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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James, March 8, 2022

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Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
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A Journey to Joy with Julie Fitz-Gerald, and Surviving the Healthcare System with David Wilcox

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

A Journey to Joy with Julie Fitz-Gerald, and Surviving the Healthcare System with David Wilcox

In a world that offers daily curveballs, the need to re-center and find joy in the everyday can seem daunting. Julie Fitz-Gerald shares how journaling provides an outlet. And David Wilcox, D.N.P., shares information from his book How to Avoid Being a Victim of the American Healthcare System.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James
Show Host
Dr Dravon James

In today’s busy world it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Dr Dravon James helps to inspire, empower, and educate people to live the life of their dreams. Focusing on health, wealth, and relationships, Dr. James offers strategies that work for everyday life.

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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

sometimes you feel so alone and overwhelmed you don't know where to turn these days it seems like there is no end to our problem we invite you to connect with silent Unity the 24 hour Prayer Ministry where someone is waiting to pray with you right now since 1890 silent Unity has always been there no judgment or Dogma just the one affirming the best for you call 816-969-2002 day you can also connect online at unity prayer vigil. Org<br>We Are Spiritual Beings having a human experience this is Unity online radio. Org the voice of an Awakening world<br> Empower yourself and get inspired to build the life of your dreams<br> welcome to Everyday peas with dr. dravon James<br> hello and welcome to our show I'm Doctor Trevon James and this is everyday piece I'm super excited to be here with you today as we explore the concept of living a life of Peace everyday piece Define does holness completeness nothing missing nothing broken totality now I don't know about you but everytime I give that definition that we use are working definition of Peace in the everyday piece philosophy I feel sooo and call that I just feel like everything's right now okay even if it doesn't look like it<br> it really is peace is available to us right now so on this program we talked about the philosophy of everyday peace as a system for us to achieve our next level of greatness we bring on the guest in the topics that highlight opportunities for us to learn and for us to grow into entertain us because that's important on his life's journey last week we had two amazing guest we got joined us last week and if you have not gone back and listen to last Big Show or you weren't present for it I highly encourage you to go back and listen to Alan David who has the walking the line and this opportunity that he talks about is forging a personal connection with the Bible Understanding how the word of God applies to our everyday life ain't that just having is being some book there's some good ideas but you can't use we actually goes through and shows is how<br> making use these techniques to really live in the space of Peace nothing missing nothing broken totality so that was a great interview and I hope you'll go back and listen to that and then secondly we had a door when Quest now she is a modern chemist if you were a regular follower of the show you know this is her second time with us and yes you will be back for a third time I've already got the emails we close at the show last week with her talking about a new book or that she's written in so I was just going to back to talk about that but last week she talked about small changes in your workplace can create massive momentum in your life and your business and many of us are working from home or if you're still going into the office part-time or full-time make some small changes you'd be amazed how we would increase your productivity I'm calm and soothe you so please Avail yourself to those two amazing interviews and you can do so by<br> subscribing to the Doctor Dre Bond James everyday piece podcast on Apple Spotify Google play in Stitcher or you can listen to them on the unity online radio. Or and of course as always I highly encourage you to visit the new and improved Dr.Dre Von website where you are going to find wonderful words of wisdom and encouragement you're going to find courses there that are designed to help you improve your self-esteem your self-confidence the month a whole host of other things and yes those of you who are inquiring about our<br> our coaching program you can find out all you need to know there's well you can also contact me there on that site they are so wonderful way to stay connected as an everyday Peacemaker I encourage you to visit the site often as we're bringing up new opportunities new information in the new encouragement just to support us as everyday Peacemaker so please bookmark that site and visit often again that website is dr. Dre Bond James. Calm now as you know our theme for 2022 is it's time to improve my life my goodness I hope you are just Jazz and excited about that it's time to improve my life and so our everyday peace message for today is talking about that to channel impact<br> having an intentional impact what is the Legacy that you were going to leave on the world what is the gift that you come to give to the world and this is a quest women's month we're celebrating women's Mock I'm super excited to be able to talk about the Legacy in the shoulders that I get to stand on and so one huge hero in my life of course is my mom that's a personal Legacy but there are other Heroes as well women who have done amazing things you know that ever allow me to be on the show talking to you and all the other things are able to do<br> intentional impact making the decision<br> to live in their space of great of greatness not always an easy decision to make but a necessary decision to make so that they can pay the way for the Next Generation just like them you and I men and women