talked about being in the moment and how the body can allow is to really take advantage of the now being in this please right now what are some ways in which a person who may be hearing this for the very first time and really can't even decipher the difference between the mind and the body you know you can be so entrenched in a certain way of thinking till you just don't have any concept of all I'm all in my mind so what were some steps if you could take to move you from that my space into a more body full list<br> well I think that it's requires some practice but just scattered throughout the day sprinkling in moments of notice a and my breathing what type of breathing is it only in the top of my Chester into my belly or noticing areas of tension in the body or if if you have go to spots for you to hold or can you grab like your jaw shoulders really noticing messages around digestion you know hunger and satiety and being full messages around when you want time with others when you need time by yourself even more energetic things like that and you know how you feel when you're laughing or how does it feel when you're moving your body are engaging in a hobby you know really noticing just send all the inner workings system mainly doing so with curiosity to people can be noticing their body a fair amount but in a critical way and so would body finesse it really starts with can you be more Curious with with with the body's telling you at<br> supposed to be incredible. It doesn't look or act a certain way and then on speaks becoming more self-aware right becoming more watching it I think even with that it's supposed to say to our listeners that it's a practice it takes time because it's so easy to slip into the mind right and let the Mind start analyzing everything instead childlike curiosity words play four years or so to watching you know what curiosity<br> but I was just going to add that you know of course the mind and body are always I mean they're always working together there's always a start of tag team communication cause and effect so for somebody who might say but how you know are you able to be only in your body if you're going to have curiosity of course it's it's a combination of really the bringing front of your awareness to the body but also your mind not being able to decipher its messages but to do so in a way that's really got in the moment he is being curious to learn and investigate what it's telling you and then from there this is where body from this really the parts from mindfulness it's the now what now that you've noticed an observed and some of your patterns and what your body's telling you and how it's different from day-to-day and week-to-week now what and so that's where I really bring in this idea of movement this medicine for having different discharge practices to release stress or containment practices<br> sorry about sort of finding you know shelter getting kind of coziness or hunkering down and maybe even just giving yourself a hug or going into a small space or a weighted blanket away should you regulate again for a lot of different options to dr. Rachel Allen her book tell us where the title of the book where we can get the book<br> yes it's called the pleasure is all yours I Proclaim your body's Bliss and reignite your passion for life and you can buy it really where most everywhere books are sold on Amazon Barnes & Noble<br> wonderful and we do have a caller on the line we're going to go pick up her calling my love thank you cuz you have a question or comment for our guests today<br> hello<br> I hear something and it may not be will come back<br> that okay will come back to it will just give them a chance to reconnect so let's just talk about the now what is a New Concept that I've not heard associated with my bonus so we're in the body fitness and we have written the state of awareness and so what you're saying<br> are you asking about a next action not just to have the awareness is for the sake of noise but there should be an action that is inside of self-soothing or yes yes absolutely a different self-soothing techniques or sort of releasing energy or just establishing some sort of sensor in your ground and this is based on Research you it's really the big kind of pioneering aspect of psychology right now it's called somatic psychology which is looking at how trauma is held in the body and everybody has some sort of trauma history even if it's just the ancestral and intergenerational Trauma that and leave a mark on her body so this next layer of now what do we do with that is is based on the fact that and we need to move trauma that can get lost or stuck on our body we need to move it's true because a lot of times stress comes up when there's something really some<br> right now to something stressful that happened in the past so so this is the wait for the peel and move through some of the older traumas and her body and also cope with stated they stress<br> oh I love it I absolutely love it I like to say expression not repression I was supposed there is some need to isn't it listening and in my mind is just jumping all over this with curiosity I would Suppose there is some type of training that needs to be associated with that to it so that people feel free to express his we are a bit inhibited as people just knowing how to come out of oneself and I guess still be seen as appropriate but I'm going to pick up or maybe a different hello welcome to go on the air with our Fabolous yesterday dr. Rachel Allen<br> hello hello a great show as usual I have a question I hope this doesn't sound convoluted but how do you tell if your mind is the same play the things he did in the past and and you allow yourself to feel you know the swallow and killed and you know and you wish you could do things better than he's definitely doesn't mind in the body are connected and clearly the mine is is this has to be taken control over the body how do you use your body to help your mind it in the know you all are talking about and I hope that question makes sense but I just want to know how how you connected to<br> that is a wonderful question is it took a really essential when I'm glad you asked that because part of I guess you really learning about