all of us have an opportunity to daily decide what is the impact what is the Legacy that I'm going to leave today usually we think about Legacy we think of all I'm going to be long gone and people will remember me as this but did you know that right now in this very moment you have the opportunity to impact someone's life for the positive<br> simple smile<br> you know being grateful expressing your gratitude simple ways deciding to be positive deciding to deciding here's a big one that I absolutely love deciding to see the similarities in people<br> intentional impact will make all of the difference in your life deciding how you want to approach every day will make a difference in how fast you achieve that proved that you looking for whether it's in your health your wealth of your life or your relationships so that is our everyday peace moment we got a fabulous show today we have some amazing guest our first guest is joining us today is Julie Fitzgerald who has we're talking about a journey to Joy and centering and she's written an amazing book Faith to rise a journey to Joy and centering Julie is a journalist and author and speaking in speaker living in small-town Ontario Canada with her husband and two teenage Sons she's worked in both faith-based and second stairs Julie is passionate about shining a light on stories of Hope and inspiration I love it welcome to the show<br> thank you so much for having me I'm thrilled to be here I'm so thrilled to have you here and I was telling you before we came on the show one of the things that really attracted me to you is journaling I believe so heavily in German so I never got to talk a little bit about that today but just tell us about your your book and<br> you know what brought you to wanting to do the work that you do this book came out in December and it's at 52 weekly devotional for everyday life so each week There's a new theme for people to read and just kind of connect with the word of God and journey on their own path so it talks about things like hard Seasons grief friendship Adventure forgiveness and it's just really A Journey For for the reader to just kind of consider how God's word impact them each day and impact their life and it actually came about during the pandemic in November of 2020 I was given the opportunity to write and record some radio devotionals and by the time we got to 52 of these weekly radio devotionals I asked my publisher if we could put this in a book<br> here we are<br> oh I love I love the fact that was born out of covid peak of Soul often we think about covid and we'd be have this in your Dreadful memory of this thing's gone wrong and Devin there was some unwanted things that happened but out of that event something Butte some beautiful things were born too and I think this book happens to be one of them you know I really understand me yeah is it is it it's amazing how the hell that happens if we allow it to happen so it's 52 weekly themes that explore us having a deeper more practical and it comes to my mind relationship with God right and being able to do that daily his so what is the importance of a daily practice that you find out why why is that so important for people to be able to have a peaceful and successful life<br> the kind of help. Rest and give us that fresh perspective and give us the hope and optimism that was kind of hard to find during that time so I think daily practices became really important and for me I was looking at how can I find a way to decrease my stress levels because I was at home in Canada here where I am in Ontario we had a lot of lockdown are kids were doing school from home a lot so we were all in one house and the daily practices that were really life-giving to me we're going out and walking and connecting with nature I'm just being in God's creation like that really had a way of grounding me and routing me in the fact that you know this is God's creation and I'm a part of something much bigger so nature and walk through a huge so with prayer and meditation time which I would do first thing in the morning before I<br> Scott up in my house just to ground me but the third thing that I really found impactful with journaling and that was a way that I could get all of my thoughts that were kind of blue thing in my head out onto the page and it gave me so much greater Clarity and perspective on a different situations that we're going on in my life that I found it to be a really amazing forth each day so that was something that I had to make sure I put in my new book face to ride so after every devotional there are writing prompts and so the people can journal and just connect with the concepts on a deeper level I have been a journal journaling since I was in high school and I got to tell you there have been times in my life really was difficult times where I have found it difficult to harness what I was feeling to be able to put it on paper and now is a life coach<br> I run into lots of people I'm that say Hey I can't even get started because my my brain is so overwhelmed by emotion still so overwhelming how do you how can you help people what do you suggest they do just to get started to be able to stabilize himself long enough to be able to put a sentence together on a piece of paper I love this question so much because the answer is called free writing and this is a form of journaling that takes away any kind of pressure to write something good or something that sounds great so free writing is a form of journaling where you just put your pen to the paper and you just start writing anything and everything that's on your mind it could be something really trivial or ridiculous or have nothing to do with what you're actually upset about but you just continue to write without critiquing without editing and<br> if we do that it starts to free up our minds these things that are kind of taking up our brainpower are just thrown out onto the page in no particular order it doesn't have to sound good nobody's going to read it but as we do at all of a sudden our thoughts start to coalesce we start to just really get greater perspective greater Clarity and often when were journaling and meditating on the word of God it's an opportunity for God to really speak into our lives and sometimes we'll discover