what we need in the moments of being a body that sometimes are mine and helped lead the way to calling us and help soothe the body and sometimes it's really going into the body's first and then that helps sooth the mind so I'd like to explain it can be he can go both directions it's just that we tend to be so focused on the mind-controlling everything but you dive deeper into answering your question if you say you're you're caught and kind of thinking about the past and and thinking about guilt but I would tell somebody as you notice the corresponding ways that your body also reacts as you think about that guilt there might be a tightening of the chest or dripping in the stomach or your job you know your breast changes and so that's your nervous system stuck in an old trauma pattern related to that guilt and so what you can do is you can sue the brat<br> maybe have belly brats you can if the job is where the tension is going to take your hands and could have just give you a massage to the job so you can basically tell them that you're not in that past situation of guilt or stress I'm so different things like that that involves breathing moving something through touch and sometimes exercise things like that sometimes of water that sort of thing can also be ways to reorient the nervous system to bring you back to a place where you have more agency and you're not stuck in that house place well thank you thank you very much I hope that helps and thank you for being a being everyday Peacemaker<br> we are talking about that topic is compassion self care and I really appreciate the caller that we had here because sometimes we do get stuck in these spaces where the path is plaguing us and we're unable to seem to shake our way free of something what are five holistic ways are a 562 number that came to my mind it doesn't have to be 5 but can you give me some holistic ways to increase self-compassion cuz I hear it seems like a lot of that is missing a piece of compassion guys are humanists so and to be human means that we're always learning and growing we make mistakes we don't have all the answers to so often I feel like people are hard on themselves because they expect themselves to be perfect<br> go to be some sort of robot or machine and the go go go in the know it also is one of the things I do is just you know ask people like what you're a human being and what would you maybe tell a friend or loved one as far as letting them allowing them to just be a human would sometimes you know makes mistakes the only thing I would have listened just listen to that for a moment what I heard you say is that Perfection is not necessary right that's not necessary. Show up as you that's what we're looking for this is every day we had the wonderful fabulous author dr. Rachel Allen with us today thank you for being here with us<br> thank you so much for having me<br> create and build the life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with Dr dravon James<br> welcome back to Everyday peace and Dr.Dre Bond James and for this half of our show we are so excited to welcome back to her show Christie Hoffman who has an intuitive healer she's a child allergic that she's a teacher sees a consultant today we are talking about the importance of connecting to your spiritual team did you know that you have a whole spiritual team supporting your mission can your vision so we're going to talk about that today Kristi welcome to the show thank you so much for having me back to Avon it's been such a pleasure I told you to take during the break that I always get very excited mean you're going to be on the show because why I feel so connected at this phase in my life to my spiritual team my guardian angels I know this is the work that you do in that you talked about and I got to tell you that I have a book with the title of it but<br> years that someone gave to me about guardian angels and I never even read the book until I had you in the show the first time now it smooth for my family room up to my office upstairs and I'm so connected I feel that for some reason I'm really drawn to your energy and what you have to share that hope that our listeners are getting that feeling to that you've been around forever you've been doing this work forever but this is the season for us really to pay attention and to connect so thank you for being here to thank you for that and I think that anytime is really a good time to connect with our spiritual team with us you know you're talkin about guardian angels are with us whether we are aware of them are not there there whether we're asking for their help or not and we've got a whole team that is kind of our stuff yeah like you said<br> court system are ecosystem that keeps us going and many of us are just even if we're not aware of them maybe we don't think to call on them as often as we could I don't even think sometimes I'm like oh yeah I could have got people I can talk to about this on the other side you know we're never alone my gosh he's so now this is a chills through me we are never alone and and that's not a scary or spooky thing that's a truly supported the team and I guess you're you know I was going to ask why don't we call on the Angels more but I think quite honestly don't think about it right there on standby waiting here to do some heroic is the we just don't think about him he just you know I guess out of sight out of mind so but at once we start doing it and getting into that practice which is why I'm so excited to have you on the show because it does<br> back to the Forefront that no I am not alone no one who's listen to the show or who's not listen to show doesn't matter they're not alone either there are they there Angels there with them and so how can we know what our angels with our guides are near us<br> there are many calling cards that they give us one is a feeling of leg tingles or a column truth bombs we just kind of have a warm tingling feeling when many of them are around also synchronicities tend to show up when we have our guides working with us they'll put people in our path Adele guide us to something that we've been looking for the we've needed to when things really start flowing and we're paying attention to synchronicities