there's an answer there on the page when we're finished so I think free writing is absolutely the way to go I love. I always tell my clients start by just paying attention to the five senses and just you know I see this is Mel that I feel that you know and then all the sudden but I think the exactly what you say I love that term free writing what happens is that you free up your mind and you can create space and then you can hear<br> God right because you're no longer trying so hard to just give yourself yes soothing to takes away that that that stress response are you not even feel like you have to perform anymore but I think also something that you mention is so very important this is your journalist is your private space so it doesn't have to be you know really written or you know spell check or anything of that nature it just really needs to flow you know that yeah and probably like you or you know maybe you like me I go back and I read some of my journal entries for many many years ago and I tell you there's so much emotion in that page even if words are misspelled or handwriting is horrible it still comes across I still got to go back to remember I remember this day I remember how I felt going to say it was even more amazing is that<br> I'm able to knowing that moment that God brought me through that I remember feeling that I remember being fearful about that and here I could be maybe 10 years later reading about it and then most come back but the the thought that resonates with me is that yeah and just like that was done this will be done to a mean I've gotten the answer that I thought I want it but I got it answered that was something that I could learn and grow and build from so I think this journaling is really really important<br> yes I totally agree and I can relate to that as well just like looking back on journaling from the past that you do see God's faithfulness in it and you also see how sometimes you thought of plan should go with the way but God had much bigger plans that you didn't know about then right so it's really nice to reflect on that and just you know praise God for the big plans that he does have for our lives yes yes oh my God knowing that you hear you were being a small think you're right and you and all the sudden you you looked into this is so important you know we talkin about that open up talking about having an intentional impact on the world and I think through journaling helps you to do that to it helps you to give you more clarity on how you want to show up in the world you can go back and read things and say oh my gosh you know this is being done and that's being done in my life and it just because I doesn't show up exactly the way<br> and I wanted to show up is more proof positive that there is a lord in lord and savior who loves us so very much and to even come and see about those small small issues that they're in our lives it sometimes seemed very big at the time but you go back go back and look at ten years later and you know what I love to sing our unique gifts and how everybody created for a purpose and I believe that's so strongly and it's one of the weekly devotionals in my book is on our unique gift things and I really believe each one of us is created for a purpose we have our own unique gifts and talents which are unlike anybody else's and it's up to us to figure out what those are and develop them and share them with the people around us and journaling is actually a way of figuring out what some of those gift things could be as you could have asked yourself the question like what is it that aisle<br> what to do or what dream have I had in my heart since I was a kid you can start to kind of see it materialize and sometimes as your journaling you figure out what may be a first step could be for a Next Step could be on your journey to realizing that so during the great way of you know helping us on our paths to realize our dreams I love how you just said that Junior kiss discover you know what it is your gift is because so often that's another thing that I'm sure you probably have found that if you talk with people I know I definitely have is that people will say you know I don't know what I'm good at I don't know what I'm passionate about I don't know what I've come to know what my services for the world you know it in quite a comely people say I don't know what my purpose is<br> journaling journaling is a is a journey inward even if it starts with an outside you know you could write about how frustrated you are about something that happened at work or something that's going on with the children and you starting you may start with that it I don't know if you find this to be true by now in my life and my dribbling it has happened this way quite frequently is that all start off writing about something that's frustrating or disappointing it's happening externally but through that releasing on paper by the end of that journal entry I'm Focus inwardly yeah we can just gained so much perspective and Clarity from the active journaling and I think I'll wait is also lifted off of our shoulders when we do it because we carry so much around in our head don't we like all day things are kind of piling out then we'd start to go over them especially if you're kind of an inward thinker you might have it on a bit of a loop so journaling let's just get it out<br> lifted off of our shoulders and gain that perspective for sure<br> when you said something we have it on a loop that does happen so you're that ruminating part of our self do you find it drilling does help to minimize that rumination the people do that a lot they just ruminate on things for me I do find that I also host online journaling Retreats and I've noticed that in the groups of women who do these Retreats with me that they just feel so much lighter afterwards that they have been able to pour everything out on the page that's been taking up their time in their brainpower and that they just feel so much lighter and refreshed afterwards but I think to like we can do these different kinds of journaling like sometimes we might be in a tough spot in our journaling is more like a lament were lamenting what's going on but other times it's really good to do like gratitude journaling and just kind of evening it out of it and just reminding yourself of the Bay<br> things in your life reminding yourself of you know all the things that you can be grateful for so I think it's important to really focus on both sides of those kinds of journaling<br> yes I think so too and there's you were saying that I was thinking about your your 52-week Journal give us the name of the book and where people can purchase it from again I got a question about that gas so it's face to rise a journey to Joy and censoring and it's available on Amazon so there is the devotional book but then there's a companion Journal as well so there's two separate listings on Amazon boat called Fades to rise by Julie Fitzgerald and they are also available from the publisher at Roar Dash<br> I was so beautiful and it when you were you were mentioning that I was thinking to myself that during this process of journaling is it you know is opening up processed you get to discover like more parts of yourself but it it's almost like as your writing your house like a flower opening up because so often we don't know the inner most intimate things about ourselves we know that about other people and we hope that other people know what about our stuff about us but we really don't know we don't know what was behind the the why was behind the emotion and I think journaling to ease us into that deep deeper awareness with self<br> yeah it's really an amazing way to reflect and I like how you said that about a flower opening up often in the journaling Retreats that I host people are really surprised by what comes out in their journaling and they're surprised and they're excited about it because it's something that they didn't realize within them it might be a goal that they have or a dream it might be a resolution to something that they've been kind of wrestling with so I think as we Journal we reflect and we do go inwards and we learn about ourselves and it's a time for for God to just pour into us what he wants us to understand so when were journaling in a spiritual way when we reflecting on God's word and what that means in our everyday lives we can really discover things that we had no idea that were within us and it's very exciting to see that happen<br> yeah it is very excited to do you know it's most I think it's exciting and rewarding right to get to know her selves the way that we wish someone else knew I was right and you know I find that so often I'll talk with people and they wish their spouse spouse knew them intimately or that your parents really knew them and you find that through journaling you find that you're so amazed at how how multi-faceted you are as an individual and how deep and how much depth there is to you when you start to drown so very very awesome way to understand your purpose and get to know yourself better and your your your Journal your book helps people to get started cuz that's one of the things that people really struggle with everything like it's just been getting started of it right so yeah absolutely so the journal provides writing prompts after each devotional so you don't have to<br> get there and try to figure out what should I write about some of the prompt is there and you can just set a timer and just start that free writing process put pen to paper and yeah it's a it's a really it can be very transformative for sure what are some of the obstacles if any that you hear people say you know is you're trying to get started cuz I mean you've laid it out you've got the journal entries dare you you know its 52-week devotional so you got to see you even break out how often you're doing it but you still hearing the opposite of opposition people say no I just can't I just can't Journal I just can't<br> well I think the biggest thing that I hear really the only obstacle that I hear is finding the time to set aside to do it so it's once the time is set aside people seem to be able to do it quite easily and really make that connection that they're looking for in a game that reflection but getting started and setting up time on my side is probably the biggest hurdle and it really is just a matter of like blocking off you know half an hour or 20 minutes maybe even 15 minutes to pending on how busy you are but blocking off some time and being intentional about us doing it sitting down and getting started I love you to see it being intentional that's what it really takes is it to make it to make to make a time and I was going to say you don't have to be rigid with it you could just say okay I'm going to set aside 15 minutes today and it doesn't have to be the same 15 minutes everyday<br> giving yourself 15 minutes of you could think of this as part of I know I certainly do as your self-love time this is part of your right I guess you put this on your calendar and this is your date with you self care is one of the chapters in this book and in one of my journaling Retreats one of the participants said you know I don't like to think about self care as self-care I like to think of it as self-compassion and I just loved the way that she framed it. A little bit differently self-compassion so you are you know it's an active love for yourself to set this time aside and just connect and you're really valuing who you are and who God created you to be by taking this time to reflect and consider his word and really discovered that you are going to have to fly here<br> it's Julie Fitzgerald and she's talking about her book Faith to arise a journey to Joy and centering I hope you get the book Amazon Julie thank you so much you can do. Org the voice of an Awakening world<br> create and build a life of your dreams welcome back to Everyday Beast with dr. dravon James<br> welcome back on. Trevon James this is everyday piece I am super excited to introduce you to our next guest dr. David Wilcock we're talkin about surviving the American health-care system oh my goodness I got to tell you I was telling David do it before we came on 32 years and Healthcare and this topic excites me and scares me about David before we jump into this exciting topic surviving the American health-care system I'm dr. David Wilcox has nearly three decades of healthcare experience as a bedside nurse hospital administrator doctor Wilcox is in Amazon international bestselling author