were usually very much in touch with our guys and feel them around but you know they can they can also make their presence known for example Archangel Michael will help you find feathers on the ground or feathers around you and some of the other guys we might have helped us find pennies or nickels or dimes or even ladybugs hummingbirds Cardinal butterflies<br> they tend to have calling cards that they they help us notice it's not that they necessarily send them but they just help us be aware to them so those are just a few of the ways that we can<br> please know that our guys are with us but they can't interfere with us but they can help us understand that there that there near and just ready for us to ask we just don't think should be us out of sight out of mind I kind of think of my spiritual team or everybody spiritual team just sitting up on a cloud eating bonbons and watching Oprah and call you now<br> I kind of had that idea what you were saying it was a soda sitting around waiting for you to remember there is a commission many many years ago I can't Maytag commercial with the Maytag repair guy never got a call cuz the maytags never broke down and unfortunately in our own eyes I'll speak for myself particularly that I should be calling on my angel but they're probably sitting there like the Maytag commercial they said to go back to two things that you said cuz I know you probably said them quite arbitrary but this is more proof there's no random or chaos in the universe because two things that you mentioned if you're constantly seen better and I had someone mention that to me recently and I have a friend who said to me recently I don't care where I go or what I'm doing I always find pennies so<br> I am excited so the feathers are associated with Archangel Michael is that as well but that is his calling card now there could be others who who also use feathers but definitely Michael yes absolutely I found oh my God eagle feathers and turkey feather Evans like I find the craziest feathers all over right I got a vase full of them in my office picking them up and keep them in this bed was everywhere so so if your if you have the Angel Michael around you what might that message be<br> Michael is typically about courage and strength but also protection so if we feel like we might not have the courage to face something or the strength to get through something or just feel like we need some extra protection will usually come around for that but of course we do if we want to be specifically do need to ask like Michael I've got this interview coming up I just want you to be with me and just kind of support me as I'm going through it or I'm going to be facing a difficult conversation with someone and I just needed a little bit extra protection just so that I feel like my emotions are safe and then held sacred so yeah we can ask for that but those are the type of things that he tends to help us with and he's also Archangel Michael's also the protecting the the patron saint of police and firemen firefighters and Military so just giving that extra dose<br> strengthen protection yeah yeah very appropriate and solutely angels have their own jobs they do as well as you know of course all of this to the saints that we associate with Catholic face the Catholic faith but that's not really only Catholics but yeah they're all of the archangels all the all the different scenes and protectors they have their own jobs if they do but we know we can we can certainly crossover a bit but if you don't know who to talk to call Michael cuz he oversees all of the archangels I'll get the right one on the job for you if you did many of us don't know what they'll do<br> yeah yeah it's like I need some help with this Michael get on it<br> so and he owes that that's good to know if you can remember all of the angels in the Archangel Michael and he will summon the help that you need me to the right person so like that you know help desk, I love the fact that you brought up the mentioned that you don't have to be Catholic cuz I think that in my mind that the Catholics have done a wonderful job of keeping in mind and the angels but for those who are not Catholic nursing is that necessary that the angels are available in the guys are available for everyone for everyone absolutely what other also ascended masters in addition to angels and so ascended masters come from all kinds of different traditions and religion from Oliver the human world and also off the planet as well and the ascended masters Are Not Angels many of them had<br> such as Siddhartha Gautama the first Buddha and Jesus and Yogananda and then many of them are deities and their own right such as Ganesh and Quan Yin and they help Humanity with all kinds of the things that we need we need help with I was working with a woman this morning was doing a reading and Ganesh was very very present with her and Jim Nash is the elephant-headed Hindu god he's the remover of obstacles and she said you know that so funny cuz my sister says I am the luckiest person because of Any time she runs into any sort of difficulty just poof it's gone you know things she moved through life fairly lightly because problems don't seem to bother her and it's because she's been working on the other side we'll just kind of clearing things away as they come up and I said now it's time to do this intentionally because if there's something you really want cleared away he can't just switch<br> didn't save you but if you can ask for that then he can help with the help you with that<br> mother Mary is another ascended Master as is Mary Magdalene showed up for two of my clients today I was doing a Reiki healing and a reading and Mary Magdalene showed up for both have been actually she's quite a Powerhouse in her own right so there are so many of these different beings would mention guardian angels we all have guardian angels and every single one of us has a guardian angel and every single one of us has an archangel as well but then we also have ascended masters our loved ones will often be with us and they'll they'll<br> stay around with us as long as they can and we just have guys we can call on they can come and go we can call on some of them for very special purposes