who believes proactive patient education enables those accessing the healthcare system to be better partners that I say that again better Partners in their Healthcare he also believes that everyone has the right to access the American Healthcare<br> them safely he has his new book is how to avoid being a victim of the American health-care system a patient's handbook for survival welcome to the show dr. David Wilcock I'm excited to have you thank you dr. James I'm excited to be here this is a timely topic I suppose it's always timely do you know what happened you know you and I've been in this over 30 years there's never a bad time to talk about how to exercise your rights how to know the thing how to find out information that you may not even think that you need to know but being a partner in your Healthcare journey is so essential it is part of the healing process navigate things safely and efficiently so I really want to get started as there's a lot of stuff to talk about here when I tell you to get everything in so for our listeners I really encourage you the book is how to avoid being a victim of the American health-care system<br> a patient handbook for survival if you're not having to use Healthcare System array for you but if you know somebody who is this is a great book for them and let's just get started how does a regular late person stay safe when accessing the American Healthcare System<br> well you know dr. James God takes care of our souls right but gives us some responsibility around our bodies so we can you know on this Earth we can either do good for others or you know some people get addicted to alcohol but there is responsibility for our bodies and so what I tried to do was take what I know from almost three decades of healthcare put it into this book to be able to say here are some proactive tips are some things that you can do as an individual to make sure you're getting the best health care possible and as you said being a partner in your Healthcare so not a lot of people know if you go out to the that's centers of Medicare and Medicaid. Gov you can find your local hospital and see how it's rated according to Five Stars this also affects your hospitals reimbursement and if you're a 5-star hospital and you're going<br> top reimbursement and your patients are pretty satisfied if you're a two-star hospital well that's a different story so not a lot of people know they can go out and look at their hospital if you have the luxury of having two or three hospitals in lb you can check them all to see where you would go to have your care given if you had to be in a hospital environment<br> oh that's really really good especially now finding out at for the services that you need in your particular area with its cardiac surgery or you're going for the end of whatever it is you diabetes whenever knowing all my gosh this is their their their writing very well in this area here is that that's important to know I do for everybody there so it ain't happened I'm interested in is I happen to have a neighbor who's kind of going through this here that little sticker shock even with your insurance and spend some time and you know during covid in the hospital and talk about why is there little to no price transparency in healthcare complex for a reason it's not an accident it's set up that way by the entities who are buying for healthcare dollars and in this case what you're speaking of is price transparency at the hospital level so the insurer<br> companies work with a very small network of providers so they don't always publish who they work with so it's a for you as a consumer it's very hard to understand is this person in that worker out-of-network and that led to the no surprise billing act that took place on January 1st of this year because there were many people who would do all the research and find out their surgeon was in that work or hospital was in that work and then an anesthesiologist would come in who was out of network and I know it happened to somebody personally that I know and they got a $10,000 bill so those surprise Billings and things like that or now starting to be regulated but you know what the same time back in January 1st of 2021 they also put into place a healthcare transparency executive order and by the president of the United States at the time and that order said that health<br> are entities had the publisher and procedures out in layperson's terms on their website and so you could shop for your care and actually I noted a an example from where I live I live down towards Charlotte North Carolina and I'll look at the hospital I pulled that for a total knee without insurance and I would need a coating license to be able to figure out what I would actually pay to the hospitals are complying with this in fact they just sent a little over three hundred letters out the hospital. Asking them to be compliant and threatening them with fines of up to two million dollars a year now and that's new as of January 1st before it was $110,000 a year which you know that the hospitals and the insurance companies are like we will just pay that information out there put a 2 million it changes the game so back then we saw a 5% of the hospitals being compliant now we're seeing 15% of the hospital but they're still 85% of the hospitals were not post<br> no pricing information as according to that Health transparency law so for them it's advantageous for you not to know what you're going to pay for your procedure not to know that like if you were going to get a total knee done in my area if I went to an Ambulatory Surgery Center which is like a mini hospital but you don't stay overnight would be about $8,000 plus paying out-of-pocket if I went to the hospital it would be about $12,000 so if you have a a high-deductible you want to understand that because you could pay a lot less if you go to an Ambulatory Surgery Center as opposed to a hospital if you're in good shape<br> right in this is so important and for those listeners who are just joining us you know our theme on the everyday piece show for 2022 is it's time to improve my life and I find it very interesting and important to know that part of improving our life is probably Paramount this is the physical life is to be able to know that we have access to great health care which we do in the United States is not perfect health care and but it is great health care but knowing how to navigate that and knowing how to come through the process as a partner with your health care providers I think that price is so very important because as I said I have a neighbor who's going through this right now and it is one of the reasons why people do like getting Health Care is because the sticker shock of I paying healthcare insurance and I don't want to be admitted to the hospital cuz I I can't afford a $8,000 bill<br> you said you know I've searched really hard make sure if I was in network and lo and behold anesthesiologist who I didn't personally select happens to be out of network and Bam you know I got this amazing bill that has just slept almost the life out of our family budget and so is part of improving your life is really important that we understand you know how to partner how'd it go for it and it sounds like there's still some confusion confusion around or lack of transparency around billing<br> yes and I'm you make an excellent point and your listeners should understand that personal bankruptcy 58.5% of personal bankruptcy is due to health care bills in this country we are paying what we were paying 17.3% of the GDP up until we really got socked with covid in health care costs and now we're paying 19.7% which means 20 cents of every dollar that you spend is going towards Healthcare that's pretty significant amount and when you and you alluded to the health care that we have when you study 17 industrialized countries work dead last and quality outcomes for paying the most most countries are paying about 8.6 of their GDP on health care so you know it's you have to be a partner in your care I know you were in healthcare and I'm in healthcare and I can't tell you how many times when I was admitting a patient at the house<br> hospital they had just had a fear in their eyes because they weren't equipped they didn't proactively study what they should do in a hospital to be safe they were at the mercy of the clinical team they're wearing a gown that exposed their back on I mean that's a little bit degrading and they didn't have control over what they were going to eat or when they were going to eat everything was just kind of snatched away from when they were dependent on the clinicians and the people around them that's one of the reasons why I wrote the book because I want people to be able to stay off I'm in a hospital setting I know that medicate if I'm going to get her or something's going to happen to me it's going to center around medications so at you being a partner in your health care what is the best way to proactively mitigate that risk is to ask the nurse when they come in hand on I don't know what this pill is for it's not doesn't look like what I usually take it home I'm can you explain it to me and the nurse will<br> do you know what the pill is and if and any side effects are associated with it hopefully that's what they should do so I mean it's just you know it's it's astounding how many times people will just take whatever is put in front of them and not know I was talking to a gentleman who's also a podcast host and he told me that he was with his wife was coming out of surgery and she was groggy and the nurse came in to give her her medications and Drew up some insulin in in East what are you doing and she said when drawing up your wife's insulin and he said my wife is not diabetic turns out that nurse had the wrong chart open was looking at the wrong patient so I mean those things happen clinicians don't go to work to do a bad job but especially in covid now we're having this great resignation and clinicians are leading Healthcare it's really important to know what you can do as a partner to keep yourself safe because there are more mistakes being made even though they're not intentional they are occurring<br> I'll make sure we have technology in place to help with that like barcode scanning of medications but sometimes people don't follow those procedures they're busy and they just come in with a bunch of pills and say hey I need to take these so that's a no-go actively educating yourself on what to do when you get insurance claim denial or when you go to the pharmacy and the price of your prescription is the same price as your rent and you have to make a decision whether you going to take your prescription medication or whether you're going to pay your rent I mean it's knowing this stuff proactively how did lower those costs and make sure that you can pay your rent and take your medication is very important and not enough people do that the American health-care system it's a whole nother world it's a jungle I mean it's just basically a jungle<br> it really is not love the idea of the reminder that you as the patient have an obligation even to ask questions right and I know you just mentioned some things about the health-care process as a patient that are not only dehumanizing but definitely put you in the position where you feel inferior right you feel that you know how I don't even know the right questions to ask which is why again why I think this book is so essential because it does give you some pointers on what to ask and you know very important is asking all here what's that medication does Italy look like I've taken it before work and that helps that's a nice way to get everybody questioning or well this is that and this is this in a great opportunity to get a dialogue going to help minimize the possibility of there being a mix up because things and healthcare does I get the other industry and maybe like no other industry at the same time move quickly there is no if you think about the number of patients vs<br> the number of workers you're right there is anybody comes they're wanting to do their best job ever but if there is an opportunity there for for things to go awry and for the patient to partner with the process really upset and increases the chances of things going as desired along the right cost so I'd like some of the some other questions that the people and major question we just hit me hit on medication because I tell people and I've been a pharmacist for 32 years I've run Hospital pharmacies and one of