some some angels and some ascended masters will come around just thinking that okay this person is going through a period where they could use my help I'll just kind of hang out and see if you feel call that Maytag repair line to hang out and just see if see if they need me and they can kind of work on the backend to clear some things and maybe put some people in in your past that would be helpful for you to know or have to have you pick up a book that would be helpful they can't make you read it and I can't make you talk to the person that they might put in your path but at least they can put these things in your path so that if you're paying attention he has to synchronicities I was talking about or if we're<br> thinking about a person and then we just see them at the grocery store that can be the presence of one of our guys just kind of guiding you to the two that direction and guiding them if they want to be there at the same time I can't make you need to can't make you talk but at least I can put you in the bowl both in the same place at a similar time or perhaps you're in the checkout line at the grocery store and you overhear someone talking about something that you have been wanting to know about know maybe there is a place to volunteer and you've been thinking about where I really need to volunteer and then you overhear this conversation and can you ask for more information if you want to or just find out more information or start to the you don't look it up in Google it yourself which is putting information in your path that you might need and find helpful<br> I think this is really wonderful because a lot of times we don't pay it close attention to his synchronicities that occur in our lives right next to be more present and then we get more pleasant to meet me at 3:10 to take less things for granted me realize that yes this has meaning it comes from you know I I had a thought and now I have picture day did my physical world and her house as you said a guide or an angel has maneuvered it in your space not unable to force you to act upon it but if you were more present in the present moment we definitely would be able to notice it so we talked about ascended masters and guides and all sorts of help that we have on our spiritual team and we mentioned earlier that if you don't know who to call on you can call an archangel Michael now could you do that also with Archangel Michael bring to to the scenic all that way to the Sea<br> tuition of Kadesh + 100 + solutely yeah and here we can and we don't even have to know who to talk to you as my cooking bringing anybody we need to we can also say hey I've got this problem I need a guy to come in and help me with us<br> so we can put out a call that way as well<br> so when were never without helped right it's always there's always a source of it around us and no problem is too small it surprises me and I'm going to say it cuz it's popped in my head I just had this number must have been when I was a child because my mother knew a lot about angels and talk about any of this saying and I can Archangel Michael run as fast as you can but it was going to fetch country and I remember that little song Robux just popped in my head as you were talking so yes I need to find out what time is it is almost here my mom's voice ain't seeing you but I remember when you were talking just popped in my head every one of our listeners knows that but I know<br> private was Archangel Michael it and it seems like most repeated that part of the course several times and it was run as fast as you can but we're talking about here is so very important because it's almost to me like coming on a cruise ship and life being the cruise ship and having access to being most beautiful artwork the most beautiful Cuisine the finest balls and it's all there for us<br> the only guy maybe to help us maneuver through the crowd and maybe get to the to the top deck in this the third and we don't do that we don't make that moving through the crowd because we don't remember to call on our spiritual team that there is every question there is an answer for every proceed problem there is a solution and we have the power to bring this into our life to bring that solution to our life through calling on the angels of the ascended masters in the guy gets and this is just fascinating and it's so<br> to me it's that's what a gift what a gift can we work with our guys like over there angel ascended masters how do we work with them let's say there's someone right now who is looking for success in your business are starting a new business and looking for business success and how do they work with your spiritual team to guide them so that the work at the work that they want to do and I always make this assumption when I'm talking that whatever you're trying to provide is for the good of someone else you're at your acts of service but ask so how would an individual work with their with their guides so they can be able to be profitable and successful in providing this service<br> first of all I think is to just know and understand at that unending stream of assistance and support is available to each and everyone of us<br> knowing and being open to receiving that next I would say I think you mentioned it earlier it's just being mindful being present and that's really what mindfulness is being in the present moment we're not dwelling over the past we're not focused on work<br> being present<br> taking some time out of our day each day just to be present just to be mindful if you call it meditation great but you don't have to call it meditation but just being present and aware of your surroundings so that when you do receive some guidance you know it that you're paying attention because there's several different ways we can reach Steve you know we all know about Clairvoyance and being able to receive images and visions of things but it's also being Visual and aware if maybe you drive by a build order a sign everyday but when you're mindful of it there might be a message on it that you need to see something that you need to be aware of that what you drive by it mindlessly every single day but then being present your your visual Acuity your visual intuition will pick up