the things that you always tell our team and everybody in the hospital there's not a patient in here that Pharmacy doesn't touch<br> all patients and not going to Urology everybody in here is getting medication in some form or fashion so you just think about that. That's a huge impact across the board and so but even as we talked about and so there's a lot a lot of concern about you know what happens with medications is there should be but in retail which I used to own drugstores there's a lot of questions about cost and what's going on with prescription costs across the board you know why do prescriptions cost so much more in our country and then and other countries and you hear people all the time how about I went over to Canada I went to Mexico why is it so expensive here<br> yeah so I'm out start with a little entertaining story English Setter she was 16 years old her name is Pipi Luth she was a phenomenal dog and my dog started to have some heart problems towards the end of her life so that that prescribe Viagra for my dog because not a lot of people know Viagra was actually invented to be a pulmonary antihypertensive or to drop fluid off the lungs frog and so once I found out about the side effects with her Korsakoff's shot up so my wife goes to the pharmacy because it's been snowing surance it's a dog right we have to get it at the local pharmacy to the pharmacy and it's over $700 for one month supply with the GoodRx app and finds it for $63 just a few blocks away so if they're selling it for $63 a few blocks away and making profit because we know in the pharmaceutical<br> business are making profit on the drugs why are they selling it at 700 just a few blocks away that makes no sense you can go into a pharmacy and you can find your prescription cost $50 for material cost 500 and that's because of the pharmacy benefit managers who sit in the supply chain between the actual providers and the pharmaceutical companies and they use coupons and rebates to drive the cost down a lot of times keeping the money that they save and you can't talk to him and I know of an oncologist you ordered a certain chemo drugs were patient and a and came back from the insurance company said you have to try this other drug first cuz it's less expensive and he said well I know this person I know what's going on with them and this is a drug I've chosen then again on the physician and they said no you can't the pharmacy benefit manager his term in that that that you have to try this drug first and then if it doesn't work we'll go on to the other drug and<br> you wanted to talk to the person who made the decision that they were they wouldn't let him they said there's no way you can talk to that person so there's a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes and that's why I felt it was really value added to talk about that in this book and tell people how they can avoid that and what else they can do you know if it's just crazy but not the average person doesn't know that they can do that kind of stuff that they can download GoodRx or on another good example is Mark Cuban from Shark Tank just started a generic online pharmaceutical medication store basically where you send your prescriptions in and he's lowering your price because he's not dealing with these Pharmacy benefit managers he is going directly to the manufacturers and he's able to lower the price significantly compared to what you would pay it even insurance and a copay so a lot of people don't know about this stuff but it's out there in that this is the kind of Destruction we need in healthcare to draw<br> the cost down and to increase the quality outcomes quite frankly<br> wait so you mention quality outcomes of a bit ago and mentioned that America was dead last and Quality quality outcomes tell us a little bit about that service in and we're kind of alluded to that around the busy clinician but the way that that the hospital and clinicians get paid currently is called fee-for-service so when you show up to the hospital or the doctor's office do you're actually making them money now you're bringing in income for them so we saw this play out in the pandemic or people just weren't going to hospitals because of covid and we the taxpayers had to bail them out there is however another payment structure that only about 25% of Americans know about and it's called value-based care and what it is it's it's incentivizing a group of Physicians called an Accountable Care Organization just a fancy term for a bunch of off position to get together within a network<br> say hey we will accept doctor James's capitated amount from the insurance company and then we will work with her to keep her healthy so that she doesn't need to access the emergency department or have any kind of unnecessary tests and this in and of itself during the time of covid safe 4.1 billion dollars we didn't have to bail people out that were using value-based care because they were getting the amount whether the patient showed up or not their charge was to keep the patient healthy and keep the patient out of the hospital and then they can keep the additional profits on top of that certain amount that they get to manage your care that is huge in the American health-care system and I think that's the only way we're going to decrease the cost of Health Care that we're not spending $0.20 of every dollar on it<br> oh so that's a bit of being proactive right and I think we are I think I read somewhere years ago that we were graded emergency care but this sort of being proactive in this maintenance care not so much right and I could see that you know that we are you have a heart attack you have a stroke this is the place to be we got you were going to take care of that week will be for you but this maintenance and making sure that we are getting in there and developing these lifestyle changes and all of this stuff I I can remember when I start health care a lot of that stuff wasn't even reimbursable right it was an emergency were going to take care of you but we don't send you out the door teaching you how not to come back as an emergency again so it because you know quite frankly and Rafi for service I'm incentivized if I'm a doctor too<br> able to see as many patients as I can that's how I get paid so I can't spend 20 minutes with each patient I can like be able to spend 5 and then turn them over to the nurse to take care of them or maybe the pharmacist comes up to give them some prescription advice and you know other people do the teaching because that's the way we're set up and value-based care that's not the way it's set up they can spend time with the patients they can talk to the patients about their lifestyle you know I remember back in the old days when my grandparents told me the doctor used to come to their house but let's explore that for a second so the doctor comes to your house a doctor looks around that they ask hey can I look into your cupboards they kind of see the foods that you're eating maybe your you don't have food maybe have food insecurity issues or maybe you're eating an unhealthy diet that's rich and fats and carbohydrates the doctor has a chance to do some teaching with you because they can see your environment cuz you know Healthcare getting treated in hell cares only about 20<br> the other 40% is your ZIP code where do you live and the other 40% or what kind of healthy behaviors are you practicing or not practicing so if it becomes<br> all encompassing to be able to drive down costs you have to keep people healthy and and value-based Care is one of those mechanisms that we have in this country that will help us<br> right so hopefully we'll see that being on the rise the value based care and that sir is a kind of leads me to my next question is what does a better Healthcare System look like<br> yeah better Better Health Care system is one that's based on proactively keeping you healthy as we talked about value-based care but it's also you keeping yourself healthy so there's a chapter in my book I'll try touch on how to be your best you were the micro choices that you make every Daily Eats them macro of your health care so if you're going to lunch let's say and you decide you're going to stop at Wendy's and eat a hamburger or maybe you're going to go to Whole Foods and eat and get a salad so getting us a lot of course is a better choice nutritionally for your body than the hamburger would be and so you know it's these little choices that you make around your health care that you may not even be aware you're making in my career I've seen people who just say you know I got sick I went to her house with a fixed me up so now you know I'm going to continue my current lifestyle and if I get sick again of the hospital and I'll fix me up<br> that's not really being a partner in your care that's giving your care over to the doctors and nurses to take care of you when you kind of blow it with diet and exercise so you know there's a there's different aspects of it but having a better care system involves having those metrics around those around social determinants of care or where people are living well because that again factors into their health care and being able to address food insecurity issues or maybe want to get to the doctor but you have a transportation issue we're seeing a lot of things done with Uber and Lyft with Healthcare Systems to get patients in to actually see Physicians, and then there's Telehealth right tell her health is great if you live in a metropolitan area but as you get further out with Rich and as much Broadband access it becomes a luxury to be able to have a Telehealth appointment so it's it's all those things being addressed<br> which I covering the third part of the book what I'm what I'm seeing happened in those situations I'm even seeing insurance companies in a play with that because they're taking medicaid populations at risk and so what they're doing is they're getting their got a capitated amount coming from the state and so they have to figure out how to keep these guys healthy and out of the emergency room and things like that so I think that movement in and of itself is the only way we're going to drive down health-care costs and increase quality outcomes to this because you can have a positive outcome in the Healthcare System but you do need to partner with it or guess today David Wilcox has written an amazing but that I really encourage it went to get it is how to avoid being a victim of the American health-care system a patient handbook for survival David where can we pick up this book<br> you can get this book on Amazon I also have a website that is Dr. David Wilcock. Calm let's Dr David Wilcock one or you can actually subscribe and when I send out my newsletter you'll get a copy of that used to keep abreast of healthcare exchange is changing rapidly there's all kinds of legislation that comes know what are you as a patient at a time that the Hero theme music this is Doctor Trevon James business everyday piece you've been informed today we've has amazing yesterday I want you to know that I see you as your Healthy most productive self pick up those journaling pick up this book I can't wait to meet with you next week this is everyday peace until next time be peaceful<br> thank you for listening to Unity online radio<br> the voice of an Awakening world<br> you've been listening to Everyday peaks with Dr Trevon James you have the power right now today to make the decisions to take the actions that leave you to your next level of greatness and I would love to walk with you on your journey here's the ways we can connect schedule a coaching session contact me again so let dr. Dre Bond James. Cam enroll in my online university course to 2020 Clarity court at The Institute for leadership and lifelong learning International enroll in the brilliant life 9 weeks online coaching session with me and Keisha Dixon info at the Grapevine purchase my book feed him is your first break from Amazon thank you for being and every day Peacemaker I absolutely love you<br> sometimes you feel so alone and overwhelmed you don't know where to turn these days it seems like there is no end to our problem we invite you to connect with silent Unity the 24 hour Prayer Ministry where someone is waiting to pray with you right now since 1890 silent Unity has always been there no judgment or Dogma just the one of burning the best for you call 816-969-2002 day you can also connect online at unity prayer vigil. Org<br>

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