on it when where<br> what are mind is clear other people or more auditory and yeah that can be maybe you hear a voice inside your head or you hear someone calling your name it's not there but it's also that you pick up your intuition and you pick up what your guys are wanting you to know true auditory mean so maybe you're riding in the car and you turn on the radio and there happens to be an interview and you training at the moment where they're saying something that you needed to hear it before your business for example or someone you need to connect with or like my earlier example maybe you're at the grocery store and you're hearing some people you're overhearing some people having a conversation and it turns out that maybe it's something again that you needed to know maybe a resource that you needed that they're talking about and we're a person that just by hearing your conversation you know you should probably introduce yourself because they could be helpful to you or you to them<br> paying attention that way also when were mindful we can work on clearing our clearing our mind just even for a few minutes a day and just having some space there because another way we can receive our guidance from our guides and angels and our loved one might I add that when we clear mind we can receive what I call Clark not Clark office in which is where we have ideas just pop into your head that you weren't thinking of before and all of it and say oh I just had an idea or I just had this thought just popped into my head but we have to have some clarity in our mind for that to happen if where we can get the internet<br> shush for a moment then we can receive guidance that way and then the last way that we can receive guidance is true clairsentience which is a physical feeling like I said before the truth bumps that come truth bumps or we might feel tingling or we might feel it feeling in your gut or some sort of feeling around you even so yeah Christian teens can even be that you're picking up someone else's physical pain or physical in motion it can even be that you feel one of your guys just literally tapping you on the shoulder<br> but we have to be in a kind of present frame of mind and receptive in order to receive that type of guidance of being mindful practicing mindfulness practice and clearing our minds even if we're just taking a walk and<br> not worrying about anything else right just clearing the mind won't you know this is why sometimes when we're driving and you get where you're going and sometimes we don't even remember the drive there<br> because we were just so present in the moment and clearing the mind and sometimes when you're doing dishes are mowing the grass or raking the planting flowers are doing your hobby or even taking a shower and our minds are just kind of<br> unpause sometimes you'll get your your best ideas and your best inside and intuition at those times because we've settled that internal chat just for a moment so that our guys can can talk to us and work with us that way that I'd like to tell people is that once you have the same here you have this coincidence you have this feeling you have this is kind of impression once it's just it could be a fluke write his people like to think in those terms and be practical and pragmatic the ones maybe it's a fluke although they really are no fluke twice it happened but there really no coincidences<br> because that is definitely some guidance where there they're being persistent and getting a message to us so three times definitely act on it to bring it up because we are so quick as individuals to distrust be the our own intuition are only so many different I'll give me another side I'll give me another son and I understand never know anybody who's been it would just believe it because somebody else said it so it doesn't really have to start trusting yourself and we only have about a minute left I would love for you to tell our listeners how they can connect with you your work is fabulous you are immature<br> audience connect with you<br> absolutely thank you for mentioning that yes at radiate Wellness Community. Combat is my website and events are listed they are all of our services are there myself and I have three other practitioners with me and I also the host of the radiates Wellness podcast just I'm so blessed to say twice on the podcast talkin to you and so that's another way to connect is the podcast we're on all of the the main platforms you know Amazon YouTube Spotify Apple Google all the things and then I also would like to extend a gift to listeners listing today if that's okay I have solutely million 10 seconds but absolutely use the code every day peace on my website to get 20% off of any of the services that I provide readings rake<br> and regression get in it with a better nose than that I'm Doctor dravon James I absolutely love you please check out our fabulous yes please go to my website if that's what they want James. Cam is that app for your free Discovery session today we'll talk soon.<br> you've been listening to Everyday teeth for dr. Avon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that lead you to your next level of greatness and I would love to hear some ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me and info at Dr Graber on enroll in my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International in role of the brilliant light nine weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at dr. Dre Juan Jaimes. Cam purchase my book Freedom is your Birthright from Amazon thank you for being at every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> thank you for listening this is Unity online radio the voice of an Awakening world<br> no one wants to talk about death and dying but it's a universal experience that we all face get help navigating through this life Journey at the beautiful dying Expo November 12th to 14th this three-day birds that will answer many of your questions about preparing for this life transition talk with experts in Hospice Care handling grease living wills and more join a global Community dedicated to the process of death and dying register for free now at beautiful dying<br>

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